Work program on "Russian for foreign citizens". The work program of the academic discipline

Lev Borisovich Filonov is one of the few Russian psychologists whose name is included in the First Biographical Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. He created the first laboratory of psychological anthropology in Russia, was engaged in research into the dynamics of the mental development of the individual, the allocation of socio-biological determinants of crime in the course of anthropogenesis. He contributed to the emergence of a new sub-industry in domestic and world legal psychology - the psychology of interrogation: Lev Borisovich Filonov, who had two higher educations - psychological and legal, chose this issue (at the junction of psychology and law) as the topic of his doctoral dissertation. His research also enriched legal science - forensic ethics.

Lev Borisovich Filonov is one of the few Russian psychologists whose name is included in the First Biographical Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. He created the first laboratory of psychological anthropology in Russia, was engaged in research into the dynamics of the mental development of the individual, the allocation of socio-biological determinants of crime in the course of anthropogenesis. He contributed to the emergence of a new sub-industry in domestic and world legal psychology - the psychology of interrogation: Lev Borisovich Filonov, who had two higher educations - psychological and legal, chose this issue (at the junction of psychology and law) as the topic of his doctoral dissertation. His research also enriched legal science - forensic ethics.

Lev Borisovich Filonov took part in the Great Patriotic War, carried out important and dangerous combat missions associated with military intelligence service.

Lev Borisovich was distinguished by the fact that he openly and clearly expressed his position, even if it was contrary to generally accepted canons.

The current state of Russian education is defined by many scientists, scientists and cultural workers as critical. Lev Borisovich believed that some of these problems are of a psychological nature and require the close attention of psychologists. The problematic questions formulated by him make it possible to highlight pain points in this area and concentrate efforts on solving them.

Lev Borisovich Filonov was a tireless and not indifferent researcher. This is how he appears in the interview, which, unfortunately, the scientist did not have a chance to see published.

- Lev Borisovich, why at one time, choosing between jurisprudence and psychology, did you choose psychology?

- Probably due to the fact that from the very beginning I was interested in various offenses and could not accept the explanation that the offense is exclusively a defect of legal awareness. This position dominated at that time in Soviet science. In other words, my professional choice was determined by the problem of deviations in behavior that interested me, which further contribute to the commission of illegal acts and especially crimes. Legal education allowed me to navigate in legally significant structures associated with violation of norms, and provided an opportunity to collect the necessary practical material (materials of criminal cases, reviews of judicial practice in criminal cases, etc.). Psychological education gave me an advantage over lawyers in explaining wrongdoing.

“Legal awareness” is a legal category, but its meaning cannot be understood without understanding the essence of consciousness as a way of reflecting objective reality, including that mediated by law. I started with the problem of identifying those traces that remain in the psyche after exposure to legal "tools". It was psychology that made it possible to study whether there was a violation of the mental processes and states of the criminal's personality, as well as other mental formations, during the commission of the crime, as well as before and after it. Finally, it was significant to trace the paths that determine the emergence and development of deviations. In particular, it was found that the deviations that have arisen in the structure of the personality already acquire an independent meaning and, what is most dangerous, oppose the normal social manifestations of a person (his relations in society, correct role performances).

- You have been engaged in wrestling, sambo for a long time. How has this influenced your life and professional interests?

- Engaging in specific wrestling, which in Russia is called SAMBO (self-defense without weapons), always immerses a person in the atmosphere of making quick decisions. In practice, we can say that this is “chess in one second”. In those sections in which I directed the struggle, I specially cultivated psychological constructions that provide a high degree of reflection, that is, anticipating the partner's responses and re-building new actions for responses to achieve the final result ("reflexive link"). Psychological experiments were specially carried out to establish "winning positions" when knowing the initial or expected qualities of a partner. It seemed essential to establish the enemy's psychological contour and correlate his probabilistic actions with this contour. Together with the honored sambo coach A.A. Kharlampiev, we planned to write a book: "Psychology of individual combat tactics."

My former partners in the section, Professor Mukhamed Kanshobievich Kabardov and Professor Viktor Fedorovich Petrenko, attest to the important role of psychological immersion in the sambo wrestling system. So, M.K. Kabardov says: “The constant experiences of“ the joy of victories ”and their foresight are significant here. Defeats are also essential, as moments that ensure the ascertaining (and collection) of random errors. In other words, it is learning to avoid mistakes. "

Please note that V.V. Putin is not only fond of sambo wrestling, but also cultivates this sport in every possible way. Analyzing his activities in a psychological aspect, it can be assumed that in his successful activities in the international arena (arena of competitions), he correlated with the skills and abilities acquired in the course of mastering sambo techniques and immersion in the atmosphere of wrestling.

- How do you feel about the prevalence of various kinds of questionnaires - both in scientific research and in practical diagnostics, for example, when hiring? Why is the experimental method as a fundamental method of scientific psychology practically not in demand today?

- The question you raised seems to be both modern and timely. Indeed, extremely simple solutions to problems by posing arbitrary questions are not directly related to objective scientific knowledge. Each one formulates the question as he pleases, without reference to the problem that gave rise to this question. Moreover, the construction of the questions does not appear to be formatted. There is also no idea about the use of the initial characteristics of the object concerning which the questions are being raised. There is no understanding of the designs of individual components that are part of the structure of any system. The questions often do not correspond to the conditions that gave rise to them. R. Cattell quite figuratively defined the question as a "diluted situation". This "dilution" or, more precisely, "fuzziness" is a serious defect in the questionnaires. It seems that in this case, the receipt of artifacts is possible. In addition, the heterogeneity of the constructs of the questions posed gives a picture that, in principle, is erroneous. You have correctly noted that questionnaires can cause the greatest harm in practice, including in cases when there is a personality diagnosis when hiring. Self-reporting, which is the basis of the questionnaires, cannot serve as a guarantor of the objectivity of the data.

General conclusion: in order to improve the quality of questionnaires, it is necessary to create a unified agreed scheme for posing questions and, most importantly, to design and correlate them with the requirements of diagnostic tasks. At the same time, it is important to understand that the results of the questionnaires, due to their a priori unavoidable subjectivity (the subject always manipulates, thinks how it is more profitable for himself to answer, not to mention the fact that he does not always understand the essence of the questions), it is imperative to duplicate more reliable experimental methods. ...

Additionally, you ask "why is the experimental method not widespread?" An experiment is a more reliable method, but it is more time-consuming and resource-intensive. To conduct an experimental study, it is necessary to create principles, installations, and technologies. And most importantly, not only the development of a good experimental technique, but also its implementation requires high professionalism. The questionnaire is easier: I handed out the forms, then collected the forms, then processed them. And then it is not clear: do the data of the questionnaire correspond to reality, did the respondent cheat? Only experiment can find out. It is possible to use the self-report method in primary research, as some graduate students do correctly, but in-depth research requires more objective methods.

- Once you said that you were afraid of the onset of 60 years old, because you assumed that you would not be in demand in retirement. How is it psychologically correct to move from one age stage to another?

- Indeed, such a state took place, and it was experienced as difficult for a person who had not yet managed to realize his plans and goals. But by the will of fate, the employer's attitude towards a person who wants to realize his goals and has the potential for this turned out to be favorable. Moreover, the very constant striving to obtain new results or to confirm the correctness of previously obtained results gave rise to a desire to deal with the problems of related branches of psychology. Currently, in my field of attention are not only issues of legal psychology and issues related to the construction of diagnostic methods (school of complex personality diagnostics). I have a burning desire to work in a newly opened field of activity that is related to psychological anthropology. Unfortunately, the activity of the laboratory of psychological anthropology at the Russian Institute of Culture of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is currently suspended.

I say "unfortunately" because this direction that studies communication is focused not on conflict, but on contact. It is assumed that contact interaction will prevail over conflict interaction in the future. In other words, preference will probably be given not to conflictology, but to contactology. For example, a number of controversial issues in conflictology are resolved with the help of a compromise, while in contactology it is proposed to establish relationships (and change relationships) using the principle of “complementarity”, that is, mutual complementarity. In this case, the emphasis of each of the participants in the communication process will be shifted to seeking improvements in the newly created common system of contacts.

An excursion into my experiences regarding my enthusiasm and involvement in the development of modern problems of psychology shows that age does not play a significant role when a person is engaged in research work, when he is a researcher striving to accomplish all conceived structures and compositions.

Perhaps the famous "Zeigarnik phenomenon" is taking place here. The latter lies in the fact that a person always retains an “unfinished action” in the operative memory, which stimulates a person to be active. This state continues until the goal of the activity is achieved, or rather, until the conceived is completed.

You are asking how it is psychologically correct to move from one age stage to another. This is the correct approach: understanding the need to change periods and being psychologically prepared for this. There is even a training where a special "state change model" is being worked out.

- Which psychologist had the greatest influence on your professional development?

- Initially and most fundamentally I was influenced by Petr Alekseevich Shevarev, who, like all the employees of his laboratory of perception and memory at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (now PIRAO), instilled both the desire and the desire to delve into modern issues of psychology, especially those that associated with the mechanisms of construction and formation of both mental processes and psychological states. Naturally, the general influence on all researchers was exerted by the atmosphere created by Anatoly Aleksandrovich Smirnov at the Institute of Psychology. It can be said that all the staff of the institute had a noticeable influence on everyone who aspired to conduct experiments and create their own line of research. It was a powerful experimental psychological base in the USSR. Further, of course, all the ideas of Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev, who invited me to the psychology department of Moscow State University, influenced my professional development. At the faculty, I was most impressed by the attitude of all the staff towards collective scientific discussions. They took place both in departments and in laboratories. Alexander Romanovich Luria set the tone for these discussions.

However, the greatest influence on me was my sister, Lyudmila Borisovna Ermolaeva-Tomina, who was engaged in the research of creativity in the laboratory of Boris Mikhailovich Teplov. It was my sister who drew my attention to the importance of creating in a person the desire for individual creativity. The result of my striving for the new and unknown was the creation of a scientific school of psychological anthropology. It can be assumed that in the future, the most promising and attractive for psychologists will be research in which the use of all the hidden resources of each individual will be programmed.

- At the scientific conference "Psychology as a resource of the national economy of Russia", held in 2005 at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, one of its participants said that psychology, unfortunately, is not a resource of the national economy. What is the significance of psychology for the national economy at the present time?

- Psychology has not yet become an essential resource for the national economy of Russia. Not yet. However, it can be argued that psychology will soon become the first source for obtaining basic and initial information that is significant for all institutions that make up the system of the national economy, naturally, to a greater extent for the humanitarian spheres. Recently, the so-called "anthropological dominance" has appeared. A lot of anthropologies have emerged: political, economic, legal, and even medical and visual. This is explained by the fact that the object of research - a person - is a systemic formation, and this circumstance sets numerous trajectories for its study. The study began not just of the human factor, but of separate, clearly divided psychological determinants that influence the functioning and development of various sectors of the national economy.

Among this stream of research, in my opinion, research on the creative potential of the individual looks the most promising. Among the triad “individual”, “personality”, “individuality”, the most essential element is precisely “individuality”. It is this composition that "figuratively", as in ikebana, orients the individual towards the search for optimal solutions in all spheres of the national economy.

- Currently, only the lazy does not discuss the problems of Russian education. What, in your opinion, are the most significant problems of modern education in Russia and which of them are of a psychological nature?

- There are many of these problems, I will list some of them and formulate them in the form of questions.

    Should the requirements of the Bologna standard be exactly copied?

    What should be the ratio of paid and free education?

    Is academic mobility a boon or a waste of resources?

    Do I need to translate education in universities into English?

    Should postgraduate study be an educational level?

    Is the merger of universities, faculties, departments a means of improving the quality of education?

    Should funding for science be grant or budgetary?

This is not a complete list of problems in the educational industry.

I would classify the following problems as psychological problems:

- What should be the distance "teacher - student" when using interactive teaching methods?

- Should upbringing include an element of psychological violence? We force some students to study, using threats of expulsion, etc. How to separate psychological abuse from psychological pressure?

- Is the Unified State Exam a good and adequate means of assessing the preparation of schoolchildren?

This problem also leads to another, which was recently voiced by Minister V. Livanov, about whether students with C grade should be admitted to a university? This sparked a debate in the university community. From the perspective we are considering, this is also the problem of the ratio of the mass and elite character of higher education. This is not only an economic, but also a psychological problem that psychologists must answer.

Interviewed by T.P. Budyakova,

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor,

Yelets State University named after I.A. Bunin

In memory of Lev Borisovich Filonov [Electronic resource] // Psychological and pedagogical research. 2016.V.8. # 1. S.158-162. doi: 10.17759 / psyedu.2016080115. URL: Copy

Has 6 government awards for participation in the Great Patriotic War.

Born on August 1, 1925 in Orienburg, graduated from the Department of Psychology of the Philosophical Faculty of Leningrad State University (1954), Doctor of Psychology (1986), Professor (1988), in the 70-80s F. worked in the system of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, taught at Moscow State Pedagogical University, in the 90s. - Chief Researcher of the Russian Institute of Cultural Studies, Professor of the Department of Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, a member of the Association for the Promotion of the International Academy of Sciences (since 1993). Has 6 government awards for participation in the Great Patriotic War.

Research areas: legal psychology, social psychology, personality psychology, general psychology. Professional activity in psychology began with the study of the processes of perception. Topic of Ph.D. thesis: “On the dependence of the reaction rate of choice on the number of distinctive features” (1963). Later F. concentrates on the analysis of the features of the communicative interaction of people in the conditions of the difficulty of communication, characteristic of the sphere of legal practice. Ph.D. thesis topic: “Psychology of contacts development in conditions of communication difficulties” (1986). In this area, F. developed a method for establishing contacts between a teacher and a pupil, in a situation of interrogating witnesses, as well as in relation to persons suspected of committing crimes (Filonov, 1979), studies the psychology of individuals with deviant behavior (Filonov, 1981; 1983). The main stages, principles and methods of interaction in difficult situations have been identified (Filonov, 1979; 1982).

F. reads courses at Moscow State University and other universities: "Legal psychology", "Psychology of personality with deviant behavior", "Psychology of communication", "Psychodiagnostics (graphology)", prepared 12 candidates of sciences.

Congratulations to the hero of the day Lev Borisovich Filonov - 90 years old.

Congratulations to the hero of the day Lev Borisovich Filonov - 90 years old

To a dreamy person, a great scientist

Lev Borisovich Filonov, doctor of psycho

Logical sciences, professor, specialist

In the field of social and legal psy-

Chology, Academician of the Academies of San Marino,

IANPO, Academy of Imageology, member of the Association

Societies for the Promotion of International Academic

Demi of Sciences.

One hundred in 1925 in the city of Orenburg. Through some

Soon the family settles in Kazan

On the outskirts of the city. According to the stories of L.B. Fi-

Lonova, this determined his further

Destiny. There were two small

The villages to which people were evicted from-

Former punishment. Had to defend

Your safety. Fights became common

Business. But that didn't stop me from having shiny

School grades. From the school bench Leo

Borisovich Filonov went to the front. Twice

Was injured. Has six government

Awards for participation in the Great Patriotic War

The desire to find out what constitutes co-

Fight crime, made me go to study

At the Law Institute of Kazan, graduated

Him with honors and then also with honors

Graduated from the Department of Psychology, Philosopher

Faculty of the Leningrad State

Wall University.

In 1963, Lev Borisovich Filonov

Shielded his Ph.D. thesis on the topic:

"The dependence of the reaction speed of choice

From the number of distinctive features of the

Ekta ". Established in the study,

The dependence was named “the phenomenon

Filonov ". The topic aroused interest among foreign

Safe colleagues. L. B. Filonov was invited

Shen to the international conference in Gol-

Landia, dedicated to the memory of F. Donders,

Then to a conference in Bulgaria on the

To the problems of selectivity in information.

After defending his Ph.D. thesis

He headed the laboratory of forensic psychology

Gii MSU. Head of the Department of Psychology

Moscow state correspondence course

Pedagogical Institute (1986-1990) and

Fedroy of Psychology of the University of Russia

Ski Academy of Education (1992-1994).

At the same time he worked at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

At the Department of Criminalistics and Criminal

Process, taught at the Faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University

Pedagogy and psychology and worked in

Notifications of the head of the laboratory of psychology

Cheskoy Anthropology Russian Institute

Culturology. For ten years of work

Tal at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University

M.V. Lomonosov professor at the departments

Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology.

For a long time, Lev Borisovich Filo-

Nov was studying character traits

A person through the analysis of his handwriting. At-

The method of graphometry has changed - measurement

Handwriting parameters and their correlation with the

New methods of obtaining information

About personality. Interesting results were

Obtained due to the characteristics of the female

And masculine handwriting. Outcome of research

A group of scientists including V.Ya. Dymersky,

L. B. Ermolaeva-Tomina and L.B. Filonova

The work "On the possibility of establishing

Characterological features of personal

Styling by handwriting. " Since 1979, the scientific institute

Teres L.B. Filonov is addressed primarily

To the problem of persons with deviant behavior

Niem and analysis of the characteristics of interpersonal

No interaction in difficult conditions

No communication, in particular, in legal

Practice. In 1986 L.B. Filonov defended

He gives a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Development

The flow of contacts between people in conditions

"Methods of contact interaction",

Which formed the basis of the practice of cooperation

Kov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs during negotiations

With terrorists. Lev Borisovich Filonov -

One of the first course developers

Owls in legal psychology.

Today Lev Borisovich Filonov is active

But he works at the Faculty of Law

Psychology of the Moscow City Psycho-

Logo-Pedagogical University,

Leads master's programs: "Legal

Wild Psychology: Work Technologies

With children and adolescents "and" Legal

Psychology: forensic practice ",

Member of the Dissertation Council D-850.013.01.

38 channels are protected under his leadership.

Number of 7 monographs. Among them: "Psychologist

Gic ways of revealing the hidden

Circumstances ", (1979); "Determination

The emergence and development of negative

A character trait in persons with deviant behavior

Dénia / The psychology of formation and development

Vitality of personality "(M., 1981); "Psychological

Skie aspects of establishing contacts between

People: the technique of contact interaction

Stvia "(Pushchino, NTsBI AN SSSR, 1982); "Psi-

Chological ways of studying personality

The accused: a textbook "(M., 1983);

"Trainings for business communication of employees

Internal affairs bodies with various categories

By Gorges of Citizens "(M., 1992); "Psychological

Pedagogical Anthropology: A Course of Lectures "

(in co-authorship, M .: MGOU, 2003).

L. B. Filonov heads the section of psychological

Gic anthropology in the Moscow department

Research Institute of the Russian Psychological Society,

It brings together psychologists and teachers of different

Scientific schools through the idea of ​​development and

Laziness of a person through various spheres

Its sociocultural manifestations.

Dear Lev Borisovich! Heartily

We are your numerous students, friends,

Colleagues, we congratulate you on your anniversary! Same

We lay health, long and fruitful years

Life, new ideas and creative success!

Editor in Chief

"Scientific Notes of the RSSU"

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