Christmas fortune telling. Methodological development (middle group) on the topic: Christmas fortune telling

The most popular and, according to ordinary people, the most truthful fortune telling takes place at night. And although the church does not justify such popular preferences, fortune telling has always been a traditional activity in Rus'. Is it the lack of entertainment during long periods? winter evenings, or belief in the mysterious and enigmatic, made fortune telling for the winter holidays the most beloved among the people.

It was from Christmas Eve that Christmastide began - a time full of entertainment, festivities and fun. But it was also believed that on these days special contact was established with otherworldly forces. Therefore, fortune telling was carried out from January 6 to January 19.

Special mystical night considered . On this night, all the mysterious forces descend on Earth, striving to both help and harm people. But the most mysterious events are associated with fortune telling, since they certainly come true.

The main thing is to mentally isolate yourself from the real world and turn to otherworldly forces for help.

But not only this night is intended for fortune telling. You can continue the mysterious ceremonies during all Christmastides.

At this time, the young women tried to find out their betrothed and all the information about him, including hair color, character, class, time of the wedding, the success of the marriage; married women wondered about the future, the number of children, wealth, health.

There were two more special dates during Christmastide for fortune telling. This is Vasilyev or the Generous Evening, which was celebrated like the Old New Year. They also successfully guessed on Epiphany Eve, that is, on the evening of January 18th.

But to folk fortune telling Christmas was successful, some conventions need to be followed. You definitely need to get serious. Many people consider fortune telling to be simple entertainment, so otherworldly forces joke with them, predicting fables.

During fortune telling, girls and women need to let their hair down so that no combs, elastic bands, or hairpins hold it in place. They also get rid of belts and belts that tighten clothes. Remove all decorative and precious jewelry such as chains, bracelets, earrings, and beads.

It is necessary to mentally isolate yourself from the real world and clearly formulate exciting question. Any third-party sounds will interfere with fortune-telling, so it is better to carry out the ritual of fortune-telling for the New Year and Christmas at home in silence and twilight.

Also, you should not cross your legs or arms during the ceremony, which will interrupt contact with the Universe and will not allow the necessary information to pass through in full.

Fortune telling for Christmas on January 7 for the future on wax

This is perhaps one of the most popular methods of fortune telling at Christmas. For the gathered company, you need to prepare containers with water according to the number of people present. You will also need wax candles, pieces of wax or candle stubs, as well as spoons to melt the wax.

The person who performs the fortune-telling lights his candle and uses fire to heat the spoon in which the wax pieces are placed.

When the wax completely melts from the heat and becomes liquid, it needs to be poured into cold water. You don't have to do it abruptly. The main thing is that the stream of wax be continuous while pouring it into the water. At this time, you need to mentally talk through the issues that concern you.

IN cold water The wax sets quickly and certain figures can be visually detected. It is from these wax figures that the future is predicted.

  • The house promises marriage for the girl and a rich new household for everyone else.
  • If the wax spills out in the form of a hole, this is a terrible prediction, foreshadowing a mortal illness, or even death.
  • The cross also speaks of illness.
  • Seeing stripes means you should prepare for a long journey.
  • The mushroom predicts longevity.
  • A tree poured out with branches pointing upward, to quick joy.
  • The ring definitely announces the wedding.
  • But the pancake dooms the girl to a long girlhood.
  • The stars just scream about luck.
  • And the dragon is about the imminent completion of work, large projects.
  • The alarm bell rings.
  • Seeing a flower means waiting for love, marriage, and for married people - mistresses or lovers.
  • Apple for wisdom and health.
  • The egg is poured out to the appearance of new things.
  • If the wax spills out in drops and splashes, you should expect wealth.

This fortune-telling is carried out on New Year and Christmas. It predicts the future.

Fortune telling for Christmas for the betrothed with a shoe

This ancient fortune-telling is carried out around Christmas. At midnight, the girls go out into the street to find out which side to wait for their betrothed. You can easily repeat the ancient ritual today.

You need to stand facing your own home and throw a shoe or your own boot over your shoulder. Immediately go looking for shoes, but do not rush to pick them up from the ground. Look where the toe of the shoe is pointing. It is he who will indicate the side where the betrothed lives.

And since the boot is turned toe towards her own home, the girl should not expect marriage this year. It’s interesting, but these particular fortune tellings for Christmas have rave reviews. Try it and believe that mysterious forces will really tell you where to wait for the groom.

Although in large cities it will be quite problematic to repeat this ancient ritual.

The girls gather in the same room to tell fortunes for their marriage. Grain is poured into a bowl, into which the ring is placed. Each girl takes a handful of grains from the bowl.

Whoever has a ring hidden in his palm can expect to get married in the near future. The rest should wait - fortune telling does not promise to get married this year.

Christmas fortune telling for marriage with a ring in a glass

You can do this fortune telling for Christmas at home yourself. But in company, of course, performing the ritual is not so scary and more interesting. The glass is filled 2/3 with water. The girl takes a ring like an engagement ring, smooth and without stones. The ring is tied to a thread.

The girl puts the ring in the glass as many times as she is old. At the same time, you need to lower the ring to the water without dipping it. After the ritual has been completed, you need to stop the ring so that it remains in the glass.

The decoration will begin to swing on the thread. Let's start counting. The number of times the ring hits the walls of the glass is the age at which the girl will get married.

Fortune telling for Christmastide and Christmas for the future on burnt paper

This is a simple, but imaginative, fortune telling. Take a regular sheet of paper that needs to be crumpled. During this time, think about the problems that concern you. Place the crumpled paper on a flat plate and set it on fire.

When the leaf is completely burned, do not fan the ashes. Light a candle and place a plate with paper between the flame and the wall so that the shadow of the paper falls on the wall. Try to figure out the image in these highlights. What you get to see in the shadows is what awaits you in the future.

This kind of fortune-telling can be done for children at Christmas. Their indefatigable imagination will help to unravel the most encrypted messages of otherworldly forces.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas for children

Women and girls also make fortunes about children, that is, about their number and gender. To do this, take a needle with a thread threaded into it.

Hold the thread in your left hand, and spread out all your fingers on your right hand. The needle and thread are passed between the index and thumb this hand. You need to hold the needle for as many years as the girl is old.

After this, place the needle in the middle of the palm. Observe how the needle behaves. If a girl has children, she starts moving. Moreover, in a circle if a girl is born and in a straight line if there is a boy.

Fortune telling for children does not end there. You need to draw the needle three more times and again place it in the center of your palm. This way they will find out whether there will be a second child and its gender. Fortune telling continues until the needle stops moving.

According to reviews, this fortune-telling is coming true.

Many people worry whether their cherished desire will come true. You can check this with fortune telling before Christmas. Take any cereal you have in the house. You mentally make your deepest wish and at this time take some grains from the jar.

Children's fortune telling at Christmas is often associated with the fulfillment of wishes. After all, kids have so many wishes and it’s so interesting, they will come true cherished dreams or not.

You can take 12 leaves and write one wish on each. Now each leaf is rolled into a tube. All tubes with wishes are folded under the pillow. Now you can go to bed.

By the way good way persuading a child to go to bed on a merry Christmas night, when after receiving gifts and a hearty dinner, doing this is very problematic.

The next morning you need to get three leaves from under the pillow. Whatever wishes come true will come true. They say that such fortune-telling comes true.

Girls and women were always worried about the question of whether her betrothed loved her. To dispel doubts, you can perform a special Christmas ritual.

For fortune telling, you will need a hair from your loved one and your own. You will also have to prepare wide dishes, ash, sugar and salt.

Water is poured into a plate, in which you need to dissolve a spoonful of ash, sugar and salt. Now we put hairs into the water: ours and the betrothed one. You can go to bed.

The result of fortune telling is looked at in the morning. If the hairs are attracted to each other, intertwined, the girl will be loved. If the hairs float separately, far from each other, then there is no talk of any feelings.

A bad prediction when a hair sinks. This means that its owner is at risk of serious illness.

Fortune telling at Christmas for the future name of the betrothed

This is a fairly simple but true ritual. The girl writes on the leaves male names. It is not necessary to write the names of only guys you know. You can make many different cards.

All the leaves with names are put under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning, the girl wakes up and takes out one leaf from under her pillow. Whatever name is written there, that will be the name of her future husband.

There are many more in various ways find out your future at Christmas. But whether the fortune-telling will come true will directly depend on one’s own belief in miracles.

People are very curious, they were always interested in what would happen to them next, how their fate would turn out. For many millennia, humanity has studied the magic of numbers, astrology, and gained knowledge about the influence of combinations of sounds that form a person’s name on his life and character.

Of course, it is impossible to say to what extent these methods are correct, because each of us is special, each has his own character, his own destiny. As for the methods for determining fate, they are based on some general patterns.

If you want to see a certain meaning in fortune telling, then undoubtedly you will see it. However, all methods and systems for predicting the future are just an attempt to model it. Why does what you saw in the strange coffee patterns at the bottom of the glass come true? Now you see that your friend will betray you. Yeah, you think, I never trusted Anka, which means she’s the traitor. And recently she was seen with a guy you like... Yes, you decide, but coffee grounds-it's not lying!

Well, now let's figure it out. You had been expecting betrayal from Anka for a long time, and the coffee grounds only added to your confidence in this. Evidence came to the rescue, some rumors... As a result, do not be surprised that Anka will indeed turn out to be a traitor, because your thought is material! If you are waiting for something, it will not take long to happen.

And if you are predicted to meet and the happiness that follows, you will look with hope and optimism into the eyes of your acquaintances and strangers. Maybe it’s wandering somewhere, your happiness, and you don’t even suspect it? With this attitude, you have a much better chance of not missing out on your destiny! When you are attentive to the world and expect a miracle, don’t doubt it will happen!

If you decide to plunge into the world of the mysterious and enigmatic, you are welcome!

In this article you will find interesting fortune telling and ways to predict your future!

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

The invention of fortune telling on coffee grounds is the merit of the Arabs. It was from them that it was borrowed this method predictions of the future.

Pour freshly brewed coffee into a cup. It should be thick and sweet. While you drink coffee, think about a question that interests you or about the subject of fortune telling. At the end, formulate your question clearly and clearly.

Now cover the cup with the grounds at the bottom with a saucer and turn it over so that the grounds flow down the sides of the cup. When you lift the cup, stains of coffee grounds will remain on its walls, which form a pattern that requires decoding.

Here is a list of some patterns and their meanings.

Human. If you see something resembling his silhouette, then this portends a quick date for a person in love, and if you were wondering about some lost thing, then the silhouette of a person in the coffee grounds means its final loss.

Trees, any plants, anything reminiscent of landscapes predicts quarrels, obstacles, failures in business and in any endeavors, the end of friendship, sadness and melancholy, or a long journey.

Shadows of animals, birds, fish. Expect bad news, anxiety for loved ones, manifestations of envy, intrigues and intrigues of envious people.

Images of houses, buildings, and some structures foreshadow unexpected enrichment for the generous, great wealth for those who are already rich, and for those who are poor, the loss of even the little that they have.

Of course, it is impossible to tell everything that coffee grounds can show you. After all, in fortune telling, each person sees what is close to him. No one else will even pay attention to this, so look and predict as you see it!

Fortune telling "Boat"

In half a shell walnut securely fasten a small candle. Attach paper strips to the edges of a bowl of water. On them, mark the events that you will guess about: wedding, wealth, acquaintance, cherished desire, love, etc. Light the candle and let it “swim.” You cannot move your pelvis or blow on the boat! Look, the strip of paper with which prediction the candle will light first. This is exactly what will come true!

Fortune telling with a mirror

This fortune telling is considered the most dangerous. In ancient times, only brave girls could dare to do it. After all, it was necessary to lock yourself at midnight in a bathhouse or other secluded place and guess completely alone! But that's not all...

If you decide to do fortune telling with a mirror, be careful!

Place two candles in candlesticks on the table on either side of a large mirror. Opposite the large one, place a smaller mirror so that the mirrors form an endless corridor. When installing the mirrors, repeat three times: “The betrothed-mummer show yourself, appear before my eyes!” The “betrothed” who is standing behind you should be reflected in the mirror. If you are not scared, then in a few seconds you will have time to see his appearance, and then shout “Forget me!”, and the vision will disappear.

The danger of this fortune-telling lies in the fact that if you get confused and forget to shout “Cheer me!”, then your betrothed will pull you into the looking glass, from where no one returns. They still go chilling legends about the disappearance of girls from the bathhouse at midnight...

Fortune telling with a ring

This is another way to “see” your future groom.

Take a glass with a smooth bottom without markings or inscriptions and wedding ring a woman in a successful marriage. You can ask your mom for the ring.

Light the candles and, by their light, peer into the depths of the glass, focusing your gaze in the middle of the ring. The face of your future groom will soon appear there among the reflections of the water.

Fortune telling by chicken egg

For this fortune telling you will need raw egg. However, duck, turkey, and goose are also suitable.

Pour lightly into glass warm water(20-25 °C), and dissolve the egg white in it. If the protein sinks to the bottom, this predicts all sorts of misfortunes: fires, failures, illnesses.

If the protein remains “hanging” in the center of the glass, then it forms some figures that you have to interpret.

So, if a squirrel has frozen in the form of a figure, its outlines reminiscent of a church, then for unmarried people this foreshadows an imminent wedding.

If you can, count how many domes there are on this church. The domes signify the number of years that will pass before the predicted fulfillment.

If the squirrel looks like a ship, sailboat or boat, this promises a journey for young people, and for unmarried girls a groom from a distant place.

If the squirrel is frozen in the form of a figure of some animal, protection and help in business await you. If the figure resembles a lion or a dog, it means that you will be patronized by an influential person.

Yuletide fortune telling

Although Orthodox Church was uncompromising about all kinds of fortune-telling and superstitions; there were two weeks a year when even church ministers turned a blind eye to the fact that the people were guessing and trying to predict their future, at least for the near future.

As you may have guessed, this wonderful time lasts from Christmas Eve (January 6) to Baptism(January 19) and is called Christmastide. Therefore, fortune-telling on Christmastide was called Christmastide.

On Christmastide, girls wonder which of their friends will get married the fastest, what the groom will be like, and what her future life will be like.

Who is first?

To find out which of the fortune tellers would get married first, the girls cut the threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out first, the one of the girls will get married first.

Of course, the threads should be made from natural materials, cotton or linen.

Who will be born?

On Christmastide, fate was asked who the girl would give birth to in marriage, boys or girls.

For this they took Golden ring or a sewing needle, they spoke, the ring was lowered for a second into a glass of water, and the needle was also stuck into woolen fabric for a second and hung on a thread. The fortuneteller tried to hold the ring or thread in his hand as straight as possible, while the needle itself swung. Based on the movements she made, they judged who the girl would give birth to.

If the needle swung like a pendulum, boys were expected to be born, and if it made circular movements, then girls were born. One way or another, the ring or needle must move, since the hand cannot be in a state of absolute rest - small vibrations still occur. When you tell fortunes, do not be afraid that the object will freeze in the air and you will not have children. Just look closely and you will see these vibrations!

Who will live how?

To find out what life awaits for whom, girls put various objects in felt boots or a bag. Then they pulled them out one at a time, without looking inside. What someone chose was the answer to the question.

So, if a fortuneteller pulled out a piece of sugar, a sweet life awaited her; if there is a ring, then quick marriage; if an onion - tears; anything golden is wealth; piece of coal - hard life and so on, depending on the items.

What year will it be?

They also wondered what the coming year would be like.

To do this, water, vodka and vinegar were poured into three glasses. The fortune tellers, without hesitation, chose one of them, and by what was in the glass, they determined what year it would be: if it was water, then it was boring; if vodka, then cheerful; if it’s vinegar, it won’t be easy and there will be many reasons for dissatisfaction.

Fortune telling with a rooster

Now, of course, it is difficult to tell fortunes this way. And in ancient times they did this. A rooster was brought into the house, preferably red or brown, plates with water and grain were placed in front of it, a mirror was placed and a chicken was brought.

Which of the plates the rooster approached first, this is what the groom was expected to do: if to the grain, then rich; if to water, then a drunkard; if he's into chicken, then he's a womanizer; if to the mirror, then handsome. Several girls could take part in fortune telling. In this case, it was possible to find out which of the fortune-tellers would get married first. The girls poured grain on the floor in approximately equal piles, a rooster was brought into the house, and whose pile of grain he pecked first, that girl was supposed to be the first to marry.

Fortune telling in a frying pan

The girl, secretly from her mother, put a pancake frying pan under her bed, saying three times: “My betrothed mummer, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes!”

In the morning, the fortuneteller asked her mother who she had dreamed about.

Card reading

At night, the girls put four kings under the pillow, saying: “My betrothed mummer, dream.” If you dreamed of the king of spades, it was believed that the groom would be much older and jealous; if you dreamed of the king of hearts, you expected a rich groom; the king of the cross meant a military man, and the king of diamonds meant the one you wanted.

Wax fortune telling

The girl poured milk into a saucer and placed it at the doorstep of the house.

Then she melted the wax in a mug and with the words: “Brownie, my master, come and drink milk and eat wax,” she poured it into the milk.

The shape of the frozen wax was used to determine what awaited in the new year.

If the wax froze in the shape of a cross, it promised illness and trouble for the girl; if the cross was just showing, then next year they expected financial problems and troubles, as well as failures in love.

If the wax froze in the form of a flower, a wedding or love was expected next year.

If the wax hardened in the form of stripes and threads, then next year they expected some kind of roads and crossings, perhaps travel.

The asterisk promised good luck in all endeavors, and the human figurine meant a friend.


Compiled by: Krivko O.V.

Since yesterday, Christmastide has come to us. The ancestors were sure that Christmastide - best time in order to know the future. On any of these days, fortune telling is considered the most accurate and prophetic. Girls usually get into fortune telling, trying to find out something about their upcoming marriage. But if this question is no longer relevant for you, you can tell fortunes for good luck, prosperity, or something that worries us. The best thing to do is treat this as a game and play fortune telling with your children.

Here are examples of the most interesting fortune telling for children that will add variety to Christmas evenings. In addition, many fortune tellings are also useful for children - they develop imagination, as well as the ability to count and read.Another entertainment during Christmas time was fortune telling. They used to tell fortunes on all the days of Christmastide, but most of the fortune telling happened on Epiphany.

Is it possible to tell fortunes together with small children? Well, why not! Just keep in mind that fortune telling should not frighten the child. Explain to your child that fortune telling should not be taken seriously. This is just a game and it should only bring positivity and fun.

Working with children in kindergarten I'm in holy days I always told my children about fortune telling. And then we had a fortune telling evening. I prepared the attributes, we dimmed the lights in the group and the willing children wondered with me. Girls were most interested in fortune telling, of course. At home during fortune telling with your child, you can light a candle, but I do not advise you to turn off the electric light completely.

What kind of fortune telling can be used with preschool children? I suggest the following:

1. Fortune telling with saucers . You will need four to five saucers. They need to be turned over on the table, and one of the following items should be placed under them: candy, a coin, a smiley face, a horseshoe, any decoration if you are telling fortunes with girls, any pirate paraphernalia for boys. Then invite the child to close his eyes and mix the saucers. Now the child must open any saucer and take out the item. Then the object is returned to its place and you and your child change roles. Interpretation:

    Candy - the sweet life awaits you all year long

    Coin - there will be a lot of money in the new year

    Smiley - the year will be good and cheerful, many holidays await

    Decoration - there will be a lot of gifts this year

    Pirate items - the year will be full of adventures

Children usually love this kind of fortune-telling. Just explain that there is no point in opening the saucers again, otherwise the prediction will not come true.

2. Fortune telling with candles and crumpled paper. My son really liked to guess with me in the following way. You will need one saucer, a piece of printer paper, a candle and a room with dim lights. We usually used the kitchen where we turned off the lights, but left the light on in the hallway.

Invite your child to crumple a sheet of paper and place the crumpled lump on an inverted saucer. The child should lift the saucer with crumpled paper against a light wall (we used a refrigerator), and you stand behind him with a lit candle. The crumpled paper should cast a clear shadow. Then the saucer is slowly rotated around its axis until the child sees some clear figure. Then this figure can be interpreted as your imagination tells you or use the interpretation of a dream book.

Christmas fortune telling with rice grainsFill the bowl with rice. Ask yourself a question or make a wish and place your palm in the dish. Count how many grains of rice stick to your palm. An even number is a negative answer, an odd number is a positive answer.Christmas fortune telling with tangerinesFor this fortune telling, you will need as many tangerines as people want to know the future. Each child makes a wish or asks a question that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” After this, everyone peels their fruit and counts the number of slices. If there is an even number of them, it means that the wish will come true; an odd number means that the wish will come true after some time.

Christmas fortune telling using the Holy BookFor this fortune telling, you need to take a book and, without opening it, say out loud the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then you should open the page and read the text on the hidden line - it is the Christmas prophecy. If the line bears little resemblance to a mystical prediction, parents will have to come up with what it really means. After all, the baby should not remain upset.

Christmas fortune telling with walnut shellsPrepare a wide bowl and pour water into it. Attach the words written on pieces of paper to the edges of the bowl: “luck”, “happiness”, “wealth”, “unexpected acquaintance”, “travel”, “changes in life”, “pleasant surprise”, “winning”. Walnut shells are set afloat according to the number of participants. To differentiate between the shells, you can place different colored cake candles in them. After all the shells are on the water, the participants carefully begin to blow on them, trying not to knock them over. Turned over shells are eliminated from fortune telling. Which inscription the boat sticks to is what will happen to the child in the coming year.Christmas fortune telling for the future using iceYou need to pour water into a bowl or saucer and put it out in the cold on Christmas night. When the morning comes, carefully study the ice with your child: if it has risen, the coming year will be good; if it has frozen evenly, the year will be calm; if it has moved in waves, there will be both happiness and minor troubles.

Fortune telling with wax for a brownieThis fortune telling is suitable for the little ones. First you need to show the children pictures of the brownie and tell about his character. Tell us about the traditions: they cajoled the brownie by putting out food for him at night, and when moving to another home, they lured him into an old shoe to take him with him, because this creature has long been considered the protector of the house.For fortune telling, you need to take a small saucer, pour milk or water into it and place it near the threshold. Then you should melt a candle in a metal bowl, saying: “Brownie, dear master, come quickly, drink milk, talk about fate.” Melted wax needs to be poured into cold milk, and then determined what shape is obtained. Each figure can be assigned some hidden meaning: stars - for interesting events and holidays, a cross - for sadness, a flower - for joy, an animal - for the appearance of a new friend, lines - for travel. Wax grapes mean good luck and happiness in the coming year, a mushroom predicts health and longevity, a dragon predicts the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of all goals. The silhouette of the month predicts profit, the bell predicts good news, the leaf warns of envious people and ill-wishers.

REMEMBER that during Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling with children, one should look for only positive meaning in all predictions.

Probably each of us in childhood tried to summon gnomes or, say, the Queen of Spades. Children's magic became popular only at the end of the last century. It is possible that children's tendency to explain certain events in a supernatural way is instilled through fairy tales and science fiction films. This is where such a passion to join magical power and cross the line of reality. The items that are used in children's fortune-telling are quite simple: it can be a mirror, water, cookies or candies, mother's lipstick, and so on. So, let's look at the most popular children's fortune telling.

Children's fortune telling "Stumble"

With the help of this children's fortune telling, you can predict your future, according to the day of the week on which the child stumbled.

  • Monday - there will be tears
  • Tuesday - good news
  • Wednesday is not very good news
  • Thursday - to sadness
  • Friday - meeting with friends
  • Saturday - to troubles and quarrels
  • Sunday - to illness.

Children's fortune telling “Sugar gnome”

This fortune telling will help to call a sugar gnome, who, in turn, is able to answer any question of interest. Fortune telling should be done on certain days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wait until evening and prepare the following necessary ingredients for this fortune telling for the future. You will need candy, a bowl of water, a small mirror and a red thread. Place the mirror in the water so that the reflective surface faces up. Unwrap the candy, tie it with a red thread and lower it into the water on the mirror. One end of the thread should remain in your hands. Then read the following plot three times: “I urge you, gnome, eat the candy and answer my questions. The door is open, come in."

After this, watch the reflection in the mirror and hold the thread tightly. Ask the gnome a question that interests you. If the thread twitches once, then the answer is no, if twice, then the answer is yes. At the end of this children's fortune-telling, throw a pinch of salt into the water to drive away the gnome.

Children's fortune telling: how to call the Queen of Spades

This children's fortune telling is one of the most popular. Russian classics wrote about it, so it is also considered one of the oldest and most terrible rituals. In order to summon the Queen of Spades, you will need a mirror, red lipstick and a bowl of water. The Queen of Spades can only be summoned on Wednesday and Friday. On other days, this fortune-telling for the future will not give the necessary result. Wait until dusk and begin.

On the mirror you need to draw a house with red lipstick, and a staircase descending from it. The house should have a large window, and on it - a pot with a flower. Also don't forget to draw open door where the stairs begin. When everything is ready, read the following spell: “I open the door, I let you into the world. Look around and come down. Tell me what awaits me and what will save me. You can’t get out of the mirror, you can’t release your anger. Let it be so. Amen".

Then you need to observe the reflection and pattern in the mirror. According to an old belief, when the Queen of Spades leaves the house, the drawing will change somewhat. It is by these changes that you can interpret your future. If the flower smears or withers, it means illness. If during this fortune telling for the future the door is erased or closed - good news. And if the stairs become smeared or one of the steps disappears, it’s a sign of gifts and holidays. If a foreign figure appears on the mirror, this is an extremely unpleasant omen. It could mean serious illnesses and even death. At the end of the fortune telling, say: “Queen of Spades, get away!”, lower the mirror into the water, take it outside and bury it along with the bowl.

These children's fortune telling are among the most popular among teenagers. Don't be scared or worried if your child is carried away by such magic. As you know, in children's magic there are many more positive heroes than negative ones. Be happy and don't forget to click and

12.03.2014 11:49

Nowadays, it has become possible for any pregnant woman to determine the sex of the child even before his birth. Modern...

On the eve of the Bright Feast of the Nativity of Christ, all Christians, young and old, prepare for this solemn day: they cook kutya and the prescribed dishes for festive table, come up with entertainment for guests, clean their own home, create small Christmas installations, etc. In this pre-holiday chaos, children often have almost no work to do; they disturb parents and adults, constantly getting into trouble. But giving little girls and boys an interesting and responsible task is very simple. It’s enough to tell them about what Christmas fortune telling for children there are.

Among the people, children were not given a special role in the process of fortune-telling; they were almost always with their parents or left to their own devices, so initially no specific practices created for the purpose of finding out their fate were developed for them. However, in ancient books and collections of folklore, the fact that children have no place in the process of fortune telling is not clearly indicated. Therefore, here we offer the most adequate fortune telling for children, which they can do on their own.

If there are a lot of books in the house

It is interesting to tell fortunes with children at Christmas using books, and in this case any kind of literature can be taken. This fortune telling is suitable for children of different ages: for kindergarten students, schoolchildren, and teenagers. In addition, you can change books from year to year, depending on your state of mind, erudition and emotional state children. For Christmas, it is better to take appropriate books: the Bible, Psalms, appropriate prayers and parables. Fortune telling is carried out directly as follows:

  • First, a specific question is asked that worries the fortuneteller. You need to ask it to the book on which they are telling fortunes, mentally repeating it to yourself several times.
  • After the task has been formulated, you need to open the book in the first place you come across, setting a certain line, from which the answer corresponding to the question will be read.
  • Fortune telling experts confirm that a correctly formulated question is already half the battle, and books never lie if you approach them with an open heart.

Fortune telling by other people's windows

If the children are not completely tomboys and they can be entrusted with the difficult task of spying on strangers, then you can entertain them on Christmas Eve with the following fortune telling:

  • On the night before Christmas, several fortune-tellers go to a street they know (maybe one next to their own) and, having made a wish for a specific house, go to its windows to see what is happening there.
  • Depending on what they see there, they can interpret their fate: they will see tightly curtained windows - life will flow peacefully, without change; spy on someone else's feast - the year will be cheerful, kind and eventful; they will see dark windows - they won’t see happiness in the near future, etc.

In this fortune-telling, the age and gender of those people who flash outside the windows of the mysterious house also matter: young people - for joy and carelessness, old people - for serious events and wisdom, middle-aged people - for stability and well-being.

The future is through folk signs

In the old days, it was mainly older people who could come up with a good fortune-telling for Christmas for children, who instructed the tomboys to follow the signs: the weather, animals and birds, the sky and precipitation, trees, etc. The kids put all their diligence and concentration so as not to miss the smallest hints that nature gave. To the point that all the days around Christmas were planned out in detail. Based on the analysis of each of them, it was possible to say what the weather would be like in the coming year. So, instruct your child to learn and notice these basic natural phenomena At Christmas:

  • Presence of snow. If there is a lot of snow on Christmas Day, this means a successful and good year.
  • Air temperature. If the day is generally warm and fine, then the harvest will be sound and good, the wheat fields will be full of grain.
  • The presence of wind, or even a snowstorm. If there is a snowstorm on Christmas Eve, there will be a lot of honey due to the abundance of bees.
  • The number of stars in the sky. If there are many stars in the sky, then there will be a lot of peas in the harvest.
  • Children can even keep a specific diary of fortune telling on natural phenomena, where they can write down, or even sketch, their observations, noting the signs associated with them.

Tell fortunes on the brownie's lap

In addition to serious, almost scientific observations of weather and nature, on Christmas Eve it is proposed to entertain children with stories about a kind housekeeper who guards a person’s home, contributing in every possible way to his free life and prosperity. To do this, you need to show the children pictures of the house-elf in advance, tell them about his abilities and character, and also teach the kids to respect the forces that guard the house and live in it side by side with the person. As part of this practice, it is proposed to teach children to feed the brownie by placing pieces of food and a couple of spoons of milk at the window for him at night. A brownie “fed” in this way may well help with fortune-telling, becoming kinder to the people with whom he lives and whose house he serves. So, fortune telling itself will include the following steps:

  1. You need to take a small saucer or a lid from a jar, pour fresh milk into it and place an improvised plate closer to the threshold of the front door.
  2. While the milk is standing near the door, you need to melt all the candle stubs in the house in a metal vessel, while saying to the vessel: “My little house, dear master, come quickly, drink milk, talk about fate.”
  3. When the wax is melted, you need to pour it into cold milk and fix the shapes that will appear when it hardens in the liquid.
  4. It’s not always easy to figure out what happened as a result of fortune telling, but kids like this stage the most. It can be interpreted as follows: stars - for many interesting events, a cross - for sadness and illness, a flower - joy, animals - new friends, lines - travel, roads, people - many new characters in fate, etc.

Practice guessing on cats

You can diversify children's fortune telling at Christmas by involving pets in fortune telling. Both hamsters and Guinea pigs, both dogs and cats. But traditionally in rural magic, a representative of the cat family is considered the most mystical animal that can bring on its paws the truth about a person’s future. It is better if the animal is black or tricolor, but other colors are also suitable. You need to do the following:

  • Come up with and formulate to yourself or, on the contrary, out loud a certain desire related to future affairs or events.
  • Then you need to call your name an odd number of times pet. Call until the cat deigns to run into the room where the fortune tellers are sitting.
  • At the moment when the cat crosses the threshold, you need to record the fact which paw will be transferred through it first.
  • Fortune telling is interpreted very simply: if the left paw goes ahead of the right, then the plan is destined to come true, but if the cat turns out to be right-handed, then it is better to forget about that wish as unrealistic.


A good fortune telling at Christmas for children who really want to “be like adults” may be one in which the whole point lies in the distribution of the so-called “cups of fate.” So what does it take?

  1. Take absolutely identical mugs, preferably deep ones and always according to the number of fortune tellers, then rinse them well (to remove foreign energy).
  2. Then you need to scatter various objects in these circles in random order that you can find in the kitchen or in your mother’s boxes. For example, these could be coins, beads, pieces of bread, sugar cubes, seeds, onions, salt, pebbles and other small things.
  3. The items at the bottom of the improvised “cups of fate” are filled with black tea (so that the contents are not visible) and then offered to fortune-tellers to choose from.
  4. Each participant must choose a cup for himself and take an object from its bottom.
  5. The decoding is done approximately as follows: if you got an onion - to sadness and disappointment, if you got a pebble - to solve difficult life problems, at the bottom there was sugar or candy - life will be sweet and beautiful, a coin - promises wealth and luxury, a bead - interesting meetings, seeds - a lot of new friends, but if there is nothing in the circle, it means that life next year will not bring any special changes.

Perhaps you can pick up fortune telling for older children in this video:
