Celebration of the Svensk Icon of the Mother of God. Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. Icon of the Mother of God of Pechersk-Svensk. Prayers

On October 20, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the icon Mother of God“Tenderness” of Pskov-Pecherskaya.

Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” Pskov-Pecherskaya: history

“Tenderness” is the name of the image of the Virgin Mary, painted according to the iconographic type. The Virgin Mary and the Baby Jesus really bow their heads to each other with tenderness. The author of this image is the pious monk Arseny (Khitrosh). According to Tradition, another icon of the Mother of God, the Vladimir Icon, served as a prototype. The Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” was painted in 1521. Transferred to the Pskov-Pechersk monastery, it became miraculous. Testimonies of miracles that occurred as a result of prayer before her survive to this day.

Already in 1524, the first historical evidence of healings appeared. About the Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” of Pskov-Pechersk they wrote: “Not only does the Mother of God give healing to the Orthodox, but also from non-believers, that is, from the Latins of the German land, who come with faith to the Most Pure Mother of God and to Her miraculous image, she gives healing.”

But special people's love and the icon received veneration, especially among the residents of Pskov, when it saved the city from a siege by the troops of the Polish king Staffan Batory.

There are also cases of healing of blind people. The widow Maria Terentyeva, living in Podkoporye beyond the Neva, lost her sight. For about three years she did not see anything, but with faith and prayer she came to pray before the Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”. After performing the prayer, the woman regained her sight. The peasant Potapiy Grigoriev also received insight in 1603, although he had not seen it for six years before.

The Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” also played a role in the War of 1812. In the battle against Napoleon's troops, the enemies at some point occupied Polotsk. Pskov was in great danger. At the request of the city residents, a religious procession was held with icons, one of which was the image of “Tenderness.” Through prayer, a miracle happened: the Russian army recaptured Polotsk and Pskov remained safe. In memory of this wonderful event, the Pechersky Monastery received another new temple, dedicated to the Holy Archangel Michael (1815-1827). And the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” was placed in storage at the right choir.

There is a tradition: starting from 1892 and until 1914, in September (8-30) the Pskov-Pechersk Icon of “Tenderness” was transferred to Riga. A procession of the cross took place in Riga, the image was brought to all Orthodox churches cities and into people's homes. There were clear rules:

  • The time of arrival of the icon was coordinated with the railway, but it always fit within the period from September 8 to September 30.
  • The day before they always prepared the utensils for the religious procession.
  • The icon was greeted by the city leadership itself.
  • To meet and see off the Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” of Pskov-Pechersk, the clergy put on their best vestments.

How does the Pskov-Pechersk Icon of God Sateri “Tenderness” help?

Traditionally they pray before the icon:

  • About healing;
  • About the return of vision;
  • About help in any matter;
  • About protection from enemies and ill-wishers.


The Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” belongs to the Eleus iconographic type. Translated from Greek language this word means “Merciful.” Eleusa is the most popular icon painting type in the Russian tradition. Baby Jesus presses his cheek to his Mother's cheek with tenderness. It is interesting that there is no distance between the Mother of God and Jesus; they merge into a single whole, demonstrating boundless love for people.


Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” Pskov-Pecherskaya
O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Lady! Mother of all those who suffer and have heart problems! Our country and city to the Defender! Pskov-Pechersk monastery beauty and glory! Look upon us, humble, burdened with many sins, aggravated by sorrows and sorrows, and looking with contrition and tears at Your most pure face, revealed in the miraculous icon. Preserve this holy monastery from all evil, and entrust the venerable Cornelius with the elders Mark and Jonah to You and all who strive in faith and hope in it. Save this city, and all the people who live faithfully and resort to You, from the invasion of foreigners, from all fear and cowardice, from pestilence and famine, from evil people and all kinds of sorrow. Apply Your mercy to us, as You graciously pressed Your Divine face to the cheek of the Infant God. Warm us with the breath of Your love and never depart from us, neither in this life nor in the future, and hoping for Your all-powerful Motherly help, let us be worthy to comfortably reach eternal life and glorify the Heavenly Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the glorified God, forever and ever. . Amen.

Troparion, tone 4:
Let us all fall, burdened with sins, to the Mother of God with tenderness, kissing Her miraculous icon of Tenderness and crying out with tears: Lady, accept the prayer of Thy unworthy servants and grant to us who ask for Thy great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 6:
There are no imams of other help, no imams of other hope, except for You, Most Pure Virgin. Help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

You have read the material about the Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”.

The Orthodox world knows many icons of the Mother of God, many of which have miraculous power and are capable of healing parishioners from illnesses and protecting them from all sorts of troubles. The Pechersk image of the Mother of God is no exception.

Since ancient times, Orthodox Christians have prayed to the Mother of God, who listened to every word. They asked for protection not only for themselves, but also for all living people. The icon painted by the Monk Alypius of Pechora showed miracles of healing, and also endowed Orthodox Christians with God's Grace.

This icon is also known as “Svenskaya-Pecherskaya”. To this day it is miraculous. Copies of the icon are found in many cities and show the world evidence of the power of the Higher Powers.

History of the icon

According to sources that have survived to this day, the icon was painted around 1114, in August. Until 1925, she stayed in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. There, the image repeatedly showed miracles, healing parishioners from illnesses, helping in sorrows and protecting from negativity. Then the icon was transferred to the Bryansk Svensky Monastery. Orthodox sources report that the icon showed miraculous power and healed the blind Prince of Chernigov Roman Mikhailovich. On the way to Bryansk, the icon was accompanied by a priest and travelers. In the morning after waking up, they did not find the icon in the boat. She found herself on the shore, standing in the crown of an oak tree between the branches. The news reached the prince, and he arrived on foot to the icon, where he fervently prayed to the Mother of God, asking for healing from his illness. Over time, a monastery was built on the site of the oak tree, and the tree was cut down, making blanks for other icons from the wood.

Where is the miraculous image of the Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God located?

It is known that the icon was in the Kiev Pechersk Monastery. Then it was moved, and now we can assume that the shrine is located in the Nizhny Novgorod State Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve. Lists of the icon can be found in many cities of Russia. So, you can admire the shrine and offer prayers to it in the following cities: Nizhny Novgorod, In Nerekhta, Kostroma region, in Pechory, Pskov region, in Lodeynopolsky district Leningrad region, in Moscow, in Toropets, Tver region, in Kozelsk Kaluga region, in Kirillov, Vologda region.

Description of the Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God

The miraculous image depicts the Mother of God holding the baby Jesus in her arms. She sits on a throne and holds her son with both hands. The Divine Infant holds his hands in a blessing gesture. To the right and left side Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk were discharged from the Mother of God. In their hands we see scrolls with writing. A superbly painted icon evokes spiritual trepidation among parishioners and seems to reveal to them the source of God’s Grace, protecting each person praying from adversity.

How does a miraculous image help?

The shrine has been revered in the Orthodox world since ancient times. More than once the icon showed miracles of healing, including freeing the Prince of Chernigov from blindness. They also pray to her mental illness, at various ailments related to diseases nervous system. Anyone who wishes to receive help from the Mother of God can offer prayers and repent of their sins. It is not for nothing that parishioners took this icon into their homes in ancient times. It was believed that she brings Grace into every home, protecting everyone living from any negativity and evil.

Prayer before the miraculous image

"Holy Mother of God! We cry to You for help. Do not refuse the servants of God their sincere requests. We repent before Your face of all our ungodly deeds and ask for Your mercy. Pray to our Almighty Lord for His Grace and grant us healing from bodily ailments. Keep our shelter and household members healthy and do not allow the devil’s machinations. Amen".

Celebration date

The date of the celebration was timed to coincide with the appearance of the icon on the Sven River, when it was transferred from a boat into the branches of an oak tree. The Orthodox world on May 16 (May 3, Old Style) attends the solemn liturgy and, together with the clergy, prays before the face of the Mother of God for protection and patronage, asking to heal physical and spiritual wounds. The second date is August 30 (September 17, old style), in memory of the liberation of Bryansk from Napoleon’s army.

Each believer can purchase a list from the shrine for his home iconostasis, which will protect the house and those living in it from any evil and negativity. You can pray to Our Lady at any time. The main thing is that your words come from the heart, and in your soul there is a sincere desire to take the path of correction and follow the commandments of God. We wish you happiness and good luck, and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.10.2017 05:15

Miraculous icons Holy Mother of God are especially revered by Orthodox Christians. The Balykinsky image of the Mother of God has the ability to heal...

« O Most Wonderful, Most Holy Lady, Mother of God, Mother of Christ our God! Hear the voice of my prayer and grant me, Lady, to see with my eyes and see the light and Your miraculous image. All that I see from this place in all four directions, I will give to Your house. I will build a temple and a monastery in this place that You loved"(Prayer of Chernigov Prince Roman Mikhailovich)

Troparion of the Svensk Icon of the Mother of God, tone 4 :

Today the Svensk monastery triumphs brightly, and the immeasurable face of the Pechersk fathers rejoices at the appearance of the image of the Mother of God, and with them we unceasingly cry out: Rejoice, O Blessed One, Svenskaya Praise.

Pechersk-Svensk Icon of the Mother of God.
67 x 42.
Tretyakov Gallery, inv. No. 12723.
The icon is painted on a solid linden board with a shallow ark and a round husk.
Preservation: the oldest paint layer is not very well preserved; there are many abrasions on it with later writings.

Pechersk-Svensk Icon of the Mother of God ( see illustration.) iconographically goes back to the type of Panahranta (All-Merciful) and, perhaps, is one of the versions of the Cyprus icon of the Mother of God. This iconographic type of the Mother of God sitting upright on the throne is more typical for monumental painting - frescoes and mosaics because of its solemn severity. Savior Emmanuel, sitting on the knees of the Mother of God, with outstretched hands and two fingers blesses Theodosius (left) and Anthony (right), the founders of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, standing before the throne. The icon brought to our time the oldest surviving icon images of Anthony and Theodosius. Anthony rested in the Lord on May 7, 1073, and Theodosius in 1074. The godly fathers were awarded early canonization: we know from the “Kievo-Pechersk Patericon” that already in the 12th century. there were their icons in the monastery, which were shown to the Greek builders of the stone cathedral. But, as tradition says, even before arriving in Kyiv, in the Blachernae Church, the stone makers of Constantinople had a vision of the Mother of God with the upcoming Pechersk abbots. Perhaps this vision, about which there were oral legends in the monastery, influenced the composition of the icon. Venerable Anthony ( see illustration.) is depicted on the icon in a monastic robe with gold clasps, armbands, a lectern, a pointed schematic doll with crosses, left hand in prayer, on the right - an unfolded scroll with the text: “ I pray to God that you hold on […] self-restraint and don’t be lazy and [...] and for this G[...]gd of help" This iconography became widespread in the 16th century. (for example, an icon of the 16th century (GMMK); an icon of the mid-17th century of northern letters (GTG); the centerpiece of the prophetic row of the iconostasis of the Assumption Cathedral in Tula, the 18th century; an icon of the 18th century (CMiAR)). A separate version of this iconography is represented by the icon of Ser. XIX century (CMiAR), in which the hands of the Mother of God are laid on the shoulders of Anthony and Theodosius. The scroll in the hands of Theodosius was poorly preserved, the shape of the scroll was changed, now the scroll goes down to the ground and at the same time covers part of the throne, the text on the scroll was rewritten in antiquity: “ Master, Lord God Almighty, Creator of all creation, visible and invisible, with Your gaze, reward the house of Your Most Pure Mother with me, Your servant Theodosius, and establish it motionless until the day of Your Terrible Judgment for praise and glorification of You».

According to the hypothesis of N.P. Kondakova, Pechersk-Svenskaya icon of the Mother of God is a copy from the altar image - a mosaic image of the Mother of God (1083-1089) in the altar of the Pechersk Assumption Cathedral. This image became famous soon after its creation (Kondakov N.P. Iconography of the Mother of God. T. 2. Pg., 1915. P. 327). The Pechersk image itself (mosaic or executed on a board) may have repeated the icon that was in Sophia of Constantinople. In published by L.N. Maykov’s “Conversation on the Shrines of Constantinople,” dating from the end of the 13th - beginning of the 14th centuries, provides an interesting detail: in the cathedral “on the left side there is a tower of wonderful design; in it is an icon of the Most Pure Queen Theotokos; That icon sent craftsmen to Kiev to build a church in the Pechera to Saint Anthony and Theodosius" (Collection. Department of Russian Language and Literature. 1890. T. 51. Issue 1. P. 14). At the same time, as V.I. Antonova suggested, the icon “is a copy executed in Kiev from one of the ancient Pechersk icons that has not reached us” (Antonova V.I., Mneva N.E. State Tretyakov Gallery. Catalog of Old Russian Painting. Experience of historical and artistic classification. T.1. M., 1963. P. 77). This version was shared by V.N. Lazarev (Lazarev V.N. Russian icon painting from the origins to the beginning of the 16th century. M., 1983. P. 45, 169).

The dating of the icon is controversial. If V.I. Antonova timed its writing to coincide with the founding of the Svensky Monastery (1288), then A.N. Ovchinnikov - to the era of Alimpia, i.e. by the end of the 11th century (Ovchinnikov A.N. Icons “St. Panteleimon” and “Our Lady of Svenskaya-Pechersk” // Symbolism of Christian Art. M., Rodnik, 1999. P. 428.), which repeats the attribution of I.E. Grabar (Grabar I.E. About ancient Russian art. M., 1966. P. 157). To justify the dating, Ovchinnikov gave the following arguments: “The palette is more than modest: gold leaf, white lead - coarse and thin depending on the purpose, orpiment and realgar, cinnabar, iron oxide earth paint, glauconite (green earth), lapis lazuli, niello, umber. .. In painting you can find many points of contact with the painting of Sinai(editor's note:http://rublev-museum.livejournal.com/14637.html )».

According to legend, the icon of the Mother of God was revered as a shrine of the Assumption Cathedral of the Pechersk Monastery, located 3 kilometers from Bryansk, on the Svina River (now the village of Suponevo, already included within the city), and was painted at the beginning of the 12th century. the legendary Alimpius of Pechersk (Uspensky M.I. and V.I. Notes on ancient Russian icon painting. Famous icon painters and their works: 1. St. Alimpius and 2. Andrei Rublev. St. Petersburg, 1901. pp. 18-23, 28, 29 .). About St. Alimpia, who studied icon painting from the Byzantine masters who decorated the Great Church in Kyiv - now the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, some information has been preserved in the “Kievo-Pechersk Patericon”. The Pechersk monk, whom the Lord destined to become the first Russian icon painter, died ca. 1114 After the destruction of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars, the icon was moved to Bryansk. This miraculous image healed from blindness in 1288 the local prince Roman, the son of Mikhail Vsevolodovich, the Chernigov prince who suffered martyrdom in the Golden Horde.

Roman Mikhailovich founded a monastery in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God on the spot where the miracle took place. At the same time, in 1288, the celebration of the Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God was established - May 3. Subsequently, the icon became famous for its many healings of the blind and demon-possessed, and also defended the monastery and the city from enemies. When the French approached the city in 1812, its residents carried the Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon around Bryansk in their arms, and through their fervent prayer to the Intercessor of the Christian family, the enemy passed by, and soon fled from Russia altogether. In memory of the deliverance from the French in 1815, a new golden robe was “arranged” for the Svensk (Pechersk) icon. Since then, a religious procession has been held in Bryansk in memory of this miracle every year on August 17th. In the iconostasis of the monastery Assumption Cathedral, according to right side the royal gates, and the miraculous remained for almost seven centuries. After the closure of the Svensky Monastery in 1924, the icon was taken out in 1925 from the Assumption Cathedral by N.N. Pomerantsev to the TSRG (Central State Restoration Workshops), from where in 1930 it ended up in the Tretyakov Gallery. In 1927, employees of the Central State Russian Museum G.O. Chirikov and V.O. Kirikov carried out a complex restoration of the shrine:

Through the care of the Most Pure Mother, monastic life in the Holy Dormition Svenskoye monastery was revived in 1992, and eight years later the number of brethren was already 25 people. Archimandrite Nikodim (Aniskin, † 10/27/2010) was appointed the first governor. Under him, in 2008, a solemn celebration of the 720th anniversary of the monastery took place, in which bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church from Russia and neighboring Ukraine and Belarus took part. June 26, 2011, on the 2nd week after Pentecost, All Saints who shone forth in the Russian land, His Holiness in the Svensky Monastery of Bryansk on the ruins of the altar of the Assumption Cathedral blown up in 1930 ( see illustration.) performed the Divine Liturgy, at the end of which he addressed those gathered with the Primate’s word, expressing the firm hope that “ as soon as possible, a magnificent temple with miraculous Svensk Icon of the Mother of God . Then, undoubtedly, the special grace and Protection of the Queen of Heaven will remain over the Bryansk land.” In his response, Bishop Theophylact of Bryansk, who is the holy archimandrite of the Svensky Monastery, expressed the hope that the patriarchal service will become the starting point for the restoration of the cathedral. The main relic of this temple, said Bishop. Theophylact, before its closure there was the Svensk Icon of the Mother of God with the upcoming Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk. " Nowadays, like many shrines, it is still in bondage., but we believe that your prayer and your active participation will lead to the fact that the time of the revival of the cathedral and the return of the shrine will coincide“- Vladyka told Patriarch Kirill on behalf of the entire Bryansk clergy. These words of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church and one of its ruling bishops about the miraculous Svensk icon were quoted not only on the official patriarchal websites, but also in many diocesan publications.

And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, in a number of media, including , suddenly the pearls of the head of the Synodal Information Department of the Moscow Patriarchate jumped out , who made a refutation(?!) words about the Church’s intention to return the Bryansk shrine. According to , who has already discovered his , "Russian Orthodox Church will not make a request to transfer the icon to the temple without preliminary serious consultations with the staff of the Tretyakov Gallery.” Let us remember that not so long ago after his visit to the Tretyakov Gallery, he announced full agreement on all positions with the new director of the Tretyakov Gallery: His words were quoted on June 27 by Alexandra Sopova in the Izvestia newspaper, which recently changed its owner once again and is trying to save itself from bankruptcy at any cost. Surprisingly, far from a diplomatic demarche against the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church recalled the speeches of the liberal media, which after the patriarchal our Museum named after Andrei Rublev hastened to change the wordsin the sense that “the Russian Orthodox Church will not lay claim to Andrei Rublev’s Trinity.”

The same Izvestia article contains another portion of the shameless lies of the famous provocateur , who stated that de "z The law is today on the side of the museum and allows it to respond to requests for the issuance of the monument polite refusal. If the laws are respected, the Svenska icon will not leave the Tretyakov Gallery.” Whereincited as an example an extremely disgusting case with one of the masterpieces of our museum collection, which until recently was kept silent. We are talking about the issuance, at the request of the Church of Volokolamsk, of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God from the collection of the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art named after Andrei Rublev. How I spilled the beans, "case was taken into account by museum workers, and the resolution of the expanded restoration council noted that Until the return of the Toropetsk Icon to the Russian Museum, there can be no talk of exhibiting other monuments in churches " As we see, such “thimble-holders” as, the concept of legality is very vague and easy to misinterpret complete lawlessness !

It turns out to be miraculous, safety of which quite satisfactory for temporary offering for worship in

O Most Wonderful, Most Holy Lady, Mother of God, Mother of Christ our God! Hear the voice of my prayer and grant me, Lady, to see with my eyes and see the light and Your miraculous image. All that I see from this place in all four directions, I will give to Your house. I will build a temple and a monastery in this place that You have loved.

Prayer of the Chernigov Prince
Roman Mikhailovich

Son of the holy martyr Prince Mikhail of Chernigov, brutally tortured in the Horde for refusing to change Orthodox faith, Roman prayed before the wondrous ancient image of the Svensk (Pechersk) Mother of God. According to legend, this miraculous work was painted by the Monk Alypius himself, who studied icon painting from the Byzantine masters who decorated the Great Church in Kyiv - now the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. The Pechersk monk, whom the Lord destined to become the first Russian icon painter, died around 1114.

The Svensky (Pechersk) image is of amazing beauty. The Most Pure One sits on a golden throne with a foot in the form of arches; right foot It rests on a small stone, and the left one stands on the pulpit. On the lap of the Mother of God is the Eternal Child with blessing hands. On the sides of the throne stand the reverend fathers - the founders of Russian monasticism: to the right of the Most Pure One is Theodosius of Pechersk, and to the left is Anthony of Pechersk; Both of them have scrolls with writing in their hands. The Venerable Theodosius is depicted on this icon without a hood, with his head uncovered, in a mantle and stole, and the Venerable Anthony is depicted in full schematic vestments.

Theodosius of Pechersk is the third of the saints canonized by the Russian Church (the first were the passion-bearing princes Boris and Gleb), and the first venerable (that is, a saint of monastic rank) in this wondrous host. It was Theodosius and his teacher the Monk Anthony (canonized a little later) who became the founders of Russian monasticism as a new and fruitful branch of that Eastern Christian monastic tree, which blossomed in Holy Rus' with a wondrous fragrant flower. From the depths of centuries the unquenchable light of these two ascetics and prayer books of the Russian land shines.

On the Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon on the scroll of the Venerable Theodosius it is inscribed: “O Lord God Almighty, Creator of all creation, visible and invisible, with Your gaze reward the house of Your Most Pure Mother by me, Your servant Theodosius, establish it immovably until the day of Your Last Judgment for praise and praise to You." On the scroll of St. Anthony of Pechersk there is the following inscription: “I pray you, children, to maintain abstinence and not be lazy. Imams are the Lord’s Helper in this.”

The size of the Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon is 67 by 42 cm, the oldest paint layer is not very well preserved, it has many abrasions with later writings. But this image is notable not only for its antiquity and grace-filled power. The very image of the Most Pure One in the image of the Queen of Heaven seated on a throne was and remains very widespread throughout the Christian world. We meet it in Sophia of Constantinople and in the mosaics of Ravenna, on Georgian chased icons of the 11th century and on crosses from Chersonese.

For many centuries, the miraculous woman stayed in the Dormition Svensky Monastery near Bryansk (now the village of Suponevo, which has already entered the city limits). The buildings of this monastery, closed in 1924, were then severely destroyed. Theomachists demolished the majestic Assumption Cathedral of the 18th century with the famous carved panel on the choir depicting a whale spewing out the prophet Jonah from its belly. Through the care of the Most Pure One, monastic life in the Svensky Monastery was revived in 1992, and eight years later the number of brethren was already twenty-five people.

The miraculous Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon has been within the walls of this monastery since 1288, and before that it was in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, where it became famous for many miracles. Prince Roman Mikhailovich, while in Bryansk, suddenly lost his sight. Knowing about the miracles and healings that took place in the Pechersky Monastery, he sent a messenger there with alms and a request to send a miraculous icon to Bryansk to ask for healing. After consulting with the brethren, the Pechersk archimandrite “released” the icon. While sailing along the Desna River, the boat suddenly stopped near the place where the Sven River flows into the Desna. Those accompanying the icon decided to spend the night at this place and moored to the shore. But when they returned to their boat in the morning, the miraculous image was not there. After a long search, the missing icon was found on the mountain opposite the mouth of the Sven, between the branches of a large oak tree. When Prince Roman was informed about this miracle, he, accompanied by the clergy, set off on foot to the icon.

The prince prayed fervently, his vision began to return to him, and he saw a path, on which he immediately ordered a memorial cross to be erected. However, the prince's eyes could only discern objects that were at the closest distance. And when the procession reached the oak itself, the prince fell to the ground and again cried out to the Mother of God with heartfelt contrition: “Most Holy Lady! Hear my prayer and give insight to my eyes!” And immediately his vision became even better. The bishop took the icon from the tree and presented it to the prince; he reverently kissed her, and his vision returned completely.

Immediately after serving a prayer service before the icon, the prince and all those gathered began to cut down trees and with common efforts began to build a church in the name of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary - the temple holiday of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

After some time, Prince Roman erected a monastery on the site of his miraculous epiphany and generously endowed it with money, and “overlaid the miraculous work with gold and silver.” The tree on which the icon was found was cut down and sawn into planks that served to furnish the monastery. At the same time, in 1288, the celebration of the Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God was established - May 3. In the iconostasis of the monastery Assumption Cathedral, on the right side of the royal doors, the miraculous remained for almost seven centuries.

The Russian sovereigns showed many favors to the shrine and the monastery that guarded it: Ivan the Terrible donated a lot of gold, silver and precious stones to make a new frame for the miraculous. Sovereigns Fyodor Ioannovich, Boris Godunov, Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexey Mikhailovich, Fyodor, John and Peter Alekseevich, Elizaveta Petrovna also benefactored the monastery. The pious patriarchs Filaret and Joseph, the Yuryev-Romanov boyars, nobles and merchants who revered the Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God made contributions here. The flow of pilgrims who heard about more and more new miracles of Svenskaya (Pecherskaya) never dried up.

Through the intercession of the Most Pure One, Bryansk was saved more than once from the invasion of enemies. When the French approached the city in 1812, its residents carried the Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon around Bryansk in their arms, and through their fervent prayer to the Intercessor of the Christian family, the enemy passed by, and soon fled from Russia altogether. Since then, a religious procession has been held in Bryansk in memory of this miracle every year on August 17th. The day before, the icon was brought from the monastery to the city cathedral, where they served all-night vigil, and in the morning after the liturgy they made a religious procession around the city with a miraculous icon, crosses, icons and banners from all the churches of Bryansk with the participation of all the city clergy. In the evening, the people returned to the cathedral and “with honor and glory” escorted the icon to the Assumption Monastery. In memory of the deliverance from the French in 1815, a new golden robe was “arranged” for the Svensk (Pechersk) icon.

In 1846, Bryansk landowner V.R. Demidov donated a precious crown with a “shine” of large diamonds and diamond stars on the shoulders of the Virgin Mary, as well as a crown and armlets for the Eternal Child for the miraculous golden robe.

Solemnly and beautifully, to the ringing of bells and prayerful singing, the Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon was carried out into the homes of pious residents of Bryansk. Descriptions of such spiritual festivals have been preserved:

“The participants in the proposed celebration come to the monastery. In the monastery, the cathedral bell starts ringing the big bell with all the bells ringing. The abbot of the monastery and the brethren go to church, and at the same time residents of neighboring villages flock here. The rector with the clergy in vestments leaves the altar, stands before the miraculous image of the Mother of God and blesses the beginning of the prayer service. The brothers sing: “Heavenly King.” Then the “Trisagion”, “Our Father”, “Lord have mercy” are read twelve times and Psalm 142 “Lord! Hear my prayer...” After reading the psalm, the deacon says: “God is the Lord and appears to us,” and the troparia of the Theotokos are sung: “Be diligent towards the Mother of God,” etc. At this time, two hieromonks take the holy icon and, while singing, take it out of the church. The rector, the clergy and all the people follow her. When the procession, ringing bells and singing sacred songs, leaves the monastery gates, then both hieromonks with the holy icon stop in the square and turn to face the monastery. The rector, standing before the miraculous icon with a cross in his hand, after the hierodeacon has read the litany, makes a release, venerates the icon, asking in prayer the Queen of Heaven not to leave the monastery, and gives the people to kiss the Cross of the Lord. Having received the blessing, those who lift the miraculous icon into their home receive it from the hieromonks, and the solemn procession moves on while singing stichera in honor of the Mother of God and ringing bells. The abbot, having handed over the Holy Cross to the hieromonk accompanying the holy icon, returns with the brethren to the monastery. The holy icon is also solemnly escorted to the monastery. The abbot with the brethren in vestments, deacons with censers and sextons with candles leave the monastery to meet the shrine. When all the bells ring, the abbot censes the miraculous icon and accepts the Holy Cross from the hieromonk, and the hieromonks take the holy icon from the pilgrims and then go to the monastery. Upon entering the temple, the icon is placed in its original place, the hierodeacon pronounces the litany, then the dismissal follows and the kissing of the Holy Cross and the miraculous image of the Mother of God takes place. When a solemn procession with a miraculous icon passes by city or rural churches, all the bells in them ring. Pious pilgrims meet and see off the icon with the same joy and honor as the Queen of Heaven herself. They fall to their knees before it, lie down on the ground, bring the youths so that the holy icon will be carried over them, and place infants under it. The courtyards, streets and squares through which this procession moves are swept clean, and the huts are cleaned, if possible and according to condition. In the entire village that takes on the image of the Mother of God, there is a holiday.”

The holiday of faith, the most important moments for tens, hundreds, thousands of ordinary Orthodox Christians... Centuries have passed. The icon survived and is now in the Tretyakov Gallery. Other people came to Svenskaya (Pecherskaya) and saw it with different eyes - through the eyes of researchers. The icon was saved by the famous art critic N.N. Pomerantsev, who brought her to Moscow. In 1927, employees of the Central State Restoration Workshops G.O. Chirikov and V.O. Kirikov carried out a complex restoration. Even before the final discovery of ancient painting by I.E. Grabar confidently attributed the icon to the era of St. Alypius - to the dawn of Russian icon painting. Then Svenskaya (Pecherskaya) was studied by V.N. Lazarev, A.I. Nekrasov, M.V. Alpatov. Our contemporary, restorer and researcher of ancient painting A.N. Ovchinnikov, who noted several more features that allow us to attribute the icon of the Mother of God of Svenskaya (Pecherskaya) to the era of Alypius (late 11th century): “The palette is more than modest: gold leaf, white lead - coarse and thin depending on the purpose, orpiment and realgar, cinnabar , iron oxide earth paint, glauconite (green earth), lapis lazuli, niello, umber. But an understanding of pictorial texture and literacy in constructing color characterize a master who is widely knowledgeable and able to choose an artistic direction that is close to his worldview. In his painting one can find many points of contact with the painting of Sinai. This becomes quite understandable if we turn to the work of G.P. Fedotov "Saints" Ancient Rus'“, where the similarity of the Palestinian ideal of holiness with the Russian one is quite reasonably pointed out: “To organize life in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, the Constantinople Studite Rule (civic) was needed, which theoretically was always recognized as the norm in Rus'. Personal connections and travel connected Kyiv, like northern Rus', with Greece and Athos. And yet, it was not from the Athonites or Studites that monastic Rus' learned most of all, but from the Palestinians. It is also true that Greek monasticism itself is closely related to Palestinian monasticism."

Thus, through the Svenskaya (Pechersk) icon, Holy Rus', bypassing the intermediary links, clung directly to the Holy Land - the homeland of the incarnate Christ and Christianity.

“Most Holy Lady! Hear my prayer and give insight to my eyes!” - how this prayer of Prince Roman Mikhailovich is needed today by all of us who have eyes but cannot see.

Troparion, tone 4

Today the Svensk monastery triumphs brightly, and the immeasurable face of the Pechersk fathers rejoices at the appearance of the image of the Mother of God, and with them we unceasingly cry out: Rejoice, O Blessed One, Svenskaya Praise.

30 / 08 / 2005
