Children's congratulations to graduates in Ukrainian. Gratitude to teachers and parents from graduates


ZDVR. Good afternoon, shanovnand students, teachers, fathers and guests! Today we have come from the mercy of a special saint. A saint for whom joy and troubles, doom and gloom, childhood and youth are intertwined. This sacredly took away our friendly homeland today: scholars, teachers, fathers.

Quiet melody “Fantasy”.

Ved. 1: It's summer outside...

Our generous summer...

This is a special and unique hour,

When a couple has a childhood and youth

The first low waltz is dancing with you.

Ved. 2: It's summer outside...

Our warm summer...

In every one there is joy and turmoil at the same time.

The axis-axis will seem like a sacred dream,

the light of an unknown cry is in the distance for you!

Ved1: Chernevy evening pіdsumova

Initial stress level -

It is like a miracle

For those who call themselves "Graduate".

Ved2 : Between May and May,

Childhood and the vastness of death,

Otherwise mist, we reached out

Today is graduation evening

ZDVR. Keep in touch with your dearest students,

Smart and tough graduates –

Beautiful, young, dark and burning!

We are blowing loud splashes and asking the graduates of 2014 to rock!

(VIHID of graduates) (Apostle, Amelie, T. Turner)

Music (Name your nickname, im "ya)

ZDVR. Graduation party let's vote

(Music, fanfari)

Locomotive whistle...

Melody “Ocean of Feelings”

1st leader . Life is the eternal station, where we separate, grow together, cry and rejoice. And today we are with you - at the station we say goodbye: to childhood, to school fates. It's time to go. The pull costs more than the weight. And the passengers... Passengers are our current graduates.

2nd leader . We leave you, farewell at our station. But don’t rush to sit at the carriage - you still have an hour before departure.

Song “Farewell Waltz” N. May (victory student)

1st. leading . The skin's heart will be soothed,

Nadia’s vision has not yet faded from her eyes,

The director's word is hoped for,

there floats over you today with joy.

2nd leader . The word goes to the school director _______________.

Ved1 And the hour to fly from evening to early -

A minute later there is no longer a gate.

And soon your desire to leave the republic of childhood

To the Republic of mature life.

Ved2 And so that you don’t waste red coins on your way,

І mother for travel document,

We need to give you a certificate to everyone -

The most important prose ticket!

ZDVR. The word for the complete order about the completion of ________________ ZOSH is given to the intercessor of the director from the initial job ________________

For the Christmastide presentation of certificates of completion of school by 11th grade students, the school principal is requested.


(Awarding certificates to 5 people each)

Melody “Whereleaveschildhood".

Dialogue between presenters:

    1. Travel tickets cancelled.

    2. Pull to rush away

    1.Nezabarom persha zupinka

    2.Who is it that keeps us busy?

Scene: music “Where leaves de T what?

Divchinka :

Hello friends. Didn't you recognize us? Mis from your childhood. We are like that whenever you are. Not very mature, gallant, restless. From the price of Kazkov and the distant edges of childhood.

Boy :

And yet I am happy for you and sing to you. Having received your certificate, you have become so mature and independent. They have taken away so many rights and freedoms that you can simply lose yourself in this new world. For example, you may not be surprised at all at your local school.


And don’t mess with your readers.

Boy :

You have the right to pay or work.

Divchinka :

Otherwise, don’t pay attention and don’t pay attention to the fact that someone in your own home will be so disgusted with you.

Boy :

You have the right to sleep as much as you want, without rushing to the first lesson, (really, __________?)


I wear footwear for a special day.

Boy :

You can become friends and get married, pick up hair, pierce your ears, and other parts of your body.

Divchinka :

Unfortunately, we don’t have such rights. But still, we, future graduates of our school, promise you.


Be good-natured, love sports and finish all your household chores.


Don’t waste your sense of humor in the craziest situations, as if you’ve already lost ____________.

Together: We will not let you down.

Melody “On the road to goodness” (-)

Access to 4th grade students.

1st training . Dear graduates! We are rightfully your successors, you and I share a lot of strength.

2nd study. First, 4th grade, 11th grade – graduation.

3rd training . In other words, we, like you, will have the same great mother.

4th training . So we came to you on a holy day,

To greet you generously.

Would you like to accept honor from us -

We will be a good replacement for you.

5th class. I'll try to read it well

Grow up as good and clean people,

So that you could be prouder of us

I come to visit us.

6th training . And you want to pamper me

Maybutti have great success.

We hope universities get started.

Happy swimming to you as an adult!

Musical number, song “On the Road of Goodness” for 4th grade students.

Ved . The hearts of our graduates are filled with hundreds of feelings. That's what I want to tell you, crazy teachers. We ask before the word of graduates.

Graduates go to gatherings to the music “Turkish March”.

Graduate 1 . Friends! But still, in our school there are the most beautiful...

Graduate 2 . The cutest…

Graduate 3 . The most intelligent...

Graduate 4 . The most advanced..

Graduate 5. Naytalanovitishi...

Graduate 6 . Naylyudyanishi...

Graduate 1 . Most fun...

Graduate 2 . The best teachers!

Graduate 4 . People from the great literature.

People whose hands are full of gold,

Golden heads, and golden hearts!

Graduate 5. People like the days of the greatest words that found the city.

Graduate 6.

We bow down to you,

For love, for turbo, mountain

Graduate 7. We have grown up to become people,

Together: So thank you for your patience

1st issue

The director of the school is well known to us,

The kerivnik is good, I know from wisdom.

There you go now, captain.

There's a storm and a hurricane

May take the helm - not a wretch, but an all-hands job.

(The school principal is given the helm and the controls to music from the cartoon “Stay with us, boy...”

3rd graduate

And - head teachers! They have their own turbo

Boil the folding robot thoroughly.

Know everything: readers and children -

What work is there for them at school!

Graduate 4

Magazines, layouts, lessons,

Lines, collect and gather...

From early morning until night

The head teacher is a bit of a fuss.

I can’t sit still for a while,

Both of them are colleagues and children.

(Hand over inflatable circles and kviti)

Melody “Swan Lake”

Ved. School life begins with the first teacher.

N. May “Song of the first-grader” (against the background of the song, graduates approach the gathering).

Graduate. How funny and fuss-free they are! How many heartless drinks fell on the head of our first reader.

Graduate. ___________________ , _______________ our first readers.

Thank you for your kindness, for your wisdom,

For the skin of the child

Have a piece of your own

Deprived of my soul!

6th graduate. My dear reader, the most beautiful words are yours,

Kindness and respect,

Thank you for everything in life.

Saying goodbye to you with love.

(continuation of the “First-Class Student” song upon presentation of the certificates)

Steam locomotive whistle...

Ved . And the next step in our journey has arrived. “Mentor and mentor - our best kerivnik”!

“Turkish March” (two graduates march to the music).


Graduate 1.

Meni 10th has already passed

Yak pishov in 5th grade

When walking around school

Zustriv in the corridor you

Charming, young, intelligent

M"such, more such,

I immediately thought to myself:

We need readers like these!

Graduate 2.

And everything came to a head.

You are in charge of us

They shared joy and pain

Lead us on school paths

I perceived the beauty of the bachita.

They prepared skits for us

We went on trips, slept

They always encouraged us.

Together: We love you so much!

Ved. From the words of love to their grown children, famous ceramics explode.(Words of classic kerіvniks:___________, ___________.)

Ved. : Another gap passed. The sound comes: “Our tireless teacher is a hard worker”

Performed by graduates of the song “Dear Teachers”

8th graduate.

And the hour is running, our hour is running,

To pass through our fates more beautifully,

And the school sees us off,

The lessons are already over.

9th graduate.

All days at school, all lessons, our faithful comrades were with us - our readers. They helped, advised, instructed and encouraged us to get along.


Ved. Ukrainian language lesson

1. (Graduate and graduate)

    Tell me, _____, why do we call our dear mother’s language?

    More to say to my mother than to my father.


    The next hour of the word “love”?

    “I’m getting married!”

Shanovna, _________!

2nd graduate

We thank you very much for your help in achieving incomplete knowledge of native language and literature. Zavdyaki you are now super - super Ukrainian.

Shanovna, __________!

Thank you for your immediate approach to the vaccinated foreign language. If we had lived in England, then Queen Elizabeth would have sarcastically appreciated our knowledge of the English language and asked us to attend the royal ball.

Shanovna, __________!

Thank you for bringing love to world literature. You will soon lose your love for the classics of world literature.

Sketch “Run for 1st and 11th grade students”

Shanovna, __________!

We have always marveled at your erudition, intelligence and memory for preserving all the dates from the hours of the Neanderthals to the present day.

Scene before physics

    (____) Why are you boasting so much? Are you afraid to ask __________?

    But no: I’m afraid of my own revelations!

Shanovny, __________!

Apparently, you are well served by violating the laws. We know the laws of physics: the more you fall, the more painfully you fall.

Shanovna, __________!

We thank you for your hard work, dedicated to the development of mathematical skills. We have recently learned to grab more than a few fingers and toes, and the pennies that we touch with our hands.

Geography (scene)

    Lord, let London become the capital of Argentina! Lord, let London become the capital of Argentina!...

    Why does it become the capital of Argentina?

    Because I wrote like that at the control robot.

    And what about writing about the Panama Canal?

    But our TV doesn’t take this channel. We're alive in the ravine.


Thank you for unforgettable journeys to the edges of the world between the class.

Biology (scene)

Biology lesson

    Denis, what do you know about the head?

    One head is good, but two are better!

    Let's go. People have two woofs. What's the matter?

    It flew in one way, and flew out in another.

    Eyes on people...

    To look at other people's clothes. Having written it down and order!

    Sit on the seat. They haven’t yet come up with such a ball to appreciate your knowledge.

Shanovna, _________!

Thank you for the extraordinary promotion of love to the wild, creaturely and human world.

A skit about a physical education lesson.

Shanovny, __________!

The physical education teacher instilled in us

Sports tenacity and dexterity

And gradually raised the bar

Physical sports training.

He opened it for usTorecordamall the way

And explained how to achieve a lot,

So that we can walk through life boldly,

Appreciate victories, always strive for them!

Music (presentation of certificates)

Ved . 3 rubles our graduates add up regardless of evaluation.Ved. It’s obvious what’s watching them...

Scene "ZNO"

11th graduate .

Thank you, teachers, I thank you for my soul,

For affection, turbot, love, kindness.

Live long, enjoy this light,

May your flowers bloom forever,

May your home be filled with happiness and laughter,

For your turbos - a low grade for you.

12th graduate.

These are the broad words spoken by the school nurse ____________, who rejoiced obvious illnesses with just one pill!

Together: Hello bulls, _____________________!

13th graduate. Our contribution and those. to the priests who cleaned up the mountains after us, so that our legions would breathe in clean air, and the school would be beautiful and safe.

14th graduate.

We are grateful to our cooks, who worked hard for all of them, so that the sounds of our boat did not bother us to think and pay attention.

Musical number song of graduates “Graduation”

Locomotive whistle.

Ved.1 And our desire is to rush ahead.

Ved.2 The station "Sonyachna" is coming

Ved.1 Why “Sonyachna”?

Ved.2 Because people live here, who combine the warmth of their hearts and turbocharged energy, who are capable of thinking and worrying. At this station, the children will start to cry first and first say “mama”, or maybe “tato”. This is where the real people and peasants live – your fathers.

“Song about parents” K. Der

INunits 1 Motherland, dear homeland!

What could be better than being in this world!

How to value people more

For your father's and mother's house?

Ved. 2 Where love can draw more,

Let's take more kindness

Nizh in the mother's word,

No father's generous hand?

Melody “Song about parents” by K. Der

1st graduate

Mom and dad spent time with us,

Moving from class to class at once.

I had a chance to guess the rules,

Bo often did our homework for us.

2nd graduate.

Matusi went to Fatherland gatherings

I want, however, and then once, maybe twice.

I can’t say what happened after that -

I can’t change cultural words.

3rd graduate.

The bullets “pierced” us, so why bother?

Forgive the swindler, my friend!

More than once you had the opportunity to destroy us -

You were spoiled by your shady fathers.

4th graduate.

Please accept our shield

For our tireless, titanic work.

For those who gave us too much credit

I know you are here with us today.

The word is from fathers.


Blues and daughters, our real children!

The axis of maturity has arrived at an unbearable hour.

You will begin to live independently,

Have a good time, we bless you!


We bless you on a bright path, on a good deed,

We instruct you on the right stitch,

May your share be a happy one.

We wish you a healthy and happy life,

On this earth you will find yourself in labor.

You can reach the world, you can fly.

So, feel free to hit the road while you’re still young!


Take this bread, because it is my father’s homeland

Blessing you as a symbol of life,

Ukraine is alive and well with him,

May your future be with bread.

(fathers give bread to children)


Daily mom and dad

Let's join hands

And we spin around in the tank at the same time.


Saying goodbye to childhood

Stand on the fence

There is a whole life ahead.

Dance with the fathers to the song N. May “Flying Rocks”

ZDVR. Musical support "Lark"

We want to revive one long-standing tradition. A young woman, when she leaves her home, leaves a line for the riddle. And this line warms the hearts of those around her with the hope of returning to Sweden and the happy share of children. We encourage all graduates to wear stitches for their wedding.

Zhovtu is a symbol of sunshine, green is a symbol of beauty and youth. Then weave black - a symbol of the sky and blue - a symbol of water, which gives strength and health. Orange - a symbol of bread, violet - the wisdom of people. Malinova - soulfulness, generosity, Rozheva - prosperity, chervona - love. Together with these lines you deprive May this flower become a mascot, which we choose for you at school in your local school.

Ved.1. Well, that's all. And two or three more chords,

I - goodbye, republic of childhood!

You are on the border! Happy and proud!

And in front of you - the road and the sky are clear!

Ved.2. In the meantime, high music is mooning

And a light-winged waltz circles everyone,

Childhood without turbos is no longer passing,
Life as an adult is already bothering you.

(Waltz starts)


    Voloshin I.V. Good way! Good morning!/To the classy kerivnik. Mustache for robots. - 2012. - No. 4 (40) – p. 32.

    Braiko N.V. Goodbye childishness. /Klassny kerivnik. Mustache for robots. - 2012. - No. 4 (40) – p. 42.

    Palivoda O.M. The last school ball/Klassny kerivnik. Mustache for robots. - 2011. - No. 4 – p. 16.

    Kiktenko L.G. Treasuring the edge of childhood/Vikhovna robot at school.-2014.- No. 4 (113)_p. 14.

    Graduation party: scenarios / V.I. Kovalchuk, O.A. Makarenko. – K: Editorial offices of newspapers with lighting management, 2013.-116-(School World Library).

Kotiga Tetyana Yosypivna

Graduation 2019 is an important event in the life of every graduate, this is the beginning of an important and very responsible stage in life and farewell to childhood. Sincere congratulations on graduation from parents and teachers in prose and poetry, as well as gratitude from graduates - read further in the material.

Each school chooses its own date - but most schools chose June 22, this is the first Saturday after the end of the EPE. They prepare for graduation in advance - they select dresses, hairstyles, gifts. Parents and teachers prepare congratulations so that on this important day they can say words that will be remembered for a lifetime.

We have collected for you sincere and warm congratulations to graduates and gratitude from graduates to teachers and parents who will make this day unforgettable!

Congratulations on graduation 2019 in prose

Here comes, perhaps, one of the most important days in your life - graduation. There are so many paths trodden around the school, and so many roads open in new life. I wish you to always remember with warmth your school years, school friends and, of course, the teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary things. I wish you to do right choice and take the path that will help you master your beloved and the right profession, bypass all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you want now, because your future depends on it.

Our dear and dear graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from school! We wish everyone smooth roads and fair winds! May there be a lot of goodness in your life, may there always be love in your heart, and may there be friends nearby who will support and help! May it all be yours cherished dreams will come true in the best possible way, and with perseverance, courage and patience you will overcome all troubles and overcome all obstacles!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation 2019 in prose

Another stage in your life has ended. You are moving into adulthood. Therefore, we want to say some parting words to you. Always follow your dreams and don’t give up, find happiness in life and don’t miss it. Good luck and success to you on the difficult but very interesting path of life. Today you leave home school, and everything that awaits you in adult life, now it depends only on you. Here you were taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, and sensitive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to treat knowledge with care, that is, they gave us the basis of what it is impossible to become a real Man with a capital “H” without! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply and cultivate in yourself best qualities. We wish your dreams come true. Good luck to you, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Your graduation has arrived, and I congratulate you on it. I would like to wish you prudence and strength for your future adult life. Let life give pleasant surprises, may your path be easy and sunny. I wish you happy good days, good health, and also a bright beacon ahead that will help you make the right choice.

School time is over! Over the years, you have all matured and from touching chicks have turned into real birds, ready to fly with their wings spread. There's a long way ahead interesting life, and we wish everyone to find their own path. Let all the knowledge and skills that you acquired at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and let the people who have been with you all these years remain in everyone’s heart for a long time. Bon Voyage!

Congratulations on your graduation and I wish with all my heart to boldly step onto the path of adulthood, taking with you your dream and warm childhood memories. May good luck and persistent character, support of loved ones and good mood help you in everything.

Congratulations on graduation 2019 in prose from teachers and parents

You have already received your start in life, but you have closed the door to childhood forever. So let graduation be your starting point for a journey through a happy and eventful youth. May youth give you a million chances, most of which will find a response in your heart and be successfully implemented. Let all the chosen roads be correct, and let the temptation to turn onto a narrow path not force you to abandon the right chosen goal.

The melodies of the school ball sound. How wonderful it is! Remember this day, because it will never happen again. I wish you to become good and honest people. Always achieve your goal. Let your life path will start with high level. Never lower the bar. I would like to wish you to meet a true, honest, only love for life. Take care of your souls and hearts.

Happy graduation! As you know, all doors open for young people. May the doors you choose lead you to happiness, joy and accomplishment. Let what you achieve make your family and your teachers proud of you and remember your school days with nostalgia.

It’s such a thing in life that time flies unnoticed during pleasant moments. School years have flown by just as quickly; many people are afraid of the unknown ahead. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of it, everything will definitely work out in life for everyone, you just need to make a little effort and bravely overcome difficulties. Most of you will become students and experience many more wonderful moments, but the school will remain in your hearts for the rest of your life. After all, here they helped you turn from dull first-graders into glorious young men and women. Keep your thirst for life and knowledge and don’t be afraid of difficulties!

Dear children, today is your first serious anniversary - graduation from school. During these school years there were some failures, but there were many more successes! Let the number of pleasant moments only increase in the future of your destiny, and let troubles pass you by. We wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires and a successful choice of profession. May your life be as bright as this graduation!

Congratulations on graduation 2019 in verse

Forget-me-nots bouquet malia
The dawn is on your chest,
The path is unforgiving, but clear,
There are good people for you.
Take all the good things from school from life,
And reading wisdom, and a chance to see friends,
May your lot be easy,
Let me love you and come here.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation 2019 in verse

Don’t ruin the “people” in your heart,
Bring half a word to the world of “truth”,
Don't fight, love Ukraine,
Take care of your honesty.
The horns of the falcon wing,
Ensign "will" burn down,
Hi bear Your arms are blowing
The best they can be are fair winds.
May the road be happy,
You choose the one among everyone.
Remember and pray to God,
May the soul not be desecrated by sin.
Don't forget your friends any more,
And then, as a holy “command”,
What is mom,
є reader,
є school,
Kotri was brought to you in the world.

Today is the last time at school,
Like a scientist. Already tomorrow - like guests.
You will remember school more than once in your life,
The fates are simple and difficult.
You have seen a lot in life,
Everything stinks from school.
It’s important to forget about people
The greatest school years.

How to master all sciences thoroughly
And summer will come to the region
Don’t forget, I’m happy about school
Don't forget about your readers.
Don't forget, this is the first lesson
For fear of lying, you will miss it.
Like getting tired during the break
Learn physics and write it down.
Yak at physical education class
You smashed the window with a ball.
Don’t forget, like all the best
After lessons we went to the cinema.
Don't forget your mother's office,
I cried at my daughter more than once,
Don't forget to come scholіta.
Until those who love us so deeply.
How to master all sciences thoroughly
And summer will come to the region
Don’t forget, I’m happy about school
Don't forget about your readers.

Shanovny graduates! What would you like
On the threshold of a new life?..
First for everything: appreciate your father and mother,
Do not spare them your warmth.
Do not harm or harm anyone,
One hastens to repay goodness for goodness.
Don’t fix it again for the sake of Fatherland:
You can’t find happiness in someone else’s land.
Don't forget Kalinova's language,
Remember your mother’s songs.
Guess what you want about the school:
Here rocks of gold were lost.
Don't fight for nothing,
Because people's beauty lies only in their work.
Tell us about the goodness of Ukraine:
May you be happy on earth.
May I bless you forever and ever.
Do not know grief and pain.
May your faithful friends on the road,
Life is easier with them.

Poetic congratulations on graduation 2019 from parents and teachers

I'll pave your way,
Hi love stick ide
Keep in step with you.
I wish you a share of good things,
Zoryanikh Svitankiv,
Good luck to you
Lower warm mornings...
Kind of warmth from the valleys of the Fatherland
Gain strength
І steer course with the world
No fuss, beautiful!
High in the heart blossoms
The laugh is happy.
Let's fly to the light, little birds,
Zgraya gominliva!
Hail goodness sow generosity
Soon enough,
Smell like apple blossom
Your generation.
Please fill your heart
Kohannya music,
To dedicate to our holy dreams
All your daring!
Peles from the Trojans
I'll pave your way,
Hi love stick ide
Keep up with you!

The enchanting time of childhood has passed,
Rocky school, we passed and missed,
The baby birds are getting ready to straighten the krill,
Raise the wind in the boundless sea of ​​life!
May God bless you, have a good journey,
So that it led you only upward, a wide path,
I wish you good luck, success, achievement,
There is a lot of fire on the way of life!

Gratitude to teachers and parents from graduates

The school bells rang,
Eleven fates have all passed through lessons,
From that hour we arrived as little ones,
And now we are graduates.
The school led us along the path of knowledge.
Becoming a dear and friendly class circle.
And first of all I will charge you with us
Our school teacher is a great friend.
I really want to walk through the corridors,
Almost whispers, overcome the scream.
Take a Kviti from the Great Mountain
And throw them all the way to the teacher.

Gratitude from parents from graduates 2019

I remember the day and hour,
If pishov is first class,
When you sit at your desk first
I'm checking the line...
As soon as I read the word,
I just wrote a letter,
And the first readers of the words,
What bread is a headache for everyone.
Stop losing yourself in me
Children of the autumn world,
Stezhina in the Rosyani field
And my first reader.
I remember that love
What brings a new light to life.
A friend in white,
What I often dreamed about...
I remember the day and hour,
When I leave the rest of the class.
The school bell rings in my chest,
And I called, and I called...
Stop losing yourself in me
Young people's worlds,
Stezhina in the Rosyani field
And my first reader.

The school chime rang out
When you grow up, life begins.
Thankfully we were all given certificates
A trip into the unknown may come

It happened that our daughters were silent,
Having forgotten the theorem, what are you doing?
Thank you for cooking it well,
Chanters, dear teachers

And with the skin's rock the sung rock
We moved from you from class to class
For your kindness and for our concern
We loved you deeply and tenderly

For those. what were you for father and mother,
They taught us to live honestly on earth,
Why weren’t they in a hurry to give us deuces,
Thank you, dear teachers

Lessons have already disappeared
We won’t be able to pass the exam anymore
Nine years have passed
And today we would like to say

What will we do honestly in this world?
Be creative, be creative, as you taught us,
We love our land endlessly,
How can anyone of you work today?

Shanovna (my first reader)!
Reader Naypersha, dear,
Well, why shouldn’t you make noise at this hour?
For those who are wise, generous, and thoughtful
You gave everything for us
Listen to others –
As we will no longer be
Your souls opened up, giving children knowledge.
How funny and small they were when they showed up at school
How sensible we are in life today.

Gratitude to teachers from graduates 2019

Shanovna (im "I'm a classy kerivnik)!
I want to say a broader word -
I'll never know again.
I say happiness to the world
I am a great potter.
You have immeasurably accepted us
Good, in order every time
I, how much strength was lost,
Decent people were taken from us.
For the love that they gave,
The children's hearts played,
For all our deeds you are without a smile,
Thank you dearly and greatly!

The day is uncertain and the day is fortunately generous
May Fathers be in my life.
So it’s alive, friends, it’s broad and dark,
And like our fathers we do good.

We bend low to the ground
To all the fathers who came before us on a holy day.
Accept the slope, shanovni, roads
And the dearest people in the world are mom and dad.
