The West Indies are a paradise in the Caribbean. West Indies

Geographical name“West Indies” often misleads people new to geography: they think that this term is intended to designate the western territories of the state of India, but this is far from the case. Under West Indies modern science understands about countries and continents several large groups of islands, namely: the Caribbean islands, the Bahamas, as well as the islands located in the Gulf of Mexico and some islands Atlantic Ocean. Tell about everything in one article West Indian Islands– it won’t work out, their number is quite significant, but give General characteristics in terms of climate, nature and talking about the largest islands is quite possible.

Climatic conditions in the West Indian Islands

West Indian Islands They are characterized by an amazingly even climate. Spring in the region begins with the onset of May and after two weeks of daily rains turns into a dry summer. The tropical heat on the islands is quite easy to bear: it is regularly softened by winds from the coast. The peculiarity of the climate of the West Indies is dampness: high air humidity can serve as the basis for the development of various types of tropical fevers.

Autumn on the islands is often accompanied by river floods and strong hurricane winds, and with the arrival of winter the climate becomes drier. Exactly winter time year is considered the optimal period for tourist trips to the West Indies.

A few words about the flora and fauna of the West Indies Islands

The flora of the West Indies is extremely rich. Many plants are the object of technical export: vanilla, agave, coffee, sugar, indigo, cocoa, tobacco. Tropical plants in the interior of the islands are replaced by cultivated ones in areas allocated for gardens and plantations: a large number of fruit trees grow on the islands, and wheat and corn are grown in the meadow savannas.

Features of life in India for the poor, more details:.

The bulk of the animals were brought to the West Indies by Europeans during the colonization of the region. However, there are also local unique animals: agoutis, peccaries, caimans, opossums. In the tropics live hummingbirds and parrots, and of course a large number of representatives of the monkey species.

Cuba is the largest island in the West Indies

Cuba is by far the largest island in the West Indian region by area. The island is located in the Caribbean and also borders the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Tourists flock to Cuba mainly for beach holiday: The island is famous for its huge and picturesque beaches and clear sea water.

Cuba also has several large nature reserves: Sierra del Rosario And Guanacabibes, which can surprise travelers with a rich variety of flora and fauna.

Fans of cultural excursions will be able to visit Hemingway's estate, Havana with its Capitol and Cathedral, walk along Prado Boulevard and look into the La Fuerza fortress.

Haiti - a fabulous island in the West Indies

Haiti is also considered one of the largest islands in the West Indies. The mountainous landscapes of the island alternate with beautiful plains and thick tropical forests. Tourists love Haiti for its excellent opportunity for sports recreation: on the island you can go scuba diving or any other type of water sport.

Particularly popular among travelers Blue pool- these are three unique lakes in the depths islands of Haiti. Beautiful name The lakes received their original dark blue color, which was formed in their waters due to salts and minerals. The lakes are connected to each other by waterfalls and there are countless legends about them: the inhabitants of the island believe that mermaids and mermaids live in the lakes of the Blue Basin.

Among the architectural monuments we can note Sanssouci Palace, which was built by the Haitian king Henri-Christophe, Port-au-Prince Cathedral, National Palace.

Dominican Republic

This West Indian island Travelers associate it with a holiday and this is not surprising - after all, a holiday in the Dominican Republic is a holiday. The island regularly hosts various theme parties, carnivals, processions and other entertainment events. The Dominican Republic cannot boast of any special architectural and historical sights, so mainly tourists who love beach and lazy holidays come here.

Saint Lucia - the most beautiful island of the West Indies

Saint Lucia is different Caribbean Islands amazing beauty of landscapes and landscapes. This island has many mineral and healing springs, which have made Saint Lucia a SPA holiday destination.

Stretched throughout the island, along coastline The most luxurious boarding houses, individual luxury bungalows and hotels are located here. Shopping lovers can stroll through the streets of the island and buy a wide variety of goods, including jewelry. All trade in Saint Lucia is not subject to any duties, hence the relative cheapness of purchases.

If you are planning a beach holiday in India, find out about best beaches and their features, more details: .

Tourist divers will have a great time diving at the famous pink reefs of St. Lucia, and there is also a special marine park called Ense Chastanier for diving.


Tourists simply adore this island for its magnificent beaches and amazing clean water seas. Beaches in Aruba have their own gradation: from crowded and noisy to fashionable and quiet. There are places for diving, windsurfing and snorkeling.

In Aruba there is a chance to buy good gemstones at a surprisingly low price: many tourists can boast of successfully purchasing emeralds, topazes and diamonds.

The cuisine of Aruba will pleasantly surprise you with its abundance of seafood: all kinds of fish, shellfish and even algae are used in the recipes of the dishes. You can dilute the abundance of fish with exotic fruit cocktails and juices.

Unlike many other islands West Indies, Aruba It also boasts educational excursions: travelers can visit various museums (archaeological, historical, geological and numismatic), visit exhibitions in the center of Aruba, and enjoy the architecture of churches and temples.

Tourists can also have fun in a more active way, for example, by going on exotic sea fishing. On the island you can practice almost any type of water sport, play golf, or go on a safari deep into the jungle.

Labadee Beach in Haiti:

West Indies

WEST INDIES (English West Indies, lit. - Western India) the general name of the Atlantic islands ca. between the continents of the North. and Yuzh. America. Includes the islands: Bahamas, B. Antilles, M. Antilles, etc. Most of The islands were discovered during the voyages of H. Columbus (1492-1502), who mistakenly mistook them for part of India. Unlike India (East Indies), these islands later became known as the West Indies. The total area of ​​the islands is approx. 240 thousand km2. Population 35 million people (1993). The states on the islands are: Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Haiti, Grenada, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, British possessions, The Netherlands, France and the USA.

West Indies

(English: West Indies, literally ≈ Western India), the general name for the islands of the Atlantic Ocean between the continents of North and South America; elongated in the form of an arc about 3500 km long. In V.-I. includes the Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles. The islands belong to North America. The total area is about 240 thousand km2. Population over 24 million people. (1968). The relief of the islands is highly dissected, predominantly mountainous; up to 3175 m high (on the island of Haiti). There are many active and extinct volcanoes; frequent earthquakes. Deposits of manganese ore, chromite, iron ore, asphalt, oil, bauxite, phosphorite. The climate is tropical trade wind. In the lowlands the vegetation is mainly cultivated; in the mountains there are laurel and coniferous forests.

On the islands of V.-I. The states of Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Barbados, as well as a number of possessions of Great Britain, the Netherlands, France and the USA are located.

Ethnic composition. The bulk of the modern population are blacks, descendants of slaves imported from Africa in the 16th and early 19th centuries. (Haiti ≈ over 90%, Barbados ≈ about 89%, Jamaica ≈ about 80%), as well as mulattoes (Dominican Republic ≈ about 70%, Puerto Rico ≈ at least 50%). Descendants of Europeans (mainly Spaniards) are found in significant numbers only in Cuba (about 50%), Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic. In other countries, the white population (mainly English) does not exceed a few percent. Peculiar ethnic composition Trinidad, where about 50% are descendants of immigrants from India. There are small groups of Chinese and Syrians in all countries. A few descendants of the indigenous Indian population, almost completely exterminated during colonization, survived only on the islands of Dominica, Cuba, and Trinidad. Languages: Spanish ≈ in the former colonies of Spain (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico), English ≈ in the former English colonies (Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados), French ≈ in the former and current French colonies (Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique) ; Local dialects predominate everywhere. In the Dutch colonies, in addition to Dutch and English, the Papiamento dialect is widespread. By religious affiliation, residents of the former Spanish and French colonies are Catholics, the rest are Protestants of various denominations. The majority of Indians are Hindus. In some countries, vestiges of African beliefs also persist.

A. D. Dridzo.

Historical sketch. Most of the islands of Vietnam, inhabited by the Indian tribes of the Arawaks and Caribs, were discovered during the voyages of Columbus (1492≈1502), who mistakenly mistook them for part of India. Unlike India in the East (East Indies), these islands later began to be called East-I. Colonization of V.-I. The Spaniards were accompanied by the wholesale extermination of the Indians, and already from the middle of the 16th century. The massive import of slaves from Africa began to work on sugar and tobacco plantations and in mines. With the decline of the power of Spain, V.-I. became the main object of rivalry between European powers in America. During the 17th-18th centuries. as a result of conquests, wars and international treaties, Great Britain acquired the islands of St. Christopher (St. Kitts), Barbados, Antigua, Montserrat, Jamaica, Grenada, Dominica, Trinidad, etc.; France ≈ the islands of Martinique, Guadeloupe, Haiti; Holland ≈ the islands of Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire; Denmark is the islands of St. John, St. Thomas and St. Croix from the Virgin Islands group. By the beginning of the 19th century. Spain retained only Puerto Rico and Cuba.

Brutal exploitation on plantations caused frequent uprisings of slaves against their oppressors. The largest of them was in Haiti at the end of the 18th century. ≈ developed into a war of independence, as a result of which the Republic of Haiti was proclaimed in 1804. In 1844, the Dominican Republic was created in the eastern part of the island of Haiti. The rest V.-I. still remained under colonial rule. Slavery was abolished by law in the English colonies in 1833, the French in 1848, the Dutch in 1863, and the Spanish in 1880.

From the 2nd half of the 19th century. increased US penetration into VI began. As a result of the Spanish-American War of 1898, Puerto Rico became a US colony, Cuba was declared an independent republic (1902), although in fact it became a US protectorate back in 1901 (see “Platta Amendment”). The United States has repeatedly occupied Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. In 1917, the United States bought Denmark's part of the Virgin Islands.

The victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia had a great influence on the development in V.-I. anti-imperialist national liberation movement. In the 20s ≈ 40s. in many countries V.-I. arose communist parties. In the 30s Major anti-imperialist and anti-colonial protests took place in Cuba (revolution of 1933), in British Vietnam. The first political parties that put forward the slogan of independence arose in the English colonies.

During World War II (1939–45), the United States increased its influence in Vietnam. According to the Anglo-American agreement of 1940, the United States received the right to build military bases in British possessions in America for 99 years. With the creation of the Caribbean Commission (1942), the resources of the colonies of European powers were effectively transferred to the hands of the United States. While brutally dealing with the liberation movement in the colonies, which especially intensified after the end of the war (arrests of movement leaders in Jamaica ≈ 1943, military reprisal against strikers on the island of Grenada ≈ 1951, suppression of the 1950 uprising in Puerto Rico), the ruling circles of the imperialist powers were at the same time forced maneuver, proclaiming a number political reforms, which were supposed to cover up colonial rule in the countries of V.-I. For this purpose, Martinique and Guadeloupe were declared “overseas departments” of France (1946), Puerto Rico was declared a “freely affiliated state (to the United States)” (1952), the Dutch colonies in V.-I. ≈ “an integral part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands” (1954). The English colonies were united in 1958 into the West Indies Federation.

The victory of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 led to the emergence of the first socialist state in America and contributed to a new rise in the liberation movement in Vietnam. The West Indies Federation dissolved in 1962; independent states were formed - Jamaica (1962), Trinidad and Tobago (1962), Barbados (1966). The English colonies of Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Kitts ≈ Nevis ≈ Anguilla (1967) and St. Vincent (1969) received internal self-government and were declared “states associated with the United Kingdom.”

Political divisions of the West Indies

States and territories

Current status

Area, km2

Population, thousand people (1968)

Capital or administrative center


British possession

Nasso (Nassau)

Independent state



British possession


Virgin Islands

British possession

Virgin Islands: St. Croix

St. Thomas

Saint John Possession USA

ý58 Charlotte Amalie

Independent state



Overseas department of France

"A state associated with Great Britain"

St. George's


"A state associated with Great Britain"

Independent state

Santo Domingo

Cayman islands

British possession


Independent state


Overseas department of France



British possession


Saint Martin (southern part)

Saint Eustatius

Autonomous overseas part


═(Curacao island)

Puerto Rico

"Freely affiliated (to the United States) state"

2723 San Juan

Saint Vincent

"A state associated with Great Britain"


St. Kitts ≈ Nevis ≈ Anguilla

"A state associated with Great Britain"

Saint Lucia

"A state associated with Great Britain"

Turkey and Caicos Islands

British possession

Grand Turk

Independent state

Port of Spain

Independent state


* The date of declaration of independence is indicated in brackets.

Lit.: Peoples of America, vol. 2, M., 1959; Latin American countries in modern times international relations, M., 1967, ch. 9.

E. L. Rovinskaya.


West Indies

West Indies- the traditional historical name of the islands of the Caribbean Sea, including the Caribbean Islands (see list), the Bahamas and the islands adjacent to them in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Contrasted with the East Indies - the countries of South and South-East Asia. It should also be understood that the West Indies and the Western Indies are completely different regions, although "West Indies" is translated as "Western India", but it is not.

Some believe that it is correct to say West Indies, since the West Indies include the Spanish West Indies, the Portuguese, Danish and other West Indies - the lands of every European state in this region since the late 15th century. Some of these West Indies are called the Antilles: for example, the English say the French West Indies, and the French say both the French West Indies and the French Antilles - they are the same thing. However, the name of the West Indies region was given by the first European navigators erroneously, since they thought that they had reached India while moving to westward from Europe. Hence the name of the indigenous people - Indians. When more European countries occupied the lands of the New Continent, the term West Indies appeared - then they stopped confusing the western part of India with the West Indies. Thus, West Indies and West Indies are to some extent different concepts. The first concept means the entire region, and the second - political and economic entities in this region.

Examples of the use of the word West Indian in literature.

Barrington Island and the Pirates About two centuries ago, Barrington Island was the refuge of a famous branch of pirates who came from West Indies, who, after being expelled from the waters of Cuba, went beyond the Isthmus of Darien, plundered the Pacific coast of the Spanish colonies and regularly, with the precision of modern postal service, lay in wait for the royal ships with the treasury sailing between Manila and Acapulco.

West Africa, the rocks of Gibraltar, Malta, Jamaica, several small slave colonies in West Indies, British Guiana in South America and, on the opposite side of the globe, two prisoner transit points in Australia and Tasmania.

Almost always, after listening to the talk going on in Providence harbor, several people immediately deserted, and were replaced by new crew members recruited into West Indies, it became very difficult for Curwen.

On all islands West Indies there was placer gold, and the Indians were used in sand panning.

The President proposed to use for this purpose air and naval forces operating from bases in Greenland, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, the United States, Bermuda and West Indies, and perhaps subsequently in Brazil.

Don Miguel de Espinosa - Admiral of Spain in West Indies and his nephew Don Esteban passionately dreamed of capturing this adventurer and hanging him on the yard of their ship.

A little time passed, and the anatomist realized that this strange disease, this monstrous deformity, was, in essence, something like a new West Indies.

Did Barbados itself disappear in one of those terrible earthquakes that happen in West Indies?

Secondly, this very morning he went to try to get me appointed to the vacant position of company commander, which is located in West Indies, and since he intends to use all his influence for this, neither he nor I have any doubts about success.

The punch seemed extremely tasty to us and led to a long conversation between Owen and our host about the benefits of the union of the kingdoms, which opened up the charitable opportunity for Glasgow to establish trade with the British colonies in America and West Indies and thanks to new markets, expand your exports.

He reported that the common yam bean is a cultivated plant in some parts West Indies and in South America, moreover, their cultivation is facilitated by the fact that the plant has insecticidal properties.

Cuba, Cuba, cubana Legalize Marijuana Cuba - capital West Indies It is still buried for everyone, Jamaica is nearby, reggae dances nearby. The same climate - marijuana is the land of the Rastaman.

If now it is Martinique's turn, then one can only be surprised that this did not happen earlier, for there is something to profit from on this island, and France has no West Indies armed forces capable of resisting these conquistadors.

The purpose of his arrival in Nevis is the largest West Indies slave market - according to him, there was the acquisition of some guy suitable as a cabin boy.

The Antilles, Caribbean Islands and “West Indies” are one and the same - the historical nickname of the Caribbean region, which is located between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. There is a certain point of confusion in the concept of Western India, since West-Indies is translated as Western, but in fact it is not only Western India, but also India in general; West Indies is often contrasted with East India or East Indies. The word Western India can be considered more correctly here, since all of Western India also includes the Portuguese, Danish, and Spanish West Indies; many states have had their colonies here since the 15th century.

The name West Indies was given to this region by mistake, as we remember the discoverers thought that they had found the way to India by moving westward from Europe, by the way, this is where the name of the local American aborigines came from, who were mistakenly called the indigenous inhabitants of India - Indians, also this concept is not should be confused with the word Indians, which refers to the population of real India. When the discoverers realized their mistake, they began to call the new lands the Western Indies, the division today is that the West Indies is the western part of India itself, and the West Indies is already the territory of America. However, in this article we will continue to refer to the Caribbean region as the West Indies in the singular.

Antilles or ghost island Antilia

In fact, in reality, no Antilles islands exist, the whole point is that this region was named Antillia thanks to the legend that there is a ghost island that began to appear on world maps in the 15th century, it was an even rectangle of land elongated from the north south in the Atlantic Ocean west of the Iberian Peninsula. This island was first drawn by the Venetian cartographer Giovanni Pizzigano in 1424; even before the discovery of America, Antilia was depicted on the map in its shape and size equal to the territories of Portugal. There were 7 bays on Antilia, in which mythical cities were located. North of Antilia was the legendary island of Satan (Satanazes), topped by the small island of Saya. To the west of Antilia was the island of Royllo. These islands are combined into the so-called Antilia group. Later, the island of Satan was renamed the Island of Demons; in the 16th century, Antilia began to be identified with the Azorean island of San Miguel.

The Antilles are technically the Greater and Lesser Antilles, Greater Antilles Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Puerto Rico.

Demon Island

Demon Island appeared on maps from the early 16th to the mid-17th century near Newfoundland. According to legend, wild and very scary animals lived on the island, as well as demons who attacked any ships passing by. The Island of Demons was invented by cartographer Johannes Ruysch in 1508, it is assumed that it was the renamed island of Satan Satanazes, which was located in the Atlantic Ocean north of Antilia. In the 17th century, people got tired of the story about the island of Satan - Demons and no longer depicted it on maps.

Antilia, before the discovery of America, may have depicted this continent on European maps. Translated from Portuguese, "Ante-Ilha" is the island of "Opposite" or "Others", so the name suggested that the mythical island is located directly opposite Portugal, the word "Ante-Ilha" is often associated with the Latin word "Aprositus" - "Inaccessible ", another version is Antilia - Plato's Atlantis, Antilia is also attributed to the island of Iceland and even Ireland.

Geography of the West Indies, Antilles, Caribbean Islands, Caribbean region

The West Indies lie on the border between the North and South America, we will classify the West Indies as North America.

The West Indies, the Antilles, the Caribbean Islands and the Caribbean region in general are the Bahamas, Lesser and Greater Antilles. The area of ​​the Greater Antilles is 216,260 square kilometers, the Lesser Antilles 14,095, the Bahamas - 14,535. The Antilles are of volcanic origin and with high mountains, the Bahamas are coral reefs and plains. Highest point The West Indies is the Peak Duarte mountain of 3087 meters in Haiti, in Cuba there is a mountain with a height of 2375 meters, in Jamaica 2341 meters. Many islands boast charming bays, the Virgin Islands, Cuba and especially the Bahamas are surrounded by huge coral reefs that are now covered with vegetation and palm trees.

The Greater Antilles is Cuba with an area of ​​110,860 square kilometers and a population of 11 million people. Haiti has an area of ​​76,480 square kilometers and a population of 20 million people. Jamaica has an area of ​​10,991 square kilometers and a population of 2.7 million people. The Cayman Islands have an area of ​​264 square kilometers and a population of 55 thousand people. Puerto Rico has an area of ​​9,104 square kilometers and a population of 4 million people.

Lesser Antilles and Bahamas

In the Lesser Antilles and the Bahamas, the largest in area is the island of Andros - Bahamas 5957 square kilometers, then the island of Trinidad 4821, Abaco - Bahamas 1681.0, Inagua - Bahamas 1671, Grand Bahama 1373, Martinique - France 1128, Margarita - Venezuela 956.8 Basse-Terre - France 848, Dominica 746, Saint Lucia - 619.2 Grande-Terre - France 589.

In terms of population, the largest island of Trinidad is 1,250,000 people, the largest high density The population on the island of New Providence - Bahamas is 1202.65 people per square kilometer.

Climate of the West Indies, Antilles, Caribbean Islands, Caribbean region

At first glance, the West Indies boasts an even climate and almost ideal conditions for a beach holiday, but it is problematic for white people to constantly live in such a climate.

So, summer is very hot, and this is the rainy season, spring begins in May, this is the start of the rainy season, showers come mainly at noon like clockwork, tropical summer begins in June, however, the heat is cooled by the sea breeze and periodic showers, especially with eastern passes. Rainy climate leads to the appearance of fever and other similar diseases, from this point of view it is safer away from the coast in the mountains.

On the Greater Antilles, rainfall peaks in June, on the Lesser Islands in August and October, this is the time when local rivers flood.

Hurricane season in the West Indies, Antilles, Caribbean Islands, Caribbean

Hurricanes occur from August to October.

Best time to holiday in the Caribbean, Antilles

In November, winter begins, which lasts until May, this is the best time to travel to the Caribbean islands.

Flora and fauna of the West Indies and the Caribbean Islands

The flora of the Caribbean islands can stun a European, the coastal regions have a variety of tropical vegetation, and the mountains contain a variety of fruit trees. The low-lying areas of the islands are savannas where many industrial crops grow, for example, agave in the Bahamas and Cuba, vanilla in Jamaica, tobacco, coconut palms, cocoa, indigo grow everywhere, breadfruit is cultivated in Jamaica, as well as throughout America Corn is widely cultivated here, while wheat is traditionally scarce.

Countries in the Caribbean region export bananas, pineapples, coffee, sugar, for example, sugar came here from Canary Islands in the 16th century, and coffee from Arabia.

Domestic animals were brought from Europe, many of them became wild and are found in the wild. There are also small animals - possums, monkeys, Mexican pigs, agoutis, a large number of snakes and scorpions.

Coral reefs harbor a huge variety of fish, but there are also large predators such as the Caribbean reef shark and tiger shark.

Discovery of the Caribbean and West Indies

The Caribbean or West Indies were discovered by Columbus in 1492, first he entered the Bahamas, then Haiti, Puerto Rico and Jamaica. Two tribes lived on the islands, one of them was peaceful - the Arawaks, the second was not peaceful - the Caribs, the latter were completely exterminated by Europeans. The first colonists in the Caribbean region appeared in 1503, from that moment all the natives were turned into slaves and until the 17th century they completely died out or were destroyed. Since the second half of the 17th century, the Caribbean region has fallen into decline; the place is famous for its pirates, who ruled the seas for a long time.

Slavery in the Caribbean lasted from 1511 until abolition in Great Britain in 1834, in the Danish colonies from 1847, in the French colonies from 1848, then in the Dutch and Spanish colonies and in Haiti after the slave revolt.

The Spanish colonies were only Cuba and Puerto Rico, but they were the largest in area.

The Netherlands belonged to the Antilles, including Curaçao, Sint Eustatius (St. Eustace) and Saba.

Denmark of St. Cross (St. Croix), St. John (St. John) and St. Thomas (St. Thomas).

The Swedes owned the island of Saint Barthélemy for some time.

They rise significantly above sea level. The Bahamas islands are formed by coral reefs. The most high mountains are located in the western part of Haiti (2184 meters), in the eastern part of Cuba (2375 meters) and in the northern part of Jamaica (2341 meters); the eastern shores of the Lesser Antilles are covered with plains; the mountains descend steeply into valleys. Numerous bays of the islands provide convenient harbors. Cuba, the Virgin Islands and the Bahamas are surrounded by huge coral reefs that jut out from the sea and are covered with palm trees. Many islands (especially the Lesser Antilles) bear traces of volcanic origin. The climate of the West Indies is fairly even. The hot and damp season, spring, begins in May; In the middle of the month the first periodic rain falls, every day around noon. After 14 days of rain, the dry tropical summer begins; the heat is moderated somewhat by sea coastal winds and easterly trade winds that blow throughout the whole year; despite, however, the intense heat, the climate is damp, which contributes to the development here yellow fevers and other diseases characteristic of tropical countries. Cleaner and healthier air in the mountains. In July the rains are heavier, especially in the Greater Antilles, and in the Lesser Antilles the most rain falls in August and October; then there are large river floods; From August to October there are hurricanes, often causing great devastation. Winter begins at the end of November (relatively dry time), lasting until May - the best and most pleasant time of the year. The islands are covered with lush American vegetation; in the lowlands - tropical plants, in the mountains - European fruit trees; vast expanses of meadows (savannas) stretch into the interiors of large islands. The main wealth of the islands consists of industrial plant products; vanilla grows wild in the forests of Jamaica, agave - in Cuba and the Bahamas; Indigo, cocoa, coconut palms, tobacco, and cotton grow on many islands. The breadfruit tree was transplanted from Tahiti to Jamaica. Of the grain plants, a lot of corn is cultivated, but very little wheat; therefore, it is imported from Canada and the United States. The main export items are sugar and coffee. Sugar cane, growing in the West Indies, was transported here from the Canary Islands by the Spaniards in the 16th century, and the coffee tree by the Dutch and French from Arabia. Before the arrival of Europeans, the islands had very few native species of four-legged animals: agouti, peccary (Mexican pig), opossum and breeds of small monkeys; quite a lot of scorpions, snakes; caimans live in calm waters. In Jamaica they catch turtles; birds are distinguished by brilliant plumage: parrots, hummingbirds. All pets were transported from Europe, and now cattle and horses are found in a wild state, similar to those in the savannas of South America.

The number of inhabitants of the West Indian Islands reaches up to 5,482,000 (21 days per 1 sq. km), of which 1 2/5 million are white, about 2 4/5 million are blacks and mulattoes. The black population, which appeared on the islands from the time of the importation of African slaves here (about 2000), increased until very recently. In the British colonies, slavery was abolished in Lately- in the Dutch and Spanish colonies. All blacks speak a corrupted dialect (the so-called Creole) of the people under whose authority they are. Of the Europeans, the majority here are Spaniards (more than 1 million), then the British (more than 50,000), the French (about 50,000), a small number of Dutch, Danes, and Swedes. The inhabitants of the islands are Christians. Great importance The “communities of brothers” and Methodists were involved in the spread of Christianity. The main occupation of Europeans was the production and trade of colonial goods.

With the exception of the free island of Haiti with its neighboring small islands (77,254 sq. km, with 1,377,000 inhabitants), all the other islands are colonies of five European states. The Spanish colonies (Cuba, Portorico) are still the largest - their area is 128,148 square meters. km, with 3,280,000 inhabitants (352,000 colored).

The British colonies occupy 34,499 square meters. km, with 1,357,000 inhabitants. (900,000 blacks, mulattoes and newly imported coolies); they include: Jamaica with the Cayman Islands ( Sauman) - 11443 sq. km, with 636,000 inhabitants; Bahamas - 14535 sq. km, with 54,000 inhabitants; Trinidad - 4544 sq. km, with 196,000 inhabitants; Windward Islands ( Windward Island), or Barbados with the islands of Tobago, Grenada, S. Vincent, S. Lucia - 2150 sq. km with 344,000 inhabitants; Leeward Islands ( Leeward Islands), or the Governorate of Antigua ( Antigua), with the island of Antigua and a group of islands: Dominica, Montserra ( Montserrat), S. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla ( Anguilla) and Tortolla ( Tortolla), total - 1827 sq. km, with 122,000 inhabitants. In the English Isles, the governor of the island acts in the name of the queen; everywhere there is a legislative assembly, divided into an upper house with members appointed by the government and a lower house, with elected deputies from the provinces; The governor always has a council of natives. The amount of income in the city is 1.6 million pounds. Art., expenses 1.5 million; debt 2.5; import 6 million, export 6.3 m.

The French colonies cover an area of ​​2858 square meters. km, with 350,000 inhabitants, and consist of the large islands of Martinique (988 sq. km, with 17,600 inhabitants) and Guadeloupe with neighboring islands (sq. km, with 159,000 inhabitants). The Dutch colonies cover an area of ​​.33 square meters. km, with 42,000 inhabitants, and consist of the islands: Curazo, St. Eustache, Saba. The Danish colonies occupy 359 square meters. km with 40,000 inhabitants. and consist of three islands: S. Cross, S. John and St. Thomas.

Columbus discovered Bahama, Cuba, Haiti and Portorico; on these islands, as well as on the Bahamas and Jamaica, lived two different tribes who spoke different languages: the Caribs - a warlike tribe and the Arrowaks (arr owaks) - a peaceful one. The smallest number of Caribs now remain on the shores of South America, where they were resettled by the Spaniards. The Spanish founded the first colonies in Cuba; from then on, the entire land was divided among Europeans, and the natives were enslaved and completely died out at the beginning of the 17th century. From the second half of the 16th century. the islands fell into complete decline: not a single foreign European ship could transport goods, the inhabitants themselves had to trade only with Seville, and with the city and with Cadiz; a mass of colonists moved out, all small coastal cities were destroyed in order to stop the smuggling trade; From then on, the colonies were subjected to robbery by filibusters, who formed a real predatory state. With the formation of colonies of other European powers in the West Indies (from the 17th century and especially from the half of the 18th century), the West Indian colonies began to flourish again.

  • Montgomery Martin, “The history, geography and statistics of the West-Indies” (London, 1834-1835);
  • Southey, History of the West-Indies (London, 1827);
  • Meinicke, “Versuch einer Geschichte der europ. Kolonien in W." (Weimar, 1831);
  • Bates, Central-America, West-Indies and South America (London, 1882);
  • Moister, The West-Indies, enslaved and free (London, 1883).
  • Rosny, "Les Antilles, étude etnographique" (1886).
The article reproduces material from the Great Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron.

West Indies, a large archipelago of islands in Middle America. Located between the continents of the North. and Yuzh. America, separating the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. Consists of the islands of the B. Antilles and M. Antilles (Windward and Leeward), the Bahamas and the Virgin Islands. The total area of ​​all islands is 240 thousand km 2. The largest are the Greater Antilles (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica and Porto Rico), which account for 215 t. km 2. The surface of the islands is mostly mountainous. There are many active volcanoes. Earthquakes are frequent. Tropical maritime climate and rich vegetation. The population of the West Indies is more than 10 million people, mainly Europeans; blacks, mulattoes. Plantation farming is developed - tobacco, sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, cotton and fruit trees (bananas). For their own needs they engage in arable farming, cattle breeding, and fishing. Mining is quite poorly developed, despite the fact that the islands have deposits of gold, silver, platinum, iron, copper, tin, coal, oil and asphalt. The largest islands are

Directly translated into Russian it means Western India, but this Latin American subregion should not be confused with the western part of the Hindustan Peninsula. The West Indies received its name in memory of how the ships of Christopher Columbus, moving to discover India, landed on the shores of the western islands. As you know, these islands did not belong to India at all, but the name “West Indies” remained unchanged.

It is the smallest subregion of Latin America, both in area and population. Many island states are located in the Caribbean Sea, and some of these states have gained independence only recently. For many years, most of them remained colonies of European maritime powers such as Spain, Holland, France, and Great Britain. There were even Danish colonies in the West Indies, which later came under the protectorate of the United States of America. The influence of the former metropolises in the West Indies continues to this day. This is expressed not only in architectural monuments, religious preferences, but also in official language and the percentage of tourists visiting a particular Caribbean state.

The largest income of the states of this subregion comes from the tourism business and banking activities. Moreover, the first source of income extends to almost all countries of the West Indies. Largest quantity tourists arrive in countries and areas such as Cuba, Jamaica, the Bahamas, the Lesser Antilles and the Greater Antilles.

Without a doubt, the most unusual country in the West Indies long years Cuba remains. This is a state where the socialist regime has been maintained for half a century. The policy of the Castro brothers continues to be the only correct one for ordinary Cubans. Perhaps this position of the people has developed due to the non-interference of the state in religious affairs. That is why, despite the communist principles of development, Catholicism is the official religion in Cuba. Today, Cuba is one of the most developed countries in the region in terms of education, but in terms of economic development seriously inferior to many Latin American countries. Thanks to the climate, magnificent beaches and low prices, several million tourists visit Cuba every year.

In the Lesser Antilles group of the West Indies there are states that rely on the banking sector for their development. One of these states is Barbados. This is the main offshore zone of the entire subregion. Barbados is an independent state, however, like a number of other countries, it considers the British Queen its head. That is why in all information brochures Barbados is called a constitutional monarchy. In this state there is very high level life compared to many other West Indian countries. Thanks to its unique location in the Caribbean, where sea waves reach several meters, Barbados is a favorite active holiday destination for surfers from all over the world.

A former French colony and now a parliamentary republic, Dominica is one of the poorest countries in the subregion. According to the UN, it ranks 209th in the world in terms of runway level. However, Agriculture and the principle of no taxation of foreign companies in last years began to improve the situation in the country's economy.

It remains the region of Latin America that has the richest potential, which, unfortunately, remains unrealized. There is a large outflow of capital and human resources from the region to the United States and European Union countries.

Also see:

Central America

Continental Central America includes seven countries: from Guatemala and Belize in the north to Panama in the south. It is a geographical link between South America and North America.

Middle America

The northernmost subregion of Latin America is the so-called Middle America. This is a collection of both mainland and island states with predominantly Spanish as their official language.
