Cystitis in a child 1.5 years old treatment. Symptoms of cystitis in children and a treatment regimen for the inflammatory process. How to relieve symptoms of cystitis in a child

It should be noted right away that girls more often than boys suffer from cystitis. This feature is associated with the anatomical structure of the urethra, which in the latter is much longer and narrower, which creates additional obstacles to the penetration of infection, namely, it is the cause of the primary form of the disease in 60 percent of cases.

Basic triggers that significantly increase the risk of cystitis in children and adolescents include:

  1. Infectious lesions of the bladder with staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli;
  2. A general decrease in immunity in a child;
  3. Insufficient hygienic care of the genitals;
  4. Features of poor heredity;
  5. Acute deficiency or absence of a number of vitamins;
  6. Hypothermia of the body in general and genitals in particular;
  7. Chronic non-infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  8. Taking a number of drugs - urotropine, steroids, sulfonamides;
  9. Poor ventilation of the genital area due to the constant wearing of diapers - diaper rash, fecal matter, urine can penetrate the urethra and provoke the development of inflammation;
  10. The presence of a foreign body in the bladder, the consequences of surgical intervention;
  11. The consequence of inflammation of appendicitis with the pelvic location of the appendix;
  12. Chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  13. In adolescents of older age groups - sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydial, Trichomonas and gonorrheal etiology);
  14. In some cases - viral and fungal infections.

Symptoms of cystitis in a child

The symptomatology of the manifestations of cystitis in children depends on their age, as well as on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

The basic symptoms in children under 1 year of age include:

  1. Strong tearfulness;
  2. Irritability and restlessness for no apparent reason;
  3. Very frequent or, on the contrary, too rare acts of urination;
  4. Sometimes - a rise in temperature.
  5. Discoloration of urine, closer to a dark yellow hue.

In a child over 1 year old, the characteristic features are:

  1. Severe pain syndrome in the localization of the small pelvis;
  2. Frequent urge to urinate - at least 2 times per hour;
  3. Almost always - an increase in temperature;
  4. Partial urinary incontinence.

Acute cystitis in children

Acute case of cystitis in a child usually develops quickly. With the formation of inflammation, the baby becomes restless, he is tormented by pain in the suprapubic region. Urination - frequent, but in small portions, with unpleasant sensations at the time of withdrawal from a small need. The urine itself has a darkish pronounced yellow tint with a cloudy consistency, there is a lot of mucus in it.

The course of the disease of this type is often accompanied by fever and severe intoxication, especially if the cause is a bacterial or fungal infection of the bladder. With the appointment of qualified treatment, the symptoms of acute cystitis in a child quickly disappear - already on the 5th day of illness, he feels much better, and urine tests begin to normalize.

Chronic cystitis in children

The chronic form of the disease in a child usually occurs due to untimely diagnosis of the disease, poor treatment of cystitis, as well as as a result of congenital / acquired pathologies of the genitourinary system - from crystallurgy to circulatory disorders in the small pelvis and other malformations. An additional "contribution" is made by a wide variety of diseases of the somatic and infectious spectrum, immunodeficiency, hypovitaminosis, malnutrition, etc., not directly related to the genitourinary sphere, but having an additional negative effect on the body.

If acute cystitis, as a rule, is a primary disease, then the chronic stages are almost always secondary, while the dominant symptomatology is very weak, due to which the long latent phases of remission are replaced by regular exacerbations. This pathology will not disappear on its own, it does not respond well to conservative therapy and can cause a huge number of complications in the medium term. So, in 80 percent of young patients with cystitis in the chronic stage, pyelonephritis is found. Almost 95 percent suffer from vesiculo-urethral reflux, accompanied by systemic impairment of urine outflow and reverse partial reflux of urine into the renal pelvis.

Diagnosis of cystitis is the most important stage in the future recovery of a child. Unfortunately, up to half of all cases of the disease in Russia are still not detected in small patients on time, which leads to the formation of numerous complications of the pathology and the impossibility of its rapid cure by methods of conservative therapy.

If cystitis is suspected, the pediatrician must refer the child to a pediatric urologist for a comprehensive examination. The primary diagnosis, which requires confirmation, is made on the basis of typical complaints of a small patient - pain syndrome of clear localization, problem urination, changes in urine color, etc. In parallel, an experienced specialist conducts differential diagnostics and tries to exclude diseases similar in symptomatic profile - in particular, acute atypical appendicitis (in addition to the basic manifestations, severe pain in the abdomen, liquid consistency during bowel movements with blood clots and muscle tension in the right lumbar region), pyelonephritis, vulvitis, balanitis (uncharacteristic discharge is present), bladder tumors.

What tests to take for cystitis in children?

In addition to the differential diagnosis, the doctor will without fail refer the child for tests - only on their basis can the underlying disease be definitively indicated.

  1. and research on Nechiporenko;
  2. on the content of leukocytes and increased ESR rates;
  3. Culture of urine, which helps to detect potential causative agents of inflammation;
  4. PCR diagnostics of underlying infections;
  5. Local analysis of the microflora of the genital organs for dysbiosis;
  6. Cystoscopy;
  7. If necessary, pelvic ultrasound and biopsy.

Urine analysis for cystitis in children. Indicators

The basic mechanism for confirming the primary diagnosis of cystitis in children is a general urinalysis.

The working material is collected in the morning in a sterile container. The first portion of urine should be drained using only the middle portion. Before taking the test fluid, the child needs to thoroughly wash himself, hand over the container with urine to the laboratory, preferably no later than 1 hour after collecting it.

A diagnosis of cystitis can be made by a laboratory worker or doctor based on several parameters:

  1. Increase in leukocytes up to 50-60 units in the field of view (at a rate of 5-6);
  2. A slight increase in protein - above 0.033 g / l;
  3. The liquid has a dull shade, slightly transparent, cloudy with an admixture of flakes, sometimes blood;
  4. The number of leached erythrocytes in the field of view is 10-15 units.

Treatment of cystitis in children involves complex therapy in compliance with a number of strict recommendations. The optimal would be the hospitalization of a small patient in a hospital, although the treatment of uncomplicated forms of pathology is possible on an outpatient basis and even at home.

Medicines for cystitis for children

The drugs are prescribed strictly individually by a specialist doctor based on the severity of the disease, the patient's age, individual characteristics of his body and other factors. The standard regimen includes the use of the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antispasmodics. Designed to neutralize severe pain. Typical representatives are Drotaverin, Platifillin, Papaverine, most often in the form of injections, sometimes tablets;
  2. Uroseptics. Antibacterial drugs used to destroy the pathogenic microflora that caused bladder inflammation. Typical representatives are Trimoxazole, Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin, respectively related to sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones and classical antibiotics;
  3. Diuretic diuretics. Most often, Hypothiazide, Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Diacarb are prescribed;
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes as a supplement.
  1. Compliance with bed rest. In acute forms of cystitis - at least 3 days. Allows you to reduce the frequency of urination, pain syndrome and achieve maximum control over the therapy of a small patient;
  2. Drinking sodium chloride mineral water without gas in an amount of no more than 1 liter / day - a slight anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. Dry heat to the pubic area;
  4. Sedentary warm baths. The recommended thermal regime is 37.5 degrees, 2 procedures lasting 15–20 minutes daily;
  5. Correction of the power supply scheme. Inclusion in the diet of dairy and cultured milk products, plant-based dishes. Exclusion of spices, herbs, spicy, heavily fried, sweet, pickled food.

The above treatment regimen is basic and intended for the treatment of primary acute forms of cystitis. In the case of a background inflammatory secondary process or chronic stages of the disease, other individual schemes are used, including the therapy of concomitant diseases, physiotherapy, and in rare cases, surgery.

Treatment of cystitis at home

Treatment of cystitis in children at home is possible only in cases of uncomplicated forms of the disease and under the obligatory supervision of a specialist doctor - it is he who must prescribe a course of drug therapy indicating the timing and amount of drug use, as well as monitor a small patient with interim tests.

What can parents do besides monitoring prescribed medication?

  1. Provide the child with strict bed rest and make it easier to urinate without getting out of bed (boat or bottle);
  2. Correct the diet for the period of treatment, excluding all sweet, fried, pickled, spicy, salty. In the course of therapy, it is necessary to introduce additional fruits and vegetables into the diet, which are not prohibited by the doctor, as well as dairy and sour milk products. Cooking - only boiling and steaming;
  3. Provide the child with moderate drinking - non-carbonated sodium-chloride mineral water (Borjomi) would be an ideal option;
  4. With the obligatory agreement with the attending physician - herbal medicine based on warm baths, applying dry heat.

Traditional methods of treatment

Any recipes for traditional medicine used in relation to a child with cystitis must be coordinated with the attending physician without fail. The main principle is additional, not replacement therapy, since even a simple form of the disease cannot be cured with herbs and tinctures alone.

  1. Pour one teaspoon of dry herb St. John's wort with a glass of hot water and let it brew in a water bath for about half an hour. Cool and strain the product, give it a quarter of a glass 4 times a day, half an hour before meals for 10 days;
  2. Pour three tablespoons of crushed dry berry rhizomes with one glass of hot water, put on medium heat and evaporate ½ of the liquid. Remove from heat, cool, drain. Consume 10 drops 3 times a day before meals for 1 week;
  3. Take in equal proportions 1 glass of birch leaf, chamomile, oregano, oak bark, fill them with a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Strain and pour the liquid into a warm bath, stirring thoroughly. Help your child take a relaxing sitting session for 15 minutes. The recommended thermal regime of water is 37-38 degrees.


Doctors refer to the typical complications of cystitis in children:

  1. Hematuria. Blood clots appear in the urine;
  2. Vesiculo-urethral reflux. Persistent violation of the outflow of urine, partial reflux of this fluid into the renal pelvis;
  3. Interstitial Disorders. Destructive changes in the structure of the bladder with damage to the mucous membranes, soft tissues and other elements of the organ;
  4. Pyelonephritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys, which in some cases can directly threaten the life of a small patient.


The list of basic preventive measures includes:

  1. Timely treatment of any diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  2. General and local strengthening of immunity - hardening, intake of vitamin and mineral complexes, the use of immunomodulators, etc.;
  3. Prevention of hypothermia of the genitals and systems adjacent to them;
  4. Thorough hygiene with washes, regular change of diapers, the use of personal items and devices (towels, soap, etc.);
  5. Systemic correction of the diet with the exclusion of heavily fried foods, marinades, food rich in simple carbohydrates, as well as the expansion of the diet due to vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, dairy and sour milk products;
  6. Regular preventive examinations by a pediatrician, urologist, nephrologist.

Useful video

Doctor Komarovsky - Cystitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Cystitis is an inflammation of the inner layers of the bladder (mucous and submucosal). In childhood, this disease often affects girls than boys, which is explained by the structural features of the female genitourinary system. Their urethra is wider and shorter, and in the immediate vicinity of it is the anus, which is a frequent source of infection. Cystitis can be either an isolated pathology or be combined with inflammation of neighboring organs: for example, cystopyelonephritis or cystourethritis.

The disease manifests itself mainly at the age of 4 to 12 years, and can also be diagnosed in infants. At the same time, up to 35% of children encounter cystitis before reaching the age of 9.

Does cystitis happen in children?

Many parents believe that cystitis is a disease of adults, and a child cannot develop it, but they are mistaken. Problems with the urinary system, including cystitis, are very common in children. Moreover, cystitis can develop even in infancy for various reasons.

The human urinary system is represented by a pair of kidneys, from each of which there is a ureter. These, in turn, drain into the bladder. This organ is designed to collect urine and bring it out through the urethra.

Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene;


Changes in the acid-base balance of urine.

In addition to the above reasons, which lead to the direct development of cystitis in children, there are some provocative factors. Under the condition of their influence, the disease is more likely to occur.

These factors include:




    Low physical activity, especially prolonged immobilization;

    A drop in immunity against the background of past diseases;

    Secondary immunodeficiency;

    Parents have an infection;

    Visiting pools and saunas.

The pathways for an infection to enter the bladder are also varied. The most common route of infection is ascending, when microorganisms rise from the anogenital zone or from the urethra to the bladder. Also, a descending route of infection is isolated when infectious agents penetrate the organ from the kidneys through the ureter. The hematogenous pathway (from other sources of inflammation through the blood), lymphogenous (through the lymphatic pathways) and traumatic (through the damaged organ wall) is also not excluded.

Is the risk of developing cystitis the same for all children?

If we consider children in the first year of life, then the risk of developing this disease is approximately equal in girls and boys. In the preschool and adolescent periods, cystitis mainly affects female children. At the same time, the incidence of the disease increases 6 times compared to boys of the same age.

These data are quite understandable and are due to the structural features of the female urinary system. In addition to the fact that the channel through which urine passes, they have a shorter one, both the anus and the vagina are located very close. This makes it much easier for the infection to enter the bladder cavity ascending.

It is noticed that the disease appears more often in those children who have a predisposition to it. Among the risk factors, various diseases and pathological conditions are noted, which contribute to a more successful consolidation and development of infection in the organ.

The most dangerous in this regard are:

As it becomes clear, the main biological material that is submitted to detect a disease is urine. Therefore, you need to be able to assemble it correctly.

How to properly collect urine from a child for analysis?

The accuracy of the diagnosis, and hence further treatment, depends on how correctly the parents collect urine from the child.

To do this, you must observe the following rules:

    The collection container must be sterile. Special cups are available at the pharmacy. If this is not possible, then any glass container is suitable, which is pre-washed with warm water and soda, and then sterilized by boiling for 10 minutes;

    For analysis, it is best to take a midstream urine sample. That is, the child begins to urinate, and only after a few seconds you can bring the jar, and then remove it, without waiting for the end of the act of urination. But since it can be quite problematic to collect an average portion in infants, you need to take what you have been able to collect for analysis. The middle portion is optimal, so less bacteria from the external genital organs and leukocytes from the same get into it;

    The hygiene of the child's genitals is equally important before starting to collect urine for analysis. To do this, the girl must first be washed with soap. The direction of movement should be from the perineum to the anus. As for boys, they need to thoroughly rinse the cavity of the foreskin that surrounds the head of the penis;

    When the urine is collected, it is advisable to deliver it to the clinic within an hour. If this is not possible, then the collected analyzes must be refrigerated. The maximum shelf life is one day.

Treatment of cystitis in children

Treatment of an acute illness does not always require hospitalization. With an uncomplicated form of the disease, the child is observed by a doctor on an outpatient basis, and receives the main therapy at home. It is important during the period of treatment to prevent hypothermia of the body, it is recommended to carry out warming up. Dry heat is applied to the bladder area. However, for warming up, it is forbidden to put the child in a hot bath. This is due to the fact that excessively high temperatures will increase the blood supply to the diseased organ and aggravate the disease. If the doctor recommends warming up the baby in the bathtub, it is important that the temperature in it does not exceed 37.5 ° C. The child should be seated in the bathtub. As for dry heat, for this purpose, salt is heated in a pan, then it is wrapped in a dense cloth and applied to the suprapubic region. It is important to prevent skin burns, therefore, several layers of tissue are applied to the treatment area.

Diet is no less important to speed up the healing process. It is imperative to exclude all spicy dishes, as well as hot spices. It is recommended to fill the diet with fruits and vegetables; from drinks, fruit drinks based on cranberries and lingonberries help to disinfect the bladder. Dairy drinks and foods are no less useful.

For therapeutic purposes, the child is prescribed the use of mineral waters. In this case, the dosage for a child weighing 20 kg will be 100 ml at a time (calculation: 5 ml per 1 kg of body weight). The frequency of intake of mineral water is 3 times a day. It is better if the child drinks a portion of water about an hour before a meal. It is important that the mineral water used for treatment is free of gases.

When antibiotic therapy is prescribed to a child, heavy drinking should be avoided. This is due to the fact that the concentration of drugs in the urine will decrease. This situation, in turn, adversely affects the effectiveness of the treatment. However, it is worth making sure that the child visits the toilet and empties the bladder at least once every three hours. This is a prerequisite for treatment.

Medication is reduced to taking the following drugs:

    Protected penicillins, such as Augmentin, Amoxiclav;

    Drugs from the group of cephalosporins can be selected - Ceclor, Tazicef, Tsedeks, Zinnat;

    Combined sulfonamides - Co-trimoxazole;

    Phosphonic acid derivatives such as Monural;

    During adolescence, fluoroquinolones may be prescribed;

    Uroseptics are used for uncomplicated forms of the disease;

    To eliminate severe pain syndrome, the use of antispasmodics, such as No-shpa or Papaverine, is indicated. However, it is first necessary to exclude acute surgical pathology.

Treatment with antibacterial agents should last at least a week. But the effect should be assessed after two days. If there is no improvement, extended diagnostics are needed. For this, a control ultrasound scan is performed, as well as cystoscopy.

If the disease has dragged on and turned into a chronic form, then a consultation with a urologist is imperative. He will prescribe a three-way treatment. First, inflammation in the organ is neutralized by creating the maximum concentration of a suitable antibacterial agent in the bladder. Secondly, violations of the functional ability of the organ are eliminated. Thirdly, conditions are created to improve all bioenergetic processes in the bladder wall. Treatment in this case is based on the general principles of chronic cystitis therapy, but at the same time it is selected individually for each child.

It is impossible to carry out antibiotic therapy of chronic cystitis in children without obtaining the results of bacteriological research. It determines to which particular drug the pathogenic microflora that caused the disease is sensitive. However, you should not use an antibiotic for no reason. It is important to use the funds expediently when the chronic form of the disease worsens. Moreover, it should be accompanied by dysuric symptom complexes and an increase in body temperature. If the state of health remains normal, but at the same time there is a frequent urge to urinate, pain in the pubic area, then treatment is possible only with the use of uroseptics. The course of antibiotic therapy for the chronic form of the disease can be extended up to 10 days. As a rule, children with a history of diabetes mellitus or a recent urinary infection take antibiotics for two weeks. Therapy can be stopped when the urine culture is sterile and the clinical manifestations of the disease have disappeared.

Schoolchildren who suffer from chronic granular cystitis are shown installations of a diseased organ using potent local antiseptic agents. Among them is Miramistin solution, 2% protargol solution. However, installations are used when long-term therapy with multiple drugs does not give the desired effect.

As for physiotherapeutic procedures, they are possible after the symptoms of an acute inflammatory process have subsided.

The greatest efficiency in this regard is given by:

    Suprapubic magnetotherapy. This promotes the activation of blood flow in the damaged organ, starts the work of inactive vessels, helps to reduce the transmission of nerve impulses from the diseased bladder, which, in turn, reduces pain;

    Electrophoresis using antibacterial and antiseptic drugs, which reduces inflammation;

    Treatment with ultra-frequency electric fields, which help to improve blood flow and accelerate metabolism.

Uncomplicated cystitis is treated by a pediatrician. In other cases, you may need to consult more narrow specialists, such as a pediatric urologist or nephrologist, pediatric surgeon and gynecologist.

As for the prognosis for recovery, with adequate therapy, in most cases it is favorable. To completely get rid of the disease, as a rule, a weekly course is sufficient. The chronic form of cystitis most often occurs when ignoring the symptoms of the disease, refusing to visit a doctor, with self-medication, and also when the child has anatomical and functional disorders of the genitourinary system.

Since the disease can lead to serious complications (perforation of the bladder wall, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, paracystitis, etc.), it is important not only timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease, but also prevention. In childhood, these measures are reduced, first of all, to the timely elimination of constipation, since they disrupt the blood supply in the bladder. In addition, parents should be careful about their baby's hygiene. It is important to wash children under one year old after each act of defecation, wipe it only with a personal towel. Older girls and boys need to be taught how to take care of themselves. In addition, you should carefully monitor your body temperature and avoid hypothermia. Compliance with these simple rules will prevent the development of such a serious disease as cystitis in a child.

Komarovsky - urinalysis and urinary tract infections

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received at the Volgograd State Medical University. A specialist certificate was immediately received in 2014.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, or cystitis, is a disease that has no age restrictions. Unfortunately, not only adults but also children suffer from this disease. The most susceptible to cystitis are children aged 6-9 years, and most of them are girls. If you are now entering the search engine "cystitis in a girl of 8 years old, treatment" and trying to figure out what to do, then it's time to get acquainted with our recommendations.

Contrary to popular belief, hypothermia or sitting on a cold child is not the cause of cystitis. Freezing is only a factor stimulating the disease. The real cause of the disease is bacteria. In 90% of cases - Escherichia coli, and also dozens of various bacteria that can enter the body ascending - from the bottom up (from the urethra up the ureter) or descending - through inflammatory processes in the intestines, stomach, kidneys, teeth.

In a healthy state, the entry of all these microbes into the bladder cannot cause. Most often, pathogenic microbes are always present in the child's body and are flushed out of the bladder with sterile urine. In addition to urine, there are many more factors that protect the bladder:

  1. The mucous membrane of the bladder produces interferon and immunoglobulin, which have antimicrobial properties.
  2. The epithelium of the bladder is covered with a special substance that removes harmful microbes from the body.
  3. The glands around the bladder also produce antibacterial agents.

So, what can provoke a weakening of protective functions and lead to the development of childhood cystitis:

  • hypothermia;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment of other inflammatory processes;
  • thrush;
  • kidney or gastrointestinal disease;
  • caries;
  • a viral disease (flu, tonsillitis, ARVI), in which the immune system of a 6-9 year old child is generally weakened.

Cystitis in children 7 years old or slightly older can occur in both acute and chronic forms. You ask, where does a child at this age have a chronic form? The answer to this question lies in infancy. If then cystitis was not diagnosed, it means that the disease has developed into a chronic form, and it will be more difficult to cope with it.

Why do girls get sick more often

According to statistics, both girls and boys are the same. As for the age period from six to nine years, which we are talking about, here cystitis in girls occurs 2 times more often than in boys. This is due to the structural features of the female genitourinary system.

In a boy, the urethra is far from the anus, and in a girl, the urethra is wide and short - this is a direct path to infection. This tendency to cystitis in the female remains throughout life. That is why mothers of girls need to be especially careful, monitor the hygiene of the child and teach girls to proper hygiene.

Symptoms and Treatment

Symptoms and treatment of the disease depend on the nature of the infection that has settled in the bladder and at what stage the disease proceeds. An accurate diagnosis and the correct prescription, how to treat cystitis in a child, will only be made by a doctor. It is important for parents to contact him promptly.

How to determine cystitis in a child 6 years old and older, if he is still poorly explaining his condition in detail, is an important question. Parents should be careful and watch out for their children. And then you will probably notice changes in the behavior of a 6-year-old girl or an 8-year-old boy who starts crying at the sight of the toilet, whine during the day, sometimes hold on to their stomachs, they say that they have something baking. By these signs, you should understand that the child needs to be taken to the doctor.

The main symptoms of the acute stage of cystitis:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • darkening of urine;
  • urine takes on a very pungent odor;
  • the child may ask to use the toilet and at the same time cannot squeeze out a drop of urine.

The chronic stage of the disease is more difficult to treat. But do not give up. Cystitis can be cured once and for all. The main thing is to tune in to the fact that the process will be long.

Important! Treatment of cystitis in children passes quickly only in the acute stage. It may take only 2-3 days to relieve painful sensations. The full course of treatment may take one to two months.

The main symptoms of chronic cystitis:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature in the chronic stage of the disease, as a rule, no;
  • the color of urine is dark, sometimes cloudy.

Treatment stages

The first stage is diagnostics. The doctor will prescribe you a series: general, as well as tank culture. This is necessary in order to determine exactly where the infection came from in the bladder, what other organ in the body is inflamed. Sometimes, in the case of cystitis in a girl of 7 years old or 8-9 years old, an additional one is required.

The second stage is a course of drug treatment. How to treat cystitis and how to treat it, only the doctor decides. Typically, the course lasts 10 days and includes an antibiotic that kills germs, an antispasmodic that relieves spasms and relieves pain, and an anti-inflammatory drug that relieves inflammation of the bladder mucosa (usually).

The third stage is post-drug treatment. This stage lasts about a month, sometimes more and includes a complex of decoctions and infusions from herbs (decoctions from, celandine, yarrow and), as well as special physical education aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and the muscle walls of the bladder.

Important! If you have patience and go through all three stages of treatment of cystitis in children, then you will solve this problem once and for all. There will be no relapses.

Emergency help

Situations in life are different. Sometimes the disease can be caught away from home, and there is no way to see a doctor. “Exacerbation of cystitis in a 9-year-old child, how to treat it and what to do,” asks a frightened mother, whom she encountered in the country with a problem. Don't worry. You need to do the following:

  1. Put the child to bed and put heating pads for him: one between the legs, the second on the lower abdomen.
  2. Give your child an antispasmodic. For example, no-shpu - it will perfectly cope with spasms and alleviate the suffering of the child during urination.

There is no such child who has not contracted cystitis at least once in his life. For some, this very unpleasant disease is a frequent guest. The excruciating pains when urinating give babies enormous suffering. But the advice of Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky, a popular pediatrician and author of books on children's health, will help save children from this.

About the disease

Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous and peri-mucous membrane of the bladder, sometimes spreading to the urinary tract. Most often, at the beginning of the inflammatory process, intestinal bacteria are to blame. According to medical statistics, cystitis is 5-6 times more common in girls than in boys. This is due to the physiological features of the structure of the urinary canal: in girls, it is shorter, so bacteria have time to travel their way to the bladder much more efficiently and with less losses.

Cystitis in children is acute and chronic.

It becomes chronic if in the acute stage the child has not been given the correct treatment. It is difficult to miss and not notice cystitis - the child will definitely report his discomfort.

Difficulties with diagnosis are only in infants. They suffer from cystitis no less than older children, but they cannot say anything, and the constant crying of mothers will be attributed to anything: to teeth that are being cut, to infant colic, to hunger, cold or heat, to the baby's bad mood and to his capricious character ... Meanwhile, the true reason for this behavior will remain unknown, and acute cystitis will quickly develop into a chronic one.


The manifestations of cystitis are quite characteristic and specific. They are the same for children of any age:

  • severe cutting pain when urinating, especially after the end of the process;
  • the frequency of urination increases, and the amount of urine decreases;
  • the color of urine is cloudy, sometimes you can see blood impurities in it;
  • sometimes there is an increase in body temperature;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the appearance of cutting pain in the lower abdomen in the center.

Mothers of nursing babies should be especially careful: the only symptom by which they may suspect cystitis in babies is increased crying immediately after urinating.


The most common cause of childhood cystitis is hypothermia. Moreover, if a child walks around the house or even on the street barefoot, he has practically no chance of getting cystitis, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. But everything changes when the baby tries to sit on the floor, on the ground, on a cold stone. The vessels of this part of the body do not constrict, as is the case at the feet, the loss of heat becomes rapid.

Another reason for the onset of the disease is a violation of hygiene rules, as a result of which it becomes possible for intestinal bacteria to enter the urinary tract. The development of diseases is facilitated by a weakened immune system, kidney disease and drug allergies, in which cystitis occurs as a reaction to taking certain medications.


It is imperative to treat cystitis, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. Trying to wait for everything to pass is bad tactics. It is even worse to start treating bladder inflammation with folk remedies. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate.

At the first signs of cystitis, Komarovsky advises to see a doctor who will ask you to pass urine for analysis.

Bacterial culture will allow you to understand which microbe or fungus caused the damage to the bladder. After that, the doctor will prescribe the necessary antibiotics that are effective against this particular pathogen.

Diuretics are likely to be prescribed, since the more often the child defecates, the more pathogens will leave his body along with urine. In connection with the appointment of diuretics, it is reasonable to give the child a warm drink as much as possible: compotes, fruit drinks, parsley broth, tea are well suited. The liquid should not be cold and hot: only when its temperature approaches body temperature, the liquid begins to be absorbed and absorbed much faster.

At the time of treatment, you should refuse spicy, salty, pickled foods, spices, sour berries and fruits, carbonated drinks.

At home, mothers can carry out local procedures for the child - put him in a warm bath to relieve pain. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 36-37 degrees. If you overheat the inflamed bladder, the pathological process will only worsen.

In case of acute cystitis, which proceeds with an increase in temperature, it is advisable for the child to be provided with bed rest.


Do not sit on a cold place, do not overcool (this has nothing to do with walking barefoot).

Teach a child to wash properly, and to teach kids how to wash correctly. This is especially important for little girls - they must be washed under running water from the genitals to the anus, and not vice versa. Boys should not be washed with soap, opening the foreskin spontaneously - a chemical burn can cause not only cystitis, but also much more serious diseases.

It is necessary to increase children's immunity. This should be done not by different tablets and syrups produced by pharmacists, but by tempering, proper nutrition, rich in vitamins, and regular walks.

You will learn more about the treatment of cystitis in children in the following video.

When a child develops signs of malaise, combined with pain in the lower abdomen or spreading throughout the abdominal cavity, as well as urinary disorders, attentive parents may suspect pathology from the urinary system, in particular acute cystitis.

Their next step should be to contact a pediatrician as soon as possible, and in case of severe pain and significant intoxication syndrome, it is necessary to call emergency help at home. In no case should you start the disease or resort to self-medication. This can cause dangerous complications.

How to treat acute cystitis in a child

The doctor must first diagnose the disease by differentiating it from other ailments with similar symptoms. This happens on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Then, the choice of the most optimal therapy regimen is carried out, which will take into account the baby's age, the form of cystitis, its severity, the presence of anatomical anomalies and background pathologies.

The treatment regimen is determined only by the doctor.

As a rule, an experienced specialist will not be puzzled by the question of how to treat cystitis in a child, since there is a generally accepted approach. Of course, the basis for the therapy of bladder inflammation in boys and girls is the use of synthetic medications of various types. Without them, in the present conditions, when microorganisms-causative agents of cystitis constantly develop resistance (resistance) to antibacterial agents, it is simply impossible to effectively treat cystitis in young and older children. For a complete recovery, a whole range of medications must be used.

But modern medicine does not reject traditional methods of therapy either. Moreover, the use of various old recipes associated, for example, with herbal treatment and some methods of heating, is, albeit an additional, but necessary therapeutic direction. Many practicing doctors successfully combine its use with the appointment of various cystitis tablets to children. It has been proven that the methods of alternative treatment can not only to some extent smooth out the possible negative effect of synthetic drugs on the child's body, but can also strengthen the immune system, enrich the child with vitamins, and speed up his recovery.

Therefore, the combination of the traditional method of treatment associated with medicines and a complex of various folk remedies is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the entire urinary system. Acute cystitis and exacerbation of chronic cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis - all these pathologies in childhood are effectively treated using an integrated approach.

Medicines and herbs in the treatment of cystitis in children are used together

What medicines for cystitis are used

In order to achieve the speedy recovery of the child with complete regeneration of the mucous membrane and submucous layer of the bladder and with the restoration of its functions, a complex use of medications with various mechanisms of action has been developed.

Their effect on the bladder with cystitis in children is as follows:

  • destruction of all pathogenic microflora and its removal with urine;
  • preventing the penetration of bacteria into the deep layers of the bladder wall, as well as into the blood;
  • reduction and complete elimination of pain syndrome;
  • regulation of contractions and relaxation of the detrusor (muscular wall of the bladder), relieving painful spasms;
  • regeneration of damaged tissue structures.

All this is ensured by the appointment of anti-inflammatory, in particular antibacterial and uroseptic agents, antispasmodics, diuretics, analgesics, multivitamins. In addition, for the successful treatment of cystitis, drug therapy should take place against the background of mandatory adherence to bed and special drinking regimes.

The main thing in the treatment of cystitis is the destruction of bacteria in the bladder.

What antibiotics are used

Antibacterial drugs are the basis for the treatment of acute cystitis of bacterial origin. It is this form of pathology that is most common in childhood, or rather, its variety caused by nonspecific microorganisms (Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci and staphylococci). Therefore, choosing the right antibacterial agent for children is extremely important.

At the very beginning of acute cystitis, preference is given to a drug that has a wide spectrum of action, since the doctor does not yet know exactly the causative agent of inflammation. It is recommended to take into account the climatic zone of the patient's residence when choosing a medicine, since the type of microorganisms involved in the development of cystitis depends on this. In addition, it is very important at the very beginning of the disease, before the start of antibiotic therapy, to conduct a microbiological examination of urine, but in practice this is not always done.

The characteristic appearance of bacterial colonies helps to identify their species

This analysis allows not only to accurately identify pathogenic pathogens, but also to determine their resistance or sensitivity to a whole range of antibacterial drugs. Inoculation of urine samples is carried out in Petri dishes, which are filled with a nutrient substance. Further, the growth of colonies is monitored, according to the characteristic features of which the type of microbes is established. Then special discs are placed in the colonies containing one antibiotic each. The death of the colony around the disc indicates the effectiveness of the drug and the need to prescribe it to a small patient.

But this study, while informative and useful, takes several days to complete. A child suffering from pain, dysuric disorders and fever should receive treatment as early as possible. Therefore, on the very first day, the attending physician prescribes any of the following broad-spectrum antibiotics for oral administration (in the form of capsules, tablets, powders, suspensions for children):

  • penicillin derivatives: Amoxicillin clavulanate (Flemoxin solutab), Co-trimoxazole, Ampicillin, Augmentin (Ampicillin with clavulanic acid);
  • cephalosporins: Cefuroxime, Cefaclor, Zedex.
  • nitrofurans: Furadonin (or Nitrofurantoin), Furazolidone (used mainly in the combined inflammatory process in the urinary tract and intestines);
  • fosfomycin (Monural).

The choice of a drug from these groups depends on the form of acute cystitis, its severity, the patient's age and many other factors. Each of these remedies has proven to be excellent in children's practice.

In recent years, a child from acute cystitis, with an uncomplicated course, began to be prescribed such a highly effective antibacterial agent as Monural. This drug quickly destroys all pathogenic gram-positive and gram-negative microflora, which can cause inflammation in any part of the urinary tract. Therefore, it is generally prescribed for urinary tract infections, not only for cystitis. By disrupting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls and preventing them from fixing on the epithelium of the mucous membrane, Monural leads the microflora to death and removal from the body with urine.

He is able to stay in the bladder for a long time and sanitize it, preventing the development of relapses. Therefore, a single use of Monural is sufficient, since the full therapeutic effect is achieved with one use of the drug. It is not indicated for cystitis in a small child under 5 years of age. Older children (5-18 years old) need 2 grams of Monural once a day, the course is 1 day. Children under 5 years old are prescribed antibiotics from the above groups, and the age dosage must be observed, and the course of treatment should not exceed 7 days. Preferred for acute childhood cystitis is the use of oral forms of drugs, but if necessary, injection is also carried out.

Preparations of other groups

Along with antibiotics that free the bladder from infection, the same function is performed by uroseptics, mainly vegetable (bearberry, juniper, cranberry), as well as diuretics, which provide accelerated drainage of the urinary tract. In childhood, Canephron, a herbal preparation, is widely used. It contains a whole complex of herbs: lovage, rosemary, centaury. Not used in babies under 1 year old, Canephron has an excellent diuretic effect when using the solution (in children 1-6 years old) and pills (in patients over 6 years old), both in acute form of cystitis and in chronic.

Canephron, an excellent mild diuretic, essential for cystitis in children

The relief of pain syndrome is facilitated not only by anti-inflammatory drugs, which destroy pathogens and thereby contribute to the onset of regeneration of the bladder mucosa. Pain signals enter the cerebral cortex and from deeper layers, in particular the detrusor. Antispasmodics are designed to relieve spasm, regulate the contraction of the muscle layer of the bladder. No-shpa, Papaverine, Baralgin are used in patients over 1 year old.

Various multivitamin preparations are capable of increasing immunity, helping in the regeneration of damaged tissues of the bladder. Vitamins C, A, PP, group B are indicated in the treatment of cystitis in children of any age.

Treatment of cystitis in children with folk remedies

All the old ways of treating cystitis can be divided into three groups:

  • warming methods;
  • the use of herbal decoctions and infusions;
  • medicinal baths.

Warming procedures are recommended only in situations where the child does not have a fever. Otherwise, the opposite effect may occur - the spread of the inflammatory process. General warming in the form of going to the bathhouse is possible for older children, while for small children it is better to warm only the lower abdomen. Warmers with warm water, cloth bags with hot salt, mashed boiled potatoes, and molten paraffin cakes are used. It is important not to overdo it with temperature and stick to small values: 37-38 degrees. Such local warming should be done 1-2 times a day.

Local warming procedures are best done daily.

In a child with cystitis, the daily volume of fluid should be increased by almost 50%. You can give him just warm water, but it is more advisable to prepare herbal decoctions or berry-fruit fruit drinks and compotes. Cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, rose hips in the form of compotes or fruit drinks will not only serve as a source of vitamins and save the child from dehydration, but also become excellent mild diuretics. For the preparation of decoctions, many herbs are used: yarrow, field horsetail, calamus roots, lingonberry leaves, parsley, sage, heather branches.

In pharmacies, various herbal preparations are offered, which can also be used in childhood. Each collection is designed to relieve a syndrome of the disease. So, pain during urination can be eliminated with a herbal collection consisting of flax seeds, thyme, chamomile, lovage, clover, celery, yarrow.

The familiar parsley is very useful for cystitis in a child.

It is possible to sanitize the urinary tract in children with the help of warm medicinal baths. Fresh or dried raw materials of sage, calendula, chamomile, string, dried drying, linden flowers are steamed with boiling water, infused for 5-10 minutes, poured into a bath and then diluted with warm water. The final temperature should not be higher than 37.5 degrees. The kid should sit in the bath for 10-15 minutes. These procedures are best done at bedtime and only at normal body temperature.

Despite the availability of herbs and medicinal preparations in pharmacies, their use in children must first be agreed with a doctor. Only the attending doctor will be able to choose the optimal treatment regimen for the little patient.

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