New Year's contests for teenage children. Games and contests for the company of teenagers - a fun collection

1. Checking artistic ability.

Draw: chewed gum, boiling kettle, cake box and pen covered with writing, torn book, broken cup, empty plate, broken pencil, delicious cake, expensive ring, checked dictation, crumpled paper, frozen phone, dirty frying pan, cold shower, spring in the mattress, a paper clip on paper, loud music.


To play you need a rope with a nice bow in the middle. The competition can be both team and individual.

3.The most agile

Players are divided into 2 teams, each of which receives a bag with things. At the signal from the leader, the players of each team standing first run up to the bag. They take out all the clothes and put them on. Once dressed, they clap their hands, quickly remove everything and put it back in the bag, then run back to the team. The next participant runs to the suitcase and does the same. The winner is the team whose players are the first to complete the task.

5.Shih of Santa Claus

The presenter divides the audience into 3 teams, each calls one of three syllables:

1 - "eyes", 2 - "achi", 3 - "cartilage". At the signal - simultaneously and very loudly - the syllables are pronounced. It turns out funny, and it looks like Santa Claus sneezed, for example.

6 snow ball dance

Prepare some balloons in advance and give them to the couples who will take part in the competition. The dancers should stand with their backs to each other, place the balls between themselves and dance without holding the balls with their hands. But as soon as the music ends, the couple should get close enough to each other so that the balloon bursts. The couple who succeeds first wins.

7 jump into the new year

We invite the participants to line up. Then, on command, they have to "jump" into the New Year. The winner is the one who jumped the farthest. The winner receives a prize.

8. The most agile.

Each participant of the competition is given an unfolded sheet of newspaper. The task of each of the participants is to, holding the right hand behind his back, with only one left hand, taking the newspaper by the corner, gather it into a fist. The fastest and most agile wins.

9 dance marathon

The dance marathon will be animated by throwing an inflatable Santa Claus to the music. At the moment the music stops, everyone who has Santa Claus in their hands says the words of wishes to all the guests of the holiday and passes them on to other participants in the New Year's dance marathon.

10. Take the prediction in the box.

Try to lift the box of matches off the table using just two matches. Matches need to be held by the heads with two fingers each, rest them from different sides in the center of the box and thus raise it. After several attempts, this usually succeeds. Next, you propose to complicate the task. At the moment when the box is already raised and held on outstretched arms, invite the subject to stamp his foot several times. If the box falls at this moment, you can try again. As soon as everything worked out, the players open the boxes and take out the predictions for the next year.

11. Who has already drunk the champagne?

The participants are divided into two teams. The facilitator shows the first position: the right hand holds the left earlobe, and the left hand holds the tip of the nose. At the command of the presenter - a blow to their hands - everyone should change their position to the second: the right hand is the tip of the nose, the left hand is the lobe of the right ear. The clapping rate is gradually increasing. The team that performs the movements correctly for the longest time wins.

Couples involved. Both are blindfolded. Then, five difficulties (clothespins) are hung on both. They must get rid of them as quickly as possible. The last pair are blindfolded, but they "forget" to attach the fifth clothespin. They find four clothespins, while everyone present helps them, loudly counting: "One, two, three ... four!" But they can't find the fifth. It will be very funny!

13. Draw Santa Claus.

The leader calls two or three pairs of players. The players of each pair sit at the table next to each other. One is blindfolded, a sheet of paper is placed in front of him, and a pen or pencil is given in his hand. The task is to draw Santa Claus. The player in each pair, who is not blindfolded, closely monitors what his neighbor is drawing and tells him where to lead with a pen, in which direction. He listens and draws what he is told. It turns out very funny. The winner is the pair that completes the drawing faster and better.

14 Chimes at midnight

The competition is attended in turn by pairs from each team. One participant is put on a long rope with a tied frying pan on the wrist, and another rope with a ladle tied to it. The couple needs to hit the pan with a ladle 12 times as quickly as possible, imitating the chimes. The winner is the team whose pairs complete the task faster.

15. Frosty breath.

A large enough snowflake cut out of paper is placed on the table in front of each participant. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. Held until everyone blows away their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, declare: “The team that first blew off its snowflakes won, but the one with the last snowflake that fell to the floor, because it is such a frosty breath that the snowflake“ froze to the table ”.

16. "Who will be able to catch up with luck?"

For it, it is necessary to prepare the Chinese hands-backs, which are fixed on a long colored braid and attached to the belt of the participants. With the help of these devices, players need to "chase" luck as quickly as possible, without the help of their own hands, by pushing and pushing the Christmas ball to a certain place.

17 new year names

The presenter prepares sheets of paper in advance, on which he writes the new names of the players. Then the leaves are rolled up into tubes or folded several times and thrown into a winter hat with earflaps. The players take turns drawing out the sheets of paper and reading out their new names:

Icicle, cracker, lollipop, garland, needle, hat with earflaps, confetti, cotton wool, rain, tinsel, champagne, watch, gift, bag of sweets, New Year's costume, mittens. (16 pcs)

The presenter explains to the participants the rules of the game: players must answer all questions only with their own name, declining it accordingly.

The game. The leader in a circle addresses each participant with a question:

- Who are you?


- And what is the holiday today?


- What's on your nose?


Questions: (16pcs)

-What did you have for breakfast?

-Who's your best friend?

-What do you look like?

-What's in your fridge?

-What do you carry with you to school?

-What are you going to sleep with?

-What is your favorite piece of clothing?

-Who are you?

-What is the holiday today?

-What's on your nose?

- Why do teachers love you?

- Why do your classmates respect you?

- What is not scary to get to a desert island?

-What can you cook deliciously?

-What helps you dance well?

-You are beautiful, like ....

18. "Snowballs"

You need: two large felt boots (buckets, pots), at least 10 pieces of cotton wool snowballs (they can be made, for example, from table tennis balls and cotton wool, and if there is no time, you can just use ping-pong balls).

Participants, each in their own boots, throw 5 "snowballs". Whoever threw more "snowballs" won. If there are many participants, this competition can be turned into a real tournament: first everyone competes, then only the best players from each pair continue to play. You can complicate the task by pushing the felt boots further and further.

19. Airplanes with Santa Claus

Santa Claus rides not only on sleighs, but also flies on airplanes. Who will send the most planes from their airport?

Prepare paper airplanes (A4 sheets will come in handy). Form two teams from the guys. Place a tall divider in the middle of the room. It can be a rope stretched from one wall to another. Both commands are located on either side of the separator. At the command of the leader, each team begins to transfer airplanes to the other side. You can only lift and throw one airplane at a time. 3-5 minutes are allotted for the game. At the end of the game, count down to 10 and stop playing. All children should immediately stop tossing airplanes. Now count the planes on each side. The team with the fewest planes wins. Have a nice game!

20 gen in a bottle

This game is designed primarily to defuse children in front of something more grandiose. Place a bottle in front of each child. Each player's waist is tied with a string or string with a pencil hanging at one end in the front. The task of the guys: at the command of the presenter, try as quickly as possible, without the help of hands, feet or third-party objects, to push a pencil through the neck of the bottle inside. Whoever does it faster is the one who won.

A premise with two rooms is required. There are two leaders. One is in one room, the other is in another. All participants in one room together with one of the presenters. Players are invited to another room one at a time. When the first one enters the room, he is invited to extinguish the candle with a shout. You can take my word for it - those who are waiting outside the door start to get terribly nervous at the sound of the first screams! :)) And so, one at a time, everyone goes into the room.

Then you can say that everyone auditioned for a horror movie.

23 herringbone

There is such a herringbone deodorant for car air, sold in all parts stores and has a very strong smell (not necessarily herringbone). The competition consists in first smelling one of the two "Christmas trees", and then finding the previously hidden second "Christmas tree" by smell. Objective: the first player - "Dragon's head" - must catch the last player "tail".

The caught "tail" is eliminated from the game. If the chain is broken, the player who released the shoulders of the participant in front of him is eliminated. The game continues until there are two players left.

New Year is a magical holiday of childhood, love and warmth, which is celebrated with pleasure in many countries of the world. Children and adolescents are especially happy with the arrival of the New Year. They are waiting for vacations, wonderful gifts, fulfillment of desires and holiday entertainment. This holiday and memories of it evoke feelings of happiness and joy in people of all ages. Exciting and funny New Year's games and contests for children and adolescents at school and at home will make the holiday unforgettable, and will give a lot of positive emotions and great mood.

Round dance under the Christmas tree

There are various moving New Year contests for teens and children. It is better and more interesting to start festive events with them. To hold the "Round dance under the New Year tree" competition, you need to set up a New Year tree in the center. In this case, a small decorative Christmas tree may also be suitable, which can be placed on a stool or on a stand. Chairs should be placed around it, but there should be 1 less of them than the number of competitors. In addition, you need to pick up merry New Year's music.

While the music is flowing, the participants lead a round dance around the holiday tree, and as soon as its sound stops, everyone tries to quickly sit down on free chairs. A participant who gaps and fails to occupy an empty chair is eliminated from the game. After that, one more free chair is set aside, and the game continues until there is only one contestant left. He is declared the winner and presented with a gift.

Snowball game

There are fun New Year's contests for teens that you should prepare for in advance. For the fun called "Snowballing" you need to make a lot of "snowballs" - crumpled sheets of paper, newspapers or napkins - and choose chairs according to the number of participants. Players must split into 2 teams, and line up in two lines opposite each other on chairs. Each of the teams chooses a "shooter". He takes snowballs and tries to hit the players on the opposite team with them, and those, in their turn, try to dodge the "snowballs". Then the host of the competition determines the number of hits. Over time, the teams participating in the New Year's competition change places. The team of players whose "shooter" hit the largest number of opponents with his "snowballs" in a set period of time is considered the winner.

Taciturn students

Teachers often come up with interesting New Year contests for teenagers at school. The game "Tough Students" is a fun intellectual entertainment that will appeal to both adults and children. Before carrying out it, it is necessary to write various tasks on sheets of paper. For example, proverbs, sayings, quotes from fairy tales or lines from your favorite songs. Then the sheets are laid out on the table, assignments down. The facilitator selects 4-6 participants who take turns pulling out the assignments, as in an exam.

After that, each of the contestants must, using certain gestures or facial expressions, convey the meaning to the audience, so that they guess what was written in the "examination" sheet. The competitor who most quickly manages to convey the meaning of the given phrase to the guests with his magical gestures will receive a New Year's prize.

And the most liked and talented, though not winning participant, is awarded the Audience Award.

Shot put competition

Simple New Year's activities for teenagers can also bring a lot of joyful emotions. For the competition "Putting the shot" on the edge of the table, you need to put an inflated balloon. The presenter blinds the participant with a handkerchief and puts him with his back to the table. After that, the participant moves forward five steps and turns three times in place. His task is to return to the table and blow the ball to the floor. It is likely that the participant will lose the right direction and begin to deflate the balloon from the place where it has never been. It will be fun and interesting!

“During my student days, I very cleverly performed one trick with everyone who wanted to know the name of their betrothed, which I, in turn, learned in the company of the same curious girls - friends of my older sister. And the whole trick is actually very simple, like everyone else For the success of this event, you need a bathroom or just a sink with a small bar of soap, preferably completely flat, although any will do for lack of another. After all, you need to light the candles, so buy them in advance. And when all this is ready, everyone gathered, everyone has already exhausted their knowledge in the field of Christmas fortune-telling, you, as if by the way, can ask: “And I can tell you how your husband will be called any of you. ”In response, you can hear anything: surprise, distrust, etc. But surely someone will be interested in it. This is where it all begins. You can even before you say your intriguing phrase, writing be on the inside of your forearm (from hand to elbow) with a prepared remnant of any male name. This should be done with the edge of slightly moistened soap so that the hand remains dry. If you did not have time to do this in advance, then after you have interested everyone, do something in such a way that you need to go out (get matches, comb your hair, eventually go to the toilet), just do not say that you need to prepare for fortune-telling, this can alert the most suspicious, and there are such always and everywhere. When you retire, you need to write any male name or the name of the prospective groom of the one who first volunteered. When you return to everyone, you must seriously invite everyone to concentrate and in no case laugh, in general, let the fog go. Then invite the girl, for whom the fortune-telling will be carried out, to burn 5-20 matches (as much as you wish, but not less than 5) and spread the completely burnt matches on your prepared forearm. When a girl burns matches, she should completely focus on her future, as she sees it (or come up with something interesting yourself again for the same fog). Then, with no less concentration, you need to grind the burnt matches directly on your hand (cruel, but you can't do it for a laugh), while with every movement of it, the name that you previously wrote will be visible on your hand. You can believe that even the most skeptical people will believe and want to do it themselves, and maybe more than once. For the second and subsequent time, you will no longer have to look for an excuse to go to the coveted water and soap, in order to write the coveted name for the next girl. It is desirable that no one except you knows this joke, but it is not so important if that person is your ally. It is also important to be absolutely serious and even, perhaps, indifferent, in no case should you laugh. When everyone is satisfied, you can tell about everything, unless you want to keep the monopoly for the next year as well. In my case, there were most skeptics from the very beginning, and they started out of curiosity. And in the end, even the most ardent skeptics were so infuriated and seriously believed in everything. They had doubts even after I honestly told them everything. But in general, everyone was satisfied, and, what is most interesting, even after my confession, everyone was told that their betrothed would be called exactly as I predicted. I wish you all good luck in carrying out this fortune-telling! "...

Players receive a task - a word that needs to be deciphered. It can be absolutely anything. You need to come up with a sentence so that each word in it begins with the next letter of this task word. For example, if the word "SKODA" is specified, then it can be decoded as "Six Cows Found by the Detective Agency". The author of the most ingenious decryption wins.


Players are divided into teams. Each team member takes turns writing the name of something edible on a sheet of paper, folds the sheet and passes it on to the next one. If there are few participants, you can repeat the procedure. After the participants have written down the ingredients, the "Start" signal is given, the sheet is opened, and the team must come up with a name and recipe for the dish in 5 minutes from the ingredients they have suggested. Recipes can be very funny. For example, “mix mayonnaise with kvass, add chopped apples, bake everything with pickled cucumber sauce,” etc. The team that proposed the most original recipe wins.

Find your

Before the start of the competition, leaflets with the names of the animals are prepared. Each title must be present in duplicate. Then all the leaves are folded into a bag and mixed. Participants take turns taking out one leaf at a time and, depicting the indicated animal with mimicry, sounds, movements, try to find their mate: an elephant is looking for an elephant, a camel is a camel, a monkey is a monkey, etc.

Through the pages of the ABC book

An interesting and versatile competition for this age. Each participant is given a piece of paper and a pen. At the start command, everyone starts to write the alphabet in a column, and opposite each letter - a word that begins with this letter. Which of the guys will cope with the task faster and write the alphabet with their own words, he won.

Seven, seven, seven

Children are divided into teams with the same number of people, and each team receives a task: to remember and write three categories of "seven" faster than the rest: 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 musical notes and 7 wonders of the world. The team that fills all three categories to the maximum will become the winner.

Synchronous pair

The guys are divided into pairs, among which they will choose the most synchronous. And in order to find out which of the participants knows how to work best in a team, couples go through 3 stages of tests. Stage one: the leader drives the rope in a circle, and the couples jump, always holding hands. Whoever does it most synchronously gets a point. Stage two: holding hands, each pair on the command "start" begins to squat 10 times. Whoever is the most synchronous gets a point. Stage three: the guys get a ball and, holding hands with their free hands, beat it off the floor 10 times. Whoever is more synchronous gets a point. In this competition there will be either one winner, a pair, or several. The winners receive the title of the most synchronous participants in the event and prizes.

Deal with liquid

For this competition, in addition to the participants themselves, you will need containers with a narrow neck (simple bottles) and ladles with liquid (water). So, each participant receives a bucket of water (in the same amount) and a bottle with a narrow neck. At the start command, the participants begin to pour water from the bucket into their bottle. Whoever is the first to manage, pouring water into the bottle more than others and spilling it on the floor least of all, will win.

Origami Masters

Each participant receives a blank sheet of paper and a printed diagram of a figure (the same for all). At the start command, the guys deal with the diagram and make origami from their leaf. Whoever is the first to cope and make a beautiful origami figurine correctly will be the winner.


For each participant, next to the left and right legs are the same piles of small candies or any other objects, for example, matches. The participant stands in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart or even slightly wider. At the start command, each participant bends down and, according to the method of the mill, collects objects: with his right hand he reaches to his left leg and takes one object, and then with his left hand stretches to his right leg and takes one object. Who of the participants in 1 minute will be able to pick up and place more objects in their hands than the others will become the winner.


The guys are divided into pairs and in each pair the participants have their legs tied: one has the left leg, and the other has the right. At the same distance from each participant, objects are scattered, for example, chips, matches, cards. At the start command, the guys from the pair begin to collect objects, pulling each other to their side. Who of the participants in a pair in 1 minute collects more objects, he goes to the next stage - the stage of rivalry with the winner from another pair. And the strongest and most agile in the end - a prize.

If your child wants to spend New Year's Eve with his friends, do not dissuade him, they say, it will be more fun and calmer at home. Better help him with the organization of the holiday, namely, the preparation of an entertainment program for adolescent children. Such a masterful approach will bring all the guys together like chicks and provide them with a great mood. Cheerful music, dances, songs, various kinds of quizzes should be present in this event. Perky communication, cheerful ringing laughter and jokes should accompany your children throughout the solemn part of the evening. So, if you are not aware of how these fun programs are created, then read our article. She will provide you with 7 ideas of cool scenarios for the New Year 2019 for prepared teenagers. Our recommendations will certainly be interesting and useful to you, because we selected them carefully and with love!

Features of the script for the New Year's holiday for teenagers

Of course, the guys are much more interested in celebrating the New Year 2019 in the company of their peers. In this case, adults need to control some things for a number of reasons. With adolescents, things are a little more complicated and there are several reasons for this. This is the so-called difficult age, and the unwillingness to put up with parental control, and the craving for communication with peers. And here you need to remember a few important points:

  • Children of adolescence should not be left unattended by adults. I don't think I need to explain why.
  • The New Year's menu should not only be tasty, but also healthy and useful.
  • Everyone knows that guys at this age strive to learn about adulthood and not always the best moments. Alcohol and early relationships are not conducive to healthy growing up.

The entertainment program of a script designed by you or someone else should be fun, fun, but not too childish or adult. An excellent solution can be a theme party in some popular style. And do not forget that they are still children who are still in school, which means they are waiting for their gifts!

Contests for teens for the New Year 2019

  • "Who are you?". For this competition, held for the New Year 2019, it is necessary to prepare in advance tablets with various names (for example, the names of animals: dog, cat, crocodile) and attach them to the backs of teenagers - participants (they should not see them). The task of the players is to guess what is written on his plate, asking leading questions to the rest of the players, for example: “Am I big? Am I green? Do I have big paws? " Characters from popular films can be used as inscriptions.

  • "Sticky". This is a fun and funny contest popular with teenagers. To prepare, you need to write specific parts of the body (ear, nose, foot, hand, finger) on different sheets of paper. For the game, two participants are called, who in turn take out the sheets and stick or freeze with those parts of the body that are indicated there. Then the presenter calls the next participant, and he, too, must take out a piece of paper and stick with some part of the body. And so on, the number of players is not limited. It turns out very interesting figures from the "frozen" guys. If you include such a game in your script, everyone will absolutely love it.

  • "I'm going there, I don't know where." For this New Year 2019 game with teenagers, you need to call at least 4 people who are seated on chairs with their backs to the audience. The bottom line is that there are signs (or paper sheets) on the backs of the chairs, which indicate the places (supermarket, nightclub, school). The facilitator then asks a question to each participant in turn: “How often do you go to this place? Do you like visiting this place? Who do you prefer to go there with? " Players answer them without knowing which place is written on the back sign. Fun is guaranteed. Such a competition can be freely used at a school party.

  • "Roll it up." For this game, you need to call in pairs of girls and boys. For girls, a ribbon is wound around the belt. The task of the boys is to rewind the tape on their belt as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who does it first. Not a bad idea for a script!
  • "The most muscular." The presenter invites teenagers and divides them into two teams, each with two girls and one boy. The boy is put on a large sweater. For a certain time, girls must have time to shove a lot of balloons into a sweater, creating the illusion of pumped up muscles. The team that manages to "pump" as many balls as possible wins. Such a contest for the New Year 2019 will stir everyone up!

  • "Guess the melody". For this modern game, the host chooses one member and several singers for the choir. Next, the first child must leave the room. The presenter, meanwhile, distributes to the singers the words of a line from a popular song, that is, each one one word, after which he is returned to the hall. As soon as he entered, all the singers begin to simultaneously sing a line of the song - each his own word. The player's task is to guess the song among this confusion!
  • "Alphabet". In order for your script to be rich and cool for the New Year 2019, this competition should be included in it. Its essence is as follows: Santa Claus, as an important character at the celebration of teenagers, informs everyone that he has prepared wonderful gifts for everyone, but they will go to the smartest and most educated children. In order to find out who is the super genius, it is important to play the Alphabet game. Santa Claus names any letter, and the participants in turn must come up with a word starting with this letter, but somehow connected with the New Year holidays. Whoever has done it gets the coveted prize.

Here is a video for you on the topic - how interesting it is to play a dance for young people!


So our article has come to its end, which has provided you with some ideas of how you can create a script for the New Year 2019 for teenagers with modern contests and quizzes, with dances, songs and other entertainment. Put all your energy and humor into this business to make the party really a success! A lot of laughter, surprises and gifts, because this is what children need in this transitional age. Happy holiday, dear friends! Laugh until you drop!

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