Excited state of passion. What is Affect? The manifestation of passion is

Affect - what is it, what is this state? This term came from psychiatric and criminal practice into everyday life. How does it differ from ordinary emotions when it becomes a dangerous pathology?

Emotions are different

Emotion is a mental and physiological process that reflects a personal unconscious assessment of a situation or phenomenon. Positive changes bring joy, while unpleasant changes lead to irritation, sadness, fear, or anger. The latter constitutes affect. What is this state? This is an intense condition that lasts for a relatively short time, but has vivid psychosomatic manifestations - a change in breathing and pulse, spasms of peripheral blood vessels, increased sweating, and movement disorders.

What kinds does affect include?

We have found out what affect is. Now let's look at its classification. The main types of affect are divided depending on their effect on asthenic (horror, melancholy - everything that paralyzes activity) and sthenic (delight, anger - mobilization and urge to action). If the situations that caused this condition are repeated often, then the tension builds up. view. The most dangerous is pathological, which is caused by a violation of the adequate functioning of the psychophysiological system of a person. which lasts from thirty minutes to an hour, during which a person behaves "on autopilot" and is not aware of his actions. After the end of the state, the individual usually does not remember his actions, feels exhaustion and prostration. That is why, if a person committed murder in a state of passion, this is a mitigating circumstance, since the accused did not control his actions and was not aware of them.

Legal aspects

It is necessary to make certain clarifications in the issue of the legal justification for this kind of altered states. In legal practice, only a pathological proven affect is a mitigating circumstance. If a person has committed a pathological, then he will receive a maximum of three years in prison. All other types are taken into account only mediocre.

Study history

"Affect" - what does this word mean? It comes from Latin. Affectus means passion, excitement. The Greeks also knew this state. Plato called it as an innate spiritual principle. If a person showed a tendency to affect, then he should have engaged in military affairs. The Christian view viewed these states as manifestations of the influence of dark forces, obsession. Only in the time of Descartes and Spinoza did they begin to understand the role of the relationship between emotions, mind and body. Emotional affect fell into the circle of interests of scientists in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century. Researchers such as Moss and Durkheim have found that society affects the individual through affectation. Freud was also interested in psychological affect, who concluded that the suppression of such states leads to serious mental disorders and diseases, pathologies. They can then be expressed in such physical symptoms as pain, paralysis, and so on.

Example of action

Let's take an example of how affect works. All people have anxious moods that are replaced by fear. This feeling is already more definite, and it usually has a known reason. When fear reaches its climax, terror ensues. And this is such a psychoemotional state, which is characterized by unusual strength and violent expression in external actions, physiological internal processes, often uncontrollable. If a person is irritated, then this feeling can develop into anger, and then into rage. It is the violent feelings, unconscious and uncontrollable, that are called affects in psychological and criminal practice.

Characteristics from the point of view of the central nervous system

The central nervous system in a state of passion experiences violent irritation due to strong emotional experiences. The concept of affect is characterized by the maximum strength of inhibitory and excitatory processes in the cerebral cortex, an increase in the activity of subcortical centers. Excitation in the centers of the brain, which are associated with emotions, are accompanied by inhibition of areas of the cortex that are responsible for analyzing what is happening and reporting on their actions. The subcortical centers, freed during the action of affect from the control of the cerebral cortex, are responsible for the external vivid manifestation of this state. Affect has its own peculiarities. The course of this emotional experience is limited in time, since this process is overly intense. That is why he quickly becomes obsolete. There are three main stages.

Stage one: initial

In some cases, a state of passion occurs unexpectedly, like a kind of flash or explosion, and then instantly reaches its maximum intensity. In other cases, the intensity of the experience increases gradually. Excitation and inhibition in different centers of the cerebral cortex and subcortical centers become more and more active. Thanks to this, a person loses his self-control more and more.

Stage two: central

During this stage, there are sharp changes and violations of the adequate activity of the body. Excitation in the subcortical centers reaches a higher force, inhibition covers all the most important centers of the cortex and inhibits their functions. Thanks to this, many nervous processes that are associated with upbringing and morality disintegrate. Speech and thinking are impaired, attention is reduced, control over actions is lost. Disorder of fine motor skills appears. The functions of the endocrine glands and the autonomic nervous system are enhanced. Breathing and blood circulation are impaired. At this stage, the affect has not one culminating peak, but several: the period of active flow changes with a period of decay, and then the cycle is repeated several times.

Stage three: final

During this stage, internal and altered states decay. The vital activity of the whole organism falls sharply: huge waste of nervous forces deplete it. A person has apathy, drowsiness, fatigue.

Characteristics of emotional experiences

Affect is an unaccountable state to a lesser or greater extent, depending on its intensity. This is reflected in reduced control over actions. During affect, a person is not able to direct his actions, he is seized by emotions that he is almost unaware of. However, absolute unaccountability is observed only during especially strong states, when the most important parts of the brain are completely inhibited. It is this state that appears in criminal practice. In most cases, especially in the initial, growing stage, control remains, but in a truncated and partial form. A strong affect captures the whole personality. Sharp and strong changes are observed in the process of consciousness activity. The volume of processed information is significantly reduced to a small number of perceptions and representations. Many facts and phenomena are perceived in a completely different way, there is a turning point in personal attitudes. The very personality of a person is changing, moral and ethical ideas are thrown off. In these situations, they say that the person has changed before our eyes.

Watching detective series, we often hear the expression "state of passion", and what it means and what its signs are, only doctors and investigators know. But ordinary mortals are also interested in what kind of condition it is and why people who have violated the law are so trying to convince the investigation that they acted in a state of passion.

What is a state of passion?

Affect is a state of intense emotional excitement that arose as a result of violence, bullying, severe insult, or a long-term situation that had a traumatic effect on the human psyche. Depending on the type of affect, it can be a mitigating or completely excluding criminal liability circumstance, or it can be recognized as an aggravating factor.

In any case, strong emotional excitement makes the processes that are not associated with it slower. That is, a person concentrates his attention only on the object that caused his anger (despair, resentment), the rest of the person does not perceive at all or remembers some moments by pure chance.

Most often, a state of passion occurs in unbalanced people with a weak character. Outwardly, this can manifest itself in delayed movement or excessive activity. Also, a person may blush or turn pale, his speech will be intermittent, movements may be constrained or chaotic. In any case, a state of passion cannot fail to manifest itself in any way.

Psychology about the state of passion

In psychology, three types of the state of affect are distinguished: pathological, physiological on pathological grounds and physiological. Pathological affect is a painful short-term mental disorder, which is accompanied by impulsive actions, partial or complete loss of memory, deep confusion. Often a person's actions are accompanied by incoherent speech and excessive gesticulation. This state usually ends with general weakness, drowsiness or deep sleep. A pathological state of affect requires treatment, and therefore such people are not responsible for their actions and are recognized as insane.

Physiological affect on a pathological basis occurs in people who have mental disorders (neurasthenics, psychopaths).

Physiological affect is considered as a strong emotional state that suddenly arises in response to stress or disorder. In this case, the person is aware of the actions being performed, but cannot control them in any way.

Signs of a state of passion

The most important signs of a state of passion are the following:

The consequences of affect can be partial loss of memory or complete amnesia.

There are situations in life when a person's emotions are overwhelmed. It is good if they are positive, but they can also be negative. The person is irritated, shouts, can behave aggressively, use force. All these are signs of the manifestation of passion. Often, in such states, crimes are committed. Consider how to recognize the affect, what are its signs, types and causes.

What does "a state of passion" mean?

If we translate the word "affect" from the Latin language, this term will mean passion, emotional excitement.

The same affect can be characterized as a kind of manifestation of human emotions. This state does not last long, but at the same time a person experiences rather strong emotions. As a rule, this occurs in stressful or traumatic situations when a person cannot find the desired solution to a problem. It seems to him that he is in a hopeless situation or the situation is developing critically, causing any threat.

A state of passion is a type of emotional outburst, which is characterized by:

  • short duration;
  • brightness;
  • force.

I would like to note that a person's irritability to the world around him can manifest itself not only because of his temperament, but also in certain mental states.

In a state of passion, a person cannot think rationally, and his actions are an explosive reaction.

Characteristic signs of affect

For a condition such as affect, you can name some of the signs that distinguish it from the usual nervous and mental stress. These include:

  • the sudden impact of a traumatic event;
  • unexpected manifestation of passion;
  • explosive emotional reaction;
  • partial perception of the current situation and their actions;
  • incomplete control over their actions, behavior;
  • mental and physical exhaustion.

And there are also signs that are additional:

  • a feeling of hopelessness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • mental illness;
  • distorted perception of reality;
  • violation of motor, speech functions or the appearance of some peculiarities;
  • partial understanding of what is happening.

They also distinguish external and internal signs:

  1. External include:
  • facial expressions;

  • gestures;
  • timbre of voice;
  • intonation;
  • pose.

2. To internal:

  • feeling anxious;
  • feeling of fear;
  • loss in time;
  • no sense of space;
  • there is no connection with consciousness;
  • feeling disconnected from reality.

A state of affect affects the entire human psyche, disrupting mental, emotional and volitional processes, accompanied by a motor disorder. The condition manifests itself very rapidly, which is a weakening factor for vital resources.

Signs of affect in criminal law

I would like to note that most often one has to deal with a state of passion in the conduct of criminal cases.

A number of features can be distinguished. Murder committed in a state of passion is a less dangerous type of crime against life. Inappropriate reactions are expressed. If a crime is committed in a state of passion, its presence or absence can be judged only by objective data.

Also in criminal law, the signs of affect include:

  • irascible temperament;
  • change in the psyche;
  • sharp manifestation;
  • expression of dissatisfaction;
  • changes in the psyche, accompanied by vegetative, somatic, hormonal and secretory manifestations;
  • intuitive desires and their realization;
  • signal excitation without discharge;
  • the release of psychic energy.

Types of affect

We have considered the general signs of affect, but in many respects they depend on its type. There are such types of this condition:

  • Physiological. A person is sane and gives an account of his actions, which he can control. Occurs in a single case, as a result of a traumatic effect.
  • Pathological. The person is insane and cannot control his actions. Complete loss of control.
  • Cumulative. An explosive reaction to a long-term traumatic effect on the psyche.
  • Interrupted. The state of passion is interrupted by external influence.
  • Positive. There is a decrease in activity in the analytical processing of information. Simple solutions, simplified strategy of behavior, stereotypes are characteristic.
  • Negative. It causes disturbances in the emotional sphere, leading to a decrease in mental activity.
  • The affect of inadequacy. A very vivid reaction to failure. It is expressed in aggressive behavior, anger, in strong emotional stress.

Crime committed in a state of passion

As we noted earlier, affect is often studied and dealt with in the Criminal Code.

Among persons who commit a crime in a state of passion, 89% are men and only 10% are women. Although the fair sex is considered to be more emotional, they are able to control dangerous explosive reactions more. And such a large percentage of men say that they tend to disguise committed violent acts as a state of passion.

I would also like to note that 16% of such murders are committed by minors, where 6% are adolescents under 16 years of age.

Murder in a state of passion can only be recognized if several conditions are met:

  • the intention to commit a crime and a strong emotional outburst appeared suddenly;
  • such actions are caused by the immoral and unlawful behavior of the victim.

Development of affect

You can consider what stages the state of passion goes through in its development:

At the beginning, a person experiences a feeling of hopelessness for the unlawful or immoral actions of the victim.

  1. The phase of an emotional outburst begins when a person does not understand everything that is happening, cannot correctly assess the situation, and does not control his actions. It is at this moment that the most terrible thing can happen - a murder committed in a state of passion.
  2. A sharp decline in emotional arousal, which is accompanied by severe fatigue, remorse, may cause a feeling of pity for the victim.

Causes of affect

There are several common reasons for affect:

  • an extreme situation that poses a threat to human life;
  • heated, emotional conflict situation;
  • a person finds himself in a situation where there is a need to act, but feels helpless;
  • unexpected extraneous stimulus;
  • regular repetition of traumatic events;
  • actions of people who had traumatic effects on the psyche and self-esteem of the individual;
  • individual characteristics of the nervous system;
  • the person is too quick-tempered, emotional;
  • destructive difficult events in the past.

It should be borne in mind that the emergence of a conflict situation is not a prerequisite for the development of affect.

Predisposing factors for the development of affect

Each person is individual, and what annoys one person does not even annoy the other. Therefore, the Criminal Code and psychology also take into account and highlight the psychological characteristics of a person that contribute to the development of affect.

  • Weak nervous system: easily excitable, have increased sensitivity, poorly resistant to stimuli.
  • Self-esteem of the individual. Too high, but not stable. They are very vulnerable to the assessment of others.

  • Age. Children and adolescents have an unstable psyche, and in situations where an adult can restrain himself, children are not capable of this. Also, in old age, resistance to emotional outbursts decreases.

Was there an affect?

If a person committed a murder in a state of passion, it is imperative to prove that such a state was. This requires:

  • Certificate from a medical institution stating that the accused was in this condition.
  • Evidence is needed to show that the affect was caused by immoral behavior or actions that violate the victim's rights. There were bullying, insults, or a rather prolonged tense emotional environment.
  • There was a threat to the life or health of the accused or his family.
  • A person in a state of passion committed a crime in a single impulse. If there was further concealment of evidence, then this is no longer considered an affect and is not considered a mitigating circumstance.
  • The crime was committed immediately in an emotional outburst, following the conflict. Or after subsequent immoral, abusive actions of the victim.

If the states and actions of the accused do not fit at least one of the above points, then one can easily prove that affect is a simulation and a desire to avoid punishment for their actions.

There was no affect

In criminal law, it is possible to admit that harm was caused in a state of passion, we talked about this earlier, but there are a number of signs that allow us to deny the presence of passion.

  • Irritation increases in direct proportion to the development of the conflict. Emotions are heated. The force of action is equal to the force of reaction.
  • The person first demonstrates strong anger, and then abruptly switches to calm tones, then a flash of emotions follows again.
  • A sharp distraction by extraneous factors, uncontrollable emotional reactions are noticeable.
  • After an emotional outburst, actions are aimed at self-preservation, hiding evidence, traces.

If one of these signs takes place, then the mitigating circumstance that the person committed the murder in a state of passion is invalid, and it will not be possible to avoid a fair punishment.

How not to succumb to passion

A state of affect for a healthy person is a reversible process. Only in mentally unhealthy people can affect be permanent.

If you know that you are very hot-tempered and can easily lose your temper, you need to train your mind to avoid this condition. In a situation where the conflict is brewing, the emotional situation heats up, several recommendations can help:

  • you need to try to distract yourself and focus on something that does not cause emotional irritation;
  • change the setting or type of activity;
  • keep your gestures under control, you can switch to breathing exercises or to counting.

However, if a person feels that in difficult emotional situations he cannot keep himself under control, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. Drug therapy may be needed. With the possibilities of modern medicine, it is quite possible to cope with mental problems, you should not be afraid of visiting a specialist if there is a feeling that a mental explosion will soon occur, and you are not able to cope with your emotions.

The most common emotional state that colors all human behavior for a long time is called mood. It is very diverse and can be joyful or sad, cheerful or depressed, cheerful or depressed, calm or irritated, etc. Mood is an emotional reaction not to the direct consequences of certain events, but to their significance for a person's life in the context of his general life plans, interests and expectations.


S. L. Rubinshtein noted the peculiarities of mood in the fact that it is not objective, but personal, and in that the most powerful emotional reaction is affect.

Affect(from Lat. affectuctus - "emotional excitement") - a strong and relatively short-term emotional state associated with a sharp change in important life circumstances for the subject and accompanied by pronounced motor manifestations and changes in the functions of internal organs.

The affect completely captures the human psyche. This entails a narrowing, and sometimes a shutdown of consciousness, changes in thinking and, as a consequence, inappropriate behavior. For example, when anger is intense, many people lose the ability to resolve conflicts constructively. Their anger turns into aggression. A person screams, blushes, waving his arms, can hit the opponent.

Affect arises abruptly, suddenly in the form of a flash, impulse. It is very difficult to manage and cope with this condition. Any feeling can be experienced in an affective form.

Affects negatively affect human activity, sharply reducing the level of its organization. In affect, a person seems to lose his head, his actions are unreasonable, they are performed without taking into account the situation. If objects that have nothing to do with the cause of the affect fall into the sphere of a person's actions, he can in a rage toss away the thing that has come across, push a chair, slap on the crowd. Losing power over himself, a person surrenders to the experience.

It would be wrong to think that affect is completely uncontrollable. Despite the seeming suddenness, affect has certain stages of development. And if at the final stages, when a person completely loses control over himself, it is almost impossible to stop, then at the beginning any normal person can do it. Of course, this requires tremendous volitional efforts. The most important thing here is to postpone the onset of affect, to “extinguish” an affective outburst, to restrain oneself, and not to lose control over one's behavior.


  • Main article: Stress

Another vast area of ​​human conditions is united by the concept of stress.

Under stress(from the English stress - "pressure", "tension") understand the emotional state that arises in response to all kinds of extreme influences.

No one manages to live and work without stress. Severe life losses, failures, trials, conflicts, stress when performing hard or responsible work from time to time, everyone experiences. Some people deal with stress more easily than others, i.e. are stress-resistant.

An emotional state close to stress is the syndrome “ burnout”. This condition occurs in a person if, in a situation of mental or physical stress, he experiences negative emotions for a long time. At the same time, he can neither change the situation, nor cope with negative emotions. Emotional burnout manifests itself in a decrease in the general emotional background, indifference, avoiding responsibility, negativism or cynicism towards other people, loss of interest in professional success, limitation of one's capabilities. As a rule, the causes of emotional burnout are monotony and monotony of work, lack for career growth, professional inconsistency, age-related changes and socio-psychological maladjustment. Internal conditions for the occurrence of emotional burnout can be accentuations of a certain type of character, high anxiety, aggressiveness, conformity, and an inadequate level of aspirations. Emotional burnout interferes with professional and personal growth and, like stress, leads to psychosomatic disorders.


The emotional state of frustration is similar in its manifestations to stress.

Frustration(from Lat. frustration - "deception", "frustration", "destruction of plans") - a person's condition caused by objectively insurmountable (whether subjectively so perceived) difficulties arising on the way to achieving the goal.

Frustration is accompanied by a whole range of negative emotions that can destroy consciousness and activity. In a state of frustration, a person can show anger, depression, external and internal aggression.

For example, when performing any activity, a person fails, which causes him negative emotions - upset, dissatisfaction with himself. If in such a situation the people around them support, help correct mistakes, the emotions experienced will remain only an episode in a person's life. If failures are repeated, and significant people at the same time reproach, shame, call incapable or lazy, this person usually develops an emotional state of frustration.

The level of frustration depends on the strength and intensity of the influencing factor, the state of the person and the forms of his response to life difficulties. Especially often the source of frustration is a negative social assessment, affecting significant personal relationships. Resistance (tolerance) of a person to frustrating factors depends on the degree of his emotional excitability, type of temperament, experience of interaction with such factors.

Passion is a special form of emotional experience. In terms of the intensity of emotional excitement, passion approaches affect, and in terms of duration and stability it resembles mood. What is the peculiarity of passion? Passion is a strong, persistent, all-encompassing feeling that determines the direction of a person's thoughts and actions. The causes of passion are varied - they can be determined by conscious beliefs, they can come from bodily desires, or have a pathological origin. In any case, passion is associated with our needs and other personality traits. Passion is usually selective and substantive. For example, a passion for music, collecting, knowledge, etc.

Passion captures all the thoughts of a person, in which all the circumstances associated with the subject of passion revolve, which represents and ponders the ways to achieve the need. That which is not related to the subject of passion seems secondary, irrelevant. For example, some scientists who are passionately working on a discovery do not attach importance to their appearance, often forgetting about sleep and food.

The most important characteristic of passion is its connection with will. Since passion is one of the most significant motivations for activity, because it has great power. In reality, the assessment of the meaning of passion is twofold. Public opinion plays an important role in the assessment. For example, the passion for money, for hoarding is condemned by some people as greed, money-grubbing, at the same time, within the framework of another social group, it can be considered as frugality, prudence.

Psychological self-regulation: affect, stress, burnout, frustration, passion

The inability to regulate one's emotional states, to cope with passions and stresses is an obstacle to effective professional activity, disrupts interpersonal relationships at work and in the family, interferes with the achievement of goals and the implementation of intentions, and disrupts human health.

There are special techniques that help to cope with a strong emotion and prevent it from turning into affect. To do this, it is recommended to notice and realize an unwanted emotion in time, analyze its origins, relieve muscle tension and relax, breathe deeply and rhythmically, attract a pre-prepared “duty image” of a pleasant event in your life, try to look at yourself from the outside. Affect can be prevented, but it requires endurance, self-control, special training, and a culture of interpersonal relationships.

The means of preventing emotional burnout are the optimization of working conditions and psychological correction in the early stages of emotional disorders.

The stressful time factor also matters. Prolonged exposure to stress is especially dangerous. It has been noticed, for example, that for 10-15 years of work in extreme conditions, the human body wears out as if it had survived a severe heart attack. And, conversely, short-term strong stress activates a person, as if “shaking” him.

So, you need to remember the following:
  • You should not strive, at all costs, to avoid stress and be afraid of it. Paradoxically, the more you try to live and work “always measured and calm”, the more stress will destroy you. After all, instead of gradually and patiently accumulating experience of self-management in stress, you will “run away” from it.

You can compare how to effectively manage stress with the actions of an experienced climber. If a person, seized by fear, turns his back on the avalanche and runs away from it, it will overtake and destroy him. It is necessary to face danger in order to know how to defend against it.

  • In order to manage your stress, you need to use its beneficial functions and eliminate harmful ones.
  • With constructive stress, the accumulated dissatisfaction of people with each other is released, an important problem is solved and mutual understanding between people improves.
  • With destructive stress, relations sharply deteriorate until a complete breakup, the problem remains unresolved, people have severe feelings of guilt and despair.

The most successful, both in the profession and in personal life, are people who have learned to control themselves, who have developed psychotechnics of personal self-regulation. They know their strengths and weaknesses, know how to restrain themselves, exercise patience, and slow down their internal “explosions”.

People with developed personal psychotechnics implement four main actions:
  • First action: they blame no one: neither themselves nor others. They do not suffer from "reproaches of conscience" and do not "dump" their stressful energy on others.
  • Second action: they strive to master themselves at the first stage of the development of stress, when self-control is still preserved and the "stress element" has not completely captured. They strive to stop themselves in time. One leading specialist in a large commercial bank put it this way: “It’s important not to get to point B”.
  • Act three: they study themselves. People with developed self-regulation are well aware of how a stressful state begins to develop in them. In other words, they are aware of the change in their inner self-awareness in time at the first stage of stress development.
  • The fourth and most important act. People with developed self-regulation intuitively find the optimal strategy for stress. Those who successfully master stress are those who understand that “dumping” dark stress energy on others is uncivilized and, in a sense, unprofitable. Necessary business connections are lost, personal relationships are destroyed. They also understand that it is not constructive to channel destructive stress energy on themselves, blaming themselves for their mistakes. Indeed, what changes from this? The matter is still worth it, and the problem is not solved.
To relieve emotional stress, you need:
  • correctly assess the significance of events;
  • in case of defeat, act according to the principle “it didn't hurt and I wanted to”;
  • increase physical activity (many women start doing laundry or other heavy housework);
  • form a new dominant, i.e. get distracted;
  • speak out, cry;
  • listen to music;
  • cause a smile, laughter, humor is necessary in order to
  • would be perceived as comic that pretends to be serious;
  • to exercise relaxation.

The main two are pathological and physiological affects.

Pathological affect- a short-term experience that has reached such a degree at which complete clouding of consciousness and paralysis of the will occurs. Pathological affect is a type of affect that completely excludes sanity, and, consequently, criminal liability for the committed act, which is a temporary mental disorder. With it, a deep clouding of consciousness sets in and a person loses the ability to be aware of his actions and to lead them. A person in such cases is recognized as insane, and therefore cannot bear criminal responsibility.

Also distinguish physiological affect - such an emotional state of a person in which he is sane, but his consciousness is significantly limited. Unlike pathological affect, with physiological affect, a person is aware of his actions and can control them. That is why a person who has committed a crime in a state of physiological passion is subject to criminal liability. Physiological affect is characterized as a high-grade emotional outburst. It takes the human psyche out of its usual state, inhibits conscious intellectual activity, violates the selective moment in the motivation of behavior, complicates self-control, deprives a person of the opportunity to firmly and comprehensively weigh the consequences of his behavior. In a state of passion, the ability to recognize the actual nature and social danger of one's actions, as well as to direct them, is greatly reduced, which is one of the grounds for recognizing a crime committed in such a state as less socially dangerous than a crime committed in a “calm” state of mind.

Along with the main types of affect, the following are also distinguished:

Classic affect - a rapidly and violent emotional reaction of an explosive nature. It immediately follows the unlawful act of the victim, lasts an extremely short period of time, after which a recession sets in.

Cumulative (accumulative) affect. In contrast to the classical affect, the first phase of cumulative affect is usually extended in time - from several months to several years. During this time, a traumatic situation develops, which causes the accumulation (accumulation) of emotional stress. By itself, an affective explosion can occur for an insignificant reason, which plays the role of the "last drop". This type can occur in individuals who are timid, indecisive, inclined to express aggression in a socially acceptable form. The specified emotional state arises under the condition of a protracted course of a conflict situation, the accumulation of emotional stress over several years, as a rule, in the field of service. Often, during the course of a conflict situation, a person has depression, suicidal attempts, and other attempts to get out of the situation. Against this background, the peak of emotional arousal can be triggered by even minor influences.

Affectiveness of a person, a tendency to violent emotional reactions depends not only on temperament, choleric people in this regard differ sharply from phlegmatic people, but also on the level of her moral upbringing, which presupposes self-control.

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