Catching rabbits in various conditions: how to make traps with your own hands. How to quickly catch an escaped rabbit in the garden Using a snare

The hare is the most classic and most common hunter's prey. In addition to hares, there are also animals such as wild rabbits. Sometimes hares and rabbits are so annoying that war is declared on them. They can destroy crops in the garden, so how to fight this beast? There are many ways to catch a hare, but what if you need the hare alive? For these purposes, the author came up with such a simple trap that does not cause any harm to the animal. When you catch a hare, you can put it in a cage, or you can simply examine it and release it.

The trap is somewhat reminiscent of a mousetrap, only it is designed for a larger rodent. The device is made in the form of a box with a door that automatically closes under its own weight if prey gets into the trap. The door is held in place by a rope through a special PVC pipe, at the other end of which a latch is attached. Inside the box at the very end there is a bait, the hare climbs towards it, touches the latch and the door closes. The prankster has been caught!

Materials and tools for making a trap:

List of materials:
- plywood, boards (or other similar material (note that the hare has strong teeth);
- rope;
- a piece of PVC pipe or other similar material;
- self-tapping screws;
- a bowl with bait.

List of tools:
- wood hacksaw;
- ;
- green paint (so that the hare is not afraid of the trap);
- knife.

Trap making process:

Step one. Trap diagram and sketches
To avoid improvising when assembling the trap, draw its dimensions with a pencil and estimate how much materials you will need. Make the trap larger so that the animal is not afraid to climb into it.

Step two. We make blanks
Cut the required number of pieces according to the plan you have drawn up. You will need three long boards to create the box. Drill a hole in the top board large diameter so that the fastener can be installed.

In principle, more holes can be drilled in all boards so that the animal is not afraid to climb into the box. But do not make the holes too large, as the hare will instantly gnaw the hole and run away. The author approached the manufacture of the trap very responsibly, so the parts were carefully polished and adjusted to each other.

Cut a board with a notch at one end. It is needed to hold the PVC pipe, thanks to which the trap is cocked.

In the bottom board of the trap, at the beginning of the trap, make a groove so that the closed door can fit into it. A small block is screwed into the upper part, which holds the door. Also cut out the door itself. It is important here that the door is well polished, otherwise it may jam at the most inopportune moment.

Step three. Rope and PVC pipe
Take the PVC pipe and cut it to such a length that one end is located opposite the hole with the clamp, and the other opposite the door. Drill holes in the ends of the pipe so you can tie the rope.

You will need two pieces of rope, one piece should be long enough to tie to the door, and the second to the trigger.

Step four. Assembling the trap
To assemble the trap, you can use self-tapping screws; take and assemble the box. Then install a wooden bracket that will hold the PVC pipe. You will also need to make a hook out of wood that will hold the door open until the hook is caught by the hare.
This hook should have such a profile that when the hare gets into the box and starts moving towards the bait, it should hook the hook. Tie a rope to the hook and the other end to the PVC pipe. Also tie a rope to the other end of the PVC pipe and secure the door to it.

That's all, the trap is almost ready, you can test it.

Step five. Finishing touches
Do not forget that wood quickly deteriorates if it is not protected from moisture. Paint works well, especially green, yellow or white, it all depends on what time of year you will catch the hare. For example, a green box will be perfectly camouflaged in bushes and grass. And the white box will not be visible in the snow.

"Hello! Our long-eared pet escaped from his cage. We have been hunting for the little fugitive for the second day. Tell me how to quickly catch a rabbit? (Svetlana)"

Rabbits are very active, agile and fast animals. It is very difficult to catch a rabbit, so they are mainly kept in special cages, rabbit hutches. However, they need to be cleaned regularly, and escapes cannot be ruled out. Next, we will offer you some universal tips on how to catch a rabbit. If the cages are located indoors, this is quite easy to do, but in an open space it can become a real problem.

If the rabbitries are not high from the ground and the animals live in them alone, you can try putting a treat in it, leaving the door open and waiting for the pet to return on its own. It is possible that due to fear and stress, he will hide in a secluded corner and wait for the right moment.

If the cages are located high, they are surrounded by a fence, or several animals live in them, this option should be excluded immediately. You can try to call the animal or entice it for a treat, but this will only work with tame pets. Much more complicated situation, if the animal manages to escape into the garden or vegetable garden. Next we will tell you how to catch a rabbit in the garden.

It all depends on how much time you have and how many people can help you. You can use a humane trap, which should be placed in the area where there are most tracks. You need to put a treat in it, small amounts of which should be placed along the way to the door and wait until the little ear gets hungry. If you don’t have time, but have helpers, you can build a small but high pen and try to drive the rabbit into it.

You can also use the hunting method: divide into groups, then one group will drive the animal towards the other. As soon as the rabbit is within reach, you need to throw a net over it. In any case, the main thing to remember is that you need to catch carefully so as not to harm the animal or frighten it too much. Therefore, you need to approach the Ushastik quietly, slowly. Do not make sudden movements, do not make loud sounds and do not hang from above.

For best results, look for a natural arch or short opening in the rabbit trail. Unless you are counting on the rabbit to miraculously end up in your trap, setting a snare along the route used by the rabbit is a a necessary condition. A natural obstacle in the form of an arch in the rabbit's path allows you to be sure that the animal will pass exactly where your snare is installed.

  • A natural closed obstacle on a rabbit's path is much easier to detect in the winter. The trail-marking tracks of rabbits will help you determine which parts of the forest their paths pass through.

If a natural obstacle cannot be found, then you can use a fairly large branch or sapling as an arch.

  • Any tree will do, as long as it has enough branches. Once you have found a suitable tree or branch, you should trim the branches and twigs to approximately 30cm in length.
  • Make sure your tree is large enough to hold a rabbit. While neither large nor strong, rabbits can nevertheless escape if the branch is too small, making further capture of the animal more difficult. Position the branch so that the trunk is directly above the center of the rabbit trail.

    Knots and smaller branches on the sides will force the rabbit to take a path through the center of the loop.

    Stick small branches into the ground on either side of the trap to minimize the possibility of the rabbit slipping through the space on either side of the center of the obstacle. Take a thin copper or brass wire and tie a small loop at one end.

    • At a distance of 4 cm from the other end of the wire, make another small (about 30 cm) loop by wrapping the wire around itself four or five times.
  • If you don’t have thin wire at hand, you can use thick fishing line. But keep in mind: some rabbits can chew it through. Ultimately, using wire is a more humane way to kill a rabbit.

    Cut the other end at approximately 60cm. Pass the end of the wire through the loop, forming a small lasso.

  • When a rabbit gets caught in a noose, its attempts to escape will tighten the noose even further. This, in fact, is the essence of this trap. Attach the free end of the lasso to the tree that you placed above the rabbit trail.

    • Tie the wire to the tree by wrapping it around three times, securing it with a simple knot to prevent it from accidentally slipping off.
    • How high off the ground should the loop be? There are different opinions on this matter. Many hunters advise placing the loop somewhere 10 - 15 cm above the ground. If at the same time you do not have enough length to tie the free end around the branch, start over, this time using more wire.
  • There are many ways to catch a rabbit. It all depends on your goal and terrain. The methods of catching wild and domestic animals are radically different. The situation is similar in the forest and vegetable garden. Below we will give several ways to catch a rabbit in different areas.

    How to catch an escaped pet rabbit

    If the area is closed by a fence and it is not going anywhere, it is better to give a little time for the animal to calm down. Pay attention to behavior. A pet may be ready to run away at any moment, in which case. If an animal is frightened by something unfamiliar, it will press itself to the ground.

    If you ran away decorative rabbit, under no circumstances run to him. This will scare even a tamed animal. You need to approach him wisely, call him in the usual way, show him love and peace with your appearance. For more confidence, show him his favorite treat in your hands. If the method does not work, you need to catch using methods for wild animals.

    The pet does not always remain in sight. When you don’t know where he is, remember where he was last seen. Think over a possible trajectory of movement. Fugitives often hide in crevices, especially in unfamiliar territories. Look around, maybe there are boards somewhere, a lot of garbage, tree branches, clothes or other secluded places. If possible, try to attract with familiar smells. In an unfamiliar area, the animal will be scared and will look for at least something familiar.

    When a rabbit is found, it is important not to scare it away. Approach him calmly and smoothly. Slowly lean towards him and speak in a gentle voice. So, get as close as possible. Slowly squat down and gently grasp it with a soft grip. Do not show force or aggression, otherwise the pet will want to break free. Never pick your pet up when he can't see, this will cause fear.

    How to catch a rabbit in the garden

    How to catch wild rabbits

    First you need to figure out where to find the rabbit. A short hole on the rabbit trail and natural arches will help. The first method is a snare. In order to catch the victim, you need to limit all other moves. The restrictions should be natural, which the animal encounters every day. The snare is made of thin brass wire. A self-tightening loop is made at the end. Hang at a height of 10-15 cm.

    Young trees and branches can be used as an arch. The branches are shortened by 30 cm. The tree must escape during all attempts. There should be a trunk under the center of the path. Make sure there is no free path on the sides. Then the animal will have no choice and will go straight into the trap.

    A wolf pit will help you catch a rabbit:

    • Find out where animals often run.
    • Dig a deep hole so that the animal cannot get out of it.
    • Bait will increase the chances of success.
    • Find a few branches and trim them to fit around the edges of the hole.
    • Place some brushwood across and leaves on top.
    • To disguise the hole as much as possible, you can add dirt.
    • To increase your chances of catching a rabbit, place the bait in the center of the trap.

    You can use a cage trap. They put bait inside and wait for the victim to go inside, after which the entrance is closed. Regularly check the operation of the mechanisms and the quality of the bait. If there is no catch, the cage is moved to another place.

    The animal has a very good sense of smell, they sense a person from afar and will go around places with a human smell. If there is a catch, you need to approach slowly, without sudden movements.

    Don’t rush to sell your caught rabbit, try to start breeding them at home. This is profitable, a wild animal always has a lot of energy and good genetics.

    Rabbits are capable of reaching a speed of 55 km/h, given their extremely developed dexterity, it is impossible to catch one without cunning. escaped pet can be driven into an enclosed space. Build a small fence and place bait there; when the animal comes in, just block the entrance. It is much easier to catch a rabbit in a small area. The method is relevant if the pet cannot run far.

    If an expensive purebred ornamental pet has escaped, it is better to call an animal catching service. Thanks to great experience And necessary tools, they have a much better chance of catching the fugitive.

    Rabbits are very nimble and playful animals, although not as fast as their close relatives, hares. That is why catching an escaped animal is not an easy task, especially if it has escaped to an open area: to a garden or vegetable garden. How to return a fugitive, and what methods of capture can be taken - this will be discussed further.

    How to catch an escaped pet rabbit

    Often, even socialized pets, sensing the smell of freedom, can run away from the owner, refusing to return to the cage. At the same time, many of them will run away from the owner, as soon as he approaches. In order for the operation to capture the fugitive to be successful, it is important to accurately recognize all the features of the big-eared behavior that signal his intentions. Such signals primarily include the following:

    • Hind paws hitting the floor- the rabbit is ready to take off and run at any time;
    • stand on hind legs and pointed ears- the animal listens, something interests him;
    • tight pressing to the surface- the animal is very scared, especially if it heard unfamiliar loud sounds.

    The rabbit stands on its hind legs and pricks its ears - one of the signals of escape from the owner Of all the listed behavioral traits, the last one is the most favorable for capture, since sometimes the fear is so strong that it literally paralyzes your pet, immobilizing it long enough to grab it.

    It is good if the owner trains the pet to respond to his call in advance. In this case, there will be no difficulties in catching, you just have to call your pet and offer him tasty treat. For this reason, the animals willingly leave playgrounds and return to the cage.

    The unnoticed escape of a pet, when the owner simply did not have time to notice where he had gone, can complicate the situation. In this case, first you need to inspect all nearby crevices and secluded places, especially in the area where he was last seen. Having approached the animal as much as possible, all that remains is to gently, without unnecessary movements, grab it by the skin and carry it into the cage.
    If your search is unsuccessful, you can leave a self-closing cage in the room with your rabbit’s favorite treat inside: he will definitely climb into it as soon as he gets hungry.

    How to catch a rabbit in the garden

    If catching a rabbit in the house is quite difficult, it is even more difficult in the garden, where he has many escape routes. This is especially true for animals kept in cages on the territory, which may well accidentally jump out of there. Sometimes it happens that you may lose sight of them for a while, so all actions should be performed in the following sequence:

    1. Assess the situation and determine the hiding place of the long-eared fugitive (this could be bushes or dense thickets of a garden, for example, corn).
    2. In places of congestion large quantity traces, place traps, the trigger of which will be as close as possible to the door (this will allow you to slam the cage as soon as the animal gets inside).
    3. You can bring the rabbit to the set trap with the help of food, which needs to be laid out in the place where the largest number of traces are accumulated (naturally, you need to pour treats into the cage itself).

    You can check the trap 1-2 times a day, and during this time it is usually possible to catch a domestic fugitive. If we are talking about wild animals, it will take more time to catch in this way; If the trap remains empty during the week, it means you will have to move it to another place. Caught wild animals are taken away, to a place where they cannot harm cultivated crops and trees.

    Methods for catching wild rabbits

    Unlike domestic and ornamental rabbits, wild rabbits generally prefer not to approach humans, so it is extremely difficult to catch them. Best suited for these purposes:

    • snare,
    • wolf pits,
    • self-closing cells.
    Let's look at each of the capture options more carefully.
    Rabbit snare

    Using a snare

    To get the maximum result from using a snare, it is important to consider several factors:

    • It is advisable to find in advance a place with a natural arch or a short hole located on the rabbit path (a little later the snare will be hooked onto it);
    • if such a limitation could not be found, you will have to create an artificial obstacle, the role of which would be a large branch or a young tree that helps to form an arch (the main thing is to make sure that the selected element is heavy enough to hold the caught animal and has long branches).

    Further actions:

    Video: Amazing Quick Rabbit Trap

    Wolf pits

    Organization of wolf pits is another effective solution problems catching wild rabbits, but they should be properly managed. This process is simple, but requires the sequential implementation of a number of actions, taking into account certain nuances.

    Important! Under no circumstances should you throw a blanket or other dark fabric over the animal - this will greatly scare it. It is best to slowly approach it, squatting and coaxing the animal in a gentle voice.

    In general, the scheme for arranging a wolf pit in this case looks like this:

    Video: Amazing Bunny Catch

    Using the cage

    The cage you will need consists of mesh walls, a gate, a lowering mechanism and rollers with which it operates. All you need to do is place the trap in a suitable place (can be in an area with the largest number traces of the animal) and, putting the bait inside, wait until the rabbit goes inside (its weight will cause the door to slam shut).

    As in the previous options, a variety of vegetables and bread will serve as good bait, which must be placed clearly in the center of the trap mechanism, otherwise the animal will simply take the bait and run away.

    Assembling such a trap will not be difficult, because in addition to the purchased structure there is always clear instructions, and the user can only check the serviceability of the mechanism. It is advisable to approach the placed cages at least once a day, and as soon as you find the animal, you can transport it to another place to release it away from your property.
    This method of catching is rightfully considered the most humane of all those presented, since the animal is not injured in any way, and the food left is quite enough for the entire time it is inside (between checks during the day).

    Did you know?Wild rabbits are capable of reaching speeds of up to 55 km/h, although they still do not reach the performance of hares. The latter, if necessary, can move at a speed of about 70 km/h.

    Using a box

    Catching rabbits using a cardboard box is not the most reliable, but it is the most affordable option, requiring minimal effort from the hunter. In this case, the whole process will look like this:

    1. Find a cardboard box that is no more than 1 meter wide and cut out the bottom.
    2. Find a relatively light branch, about 120 cm long, and tie one end to a nearby stump or other ledge.
    3. Make two holes in the box, pass a string through them and tie the ends together.
    4. In the middle of the branch that will hold the box, tie a sewing thread about 4 cm long and connect it to the lace, hanging the box at a height of about 1 m.
    5. Make two more holes in the top of the box.
    6. Pass the rope through them, then tie one end to the middle of the rope, forming a loop. The other should hang down 10 cm.
    7. Tie a large carrot to it. As soon as the animal jumps up and grabs the food, pulling it and the box down, the thin sewing thread breaks and it ends up under the box.
