The language of heaven is Arabic, the language of hell is Turkic? What language did Adam speak and why is it cool in heaven?

1. This is a story about how people stopped understanding each other and numerous languages ​​appeared modern world. How popular is this myth among various peoples and what are its interpretations?

2. The myth of the Tower of Babel is based not only on the belief that initially all humanity spoke the same language, but also on the fact that this language was “ideal”: the names of objects conveyed their true essence. Do representatives of other cultures share these views and do they believe that their language is closest to the original?

The answer to the first question is offered in the Old Testament's Book of Genesis 11:1-9, which tells that God decided to punish the human race by placing on it the curse of confusion of languages. The answer to the second question can be found in Genesis 2:19. In this part, God brought all the animals and birds to Adam to hear what Adam would call them, and “whatever a man calls every living soul, that is its name.” An impromptu tour of different cultures will allow us to see how these issues are covered. Regarding the first of them, many agree with Old Testament: the diversity of languages ​​is a punishment from the Lord or, at least, a consequence of some unfavorable factor.

The legend of one of the Australian tribes tells of eating old people. The tribes that ate the body themselves spoke a “pure” language, and those who ate internal organs, - on “unclean”. African Kabyles believe that people began to speak different languages due to conflict. According to a tribe from Assam, the confusion of languages ​​was due to the fact that three children once hunted a rat. One of the Amazonian tribes is of the opinion that God separated people and their languages ​​so that they would become more obedient to Him. Among the indigenous population of America, the Maidu tribe (California), it is believed that initially people spoke the same language, but one day, at a funeral ceremony, the language ceased to be uniform. The Iroquois believe that the separation of languages ​​was due to a family quarrel in which a child was killed. But the assumption that multilingual languages ​​are a curse is not as widespread as it seems. There are many versions in the world according to which the division occurred as a result of natural processes.

The ancient Indian sacred hymn "Rig Veda" mentions that once there was Vak ("word") and the gods divided it into many forms. The peoples of the Indochina Peninsula tell of six races, each of which had its own tongue in the form of a stem climbing out of a gourd. The Quiché tribe (Guatemala) has a myth that people lived together and spoke the same language until they split into groups. Each chose a god for itself and began to speak its own language.

The South American Navajo creation myth tells of the "Changing Woman" and the emergence of real peoples who spoke her language. So, she created neighboring peoples - the Pueblos, Mexican aborigines and others, and they spoke their own languages, spreading them in different directions. In Islam, the Koran teaches that Adam did not make up names or anything else, but was taught everything by Allah. The diversity of languages ​​is absolutely natural and is a manifestation of the power of Allah. All people are capable of understanding the revelations of the Qur'an, no matter what language they are written in.

The mythological system of many peoples of the world has no explanation for the confusion of languages, which is simply taken for granted, and therefore cannot answer our question. However, in almost all cultures of the world there is a mention of an “ideal” language (question 2). Above we mentioned an Australian tribe that believes that some people (who feed on the human body) speak a “pure” language that conveys the true essence of things. According to the ancient Egyptians, the god Ptah gave names to everything, thus language became a gift from the gods. In China, the “correct” language was taught by mythical emperors. The Qur'an views the diversity of languages ​​as divisions of a single language that includes all others.

Everywhere people are trying to understand how the name of an object reveals its essence. It is assumed that either an “ideal” language that describes the true essence of a subject exists today, or it is a thing of the past. The second assumption serves as a prerequisite for the search for truth and harmony in the world. It seems that ideas about the connection of language with the real world and human existence are embedded in our consciousness. In this regard, a question arises, first voiced in Plato’s dialogue “Cratylus” and which has since been the subject of constant debate: is the connection between the name and the objective essence of things natural (arising in the subjective consciousness of the native speaker) or is this connection conditional and accidental?

We Turkic nationalists often like to say that nationalism is prohibited in Islam. We do not agree with this and are convinced that extreme nationalism (Nazism) is prohibited and this is the word that means “asabiyya”. We gave various arguments, including the words of Jamaluddin Afghani.

But let's see what hadiths the Arab chauvinists invented and attributed to the Prophet (SAW). Moreover, a significant part of these Arabophiles, hiding under the guise of Islam, who are ready even today to rename all of us Abu Umarov and make state language Azerbaijan has only Arabic, believes, if not in everything, then in most these hadiths.

Let us make a reservation that this post is NOT a criticism of Islam and Islamic beliefs. We know that our religion is not like that. But we want to show you those false legends that the Arab Nazis composed for the exaltation of their people, although in the Koran God says that he created people of two sexes and divided them into peoples and tribes.

“The creed of Ahl Sunnah wal Jama'ah implies the recognition of the fact that the Arab race is superior to the non-Arab race (Jews, Assyrians, Byzantines, Persians and others). And also that the Quraysh are the best among the Arabs, Bani Hashim is the best among the Quraysh, and the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is best representative Banu Hashim"

[Sheikh ibn Taymiyya, “Iqtidau siratyl mustaqim”, pp. 131-132]

If the belief that Arabs are superior to other peoples is not chauvinism and a belief in racial superiority, then I don’t know what Nazism is. But let's read further:

“We recognize the Arabs' right to primacy and superiority. And we show love towards them, because the hadith says: “The sign of faith (iman) is love for the Arabs, and the sign of hypocrisy (nifaq) is hatred of them.” Therefore, we do not profess the views of the group of al-Shuubiyya and the despised freedmen who do not like the Arabs and do not recognize their superiority (over non-Arabs). Indeed, truly, the words of these people are an innovation that contradicts Shariah."

On love and hatred for Arabs:

[Hadith reported by ad-Darakutni from ibn Umar]

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) allegedly said:

“Love the Arabs, because I am an Arab, the Holy Quran is in Arabic and the speech of the inhabitants of Paradise is Arabic”

[Reported by at-Tabarani from Abu Hurayrah]

Arabophiles attribute the following saying to Ali ibn Abu Talib:

“Whoever does not know about the right of my family, the right of the Ansar and the right of the Arabs does not know about it for three reasons: either because he is a “munafiq”, or because of doubt, or because of impurity.”

[Hadith reported by ad-Daraqutni from Ali ibn Abi Talib]

“Love the Arabs and their stay (on earth)! Indeed, truly, their existence (stay on earth) is light in Islam, and their disappearance is darkness in Islam.”

[Reported by Abu al-Shaykh also from Abu Hurayrah]

“Love for Arabs is iman (or from iman), and hatred for them is hypocrisy.”

[Reported by ad-Darakutni from ibn Umar in this form]


“Showing love for the tribe of Quraish is from iman (faith), and showing hatred towards them is disbelief (kufr). He who loves the Arabs truly loves me, and he who does not love the Arabs does not love me either.”

[Hadith reported by Anas]

How do you like this?

“O Arabs, marry your own and equals, be attentive to the purity of the blood of your future children and never marry blacks. Because blacks are spoiled, deformed creatures and the children that will be from them will also be defective and deformed.”

[Muttaqi, 8/24-28]

And now about the Turks:

“Four cities in the world are cities of Hell: Istanbul, Antakya, Tabaria and Sanaa”

[Suyuti, Layalil Masnua 1/458]

“Never communicate or get involved with Turks, only in extreme cases. Because if they love you, they will rob you and rob you, and if they hate you, they will deal with you and kill you.”

[Suyuti, Layalil Masnua 1/440]

A considerable number of “ulamas” connect the peoples of Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) with the Turks. Describing these peoples, it is said that some of them will even drink blood and eat human flesh. They will be so wild. Tabari, Baghdadi, Balkhi, Bayzawi, Nasash, Nusairi, Ibn Kathir and others argued that the peoples of Yajuj and Majuja are Turks, and some ignorant Ulama of the Turkic world, such as Asim Efendi or Akhtari Mustafa Efendi, were themselves Turks by origin , actively supported and preached these hadiths.

By the way, the Persian Ayatollah Mojtahedi said after performing namaz in Tehran that the language of Hell is Turkic. By “Turkic” one should understand Azerbaijani Turki.

Arabophiles say that the language of Paradise is Arabic. Persophiles that the language of Hell is Turkic.

So which one is a Nazi, "ahi"?

December 18th is World Arabic Language Day. The holiday was established by the United Nations in 2010 and is one of six official languages UN. According to the latest data, there are 300 million people in the world who speak Arabic and its dialects. Moreover, for 240 million people it is native. The Arabic language and the religion of Islam are inextricably linked. One is unthinkable without the other, because for one and a half millennia, Muslims of the world have been reading prayers in Arabic five times a day. The Holy Quran was revealed on it, and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) spoke.

The Grozny clergy celebrated the significant date in their own way. The imam of the “Heart of Chechnya” mosque, Magomed Dadakhaev, addressed the city residents. He explained the role of the Arabic language in the life of a Muslim:

Without speaking Arabic, a person cannot understand Islam. Therefore, this language has been highly respected among Muslims from time immemorial. A necessary condition studying the religion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is the analysis of Arabic texts, almost all of which were written a very long time ago. There are more than 12 million words in modern Arabic (for comparison, there are 131,000 in Russian, and about a million in English...). It's very rich and Difficult language. When I studied at an Islamic university in Syria, our teacher, a philologist, gave us the following example: in Arabic, the number of synonyms for just one word “camel” reaches six thousand! Its grammar is also very complex and multifaceted. Studying it requires a fair amount of intellectual and volitional effort. Therefore, among the interpreters of the Koran and Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him), there are no amateurs. It is almost impossible to understand the meaning of the sacred text without having a solid Arabic vocabulary and knowledge of the syntax, semantics, and phonetics of this language. Sometimes you meet people who call themselves experts in the Koran. They quote from the Message of the Almighty and give people advice. But if you ask them about the source of knowledge, you get the answer: “I read the translation.” Such people are very dangerous for Islam, since, without knowing what they are doing, they are capable of introducing confusion and inaccuracies in the interpretation of the message of the Almighty. In Islamic educational institutions The following teaching methodology is widely practiced: for several years students initial courses study exclusively Arabic philology. And only after they have sufficiently mastered the required volume of material do they gain access to the study of the Koranic texts. Thus, Arabic– a kind of springboard to mastering information about Islam. Moreover, Arabic is the language that the inhabitants of Paradise will speak. Glory to Allah that He created us Muslims! What the beautiful, rich Arabic language has given us to comprehend our will!

In schools, to study the basics of algorithmization, the so-called. school algorithmic language (educational algorithmic language), using words in Russian that are understandable to schoolchildren. Unlike most programming languages, an algorithmic language is not tied to computer architecture and does not contain details related to the design of the machine.


Algorithm in algorithmic language in general view is written in the form:

alg name of the algorithm (arguments and results) given conditions for applicability of the algorithm necessary purpose of the algorithm beginning description of intermediate quantities | sequence of commands (body of the algorithm) con

In the algorithm record keywords usually underlined or in bold. To highlight logical blocks, indentations were used, and paired words of the beginning and end of the block were connected by a vertical bar.

An example of calculating the sum of squares:

alg Sum of squares ( arg intact n, res intact S) given| n > 0 necessary| S = 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 + … + n*n beginning intact i | input n; S:=0 | nc for i from 1 to n | | S:= S + i * i | kts | conclusion"S = ", S con


For reinforcements theoretical study programming in an algorithmic language, specialists from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University created an editor-compiler in 1985 "E-workshop"(“E” - in honor of Ershov), allowing you to enter, edit and execute programs in an algorithmic language.

In 1986, a set of educational worlds (performers) was released for the “E-workshop”: “Robot”, “Draftsman””, “Two-legged”, “All-terrain Vehicle”, which allow you to simply introduce the concepts of the algorithm. “E-workshop” was implemented on computers: Yamaha, Corvette, UKNC and became widespread.

This programming language was constantly refined and a description of a later version of the “E-workshop” appeared in a textbook in 1990. The KuMir programming system (“Learning Worlds Set”), which supports this textbook, was released by the InfoMir enterprise in 1990. The language of this system is also called “Idol”.

In 1995, KuMir was recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as the main educational material in the course “Fundamentals of Computer Science and computer technology"Based on the textbook by A. G. Kushnirenko, G. V. Lebedev and R. A. Svoren. .


However, it should be noted that the algorithmic language, in the absence of details connecting it directly with the computer architecture, nevertheless, referring to Algolo-like languages, implicitly teaches schoolchildren to rely on the von Neumann architecture of machines. (The von Neumann architecture is a practical implementation of an earlier idea called the Turing machine. In addition to Turing's idea, there are other ideas. The most popular of them is called Lambda calculus: Alonzo Church worked on it. A Lisp machine is an architecture that is based on Lambda -calculus.)


  • A. P. Ershov. Algorithmic language in the school course on the fundamentals of computer science and computer technology. 05/07/1985
  • Forum on Russian programming languages ​​and development tools

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Russian algorithmic language” is in other dictionaries:

    Algorithmic language is a formal language used to write, implement, or study algorithms. Every programming language is an algorithmic language, but not every algorithmic language is suitable for use as a language... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Dragon (meanings). An example of a block diagram of an algorithm in the DRAGON language dragon diagram DRAGON (Friendly Russian Algorithmic Language That Provides Visibility) visual... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Algorithmic language. Academic algorithmic language is a formal language used to write, implement, and study algorithms. Unlike most programming languages, it is not tied to ... Wikipedia

    Algorithmic language (also Russian algorithmic language, RAYA) is a programming language used for writing and studying algorithms. When studying computer science in schools, the so-called algorithm is used to study the basics of algorithmization. school algorithmic... ... Wikipedia

    Educational programming language is a programming language designed to teach programming to specialists. Such a language must meet the main requirement: simplicity. The simpler it is, the faster a beginner will master it. The possibilities of such... ... Wikipedia

    An example of a block diagram of an algorithm in the DRAGON language dragon diagram DRAGON (Friendly Russian Algorithmic Language That Provides Visibility) a visual algorithmic language created within the framework of space program Buran. Development of this language ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Pseudocode. Pseudocode is a compact (often informal) language for describing algorithms, using keywords of imperative programming languages, but omitting unimportant details and ... Wikipedia

Assalamu alaikum wa rohmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
“Arabic is the language of the inhabitants of Paradise!” (approximate meaning)
Dear brothers, I ask you to clarify the question regarding this hadith, is it reliable? In general, are these words the words of the Prophet Muhammad, alayhi salaam?
BarakAllahu fikum wa jazakumullahu khair!

Wa alaikum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

At-Tabarani in al-Ausat, from the words of Abu Huraira, reports:
“The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “I am an Arab, the Quran is in Arabic, and the language of the abodes of Paradise will be Arabic.”

Sheikh al-Albani brought him to Silsila al-Da'ifa number 161, saying:

“This hadith is fictitious (maudu’). In reality, there is not a single reliable hadith that explains what language the inhabitants of Paradise will speak, so it is necessary to remain silent and not immerse yourself in conversations about this issue, leaving knowledge about it to Allah Almighty, and engage only in what will lead to committing those acts that will bring benefits in the other world!
Sheikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyya, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked: “What language will people speak on the Day of Resurrection? Will Allah Almighty address people in Arabic? And is it true that the language of the inhabitants of Hell is Persian, and that of the inhabitants of Heaven is Arabic?
To which he replied: “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds! It is unknown what language people will speak on that day, just as it is unknown what language their Lord, great and glorious, will speak to them. Neither Allah Almighty nor his Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, told us anything about this, and it is also not reliable that the language of the inhabitants of Hell will be Persian, and the language of the inhabitants of Paradise will be Arabic. And we do not know that there was any disagreement on this matter among the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them. On the contrary, they refrained from doing so because talking about it is useless. However, disagreement arose among subsequent generations regarding this issue. Some said that they would communicate in Arabic, others said that this does not apply to the inhabitants of Hell, since they will answer in Persian and this is their language in Hell. The third is that people will communicate in Assyrian, since this is the language of Adam, from which all other languages ​​originated. Fourth - that this does not apply to the inhabitants of Paradise, since they will communicate in Arabic. However, none of them has any evidence to support their words, either from reason or from Shariah sources, but these are just statements free from any evidence. Allah Almighty knows better!” See Majmu'ul Fatawa 4/299.
