Animal rights organizationsgreen and mink and sable fur products. Why are animal defenders needed? Companies that fight for animal rights

The rebel Pink is capable of biting to pieces those who offend our smaller brothers. And if she sees a person who is dressed in real fur or leather, then it’s a lost cause... Pink was not afraid to write an angry letter to Prince William, where she expressed her attitude towards tradition in a rather harsh manner royal family- fox hunting, and reprimanded Elizabeth II herself for the abundance of fur in her wardrobe and on the shakos of the guards.

In the fight for her beliefs, the girl exposed herself for a charity photo shoot, the motto of which was the phrase:

“It’s better to go naked than to wear fur made from the skins of killed animals.”

Today, September 8, in honor of the 36th birthday of singer Pink, a true vegetarian and member of the PETA organization, we decided to gather other celebrities who ardently protect animals and promote vegetarianism.

A pretty blonde, an ambitious actress and the passion of boxer Vladimir Klitschko does not eat products of animal origin (although, according to other sources, she sometimes betrays her gastronomic beliefs and allows herself something from the menu of meat and fish eaters for lunch). What Hayden really can't change is PETA and the Forest Defense Fund. The girl transfers fabulous sums to these organizations. In addition, in 2007, the actress was almost arrested for participating in a charity protest against dolphin hunting. Everything turned out well for the girl - she did not go to prison, attracted the attention of the media and concerned people to the problem, and also received a special award from PETA, which she is proud of to this day.

This guy is known around the world for his role as Spider-Man, as well as for his beliefs about animal products. He became a vegetarian (although Toby himself positions himself as almost a vegan) at the age of 19: “I’m almost a vegan: I don’t eat eggs or dairy products: no cheese or milk. True, sometimes I eat honey and milk chocolate. I have never had a desire to eat meat. Rather, it was not an easy time for me when I was fed it as a child.” Toby has another funny trick - the actor does not allow people into his home who come to him in leather or fur clothes, because he does not want the smell of death to hover in his house. Guests leave all these elements at the entrance to the celebrity’s house.

Charlize is not only a vegetarian, but also an active member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and represents them in an anti-fur advertising campaign. On the Internet the most famous poster featuring Theron is a photograph of her together with her beloved dog. The inscription on the poster reads:

“Animals that are killed for their fur and skin are no different from our domestic animals - the only difference is that the latter have someone to care for.”

Charlize and the poster shout that living beings should not suffer for the whims and pleasure of people. The actress herself does not change her principles and does not wear fur and leather items.

The five-time Oscar nominee and confirmed Hollywood bachelor has not remained aloof from the issue of animal welfare. Leo was helped to take the right path by his longtime friend, Tobey Maguire, who showed the actor that a person can get by just fine. plant products and avoid animal materials in clothing. In 2010, Leonardo even came to St. Petersburg for an international forum dedicated to the conservation of tigers and donated $3 million to their benefit. Yes, in addition to protecting animal rights, Leo is a convinced fighter for the environment - he switched to an environmentally friendly car, equipped his mansion with a solar battery, appears in short documentary films dedicated to ecology, and actively speaks at conferences. Wow! But you can’t tell by his appearance and manners that this handsome man and ladies’ man can show mercy to the animal world and fight for the environment.

After 8-year-old Natalie attended a medical conference with her father and saw how surgical laser“tormenting” the poor chicken, the girl flatly refused to eat meat. At the age of 15, the actress refused other animal products, explaining her decision by saying that she did not want to eat at the expense of the suffering of our little brothers. Only during pregnancy did Portman return from veganism to vegetarianism in order to provide for her body and baby essential microelements. Every year, Natalie’s beliefs only become stronger; she is an active member of PETA and does not wear clothes made of leather, fur or feathers. The actress even created her own shoe brand, which uses exclusively artificial materials. In general, Natalie not only talks about protecting animals, but also tries to minimize their killing for the sake of fashion.

Former member The Beatles Sir Paul McCartney, according to some sources, became a vegetarian as a child after watching the cartoon “Bambi”; according to others, his now deceased wife Linda Eastman convinced him to switch to such a diet. Together with Linda, Paul actively fought for animal rights, was a member of the PETA organization and opposed genetically modified foods. In 2008, Sir McCartney spoke out against the killing of kangaroos and tried to persuade Americans to stop eating turkey for Thanksgiving. Few people listened to the musician, but at least he tried. Interestingly, Paul's daughter, designer Stella McCartney, is also a member of PETA and does not use leather and fur in her outfits, replacing them with artificial materials.

Lily's doll face cannot be ignored among the ordinary and similar friends on other models. Thanks to her unusual appearance, Lily can make candy out of nothing, and also draw people's attention to the problem of killing animals for profit. The supermodel is an active member of the Society for the Protection environment, often donates considerable sums to animal shelters. In 2005, having learned that during the show the designer was using items made from natural fur, Lily refused to go on the catwalk, paying a large penalty. However, the supermodel cannot yet completely give up animal products: “I am a dedicated vegan... which means that I am trying to be a vegan, but it is not always easy. Even if I eat non-vegan food, I try to maintain my attitude."

Svetlana Misnik(born December 16, 1992) - life-style journalist, a philosopher by primary education, and a lawyer by secondary education. Since the age of 15, he has been writing for,,, about psychology, celebrities and beauty.. He values ​​honesty in people, his favorite pastime is watching good movies, and his personal recipe Have a good mood- beach holiday.

James Gandolfini - animal activist

On June 19, 2013, the wonderful actor James Gandolfini, known to us from the TV series “The Sopranos” and the comedies “Get Shorty,” “The Mexican” and many others, died (in total, James starred in more than 40 films).
Unfortunately, James is less known as an animal advocate. It was kind and fair man, who has done a lot to ensure that dogs from shelters and, in particular, pit bulls can find a home and a new family. He carried out enormous explanatory work in order to reverse the negative attitude towards pit bulls, to explain to people that a dog is plasticine in the hands of its owners - whatever you sculpt, that’s what it will be.

James Gandolfini

His latest film, Animal Rescue, currently in post-production, demonstrates the actor's involvement in this endeavor.
Director Michael Roskam said he was eager to make the film with James and was proud to have worked with him. This film will be dedicated to his memory, Michael added.

Many animal advocates hope the film will achieve James' goal of dispelling myths about pit bulls.
The premiere of the film "Animal Rescue" is expected in 2014.
Based on materials from

Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke and Foxy

In addition to outstanding acting talents, Mickey Rourke also has kind hearted. He has been a big dog lover for many years and has made significant contributions to help disadvantaged four-legged animals.

Last year, during filming in Romania, a stray dog ​​followed him, the actor adopted it and took it back to his homeland after filming. The four-legged creature was given the name Foxy.

In Romania, the issue of stray animals is especially acute, lives on the streets great amount unfortunate four-legged animals, they are often cruelly treated and die of hunger. The actor was so shocked by what he saw that he firmly decided to save not only Foxy, but also help others in need.

Currently, Rourke is creating a shelter designed for 100,000 four-legged animals that die every day on the streets of Bucharest. The actor plans to raise $2,000,000; he made his first donation personally in the amount of $250,000. On this moment Little information is available on planned charitable programs; it is possible that a spay/neuter program will be introduced to reduce further populations.

Despite his busy schedule, the actor plans to personally supervise the process and travel to Romania on all issues that arise. The actor is currently in the process of purchasing land for a shelter the size of a football field. Mickey Rourke warned potential investors that he would not allow anyone to get rich at the expense of unfortunate four-legged animals, and would not allow them to turn a charitable project into a profitable business.

The famous actor’s affection for dogs began a long time ago. Even while receiving a Golden Globe award in 2009, he mentioned his pets in his acceptance speech. Rourke said that sometimes when a person finds himself alone, the only creature that will always remain nearby is a dog.

The actor is sure that it was four-legged pets that helped him cope with long-term depression. During that difficult period, he did not leave the house for 5 months. But one day, looking at the devotees dog eyes, the actor realized that if it wasn’t him, they would be lost, and he found the strength to overcome his apathy. Then the dogs saved the actor, now he intends to help as much as possible more quadrupeds.

Leo Grillo

Throughout his adult life, actor Leo Grillo believed that he could convince people not to abandon their pets, which suddenly became unnecessary in the deserts of California. But it didn’t work out... Then he organized a shelter for such animals and he managed to save more than 1,500 four-legged animals.

The actor first came up with this idea 35 years ago, when he rescued a Labrador mix named Delta. A year later, during While walking with Delta, he came across three dozen abandoned dogs. Since then, Grillo began regularly driving along this section of the highway in search of other unfortunate four-legged animals.

The actor admitted that this kind of spectacle literally sucks the life out of him; it is very painful to see these abandoned, unnecessary, but faithful and devoted creatures.

Grillo did everything in his power to go out and treat these dogs, and at the same time the organization DELTA Rescue (Dedication & Everlasting Love to Animals) was created. Today, she cares for more than 1,500 dogs, cats and horses. DELTA is the nation's largest non-euthanasia organization.

DELTA was founded in 1979, the shelter is located on an area of ​​115 acres, the annual budget is about $8 million, and there are 50 people on staff. The shelter operates 24/7 Vet clinic, there is even its own fire department with three special vehicles.

Dr. Gaylord Brown met the actor in 1985 when Grillo came to see him with a downed dog. The doctor was surprised when, after announcing the impressive cost of treatment, Grillo said that it did not matter, the main thing was that the four-legged one survived.

Funds for the maintenance of the shelter come through electronic donations, and Grillo is actively developing and implementing Newest technologies to attract investment. Each resident has personal housing at his disposal, for dogs there are insulated kennels, for cats there is a special house and an interior room in case of frost. There are also small pools.

Grillo persuaded Dr. Brown to leave private practice and join DELTA. At that time, the hospital was still under construction. Today it is a well-equipped clinic with modern equipment and qualified medical personnel.

The shelter does not accept animals that the owners want to give up. Only homeless animals live in DELTE. Despite a large number of inhabitants, the actor to this day combs the area near the California deserts to save animals from painful death. Grillo does not hide the fact that animals are his passion and he treats them like children.

Animal defender "Kharkov style" - who is he? IN Lately a certain stereotype of an animal rights activist has developed in society: aggressive people who constantly threaten someone from TV screens and from newspaper pages, demanding that the authorities build a shelter for animals (despite the fact that the shelter is already under construction!), demanding sterilization and return to the place of capture flocks stray dogs(despite complaints from Kharkov residents about bites) and cursing the media for writing and talking about the supposedly far-fetched danger posed by stray animals.

Because of this, some people who were previously actively involved in helping homeless animals and considered themselves animal rights activists are now ashamed to publicly identify themselves as such, and continue to help animals in trouble alone, without publicity.

But there are many very worthy and noble people among animal defenders. It is a pity that their name is being discredited by mentally unstable individuals who are simply dangerous to society and who also consider themselves animal defenders.

Let's call these latter - zoo extremists. Extremists - because they AT ANY COST defend their beliefs. Their favorite methods are pickets and rallies, and shouting and false accusations of opponents have become their business card! They have already achieved that ordinary townspeople began to shy away from the expression “animal defender”, considering them inadequate and mentally dangerous people.

Animal extremists highly extol the love of animals and cultivate hostility towards their fellow humans. Their worldview: “The life and well-being of an animal is higher and more valuable than the life and well-being of a person.”

These are people who want homeless animals to always live on the streets of our city and do not care that there are people who do not agree with this and that animals also suffer from such a life. They advise such “dissenters” to seek treatment from a psychiatrist for a phobia associated with the fear of dogs. Not knowing that they themselves are in dire need of the help of a doctor of such a specialty.

Not only did there already exist an unpleasant stereotype of an animal defender - a “sweet” old woman who, hating and cursing her neighbors, feeds a flock of stray dogs or an army of cats near the entrance. So, zoo extremists have also been added!

And how, in such a situation, can we achieve respect for animal protection, how can we make this movement fashionable among young people (as is happening in the West), how can we awaken in people love and compassion for all living things, when the face of an animal extremist, distorted with rage, is looking at us from TV screens? shouting curses at city authorities who are trying to protect citizens from stray dogs?

In such a situation, you cannot envy the truly warm-hearted and noble animal defenders who help our little brothers not with shouts, but with real actions: they pick them up from the streets, sterilize them, treat them and find them owners.

Animal rights slang (Slang of the animal protection community, Dog rights activist slang) are words in the Russian language that have a unique meaning that is different from the commonly used one. They are actively used in animal protection forums “Pesikot”, “Poteryashka”, “”, etc., corresponding thematic LiveJournal communities, spoken by speakers at rallies in defense of stray dogs, as well as in articles in the media, written, as a rule, by journalists, sharing the ideas of protecting animal rights.

The peculiarity of Russian animal rights defenders, as well as their slang, is giving human qualities to stray dogs. Dog hunters argue that the active protection of stray dogs is the main subject of activity of animal rights activists in Russia and some CIS countries. They are accused of stereotypical language, sentimental attitudes towards stray animals and aggression towards opponents. Animal rights activists themselves believe that love for animals, including stray dogs, is a manifestation of humanism.

Original Means
Girl Bitch
The girl has dangerous days/ The dog is walking Estrus
Mother Puppy bitch
Family Dog pack
  • male
  • common noun
  • Dog puppies
  • Homeless dogs
Child Puppy
Homeless / Homeless / Free Dogs Stray dogs
Flayer organizations Sanitary services catching dogs
  • Doghunters and their sympathizers
  • Employees of municipal sanitary services catching dogs.
  • Euthanasia of unclaimed dogs for which there is no money to maintain them using humane methods in a shelter, veterinary clinic, etc.
  • All other killings of dogs
The killers
  • Sanitary workers catching stray animals
  • Dog hunters poisoning stray dogs
  • Hunters shooting dogs
Overexposure An apartment in a Khrushchev-era building, or less often a house in the private sector, turned by its owner (less often by its owner) into a shelter for homeless animals.
Cruelty Calls to ensure sanitary safety of the urban environment and catch stray dogs
Guardian / Curator / Saucepan Maker A citizen (less often a citizen) who loves stray dogs, but does not intend to take them home from the street and does not bear any responsibility for their behavior. Protects them from being caught by sanitary services. He brings them hot food in pots. Funds the care of dogs from his own pocket, or with the help of other people who donate money after reading advertisements on the Internet.
Rainbow a place where a dog goes after its death
Runs to the rainbow verb describing the condition of a dead dog
Doha / DH / Serial killers Doghunters
PR Activities for the adoption of stray dogs by posting advertisements with photographs on the Internet or in the media. It is carried out by activists of Internet forums who coordinate their activities there.
If we remove the dogs, the rats will come Stereotypical phrase (according to critics, stray dogs do not have a significant impact on the rat population)
In front of the children A stereotypical phrase in describing scenes of catching or destroying stray dogs
All maniacs started with animals A stereotypical phrase (critics point out that many maniacs, on the contrary, loved animals)
We are responsible for those we have tamed Stereotypical phrase (rearranged quote from " The Little Prince"Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
Our smaller brothers animals
Today a dog is tomorrow your child! a stereotypical phrase aimed at dramatizing the situation associated with the capture (shooting) of stray dogs and hinting that children may be the next victims.
(Good) pens people who voluntarily agreed to adopt a dog
Minishelter standard apartment with a hostess who keeps a dozen or more animals there
Collar A charm that animal rights activists put on stray dogs to protect them from being caught, critics point out that the method is ineffective
Promotion an event where representatives of the animal protection community gather with their unadopted pets (usually in the most crowded places) in order to find “good hands” (see above)
Metis Any mongrel that, for the purpose of quick adoption, is given, according to an advertisement, the exterior features of a particular breed. So, a donut tail means a husky mix. Short legs- Dachshund mix. The red spots above the eyes are a Rottweiler mix.

see also


Animal rights activist slang relates to the topic “Zoo Conflict”