Mysterious photographs that cannot be explained: rating, history and interesting facts. Mystical photographs that should not exist in nature (10 photos)

We are all a little cynics and skeptics when it comes to phenomena such as ghosts, UFOs and other illogical things. Look at these 12 photos that are hard to explain and draw your own conclusions.

1. Walking down the corridor

It seems to be an empty corridor, but upon closer inspection, in its depths there is some strange hooded figure. She looks strange and scary.

2. Strange figure

This creepy photo has gone viral on blogs and videos all over the internet, and opinions on its authenticity are rife. Some claim it's completely fake, while others swear it's proof that monsters live among us.

3. Time Traveling Guy

Another photo popular on the Internet, with many believing that the tall man in sunglasses- clearly a time traveler, because he looks out of place there. This guy in glasses, a T-shirt and a sweater would look more at home in a modern Starbucks with a latte than at a 1940s press conference.

4. Alien in Brazil

British tourists photographed this strange figure in the bushes during their holiday in Brazil. The creature somehow doesn’t really look like a human, does it? Are they really already among us?

5. Just a UFO

This photo captured an unidentified flying object. The UFO was filmed from the window of an airplane and it looks suspiciously real.

6. Lady “Granny”

This is the nickname of this unknown lady who was captured during the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and is believed to have photographed and perhaps even filmed the event. The mystery is that this lady was never identified, and they could not even clearly identify her face in the photo.

7. Boogie-woogie

The woman who took this photo swears that at the time of shooting this dude in pink was not even visible. Ghost from the past???

8. Egyptians are from Mars

Back in 1976, the Viking orbiter took photos of the surface of Mars that captured some rather strange formations. Some scientists have begun to argue that one of these formations looks like an Egyptian sculpture and is therefore proof that there is life on Mars, or that the ancient Egyptians lived there at some point.

9. The truth is out there

This photo is also popular on UFO-themed websites. It shows two military jets accompanying a flying saucer. I wonder what's going on there? Are they working on a new military project or escorting an alien ship? We will probably never know, but the truth is out there.

10. Strange guest

The owner of this house in Indiana experienced bouts of unexplained anxiety states, so she decided to do her own research and photograph the house to see if there was any evidence of oddities. In this photo, you can see a blurry silhouette of a woman looking directly at her from the living room window.

11. Ancient rocket

This cave drawing was dated back to 500 BC, pre-airplanes, cars and even bicycles. So how did this wonderful drawing of a rocket end up on the cave wall? Interesting food for thought.

12. Giants Among Us

The folklore of the Amazon peoples is full of stories and legends about giants. This giant skeleton was allegedly discovered in Brazil and may be proof that giants once lived among us. Is he real? Quite doubtful. However, all sorts of “non-standard” remains have long been found in this region.

Long before the advent of the Internet and Photoshop wizards, the vast majority of photos taken were genuine. Everything that was displayed on the film was actually in the frame. Sometimes the photographs captured truly incredible and mysterious phenomena, such as ghosts, strange creatures and even UFOs. Until now, scientists cannot explain how they got there.

Mysterious photographer

If you look closely at this seemingly ordinary photo, you will notice one strange man in sunglasses. In the photo, taken in the 40s in Canada, he especially stands out among ordinary people dressed in his time. Firstly, his clothes are more suitable for our times. Secondly, in his hands you can see a modern camera. So who is this - a common person in strange clothes or a time traveler? And what exactly was he going to photograph? unusual camera? There are no answers to these questions yet.

Mysterious silhouette at the bottom

In 1964, Frenchman Robert Serrec in the Australian state of Queensland captured something inexplicable on the seabed. The picture clearly shows a huge serpentine silhouette hidden under water. This photograph has been exciting the minds of many scientists for half a century, but there is still no convincing explanation.

Monster or monkey?

Several decades ago, the theory of the existence of “Bigfoot” became very popular. A little later they even found a relative for him - a stinking monkey. This photo was taken by a Florida resident in her yard. She also claimed that she was bitten by an unknown creature that looked like a monkey. Researchers of the image suggested that this animal could be a bear. But most are sure that it really was a skunk-like monkey.

Creepy photo of the Cooper family

After moving to a new home, the Coopers invited relatives to their place and decided to make family photo. But instead of pleasant memories, this photo can only instill fear. On it, in addition to family members, there is an incomprehensible body hanging from the ceiling. Until now, no one can explain whether this was a simple film defect or whether there are otherworldly forces in the house that accidentally got into the frame.

Guess who loves being photographed more than girls? Do not know? Devilry! Otherwise, how to explain the passion for getting ghosts, apparitions and other poltergeists into the frame. It is clear that for the most part, aliens, Bigfoot people, UFOs, monsters of the deep and skeletons of giants are just the creations of jokers, and should be treated as such. But there are shots that you don’t want to laugh at, that make your blood run cold. We have already written about the strange manifestations of the other world captured on and. They also wrote about photographs people from . I remember how twenty years ago a woman came to the editorial office with the latest issue of our evening. On the fourth page, under the “culture” heading, there was an old group photo of a local drama theater troupe. The woman pointed to a pretty young girl in the front row: “Here is my grandmother, she played in this theater. Only the photograph was taken ten years before her birth.” Then we got rid of the “crazy” visitor. Today I wouldn’t do that, I would try to figure it out, because as the Danish prince said: “There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of.”

We present for your consideration a dozen photographs taken in different countries and in different time, which have only one thing in common: mystery!

Strange photos

Silhouette of a young guy in military uniform. What is this, photoshop or adhesion? parallel worlds?

A soldier with a rifle in the foreground, an officer in a cap behind him. The photo was taken in the Novgorod region, Myasnoy Bor valley. In 1942, thousands of soldiers from three armies died here: Soviet, German and Italian. The remains were never buried. According to local residents, ghosts of fighters sometimes appear in the valley.

Everything is like in horror films, only not on the screen, but in life. American outback, an old abandoned hospital inhabited by ghosts.

Scary photos

The figure of a giant alien between the trees. Really scary.

Who said dragons don't exist? They still exist! And they not only fly, but also swim.

Either a girl, or a vision...

The girl rented an apartment, moved in, and began to settle down. On the very first evening, the dog stared into the emptiness of the dark kitchen and began to whine. The girl took the phone and took several pictures. Here's one of them. The next day she moved out of the apartment.

There is no object nearby to compare and imagine the size of the monster that was caught in the nets of Chinese fishermen. In fact, it is several meters long. A real horror movie monster.

Shocking photos

New York State, Montauk Coast. This strange and creepy creature was thrown ashore by the waves. Identification failed.

In this publication we have collected 50 photos of ghosts and spirits, which were photographed at different times, different people Worldwide. Are these photos real or are they just a product of photo editing and a good knowledge of Photoshop? There is no consensus on this question, but the pictures are really interesting.

1). The girl on the right was crying, assuring those around her that she was afraid of another child, whom no one but her saw:

2). The so-called Pink Lady in one site from the Greencastle estates in Indiana, USA:

3). During her lifetime, the strictly dressed lady was the mother of the owner of the house and the mother-in-law of the mistress. She was accidentally photographed while removing new blinds:

4). The tulip-style staircase was captured by a priest in National Museum in England. This is what appeared on it later:

5). Perhaps the most famous photograph of a ghost is the so-called Brown Lady standing on the stairs of the Rainhamhall estate in England:

6). Relatives of the deceased say goodbye to him, standing at the coffin. But who looms in the foreground?

7). A shot of the office corridor. In all likelihood, someone ghostly continues his work, despite the late hour:

8) . The mother took a photo of her daughter's gravestone with another child sitting next to it. As it turned out later, buried nearby:


9). In this photo from the cemetery one can guess elderly woman:

10) . In a photo from a military party, the ghost of a soldier appears in the background, already killed by the time of the holiday:

11) . Widower captured on film during seance on the call of his deceased wife:

12). The owner of the camera is filming her daughter, and behind her is the phantom of a woman in a black cloak without legs:

13). Ghost of a Soldier in the Alexandria Museum:

14). A raging poltergeist during a seance in London (1940):

15). An elegant Queen Anne style bureau photographed at the request of a furniture dealer for a catalogue. Someone's thin brush touches the surface of the bureau:

16). The camera literally captures the last seconds of a dying person’s life. A white substance separates from his face along with his exhalation:

17). The young man had trouble falling asleep, chest heaviness and anxiety. On the website of the photograph that has been developed, the reason is clearly visible - a ghost sitting right on it:

18). A tourist who captured a stream of water in the forest was surprised to find in the photo something similar to a red ghost. The weather was cloudy, with absolutely no rays of sun:

19) . A ghost next to a woman photographed at home and standing near the TV:

20). The favorite chair of Lord Combermere, crushed by his crew, turns out to be occupied even after his death. By himself:

21). Mom and son, posing, had no idea that someone else was living in their house. You can see a face on the left and something on the right that resembles a dog:

22). The husband photographed his wife praying in the English Worsted Church. The film showed a lady in a cap and an old outfit:

23). What is it: a guardian angel or the soul of a car passenger involved in a terrible accident?

24). It would seem like an ordinary photograph of a work website of a place in an apartment. Against the background of the switched-off monitor, you can see a person’s head. The one who took the photo workplace the woman claims that this is the head of her dead husband. But he looks much younger than at the time of his death:

25) . The old guide led tours in a place famous for its geysers and boiling mud. The guide can be seen after his death in this photo:

26). The new owner of the house hired two workers to work on the roof. The entire time they were working, they were completely alone in the building. The previous owner of the house, an elderly woman, died 3 months earlier:

27). In this photo, a ghost boy (near a chair) is playing hide and seek with a living child:

28). Phantom in an English pub:

29). The young man posed with a dog, but after development he discovered the presence of an unfamiliar woman in the frame:

30). The most famous photo of a ghost in a car, taken by the wife of the man sitting behind the wheel. They both recognized the ghost in the back seat as her previously deceased mother:

31). Ghost captured by the road:

32). Lights over Washington one night (1952):

33). A very real, but no less terrible fire tornado in Hungary:

34) . Ghosts, invisible in the studio during the recording of the program, but displayed on the TV:

35). This photo was taken from a nurse's monitor. A black figure appeared standing on top of a patient lying on a hospital bed. He died shortly after the figure appeared:

36). In the center outside the window you can see white face, looking into the room. There is no balcony in the room, and even if there was one, the face is larger than the face of a real person:

37). During the restoration of the Canadian hotel, workers took photos to document the changes. Obviously, not all the guests left the site at that time:

38). An abandoned sanatorium in Kentucky is famous for its ghosts - former patients:

39). One of the most scandalous photographs of ghosts, taken in 1963 in an English church. The photo caused a storm of controversy because... many suspected personnel overlap during its creation. Some experts who have studied the photograph claim that this is exactly one single, authentic photograph:

40). This photo was taken at the old crypt. Interestingly, this is not a reflection in the window, because... There is no glass in it for a long time:

41). The real deer stares straight at the ghostly child. We would only see a deer, the camera captures both:

42). Two girls pose with a smile, checking how the phone camera takes pictures. As it turned out, they posed not together, but three:

43). The young man clearly does not see who is walking ahead, otherwise he might get scared:

44). A dog on an evening walk clearly sees who has approached it, and is probably surprised at its owner’s blindness:

45). Is this figure real, walking intently across the bridge in the heart of the Old Town?

46). A clot of ectoplasm has the outline of a figure, most likely a resident medieval city, where the photo was taken:

47). The ghost is clearly a woman stopping in front of the altar - the ghost can be seen wearing shoes:

48). People are talking to each other behind a white car. But who is the dark one standing in front of her?

49). Happy newlyweds are photographed with their retinue against the backdrop of the church. Someone's ghostly face can be seen in the mug under the numbers 666:

50). A very interesting and controversial shot of an indoor swimming pool. The white figure resembles someone crawling out of it, and orbs are visible above it:

Do you think the site of ghosts and spirits can really be photographed? Please write your opinion in the comments below.

Secret is something that people use. The secret allows everyone to express their point of view, basing it solely on their own conclusions. It pleases your pride and raises your self-esteem. The following 10 photos will help you stroke your vanity and express your hypothesis.

Could this lady be under code name"babushka" have anything to do with the assassination of John Kennedy?

The assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 gave rise to many conspiracy theories. One of the mysteries is Lady "babushka", a nickname that was given to an unidentified woman who was repeatedly photographed at the murder scene. How was this lady different from everyone else? Unlike others, she filmed everything on a video camera and was very close to where the bullet hit the president. The police tried to track down the woman, in the hope that her footage would help solve the mystery, but to this day, no one knows her name.

In 1970, a woman named Beverly Oliver appeared who claimed that she was the very “babushka”. A few years after Kennedy's assassination, she says, a man who introduced himself as an FBI agent knocked on her house. She admitted to them that she had the film and gave the original. Then they disappeared and she was never heard from again.

Her legend was immediately questioned, mainly because she was only 17 years old in 1963. Based on the photo, there’s no way to give the woman less than 40. In 1994, Beverly Oliver wrote a book of memoirs about that day and called it “A Nightmare in Dallas.” This book became the inspiration for John Oliver's film JFK.

Officials doubt the veracity of her legend, so officially "babushka" remains a mystery.

Lights of Hessdalen: Aliens or natural battery?

In Hessdalen, Norway, people regularly see spectacular lights. The lights were very active between 1981 and 1984, with people coming from all over the world to experience the open air night, saw these lights 15-20 times a week. Nowadays, people observe this phenomenon only 15-20 times a year.

Scientific explanation These lights are missing, leading many to speculate that they are caused by the activity of alien spacecraft.

However, as of May 2014, some scientists think they may have solved the mystery. The hypothesis is that a large number of The iron inside the mountain, combined with a lot of sulfur in the river, creates something like a battery. When the ionized gas comes into contact with river vapors, people see lights. This theory has not yet been proven, so the mystery is still considered unsolved.

Sea monster

If this photo were taken today, it would most likely be called a hack job in Photoshop, but they were taken on December 12, 1964. And in case you forgot, let me remind you that there was no Photoshop then.

Robert Le Serrec and his wife were off the coast of Stonehaven Bay on Hook Island, Queensland. Robert's wife noticed a huge silhouette in the quiet lagoon and took several photographs to later determine what it was. As they said, the creature looked like a huge tadpole 25 meters long. At first the creature was motionless, but when they pointed the boat at it, it quickly sank into the depths.

The Mystery of the Astronaut Silhouette

When Jim Templeton took photographs of his wife and daughter on a sunny day in Cumbria, England, in the summer of 1964, he did not know that he would soon become the target of all sorts of conspiracy theorists. But here's what happened according to Jim. There was no one behind his daughter and wife when he took the photo. An unknown silhouette appeared after he developed the photographs. The police did not see anything criminal in the photograph, but the media inflated the whole story.

Many have debunked the mystery of this photograph, theorizing that what appears to be an astronaut is none other than the girl's mother standing further up the hill, and the light silhouette was due to light hitting the lens during the shooting. Others firmly stand their ground and say that the photo is of an astronaut. According to legend, a rocket launch was planned in the area that day, which was interrupted by two men in white spacesuits who were watching the launch from the mountain, and it was one of them who was removed by Templeton.

Faces of phantoms overboard Watertown

James Courtney and Michael Meehan cleaning the fuel tank on the Watertown in 1924. While working, the men inhaled harmful fumes and died from suffocation. As was customary at the time, they were buried at sea. But for several days after their funeral, the ship was haunted by the faces of two men who did not disappear from the surface of the water for a second. The faces were very clearly visible, and Captain Keith Tracy ordered them to be photographed. The photo shows two large faces chasing the ship.

Alien satellite in Earth orbit

Can a satellite that is more than 13,000 years old fly in Earth's orbit? Theoretically, anything is possible, and people who believe in the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence found confirmation of this in this photograph. Some have even linked this "satellite" to the long echo that Nikola Tesla once recorded in 1899, sending a signal into space. Rumors about the possible discovery unidentified object in Earth orbit appeared back in the 1950s, when stories were published in which the US Air Force allegedly described the discovery of two satellites that neither the USA nor the USSR had ever launched.

Ghost at dinner

Legend has it that when the Cooper family (pictured) moved into their new house, and this was the first photograph that was taken within the walls of this house. When the Photograph was developed, everyone saw a body hanging from the ceiling, which none of the people in the photo had seen. Further research gave rise to many legends, however, most are inclined to skillfully combine two photographs and it is quite possible that this was done deliberately.

Pyramids on the dark side of the moon

What exactly is hiding there on the dark side of the Moon? The photo above was taken by Apollo 17 during its final flight to the Moon. At first it was rejected as unsuccessful, but then they paid attention. Although there is a lot of “noise” in the photo, the straight lines characteristic of a pyramid are clearly visible. Some believe that on back side the moons have pyramids similar to those of Egypt, but most are skeptical of these claims.

Photo of Freddie Jackson after death

In 1919, Freddie Jackson was accidentally killed by an airplane propeller while working on Sir Victor Goddard's airplane. Two days later, the squadron took a photo, and when Goddard found himself in the photo, he saw Freddie Jackson's face behind him. When he showed his discovery to his friends, they agreed that it was in fact the late Jackson. That day was his funeral.

The mysterious death of Elisa Lam

Elisa Lam was a 21-year-old student who went missing from the Cecil Hotel in January 2013. Los Angeles. Her body was later found in a technical water tank. Eliza was reported to have suffered from bipolar disorder and this story could have been a simple accident, but nevertheless, her death left too many questions that could not easily be written on an accident.

The video, which preserved the last moments of her life, shows Eliza pressing all the elevator buttons, but the elevator does not close, and then we see Eliza hiding from someone. Then she gets out of the elevator, looks around, runs into the elevator, presses the buttons, but the elevator again does not want to close the doors. Minutes pass, Eliza leaves the elevator and the doors close... We don’t see her anymore.

Other facts that may make your blood run cold:

Stayed at this hotel twice serial killers,
- a strange outbreak of tuberculosis that occurred a few blocks from the hotel. And the strangest thing is that this quarter was called LAM-ELISA.
- no one could also explain the fact how she was able to get onto the roof, because the passage to it was locked,
- and who updated her blog six months later?

This story has interested Hollywood and therefore in 2015 expect a film about the strange death of Elisa Lam.

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