This is a sign from above! How to learn to see the clues of fate. How to receive hints from the unconscious. An Easy, Proven Technique How to Ask Questions to the Universe

I heard this version that the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one. But it is not always the case. That's not even often the case. Because our mind always gives the first answer. It contains a kind of box, a kind of memory archive, which contains all the knowledge and experiences that we have gained in life. And the mind, having received the question and rummaged through this box, gives the answer. And absolutely correct. From a mental point of view...

But from the point of view of our Spirit (or Soul, or Higher Self, or Guardian Angel, or I-Am, everyone is called differently, but the essence is the same), not all answers of the mind can be considered correct and the only true ones. Because the capabilities of the mind are limited only by the data that is put into it, no more and no less. But we are more than just physical body, is not it? And we not only have a physical body, but also thin bodies, which go far beyond the physical body.

How to get an answer to a question from the Universe through your Spirit

I personally believe that I am a Spirit that manifests itself in the material world through a physical body, but is not one. Or rather, not only them. Therefore, I think it is logical to ask advice not from your mind, which knows only this body and this life, but from your Spirit, which knows much more. I call it that, but you can say not “Spirit”, but for example “how to get an answer from your Guardian Angel” or “how to get an answer from the subconscious”. Or from the Universe, from the sky, from the Higher Self, from the Creator, and so on. Call this source what you want, the essence will not change.

There is also a version that absolutely all knowledge is embedded in our DNA, but it is inaccessible to us as long as we believe that we are only this body.

How to get an answer to any question

So how can you ask a question to your Higher Self without going through the mind? First ask a question to your Mind and listen to it. And then ask this question to your Spirit. Questions that are asked only in the moment of Here and Now and in complete thoughtlessness.

So how to do this practically. You can do this simply in your head, but I advise you to write down the answers so that later you have the opportunity to re-read and comprehend everything again.

We take pen and paper, formulate a question and answer it from the point of view of the mind. We ask, “Um, please tell me, what should I do in this situation?” or “Do I need such and such?”, in general, everyone asks their own questions. Everyone has their own questions. Should I get married? Do I need to take this or that drug? What should I do in this situation? Which of the two cars (apartments, people, things) to choose? And so on…

We ask a question, get a logical answer, write it down. Then again we ask the Mind about what it is afraid of regarding this problem. Let's write down this fear.

And then, when the mind told us its point of view on this question, having pulled out from the box what was once placed in it during this life, it’s time to ask the question to your Spirit. To do this, you need to immerse yourself in the moment of Now. You can do this different ways. It’s enough just to pay attention to your breathing, and then to what’s around you. Look to the right, to the left, to see objects that are in the field of view, to listen to the sounds that are on this moment, smell the smells. That is, completely immerse yourself in the moment of Now.

This is quite enough. But you can also, for example, choose one color and look for it around you. Choose blue and look for everything blue near you. You can go further and look and feel everything around and look for the chosen color, look at your body, arms, legs, and then feel it, finding one or two pleasant points. For example, hot palms and pleasant warmth in the center of the chest. Or the feet and throat area. Or the lower abdomen and ankles.

And, being already in a relaxed state in the Now moment, ask a question to your Spirit (or, I repeat, as it is convenient for you to call it - the Soul, the Higher Self, the Creator, and so on). For example: “My Higher Self, tell me what to do in this situation?” And we listen to the answer. It is advisable, of course, to write it down.

There should be no tension, you are in the Now moment and the answer comes very easily. Listen to him even if you don't like him. Write it down, then you will still have time to re-read and comprehend everything. The answers may or may not coincide with the answer of the Mind. Sometimes the answer can be quite unexpected and at first it is impossible to understand it with your mind. Just accept it.

And try for a while to live as your Spirit tells you, and not your Mind. Soon you will begin to realize how many templates and programs are embedded in you, which have not served you for a long time, which you have not needed for a long time, and many of them are not yours personally at all, but are embedded in you by society, television, parents, girlfriends, and so on.

Learn to hear Yourself (your Soul, Spirit, Higher Self, subconscious) and your life will begin to change. At some point, you may even be surprised to realize that you are not at all the person you thought you were. That your goals, desires and plans are not what you thought. And that Living Yourself is amazing and interesting!

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Greetings, dear readers!
There is an expression: “The morning is wiser than the evening.” Usually we say this if we cannot make a decision in the evening, we put everything off until the morning, “with a fresh mind.” And indeed, a rested mind gives us the right decision.

Is it true that we can find solutions in the morning, after sleep? In fact, there are ways that help with this. Let's talk about how to get an answer in a dream.

Differences between prophetic and prophetic dreams.

Dreams are prophetic and prophetic.

Prophetic dreams show us future events. They can be literal or symbolic. Prophetic dreams report positive and negative events. Both types deserve attention. The first type gives optimism and hope, while the second type warns of threats that we can avoid.

Spontaneous prophetic dreams are rare. They are very clear, after waking up we remember them perfectly, and the feelings evoked with them are very vivid. And if you need an answer to a question in a dream, then they turn to prophetic dreams.

Prophetic dream can reveal both small episodic events from our future (for example, an unknown place we will visit) and significant ones (a future partner, a child or a job).

Can we order a prophetic dream and receive an answer to a question in a dream? The answer is yes! It turns out there are several ways to do this.

The magic of mirrors and candles

Here is one of the methods showing how to get an answer to your question in a dream.

Place a mirror next to your bed. Place candles (blue, purple or white) to the left and right of the mirror. Prepare paper and pen. Light the candles and look at your reflection in the mirror. Keep thinking about the topic you want to answer. After about 10-15 minutes, go to bed. In the morning we record the dream. You may have several dreams during the night. Which one is the most important? Each dream highlights the same problem, but uses different images and plots. When you wake up, write down everything you saw in as much detail as possible. How to get an answer to your question in a dream? Select the main episode and analyze what feelings it evokes. If this positive emotions, this means that the solution to the question in a dream will be positive; if after sleep there is anxiety, then most likely the answer will be negative.

Magic tea

You need rose petals, peppermint, jasmine and cinnamon. All herbs are mixed and then brewed at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Infused warm, Herb tea Take half an hour before going to bed for 2 weeks. After this time, you can order a dream with an answer to the question that is bothering you.

Sleep incubation

A method used by many psychotherapists.

Before going to bed, concentrate all your attention on your question (not too long and specific). It should be asked so that the answer is short: “yes” or “no.” Place a notepad with a question under your pillow. Then you must "motivate" your subconscious mind to become "interested" in the topic. To this end, ask yourself: what will happen if I receive an answer to my question in a dream, how will I feel when I find out the answer to this question, how the result can help me. When you fall asleep, you should focus as closely as possible on your question.

Herbs and stones that cause prophetic dreams

Some herbs and stones have the ability to attract prophetic dreams. Such amulets should be placed under the pillow at night in order to have a dream with an answer to the question.

Stones that cause prophetic dreams: moonstone, amethyst, opal, pearls.

Of course, dear readers, we will not receive an exact answer to our burning questions through dreams. We will get emotions, feelings. And this is quite real, because we ask a question to our subconscious, and it never sleeps. Speaking of the work of the subconscious. Read it, it's interesting.

Although there are many cases in history when greatest discoveries, thanks to dreams. For example, the periodic table. This once again suggests that our brain does not sleep, but works intensively and helps us accept right decisions. And we, in turn, need to help him. How to do it, .

We wish you, dear readers, to be sure to find answers to all the questions that life asks.

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Every second, the human brain performs 10 to the 15th power of operations, that is, 1,000,000,000,000 (a trillion operations per second). Our brain works amazingly quickly and clearly and does not stop working even when we sleep.

However, everyone normal person, despite such high functionality of the brain, there are questions to which it cannot find the answer on its own. And then he has to resort to various kinds of help.

Unfortunately, with the help of Google and Yandex it is not always possible to get an answer to an exciting question.

In encyclopedias, we are also not informed about how to act in a given situation, and they are not taught this at school.

Well, what to do in such a situation?

I suggest simple techniques, which help you get an answer to any question.

All the answers are within us

Surely you have heard the phrase many times: all the answers are within us! Yes Yes. Most likely you heard. But how can you learn to get these most vital answers? How?

Are there any methods or techniques by which we can obtain answers not only from the depths of the memory of our soul, but also from the Ecumenical Information Bank?

Having lived the nth period of my life, periodically faced with situations that require resolution and answers to questions, from time to time I tried on myself some miraculous methods, of which I have currently identified the most effective ones.

I share these techniques with you in the hope that they will definitely help you in your quest. The main thing is to believe that everything works and just practice.

So, in order.

1 Technique: Interpret the phrase

The simplest, perhaps, but not one hundred percent method. I used this method when I was still an ordinary teenager, who didn’t even really know that there was a Universal Information Bank :)

I used the book to get answers to my questions. I took a book with parables to get answers.

You can use for yourself the book you want, and even your entire library, choosing a new book every day.


Pick up the book of your choice. Close your eyes. Say your question in your mind.

Also with eyes closed open the book to the page where it tells you inner voice, and place your finger anywhere on the sheet on the right or left, as you wish.

Or mentally name the page, paragraph...

Then open your eyes and see what is written on the place you have chosen. The answer is ready.

You may not immediately understand how what this paragraph says relates to your question. Do not despair.

Most likely, you will receive a transcript of the answer later in the form sudden mental insight or from the mouths of people you communicate with.

You can ask no more than three questions per session, showing respect for the book. This way you will receive the most truthful and clear answers.

2 Technique: Intention and promptings from Above

Here, first you need to define the concept of what intention is.

We thought for sure that it would happen, let it go and forgot. All. Don't wait until it comes true. Just let go. When you need to get an answer, it will definitely happen.

Now let's move closer to the technology itself.


Focus on your inner world, dive inside yourself, move the observer's focus to the heart center.

Free yourself from the numerous unnecessary thoughts that flash through your head every second. Create inner silence.

Mentally ask your question.

Speak it clearly and clearly, and after that set the intention that you will definitely receive an answer to it in the near future. All.

Take a breath and exhale, thank yourself for trusting the Universe and return to your daily life.

During practice, you should not think about how you will get the answer to your question. Trust the Universe.

The answer may come in the form of images, dreams, accidentally heard phrases, collisions, situations. Or perhaps you will simply be overwhelmed by “insight,” “illumination,” “epiphany,” or “realization.”

The most important thing in this technique is to be one hundred percent sure that the Universe will make sure that your intention is fulfilled and you will definitely receive an answer to your question.

I still don’t know how this happens, but it’s akin to some kind of “ordinary”)) miracle or magic.

I know one thing for sure. People who have a very clear attunement with the world of subtle energies receive tips from the Universe and even full answers to their queries.

3 Technique: A glass of water and normal sleep

This practice is very simple. You will need to perform a series of simple actions in a clear order, seasoning them with some clearly formulated thoughts.


Before going to bed, fill a regular glass with clean drinking water. Drink half while closing your eyes.

Mentally, while you drink half a glass of water in slow sips, say your question.

Then tell yourself, “This is all I need to do to find a solution to the problem I’m thinking about.”

And feel free to go to bed.

After this, do not talk to anyone or try to mentally go through possible options solution to your issue.

Let the Universe make sure that you receive the answer. And water in this case will serve as an excellent conductor of information.

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is drink the remaining half glass of water.

And your subconscious for the answer you received in a dream, or, if, as it seems to you, you did not receive an answer, again mentally tell yourself, closing your eyes: “This is all I need to do to find a solution to the problem I’m thinking about.” .

Answers may come in a dream. Or it could be the same moment of insight, awareness, the same insight, the same random phrase or other hidden clue.

It is important to remember that you can ask the same question no more than three times in a row. Then just let it go.

The answer will come in any case. No wonder they say: “The morning is wiser than the evening.”

4 Technique: Connecting with the Higher Self or Spiritual Helpers

If you often practice meditation, I think it won’t be too difficult for you to enter a meditative state and get answers to your questions.

And your Spiritual Assistants or your Higher Self can help you with this. It depends on who you communicate with most often. The main thing is to learn to internally contact them.


Choose a cozy, quiet place where you will not be disturbed for twenty to thirty minutes.

Take a position that is comfortable for you, relax, let go of unnecessary thoughts and feel how you open up to accepting answers to your questions.

Mentally call on your Higher Self or other Spiritual Helpers, who you have a connection with, who you contact most often, and formulate your question clearly and clearly.

Then simply observe your inner space.

Be attentive to any signals you receive in this state, be it images, pictures, lights, sensations, words or thoughts that come to you.

In the end, the answer of the Higher Self is also a thought, it is unclear how it ended up in your head.

Observe what is happening inside you. Choose from all this exactly what seems true to you, what is closest to you.

If the image you received is not clear to you, ask another clarifying question.

When you feel that you have already received all the necessary information, thank your invisible helpers, including yourself, and return to the state of here and now.

You may not get an answer to your question the first time. Do not give up. Practice. In any case, this personal work with yourself will benefit you.

5 Method of Reincarnation

This method can be called the most effective. In a few words I will explain why I came to this conclusion.

If, using the techniques prescribed in paragraphs 1-4, you can get answers to monosyllabic questions, then Reincarnation will allow you to see the overall picture on the topic that interests you.

Using this method, you can view the background of the situation for which you are looking for answers. You can become an outside observer of everything that happens and observe events and even yourself from the outside.

Moreover, Reincarnation allows you to see alternative options developments of events.

That is, you can not only get an answer to the question that worries you, but you will also see several ways of developing the situation and choose the most suitable and correct path to follow for you.

Well, Reincarnation also allows us to visit space, and in this place receive answers to all our questions.

One day, when I was in this space, in the space of my soul, I discovered one wonderful room there. It was a library room.

There were an endless number of books, and they all contained answers to questions. All these books were filled with knowledge.

For example, in the Ecumenical Library I saw a book called “The Great Patriotic War”, I saw the book “My Current Life”, which talked about my real life.

I also saw a book called “All My Lives: Past and Future.” And it described all my incarnations, both before this life and after this life.

And then I realized that I could find absolutely any book in this space and view events that have already happened, or which perhaps will be. It was amazing! Such a find!

I would really like that every person who is looking for answers to their questions regarding their past and future could easily fall into this magical space - to the Universal Library of Answers.

Then humanity would become a little happier because we have the opportunity to visit the place where the Creator placed ALL the knowledge of our vast Universe...

And to find out a way that allows you to easily get into the Universal Library of Answers, I invite you to watch the speech from the Day of the Reincarnist.

After watching the performance, you will be able to go through the “Universal Library of Answers” ​​meditation.

P.S. Do you have other ways to get answers?

P.P.S. Want to explore your space between lives,

Isn't it great to make friends with your unconscious and receive tips from it?

Tips that can make your life easier?

The technique is very simple.

Every evening, when you go to bed and have already relaxed, repeat to yourself one single phrase - “I want to get an answer.” At first, you will quickly forget to repeat the words and fall asleep. With time and training, you will be able to keep this question in your mind longer.

At the same time, it is important to simply trust. To trust the field, the Almighty, God, the highest mind, for atheists - luck that you will receive exactly the answer that you need. In general, you need to repeat the “mantra” and trust.

It is also important not to help the unconscious search for answers to those questions that interest you most.. If you are interested in whether a man loves you or not and you diligently get an answer to this question, then most likely there will be either a distortion of the answer or the wrong response from the unconscious. It just won't help, and you'll end up frustrated. The answers will be exactly those that are important to you now.

At the beginning of the practice, you will most likely have very strange, meaningless dreams - and this is normal. Over time, you will begin to remember what is truly important. Here you don’t even need to write anything down, as in other complex techniques.

Messages come in two types - direct and encrypted.

  1. Direct is when a clear, clear answer comes. And you know that this is exactly the answer. You either hear it or understand it through images, symbols or other people.
  2. In encrypted ones, the answer is not so obvious, and you still have to try to understand it. There is no need to be upset here. It takes time to learn to understand your own ciphers.

My shining example how it works.

My partner and I were getting ready to fly to China when I started practicing this technique. And a couple of days before departure from our city, I see two dreams. In the first, I'm two hours late for my plane due to a taxi delay. In the second, I am again late for the same two hours, only I am very close to the airport and plan to leave my grandmother’s house (15 minutes drive). The essence of dreams is that I missed the plane by two hours.

We flew out of our city according to plan, because I thought that the dream warned of a departure from Almaty. When we flew away, I let go of the situation, thinking that everything had turned out okay. “Thank you, unconscious, for the hint,” I thought. And I forgot.

Next, from Urumqi we had to fly to Guangzhou in the morning. And we were two hours late for the plane! It happened in a very strange way. We had a translator who met us and helped us, and we followed everything ourselves. And still they were late.

It's not so bad. We change tickets with an additional payment for the next flight (in two hours) and go to drink tea at the airport cafe. Our surprise was very strong when we found out that we were late for this flight too! We were very close, about thirty meters from the reception desk. Our miracle translator was with us and heard the entire registration announcement. How this happened is a mystery.

And only then did the meaning of the dreams dawn on me: I just had to keep track of time carefully! If I had taken this more seriously, we would not have had so many losses, namely time and money. We flew out the next day and paid for the tickets again.

I think that making friends with our unconscious is a useful idea. In any case, it is always on our side. I would even call our subconscious our guardian angel, because clues can be vital. Therefore, by getting closer to him, you can really make your life easier.

This technique is suitable for everyone. Not much is required from you.

  1. Repeat the words “I want an answer” before going to bed.
  2. Trust that you will receive the answers you really need.
  3. Learn to understand and receive these answers.
  4. Train.

Of course, over time you can get answers to the questions you need. But this is only when you have already made a serious friendship with your unconscious.

Practice and you will always have answers to your questions.
You can forget about going to fortune tellers.
