Test to see how open the 3rd eye is. test picture test your clairvoyance. Red-green blindness - color blindness

The third is considered the so-called invisible organ, which every person has. An increasing number of people are successfully activating it, thereby gaining new opportunities.

In this article we will tell you how to open a person’s third one on your own and what signs will indicate successful completion of the practice.

What is this?

The majority of esotericists, as well as followers of Eastern culture, claim that every person, without exception, has a third energy center. But only a few are able to use unique abilities. The phenomenon of the third eye is compared to a sense organ that gives a completely new perception of the surrounding reality. There is an opportunity to contemplate the energy component of the world. Such extraordinary abilities are inherent in psychics.

According to esoteric literature, a child is born with the third eye already open, but as he grows up, this additional sense organ is blocked by his subconscious.

A person does not use it, and very often simply does not believe that it exists at all. In the process of personality formation, society imposes a kind of framework on a person, the fulfillment of which is mandatory. That is why, after some time, physical changes in a person’s condition may occur, which may cause some discomfort, but at the same time will indicate the activation of the sixth energy center:
  1. . Active and prolonged concentration in the front of the forehead is characterized by heaviness and intensification. This is due to increased activity pineal gland, which previously could have been completely atrophied. Migraines can feel quite intense.
  2. Mild dizziness and hallucinations. This indicates a change in the operating brain waves, namely a switch from the usual beta frequencies to alpha frequencies. Roughly speaking, practitioners remain in a weak state of trance throughout the day.
  3. A burning sensation in the bridge of the nose. Practitioners from India consider this manifestation to be the main symptom that indicates the opening of the chakra. You can cool the open energy center using sandalwood paste, but you can also use any other paste or against burns.
  4. A kind of “goosebumps” on the forehead, which are accompanied by faint crackling sounds that seem to come from.
  5. After lowering the eyelids, bright flashes of light may appear, and the activity of lateral vision also increases.
  6. Heaviness in the palms, slight itching is possible.

The way the third eye opens affects the variety of sensations and the degree of their activity. For example, increased headaches may be accompanied by a runny nose.

Often people are afraid of such physical changes in sensations; they may experience panic, anxiety, sometimes even. If this happens, the development of the sixth energy center should be temporarily stopped.

Important! The signs that were listed above can often coincide with underdevelopment of third eye activity. Especially if they are complemented constant fatigue, chronic migraine and constant runny nose, as well as low level attention and . Therefore, you need to take into account this similarity and try to listen to your body as carefully as possible.

Opening techniques

The signs that a person’s third eye has begun to become active are already known; now we can move on to how to open it.

  1. It should be done in the evening, when it is already dark outside. It's best to do this every day for a month.
  2. First of all, you should take an ordinary candle and light it, placing it in front of you. The distance between the eyes and the candle fire should be equal to the distance of the elongated candle. The lights must be turned off so that the room is completely dark. It is also important to ensure absolute silence in the house.

  1. Now you need to look closely at the candle flame, at its center. You cannot shift your gaze; you also need to try not to blink. If your eyes get tired, you can squint a little, thereby washing the eye with natural tears, but you still cannot blink.
  2. First you need to hold out for at least a minute. Then, increasing this time daily, you need to reach 20–30 minutes of unwavering gaze.
  3. After the flame contemplation exercise is over, you need to close your eyes and continue to peer into the imprint of the candle fire that will remain on the retina. Usually it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, after which it completely disappears.
  4. When peering at such a print, you should try to roll your eyes so as to move it to the area of ​​the third eye - the area between the eyebrows.
vision .
The scientific community first turned to the Hindu legends about Ajna in the 1880s. A separate hypothesis was developed by the Germans and British about the correspondence of the sixth chakra of a person with the third eye of reptiles. They differed, according to the hypothesis, in that, as a result of evolution, the third eye penetrated inside the skull. This light-sensitive unpaired organ has been found in many amphibians and reptiles. Most likely, this is an undeveloped pupil that does not have the ability to project the received information into the brain.

Did you know? Among researchers of ancient civilizations, there is a version that the third eye is a gift from alien creatures who became the progenitors of the human race. This all-seeing eye was capable of updating the database information knowledge at the expense of the cosmic mind, and also help overcome gravity.

This organ in animals determines the magnetic lines of force of the Earth and serves as a kind of landmark in the surrounding space. In modern frogs and lizards small spot under the skin it has a nerve, a retina, and even a lens. According to information received from paleontologists, the hole for the third eye could be observed on the remains of ancient lizards.
When trying to develop your sixth energy center, it is important to be sure that you are able to handle it. You should not perform the exercise out of idle curiosity. You should listen to your intuition and inner feelings.


Not every person can see a three-dimensional image on so-called stereo images. They were originally invented to help relax the eye muscles. You need to focus your gaze on the image and try to see the picture on it. You won’t be able to see the encrypted picture right away, but give yourself time. So, we bring to your attention beautiful stereo images.

After the test you can read interesting information about the third eye in humans.

Signs of a person having a third eye can manifest themselves even when the person himself has not taken any action to develop this magical sense organ. However, this is still very rare. Psychics whose parents were involved in their development from an early age can boast of having this feature.

Signs that the third eye is open can be detected while performing various exercises, energy practices, as well as in the process of working with a specific chakra. These signs are kind of guidelines for the degree of your development.

The first success in the work of the third eye is the ability to see the human aura. This can be achieved if you work on developing the third eye chakra, which exists in both people and objects.

Some people want to see auras first. However, it is better to develop in this direction along with performing exercises to open the ajna chakra, as well as recharging it with energy. Over time, you will develop the ability to see the world from unusual angles, for example, through the eyes of birds.

Other people who continued to develop after learning to see auras and read their colors also learned to see what was happening behind them at any moment. At the same stage of development, the ability to see past and present events occurring in another place comes. As skills develop, the pictures visible to non-physical vision become clearer and brighter.

They say that a person whose third eye has opened completely can see the past, present and future. He can look into another world, communicate with the souls of the dead, and gain a wide variety of abilities that are considered supernatural.

The third eye is capable of repeatedly enhancing intuition and showing realistic clairvoyant pictures of the past, future, present, events occurring in distant Space or parallel dimensions. It also allows you to receive and send information directly through the info field.

To do this, the third eye needs to be activated and configured. With some effort, almost anyone can do this, but some people are born with greater abilities than others.


Absolutely every person can receive information from the information field in one way or another, but everyone has their own channel. Therefore, the method for obtaining such information must be selected individually. And one of the ways to read information is to work with the third eye.

This energy center is located at a point between the eyebrows. In ancient times it was called the third eye or Ajna chakra.

Let's check if your third eye is activated right now?

1. Look closely at this red square.

2. Continue to look at the square without taking your eyes off for 1-2 minutes.

3. Close your eyes. You may see a greenish-bluish square, circle or spot (imprint of a square on the retina) before your eyes in the forehead area.

The results of this mental test!

1. If you managed to... see a clear image of a greenish-bluish square, then you can say with confidence that your psi center (third eye) is already activated. You have great potential for psycho-informational abilities within you! You can easily develop them!

2. If you see... a circle or a fuzzy spot, then the third eye is active, but not sufficiently tuned. With a little effort, and if you wish, you will be able to see clear pictures through it, convey thoughts, read the information you need...

3. If you were unable to... see anything, then your psi center is not yet active. To develop clairvoyance and other information abilities, you will need to work a little on activating this energy center, and it will begin...

The third eye is an invisible sensory organ that usually develops on its own and is associated with the emergence of clairvoyant abilities. Yogis, esotericists and other followers of Eastern culture claim that everyone without exception has a third eye. And what about you? Our test will tell!

The third eye in humans: signs of opening

The third eye is considered the so-called invisible organ that every person has. An increasing number of people are successfully activating it, thereby gaining new opportunities. In this article we will tell you how to open a person’s third eye on your own and what signs will indicate successful completion of the practice.

7 Signs You Have a Third Eye

The third eye is often overlooked, but it is much more than you think. Once the third eye opens, we can achieve anything we want. The third eye governs Wisdom, intuition and higher consciousness. Fully open third the eye will allow you to feel a deeper connection with the universe, and this is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.

Third eye in humans: signs

Working on opening the sixth chakra requires a lot of effort and consists of a combination of the most different methods visual and audio characters. And although it seems quite simple to understand whether a person's third eye is active, signs of this all-seeing eye may not be immediately detectable. Fans today esoteric practices developed a list of not only spiritual, but also physical changes after activation of Ajna.

These 5 Signs Indicate Your Third Eye Is Open... And Here's What It Means!

Since ancient times, the third eye has been revered in many cultures, and here are 5 signs that indicate its discovery. In the majority oriental cultures it is believed that the third eye can be observed in each of us and that it indicates strong feeling self-esteem and mental involvement. It is also called the result of the fusion of body and soul. The third eye can open with regular meditation, and its influence on our lives becomes stronger over time.

Awakening the Third Eye: How to Know If Your 6th Chakra is Open

When your third eye is open there are some wonderful consequences for your feelings and thinking. The third eye (also known as the eye of consciousness, located just between the eyebrows) is the sixth chakra and has powerful abilities. Generally, this chakra becomes active when a person has reached a certain level of awareness and awareness. Only when a person has sympathy, love, honesty and a sense of responsibility, the third eye opens and new ways of self-improvement are revealed.

Third Eye: 5 Signs You Can See the Future

Many have heard that a person is able to see the future. We all have the beginnings of these abilities, but not everyone discovers their manifestation. This article will help you find out how developed your gift of prediction is. There are many recommendations on how to open the third eye, from the most famous psychics. For example, the advice of the Siberian witch Elena Golunova has already helped many people get closer to their dreams. Experts note that this is much easier to understand than it seems at first glance.

Human third eye. Exercise it to open

The so-called mystical and seemingly non-existent “Third Eye”, according to ancient occult traditions, is located in the very center of the forehead, approximately an inch above the eyebrow line. The “third eye” is like an invisible organ of vision, a powerful energy center, and the forehead is like its projection.

Test: Do you have a third eye?

Not every person can see a three-dimensional image on so-called stereo images. They were originally invented to help relax the eye muscles. You need to focus your gaze on the image and try to see the picture on it. You won’t be able to see the encrypted picture right away, but give yourself time. So, we bring to your attention beautiful stereo images.

Eye tests can be easily done at an optometrist or optometrist. There are also many online vision tests on the Internet that can give short information about your eyes. It is very easy to analyze whether you are colorblind or not. For this, various color designs are often used. If you can distinguish all the colors in the pictures in online test, then you are not colorblind. Visual acuity can also be tested online, but the results may not be 100% accurate, since we cannot guarantee that you take this or any other test under the right conditions. You can only get accurate results from an ophthalmologist or an optometrist.

Human eye

How familiar are you with the topic “Eyes”?

In addition to the common eye problems of farsightedness and nearsightedness, there are many other factors that can limit a person's vision. Astigmatism is one of these factors. In addition, some people suffer from color blindness. These people cannot distinguish between red and green shades. A very small percentage of humanity has a special form of color blindness in which they cannot distinguish between yellow and blue hues.

Farsightedness and myopia

Many people have farsightedness or nearsightedness. People who are clearly nearsighted can see everything very clearly, but only at short distances. When they look into the distance, they see everything blurry. In comparison, people with farsightedness can see everything very clearly in the distance, but to read a book or look at objects at short distances, they need glasses. A mixed form of farsightedness and myopia is also possible.


Astigmatism is a factor that can make a person's vision difficult. It is caused by the curvature of the surface of the cornea. A person with astigmatism sees straight lines in a drawing as indirect. Depending on the degree of astigmatism, the lines show a large or fine curve.

Red-green blindness - color blindness

In addition, color blindness also limits vision. In this case, vision as such is not limited, but the person is not able to distinguish colors. The most common is red-green color blindness. According to statistics, 9% of men and only 0.8% of women suffer from this. This visual impairment is congenital. Another form of color blindness is the so-called yellow-blue color blindness, which is considered almost complete blindness. In cases of complete color blindness, a person is able to distinguish only light and dark contrasts.
