Ointments for herpes on the body: a list of the most effective and inexpensive remedies. Tired of dermatitis? What is herpes on the body

Treatment for herpes zoster in adults depends on the extent to which the virus affects the body.

The virus instantly enters the body of a healthy person during contact with a sick person. And a characteristic rash appears on the skin.

Treatment in adults

The disease manifests itself in the form of small swollen blisters on the skin, which are very painful due to the affected nerve endings of the epidermis. The virus of this disease is also the chickenpox virus, and shingles is herpes.

It is never difficult to identify such an unpleasant disease - swollen bubbles on the lips are clear evidence of this.

And if any difficulties arise during the diagnosis, then the doctor sends the patient to the laboratory to take scrapings from the skin. When checking the genitals, smears are also taken.
Herpes can persist on the skin for 5 to 20 days.

Infected with such a virus, more often the elderly, after 60 years. Even a very high immunity cannot protect against such a disease.

Still, people with vitamin deficiencies suffer from herpes much more than people with normal indicators. However, neither the first nor the second have a guarantee that the disease will not return to them.

After about 15 days, the inflammation disappears, the bubbles burst and the place under them is tightened with healthy skin.

But even after complete recovery, one cannot say that the disease has left the body for a long time. The herpes virus only slumbers for a while, warning of possible relapses, and exists in the body all its life.

Shingles should be treated in the first 2-3 days of detecting signs. If you start treating later, the herpes blisters will spread further throughout the body.

For treatment, a specialist often prescribes various antiviral drugs that perfectly block a common infection and prevent dangerous consequences from appearing. The nature of the disease can only be determined by a doctor, therefore, before using any medications, you must definitely go to the hospital.

Any stage of this disease is allowed to be treated independently at home, but only after prior consultation with a doctor. Treatment consists in anesthetizing inflammatory foci, in protecting healthy skin from infection from infected. This reduces the risk of complications.

Causes of the onset of the disease

It appears due to the herpes virus, which forms the symptoms of the well-known chickenpox. Herpes cannot develop at high temperatures; at low temperatures, its virus can live well.

At the slightest decrease in immunity, shingles may immediately develop. But basically, such herpes is formed as a result of some kind of disease or some other problem.

More often, people can contract herpes zoster from the following diseases:

  • oncological diseases;
  • various tumors that are treated with radiation or chemotherapy;
  • with a weakened immune system, especially in the elderly.

In children, chickenpox passes easily and without any complications and consequences; in adults, its symptoms, in addition to skin rashes, strongly affect the state of the brain. Such a disease in adults strongly affects the nerves, and a person develops dangerous degenerative disorders.

Symptoms and clinical signs of the disease

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • general malaise;
  • weakness;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • headache;
  • confusion;
  • temperature increase;
  • muscle breaking, chills.

The affected skin may itch and tingle. This is felt for 2-3 hours or even 2-3 days.

Because of all this, a rash appears all over the body. At first, the skin becomes covered with pink-red spots of 2-5 mm in size.

After a day, these spots become bubbles that are close to each other. The skin near them is slightly swollen, hyperemic. The liquid in the bubbles is clear, but may become cloudy after a few minutes.

New bubbles form with each new day. And after about 2 weeks, the bubbles dry out and become covered with yellow crusts. After the crusts fall off, small reddish spots remain on the skin, which last up to 2 months, and then go away on their own.

Almost always, the rash that appears is very painful. This happens, as already mentioned, due to the defeat of the nerve endings - each person explains his feelings in the form of unbearable itching and a constant craving for sleep.

The pain can be of a different nature, for example, boring, burning, shooting, that is, it all depends on the degree of nerve damage. More often the pain occurs at night. Patients try to close the sore spot, because the slightest breeze, any contact only intensifies the pain.

The most important is the nature of the rash, because this serves as the main basis for an accurate diagnosis. The rash mainly appears along the peripheral nerves, for example, on the abdomen or back it looks like transverse stripes and often only on one side, on the face - it is located in the area of ​​different branches of the trigeminal nerve, in the area of ​​the ears, and along the length of the limbs.

Very often, such herpes develops in the places of the intercostal nerves on the left or right side, capturing the entire trunk. From this, they began to call this disease encircling, as if a trace from a belt.

How the infection is transmitted

It is impossible to get infected with herpes zoster from a sick person, but you can catch chickenpox, because there is a lot of virus in the blisters on the skin. Therefore, if one of the parents has any symptom of this disease, then you should not contact a child who has not yet had chickenpox.

If a person has not had chickenpox, then he cannot become infected with shingles, but chickenpox can become infected.

It must be remembered that if the herpes virus gets on the skin of a healthy person, this will not cause a rash, pain or sensitivity increase. Despite the fact that such a disease has vivid manifestations, its onset occurs in nerve cells. So even during close contact with a patient, it is impossible to get infected.

In general, we can say that herpes zoster is a contagious disease that can be contracted only if the person has not had chickenpox.

This disease is transmitted through direct contact with the patient and by airborne droplets. Simply put, infection occurs, for example, through kissing, and when eating food from the same dishes.

In fact, the virus is not viable, so infection can only occur from person to person, and not in any other way.

To newborn children, this disease can be transmitted from the mother. And if the child has already had chickenpox, then he develops immunity to this virus. However, if the immune system is weakened, the virus can begin to develop immediately. Then the child can reward the rest of the children in contact with him with this disease.


Manifestations of pathology on the face

If the torso during herpes suffers only from the rash itself or only from pain, then all the symptoms are present on the face together. Because lips, eyes, ears are very sensitive areas. Severe itching, burning most of all appears on the lips.

Lip inflammation goes through several stages:

  1. Tingling and burning, lasting from 4 hours to a whole day.
  2. There is slight redness and swelling on the lips.
  3. Papules are formed.
  4. Then the papules burst, and all the liquid flows out of them, and then ulcers form in their place.
  5. After a week, these ulcers heal with a crust.
  6. Within 2-3 days, this crust dries and falls off.

When treating herpes on the face, specialists often prescribe medications of the following groups:

  • various vitamins and immunostimulants to enhance immunity, for example, thiamine, retinol, sodium salicylate;
  • antiviral drugs - interferons, they are taken for 7 days;
  • for external use, various ointments, for example, interferon, oxolinic, acyclovir;
  • in severe cases, systemic drugs such as valacyclovir, acyclovir, and famciclovir are prescribed.

The first days you need to treat with antiviral drugs, and then you can use keratoplastic drugs, for example, vitamin A, rosehip oil, to get rid of the rash. It is recommended to lubricate the affected surfaces of the face with Actovegin ointment. Also, laser therapy will not be superfluous.

This type of herpes is a very serious problem with dangerous complications and consequences in which the virus spreads throughout the body. For this very reason, topical preparations are not able to help.

Ointments are prescribed to reduce the symptoms of itching and burning. For this, an ointment with lidocaine, anesthesin, which are applied to the site of the rash, is very suitable.

However, before lubricating, you must first wipe the affected areas with an antiseptic, and after half an hour, apply the ointment.

It is imperative to use different ointments when treating herpes on the face, because if you use one, the virus will begin to disperse throughout the body. This can lead to dangerous consequences. The consequences can be: encephalitis, stroke, paresis of nerve endings, paralysis.

The best medicines to relieve body pain

The following drugs can perfectly relieve pain with this virus and reduce its vigor:

  • acyclovir;
  • valacyclovir;
  • famciclovir.

The first drug should be taken orally up to 5 times a day. And to further increase the effectiveness of the tablets, you can lubricate the rash with Acyclovir ointment. The course of treatment reaches 1 week.

Valacyclovir is similar in properties and slightly cheaper. It must be taken 2 tablets per day for 5 days. And for herpes on the lips, take 1 tablet 2 times a day.

But the drug Famciclovir, or as it is called in another way Famvir, with the first lesion, you need to take 250 ml 3 times a day, and in case of relapse, the dosage should be doubled.

Such a drug should be treated for no more than 1 week. And it is allowed to increase the duration of treatment only if there is a risk of serious complications in the central nervous system.

Analgesic drugs such as Baralgin, Ibuprofen, Pentalgin, Ketoprofen also perfectly relieve pain. And antipyretic drugs: Nurofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol and others.

We quickly deal with this problem

To quickly treat herpes on any part of the body or face, you need to combine ointment therapy with different antiviral drugs. For example, take the antiviral drug Acyclovir at the same time and lubricate it with zinc ointment, which promotes rapid healing of ulcers, which shortens the treatment time.

During treatment, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the rashes so that they do not burst. And so that this does not happen, in no case should you visit the pools, saunas, baths, there can get an infection inside the ulcers.

Getting rid of the disease with folk remedies

There is no need to panic when making this diagnosis. For treatment, in addition to medicines, there are also various folk recipes, which also give excellent results.

Let's talk about the most popular recipes tested by our ancestors on their own experience:

  1. Wormwood tincture on alcohol. This is one of the best recipes. To do this, moisten a cotton swab or a piece of gauze in tincture and apply to the diseased areas of the body or face. Hold it for 20 minutes, and then wipe all the places with castor oil. Perform the procedures until the wounds heal.
  2. For the next healing composition, you will need soda and salt. We take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda and salt, add a little purified water to them, stir until smooth. We apply the prepared gruel to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. The result from such a procedure is noticeable already on the 3rd day.
  3. The composition of garlic and castor oil helps very well. To do this, take 6-7 cloves of garlic, crush them through a garlic press, pour castor oil, put in an oven at 70 degrees for 2-3 hours. Remove from the oven, cool, strain the tincture and lubricate herpes sores up to 4 times a day.

For home treatment of such herpes, there are folk recipes taken orally:

  1. Inside, you can use a tincture of tansy, wormwood and yarrow, but they must be prepared separately. For this, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs with hot water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Drinking such decoctions is allowed up to 3 glasses a day, but on condition that there is no allergic reaction to any herb. In case of allergies, you need to drink 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  2. Burdock tea perfectly kills the herpes virus. To do this, finely chop the burdock and pour 1 teaspoon with hot water, let it stand for 60 minutes. Divide the resulting amount of tea into several parts and drink it all day. And with the advanced stage of herpes, you need to drink this tea every hour.
  3. In case of herpes infection, it is recommended to consume as much vitamin C as possible. And the source of this vitamin is currant leaves and berries, raspberries, green onions, cabbage and others. From such berries and leaves, you can make tea or use fresh, and use onion greens in various salads. Together with vitamin C, vitamin complexes should be consumed, especially B vitamins.
  4. Ginger root helps to cure herpes very well. You need to grind the ginger root, pour 150 grams of vodka (about 1 bottle), insist in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals. However, in the use of such a tincture, it is imperative to know that it must be drunk very carefully and after a preliminary conversation with a specialist. It should not be used with high blood pressure, stomach and intestinal problems. But at the same time, ginger is a great blood thinner.

Consequences and complications of the disease

This skin disease is almost never pumped by the death of a person. But nevertheless, such cases have been identified when, after recovery, a person had a severe breakdown. This suggests that during the illness, the cerebral cortex, roots and lining of the spinal cord could be damaged.

After the end of the entire course of treatment, only 28% of people have no complications, and the rest may complain of such problems:

  • slight pain lasting six months after complete recovery;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • slowing down of motor activity;
  • the appearance of hearing loss;
  • decreased vision.

Approximately 0.2% of people may develop heart disease, ending in ischemic stroke, cancer.

It is necessary to treat herpes on the body especially carefully. Herpes pills allow you to relieve symptoms in a day, speed up the cleaning of tissues from affected cells and stop inflammation. With large-scale damage to the skin, for example, with herpes zoster, antiseptics, gels and ointments with a drying effect are additionally prescribed.

Rules for taking pills

It is known that it is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes virus in the body, but putting it into a dormant form for a long time is real. Antiherpetic pills allow not only to effectively and quickly cope with the infection, but also to restore the correct functioning of the immune system.

After the absorption of the tablet for body herpes and dissolution of its shell in the stomach, the active ingredients are absorbed into the bloodstream, which carries them to organs and systems. The drug accumulates at the site of infection and blocks its ability to reactivate. The drug destroys the strain by losing its ability to pathogenic activity.

Only a doctor should prescribe, determine the dosage and course of treatment.

Due to the complexity of the infection, complex therapy is used. With proper treatment with pills and other antiherpetic drugs, the patient recovers faster, the regeneration of damaged skin is accelerated, relapses and exacerbations are prevented. Good results are achieved with the simultaneous treatment of herpes on the body with preparations of a complex antiviral and immuno-restorative action. Admission rules:

  1. Timeliness. You need to start treatment from the early stages (before the appearance of bubbles).
  2. Accuracy of dosages. Tableted forms of antiherpetic drugs contain high concentrations of potent substances, so there are many contraindications to their use and side effects. In therapeutic doses and short-term treatment, the consequences can be avoided.
  3. Prescribe pills for herpes, determine the dosage and course of treatment, and should only be a doctor.

Topically or orally?

There are two ways to treat herpes on the body - by swallowing tablets or applying topical ointments. But when choosing this or that remedy, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. The action of the tablets is systemic, that is, on the body as a whole. They cause side effects in the form of allergies, migraines, and poisoning. Ointments act locally, are often not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore they do not cause serious consequences even with prolonged therapy. Due to the safety, the cream, gel, ointment can be used in children and pregnant women.
  2. Convenience criterion. Tablets are more convenient, you have to tinker with ointments (sometimes pretreatment of the bubbles with an antiseptic is required).
  3. Price. Tablet medicines are more expensive.

Taking pills is advisable for treating large-scale rashes all over the body, for example, with herpes zoster. If individual parts of the body are damaged, for example, on the nose, chin, it is enough to use high-quality ointment forms.

Danger of pills

Severe dizziness headaches may occur when taking the pills during herpes treatment.

The main risks from treatment with tableted antiherpetic drugs are as follows:

  1. A large number of contraindications, which makes it difficult to choose the best remedy.
  2. Many side effects, including:
    1. allergies up to anaphylaxis;
    2. severe headaches with dizziness;
    3. nausea with vomiting.
  3. Dangerous reactions of the body in the form of kidney dysfunction (up to failure and colic), the appearance of hallucinations, depression of consciousness, seizures and falling into a coma.
  4. Fetal developmental disorders during pregnancy or negative impact on a breastfed baby. Therefore, the appointment of herpes pills on the body should be justified by the ratio of the possible risks and benefits of treatment.

Which ones don't help?

The following types of tablet preparations are useless for herpes on the body:

  • antibiotics, as they are active against a bacterial infection;
  • homeopathy, for example, "Anaferon", as there is no research confirming their effectiveness;
  • plant-based preparations, with the exception of Panavir (the active substance is an extract of potato shoots), but it is not available in the form of tablets;
  • untested immunomodulators, since today there are many pacifiers on offer that do not affect the course of the disease.

Types of herpes pills on the body

Effective remedies for body herpes in the form of tablets are represented by the following pharmacological groups:

Antiviral drugs

  • quick elimination of painful symptoms;
  • direct effect on the DNA of the cells of the virus;
  • decrease in the number of relapses.
  • Acyclovir drugs, such as Zovirax, Ciclovir, Acyclovir Acri, are prescribed for HSV types 1 and 2, the Zoster virus. Allowed for children and pregnant women.
  • Preparations with valacyclovir, for example, "Valtrex", are easily absorbed, give more positive results, and may be used for prophylaxis.

Immunomodulators and vitamins

This group of drugs is used for the complex treatment of herpes on the body and for prophylactic purposes. Examples:

  • Galavit is a new generation antioxidant medicine that has a complex effect on pathogens and accelerates wound healing.
  • Cycloferon is an immunostimulant with a wide spectrum of bioactivity. Increases the body's natural defenses, stimulates the production of antibodies to herpes infection. It is prescribed for children from 4 years old.
  • "Amiksin" is an antiviral immunostimulant that quickly suppresses the growth of pathogens, reduces the number of rashes and stimulates the immune system.

Vitamin therapy is an important addition to immunostimulation. To effectively fight herpes, the infected body needs useful trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, with herpes on the body, they are prescribed:

  • Vitamins:
    • A - to suppress the ability of the virus to spread;
    • C - to enhance natural protection;
    • E - to increase cellular immunity.
  • Trace elements:
    • zinc - to enhance the resistance of cells to the effects of a viral infection;
    • selenium - to increase the effect of zinc.
  • Extracts:
    • propolis - to suppress the power of the virus;
    • garlic - for antiviral effect.

External remedies

The effectiveness of the healing of wounds remaining on the body after the expiration of herpetic vesicles is lower if antiviral ointments, creams, gels are not used for local treatment of the affected skin areas. Terms of use:

  1. At the first symptoms in the form of edema, redness and slight itching of the skin, you should smear the skin with ointments.
  2. When bubbles appear, an effective remedy is a cream.
  3. Treat the affected areas with clean hands and disposable, sterile gloves.
  4. Do not squeeze out bubbles, do not remove the formed crust before applying ointment, cream or gel.
  5. Use only personal medical treatment.


  • lack of absorption properties into the systemic circulation;
  • minimum of contraindications;
  • no side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the composition;
  • the possibility of treating children and pregnant women;
  • direct effect on the focus of inflammation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • the possibility of repeated use as needed.

The herpes virus enters the body at the first contact in childhood, when a child becomes ill with chickenpox. After that, it remains forever in the tissues of the human body and can make itself felt with a significant decrease in immunity. Under its influence, the patient can develop classic herpes, localized on the genitals or face, in severe cases, herpes zoster appears. The latter type of the disease is also called shingles. When treating pathology, a specialist always uses an exclusively combined scheme, involving the use of several groups of medicines. Also, the patient should maintain a correct diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Despite the fact that the disease manifests itself as small, uncomfortable rashes on the skin, it is not localized on it. The virus penetrates directly into the nerve fibers, which is why the pathology brings strong pain, especially at night. Any local remedies can in no way affect the main factor of the disease, since in most cases they are able to eliminate only the rash, which is a consequence of damage to the nerve endings. In the absence of competent therapy, herpes begins to grow, capturing more and more territory.

Attention! Herpes zoster on the body is not as dangerous as the one that is localized in the groin or on the face. With the correct use of drugs, it can be quickly stopped and, while maintaining a normal level of immunity, it can prevent re-spread.

Signs of illness on the body

To begin immediate treatment, it is important to know all the symptoms of the disease. It can have a similar character to other skin and nerve pathologies, so it is also important to seek the help of a dermatologist. Herpes zoster manifests itself as follows:

  • body temperature begins to rise, but usually does not exceed 38 degrees;
  • the place of the rash, under which the diseased nerve is located, constantly hurts, while the pain can be quite acute, depriving the patient of sleep;
  • the sore spot constantly tingles, an incomprehensible pain may appear;
  • the patient notes weakness, apathy and increased fatigue;
  • small bubbles with liquid appear on the affected area;
  • after a while, the blisters begin to scab;
  • after that, severe itching is constantly noted on the affected area, it often intensifies in the evening and after nervous tension;
  • the affected skin becomes thin, and wounds may appear.

Attention! At first, herpes zoster manifests itself only with minor, rare tingling sensations. But after the spread of the virus along the entire nerve endings, rapid symptoms of the disease develop and the patient's condition can worsen in a few days.

Antiviral drugs for herpes zoster

An excellent drug that can be used from the age of two, but only if the recommended dosages are observed. Antiviral medication is affordable and effective. The dosage of Acyclovir for the development of herpes zoster is different for each patient, it is important to take into account the current history, age and the presence of concomitant symptoms when prescribing. Usually, an adult patient should take 0.8 g of the active substance no more than 4 times in 24 hours. It is not recommended to drink Acyclovir at night, therefore, all doses should be distributed throughout the day. Therapy using the drug lasts up to two weeks, in most cases 5-7 days are enough.

Also a good antiviral drug that can be taken for any form of herpes zoster. To achieve the required effect, the patient must take 0.5 mg of the active ingredient. In exceptional cases, when the pathology takes on an acute or complicated character, in the first 48 hours, you can drink 0.5 g of the main substance at breakfast and dinner. In the presence of side effects, the treatment regimen in the acute period can be replaced with a more gentle one. With her, the patient drinks 0.25 g of Famciclovir three times a day for the first two days. The therapy lasts no more than two weeks.

If herpes zoster is localized on the body, an ointment should be taken to eliminate the activity of the virus. In this form, Viferon is taken for 5-7 days, after which its complete cancellation is required. An antiviral drug is used 4 times a day, a thin strip of Viferon is applied to the affected area. Healthy skin should be avoided as much as possible to prevent irritation and overdose.

The drug quickly relieves itching, including at night, edema passes, the skin begins to heal, becoming thicker and more resistant to damage. Among the side effects from using the ointment, only rare allergic reactions are named.

Attention! Antiviral drugs, despite their activity and effectiveness, cannot completely suppress the herpes zoster virus. They only stop the pathogen, eliminating the acute symptoms of the disease. But with a strong decrease in immunity, the disease can return again.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for herpes zoster

A traditional anti-inflammatory agent that is not hormonal and shows good results in eliminating pathology. The maximum Nimesil is taken for two weeks, but if possible, a shorter course of therapy should be carried out, not exceeding 5-7 days. An anti-inflammatory drug is produced in the form of a powder, which must be diluted in 50-100 ml of pure water. A single dose of Nimesil is 2 g, which is equal to one sachet. The medication is taken in the morning and evening after meals. It is strictly forbidden to drink or dilute Nimesil in any liquid other than water.

The medicine comes in several forms. For herpes zoster, you can take Nimulid tablets. The drug is taken twice a day in the morning and in the evening after meals. The classic dosage for adults without kidney problems is 1 tablet and does not need to be dissolved or divided. In the presence of renal failure or temporary pathology of this organ, the dosage of the active substance cannot exceed 100 mg in 24 hours. The therapy lasts for 5-7 days.

Attention! If you have herpes zoster on your body, it is best to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. The result from them may not be so quick, but they do not so aggressively affect the kidneys and other human organs.

Herpes zoster pain relievers

The drug is able to suppress acute pain that occurs due to damage to nerve endings. The medication is highly toxic and can be taken in exceptional cases under the supervision of the attending physician. Along with the pain, convulsions and insomnia disappear. Take Pyrilene 0.5-1 tablet no more than 4 times in 24 hours to prevent a serious overdose. The duration of therapy is selected for each patient individually, taking into account the severity of his condition.

It belongs mostly to anticonvulsants, but at the same time it copes well with pain in the presence of herpes zoster. To improve sleep and eliminate pain, patients are recommended to take 5-10 mg of the active ingredient. The duration of therapy with the use of Diazepam cannot exceed 7 days, while the duration is determined individually for each patient. In some cases, the drug has caused severe intestinal upset and severe headache.


The drug is produced in the form of tablets. They quickly relieve pain, relieving the patient's condition even with severe nervous irritation. Take Mig, excluding food intake, for 200-400 mg of the active substance. You can take no more than three recommended dosages per day. The duration of therapy with this drug may not exceed 5 days.

Attention! Do not drink large amounts of pain relievers if the patient has significant kidney and liver problems. This can lead to a deterioration in their function.

Herpes zoster sedatives

This remedy can significantly improve sleep and relieve the patient's discomfort due to the development of herpes zoster. To obtain the desired therapeutic result, you will need to take 1 tablet of Afobazol three times a day. It is not recommended to increase the amount of the active substance more than 30 mg in one day. Taking into account the severity of the patient's lesion, he may be recommended to take the drug for 7-30 days.

A traditional sedative drug, which also significantly improves the patient's sleep, improves his psycho-emotional background. To achieve the required therapeutic effect, patients are recommended to take 1 tablet of Glycine no more than three times a day. It is correct to take the last dose of the active substance 30 minutes before bedtime, which will reduce pain and nervousness at night. The recommended duration of therapy is 14 days.

A completely natural preparation suitable for the treatment of men and women. Take Rational during the day, two tablets no more than 3 times. Since mint is part of the drug, you should make sure that it is well tolerated. The recommended course of therapy can range from 7 days to one month. Should not be combined with other sedatives.

Attention! In addition to the drugs described, it is also recommended to take herbal sedatives to stabilize your condition. Valerian officinalis or peppermint is great.

Video - Treatment of shingles

The cost of medications for herpes

A drugImagePrice in RB in rublesPrice in RF in rublesPrice in Ukraine in UAH
0,7-7 20-200 8-82
19-66 600-2000 246-820
7-33 200-1000 82-410
22 700 287
7 200 82
16 500 205
Moment 10 300 123
25 800 328
10 300 10
7 200 82
1,6 50 21

Attention! All prices are shown without taking into account the dosage and manufacturing plant of the medicinal product. The price at a particular pharmacy may differ slightly from the indicated one.

Folk remedies for herpes zoster

Wormwood compress

An alcoholic tincture of this medicinal plant allows you to quickly eliminate itching and stimulate the healing of the skin. To do this, you need to take a small piece of sterile gauze and soak it with alcohol tincture. After that, the matter is applied to the sore spot for 15-25 minutes. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to coat the affected area with castor oil, which will significantly consolidate the result obtained from the compress. During the day, you can make 1-3 lotions, taking into account the current state. The recommended duration of treatment is 10 days.

Video - How To Treat Herpes Zoster?

Baths with sea water

Such procedures are carried out daily, it is advisable to lie in the water for 10-15 minutes, while the water temperature cannot exceed +38 degrees. To prepare a medicinal bath, it is necessary to dissolve 500 g of sea salt in water, you can take compositions in which there is a string and calendula. This will have an additional healing and disinfecting effect. You can continue treatment until the patient is fully recovered.

Saber leaves

To prepare the drug, you will need to take only fresh leaves of the plant. Their number depends on the extent of the lesion. After kneading the necessary amount of pulp from the cinquefoil, it should be applied to sterile bandages or gauze. They are applied to the sore spot for 10-20 minutes, taking into account the exacerbation and severity of herpes zoster. You can carry out medical procedures up to 3 times a day. Treatment continues until the patient is fully recovered, usually this requires no more than 10 days.

Video - Shingles home treatment

Attention! Traditional methods of therapy for herpes zoster can only be part of the treatment, since they act exclusively locally.

Herpes zoster is a chronic disease that can only be stopped, not completely eliminated from the body. At the same time, a combination of folk and traditional remedies is the surest way to quickly relieve pain syndrome, eliminate skin rashes and stimulate skin regeneration. When undergoing therapy, it is important to observe the prescribed dosages and the recommended duration of treatment.

Herpes infection is one of the most common in the world. The herpes virus, having invaded the body, remains in it forever. With a decrease in immunity, it is activated again, bringing discomfort and reducing the level of quality of life. Many people know the manifestation of the disease on the lips, but the possibilities of the virus are much wider. The manifestation of herpes on the body always scares the patient. The disease is not easily tolerated, especially when large areas of the skin are affected.

What are the rashes with this disease, and how to treat herpes on the body, let's figure it out.

What body parts does the virus attack?

What types of the virus can provoke characteristic symptoms, what is the cause of the rash on the body? Each of the types can become a provocateur.

Types of viruses and localization of rashes:

  • HSV 1 (labial) affects mainly the lips, nasolabial triangle. People call it "cold". However, in severe disorders of the immune system, it can spread to the skin of the fingers and toes.
  • HSV 2 (anogenital) is localized in the genitals and anus. Possible damage to the skin in the groin area, on the buttocks, thighs.
  • The third type of virus (Varicella Zoster), causes chickenpox, in which rashes are recorded all over the body (children usually get sick), and shingles - affects the skin along the nerve endings. The most common herpes is on the shoulder, shoulder blades, on the sides, lower back unilaterally, typical for an adult (over 50 years old).
  • The fourth type - the Epstein-Barr virus affects the lymph nodes, causing infectious mononucleosis. A rash does not appear with a disease, but the effect of antibiotics can result in a characteristic reaction of the body in the form of small pimples on the skin throughout the body.
  • The fifth type - Cytomegalovirus is capable of infecting absolutely any internal organs. Sometimes it becomes the cause of extensive rashes on the body.
  • Herspesviruses type 6. In medicine, two subtypes are distinguished - 6A contributes to the development of multiple sclerosis, and 6B provokes the development of baby roseola, which is accompanied by a rash on the body.
  • The seventh type is usually in conjunction with the sixth and provokes chronic fatigue syndrome, lymphoproliferative pathologies.
  • The eighth type of herpes virus affects lymphocytes, provokes Kaposi's sarcoma, manifested by the formation of multiple tumors due to malignant degeneration of blood vessels. It can be localized throughout the body, but does not look like a typical herpes.

In medical practice, herpetic eruptions are most often recorded, which appear as a result of the activity of viruses of the first three types.

Clinical picture

Thanks to good immunity, clinical signs can appear some time after infection (sometimes years can pass).

Symptoms of herpes on the body depend on the type of virus that triggered the pathology. However, they always bring discomfort, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, deterioration of the general condition. The defeat of varicella zoster is characterized by painful rashes with herpes, since there is a disruption in the functioning of nerve cells.

The first signs are manifested as a cold, allergic reaction or poisoning - a slight increase in body temperature (sometimes hyperthermia), chills, general weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may appear.

In the places of future formation of bubbles, redness is observed, itching may be present. Shingles is characterized by the occurrence of pain along the affected nerve, which is no longer the initial stage of the development of pathology. A few days later, a clinic appears, indicating the herpes nature of the disease.

What does herpes look like on the body? Each herpes infection has a distinctive feature from other diseases that can manifest itself on the skin - a herpes rash looks like bubbles with liquid.

Empty papules form on the reddened place, then they are filled with exudate, which contains a huge amount of viral particles. Contact of healthy tissues with this fluid results in infection. Therefore, when asked whether herpes on the body is contagious, the answer is unambiguous - contagious, and how.

Over the course of 1-3 days, under the influence of external factors, the bubbles open up on their own, ulcers form, which dry up after a couple of days and become covered with a crust. With the typical course of the disease, the crusts disappear, in their place there is a slight pigmentation for some time, which passes without a trace.

Within 2-4 weeks, a complete recovery is recorded, however, if a person with immunodeficiency is sick or the disease is complicated by other infections, has affected a large area of ​​the skin, then this period can last much longer (up to several months).

Reasons for infection

Why does herpes appear on the body, the reasons for its development:

  • decrease in the body's defenses;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • surgical interventions and injuries;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • organ and tissue transplantation;
  • unbalanced diet.

Many people are interested in herpes on the skin - infectious or not. The virus is highly contagious. After any contact with an infected person, in 100% of cases, the virus is transmitted to a healthy person. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population are virus carriers, but only 17% can manifest the disease. It depends on the level of the body's defenses.

Routes of transmission: airborne (during a conversation, when sneezing, coughing, kissing); contact and household (with the general use of household items); sexual (from an infected partner); vertical (from mother to child).

Not a little important in the question of what herpes appears on the body is the attitude of the person himself towards his health. It is not uncommon for he himself to transfer the infection from the focus (for example, from the lips) to another place. The result is a rash on the body (inoculation route of infection).

Possible complications

Doctors often encounter people who, for herpes on the body, treated themselves on their own, as a result of which they developed complications.

Untimely, inadequate therapy of a viral disease can provoke the following consequences: meningitis, viral encephalitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, and affect the autonomic nervous system.

  • Shingles often provokes the development of postherpetic neuralgia, which is accompanied by constant pain in the affected area for a long time.
  • The most dangerous is meningoencephalitic lichen, which affects the brain. The mortality rate for such a disease is 60%, the rest of the people are often disabled.
  • Often, recurrent genital herpes has an effect on the genitourinary system, which leads to female, male infertility. In women, the risk of developing cervical cancer increases significantly.
  • With herpes on the body, pregnant women may experience irreversible consequences - miscarriage, defects with damage to the central nervous system. Infection of a child at the time of passing through the birth canal often leads to his death, since the unformed immune system is unable to resist the virus that secretes toxins. Women with active herpes are in the hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The risk of complications increases if a person has serious diseases (HIV, AIDS, cancer, hepatitis C).


At the first signs of a herpetic disease, you should consult a doctor. Only the correct diagnosis can help to develop an adequate therapy regimen.

At the stage of the appearance of a rash on any part of the body, it will not be difficult for an experienced doctor to diagnose. However, it often happens that the pathology proceeds in an atypical form, its symptoms may be similar to the clinical manifestations of other diseases. Laboratory methods are used to confirm the diagnosis:

  • bacteriological culture;
  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • direct immunofluorescence (DIF).

The most informative is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which detects antibodies to the virus in the blood serum. The immune system reacts to the introduction of the virus by forming special immunoglobulins (LgG and LgM).


Herpetic diseases can end on their own as the immune system cope with the problem itself (it fights the virus by producing antibodies). However, you should not wait for self-healing, since you can allow the spread of the virus throughout the body, which entails disastrous consequences.

How to treat herpes on the body in adults and children? The therapy regimen is the same for different age groups.

Therapeutic goals are aimed at stopping the spread of the virus throughout the body, relieving symptoms, preventing the development of complications, and maximizing the period of remission. the following tools will help:

  • It is most effective to take orally drugs Famciclovir, Valacyclovir (sometimes you need to use a solution for intravenous injection), 1 tablet (500 mg) three times a day for 7 days. Children are prescribed Zovirax 100-200 mg (depending on age).
  • For the purpose of local exposure to the affected areas, ointments, creams based on acyclovir, pencivir (Acyclovir, Fenistil Pencivir) are applied at least 5 times a day. Also use Levomekol, Oxolinic ointment. In addition to inhibiting the activity of the virus, the funds are able to isolate the affected areas, thereby preventing spread to healthy tissues.
  • Often, the course of herpes on the human body is accompanied by pain, general poor condition, cephalalgia, fever. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are taken - Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Celecoxib.
  • If neuropathic pain is present, anticonvulsants Pregabalin, Gabapentin are prescribed in parallel with NSAIDs.
  • The unbearable pain of herpes underwear can be eliminated with the help of novocaine blockade or drugs based on amantadine sulfate (Amantin, Symmetrel, Neomidantan).
  • To relieve swelling from tissues, itching, burning, antihistamines are used orally Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Loratadin and locally Fenistil, Psilo balm.
  • With extensive lesions, weeping wounds to relieve inflammation, itching, burning, the treatment of herpes on the body is carried out with the help of corticosteroid ointments (Hydrocortisone, Pimafukort). However, due to their strong toxicity, they are prescribed in short courses, but during this time they significantly improve the condition of the affected skin area.
  • To avoid the attachment of the bacterial flora of the wound (after opening the vesicles), it is necessary to treat it with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin).
  • If a bacterial infection has penetrated, it is required to take broad-spectrum antibiotics that fight the infectious process (Tetracycline, Streptomycin, Meropenem).
  • Interferon drugs are also often prescribed for herpes on the body, but their effectiveness has not been clinically proven.
  • To maintain treatment, vitamin complexes, calcium and zinc preparations, ascorbic acid are taken. The course of therapy may include injections of B vitamins (B2, B6, B12).

Usually, the disease is treated on an outpatient basis under the guidance of the attending physician. Patients with signs of damage to the nervous system (severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination of movement, loss of consciousness) are subject to compulsory hospitalization. Pregnant women, children under one year old, elderly people, patients with oncology, immunodeficiency need urgent medical care.

Undoubtedly, in order to obtain the highest efficiency, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions. However, it is also important to adhere to a diet that is rich in fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, white meats, and seafood. It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, salty, smoked, spicy foods from the diet.

In the absence of symptoms indicating meningitis, an adequate drinking regimen is indicated (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). It can be a decoction of viburnum, rose hips, green tea with raspberries, lemon, carrot juice or purified water.

Important! Rip off bubbles is strictly prohibited. This will lead to the spread of the infection to healthy tissues, the attachment of bacterial flora. Such wounds take a long time to heal and leave behind scars.

During the acute course, bed rest is shown. The room must be ventilated, wet cleaning must be carried out. Long-term water procedures are contraindicated.


It is practically impossible not to get infected with the virus. But it is quite possible to contribute to long-term remission. To do this, you need to maintain immunity at the proper level, temper, give up bad habits, constantly walk in the fresh air.

For prophylactic purposes, vaccinations can be given (subcutaneous injection). But, firstly, not all viruses that can provoke the appearance of a rash all over the body have been developed effective vaccines, and secondly, they do not give 100% protection to the body. The use of such drugs makes it possible to more easily transfer the disease, minimize the risks of complications. And, again, it all depends on immunity. With good immune protection, no virus can harm the body.

On the body, they are simple - the introduction of the virus and the creation of favorable conditions for its spread. The disease is accompanied by great discomfort, painful sensations that confine a person to bed for a while. Timely diagnosis, adequate treatment can return the patient to a full life in a short time.

Herpes is a viral disease that can manifest itself on the mucous membranes of a person and his skin. Possible causes of herpes on the body are the infection of the body with herpesvirus. It is very easily transmitted both by household contact and by airborne droplets. In addition, it is possible for a child to become infected during childbirth from the mother (vertical method).

According to statistics, the herpes virus in its body carries about 90% of the world's population.

Description of the disease: causes, types and symptoms

After entering the body, the virus is introduced into the nerve ganglia. It may absolutely not manifest itself in any way until the person's immunity is weakened, as a result of which the infection is activated and begins to cause unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, the causes of herpes on the body can also be considered:

  • the presence of any chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • severe hypothermia or overheating;
  • old or childish age;
  • unbalanced nutrition, vitamin deficiency;
  • strong emotional upheaval;
  • long-term therapy with hormones or antibacterial drugs.


At the moment, science knows more than 200 varieties of herpes viruses. However, few of them can affect the human body. These include:

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Rashes all over the body can also provoke monkey herpes. It is rarely transmitted to humans, but if it does, death becomes almost inevitable.


All types of herpes on the body have quite similar symptoms. The first signs of an intensification of the infection are: weakness, lethargy and fatigue. In some patients, this causes an increase in temperature and chills. In addition, there may be pain along the nerve and migraine, which ends with nausea, vomiting. This condition lasts for several days and at the same time negatively affects the patient's usual lifestyle.

With the further development of the infection, pain and discomfort appears in the skin and / or mucous membranes. As a result, herpetic eruptions are formed in this part. They look like small bubbles with liquid inside. Often, the skin around them turns red, and the patient feels severe itching and tingling. In the most severe cases, the symptoms of herpes on the body can be so pronounced that they will require hospitalization of the infected. Fortunately, this is very rare.

After a few days (with different types of herpes, this period lasts for different times), the bubbles burst, and small ulcers form in their place, which are subsequently covered with a crust. The unpleasant symptoms disappear. The resulting ulcers heal rather quickly, but pink spots after them can be present on the skin for another 2-3 weeks.

Disease therapy

Therapy for herpes can be very different depending on which type of infection is causing the disease. When identifying the first symptoms, many people are interested in the question: "How to treat herpes on the body in adults?" Before treating herpes on the body, you should definitely consult with a specialist. So, with HSV, human immunoglobulin in injectable form or antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Panavir, Valacyclovir) are most often prescribed.

The advantage of immunoglobulins is that they do not cause any fetal abnormalities when used by pregnant women.

While it is undesirable for pregnant women to take antiviral drugs. However, in very severe cases, the doctor may recommend them, but in a minimal dose. Among all antiviral drugs, Valacyclovir is currently the most effective.

A rash over the body with mononucleosis does not need treatment at all. However, when it appears, it is strongly recommended to stop using antibiotics. Pseudo-rubella is treated only by eliminating the signs of fever (taking Aspirin, Paracetamol) and adhering to bed rest. As for the rashes, they disappear on their own several days after the appearance. However, it is possible to lower body temperature only when it rises to 38-38.5 degrees. Otherwise, the immune system can be impaired.

The sores formed at the site of the bubbles can be disinfected with brilliant green or iodine. To speed up their healing, Solcoseryl or Sudocrem is used. The bubbles themselves with herpes simplex on the body should be treated with Panavir-gel or Acyclovir (ointment). If the patient urgently needs to put his appearance in order, he can treat problem areas in visible places with salicylic alcohol 5-7 times a day. To do this, soak cotton wool in the preparation and apply it to the bubbles for 30-40 seconds. It is noticed that after such cauterization, a crust forms very quickly.

In any of the cases, patients can use immunomodulators (Allokin-alpha, Isoprinosine). This will be especially useful for frequent relapses of herpes. During illness, patients should take vitamin and mineral complexes, eat a balanced diet and consume large amounts of liquid. It is worth noting that it is impossible to cure herpes forever. However, it is possible to render the virus inactive.

Traditional methods

Treatment with folk remedies ideally complements medication therapy.

Echinacea tincture is most often used to eliminate herpes. You can buy it at the pharmacy, but it is better to make it yourself. To do this, rinse fresh flowers in clean water, put in a non-metallic container and fill with vodka. The ratio of ingredients in this case should be 1:10. After that, the container is placed in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. After this time, the tincture is filtered. You need to take the medicine as follows: 2 tsp. the funds are diluted in a glass of water and drunk. In addition, you can lubricate the rash on the body with an undiluted solution.

Important! With prolonged use of echinacea in large quantities, insomnia and increased nervous irritability may develop. Side effects of the remedy include nausea, vomiting, allergies, and headache.

A remedy based on calendula flowers will also have a positive effect in the treatment of herpes. To make it you need 2 tbsp. l. Pour 100 ml of vodka into dry crushed flowers of the plant and let it brew for a month. After the end of this period, the prepared medicine can be lubricated with the affected areas of the body 3-4 times a day or taken internally in the morning and in the evening, 25 drops. If desired, a decoction can also be made from calendula. For this, 1 tsp. dry flowers plants are poured with boiling water and boiled for 5-10 minutes. After that, the product is infused in a warm place for 4-6 hours. In it, you need to moisten a cotton pad, and then wipe the rashes or sores.

You can use fir oil to get rid of herpes quickly and safely. They need to lubricate the blisters 3 times a day. If desired, it can be replaced with tea tree oil and camphor oil.

You can cauterize a herpes rash with a regular teaspoon. To do this, you just need to lower the cutlery in hot water, and then (when it warms up) attach it to the problem area. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, but it is very effective in treating an illness at an early stage of development.

Treatment of herpes on the body with folk remedies also includes the use of garlic. Its juice should be applied to problem areas 3-4 times a day. It will be useful to use it inside. This will help strengthen the body and quickly overcome the disease.

All of the above methods of therapy are quite effective, but still better than treating herpes on the body, preventing it. Prevention of the disease consists in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, performing activities aimed at strengthening the immune system and using barrier contraception during intimacy.

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