Pills and other medicines for epilepsy

Epilepsy requires careful selection of the treatment regimen. The goal of medical treatment is to reduce the intensity and frequency of seizures.

Epilepsy develops due to increased activity of neurons in certain areas of the brain. This neurological feature provokes the appearance of convulsive seizures. Medical therapy has several goals:

  • minimize the intensity of symptoms during a seizure;
  • reduce the frequency of seizures;
  • avoid the development of side effects.

Thus, the therapy that improves the quality of life of the patient, while not causing the development of side effects from taking medications, is considered to be correctly selected.

There are more than forty types of seizures in epilepsy, caused by increased activity of neurons in one or another part of the brain. It is this feature that explains the large number of different antiepileptic drugs and the need for careful selection of medicines only by the attending physician.

It is not possible to choose the optimal pills on your own. Before prescribing therapy to a particular patient, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of his body, and also studies the possible risks.

Types of drugs

Medicines for epilepsy are divided into two groups - these are anticonvulsants for relieving seizures and sedatives.

Anticonvulsants affect the centers of the brain responsible for increasing muscle tone. They have a muscle relaxant effect, relieve spasm and, thereby, stop a convulsive seizure. In addition, antiepileptic drugs act on neurons in certain areas of the brain, removing increased brain activity.

Anticonvulsants for epilepsy are represented by many different active substances that affect a particular type of disease. Such medicines should be selected only by the attending physician.

Treatment is supplemented with drugs against psychoneurological manifestations of the disease. Depending on the clinical picture of the course of epilepsy in a patient, tranquilizers, sedatives or injections aimed at relieving affective states may be recommended. Sedatives help reduce activity in certain areas of the brain.


They form the basis of treatment. They are divided into two categories - the first and second. The first includes drugs "tested by time." The second category refers to the means of a new generation.

At the initial stage of treatment, the patient is prescribed a first-line drug, selected taking into account the characteristics of convulsive conditions. The most popular drugs in this group are the following active ingredients:

  • carbamazepine;
  • phenytoin;
  • sodium valproate;
  • benzobarbital.

The above substances are part of the tablets of various pharmaceutical companies, so the commercial name of the medicine may differ.

As a rule, monotherapy with one of the above means is practiced at the beginning of therapeutic treatment. The regimen and duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis. Usually, treatment begins with the minimum therapeutic dose, with its gradual further increase.

New generation pills are drugs with phenobarbital, lamotrigine, gabapentin or vigabatrin in the composition. The name of the drugs in pharmacies may differ depending on the manufacturer, however, the main component of the tablets is one of the above substances.

Polytherapy is prescribed in case of low efficiency of monotherapy. It means the simultaneous reception of two funds from different categories.

Features of taking anticonvulsant drugs

Polytherapy is not often prescribed, due to the risk of developing a number of side effects. The toxic effect on the body of two different active substances can have negative consequences for the patient's health, so a thorough examination of the body is necessary before prescribing such treatment.

Properly selected treatment does not cause side effects and improves the quality of life of patients. The main condition for achieving a sustainable therapeutic effect is a long and continuous use of drugs. In some cases, the pills need to be taken for life.

The effectiveness of treatment can be judged several years after the start of medication. A successful outcome is the cessation of recurrent seizures for five years after the start of medication.

Anticonvulsants should not be changed or stopped on their own. With the development of side effects, poor tolerance or unaffordable cost of the drug, you should consult with your doctor about changing the drug.

Due to the peculiarities of the effect of the drug on the body, the drug is discontinued by gradually reducing the dosage.

Anticonvulsant drugs can be given to children, but the dosage and regimen are adjusted by the doctor.

It is not recommended to take pills during the first trimester of pregnancy. The exception is those cases when a woman's health deteriorates without taking medicines.

Sedatives for epilepsy

Anticonvulsants are the mainstay of epilepsy treatment, but sedatives and tranquilizers are often prescribed as adjuvant therapy.

They help fight stress, relieve affective states and improve the quality of life of a patient with epilepsy. These drugs are selected only by a doctor, due to the likely development of addiction of the body. Means of this group should be taken only on the testimony of a doctor. In the presence of anxiety, depression, affective disorder or panic attacks, the patient should report this to the attending physician. Tranquilizers inhibit the activity of certain parts of the brain, which determines their effectiveness in epilepsy. However, they have a number of side effects and the likelihood of developing unwanted effects, so they should be taken with caution.

Sedative drugs for epilepsy are indicated to achieve the following results:

  • removal of hyperexcitability of brain neurons;
  • normalization of the patient's performance;
  • improving the quality of sleep;
  • reduction of symptoms of a number of neurological disorders.

Sedatives have several advantages over tranquilizers - they are completely natural and not addictive. The most popular remedies are peony tincture or glycine for epilepsy.

Peony tincture is taken at the dosage recommended by the doctor, several times a day. It is well tolerated by the body, practically does not cause side effects. At the same time, patients note an improvement in well-being, normalization of the psycho-emotional state and an increase in the quality of sleep. Possible side effects in case of individual intolerance to the drug are nausea, vomiting, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Peony tincture should be used with caution in people with gastritis and ulcers, as it can increase the acidity of the stomach.

One of the simplest, most affordable and at the same time effective sedative drugs is Glycine. The active substance of the drug is the amino acid glycine, which is well tolerated by the body. The medicine is absolutely safe, it is prescribed even for children. If you make a list of the most popular sedatives, this drug will take a leading position.

Among people taking such pills for epilepsy, allergic reactions are observed very rarely and only with individual intolerance to the pills.

Treatment effectiveness

The effectiveness of the treatment of epilepsy largely depends on the patient himself. The drugs selected by the doctor should be taken for a long time, without gaps and delays. Anticonvulsant tablets are recommended to be taken daily at the same time.

The choice of drugs is made by the doctor. If the patient for any reason is not satisfied with the recommended drug, you should consult your doctor about replacing it. Despite the fact that expensive drugs cause fewer side effects, not every patient can get them. If a patient has been prescribed a drug that is too expensive for him, you should definitely go to the doctor and say: “I want to replace the medicine with an affordable one.” Finding a list of analogues of expensive drugs is not difficult. In addition, the patient has the right to demand the appointment of a truly effective drug that he can afford.

The most likely to completely get rid of epilepsy in the event that treatment is started in early childhood. Parents should begin treatment immediately after the first few seizures. It is also the responsibility of the parents to comply with all the recommendations of the attending physician.

The effectiveness of treatment increases many times if, in addition to taking pills, a person adheres to the diet recommended by the doctor. A list of allowed and prohibited foods can be obtained from a neurologist or nutritionist.
