Cancer in the lymph nodes: signs of oncology, how it appears, diagnosis and treatment. Regional lymph nodes of the mammary gland Regional lymph nodes that

Breast lymphadenopathy refers to diseases characterized by enlarged lymph nodes. Since there are more than 500 lymph nodes in the human body, it is recommended in modern medicine to divide their inflammation into localized and generalized.

Localized inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs in 70% of cases, and the occurrence of inflammation in the mammary gland (hilar lymphadenopathy) is diagnosed in 5 - 7% of patients.

With the development of pathological processes in the lymph collection system in the breast, a woman is characterized by an increase and soreness of the lymph nodes directly in the area of ​​the mammary gland and inside it. In order to navigate this pathological process, it is necessary to imagine the anatomy of the blood supply and lymph ducts in the patient's mammary glands and adjacent areas.

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Breast lymphatic system

The female breast is an anatomically complex organ. It is located above the pectoralis major muscle and, due to the structural features of its tissues, has significant mobility. This ability was reflected in the structure of the lymphatic system in this part of the body.

The main group of lymph nodes in the mammary gland is the paramammary system. These formations are usually located on the pectoralis major muscle and connect the axillary lymph nodes of the breast and their ducts.

No less important in the work of the entire system of lymph transport throughout the body is the accumulation of intramammary lymph nodes. Given the large number of different representatives of this group, anatomically, these nodes are divided into external, subscapularis and central. The main load falls on the central lymph nodes. It is thanks to this group that lymph flows from the outer quadrants of the mammary gland into the common lymphatic duct.

From the upper quadrants of the female breasts, the lymph fluid moves independently to the corresponding nodes, which are located in the subclavian space. Like the paramammary lymph redistribution system, the subclavian complex is a representative of the first stage of the lymph nodes in the woman's chest.

A fairly large group in the system is made up of regional lymph nodes in the mammary gland. These include the axillary and the so-called internal group. The regional system of the lymph duct of the mammary gland is located in the region of the pectoralis minor and is subdivided into the lower and middle level, as well as into the apical axillary lymph nodes. Internal regional nodes are most closely located to the body of the female breast, therefore, when an oncological process occurs, they are the first to be hit.

Causes and clinical symptoms of breast lymphadenopathy in women

With an inflammatory process in the lymphatic system of the mammary glands, the nodes responsible for collecting and removing lymph from the mammary gland into the lymphatic system of the woman's body become inflamed. The main symptom of this pathological process is the situation when the lymph nodes in the mammary gland are enlarged and there is a pronounced pain syndrome in the area of ​​inflammation localization. Usually, inflammation of the lymph nodes is a symptom of another disease, and is not diagnosed as an independent disease.

Most often, intrathoracic lymphadenopathy occurs with various infectious diseases and acute poisoning:

  • this can include infection of skin and tissue in problem areas, ingestion of the hepatitis virus or HIV into the patient's body;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes is almost always found in brucellosis, tuberculosis, syphilis and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • drug poisoning and allergic reactions to various medications can also cause inflammation of the lymph nodes in the breast area.

Inflamed lymph nodes in the chest with various cancers is the most dangerous symptom. The defeat of intramammary or axillary lymph node accumulations by 60 - 70% indicates that breast cancer has reached the stage when it is already indispensable. Lymph nodes in breast cancer are one of the main symptoms of metastases in the female body.

Lymphadenopathy of the mammary gland outwardly manifests itself quite usually for any local inflammation. With the development of this pathology, the lymph nodes increase in size, are painful on palpation, and a site of hyperemia is visually determined at the site of inflammation. In addition, manifestations of general intoxication of the body may also be characteristic:

  • an increase in body temperature, often accompanied by sweating at night;
  • digestive problems that can lead to rapid weight loss;
  • decrease for no apparent reason in blood pressure and severe tachycardia;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen is 25 - 35% higher than the anatomical error.

If any deviations in the vital activity of the body appear, and even more so when a visible pathology of the mammary glands is detected, a woman should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Clinical picture and diagnosis of inflammation of the lymph nodes of the breast

Most often, with the development of lymphadenopathy, the work of the axillary group of lymph nodes is disrupted. The accumulations of this tissue are located deep in the breast tissue and are determined only during mammography. A disturbance in their functioning negatively affects the outflow of lymph and can cause stagnation in the mammary gland. The causes of inflammation of this group of lymph nodes will be clarified. The method is based on fine-needle puncture aspiration biopsy with further cytological examination of the obtained preparation.

The causes of this pathology are very different. These include:

  • inflammatory diseases of the breast,
  • tuberculosis,
  • cancer of the female breast.

Diagnosis of oncological pathology with inflammation of the lymph nodes of the female breast area requires the immediate intervention of specialists.

In addition to fine-needle biopsy, there are enough methods for examining the lymph nodes of the breast. Specialists usually start by examining the female breast, and, if necessary, move on to more complex diagnostic methods.

They are primarily used with adjacent areas. In combination with fine-needle biopsy and cytological examination of punctate, these diagnostic methods make it possible to make the correct diagnosis in 95% of cases.

To detect pathology directly in the lymph node, axilography is widely introduced into the daily practice of oncologists. In this case, the condition of the tissues of the lymph node and the patency of their ducts are diagnosed.

Modern complex methods of studying the state of the mammary gland and the lymphatic system are computer and radionuclide studies of the female breast. These methods are used as auxiliary ones, when the oncological process in the mammary gland has already been diagnosed, and it is required to determine the malignancy of the disease and the areas of spread of metastases. In addition, a radionuclide study of the mammary gland allows you to clearly monitor the adequacy of the treatment for breast cancer in a woman and even determine the expected prognosis of the disease.

Briefly about the treatment and prevention of breast lymphadenopathy

There is no specific therapy for inflammatory processes in the lymphatic system of the female breast. In each case, specialists make a decision on the necessary treatment based on the characteristics of the patient's body, data from laboratory and instrumental examination methods, and the nature of the identified pathology.

For malignant causes of the development of the inflammatory process in the nodes of the mammary gland and adjacent areas, various surgical interventions are usually used, the affected lymph nodes are removed up to healthy tissues. At the end of the operation, a cytological examination of the material obtained is mandatory.

If an inflamed lymph node in the mammary gland is the reaction of a woman's body to infectious diseases or acute poisoning, first of all, therapy of the underlying disease is carried out. The problem of the lymphatic system of the mammary glands is usually dealt with after excluding the source of inflammation.

So that the lymphadenopa of the intrathoracic lymph nodes does not progress, experts recommend that women at risk adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

It is also quite useful to give up bad habits and observe the regime of work and rest. To prevent inflammation of the lymph nodes in the mammary glands, a woman should strive to strengthen her body's immune system as much as possible. Good immunity will help to avoid such a pathology.

Although inflammation of the lymph nodes of the mammary glands is just a symptom of various diseases, it is extremely reckless to treat it superficially and can adversely affect a woman's health. For any violations of the mammary glands, you should immediately seek help from specialists.

Lymph nodes are invaluable to the body. A large number of lymph nodes are located in the area of ​​the mammary glands. They are the first to react to breast diseases - their inflammation accompanies up to 70% of cases of the disease. And in 100% of cases, lymph nodes in the breast in women respond to cancer.

Lymph nodes and their functions

Lymph nodes are the most important peripheral organ of the lymphatic system and part of the immune system of the human body. They act as filters, because with their help the body protects itself from microorganisms entering the bloodstream. In order to most effectively block the path of various viruses and bacteria, lymph nodes are located near large blood vessels and the most important internal organs.

The following functions are distinguished:

  • protective - in these nodes, cells of the immune system are formed - leukocytes, phagocytes, antibodies and a substance that promotes their reproduction;
  • drainage - that is, it acts as a kind of filter, cleansing the body with the help of lymphocytes and macrophages from foreign bacteria;
  • participation in metabolism - redistribute substances and fluid between lymph and blood and remove toxic substances from the intestines.

Breast lymphatic system

A woman's breast is a rather unique organ from an anatomical point of view. Due to the peculiarities of its structure, for example, the presence of mobility, the lymphatic system here is also slightly different from the rest.

Depending on the location of the breast lymph nodes, they can be divided into several groups that regulate the outflow of lymph from different areas.

The main groups of lymph nodes include the paramammary system, intramammary lymph nodes of the mammary glands, axillary and regional lymph nodes:

  1. The paramammary system is located on the pectoralis major muscle, providing the connection of the axillary groups of the lymph nodes with their ducts.
  2. Axillary lymph nodes in the mammary glands are located throughout the breast area and communicate with each other using paramammary ones.
  3. Intramammary accumulations play an equally important role. What is an intramammary lymph node of the mammary gland? They are the most numerous and provide the function of redistributing lymph throughout the body. Depending on the anatomical location, they can be divided into central, external and subscapularis. Central lymph nodes perform the main functions of the outflow of lymph from the upper chest into the general flow.
  4. The regional system includes the axillary and internal group of lymph nodes in the chest, which are located in the pectoralis minor muscle. The inner group, which is located very close to the body, is the first to react to the development of oncological processes.


The main types of lymph nodes in the mammary gland can be divided into regional and axillary.


The entire lymphatic system is represented by a network of vessels, along which clusters of nodes, called regional, are located. Depending on their location, they are divided into groups, for example, regional lymph nodes of the mammary gland or mediastinal (intrathoracic), ulnar, splenic, etc.

This group of regional clusters of the mammary gland includes axillary, subclavian and parasternal lymph nodes.

Depending on the location, inflammation of a particular area of ​​lymph node accumulation in the breast will indicate the presence of problems in this area.


Axillary lymph nodes are represented by their clusters along the vessels of the mammary gland in an amount of 15 to 45 pieces. They have this name from their location - the axillary region. It is located at the point of convergence of the limb, chest and back - the axillary region. They can be classified into several groups depending on the location - apical, central, lateral, thoracic and subscapularis.

They perform the same functions as all other nodes - they cleanse the blood and protect the body from infections and viruses.

Possible problems and diseases

The main outflow of lymph occurs in the area under the arm, the second in terms of the volume of outflow of lymphoid fluid are the supraclavicular and subclavian lymph nodes. Therefore, in the presence of inflammation of the mammary gland, first of all, clusters of lymph nodes that are in this area react to it, namely, the intramammary lymph node.

The main causes of their inflammation are most often the following:

  1. Mastitis. Women suffer from this problem mainly after childbirth and during breastfeeding. It can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms, staphylococcus, etc.
  2. Mastopathy. It usually occurs during the period of hormonal changes in the body, or with hormonal disruption. At this time, the replacement of the glandular component of the mammary gland occurs. Such changes directly affect the lymphoid system.
  3. Tumor-like neoplasm. Lymph nodes in the stage of inflammation are one of the most important symptoms of cancer. The negative consequences are immediately reflected in the intramammary and axillary types of nodes. Their defeat by 60 - 70% indicates that the disease has reached such a stage that an operation is indispensable. Also, their increase may indicate the presence of metastases.
  4. Tuberculosis of the intrathoracic nodes. This is the most common form of primary tuberculosis. Most often it is diagnosed in children and young people. Symptoms, in addition to inflammation of the nodes, are the following: weakness, pallor, body temperature about 38 - 39 degrees, dry cough turning into wet, restlessness at night and sweating.
  5. Tumor of the mediastinum. With oncological diseases of the lungs, the lymph nodes become inflamed, usually on the side of the tumor. In the presence of such a disease, the lymph node may not be painful, but it must be dense. In addition, the following symptoms are distinguished: cough with phlegm and pus, weakness, blue skin of the face and neck, chest pain.
  6. Infectious diseases.

Alarming symptoms

Lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph node of the breast. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is not an independent disease in itself, but indicates a pathological process occurring in the immediate vicinity of them.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the sternum in women can be determined by the following signs:

  • increase in size;
  • pain on palpation;
  • change in symmetry in the arrangement of nodes;
  • on palpation, the nodes are soft;
  • their mobility is observed;
  • swelling of the nipples and breasts;
  • redness of the skin.

In addition to changes in the clusters of lymph nodes, the presence of the disease is indicated, in aggregate, by the following signs:

  • increased body temperature;
  • increased sweating during sleep;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • indigestion, which leads to a decrease in body weight;
  • tachycardia;
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen.

Which doctor to contact

Most often, inflammation of the lymph nodes is diagnosed by a therapist or pediatrician in children. After consulting these doctors and passing the necessary tests, the doctor refers the patient to a narrower specialist. If you suspect that inflammation of the breast lymph nodes is directly related to the mammary glands, it may be a mammologist or gynecologist.

Diagnostic methods

Lymphadenopathy symptoms usually help diagnose the disease. They can point the doctor to areas of the body that need to be looked at more closely. It can be localized, that is, only one group of nodes is inflamed, or generalized - several groups increase at once or throughout the body.

Diagnosis begins with palpation of all the lymphatic systems available for this. In this case, the following signs of nodes are assessed: density, size, body temperature, shape, etc. Then a general blood test is taken, most often an ultrasound of the mammary glands, X-ray or mammography is prescribed. If necessary, a biopsy of the lymph nodes in the chest is prescribed.

In about 1% of patients, a malignant tumor is found during diagnosis.


You will learn about the causes of enlarged lymph nodes from our video.

Mastopathy is a pathological proliferation of benign tissues, the formation of nodes and cysts in the mammary gland. The disease can appear at any age, but 20-45-year-old women are most susceptible to it. The pathology can be determined by a number of specific symptoms, such as: chest pains, swelling, changes in the shape of the glands, discharge from the nipples, etc. The presence of specific characteristic signs depends on the degree of development of the disease, its type.

Many patients with mastopathy find enlargement of the axillary or, less commonly, supraclavicular lymph nodes. This is an alarming sign that requires a detailed examination to determine the cause of such changes.

The lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are an important part of everyone's immune system. In total, there are more than 500 such organs in the body, of which 12-45 can be under the arm. All of them form a system that acts as a mechanical and biological filter that prevents hostile elements from entering the circulatory system:

  • foreign particles,
  • bacterial infection
  • malignant cells,
  • toxic substances,
  • foreign proteins.

If the organs and systems function normally, pathological processes do not occur in them, the lymph nodes work unchanged. In a normal state, the size of the lymph node is about 0.5 cm. Since its main task is to cleanse the body of infections, an attack by foreign objects makes the nodes work more actively - to become inflamed. An increase in volume, the appearance of painful sensations (signs of lymphadenopathy) when performing sudden movements or palpation indicate that a disease has appeared in the part of the body where this lymph node is located.

Having found any sign of inflammation of the lymph node, you should immediately see a specialist. Early diagnosis of the disease is the key to a successful cure.

Lymph nodes associated with breast health conditions

With mastopathy, inflammation of the lymph nodes located under the armpits occurs, since it is here that the outflow of lymph from the tissues of the mammary glands is directed. Axillary lymph nodes are also called axillary. They cleanse almost 75% of all lymph in the mammary glands, protecting the adjacent tissues and organs from foreign agents. Most often, these lymph nodes react with an increase in size, as well as an increase in sensitivity to inflammatory or oncological diseases of the mammary glands.

Sometimes the supraclavicular and subclavian elements of the defense system can be involved in the inflammatory process associated with a benign proliferation of breast tissue. These groups of lymph nodes are paired organs located on both sides of the clavicle (above and below).

Monitoring the condition of the breast and regional lymph nodes

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes under the armpit, as well as the supraclavicular / subclavian ones, is a serious criterion in the diagnosis of breast cancer. In order to detect signs of the disease in a timely manner at an early stage, experts strongly recommend that all women over 20 years of age:

  • conduct an independent monthly check of the mammary glands and armpits;
  • visit a mammologist at least once a year for a preventive examination.

Women of reproductive age should devote one of the days from the 5th to the 12th from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Ladies who have already entered menopause can be examined / examined on any day of the month.

Unchanged nodes normally have an elastic consistency and seem soft to the touch. On visual inspection, the place of their localization is imperceptible.

You should pay attention to the condition of the skin under the armpits. If there is nothing unusual (soreness, swelling, redness), do not worry. Lymph nodes are small and not palpable, but when a danger is detected, their activity increases, an increase occurs. In this case, you must immediately undergo a medical examination.

Lymph node tissue changes

Diffuse and nodular mastopathy proceeds mainly without changes in the characteristics of the nearby lymph nodes. But in a small proportion of patients diagnosed with fibrocystic dysplasia (approximately in 10 cases out of 100), lymphadenopathy is observed, expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

The appearance of inflammation and painful sensations has a close relationship with the frequency of the menstrual cycle. Symptoms begin or worsen about a week before the onset of the discharge and go away with the end. Sometimes pathological changes in the lymph nodes take the following form:

  • The elongated oval shape is transformed into a round one.
  • They increase in size so much that they can be detected on palpation.
  • They become harder, lose mobility.


Self-examination of lymph nodes located close to the chest should be performed as follows:

  1. Take off your clothes, exposing them above the waist.
  2. Raise your hand up, bend at the elbow, wrap your hand behind your head.
  3. Place the fingers of the other hand on the armpit area.
  4. Gradually lower the raised hand, at this time, gently feel the soft tissues, trying to find unusual seals.
  5. If, during self-examination, a woman found small, small-bean-like formations, these are normal lymph nodes. Overweight ladies without certain knowledge and skills will find them much more difficult.

The greatest attention should be paid to the so-called Zorgius node (or "watchdog" node). It is the first object of the lymphatic system on the main pathway of lymph drainage from the mammary gland. Located at the intersection of the third rib and the lower extreme line of the pectoralis major muscle.

The "sentinel" node takes the first blow in case of mastopathic changes in breast tissue and is most susceptible to the introduction of malignant cells when oncology appears.

If dense new formations are found in the chest, while the regional lymph nodes are immobile, connected to tissues and have a size of 1 cm or more, you should immediately go to the doctor's office. Of particular concern should be caused by lymphadenopathic changes that have occurred on only one side.

Medical examination

To diagnose and decide on the necessary treatment, the doctor must find out in detail:

  • Medical history. Establish when exactly the seals appeared under the armpit. Whether the severity of symptoms is related to the menstrual cycle.
  • Patient complaints. Places in which pain appeared or round dense formations were found.
  • The presence of discharge from the nipple (may be yellow, greenish, brown, mixed with blood).
  • Have you had any previous breast surgery?
  • The regularity of the menstrual cycle, its duration, the usual course.
  • Ovarian pathologies.
  • The regularity of sexual activity.
  • Taking contraceptives, what drugs. Age when it was first used.
  • The presence of diseases of the breast, endocrine system and cases of cancer in close female relatives.
  • Information about abortions, miscarriages, childbirth. What complications have arisen in connection with this.
  • Existing diseases of the reproductive system, other organs (acute, chronic).
  • Whether there has been a significant decrease / increase in body weight.

Visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands should include:

  • assessment of how much the axillary, supraclavicular, subclavian glands are enlarged;
  • the location of the palpable node;
  • the number of enlarged nodes;
  • characteristic of the shape of the nodes;
  • pain on palpation;
  • the knot is movable or soldered to nearby tissues;
  • what consistency it has (dense, soft, etc.);
  • sizes, boundaries of nodes;
  • surface characteristic.

The specialist will formulate a preliminary diagnosis and recommend a number of examinations, tests that can confirm / deny it.

  • An ultrasound scan (ultrasound) will show if there is a change in the tissues of the lymph node.
  • Women after 40 years of age need to have a mammogram every year - an X-ray of the mammary glands. This type of diagnosis is the most informative.
  • If the ultrasound reveals an increase and change in the structure of breast tissue and lymph nodes, a puncture biopsy is indicated. A small particle of material is taken for cytological examination. It will determine the stage, the nature of tissue changes.


Pathologically altered lymph nodes with mastopathy can be treated only in the vein of the underlying disease. In no case should you make independent decisions when choosing a method. An effective treatment regimen should be selected only by a doctor and carried out under his supervision.

A set of therapeutic measures may include:

  • Correction of nutrition.
  • Taking vitamins of group B, C, A, E or special complexes.
  • Choosing a comfortable natural bra, minimizing the time of wearing it.
  • Taking sedatives.
  • Correction of hormonal status.
  • Strengthening immunity with herbal remedies or medicines.
  • With inflammation of the lymph nodes, it is necessary to take antibiotics (inside, compresses locally).
  • The course of electrophoresis, ultrasound procedures (if oncology is excluded).
  • Removal of lymph nodes (if necessary).
  • The course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy (with established oncopathologies).

Ultrasound of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes is used more often than other types of diagnostics to detect changes in tissues. The prevalence of the technique is explained by its advantages and safety compared to radiopaque and endoscopic diagnostic options.

The method is independent or is used in combination with mammographic examination, and to assess the state of the bloodstream and vessels that feed the breast tissue.

Modern ultrasound devices allow highly accurate assessment of the shape, size, structure, content, organ density, structure, condition of deep and superficial tissues. In addition to examining the glands, the study of regional lymph nodes is included.

What can an ultrasound scan of the mammary glands reveal?

Sonography can reveal:

In some cases, sonography is an X-ray mammogram. In particular, when detecting cysts, fibrocystic mastopathy, cancer of minimal size (up to 5 mm).

What are regional lymph nodes

Lymph nodes belong to the lymphatic system, act as a barrier to infection, maintain water homeostasis, and develop an immune response. Are located singly or in groups. Each group collects lymph from a specific organ. This group is called regional lymph nodes.

The regional group of breast nodes includes axillary, subclavian, parasternal nodes. If the regional lymph node is enlarged, then this may indicate the pathology of the mammary gland.

What can an ultrasound scan of lymph nodes show?

Ultrasound scanning of the lymph nodes of the mammary glands reveals:

Indications and contraindications for ultrasound

  • the patient's complaints of discomfort (pain, feeling of squeezing or distention, discomfort);
  • the breast is visually changed, asymmetry, increase or decrease, loss of shape is observed;
  • assessment of the state of the mammary glands during pregnancy;
  • seals, swelling, redness of the skin;
  • change in the shape and shade of the halo;
  • control of the treatment process for neoplasms, hormone-dependent conditions, inflammation;
  • trauma, hematomas;
  • pain and / or;
  • discharge of a different nature from the nipple, change in the shape of the nipple;
  • diseases of the genital area;
  • suspicion of a pathological formation;
  • confirmation of the presence or clarification of the structure of neoplasms detected by mammography;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • planning of treatment tactics, the effectiveness of the treatment program, control diagnostics after the therapy;
  • monitoring the state of the glands during chemotherapy and / or radiation;
  • preoperative and postoperative examination, including mammoplasty;
  • monitoring the condition of breast prostheses;
  • preventive diagnostics twice a year in women after 30 years, during premenopause and menopause, once a year - in young healthy women in the absence of complaints.

There are no absolute restrictions on research. Thanks to his safety, to the weakened patient. The only relative contraindication is a focus of skin inflammation or an open wound in the investigated area.

What days of the cycle should an ultrasound of the mammary glands be performed?

To obtain the most accurate result, it is necessary to be examined on certain days of the cycle, on which the structure of the glands depends. At the beginning of the cycle, the glandular tissue develops and branches out. After the end of menstruation, the glandular ducts are restored. After ovulation, the glands "prepare" for pregnancy, increasing in size, swelling due to swelling. Therefore, scanning will be most effective before ovulation, when the mammary glands are not edematous, and tissues and structures are clearly visible.

Optimal period for sonography:

  • 5-12 days with a 28-day menstrual cycle.
  • 7-14 days with a menstrual cycle of more than 28 days.

In the premenstrual period, in premenopause and menopause, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with severe symptoms of gynecological diseases and complaints of pain, sonography is performed regardless of the cycle.

Rules for the preparation of ultrasound of mammary glands with regional lymph nodes

Ultrasound diagnostics of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes does not require preparation. Only the timing is taken into account, depending on the menstrual cycle, so that fluctuations in the hormonal background do not distort the echo picture.

Interpretation of diagnostic results

Examination on ultrasound devices allows you to get a detailed picture of tissues in real time. The assessment is based on the condition of the tissues. The diagnostician knows the degree of echogenicity of the mammary glands and adjacent lymph nodes. Comparing the obtained picture with the norm, the specialist, on the basis of which the diagnosis is made.

Benefits of breast ultrasound

Sonography is the most common diagnostic technique due to its many benefits:

Compared to mammography or MRI, sonography does not take much time and results are obtained immediately after the examination.

Useful video

What is the difference between the survey technology is voiced in this video.

Normal echo

The structure of the mammary glands changes with age. It is represented by connective, glandular, adipose tissue. The glandular tissue is most developed in late pregnancy and lactation. On ultrasound, it looks like a uniform mesh with cells of medium or large size, covered with a hyperechoic capsule. In some cases, large ducts are visible. After 35 years, the glandular tissue is replaced by adipose tissue. After 60 years, fibro-fatty transformation is more pronounced.

Lymph nodes have a rounded shape and homogeneous structure, up to 1 cm in diameter. The capsule is hyperechoic, smooth, continuous.

Pathological changes

With pathological changes, the structure of the mammary glands changes, it becomes heterogeneous. Pathologies such as a cyst, galactocele, abscess are described as. Benign are defined on ultrasonography as hyperechoic delineated volumetric neoplasms. A decrease in echogenicity indicates an inflammatory response.

An enlarged lymph node by 1–2 cm and a hypoechoic structure indicate reactive inflammation. Changes in the membrane, thickening, unevenness, discontinuity, may be associated with a purulent process. A dense hyperechoic structure often corresponds to a metastatic lesion, but additional diagnostics should be carried out to clarify the diagnosis.

Examination in Moscow and its cost

Ultrasound of the mammary glands with examination of regional lymph nodes. As a rule, paid clinics have the best technical equipment. The cost depends on the level of the medical center and equipment, on the qualifications of the medical staff. Reviews of women who have undergone this procedure,.

Paramammary lymph nodes are located on the pectoralis major muscle, along its outer edge. They are the main nodes of the first stage. The efferent vessels, which form the basis of the structure of the lymph nodes of the mammary glands, flow into the axillary lymph nodes. They, in turn, are the lymph nodes of the first stage. Localized on the fourth tooth, sometimes called Bartels' node.

The main and largest group of lymph nodes is the axillary group. Some of them are on the surface, they are divided into three subgroups. This includes the external, central and subscapular nodes. External or lateral axillary nodes are located near the lateral thoracic artery. The central nodes are located along the axillary vein. To them there is an outflow of lymph from the outer quadrants of the mammary gland. The posterior axillary nodes have a slightly different location and run along the subscapularis artery.

Another group of lymph nodes includes the lymph nodes located under the collarbone. They are located in the area under the collarbone. They are referred to as the nodes of the first stage, which are included in the upper quadrants of the mammary glands. Lymphatic vessels flow into them. At the same time, they refer to the nodes of the first stage of the upper part of the mammary gland.

The parasternal lymph nodes are located along the internal mammary artery. They are located in the first to seventh intercostal spaces. The largest accumulation of them is observed within the second-fourth intervals. Parasternal lymph nodes are located on the second to fourth intercostal space. They are referred to as nodes of the first stage of outflow from the mammary gland. The nodes of the second stage include the outflowing vessels of the axillary lymph nodes.

The glands of the lymphatic vessels from their base follow to the lymph nodes of the retromammary space. After which they penetrate the pectoralis major muscle and pass into the interpectoral nodes. From this area, lymph begins to flow into the central axillary lymph nodes.

Some of the vessels pass not only through the pectoralis major, but also the pectoralis minor. Then, through the ribs, they penetrate to the parasternal lymph nodes, that is, the first stage. The mammary gland also contains non-permanent lymph nodes. They are located in the area between the pectoralis minor and pectoralis major muscle.

Regional lymph nodes of the breast

The mammary gland is characterized by its complex structure. Its "composition" includes a mass of lymph nodes of various stages. The regional lymph nodes located in the mammary gland include a whole group of axillary nodes. It is subdivided into three main levels. The first level is the lower axillary nodes. They are located laterally to the lateral border with the pectoralis minor. The second level represents the middle axillary nodes. They are located in the area between the medial and lateral edges of the pectoralis minor. The third level is represented by the apical axillary nodes. They are located in the center, relative to the medial edge of the pectoralis minor. These include the subclavian and apical lymph nodes.

Internal lymph nodes are also referred to as regional. They are on the side of the lesion, that is, they most often suffer from breast cancer. Moreover, they are even designated with a special symbol M.

Axillary lymph nodes in the mammary gland

Sometimes these lymph nodes are found by mammography on the lateral region, which is located at the top of the breast quadrant. It contributes to the appearance of a small, rounded shadow. Thanks to this feature of the axillary lymph nodes in the mammary gland, areas of enlightenment can be seen. They are noticeable due to the accumulation of fat.

Axillary lymphadenopathy is a dysfunction of the axillary nodes. This process entails enlargement of the lymph nodes. On palpation, an unpleasant pain is felt. This phenomenon can be a sign of the development of a serious illness. Including breast cancer, tuberculosis and many other diseases. Axillary lymph nodes suffer more often than others. Therefore, with their increase, it is necessary to start looking for the reason that caused this process. The simplest way of examination in this case is a biopsy.

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Intramammary lymph node of the breast

Under the intramammary lymph nodes, axillary or axillary lymph nodes are encoded. Due to their location, they most often suffer from serious diseases, including breast cancer. If breast involvement is suspected, the intramammary lymph node is examined first. The examination is carried out by means of mammography.

As mentioned above, the intramammary node belongs to the axillary. They, in turn, are divided into several levels, which are divided in their own way. Details on axillary lymph nodes have been provided above.

If the functionality of the intramammary lymph node is impaired, its significant increase occurs. In some cases, the process is accompanied by pain. An enlarged lymph node is a serious problem and requires immediate examination. A biopsy is used to examine this lymph node.

Examination of the lymph nodes of the breast

Today, there are a lot of research methods. The first step is clinical diagnostics. This method of examining the lymph nodes of the mammary gland allows you to collect all data about the patient, as well as to conduct an examination and palpation. When collecting anamnesis, it is necessary to pay special attention to the duration of the course of the disease, as well as the development of symptoms.

The physical examination is the examination and palpation of the breast. You need to carry out the procedure in daylight. Particular attention is paid to the symmetry of the mammary glands, the presence of deformities around the nipples and areolas. After examination and palpation, they resort to morphological diagnostics. Verification of the diagnosis using this study is an important measure if there is a risk of developing a malignant process in the mammary gland.

  • Cytological examination most often used in oncology. It is characterized by a diagnostic puncture using thin needles. Use the tip of the needle to determine the most dense place on the chest and pierce it. A set of test material is made with a syringe, after which it is transferred to the glass. This research method will determine the nature of the process, as well as the degree of cell differentiation. The technique is not so widespread, it is used only to clarify the lymphogenous spread of cancer.
  • Radiation diagnostics... Today this type of research plays a leading role. The main methods of radiation diagnostics are X-ray and ultrasound examination methods. This includes other activities such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, thermography and radionuclide imaging. They are used exclusively for special indications.
  • X-ray examination... This method will allow you to take pictures of the affected area and, by the darkening on them, understand the location of the pathological process. In some cases, they resort to using radiographs in non-standard projections.
  • Axillography... This method of research allows you to identify lesions of the lymph nodes. He gives a complete picture of what is happening.
  • Ductography carried out in case of suspicion of the presence of pathological secretion from the nipple. For this, 0.5-2 mo of a water-soluble iodine-based contrast agent is injected into the lactiferous ducts of the mammary gland.
  • Pneumocystography... This technique consists in carrying out a puncture of the cyst, as a result of which its outline can be seen.
  • Ultrasound... This research method is the most common. It has a number of advantages and allows you to accurately determine the presence of a pathological process. Moreover, the study is harmless and safe.
  • Thermography... This principle consists in remote registration of infrared thermal imagers from the surface of the human body. They reflect the degree of bioenergetic processes that occur in various parts of an organ. The research result can be obtained in the form of a thermogram.
  • CT scan... This research method is used to detect metastases in breast cancer, as well as to assess the prevalence of the pathological process.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging... This research method has modest possibilities. It is rarely used as a separate method for diagnosing a disease.
  • Breast radionuclide examination... This technique is used as an additional one. It allows you to determine the malignancy of the pathological process, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed antitumor treatment. This research method is highly effective.

Ultrasound of the mammary glands and lymph nodes

This research method is used because of its effectiveness and safety. It has no contraindications and is considered absolutely harmless. Today, ultrasound of the mammary glands and lymph nodes is used quite often. It is recommended for a general examination of a woman with complaints of breast tenderness. Ultrasound is safe even for pregnant women and young patients.

This method allows you to determine the exact cause of the pain and monitor the condition of the mammary glands as a whole. In the early stages, it allows you to identify cancer and begin its timely treatment. It is necessary to resort to the help of an ultrasound scan with constant soreness of the mammary glands, especially during the premenstrual phase. In case of nipple discharge, skin discoloration and enlargement of axillary lymph nodes, examination must be performed. It is recommended to do an ultrasound scan at least 2 times a year. The procedure does not require special preparation. It is advisable to come for an examination in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

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