Icon of the desperate, single hope meaning. Prayer to the icon of the Desperate One Hope. The meaning of the icon “desperate and united hope”

All images Holy Mother of God amazing. But this one is especially beautiful. The very young Mother tenderly hugs the Divine Son, who embraces her in an unusual way. Today, many Christian believers want to buy an icon Mother of God"The Desperate One Hope" despite the fact that debates about the canonicity of this image continue. There is no exact information about where and how this icon was painted. It is believed that somewhere in Ukraine at the beginning or middle of the last century. The image is more reminiscent of a Catholic image; it contains many features that, according to the iconographic canon, are unacceptable in an Orthodox icon. However, as we know, there are many Western images that over time have become sacred in Orthodoxy. The same Mother of God image “Tenderness”, in front of which the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov talked with heaven.

They pray in front of the holy icon presented in this section in all the needs of life, but especially in a state of deep despondency and sadness. Those who ask for deliverance from the sin of idle talk and verbosity have a need to buy the icon of the Mother of God “The Desperate One Hope”. Her help is quick for those who are overcome by laziness and do not have the strength to fight it. They pray to her, as a merciful Lady, for an increase in love. She protects and helps to get rid of fornication. They resort to it when attacked by enemies, visible and invisible. She is able to soften an evil heart, gives those asking patience in suffering and misadventures, protects a person from envy and saves from the sin of love of money. It has been noticed that prayer before this image helps to quickly get rid of alcohol addiction and smoking. The Most Holy Theotokos of the Desperate, One Hope, helps to increase the best Christian virtues in the believing heart. Before her they pray for the gift of vision of their own sins.

An akathist to this sacred image was written on Holy Mount Athos. This song of praise to the Most Holy Theotokos is offered by those who are exhausted in the fight against everyday temptations, who have become despondent and now have Hope only in Her holy intercession. We invite you to buy the icon of the Mother of God “The Desperate One Hope” and ask before it to strengthen the will to a virtuous life, especially when negligence and the tendency toward sin becomes so strong that without the help of the Queen of Heaven it is difficult for a Christian to doom himself again. It is known that the higher the desire for a godly life, the stronger the battle, the harder the fall. Human strength is weak, but great is the intercession of His Most Pure Mother before the Lord for every repentant sinner. And this help will be sent all the days and every moment until the end of life on earth.

The original icon was lost during atheistic times. It is not known for certain whether it was destroyed or hidden until time, as happened with other images of the Mother of God. Who knows, maybe, through the prayers of believers, the Queen of Heaven and Earth will reveal to the world the once lost old copy of her miraculous icon, so beloved by modern Christians.

The “Desperate One Hope” icon is the great intercessor of all believers, who gives hope in the most difficult life situations. It becomes part of a person’s soul and gives him the strength to go further on the righteous path and continue to believe in the miracles of the Lord, for only true faith can heal, help and protect from everything evil and unfaithful that exists on earth.

The meaning of the icon “Desperate One Hope”
Every person in life experiences times of special sorrow, the causes of which are a variety of circumstances. At the same time, mental suffering is so strong that it is often simply impossible to cope with it on your own, no matter how hard a person tries and no matter how much effort he makes. Healing the soul is very difficult.

And it is during this period that real support is needed. And it doesn't always come from ordinary person or is not strong enough to keep you away from everything unclean and give hope for the best. And when human help disappears, the Most Holy Theotokos shows her intercession in the form of the icon of “The Desperate One Hope.” She comes to the rescue - and very soon the most hopeless life situations are resolved in some amazing and unrealistic way.

All the faces of the Most Holy Theotokos are amazing and beautiful in their own way. But this one is especially sophisticated and beautiful. The Young Mother very tenderly hugs the Son of God to Herself, and he, in turn, reverently hugs her. True love, pure and true, is the main motive and deep meaning of the icon.

In the history of Orthodoxy there are no confirmed facts about where and under what circumstances this image was painted. There is only brief information that this happened at the beginning or middle of the last century somewhere on the territory of modern Ukraine. Today, he is also revered by many Christians around the world, even though disputes among famous scientists and researchers in this area about his canonicity (compliance with a certain church canon) are still ongoing.

How does the “United Hope” icon help the Desperate?
Before the holy icon they pray for all life’s sufferings, but especially often they turn to it in a state of deep sadness, and it helps:

In deliverance from the sin of idle talk and love of money;
- in the fight against laziness, when there is no one’s own strength for this;
-increase love, faith, Christian benefactors;
- in eradication from fornication;
- in case of adversity from enemies, both external and invisible;
-soften the heart and rid it of evil thoughts;
-gain patience in suffering;
- protect yourself from envy;
- in recovery from alcohol and tobacco addiction;
-see your own sins.

You can contemplate the face in many Orthodox churches Worldwide. His celebration was set for November 18th. This is the day when believers come to church to turn to the Mother of God with prayers for hope and faith that they will grant God’s grace and righteous life to every sufferer who has realized and accepted the power of the Lord, remained faithful to it to the end and managed to lift it up in their heart before highest level spirituality.

They turn to the image for help with the following prayer:

Oh, most pure Lady Theotokos! To you, exhausted from despondency and relaxation, and convicted by our conscience, we fall with a contrite heart and cry out to You with tenderness: do not depart from us, many sinners, in sight of our countless sins, in the image of the most bitter God of the Trinitarian God and to you, the Queen of Heaven.
Deliver us, O our Intercessor, from sinful habits and captivity of passions, in which the enemies have captivated our will, tied us with strong bonds, forcing us to work in sin. In many ways we have transgressed the commandments of our Creator through our desires, and for our sins we have also lost the grace of Your Son, with which God protects those who love Him from the snares of the evil one.

The imams, O Lady, do not have the strength to free ourselves from this demonic rope, for our will is exhausted without the grace of Your Son and we know that we do not want, and like the enemy forces us to work for him, like his servants. Do not leave us, O All-Merciful One, without Your help, for the Imams have no other hope except You, Most Immaculate.
If you do not implore Your Son to have mercy on us, we will all perish in our sins. Deliver us from this sinful slavery, be a Liberator for us and a Resolver of demonic bonds, enlighten our minds, so that the memory of the imams, like all that is on earth, is dust and ashes, especially our mortal flesh, which, like an idol, the enemy forces us to serve .
Awaken, O Lady, our sleeping conscience to repentance, fallen with the fear of the present Terrible Judgment Seat of God, where the imams will give an answer about all our deeds and words and thoughts. Kindle our souls with the fire of zeal for God, which God kindled in us in the beginning.
We did not observe this gift and destroyed it through negligence; Now, like five foolish virgins, we sit in darkness, not having anything to burn at the meeting of the Bridegroom Christ.
Oh, Mother of Light, Queen of Heaven, Hope for those who are desperate and burdened with many sins, send us help from Your Son and our God, pray to the Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, may he not be angry with us, but lead us from the slavery of sin, may he strengthen our will with grace With our own, as having been delivered by Your intercession from the network of the enemy, let us glorify in the Trinity the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
The icon of “Desperate One Hope” is a majestic image of the Mother with the Divine Baby in her arms, which symbolizes the essence of all life, since it is in it that the Heavenly principle, which gives life, illuminates with hope that has no end, because it is eternal and unshakable, like itself life.

Days of celebration (old style / new style) - November 18 / December 1

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Desperate One Hope was painted in the twentieth century, presumably somewhere in Ukraine. For its gentle and peaceful image, it became widespread among the Orthodox (mainly in Ukraine), despite the fact that it was written in the Catholic style, and not according to Orthodox canons. Although there are isolated “alterations” of this icon to suit the Orthodox canons, yet on many other copies of this icon the hair sticks out from under the scarf, there is no symbolic image of stars on the shoulders and head, the colors of the Virgin’s robes are “reverse” and similar things that are unusual for Orthodox icons. Due to the lack of information about the origin of this image, and due to too loose an attitude towards the Orthodox canons, the status of the icon cannot yet be considered Orthodox.

For your information: since the features of Catholic iconography have somehow merged into Orthodox iconography over the past centuries, and in the absence of another more Orthodox icon, I know other Orthodox people involved in the iconography of the Mother of God who do not openly accept this icon and do not consider it Orthodox.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of her newly appeared icon, called “The One Hope of the Desperate” Compiled for St. Mount Athos in the Greek Cenobium by the monk Nicholas the Greek, translated into Russian in Germany by Priest Herman in 1913

Kontakion 1

To the chosen Voivode of the Mother of God and our Heavenly Patroness; all in the struggle with the passions, lusts and seductions of life, exhausted, who have come to despondency and despair and have dried up the fruits of the grace of the Holy Spirit with excessive sadness, but suddenly strengthened by the Queen of Heaven, joyfully cry out: Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, the One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle with the passions of those who are exhausted .

Ikos 1

The angels are surprised, Virgin Mother of God, at Your tireless help to sinful people who thirst for salvation, but who are exhausted from the struggle with passions, lusts and temptations, with great love in the angelic language they glorify You, the Immaculate One: Rejoice, you who send holy Angels to serve sinful people; Rejoice, you who have strengthened Your weak children many times over. Rejoice, you who drive away despondency from sad hearts; Rejoice, you who compel the lazy and careless to strive for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, you who allow those who are stubborn in laziness and negligence to be tormented by their conscience; Rejoice, you who have come to despair, but who have not stopped loving God, who save you from final destruction. Rejoice, hordes of demons, attacking them, instantly scattering them; Rejoice, for through You even sinful people are corrected. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Most Pure Virgin, showing such great mercy to sinners, and strengthening all those who love Her on the right path of salvation, let us wake up, brothers, from immeasurable sadness and cry out to Her: help us, Queen of Heaven, reconcile us with Your Son, strengthen our will to a virtuous, God-pleasing life, so that, having driven away laziness and carelessness, let us cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The darkness of sin has surrounded us and our mind is darkened, as through our laziness and negligence we have fallen into oblivion and petrified insensibility, just as the demons force their slaves to work for sin, until by our own will we have withdrawn into their hands and become friends with the satanic society, but even if not We consider ourselves to be involved in it, and on the other hand, we do not do good deeds: we do not fulfill the vows given to God, having fallen into sinful relaxation, but, hoping for Your intercession and for the help of Your compassion, we cry out to Tisitsa: Rejoice, to all who love the Trinitarian God, speedy Trustee ; Rejoice, in the fight against the passions of those who are exhausted, you are an ambulance to the Helper. Rejoice, you who teach many verbosities and empty talkers to be silent and teach to fear God; Rejoice, raising up the lazy and sleepy to wakefulness. Rejoice, darkened by vanity and negligence through heartfelt sadness; Rejoice, do not love the world and teach everything in the world. Rejoice, you who first teach us to love our neighbor; Rejoice, you who lead them from love for their neighbor to the love of God. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 3

Sin has taken possession of us and enclosed our hearts in the armor of insensibility: there is no shame, no repentance, no tears, no fear of God. Our spiritual eyes are darkened by sin and we do not know what we are doing: good or evil, drowning in the abyss of sin. But through Your prayers, O Lady, our conscience, excited, convicts us and teaches us not to have hope in our own weak strength, but in the undoubted hope of Your omnipotent intercession before God to cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Have You, the Great Intercessor for the Christian race before Your beloved Son and our God, praying to Him not to destroy for our sins all those who have fallen into demonic captivity, but to return those thirsting for salvation to a more virtuous life, and strengthen them in the fight against passions, lusts and temptations everyday life, and we sinners dare to raise our voice to You, O Unskilled One: Rejoice, O Gracious One, who beseeches His Son day and night for us sinners; Rejoice, for you teach us to pray to Him too. Rejoice, you who help us to do God’s will; Rejoice, thou who admonishes us to glorify God. Rejoice, you command us to serve your neighbors as children of God; Rejoice, for teaching us to love God through love for our neighbors. Rejoice, you who unite the memory of our neighbor with the memory of God in us; Rejoice, zealous guardian of monks in the fight against fornication, helping them. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 4

A storm of vain thoughts and deeds darkens our mind, as if we were unable to see or feel our sins, for we blame our neighbor for our sorrows and sorrows; Moreover, we have hope in You, and we, conquered by various passions and lusts, captivated by demonic obsessions and fears, having cooled to prayer and good deeds, will not cease from the bottom of our hearts to ask for your help, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard that Your Son bows to every prayer of Yours for us, sinners, whom You, the All-Merciful One, want to save, we pray to You: may the Lord strengthen us, through your prayer, to do the will of God, and not the will of the devil, and help us to bend our will We sincerely work for the Trinitarian God, and we call upon You with love: Rejoice, our true Intercessor and Intercessor; Rejoice, for Your Son has mercy on You for our sake. Rejoice, for without You no one can be saved; Rejoice, for You are the One Ladder from earth to heaven. Rejoice, for You are our only faithful and reliable Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, for through You fallen people return to Paradise. Rejoice, who gave birth to us the Savior of our souls; Rejoice, who strengthens us in adversity from enemies visible and invisible. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 5

By your chastity and humility, the Most Pure One, having surpassed all earthly beings, you were worthy to give your most pure blood to weave the flesh of the Son of God, but you are also revered Angelic ranks and the host of saints, the Queen of Heaven and earth, neither do you abandon us, sinners, but ever pray to Your beloved Son, that He may number us among His chosen flock, and You Yourself tirelessly help all those who truly believe in Christ and sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Leading the great mercy of God to those who honor Him, who has given us You, the Intercessor of the Christian race, so that not a single true believer in Christ will perish if he resorts to You, the Mother of God, for help and consolation, with thanksgiving in a tender heart we call to You: Rejoice, one our consolation in sorrows; Rejoice, our only secret admonition. Rejoice, enlightenment of our minds; Rejoice, healing of our souls and bodies. Rejoice, our reconciliation with God; Rejoice, our elevation to the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, wise Beautifier of the souls of saints; Rejoice, only Helper in our good endeavors. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of truth appeared to the holy Apostles, hearing from You, the Mother of God: “I am with you until the end of the age!” Do not forsake us, even if we are enlightened by the teachings of the holy Apostles, but because of the multitude of sins we have fallen into despondency and despair; Help us, Lady, to deviate from all that is evil and contrary to God, as imams are not strong enough to give up their sinful habits, and to serve God with all our hearts and with all our will. We cannot again gaze upon grief with spiritual eyes, but, struck by lack of will and despondency, we pray to Thee for help, All-singing, with a plaintive groan calling to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You showed us the true Light - Christ our God, most immaculate Mother of God, for You are the gates of heaven, through whom the Son of God came to earth, so that by You the Christian race will be elevated to the Kingdom of Heaven. We, hoping for Your help, pray to You: do not leave us, weakened and helpless by the will, having lost hope of salvation; but help us and teach us, O Most Merciful One, to correct our sinful life, so that, diligently pleasing God, we may sing to You: Rejoice, Most Immaculate, who gave birth to us in the flesh of the Savior and God; Rejoice, O Most Glorified One, for through Your Son, the God-Man, our sins are forgiven. Rejoice, for through Your intercession people are being raised through repentance to the place of the fallen angels; Rejoice, for through Your love we, dead in spirit, are revived. Rejoice, for through You we awaken from the sleep of sin; Rejoice, for through You our conscience is cleared. Rejoice, for through You spiritual vigor appears in us; Rejoice, for through You our mind is enlightened. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 7

We know that You are truly the Helper of all who diligently struggle with passions, lusts and temptations, who humbly endure all the sorrows of life: deprivation and oppression from evil people and demons. In the same way, we too, even though due to the weakness of mankind we fall into sins, but hoping for Your intercession and help, O Queen of Heaven, we earnestly cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The Creator showed us a new mercy by the appearance of your miraculous icon, called “The One Hope of the Desperate.” We, who have lost grace through our sins, and who have also come to despondency and despair, seeing that those who come to her with faith receive help and quick healing, sing to Tisitseva: Rejoice, good Healer of mental and physical illnesses; Rejoice, in all sorrowful circumstances our true joy is. Rejoice, for through You those who are hardened and embittered in heart are softened; Rejoice, for through You the haters are enriched with love. Rejoice, for through You the impatient learn to endure; Rejoice, for through You those who are envious are well-wishing. Rejoice, for through You the lovers of money become non-covetous and generous; Rejoice, for through you pianists and tobacco smokers are freed from vile passions. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 8

The Creator showed us a strange miracle, granting You, O Mother of God, the Great Helper to all who have lost hope of correcting their sinful lives. We, having enslaved ourselves to our evil customs, do not have the strength to serve God sincerely and to be spiritually satisfied with the fatness of His Divine sweetness, and even more so, having come to despondency and despair, we fall with tears to You, Most Immaculate One, that You may beseech Your Son for us who cry out to God: Alleluia .

Ikos 8

All who have gone astray in this modern life, who have been caught in the temptations of this world and have darkened their spiritual eyes, who have neither a helmsman nor a teacher in this world of life, do not know how to organize their life in order to be saved: what rule to fulfill, what behavior to have, so that To please God and not to irritate the wicked to the point of irritation, lest, like marvelous boars, they attack us and tear us to pieces before their time, they run to You, the true Guide, in the hope of help, saying: Rejoice, you who teach us to remember the transience of this life; Rejoice, you who help those who ask for Your help to bear the cross of life. Rejoice, thou who teachest the perishable wealth to admonish; Rejoice, thou who commandest to acquire imperishable treasure in heaven. Rejoice, you who restore grace to our souls; Rejoice, awaken from the sleep of our conscience and preserve the remembrance of God who helps us. Rejoice, you who teach us to pray in a manner pleasing to God; Rejoice, you who continually offer prayers to God for us. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 9

Every angelic nature is amazed at Your mercy for the sinful human race, perishing in the mire of passions, lusts and temptations, since You, being sick for us, are not in heaven in the enjoyment of spiritual blessings, but are tirelessly working on earth, saving our souls, even if distorted by sin, but in hope of God’s mercy, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The branches of many things cannot worthily speak of Your great help to all who resort with faith to You and Your Son, in the struggle against their flesh, the temptations of the world and the spirits of evil in the heavens who are exhausted, but who have hope in You and sing to You: Rejoice, Light of the people in kindling the darkness of sin; Rejoice, for through You we learn to see grief with spiritual eyes. Rejoice, Most Merciful Mother of all orphans; Rejoice, Guardian of honest widows. Rejoice, Teacher of the God-fearing desert dwellers; Rejoice, admonition of the pious laity. Rejoice, looking with love at the God-loving; Rejoice, you who help them gather imperishable wealth. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 10

You want to save everyone, even those who sincerely desire salvation, but also those who have forgotten God and are caught up in the lusts of the flesh, calling them through illnesses and sorrows to repentance, admonishing them with dreams and signs, so that, waking up from their sinful sleep, they may cry out to their God in tearful repentance: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the wall, O Virgin Mother of God, to all who want salvation, beyond which we are safe from the arrows of enemies, visible and invisible, for this reason, in every place and at every time of this short life of ours, with love honoring You, we sing to You with all our soul: Rejoice , giving us peace and tranquility; Rejoice, filling our souls with divine joy. Rejoice, you who teach us long-suffering; Rejoice, thou who fillest our hearts with piety. Rejoice, you who establish mercy in us; Rejoice, strengthening faith in us. Rejoice, you who teach us meekness; Rejoice, you who affirm self-control in us. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 11

All the singing of earthly beings cannot worthy of glorifying Your, Queen of Heaven, mercy for the Christian race, as You, the All-Good, not only thirst for salvation, but also for those who have lost hope in it, as if they are unable to overcome their sinful habits, in great languor of spirit , despondency, despair, darkening of the mind, in hardness and petrification of the heart, but not rejecting Christ, you show great help, with a groan of heart crying out to You and Your Son: Alleluia. Ikos 11 You appeared to the Giver of Light to those wandering in sinful darkness, so that all who sincerely desire to come out of the darkness of sin into the light, through Your enlightenment, would be able to steadily walk the path of salvation, constantly looking with spiritual eyes at grief and singing in joy like this: Rejoice, as to the vain and allowing the proud to become spiritually blind; Rejoice, faithful Guardian of those who are temporarily blind. Rejoice, you who enlighten them again after testing; Rejoice, you who deliver them from vanity and pride through sincere repentance. Rejoice, for even the humble may become blind, so that they may not become proud, you who allow them; Rejoice, you who heal those who want to be sighted according to their humility and deeds. Rejoice, inflaming jealousy for achievements in them; Rejoice, you who teach them to pray unceasingly. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 12

You have the power from God to once again bestow upon us the grace of Your Son, Lady, which we received in baptism, but have lost through the multitude of our sins, having forgotten the vows we had given to God, and having also stained the robe of our purity, being possessed by insensitivity and darkness, only in You, O All-Merciful, Imams are a vigilant intercessor for our race, interceding for all who cry out to God in despair: Alleluia. Ikos 12 Singing the purest of all earthly beings, Whose humility and purity have made You a worthy vessel of the Holy Spirit and the Matter of the Son of God, clothed by the Most Holy Trinity with the glory of the Queen of heaven and earth, we, fallen and burdened with many sins, not being able to worthily praise Thee, dare to sing with sinful lips To you: Rejoice, Meekness, above all meekness; Rejoice, you who surpass all wise men in Your wisdom. Rejoice, Abbess, who guides everyone to salvation; Rejoice, you who help to shepherd your flock as a reverent shepherd. Rejoice, spiritual father of the fall of their children, revealing them to their correction; Rejoice, you who bestow Your mercy on the children through the prayers of their spiritual fathers. Rejoice, who commands us to honor our spiritual fathers with reverence; Rejoice, true Teacher Herself to the poor spiritual fathers and mothers on earth. Rejoice, Most Merciful Virgin Mary, One Hope of the desperate, in the struggle against the passions of the exhausted.

Kontakion 13

Oh, Most Merciful Virgin Mary! To those who have become insensible from laziness, despondency and negligence, to all those who are desperate and have lost hope of correcting their sinful life, give unexpected joy spiritual, and save us all from final destruction, instructing us on the path of salvation, so that, having felt the strength and strength that Your Son has given us, we cry out with joy to all good things to the Giver God: Alleluia.

(We read this kontakion three times and again ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer before the icon called Desperate One Hope

Oh, most pure Lady Theotokos! To you, exhausted from despondency and relaxation, and convicted by our conscience, we fall with a contrite heart and cry out to You with tenderness: do not depart from us, many sinners, in sight of our countless sins, in the image of the most bitter God of the Trinitarian God and to you, the Queen of Heaven.
Deliver us, O our Intercessor, from sinful habits and captivity of passions, in which the enemies have captivated our will, tied us with strong bonds, forcing us to work in sin. In many ways we have transgressed the commandments of our Creator through our desires, and for our sins we have also lost the grace of Your Son, with which God protects those who love Him from the snares of the evil one. The imams, O Lady, do not have the strength to free ourselves from this demonic rope, for our will is exhausted without the grace of Your Son and we know that we do not want, and like the enemy forces us to work for him, like his servants.
Do not leave us, O All-Merciful One, without Your help, for the Imams have no other hope except You, Most Immaculate. If you do not implore Your Son to have mercy on us, we will all perish in our sins. Deliver us from this sinful slavery, be a Liberator for us and a Resolver of demonic bonds, enlighten our minds, so that the memory of the imams, like all that is on earth, is dust and ashes, especially our mortal flesh, which, like an idol, the enemy forces us to serve .
Awaken, O Lady, our sleeping conscience to repentance, fallen with the fear of the present Terrible Judgment Seat of God, where the imams will give an answer about all our deeds and words and thoughts. Kindle our souls with the fire of zeal for God, which God kindled in us in the beginning. We did not observe this gift and destroyed it through negligence; Now, like five foolish virgins, we sit in darkness, not having anything to burn at the meeting of the Bridegroom Christ.
Oh, Mother of Light, Queen of Heaven, Hope for those who are desperate and burdened with many sins, send us help from Your Son and our God, pray to the Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, may he not be angry with us, but lead us from the slavery of sin, may he strengthen our will with grace With our own, as having been delivered by Your intercession from the network of the enemy, let us glorify in the Trinity the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.



To make an icon, take a well-dried linden board. On icons whose dimensions exceed 13x16 cm, oak dowels are inserted on the back of the board - this contributes to the longevity of the icon and the preservation of its beauty. Reverse side, as well as the side surfaces of the future icon, are treated with heated wax. The front side is carefully sanded and primed: gesso is applied, which traditionally consists of finely sifted and ground chalk and glue of animal origin, such as fish. The gesso is applied to the board in 2-3 layers, each layer is dried and sanded. Then another type of primer is applied - polyment, which is made from red clay and serves to fix the wonderfully beautiful gold leaf on the surface of the board. Finally, the image itself is painted with tempera paints. On last stage The front surface of the icon is covered with a special varnish. The skill and skillful execution by the icon painter of technology developed over centuries is the guarantee that the icon will not lose the brightness of its colors over time, will not fade and will patronize believers long years, delighting their eyes and hearts


The icon of “Desperate One Hope” is one of the most common images in Orthodoxy. This icon is worshiped by many believers who believe that it can help them solve their problems and improve their lives.

Why pray to this icon?

The “Desperate One Hope” icon is considered the great intercessor of all Orthodox Christians. It is designed to give them hope in the most difficult situations, which may seem hopeless to many.

It is believed that this icon gives a person strength, helps him to move forward in life along the right and sinless path, and also to believe in the power of the Lord. Since even the priests in the temples claim that it is not enough to just pray. One must also believe that help will come. Only such faith will protect you from everything evil and bad that can appear on earth.

Meaning of the icon

"Desperate One Hope" has great value in the Orthodox world. After all, every person regularly faces difficulties and difficulties in his life. Their causes can be a variety of circumstances. Often such misfortunes are accompanied by mental suffering. So strong that not everyone can cope with them on their own, no matter how hard they try and no matter how much effort they put in. In order to heal the soul, outside help is often needed.

In the most difficult moments of life, a person needs real and tangible support. Here the icon of the Virgin Mary “Desperate One Hope” comes to his aid. After all, an ordinary person cannot always help; spiritual support from above is often required. Just when human help is powerless, the icon of the “Desperate One Hope” comes to the rescue.

The meaning of the icon "Desperate One Hope" is that t Only she can save a person in the most hopeless life situations. If you really believe in its power, then the problem will be resolved so easily that it will not be easy to believe in it right away. By at least, so say those who have actually encountered miraculous properties this icon.

Faces of the Virgin Mary

On the icon “Desperate One Hope” the very face of the Mother of God is beautiful, Orthodox believers say. At the same time, without detracting from the attractiveness of her face in other icons, they nevertheless note that in this one it looks especially beautiful and sophisticated.

In it, the Son of God is tenderly hugged by a young mother. And at that moment he tenderly hugs her. Pure and true love is the main motive of the image of "Desperate One Hope". considered one of the most revered in the Christian church.

At the same time, it is not known for certain where, by whom and when this work of church art was painted. The history of Orthodoxy is silent about this. You can only find brief information that this image was first found on the territory of modern Ukraine at the beginning of the last century. The icon impressed Orthodox believers so much that they still venerate it as one of the most significant. Even though its canonicity has never been proven. There is no consensus whether it belongs to the church canon.

How can this icon help?

Many people turn to the “Desperate One Hope” icon with prayers. How does she help them? Most importantly, it is customary to pray in front of the icon for all the sufferings in life, your own and those of your loved ones. Most often, people come to her in a state of deep sadness.

Then the icon is asked to overcome laziness, increase faith in Christ and Christian benefactors, and love for others. They ask to be delivered from the most serious sins, for example, love of money and idle talk, to eradicate prodigal and vicious passions not only from life, but even from thoughts. They ask you to soften your own heart in order to forever rid it of bad thoughts, to forever forget about such an unpleasant feeling as envy. They ask to be protected from misfortunes, both external and internal, which lurk deep in the soul of every person. They ask to be taught to endure the most difficult and unpleasant suffering.

They also make very specific requests. For example, to recover from tobacco, alcohol or drug addiction. The main thing this icon can help with is to see your own sins. Only in this case will a person be able to realize how wrong he was in this life, and how to correct himself. Then he can atone for his guilt.

Feast of the Virgin Mary

You can see the face of the Mother of God, including on this icon, in various countries all over the country and the world. In Russia, almost every Orthodox Church there is at least one icon dedicated to the mother of Christ.

Prayer to the Mother of God

There is even a special prayer to the “Desperate One Hope” icon. In it, the believer must turn to the face of the Mother of God. Asking ordinary people not to retreat, who often become despondent and lament in vain. Forgive these ordinary people for their unbelief, doubts, and countless falls into sin.

The main thing is that in prayer they ask to be delivered from sinful habits, from passions that can take a weak-willed person captive. Forgive all those cases when a person, due to his weakness, violated the biblical commandments, went against his conscience and his convictions.

Akathist to the Mother of God

This is very important prayer. After all, the icon with the Mother of God depicted on it symbolizes the essence of all life in this world. It is in this image, of a mother with a baby in her arms, that the heavenly principle, which gives life to all living things in the world, illuminates the future with hope that is unshakable under any circumstances. Especially if you really believe it.

Everyone who returns day after day and turns to this image understands one important truth. The truth that the Almighty declared. It lies in the fact that the main thing that exists on earth is true and sincere love. The kind that a mother has for her child. Such as is depicted on this symbolic icon. After all, it is in the name of this love that all the most beneficial deeds are performed on earth. With such thoughts, believers approach the “Desperate One Hope” icon. The akathist, which is said at this time, helps them praise the Mother of God.

Where can you find the icon?

Despite its popularity, this icon can not be found in all Orthodox churches. Largely because the debate about whether it is canonical still continues to this day.

True, the icon “Desperate One Hope” in Moscow churches can always be bought in a church shop. But seeing her on the iconostasis is very rare. One of the most famous Orthodox churches in which it is represented among other shrines is the Ascension Church in the city of Krasnoperekopsk in Crimea. He belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate.

In it you can also find the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Venerable Matrona of Moscow, and the Most Holy Theotokos “Quick to Hear.” This temple appeared relatively recently. It was only built in 2010. It was then that the dome, weighing 8 tons, was installed, the main installation and construction works. The official opening took place in 2011. As we see, despite its youth, the temple has already acquired a large number of valuable and important icons for the Orthodox world.

Holy Mother of God! Protect, preserve and have mercy! What a sincere, beautiful, real prayer this is!

The “Desperate One Hope” icon is the great intercessor of all believers, who gives hope in the most difficult life situations. It becomes part of a person’s soul and gives him the strength to go further on the righteous path and continue to believe in the miracles of the Lord, for only true faith can heal, help and protect from everything evil and unfaithful that exists on earth.

The meaning of the icon “Desperate One Hope”

Every person in life experiences times of special sorrow, the causes of which are a variety of circumstances. At the same time, mental suffering is so strong that it is often simply impossible to cope with it on your own, no matter how hard a person tries and no matter how much effort he makes. Healing the soul is very difficult.

And it is during this period that real support is needed. And it does not always come from an ordinary person or is not strong enough to keep away everything unclean and give hope for the best. And when human help disappears, the Most Holy Theotokos shows her intercession in the form of the icon of “The Desperate One Hope.” She comes to the rescue - and very soon the most hopeless situations in life are resolved in some amazing and unrealistic way.

All the faces of the Most Holy Theotokos are amazing and beautiful in their own way. But this one is especially sophisticated and beautiful. The Young Mother very tenderly hugs the Son of God to Herself, and he, in turn, reverently hugs her. True love, pure and true, is the main motive and deep meaning of the icon.

In the history of Orthodoxy there are no confirmed facts about where and under what circumstances this image was painted. There is only brief information that this happened at the beginning or middle of the last century somewhere on the territory of modern Ukraine. Today, he is also revered by many Christians around the world, even though disputes among famous scientists and researchers in this area about his canonicity (compliance with a certain church canon) are still ongoing.

How does the “United Hope” icon help the Desperate?

Before the holy icon they pray for all life’s sufferings, but especially often they turn to it in a state of deep sadness, and it helps:

  • in getting rid of the sin of idle talk and love of money;
  • in the fight against laziness, when there is no one’s own strength for this;
  • increase love, faith, Christian benefactors;
  • in eradication from lustful passion;
  • in case of adversity from enemies, both external and invisible;
  • soften the heart and rid it of evil thoughts;
  • gain patience in suffering;
  • protect yourself from envy;
  • in recovery from alcohol and tobacco addiction;
  • see your own sins.
  • You can contemplate the face in many Orthodox churches around the world. His celebration was set for November 18th. This is the day when believers come to church to turn to the Mother of God with prayers for hope and faith that they will grant God’s grace and righteous life to every sufferer who has realized and accepted the power of the Lord, remained faithful to it to the end and managed to lift it up in their heart to the highest level of spirituality. Turn to the image for help with the following prayer:

    Oh, most pure Lady Theotokos! To you, exhausted from despondency and relaxation, and convicted by our conscience, we fall with a contrite heart and cry out to You with tenderness: do not depart from us, many sinners, in sight of our countless sins, in the image of the most bitter God of the Trinitarian God and to you, the Queen of Heaven.

    Deliver us, O our Intercessor, from sinful habits and captivity of passions, in which the enemies have captivated our will, tied us with strong bonds, forcing us to work in sin. In many ways we have transgressed the commandments of our Creator through our desires, and for our sins we have also lost the grace of Your Son, with which God protects those who love Him from the snares of the evil one.

    The imams, O Lady, do not have the strength to free ourselves from this demonic rope, for our will is exhausted without the grace of Your Son and we know that we do not want, and like the enemy forces us to work for him, like his servants. Do not leave us, O All-Merciful One, without Your help, for the Imams have no other hope except You, Most Immaculate.

    If you do not implore Your Son to have mercy on us, we will all perish in our sins. Deliver us from this sinful slavery, be a Liberator for us and a Resolver of demonic bonds, enlighten our minds, so that the memory of the imams, like all that is on earth, is dust and ashes, especially our mortal flesh, which, like an idol, the enemy forces us to serve .

    Awaken, O Lady, our sleeping conscience to repentance, fallen with the fear of the present Terrible Judgment Seat of God, where the imams will give an answer about all our deeds and words and thoughts. Kindle our souls with the fire of zeal for God, which God kindled in us in the beginning.
