DNA of Gardnerella vaginalis (gardnerella vaginalis) in women: norm, symptoms, treatment. Is gardnerella dangerous and what are its consequences

Gardnerellosis- what is this disease and how dangerous is it? First of all, it should be noted that gardnerellosis is a gynecological disease that is sexually transmitted and can be found even more often than, for example, or.

As a rule, people who lead a promiscuous sex life and have casual relationships most often get sick. And the consequences can be very unpleasant. In women, the disease can even lead to infertility. In men, the disease is not so pronounced and passes in most cases without symptoms, but it is also fraught with complications - up to inflammation of the urethra and the same infertility.

Thus, gardnerellosis is a disease that must be taken seriously. And at the first sign, immediately consult a doctor. We hope the answer to the question "gardnerellosis - what is it?" You received. Now let's dwell on the causes of the disease, symptoms and treatments.

Causes of occurrence

The bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis causes gardnerellosis. Getting into a woman's body and starting to develop actively in it, the bacteria leads to vaginal dysbiosis.

There can be several reasons for gardnerellosis: as we have already said, these are disordered sexual intercourse, weakened immunity, and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Also, the change in hormonal levels that occurs after abortion, pregnancy, childbirth, climate change and even poor-quality food contributes to vaginal dysbiosis.

In men, there is only one reason for the appearance of gardnerellosis - sexual infection from a partner. Once in a man's body, Gardnerella vaginalis can lead to inflammation of the urethra and subsequent complications. Up to prostatitis.

Signs and symptoms of gardnerellosis

In women, the symptoms of gardnerellosis are expressed, first of all, profuse, which have a smell reminiscent of rotten fish. Also, discharge with gardnerellosis is characterized by uniformity, wateriness and color: they can be yellow or white-gray.

Approximately half of women with gardnerellosis have an inflammatory process of the vagina, or, as it is called, vaginitis. It is characterized by itching and burning. or just getting stronger.

In men, signs of gardnerellosis can also be expressed in burning, itching and pain when urinating.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of gardnerellosis can be quick and quite effective, provided that the disease is not advanced and does not take on a chronic form. How to treat gardnerellosis? Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand that the treatment of the disease is divided into two stages, and each of them is inseparable from the other. First, you need to stop the reproduction of harmful bacteria, this is achieved through the use of antibacterial drugs. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.

The next stage is the restoration of the normal microflora of the vagina due to its colonization with lactobacilli.
In any case, an experienced specialist should determine how to treat gardnerellosis and prescribe a course of treatment. Therefore, we will not dwell on the drugs used to eliminate the symptoms of gardnerellosis - self-medication is fraught with various complications. We only note that both partners must undergo treatment in order to avoid re-infection. Treatment for gardnerellosis should be prescribed only by a doctor based on each specific case.

And a little more about such a concept as the prevention of gardnerellosis. The recommendations here are quite simple: avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse, have a normal diet, and observe personal hygiene.

- vaginal dysbiosis associated with a sharp quantitative and qualitative violation of the normal microflora of the vagina, a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and the reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms, including gardnerella. It is characterized by the appearance of abundant vaginal discharge of a grayish tint with an unpleasant odor. Untreated bacterial vaginosis increases the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the female genital area and miscarriage.

General information

Gardnerellosis is the most common variant of bacterial vaginosis, i.e., imbalance in the composition of the natural microflora of the female genital organs. Gardnerellosis occurs in 20% of women in the reproductive period. Lactic acid microflora, which normally prevails in the vagina, is replaced by opportunistic species in bacterial vaginosis, the leader among which is gardnerella. The route of transmission of gardnerellosis is sexual, more often gardnerella is detected in women who are active in their sexual life. Men usually act as carriers of the infection, therefore, in order to exclude relapses of gardnerellosis, simultaneous treatment of all sexual partners should be carried out.

Gardnerellosis in its advanced form can cause the development of inflammation of the urinary tract, uterus and appendages, infertility, complications during pregnancy and childbirth. With gardnerellosis, mixed infection with other microorganisms is often noted: gonococci, Trichomonas, mycoplasma, chlamydia, candida, etc.

Causes of gardnerellosis

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) occurs as an imbalance in the natural microflora of the vagina, when “non-physiological” types of microorganisms, primarily gardnerella, begin to dominate. External and internal factors can disrupt the normal microflora of the genitourinary organs.

Among the external factors that determine the development of gardnerellosis, prevail:

  • unfavorable ecology;
  • recent and frequent change of sexual partner;
  • poor nutrition, diets with a lack of lactic acid products;
  • the use of antibiotics (including suppositories, ointments);
  • the use of contraceptives (vaginal suppositories containing 9-nonoxynol, condoms with spermicidal lubricant, hormonal drugs);
  • the use of hygiene products (pads, tampons, perfumed intimate hygiene products) and frequent douching;
  • wearing underwear and clothes made of synthetic materials that fit the figure tightly.

Internal factors causing gardnerellosis include:

  • endocrine disorders and changes (including pregnancy);
  • decrease in the level of immune defense, immunodeficiency states;
  • emotional and physical overwork, stress;
  • chronic diseases, imbalance of the microflora of the intestinal and genitourinary tract.


Normally, more than 15 types of microorganisms are found in the vagina of an adult woman. Acidophilic lactobacilli predominate, bifidobacteria (10%) and peptostreptococci (~ 5%) make up a minority. Lactoflora, thanks to lactic acid, maintains the acidic environment of the genital mucosa, which performs local protective and immune functions.

In small quantities, anaerobic bacteria (mobiluncus, bacteroids, gardnerella, etc.), genital mycoplasmas, Trichomonas, candida are found in the vagina of women. A sharp increase in the number of these microorganisms upsets the microbiological balance, vaginal dysbiosis or bacterial vaginosis occurs. It is characterized by a decrease in the amount of Doderlein's microflora (lactobacilli) and a predominance of opportunistic species. More often than others, women with bacterial vaginosis are found to have vaginal gardnerella, which is the main, although not the only, cause of these disorders. Therefore, the condition of bacterial vaginosis is called gardnerellosis.

In addition to gardnerella, the number of other bacteria increases (coccal species, Trichomonas, mycoplasma, mobiluncus, yeast-like fungi). The role of gardnerella in the development of bacterial vaginosis is that it creates a favorable background for the reproduction of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms. The vaginal environment alkalizes, the metabolic products of gardnerella aggravate the resulting disorders of the mucous membrane, and a basis for the penetration of other infections arises. Therefore, gardnerellosis contributes to the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of women.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

Gardnerellosis has a course somewhat similar to other inflammatory diseases of the genitals in women. With gardnerellosis, there are: grayish vaginal discharge (homogeneous, pasty, with an unpleasant "fishy" odor); burning, itching, discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse. Gardnerellosis is accompanied by inflammatory changes in the vagina, urethra and cervix. When using intrauterine devices, after menstruation, interruptions of pregnancy and childbirth, gardnerellosis can be complicated by endometritis, inflammation of the uterine appendages. Gardnerellosis adversely affects pregnancy: preterm birth is more common, children are born weakened, premature, possibly infection of the fetus during childbirth.

The presence of gardnerella in the urogenital tract of men, in most cases, does not manifest itself in any way, occasionally causes a sluggish inflammatory process with signs of urethritis. Then there may be a small discharge from the urethra (serous-purulent, grayish with a "fishy" odor), discomfort during urination. Complications are possible in the form of prostatitis, inflammation of the testicles and epididymis, and the development of infertility.


To confirm the diagnosis of gardnerellosis, at the consultation of a gynecologist, a woman's vaginal smears are taken. In the diagnosis of gardnerella, it is not so much the presence of gardnerella as their number and the ratio of microorganisms in the vaginal secretion that matters. Gardnerella is present in the vaginal flora of most healthy women without the development of dysbiosis. The diagnosis of "gardnerellosis" is established on the basis of:

  • complaints of patients and clinical manifestations (the presence of homogeneous pasty discharge of a grayish-white color);
  • increased pH of vaginal secretions (> 4.5);
  • the presence of "key" cells in the microscopy of smears from the vagina and urethra ("key cells" - epithelial cells covered with small rods (gardnerella) - an important sign of gardnerellosis);
  • amine test

With gardnerella, in the course of their vital activity, gardnerella and anaerobic microorganisms form volatile amines (putrescine, triethylamine, cadaverine), which, when decomposed, give an unpleasant "fishy" odor. The basis for the diagnosis of gardnerellosis is the detection of at least three of these criteria. It is also necessary to be examined for the presence of intestinal dysbiosis, which can provoke the development of bacterial vaginosis, and to carry out its treatment. This will reduce the risk of recurrence of gardnerellosis.

Treatment of gardnerellosis

Early and accurate diagnosis of gardnerellosis allows for timely treatment. The methods of therapy used by modern gynecology allow the patient to recover and avoid the development of complications, but do not guarantee the absence of recurrence of the disease in the future. Therapeutic treatment of gardnerellosis should eliminate the causes and manifestations of the disease and create conditions for the normalization of the microflora of the genital organs.

At the first stage of treatment of gardnerellosis, women are prescribed drugs clindamycin and metronidazole (oral and intravaginal): clindamycin phosphate - capsules and vaginal cream (2%); metronidazole - tablets and gel (0.75%). To avoid the development of vaginal candidiasis in the treatment of gardnerellosis, clotrimoxazole (cream) is prescribed. When conducting pregnancy in women suffering from gardnerellosis, treatment begins in the second trimester of pregnancy with the same drugs (internally and locally as prescribed by a doctor). In the first trimester, oral administration of metronidazole and clindamycin is unacceptable.

Treatment of gardnerellosis is carried out under the control of clinical and laboratory tests, and is considered completed when complaints, symptoms disappear and laboratory criteria normalize. During the treatment of gardnerellosis, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse without a condom, give up alcoholic beverages, do not use pads for "every" day, tight synthetic underwear. The second stage of treatment of gardnerellosis includes the use of oral and topical preparations containing lacto- and bifidumbacteria, vitamins, immunostimulants.

The need for examination and treatment of men - sexual partners of women with gardnerellosis remains controversial. Relapses of gardnerellosis in women can occur after treatment of both sexual partners. Nevertheless, it is advisable for persistent and recurrent cases of gardnerellosis to carry out such treatment in the stronger sex.

Prevention of gardnerellosis

Preventive measures aimed at eliminating the causes of bacterial vaginosis will help to avoid the development of gardnerellosis and its relapses. The widespread prevalence and danger of the consequences of gardnerellosis require not only immediate treatment of the disease, but also its regular household and medical prophylaxis. Women are advised to:

  • have a permanent sexual partner and exclude casual sex;
  • use a barrier method of contraception (condom), minimize the use of local contraceptives;
  • do not use often and without control of vaginal antibacterial suppositories and tablets;
  • use vaccination to create local immunity;
  • observe general and intimate hygiene.

Gardnerella - what is it? This type of microorganism is called Gardnerella vaginalis, it is normally present in small quantities in the microflora of women.


Gardnerella is anaerobic, i.e. actinobacterium developing in the absence of air. Its size is slightly more than a gonococcus. Under certain conditions, gardnerella begin to actively multiply and displace the normal microflora of the vagina and urethra. The disease develops gardnerellosis. This disease does not belong to STIs (sexually transmitted infections). What is this bacterium - gardnerella? Photos of this microorganism can be found in medical sources and on multiple sites dedicated to women's health.

Men do not suffer from this disease, gardnerella do not develop in their bodies. But in 10% of cases, they can become the spread of this disease, and with a decrease in immunity, these microorganisms can cause some complications associated with male health:

  • Ureaplasmosis.
  • Epididymitis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Cystitis.

The reasons for the development of gardnerellosis

Gardnerella - what is it, and under what circumstances does this microorganism become the cause of the disease? Among the factors contributing to the development of gardnerellosis, the most common are:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, and other STIs.
  2. Hormonal disruptions - These can be caused by various factors, such as pregnancy. Gardnerella during pregnancy, like thrush, is often found in smears, and this condition requires certain treatment.
  3. Disorders in the diet. So, one of the reasons for the development of this disease may be insufficient consumption of lactic acid products.
  4. Some contraceptives containing hormones, 9-nonoxynol or spermicidal condoms, as well as the use of antibacterial suppositories and ointments can lead to an imbalance in the vaginal microflora and provoke the development of gardnerellosis.
  5. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  6. Decreased immunity and immunodeficiency states.
  7. Chronic infections leading to an imbalance of the intestinal microflora and the genitourinary system.
  8. Stress and severe physical and emotional overload.


This disease can be acute or chronic. In the chronic course of this pathology, symptoms may be completely absent. In this case, gardnerella is found in a smear accidentally, usually during routine examinations.

In the acute course of the disease, women are concerned about pathological pasty vaginal discharge with an unpleasant "fishy" odor. They are grayish-white in color, the consistency is uniform. During intercourse and urination, itching and burning are disturbing. During a gynecological examination, changes of an inflammatory nature in the vagina, urethra and in the cervical region are noticeable.


Gardnerellosis, if left untreated, can cause complications such as endometritis (inflammation of the uterus) and adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages). These inflammatory processes in this disease can provoke menstruation, artificial termination of pregnancy, childbirth, as well as intrauterine devices.


Usually, the diagnosis of gardnerellosis does not cause difficulties. Examination by a gynecologist and a woman's complaints about discomfort, as well as laboratory data (these microorganisms are clearly visible in stained gynecological smears) confirm this diagnosis. When evaluating laboratory data, attention is paid not only to the presence of the pathogen in the smear, but also to its quantity - this is what makes it possible to make a diagnosis. The ratio of microorganisms in the obtained vaginal secretion is also assessed.

Gardnerella during pregnancy. What threatens the baby?

These microorganisms can cause inflammation in the body of a pregnant woman. As mentioned above, this can be facilitated by a change in hormonal levels during pregnancy.

Gardnerella - what is it, and how can this microorganism threaten the fetus?

If a similar disease develops during pregnancy, then while the child is in the womb, he is not in danger, because it is protected by the placenta. Infection of the baby occurs during labor during the passage of the birth canal. But gardnerella is not a highly pathogenic microorganism, moreover, it can carry out its vital activity only without access to air, therefore, after hygienic treatment of a newborn, such infection, as a rule, passes without a trace and complications. But this disease, with an untreated, advanced form, can lead to the birth of a baby with a lack of weight or provoke the development of pneumonia and other pathologies in him after birth.

What is the danger of gardnerellosis for the expectant mother?

Gardnerella - what is it, and how is it dangerous for a pregnant woman? For the health of the expectant mother herself, this microorganism is not so harmless. It can cause an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system, pathological uterine bleeding, premature rupture of the membranes during childbirth and complications in the postpartum period, such as the development of endometritis and possible infertility in the future.


With gardnerellosis, treatment is mandatory. The causative agent of this disease is resistant to sulfonamides, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides and tetracycline drugs. The disease is treated with Metronidazole (Trichopolum). It is prescribed for oral administration, one tablet per day for 7-10 days. In addition, vaginal tablets, or Metrogyl or Flagil gel, are used.

Men do not need to treat gardnerellosis. But if a woman (sexual partner) is planning a pregnancy, then both need to be treated.


Violation of the vaginal microflora often occurs due to a decrease in immunity, therefore, it is recommended to take vitamins and eat properly during pregnancy.

When treating serious diseases with antibiotics, one should not forget about immunostimulation. Permanent sex parterres are a reliable way to protect yourself from STIs. Compliance with basic hygiene rules is also an important step in prevention.

In the vagina of a healthy woman, microorganisms are constantly present and develop, 95% of which are useful microflora: lacto- and bifidobacteria. In addition to them, conditionally pathogenic species are also contained in the mucous secretion: bacteria, mycoplasmas, fungi, gardnerella and others. Under unfavorable conditions, a decrease in the body's immune defense, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively grow and develop, which causes the appearance of gardnerellosis in women.

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    Gardnerella is caused by an anaerobic bacterium that does not form capsules and spores, gardnerella vaginalis. In small quantities, these microorganisms are found in the normal microflora of the vagina of a healthy woman. Under favorable conditions, colonies of microbes begin to grow rapidly, destroying lactic acid bacteria, as a result of which gardnerellosis develops. Other opportunistic microorganisms also participate in the destruction of beneficial microflora: fusobacteria, peptostreptococci, etc. Therefore, we can conclude that gardnerella vaginalis is not the only pathogenic microorganism that causes this disease: the pathology is mixed.

    Gynecologists call this pathology bacterial vaginosis. However, it is impossible to find such a diagnosis in the International Classification of Diseases: this term came into use after the creation of the official list.

    When the beneficial microflora is destroyed, an optimal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms is created, the pH of the vagina increases to 7 and above. Together with gardnerellosis, chlamydia, nonspecific vaginitis and other diseases develop, which causes vaginal dysplasia.

    Gynecologists identify the following causes of bacterial vaginosis in women:

    • The use of antibacterial agents, antiseptics for douching without a doctor's recommendation.
    • Uncontrolled use of spermicides and contraceptives.
    • Intrauterine contraception without indication.
    • Hormonal disruption, accompanied by a decrease in blood volume during the menstrual cycle.
    • Prolongation of the period of the monthly cycle during puberty and menopause.
    • Inflammatory pathologies of the genitourinary system.
    • Promiscuous sexual intercourse.
    • Immunodeficiency pathologies.
    • Developmental defects.
    • The presence of a foreign body in the vagina and uterus.

    Gardnerellosis is a dangerous pathology, since, due to the weakening of local immunity and the development of bacterial flora, the risk of HIV infection is high.

    Symptoms and complications

    At the initial stage of development, gardnerellosis proceeds without obvious clinical signs, but with the development of the pathological process, pronounced symptoms appear:

    1. 1. Uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor.
    2. 2. Itching and burning in the vagina.
    3. 3. Swelling of the labia.
    4. 4. Pain during intercourse.
    5. 5. Violation of urination: it can be difficult, accompanied by pain and itching.

    Actively multiplying, the microorganism produces amino acids, which, when decaying, release amines - substances that give a fetid fishy odor to vaginal discharge.

    Gardnerella vaginalis is sexually transmitted. In women during the period of gestation, the disease is rarely diagnosed. Due to hormonal changes in the vagina, the number of lactobacilli increases, which create an acidic environment and protect the cervix from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

    Nevertheless, special attention should be paid to the treatment of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy, since the disease can cause serious complications, such as:

    • Miscarriage.
    • Premature birth.
    • Postpartum endometritis and sepsis.
    • Uterine bleeding with infection of the child.
    • Insufficient body weight of the baby at birth.
    • Pneumonia of newborns.
    • Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
    • Complications in the mother after surgery.

    Untreated gardnerellosis during gestation is dangerous for a woman and a child. Therapy is complicated by the fact that it is prohibited to use antibacterial agents during pregnancy.


    To confirm or exclude the diagnosis, the doctor examines and interviews the patient. Additionally, a woman is sent for testing:

    1. 1. pH-metry, or the study of vaginal mucus - to determine the alkaline reaction. The normal vaginal environment is created by lactic acid bacteria. In case of deviations, the doctor diagnoses an imbalance between pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms.
    2. 2. A smear for ureaplasma, which is mixed with a solution of potassium hydroxide. This produces a characteristic fetid fishy odor.

    Considering the biomaterial, the laboratory assistant may notice the symptoms of gardnerellosis:

    1. 1. Desquamated cells lining the mucous membrane.
    2. 2. Epithelial cells with gardnerella and other pathogenic microorganisms.
    3. 3. Absence of lactic acid bacteria.
    4. 4. The increased content of leukocytes arising from inflammatory reactions.

    In addition to taking smears, the doctor can refer the patient to additional diagnostic methods, such as:

    1. 1. Immunofluorescence.
    2. 2. PCR diagnostics, or polymerase chain reaction.
    3. 3. DNA hybridization.
    4. 4. Cultivation of microorganisms.

    The above methods are quite expensive and time-consuming, therefore, they are rarely used as diagnostic measures.

    The rate of gardnerella in women: 10 to 5 CFU. If the values ​​in the analyzes exceed these indicators, the diagnosis is considered confirmed.


    After making a diagnosis in order to exclude the cause that caused the pathology, the doctor prescribes a treatment regimen for the patient, which includes the following medications:

    1. 1. Broad-spectrum antibiotics: Doxycycline, Azithromycin. The selection of the remedy is made individually based on the general condition of the woman and the degree of invasion.
    2. 2. Antimicrobial tablets: Metronidazole, Trichopolum, Tiberal, Ornidazole, (affects anaerobic pathogenic microorganisms), Imidazole, Macmiror, Clindamycin, Vilprafen and others.
    3. 3. Local treatment - vaginal suppositories, gels and creams for gardnerellosis: Clindamycin, Flagil, Hexicon, Metronidazole (antiprotozoal agent with antibacterial activity).
    4. 4. If gardnerellosis is combined with thrush, combined antimicrobial and antifungal agents are prescribed for admission: Terzhinan, Polygynax, Neo-penotran.

    During pregnancy, a woman can use Klion vaginal suppositories as a treatment.

    In rare cases, the doctor resorts only to local treatment, but the effectiveness of therapy will be low.

    During treatment, the patient is definitely advised to adhere to the dietary rules. To replenish the necessary vitamins and microelements in the body, it is required to introduce fish, poultry meat, dairy products into the menu. The basis of the daily menu should consist of fruits and vegetables.

    After antibiotic therapy, the doctor prescribes probiotics that help restore the beneficial microflora of the vagina. Effective drugs:

    1. 1. Vagilak.
    2. 2. Lactobacterin.

    Alternative medicine

    As an auxiliary method, you can use herbal and plant treatment at home after consulting your doctor.

    Effective folk remedies:

    1. 1. 250 g of chopped oak bark pour 750 ml of water, leave for 5 hours. Boil the liquid for 20 minutes, then strain. Pour into a basin, use for sitz baths before bed. The course of treatment is 14 days.
    2. 2. Mix in equal proportions juniper berries, chamomile, oatmeal, walnut leaves and oak bark. For 1 liter of boiling water, 200 g of the collection is taken, it is insisted under the lid for an hour. Then the broth must be drained and used to add to the sitz bath.
    3. 3. 10 ml of aloe juice soak a cotton swab. Insert into vagina for 9-10 hours, can be left overnight. The course of treatment is one week.

    Baths and douching should not be used during pregnancy. Women are advised to flush the vagina with herbal antiseptics. After giving birth, the patient undergoes a course of drug therapy.

Gardnerellosis is a disease during which disorders in the genitourinary system occur in both women and men. The causative agent of this disease is an aerobic pathogenic microorganism. In medicine, the female disease in question is called a little differently, namely, bacterial vaginosis. But in each individual case, this disease develops in different ways, affecting various organs of the reproductive system. We will discuss this disease in more detail below.

Gardnerella is a small microorganism. This organism constantly resides in the female vagina and genitourinary organs. Consequently, the detection of gardnerella in a smear is not considered an indicator to diagnose gardnerella. As a rule, the diagnosis can be made in cases where clinical symptoms were found at the same time.

Gardnerellas begin to develop actively after a person local immunity decreases... This usually happens in the following cases:

  • In the presence of a concomitant infectious disease
  • During and after taking antibacterial medicines
  • After taking medications that lower a person's immunity, such as glucocorticosteroids
  • With frequent change of sexual partners
  • With diabetes mellitus
  • If a person is very addicted to sweets

Gardnerella can be transmitted during intercourse. But the disease can develop only after the failure of dysbiosis in the genital tract and with their loss of beneficial microflora, which loses its own protective function.

Symptoms in women:

Approximately 1/4 of all girls and women are considered carriers of this disease. At the same time, the disease itself may not develop in them, since these carriers have an ideal tension of the immune system.

The rest of the women develop certain clinical symptoms. The main ones are:

  • A watery discharge that is grayish-white in color is periodically released from the vagina
  • This discharge has an unpleasant odor that often smells like rotten fish.

  • During the examination, the doctor may notice how this discharge is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the vagina.

Gardnerellas very often provoke the occurrence of other infectious diseases. These bacteria induce endometritis that develops after childbirth or after an abortion.

Symptoms in men:

The disease is characterized by slightly different symptoms than in women. Often, bacteria provoke the onset of chronic urethritis or chronic prostatitis.

Sometimes these microorganisms can cause the appearance of balanoposthitis. All these forms of manifestation of the disease have certain symptoms.

  • Discharge has an unpleasant fishy odor
  • The discharge itself is viscous and sticky.
  • The head of the male organ becomes very sensitive, it acquires a reddish tint

With a pronounced failure of the immune system, the disease will surely begin to progress. It can even lead to damage to the organs of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women and men

If timely diagnostics and qualified therapy were carried out, there is a chance for a complete recovery and prevention of complications. It is possible that a relapse may occur after treatment.

Thanks to therapy, you can eliminate all the causes of the onset of the disease and its symptoms. Plus, you can normalize the state of the microflora of the woman's vagina.

  • At the initial stage, doctors carry out antibiotic therapy. They reduce acid-base levels.
  • Depending on the indications, doctors may prescribe an immunomodulator, estrogen, or a drug that has an antihistamine effect. During unpleasant symptoms, the patient is prescribed an anesthetic.
  • The next therapeutic stage of treatment is the restoration of the microflora in the vagina. A few days after the antimicrobial treatment ends, the patient is prescribed eubiotics.
  • Since the treatment is considered complex, it is strictly forbidden to exclude at least one of the possible stages.

The very same therapeutic course is controlled by laboratories and research. It will end after absolutely all the symptoms have been eliminated, the patient will stop complaining, and his tests will show normal indicators.

Treatment of the disease in men requires an integrated approach. During it, measures are taken that destroy the pathogen and increase the immune system at the same time.

This disease requires immediate treatment, requiring preventive medical and household measures.

Gardnerellosis treatment: drugs

The main treatment of gardnerellosis, as a rule, is carried out with the help of drugs, which include the active ingredient metronidazole. The drug can be applied topically (gels, suppositories) or orally (using tablets).

  • Due to their own effect against strong anaerobic microorganisms, the following drugs are considered the most effective drugs: "Metronidazole" and "Klion".
  • In addition, doctors often prescribe drugs that contain doxycycline, clindamitacin, levofloxacin, azithromycin.
  • Since antibiotics can often cause fungal infections, to prevent them it is necessary to use the following drugs: "Flucostat", "Pimafucin".
  • It is recommended during treatment for women to use medications that normalize the vaginal microflora. For instance, "Vagilak" or "Atzilakt".

Treatment of pregnant women practically does not differ from the treatment of ordinary women. Still, there are some minor differences. For example, metronidazole is prohibited in the first three months of pregnancy. In addition, it is advisable to use drugs that have a local effect, but not oral.

You should be aware that the human immune system cannot comprehensively fight the disease. Therefore, there is every chance of contracting this disease even during treatment. That is why doctors advise to use condoms during therapy or to refrain from intimacy for some time.

If a condom breaks during intercourse, you need to carry out thorough hygiene and use a local antiseptic, for example, Miramistin.

Gardnerellosis: suppositories for treatment

Gardnerellosis occurs in women, as a rule, in the following cases:

  • after prolonged use of drugs, antibiotics
  • after frequent douching
  • and also for those representatives who use spermicides

Such situations greatly violate the microflora of the vagina and spread pathogenic bacteria in it. Very often, when contacting a doctor with a complaint of itching and severe discharge, women describe the medicines that they have already used during the treatment of thrush. After all, the symptoms of this disease are very similar to the symptoms of gardnerellosis. However, this disease is more common than candidiasis. And their treatment is different.

During treatment, special pills are mainly used. But there are also candles that contain the same ingredients.

The required dose and time of the treatment period with such drugs is prescribed only by the attending doctor. You can never treat yourself. There are situations when after the first course the patient is not completely cured. If this happens, then the doctor prescribes a second course. At the same time, he corrects it.

The most common suppositories that are prescribed during the treatment of the disease are:

  • "Metronidazole-suppositories"
  • "Metrowagin"

During therapy, it is important to consider the following point: these drugs cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages.

Chronic gardnerellosis: treatment

Chronic gardnerellosis is an infectious disease that does not cause inflammatory changes, but develops the development of dysbiosis in the vagina. This disease is believed to be the result of a decrease in the number of Dederlein rods. It also develops due to pathogenic microbes.

Chronic gardnerellosis in a woman can develop for several reasons:

  • The patient does not monitor her own health
  • She does not visit the gynecologist in a timely manner
  • Patient hides complaints during doctor's visit
  • The disease develops and becomes chronic due to improper treatment
  • Due to non-compliance with the doctor's advice
  • The woman's sexual partner is not involved in the treatment

During the treatment of the chronic form of the disease, a combination of several variants of drugs and their administration are used.

  • Systemic treatment: the medicine is taken intravenously or through the mouth
  • Local treatment: creams or gels are used, which contain metronidazole, as well as suppositories

After the end of the treatment course, a smear is taken from the patient in order to assess the effectiveness of re-therapy. If during such treatment strictly follow all the doctor's instructions, take the right medications, then the course itself will be no more than 7 days. The doctor may also prescribe an immunomodulator and vitamins that will strengthen the protective qualities of the human body.

Gardnerellosis: treatment with folk remedies

This disease can be cured at home with medicinal herbs and plants. Medicines are very easy to prepare. After them, a positive result appears quickly enough. If this problem touches you, you can use one of our recipes.

First recipe.

  • Medicinal chamomile - 200 g
  • Sage - 200 g
  • Calendula - 200 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Fill them with water (2 L). Boil over low heat and boil for 30 minutes
  • Cool the finished composition
  • Use a douche

Second recipe. For this recipe, stock up on these ingredients:

  • Dry medicinal chamomile - 50 g
  • Boiling water - 500 ml

Cooking process:

  • Steam chamomile in boiling water
  • Set the resulting composition aside for about an hour.
  • Strain
  • Use to douche

Third recipe:

  • If you have gardnerellosis, try oak bark
  • To do this, take 100 g of raw materials, fill it with boiling water (500 ml)
  • Boil the composition for about 30 minutes, then strain
  • For douching, take 250 ml of the product
  • Douche them 2 times a day

The fourth recipe. For this recipe, stock up on these ingredients:

  • Elecampane root - 50 g
  • Wormwood - 30 g
  • Licorice roots - 30 g
  • Raspberry leaves - 30 g

Cooking process:

  • Stir all ingredients
  • Steam them with boiling water (1 L)
  • Leave for 9 o'clock
  • Use the resulting composition for douching 2 times a day.

The fifth recipe. If you want to strengthen your own body and saturate it with useful substances, we advise you to use this recipe:

  • Take Calendula (50g)
  • Pour boiling water over it (500 ml)
  • Set aside the composition until it cools completely
  • Drink warm tea throughout the day

Sixth recipe. For this recipe, stock up on a pinch of these ingredients:

  • Chopped badan root
  • Clover flowers
  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • Tansy flowers
  • Bearberry leaves
  • Grushanka
  • Leaves of mother-and-stepmother
  • Mint
  • Yasnotkoy

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Take 1 tablespoon of the composition, pour boiling water (500 ml)
  • Drink the resulting remedy every day for 1 tbsp. before meals 3 times

Treatment of gardnerellosis with metronidazole

Usually, during the treatment of gardnerellosis, doctors prescribe metronidazole to patients, since this drug is considered the best and most effective. This medicine exists both for local use (suppositories or vaginal tablets) and for systemic use (tablets or capsules plus suppositories).

If treatment with metronidazole is not performed on time, then the number of lactobacilli begins to actively decrease. As a result, microorganisms multiply rapidly.

During the illness, as a rule, there is severe itching in the genital area and an unpleasant burning sensation. And this disease can also cause pain with intimacy.

  • Metronidazole Gel is used for topical treatment. The drug must be injected into the inside of the vagina. The introduction is made for about 5 days, 2 times a day.
  • Metronidazole tablets are suitable for the systemic therapy of the disease. The drug 0.5 g is applied orally for at least 7 days, 2 times a day. Note that when taking pills, you should not drink alcohol at all.

If we talk about side effects, then, as a rule, they occur very few during intravaginal use than during systemic use. You should know and understand that no drug gives a complete guarantee that a relapse will not occur. Therefore, it is advisable not to refuse preventive visits to the treating doctor.

Treatment of gardnerellosis during pregnancy

After a disease was discovered in a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes therapy for her. This is generally a gentle treatment when compared to that of a non-pregnant woman. It is impossible to completely eliminate gardnerellosis during pregnancy, since the disease can only be cured with antibiotics. And as we know, such drugs are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Consequently, therapeutic measures against this disease are reduced to the use of local procedures. Complete treatment of the disease in the vagina is carried out only after the woman has given birth to a child.

The main task of the doctor in such an interesting period is as follows: he carefully monitors the number of microorganisms in the female body in order to prevent the unexpected appearance of the inflammatory process. During a regular examination for this disease, the doctor examines the woman in the gynecological chair a couple of times a month.

When such an examination is carried out, the woman passes in advance flora tests, plus for bacterial culture. If signs of inflammation are found, she is prescribed a certain local drug, for example, douching, suppositories, and so on. If a disease is detected a couple of weeks before childbirth, a special preparatory process is carried out.

As a rule, treatment is divided into stages.

  • The first stage - the doctor prescribes antimicrobial drugs that eliminate negative microflora
  • The second stage is the restoration of the fermented milk environment of the vagina

Basically, gardnerellosis in pregnant women disappears after preventive measures are taken to cleanse the microflora and douching. This, of course, is possible, but only if the disease arose precisely during pregnancy or in the absence of its complications.

Based on the foregoing, it is safe to say that a disease such as gardnerellosis can be stopped in almost all cases. The main thing here is the timely detection of this disease and the prevention of its overflow into a chronic form. Numerous reviews of women who have had a similar ailment indicate that modern methods of treatment are very effective if all the prescriptions of the attending physician are followed. Take care of yourself!

Video: Treatment of gardnerellosis in women

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