What groups of polite words are there? Class hour (1st grade) on the topic: Polite words. Politeness for all occasions

Class hour in 2nd grade. Abstract.

Author: Khusnutdinova Elmira Ferdinandovna.
Student at Naberezhnye Chelny Pedagogical College.

Class notes for 2nd grade. " Polite words and actions."

Target:- to form moral qualities in students.
Tasks:- clarify and expand the idea of ​​politeness;
- learn to use polite words correctly;
- cultivate positive character traits;
Equipment: poems, riddles, puzzles, tokens

Progress of the class hour:

1. Motivational moment.
- Good morning to all those who slept well!
- Good morning to all those who came to school in a good mood!
- I wish everyone have a good day and high spirits
-Guys, today we are going to a country, it is unusual, it is not on the map,
however it exists. Anyone can live in this country, but it has its own rules, its own customs, and anyone who violates these rules is automatically deprived of citizenship. So, today we will try to obtain citizenship of this country. And to find out the name of this country we must collect the syllables that were confused by the blowing wind. Let's get this job done. Who wants to go to the board and solve this problem?
- Well done! Solved the mystery. It is called "The Land of Politeness".
- Guys, we will travel on this bus.
- Guys, in order to start our journey, let's remember:
- What polite words do you know? (children's answers)
- Why are polite words necessary? (children's answers)
- What is it? "politeness"?
(children's answers)
- Politeness- This is good behavior, a respectful attitude. The word "politeness" comes from outdated word“courtesy”, which means “courtesy”, “learnedness”.
- So, let's go!

Station 1.

Guys, our first station is called "A Lesson in Politeness"
To pass this station we need to solve a problem.
- Guys, now I’ll give you pieces of paper with a poem, and you need to read it and underline the polite words with a pencil. We will work in pairs.
The elephant gives way to the ant:
- Good morning! Are we in a little hurry?
And the ant: - Oh, thank you, I’m in a hurry.
How kind of you! I beg your pardon!
(children's answers)
- Well done! Right.
- So, let's continue our journey.

Station 2.

– Look, what is the name of our next station?
- Right, "Make a proverb"
- I think you’ve heard the proverb “A kind word pleases a cat.” How do you understand it?
(children's answers)
- And now I suggest you connect the parts of the proverbs. Look at the board, the beginning of the proverb is written on the first column, and the end of the proverb is written in the other column. But their ends are mixed up, your task is to find the end and finish the proverb correctly.
Life is given-------speak boldly
An affectionate word - that's what you'll be known for
About a good deed - for good deeds
How will you live ----better than a soft pie
- Guys, how do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?
- Okay, well done. You know the proverbs.

Station 3.

- Guys, look at the name of our next station?
- That's right, “Confusion”
- Guys, now I’ll give you tasks. There are words written there, but the letters are mixed up. You need to "unravel" the words.
(thank you, thank you, good journey, good night)
- Well done! Do you know what the words “thank you” and “thank you” mean?
(children's answers)
- Word "Thank you" is a word expressing gratitude for something. According to the rules of etiquette, it is necessary to thank for even a small service. The word “thank you” appeared in the Russian language at the beginning of the 20th century. It comes from the phrase “God save.” When we say “thank you” to another person, we wish for him to be saved by God.
- Word "Thank you" formed from two words: benefit and give. By saying this word, you share a piece of your good and return good for good. The word “thank you” comes from the Russian word “thank you”, that is, “I bring thanks”
- Guys, now let's see cartoon (Luntik Ignorant) . Let's look carefully, then I will ask you questions.
- Guys, did the caterpillars do the right thing by not apologizing to General Sher?
- Did Luntik do the right thing by teaching the caterpillars polite words?
- Guys, do you always do this?
- In what cases is it advisable to use polite words?

Station 4.

Guys, we continue our journey through the land of Politeness.
- So, our next station is called "If you are polite"
- I call two willing participants to the board. And I tell them the situations you will have to show. You will communicate with each other using these phones.
1. You have offended your friend. And you try to apologize. How will you do this?
2. You want to invite your friends to your birthday party. How will you do this?
3. Your friends invite you to the cinema, but you can't go with them. How will you respond to their offer?

5 Station "Polite".

Guys, why are polite words also called “magic”? What “magic” words do you know?
A game "Say the word"
- Now I will ask riddles, and you will need to finish the word.
1. I met my neighbor Vitya.
The meeting was sad:
He's like a torpedo on me
Came from around the corner!
But - imagine! - in vain from Vitya
I was waiting for the word... (Sorry)
2. The grandfather said about his granddaughter:
“What a shame!
I gave her a teddy bear.
I see - I’m very happy!
But you can’t be silent like a fish.
Well, I would say... (Thank you)
3. To the Octopus Flounder
On Monday I swam
And on Tuesday goodbye
She said to her: “…” (Goodbye!)
4. Katya baby Ignatka
Put me to bed in bed -
He doesn't want to play anymore
Says: "..." (Good night!)
5. Fox Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, don't complain,
And say: “…” (Please!)
6. Girl Rita near the path
The table is set for the dog and cat.
Having arranged the bowls, Rita will tell them
“Eat! Have a nice day..."
- Well done!
Game "Be careful!"
- Now, we will rest a little. I will ask questions, and if you agree, you must answer “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”
Which of you, waking up cheerfully,
"WITH Good morning! will he say firmly?
(children's answers)
Who's okay with you?
Bag, books and notebooks?
(children's answers)
Which one of you is silent like a fish?
Instead of a kind “thank you”?
(children's answers)
Tell me which one of you, brothers,
Forgets to wash your face?
(children's answers)
Which one of you is in a cramped tram?
Gives place to elders?
(children's answers)
Who wants to be polite
Doesn't it offend kids?
(children's answers)
2. Final part.
- So, guys, our journey has come to an end. You and I went through all the stations and solved all the problems. And we can safely obtain citizenship of this country.
- Let's say these magic words again to obtain citizenship of the Country of Politeness.
- If we're polite
Every day and every hour -
The world will become happier
Millions of times!
- Guys, don’t forget the polite “magic” words. They will help you to be well-mannered people.
- Our class hour is over. Thanks to all.

Public lesson

“Rules of politeness. Words are necessary and important” Class: 2

Topic: “Rules of Politeness” Lesson Type: learning new material and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, problematic, partially search.

Forms of organization cognitive activity: whole class, group, individual, pair work.

Means of education:“The world around us” Pleshakov A.A. in 2 parts (part 2), fiction, tables, two telephones.

Lesson objectives:

1. Repeat polite words used in different life situations: greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology, request, telephone conversation.

2. Teach children to observe the rules of politeness in relationships between boys and girls; children and adults.

3. Cultivate polite behavior and a friendly attitude towards others.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The lesson begins
It will be useful for the guys.
Try to understand everything
Good to remember.

2. Checking homework

–Several lessons ago we started studying the topic: “How we communicate” and were divided into creative groups. We started creating the book “The ABCs of Politeness.” Remind me which pages we have already completed?

(communication in the family, communication at school).

Now we will once again remember and repeat the rules of behavior at school.

In the morning we come to school. What should be done!

Who are we greeting? How do we greet?

(Children's answers)

And now we're in class. I call the first line and the second without last word, you try to name this word yourself.

** Game “Say the Word”

Be diligent in class

Be calm and.... (attentive).

Write everything without falling behind,

Listen, ... (without interrupting).

Speak clearly, distinctly,

So that everything is...(clear).

If you want to answer,

You need to hand...(raise).

In mathematics they think

At recess...(resting).

Be diligent in class

Don't talk: you're not.....(magpie). 1

If a friend began to answer,

Don't rush...(interrupt).

And if you want to help a friend -

Raise your hand calmly.

Know: the lesson is over,

If you heard... (bell).

When the bell rang again

Always be ... (ready) for the lesson.

So that doctors don't worry,

During recess, don’t... (shout).

Why is shouting loudly bad for your health?

(Children's answers)

Well done!

** Now let’s open the tests on p. 60 and complete tasks No. 153, No. 154, No. 155, No. 156.

Let's evaluate our knowledge: (answers on the board)

No. 153 - A, No. 154 - B, No. 155 - B, No. 156 - V.

If you answered all the questions correctly, give yourself a “5”, if 1 answer is incorrect – “4”, if 2 answers are incorrect – “3”.

**What task did you prepare at home? (find proverbs and sayings about school, knowledge).

Let's listen to the proverbs and paste them onto the page about school.

3. Introduction to the topic.

Masha knew a lot of words,
But one of them is missing
And it’s like a sin,
It is said most often.
This word follows
For a gift, for lunch,
This word is said
If you are thanked.

Think about what word Masha lost? (THANK YOU, THANK YOU)

Is this word really important? Is it possible to do without it?

What is the topic of our lesson?

– What should we learn today?

(Remember polite words, learn to be polite and kind)

- Well done guys, today we will talk about magic words. These are ordinary, simple, smart, useful and kind words. And they became magical because it is simply impossible to live in the world without them, and they make our speech more pleasant, warmer, more benevolent. You must not only know these words well, but also be able to pronounce them magically, and learning such magic is not difficult, you just have to want to.

- Let's remember these words now while traveling through the “Land of Politeness.” We will travel to a country where all people know magic words.

– The result (product) of our work will be pages of politeness for the book The ABC of Politeness. You will work in a group. Each group will work on creating their own page. 2

III. New material

– So, let’s begin our journey through the land of Politeness.

1) Island of Magic Words

– And here we are on the way to the Island of Magic Words. Let's look there and remember the magic words.

Look at your pages and read what words you will be working on.

1) – Hello! - you tell the person.

- Hello! - he will smile back,

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

– What words will the children of the 1st group work on? (Words of greeting)

2) If you say goodbye to a friend

Say "goodbye"

Will definitely be tomorrow

New date!

This word is like a magnet

Connects everyone.

And say goodbye forever

He doesn't allow us.

– What words will we hear from the guys of the 3rd group? (Words of farewell)

3) Mark, perhaps, the word “please”?

We repeat it every minute.

No, perhaps, without “please”

We feel uncomfortable.

– What words will the children of the 4th group study? (Words of request)

– Find among the words in envelope No. 1 the words of your group and stick them on the page of the book.

Group 1 (Greeting Forms): Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

Group 2 (Forms of farewell): goodbye, see you soon, goodbye.

Group 3 (Request Forms): Please, be kind, be kind, please.

Hello, be kind, be healthy, all the best, goodbye, hello, bye, see you, goodbye, good afternoon, good evening, please, have a safe journey, please be kind, bon appetit.

(Children read their words, the rest evaluate the correctness of the choice)

*** GAME “Say the Word”

- Let's check how you learned these words.

Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word THANK YOU.
The old stump will turn green,
When he hears: GOOD AFTERNOON. 3

If you can’t eat anymore;
We will tell mom: THANK YOU.
A boy, polite and developed,
He says, when meeting, HELLO.

When we are scolded for our pranks,

Both in France and Denmark
In parting we say GOODBYE.

I met my neighbor Vitya,

The meeting was sad.

On me, he's like a torpedo,

It came from around the corner.

But imagine, in vain from Vitya

I was waiting for the word...(Sorry).

Open textbooks on page 54

Each group is offered 2 pictures. Match the words to the pictures.

4) Lake Teatralnoe

– What magic word did we meet in class? literary reading? (Please)

- Who main character works? (Pavlik)

- How did Pavlik start talking to the old man? (What about you?)

– What word should I start with? (Hello)

– What word did the old man teach Pavlik? How did this word affect your sister, grandmother, brother? (Please)

How should you say this word for magic to happen? (in a quiet voice, looking into the eyes of the interlocutor)

- There are not one or two polite words,

Remember and know these miracle words!

You need to not only know polite words, but also use them in your speech, so as not to be branded as an impolite person and to be understood by your interlocutor.

- Look at the picture on page 55. Read the telephone conversation between Ryzhik and Parrot. Was the conversation polite and understandable?

(Students discuss the situation shown in the figure. Make a collective conclusion.)

What rules should you follow when talking on the phone to make it polite? ?


    You need to speak on the phone in a polite tone.

    Use words of greeting, gratitude, apology, farewell.

    You shouldn't talk for too long.

Let's paste these rules onto our pages.

Phone conversation outline:



Explaining the purpose of your call is the conversation itself.


Parting. 4

Group work

Create and act out a telephone conversation that is polite and understandable.

1. The boy calls the girl. He wants to find out what program the cartoons are shown on.

2. The boy calls a friend and wants to find out from him homework mathematics.

3. The boy calls a friend. He wants to invite him to ski.


3) Mountain of Bad Advice

– What awaits us now? (Mountain of Bad Advice.)

- Let's remember the harmful advice of G. Oster and say what is wrong and harmful in them? And what do you think should be done in these situations?

1 tip

If you came to visit friends -

don't say hello to anyone

Don’t say the words “please” or “thank you” to anyone.

Turn away and don't answer anyone's questions,

And then no one will say about you that you are a talker.

– Do you agree with this advice?

Tip 2

If your friend is the best

Slipped and fell, point your finger at your friend

And grab your stomach.

- Why can’t you do this?

(Discussion of advice on issues.)

Tip 3

Girls should never be noticed anywhere.

And do not give them passage anywhere and never,

They need to put their feet up, scare them from around the corner.

– Is this advice correct?

(Discussion of advice by students.)

– What rules of kind and polite actions do you remember? (Speak polite words, do not offend people)

– Remember these rules of politeness for the rest of your life! (Children read in chorus the rules of politeness ON THE LEAF).

Rules of politeness

A polite person will not cause trouble or offense to another.

Be polite to your comrades

Always be friendly, say hello when you meet, thank you for your help, and say goodbye when leaving.

Let a kind smile grace you! Smile when you speak polite words!

– Glue the rules of politeness onto your page (Envelope No. 3)

2) Sea of ​​Politeness

– The proverbs have scattered, collect them and glue them onto the page (Envelope 5) * 5

1) A kind word is like rain in a drought. Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

2) To a kind hello there is a kind answer. A good word heals, an evil word cripples.

3) The word hurts and the word heals. A kind word will melt the ice

IV. Summarizing.

    Test "Rate your politeness."

    – In this lesson we finished working on our pages. In the next lessons we will continue our work and get acquainted with other rules of politeness.

    – At the end of our lesson, let’s, guys, remember once again what we talked about today? What have you learned? What new did you learn? (About kindness, about politeness, about kind and polite deeds, about magic words)

V. Homework.

**Each group needs to find the meaning of the words:

1 - hello, politeness, 2 - goodbye, politeness, 3 - please.

And how we need kind words!

We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,

Or maybe it’s not words but deeds that are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us,

At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

M. Lisyansky

Poem “Impolite politeness” by I. Kulskaya.

(Each child has a card with a poem.) SLIDE 3

Anya and Bogdan will read this poem to us. (Children read by role)

Petrus promised his father...

I'll take care of politeness.

I will thank everyone

Be the first to say hello!

Here is a boy with diligence

Keeps its promise

He sees - in the morning at the gatehouse

The watchman on the threshold is dozing.

He didn't sleep at night on duty,

Just - just dozed off.

And Petrus will scream:

- Good morning, grandfather Fedot!

His grandfather scolded him in his sleep:

- Get out, shooter!

Now Petrus has caught up with Irinka,

Yes, as if he tugs on the scarf;

- Where are you going, Irinka, stop?

I say hello to you! -

She stepped aside...

How impolite the girl is!

The counselor was carrying a pile of books,

And Petro jumped off the fence!

Almost sat on his shoulders:

Sorry, good evening!

“You,” the counselor shouted, “

And ignorant and impudent!

Petya is very surprised:

Was he impolite?

Now I suggest you play the game “Polite - Impolite”

If I read about a polite act, you clap your hands. When I read about an impolite act, you stamp your foot. But remember that you don’t need to stomp too hard, because there is also a lesson going on in the classroom below us. Let's be polite towards those who study on the 2nd floor, we won't disturb them.

- Say hello when you meet.

- Whistling, shouting, making noise at school.

- Give up your seat to an elderly person on the bus.

- Interrupt the one who is speaking.

- When making your way to the subway exit, push other passengers.

- Talk loudly to a neighbor during a performance in the theater.

- Help mom wash the dishes.

- A friend gave you something you don’t need. It must be returned and another gift requested.

- Help an elderly person climb the stairs.

- Talk loudly in the dining room during lunch.

- After eating, wipe your mouth with your sleeve.

- Apologize if you accidentally step on a friend’s foot.

- Help the younger ones.

- Cross the street only at green light traffic light.

Well done!

Conclusion. A polite, attentive and friendly attitude towards other people is manifested in actions and words, as well as in the tone of conversation with them.

Polite behavior has always been given great importance. There are many sayings and proverbs about politeness.

There are envelopes on your desks. I will ask you to work in pairs now. Take the cards out of the envelope and assemble a proverb. Show your readiness with a house.


1st row. – What proverb did you collect? (A horse is recognized by riding, and a person is recognized by communication.) How do you understand? What kind of person is pleasant to communicate with?

Row 2 – Politeness costs nothing, but brings a lot.

How do you understand this?

Row 3 - Learn politeness from an ignoramus.

What does it mean? (Do the opposite.)

Hello, dear readers! Today the topic of our conversation is words of politeness. When and how to teach a child to use such important words? What is the best way to introduce children to the concept of politeness, and, most importantly, teach them to use this knowledge in practice?

Let's first figure out what it means to be polite? Based on definitions, politeness is one of the character traits of a person, responsible for good manners, the ability to communicate courteously with others, to be respectful and sensitive. A polite person must know the rules of etiquette and use polite words.

Synonyms for the word “polite” in Russian are courteous, attentive, respectful, respectful, amiable. Antonyms for the word “polite” are harsh, rude, ill-mannered, discourteous.

What are the polite words?

There is a so-called “basic” list of polite words. They are divided into groups:

  • Words of greeting and farewell: Hello; Hello; Good morning or Good morning; Good afternoon; Good evening; Good night; Goodbye.
  • Words of forgiveness: Excuse me, please; Sorry; I'm sorry.
  • Words of gratitude: Thank you; Thank you; Grateful.
  • Request words: Please; Allow me, please; Let me please; We can ask you.
  • Words of parting words, support, invitations, congratulations: Bon Voyage; Bravo; Be healthy; Welcome; Welcome; Help yourself; Nice to meet you; Enjoy your meal; Only after you; Let me introduce myself; Will you be so kind; Congratulations; Let me help you.

These words can be learned with your child. To simplify the task, special rhymes and songs have been invented. And a little later we will meet them!

How to learn politeness?

You should not expect that good manners will appear in your child on their own. Politeness is not an innate, but an acquired trait. To raise it, a child must constantly have a personal example before his eyes, and it is best for this to happen in the family. In addition, targeted politeness training is also needed. In this way, serious results can be achieved.

But you can’t say that you taught politeness once and that’s for the rest of your life. It is very important to constantly support and encourage the desire to be polite in children. Just so that they don’t stumble, don’t succumb to temptations from the outside. The world is huge and there is enough of everything in it. We regularly hear rude words, people addressing each other incorrectly, and profanity. And being a black sheep among “advanced” peers can be very difficult.

Poems and riddles for remembering polite words

There are special riddle poems for learning words of politeness with children:

Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said "..."
Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor
He tells him: “...”
And his neighbor is big-eared
Answers: “Hedgehog,...”
Don't be too lazy to tell your friends
(Good afternoon!)
If you step on your foot
At least by chance, at least a little,
Just say: “I’m sorry”
Or better – “...”
Kicked out the cuckoo Roma
A strict nanny from home.
To everyone who will pamper,
To the house...

Saying goodbye to each other
We'll say...
Wagtail from the shore
Dropped a worm
And fish for a treat
She gurgled: “...”
(Thank you!)
Lisa Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, don't complain,
And say: "..."
Fat cow Lula
She was eating hay and sneezed.
So as not to sneeze again,
We will tell her: “...”
(Be healthy!)
If the parrot Gosha
He will give a good concert in the jungle,
Everyone will applaud
They won’t forget to say “…”!
If we bake cookies,
For a treat for all my friends,
We will tell them: “Don’t be shy,
To your health..."
(Help yourself!)
Moth at sunset
Flew into the light.
We are, of course, glad to meet you.
Let's tell the guest: "..."
(Good evening!)
Katya baby Ignatka
Put me to bed in bed -
He doesn't want to play anymore
Speaks: "…"
(Good night!)
Deer at two o'clock
The fox came to visit.
Fawns and deer
They told her: “...”
(Good afternoon!)

Samuel Marshak “Lessons in Politeness”:

A bear about five or six years old
Taught how to behave:
- When visiting, bear, you can’t roar.
You can't be rude or arrogant.

We must bow to our acquaintances,
Hats off to them
Don't step on paws
And don't catch fleas with your teeth,
And don't walk on four.

No need to slurp and yawn,
And who yawns to his heart's content,
He should cover it with his paw
A gaping mouth.

Be obedient and be polite
And give way to passers-by
And respect the old.
And grandma bear
In fog and ice
Accompany you home!

So Mishka is five or six years old
Taught how to behave...
Although he seemed polite,
He remained bearish.

He bowed to his neighbors -
Foxes and bears,
I gave up my place to acquaintances,
He took his hat off to them.
And strangers attacked
The whole heel is on the paw.

Sticking my nose where it shouldn't be,
He trampled the grass and crushed the oats.
Belly up
In public on the subway.
And the old people, the old women
Threatened to break a rib.

A bear about five or six years old
They taught us how to behave.
But, apparently, the teachers
Wasted time!

You need to discuss poems with children, ask questions, invite them to think and remember. For kids, you can choose beautiful books with poems. They are simple and easy to remember, especially in game form. Heroes of poems, fairy tales, and cartoons will clearly show why and how to be polite.

It is very important that members of the family in which the child is being raised also communicate politely with each other, using the words “thank you,” “please,” and “sorry.”

Always try to be the first to say hello, thank, and say goodbye, without waiting for the child to remember about it. At the same time, explain to your child the rules of politeness, who needs to be greeted and who not, etc.

Be sure to take into account the child’s age during the learning process and praise him for successes and achievements, even small ones. And don’t forget that your child takes his example from you! Therefore, carefully evaluate how politely you behave with your acquaintances and friends. Maybe something needs to be adjusted? Start with yourself!

Learn with your children politeness, sincerity and finding the right words. This is a huge contribution to the future! And then you will always be pleased to watch the behavior of children.

Songs and cartoons about politeness can be found here:

Happiness to you and your children!

The goal is to consolidate students' knowledge about different forms speech etiquette, learn to express

participation, consolation, politely refuse a request.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Message of purpose - we will continue our journey through the city Politeness.

(V. Dobrynin’s song to the words of Tanich “Magic Words” sounds.

  1. Students reading the poem “Petrus”.

Trus promised his father: Petrus caught up with Yarina

I’ll take care of politeness, but when I pull my scarf:

I will thank everyone, - Where are you going, Yarinka, stop,

Say “hello” first. I say hello to you!

Here is a boy with diligence. She pulled aside -

Keeps its promise. What an impolite girl...

He sees - in the morning at the guardhouse the counselor was carrying a stack of books

The watchman behind the path is dozing. And Petrus jumps off the fence!

I didn’t sleep at my post all night. Almost sat on his shoulders:

Just dozed off. - Sorry, good evening!

And Petrus started screaming: “You,” the counselor shouted, “

- Good morning, grandfather Fedot! Both ignorant and impudent!

His grandfather scolded him in his sleep: Petya was very surprised:

- Get out, shooter! Was he impolite?

— Was Petya polite? Why? It turns out how difficult it is to be polite.

  1. A game "Rhyme"

(explain to the children: rhyme is the same sound of the end of the last word in poetry

chesical line: from Vitya - sorry, to the cat - spoon)

Listen to the poems and complete the line with the missing polite words.

Uncle Sasha is upset.

He told me this...

- Nastya is a nice girl.

Nastya is in first grade!

But... it’s been a long time since Nastya

I don’t hear the words... (in chorus: hello)

And what a word -

Very expensive!

I met my neighbor Vitya.

The meeting was sad:

he hits me like a torpedo

Came from around the corner!

But imagine! In vain from Vitya

I was waiting for the word... (sorry in chorus)

And what a word -

very expensive!

He said about his granddaughter:

- What a shame!

I gave her a briefcase

I see: I’m very happy.

But you can’t be silent like a fish.

Well, I would say... (thanks in chorus)

This is a very precious word!

  1. Dramatization based on the story “The Magic Word” by V. Oseeva.

— Watch the dramatization based on the story “The Magic Word” by V. Oseeva. Why do

grandmothers, sisters, brothers suddenly changed their attitude towards Pavlik? How "magical"

will the word be our best companion in life?

  1. Game "Magic Word".

(in a circle, or at the desks, some symbolic object is passed: an air

a ball, a flower, and each one must, when passing it to the other, say a polite word.

There are a lot of polite words, but today we will learn about new ones:

(Well done boys!)

6. Words of consolation (sympathy).

a) - Remember if you ever consoled someone. How it was?

b) - Did anyone console you? In which cases?

c) — You can say: Anything can happen! All will pass! Everything will be fine!

(the main thing is to be close and have more warmth towards the person).

d) - Do you remember how bad Dunno felt when everyone found out that balloon was invented by Znayka, and Dunno is an ordinary braggart and liar. Babies and toddlers

laughed at him. Dunno didn’t know what to do, where to go, but the tears kept flowing and flowing.

and couldn't stop. Suddenly he felt someone touching his shoulder and

says affectionately: “Don’t cry, Dunno!” He turned around and saw the blue-eyed girl. "No need

cry,” she repeated.

Dunno turned away from her, grabbed the fence with his hands and howled even louder. Blue Eyes silently stroked his shoulder. Dunno shook his shoulder, trying to throw off her hand, and even kicked his leg.

- Well, don't, don't be so angry! - she said affectionately. - After all, you are kind,

good kid. You wanted to appear better, so you began to brag and deceive us. But now you won’t do this anymore?.. We won’t remember the old things anymore. Now you will try to be honest, brave and smart, you will do good deeds and you will no longer have to invent things to seem better. Is it true?

“True,” Dunno answered quietly.

He looked sadly at Blue-Eyes and smiled through his tears, Blue-Eyes took his hand:

- Let's go to where everyone is (you can stage the dialogue).

— What words of consolation did Blue Eyes find?

(don’t cry, you wanted to be better; you are a kind, good baby.)

— What other means did the girl use?

(kind words, praise, expression of confidence that he will change, stroked

on the shoulder.)

- Reading the poem by A. Barto “Our Tanya...” or the fairy tale “The Rock Hen.” Analysis of speech situations.

- Will Tanya stop crying? What kind words of consolation were addressed to

Polite forms of refusal.

Children, remember what polite words you use when addressing someone

with the request? (please be kind if you don’t mind, etc.)

Can a request always be fulfilled?

a) Acting out speech situations.

1) A friend asks you to lend a tape recorder that belongs to your older brother. Can you fulfill such a request? What form will your refusal take?

2) Classmates invite you to Soccer game. But mom at the same time

asks you to go to the store. What decision will you make? What conversation is possible with

mom? Which one - with the guys?

b) - unfortunately, I can’t. - I can not.

I'm busy. I'm going to the cinema with my brother.

- I can’t do it after class: - I’m busy.

I'm going to the cinema with my brother.

- Sorry, I'm very busy after school. - Call Antoshka. He will go.

- Thank you? I really want to, but I won’t go!

promised his brother to go to the cinema with him.

- Of course, I was happy to go - No?

I would, but I’m very busy after school.

Listen: both boys reject the offer or refuse, but do it


Whose refusal will not offend the one who made the request?

Let's note how best to express refusal by analyzing Sasha's words:

  1. Explanation of the reason for refusal.
  2. Apology.
  3. Gratitude for the invitation, regret that we cannot take advantage of the invitation or fulfill the request.


— It is not always possible to fulfill a request (accept an invitation), so polite, well-mannered people refuse in such a way as not to offend the person, explain the reason for their refusal, apologize, thank, for example, for the invitation, but, unfortunately, cannot take advantage of it.

  1. Exercise - reflection.

Give me a Crocodile!

Moshkovskaya E.

Toys, candy I would feed him

Don’t give it to me - And treated...

All this, all this. Let a crocodile live with me!

You take it. I would put him in the bath,

I got a crocodile And there he has

So alive, If only there was water,

Not very big and he would float

Better buy... Back and forth,

I would then He would splash! Swimming!

He was tamed. And I would admire him...

— Is the boy’s request feasible?

- Is she real? (Under what conditions.)

- What kind of refusal can there be? (Let's think about how to help the boy's parents


Summary of the lesson.

What rules of a polite person did we learn about today?

(about words of consolation; about forms of refusal).

Additional material.

Subsequent classes should be devoted to developing practical skills in using speech etiquette forms depending on the situation: exercises, situation analysis, dramatization, etc.

  1. Polite.

That's what politeness is with us - What's wrong with you?! —

Showed it in action - Mother jumped up.

He is in the midnight quiet hour - Are you sick, son?

Got my mother out of bed. -I forgot to tell you

Mom, good night!

S. Pogorelovsky.

- Can a child be called polite? Why?

-What does it mean to be polite?

  1. a) game “Magic words”. Children stand around the leader. One of the players says any “magic” word. The presenter must guess who spoke. If you guess correctly, then someone else becomes the leader;
  2. b) the game “It’s Me.” Say in chorus the words “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” (only when appropriate):

- Who walks to school every day in a cheerful band?

— Which of us comes to class an hour late?

- Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?

- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear? etc.

  1. Situations.

— You are walking down the street and see a person you know. How to say hello correctly? Show.

— The boy shouted to a passerby: “Tell me, what time is it?” While addressing a passerby, the boy made three mistakes. Name them:

— What do you say to children who destroy bird nests, tear flowers from a flower bed in the park, throw garbage, scream loudly in public place, help the old lady get off the bus, console crying baby?

Why do we sometimes hear the word thank you in response to the greeting hello? A

who among you can show how to greet correctly? What speech formulas do you

do you use when saying goodbye?

  1. Acting out the situation.

1) You turn to the teacher with a request to explain the solution to a difficult problem;

2) you ask dad to buy a new toy;

3) at the grocery store, ask the seller how much a carton of milk costs;

4) you congratulate your grandmother on her birthday.

  1. Questions - tasks.

Question I. What words do you use in the morning to your mom, grandma, and dad? And the evening before

sleep? (Suggested answer: Good morning, Good night, happy dreams.)

What words do you use in the morning (afternoon, evening) to a classmate, housemates, to a stranger if you enter the room?

(Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, hello.)

Question 2. What words do you use in the morning to your teacher, teacher, or fellow student?

class? ( Hello, good morning.)

Question 3. What words should you use to address to a stranger for him to call

someone you need, handed over a book, skates, punched a ticket in a transport with a puncher,

missed going to the exit on public transport, in a store, at the cinema? ( Please pass...

Please pass... Please call... Please let me in...

Kindly punch me a ticket…)

Question 4. What words should you use to address a stranger and ask him,

so that he can show you the way to the museum, theater, stadium, the necessary transport? (You won't

would you be kind enough to tell... Would you be kind enough to tell me how to get there...}

Question 5. What to say when you are asked to do something and you cannot do it

request? ( Sorry... Sorry, please, I don't know…)

  1. What should you say when someone gives you something or provides you a favor? (thank you thank you).
  2. 1) What words will the girl make a request to those standing next to her?

(Choose the correct answer)

a) Please give me the money for the ticket.

b) Hand over the money.

c) Throw money into the box office and hand over the ticket.

2) Little kitty climbed a tree and couldn't get down. What words will a girl use to address a boy the same age, and what words will she use to address a passing man?

a) Listen, can you help me remove the kitten? He is afraid to get down from the tree:

see how small he is.

b) Excuse me, please. Can I ask you to remove the kitten?

When addressing adults, use polite forms of address: allow

me..., excuse me, won't you help /tell/ me..., excuse me, can I ask you, I don't

I understand your question, please repeat.

You can speak more freely with your peers, but when talking with them you should not forget about words such as please, excuse me, excuse me.

Lena urgently needed to contact the teacher, and she was talking to another teacher.

Lena ran up to the teacher and said:

"Elena Petrovna" ...

— What error did you notice?

— What would you advise a girl?

Misha came to Petya’s house to do homework together. They worked

in good faith, seriously. At this time, Petya’s mother came, loaded with bags, and said: “Petya, help me carry the bags to the kitchen.” Petya said: “Mom, we are busy with serious business - lessons.”

Express your opinion about the boys' behavior.

What mistakes in their behavior did you notice?

  1. At a break.(Playing out the situation).

During recess, the boys were running around like crazy. And Igor, of course, is the fastest. And, of course, he rushed into the teacher, almost knocking her down. Anna Vasilievna stopped Igor and asked sternly:

- What should I say?

- Hello? - Igor answered. And everyone laughed!

Why did the guys laugh when they heard Igor’s answer?

Come up with a continuation of the conversation.

  1. Let's come up with a continuation of the fairy tale “The Three Bears”...

Let’s imagine that Mashenka didn’t run away, what could she say to the bears?

In what tone?

Let's imagine that Mashenka apologizes to each of the bears.

How will she address each of them? What will the Bear, the She-bear and the Mishutka answer her?

  1. Fill in the missing words.

Masha knew a lot of words, at the gift, at dinner,

But one of them is missing, This is the word they say,

And it’s like a sin. If you... (thank you).

It is said most often. But she is silent, like a fish,

This word follows instead of everyone... (thank you).

  1. Polite rabbit.

(Mexican fairy tale.)

Once upon a time there lived a Rabbit who was very modest and polite. One day he was walking home and suddenly saw the Fox. She was returning to the forest. She had failed to steal a chicken from the farmer's yard, and she was very hungry and angry.

The Rabbit's heart trembled. Run, but where? The rabbit rushed headlong towards the cave. He did not know that another formidable danger was waiting for him there - a Snake lived in the cave.

The rabbit, however, was well brought up and knew that he was not supposed to enter someone else's house without permission.

“I need to say hello,” he thought, “but with whom? With a cave, of course? And, sitting down on his hind legs. The rabbit said politely:

Hello, good cave! Please allow me to enter!

“Come in, come in,” she answered affectionately, wanting to deceive the Rabbit.

But the Rabbit understood perfectly well who he was dealing with.

“Sorry to bother you,” he said. “I completely forgot that the Rabbit is waiting for me.” Goodbye? - and started running as fast as he could.

The Rabbit galloped to his house and thought that politeness had never hurt anyone.

The snake curled up into a ball and grumbled:

“Would it be better if I didn’t answer him?” Oh, these are such polite rabbits to me. He needed

ask permission to enter!

  1. E. Moshkovskaya “Polite Word.”

A polite word.

The theater is opening!

Everything is ready for the beginning!

Tickets available

For a polite word.

At three o'clock the cash register opened,

Even the Hedgehog is elderly

I arrived a little alive...

- Come, Hedgehog, Hedgehog!

Which row do you want your ticket in?

- Closer to me: I can’t see well,

Thanks, I'll go.

Sheep says:

- I have one place!

Here is my Thank you - a kind word.

- Quack! First row! For me and for the guys!

And the Duck took out “Good morning?”

- Good afternoon!

Unless you're too lazy,

Dear cashier,

I would really like to ask

Give me, my wife and daughter the best seats,

Here's mine Please!

Pushing away the old women,

Old people, badgers, chipmunks...

Suddenly Clubfoot burst in,

Squeezed off the tails and paws,

Knocked an elderly hare...

- Cashier, give me a ticket!

- Your polite word?

- I do not have that!

- Oh, you don’t have that,

- Don't get a ticket!

- I have a ticket!

- No and no?

Don't knock, don't shout, goodbye, hello.

The cashier didn't give me anything!

Clubfoot began to cry

And he left with tears,

And he went to his furry mother.

Mom spanked her slightly clubfooted son

And she took something very polite from the chest of drawers...

She unfolded it and shook it off,

And she sneezed and sighed:

- Oh, what words there were!

And haven't we forgotten them?

Allow me, let me...

They have long been eaten by moths!

Poor people please

What is left of them?...

The theater is opening! Everything is ready for the beginning!

Tickets are offered for a polite word!

This is the second call!

The little bear runs up to the cash register as fast as he can...

- Goodbye? Hello!

Good night! And dawn! Have a wonderful dawn!

And the cashier gives tickets - not one, but three?

- Happy New Year! Housewarming! Let me hug you.

And the cashier gives tickets - not one, but five.

- Happy birthday - I invite you to my place.

And the cashier stood on his head in admiration!

And the cashier can do everything, I really want to sing:

“Very, very, very, very polite bear!”

- Thank you, I'm sorry!

- Good guy!

- I'm trying.

- What a clever girl!

Here comes the bear

And she is worried and he is glowing with happiness!

- Hello, she-bear, you know, she-bear,

Your son is a nice little bear, even we can’t believe it!”

- Why don’t you believe it? - says the bear.

- My son is great!


After reading the story, the teacher asked the children the following questions:

1) Why didn’t the cashier give the bear a ticket first? How the bear behaved at the cash register, how

2) How did mother bear help her son? What did she do?

3) What lesson did the little bear learn at the cash register and how did he understand it? How he behaved at the cash register

4) How did the cashier’s attitude towards the bear cub change when they met for the second time? What words did he use to describe his mother? (Nice bear little boy.)

5) How do you understand the expression “Here comes the bear... and she glows with happiness”? (She has

there is a joyful expression on the face. She is happy that her son understood how to behave, not

I just realized, but also changed my behavior for the better.)

- Does it ever happen to you that your mother glows with joy when you do a good deed for someone or say kind, warm words to a person?

  1. If you are polite

S. Marshak

If you And if you

Polite Polite

And to your conscience, you, comrade, need

Not deaf, Always on time

You are the place to go to the squad meeting.

Without protest, don't waste it

Give in to your comrades

To the old woman. Arriving early

If you have minutes for a meeting,

Polite Hours to Wait!…

In the soul, and not for show, And if you

On the trolleybus Polite,

You will help the one who is weaker,

Climb You will be the protector,

Disabled person. Do not shy away from the strong.

And if you knew one child, I.

Polite. He was walking with an important nanny.

Then, sitting in class. She gave subtle

You won't, Child

With a friend Education.

Chatter like two magpies. Was polite

And if you are a boy

Polite, and, indeed, very nice:

Help by taking away from the younger ones

You are my mother's Ball,

And offer her help. He thanked them,

Without asking - “Thank you,” he said.

That is, themselves. Not if you

And if you are Polite,

Polite, then you thank,

Then in a conversation with my aunt. But the ball

And with grandfather, the boy

And with grandma Without asking

You won't kill them. Do not take!

  1. Moral standards.

A bear about five or six years old, although he has become polite in appearance,

They taught him how to behave: He remained bearish.

- Visiting, bear, He bowed to his neighbors -

Foxes and bears must not roar,

You can't be rude or arrogant. I gave up my place to acquaintances,

You have to bow to your acquaintances. I took my hat off to them,

Take off your hat to him, And strangers stepped on

Do not step on the paw, put the entire heel on the paw.

And don't catch fleas with your teeth,

And don't walk on four. Sticking my nose where it shouldn't be,

No need to slurp and yawn, trample the grass and crush the oats.

And whoever yawns power, leans on his belly

He should cover with his paw In public on the subway

A gaping mouth. And old men, old women

Threatened to break a rib.

Be obedient and be polite. A bear about five or six years old

And give way to passers-by. Taught how to behave

And respect the old. But, apparently, the teachers

And Grandma Bear Wasted our time!

In fog and ice

Accompany you home. S. Marshak

So Mishka is about five or six years old. What did they teach Mishka?

They taught you how to behave... How you shouldn’t and how you should behave?

Natalia Gordeeva
Campaign “Polite words”


Expand stock « polite words» .

Make children aware of the need to follow rules politeness.

Nurture goodness polite attitude to each other.

Promote the moral development of the child’s personality.


Introduce the concept « politeness» , show how it manifests itself politeness,

Show the need for use in speech « polite» words;

Foster a culture of communication

Develop respect and a friendly attitude towards people;

To develop cognitive interest and broaden children's horizons.

Vocabulary work: politeness, kindness, polite words(Hello, goodbye, forgive me, please, excuse me, be kind, be kind, be healthy, have a nice trip, bon voyage good morning, good morning, thank you, all the best, good night,)

Preliminary work: conversation about politeness, about the meaning polite words; reading works of art; learning physical education lessons.

Equipment: Flowers, sunshine, polite words, soundtrack of the song "Smile".

Hello guys. Despite the fact that it is frosty and windy outside, I would like to wish you warmth and goodness. You are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate. I smiled at you, and you will smile at each other. Wish each other something good in your mind.


"Be so kind", "Be so kind" -

These phrases will be very useful to you.

If you say them together with your request,

Then no one can refuse the request.

Guys, have you guessed what we will talk about today? (answers)

Right! Today we will talk about polite words. What is this words? (answers)

These are kind, simple and useful words.

Why do you think this is words became polite words(answers)

Right! Because without polite words You just can’t live in the world.

These words one must not only know, but also be able to pronounce them. Kind word can encourage a person Hard time. When we say these words, then we sincerely wish those we meet goodness and joy. And our heart opens to sincere and kind people. And sometimes kind, affectionate word can help lift a person good mood, since these words are not only kind, but also magical. That's why try to use magic spells as often as possible. words, from which one becomes warmer and happier in the soul.

People have always treated kindness in a special way. There is one proverb: Kind the word pleases the cat too. This means that not only do each of us like to be treated with kindness, even animals understand kindness.

And what proverbs and you know sayings about kindness (Children call proverbs that they know about kindness and politeness)

Speak boldly about a good deed.

Life is given for good deeds.

Hello is not complicated, but it wins the heart.

Affectionate word better than a soft pie.

As you live, so will your reputation.

- Well done! You know and Proverbs and sayings. But just remember that good word and politenessbest medicine from anger, rudeness. There are many rules, but the main thing in them is to take care of loved ones, always be friendly to people, and be able to be friends.

In order to become polite Well-mannered, you need to learn a few rules politeness.

The first rule is that it is important to remember the main polite words, which are so necessary in Everyday life. Now I'll see how you know them.

If you step on your foot

At least by chance, at least a little,

Speak right away: "Sorry"

Or better - "Sorry".

Everyone will say goodbye

Leaving, everyone "Goodbye".

It's time for a friend to leave -

We'll tell him "Bye".

If you broke a toy

A friend or suddenly a girlfriend,

You tell them "Sorry"

And offer them yours.

"Welcome" guests,

They say it here and there.

The guests are leaving home

"Bon Voyage!" we wish.

If grandma is in the morning

I gave you a pie

Take it, tell me "Thank you" -

Grandma will be happy!

To ask for something

Need to be polite.

We "Please" let's add -

Everyone will be happy with us.

If you are on a name day

Friend Sasha was invited

He brought a beautiful flower -

We'll tell him "Thank you".

Suddenly someone treated me to candy

Or gave something

"Thank you" speak for it

To you were polite.

Well done! You know the main ones polite words.

Why do you think it is that people know these polite words, but they are not always pronounced (answers)

Certainly. But there is no need to be afraid or embarrassed to say these kind words, polite words. And besides, you need to find the right ones in time words, be able to use them. And this is the second rule that you need to remember.

- Thus, we have come to the third rule. politeness– it is important not only to know these rules politeness, but also try to fulfill them.

A game: "Funny riddles"

These riddles are special. If the riddle itself teaches good and politeness, then in response to it the whole chorus should say: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

The riddles are quite tricky; when solving them, you also have to be very careful. Guys, listen, don’t get distracted, you’re needed say the words on time, and to a cunning riddle - remain silent.

Which of you, waking up cheerfully,

"Good morning!" will he say firmly?

Which one of you is okay?

Bag, books and notebooks?

Which one of you is silent like a fish?

Instead of a kind “thank you”? -Which one of you, brothers, tell me?

Forgets to wash your face?

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Gives place to elders?

Who to be wishes to be polite,

Doesn't it offend kids?

Fizminutka: "Sun"

The sun is sleeping, because the night has come, (Folded palms to the left cheek, to the right cheek.)

Even the wind doesn't make any noise.

Early in the morning the sun rose (They raised their hands up and stretched.)

Sent all its rays. (We swing our arms up.)

Suddenly a breeze blew, (We swing our arms open to the sides.)

The sky is overcast, (Covered their face with their hands.)

And shook the trees. (Swing of the body to the left, to the right.)

The rain pattered on the roofs, (Jumping in place.)

The rain drums on the roofs, (Clap our hands.)

The sun is sinking lower. (Bends forward.)

So it hid behind the clouds, (We squat.)

Not a single ray is visible. (They stood up and hid their hands behind their backs.)

We've finished warming up. (Stretched)

Rested your legs and backs.

A game: « Polite - impolite»

If politely clap twice, impolite – 1 time.

Say good morning...

Push your friend, but don't apologize.

Say hello when you meet.

Interrupt adults during a conversation.

Be able to listen to the teacher...

Don't offend girls.

Be able to maintain silence during classes.

To talk loudly.

Hurting animals...

-Say at lunch: "Bon appetit".

Say as you leave the garden to go home "Goodbye"

Call it offensive in the words of a friend.

I see that you have learned well polite words. Now you can say these kind words polite and magic words and houses, and in kindergarten, and in the store, and in other places where you go.

Productive activities of children (manual labor). Making a sun with rays. The music of V. Shainsky “Smile” sounds.

And at the end of our lesson, I suggest you make a sun with magic rays that will delight us and our guests. (children independently glue the rays from in polite words, give little sunshine to guests, and big sunshine to kids)

MBDOU-kindergarten "Rainbow" R. Lysye Gory village, Saratov region

preparatory group "Droplets"

deputy head according to UMR Gordeeva N. G.
