Which state is the smallest? What is the smallest country in the world

Residents of Russia, who at best have only seen a few percent of their country's territory, often forget that not everyone is so lucky. There are small countries, such as Holland, Sweden or the Netherlands, and there are also very tiny ones, such that you can not only travel around them, but also walk around them in a day. But the most small state has quite a serious political weight in the world.


This is not just a country within a country – it is a country within a city. Actually, it resembles a nesting doll: in the state of Italy there is the city of Rome, and in the city of Rome there is the state of the Vatican. True, the Vatican does not have a capital; it simply does not fit there. But it has an incredible number of temples, cultural and art monuments. But the main thing is that it is the seat of the Holy See - the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

There are 557 citizens registered in this state. All of them are men. Most of them are priests, some are military, and only 43 are laymen. Of course, there are not enough of them to service all the museums, churches and other institutions, so the Vatican employs guest workers - residents of another state, in in this case- Italy.

As for the territory of the Vatican, it is the smallest recognized state in the world. Its area is about 0.44 square kilometers, and the length of the border is only 3 kilometers.

This state is the second largest in area, it occupies a little more than two square kilometers. If it were presented in the form the right figure, then it would just occupy a rectangle with sides 1 by 2 kilometers.

But, unlike the Vatican, which has less than a thousand people, Monaco is a fairly densely populated state. Its population is about 36 thousand inhabitants. Another significant difference is the housekeeper. It is clear that industry cannot be built on such territory, but this is not required. Tourists bring money to the Vatican, and most importantly, donations from believers. Monaco was able to build a completely viable and efficient economy. Monte Carlo, one of the largest cities in the country, is the gaming capital of the world, which, if inferior to Las Vegas, is not too much.

The country even has an armed force - 82 people. It’s interesting that there are 85 of them in a standard military band. This completely characterizes Monaco - this country has everything, but it’s miniature. Besides the budget. He's quite impressive.

The Vatican and Monaco are small states, but quite prosperous, with a high standard of living. But Nauru, unfortunately, is not one of them. Or rather, in the seventies, the economy of this island state flourished. Phosphates were mined and exported on the island, but when the deposit was depleted, it turned out that the island had nothing more to boast of. And in parallel with the development of resources, there was also ecological catastrophy: the territory was polluted, natural biodiversity was almost destroyed.

Not a very picturesque island

Then the country tried to sell its citizenship, but not for too long and without success. Next came the era of offshores, which brought significant profits, but international groups quickly closed this shop. Tourism is undeveloped, there is no industry, there are no resources, there are no minerals, there is no (fresh) water. The territory is inhabited not by robots, but by ten thousand people, who are evenly distributed over an area of ​​21 square kilometers. They live mainly thanks to the help of nearby Australia.

The third and fourth states from the bottom are largely similar in territory - island states with a population of predominantly indigenous origin and a catastrophically underdeveloped economy. Tuvalu is classified not even as a third world country, but as a fourth world country, i.e., the poorest of all existing states.

There is little land, but there is a lot of water

Tuvalu receives income by selling the right to fish in its waters to ships of other states. But in Lately Another good source has appeared - the sale of national top-level domain names. It is quite aptly called .tv, which determines good demand.

But even this does not make the life of 11 thousand residents of this state more prosperous. And the tiny territory, 21 square kilometers of land and the adjacent water area do not imply any special prospects.

It so happens that most of the dwarf states are located in Europe. And San Marino is no exception. This little one is another of the independent dwarf states located in Italy. Fortunately, Italy can afford to host more than one such country. Considering that San Marino is only 61 square kilometers in size, this is not difficult. True, it is quite densely populated - about 32 thousand people live in it.

The whole country on one mountainside

However, San Marino is unique in its own way. This is the oldest independent state. It declared its sovereignty on September 3, 301 (this is not a typo, really 301). The political map of the world was redrawn dozens of times, countries changed names and territories, but little San Marino seemed to remain outside this carousel.

Add to this fact thousands of years of architecture and culture, an endless number of monuments, museums and castles, and you have a real tourist trap. It is not surprising that most travelers visiting Italy spend 1-2 days to get to know this unique country.

Now you know which is the smallest state in the world in terms of area. However, its significance is enormous, because all Catholics in the world listen to the opinion of the Vatican, San Marno is unique the most ancient state, Monaco is the gambling capital... In politics, size is really not the most important indicator.

There are many different countries on our planet, but each of them is wonderful in its own way. Half of it is not visible on the map under a magnifying glass. :) And why? Every time I ask myself this question. Yes, because they are so small and hidden from prying eyes of the state. But many, including me, are interested in the question. Which country is the smallest in our world?

Which country has the title of smallest?

Opinions differ here; some believe that it is the smallest power, but this is not so. The legal right to call itself the smallest country has . It is located in the capital of Italy - Rome. - this is not a country, but a city-state, so to speak. It has a very small area: just 44 hectares. Most of the entire area of ​​​​this state is allocated to large and beautiful gardens - one of the most important attractions of the Vatican. The population is also quite small, about 1000 inhabitants.


What is this unusual city-state famous for?

In addition to its small population and area, this city-state is also famous for:

  • with its architectural structures and large gardens.
  • - This is the only state in the whole world that is located inside another state.
  • All residents of this unusual city are very educated and know more than four foreign languages.
  • No products are manufactured here.
  • The entire economy of this state is supported by donations from Catholics and tourism, which is very booming here.
  • The Vatican has its own train station and helipad, but there are no roads in the middle of the city.

This is what it is – the smallest country in the world.

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Almost everyone knows that the smallest state in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.44 km², and its population is about 1000 people. Due to the fact that the Vatican is located on continental territory, a logical question arises, which is the smallest of the island states. I will answer that.

Smallest island state

The top position on the list of smallest island countries belongs to Nauru. This country is located on the coral island of the same name. Its area is only 21.3 km². About 10,000 people live in this territory. A fun fact is that Nauru does not have an official capital. Population largest city The island has about 800 inhabitants.

I’ll touch on the history of the country a little:

  • The island became known to Europeans in 1798 thanks to English sailors.
  • The first European settlers here were deserters and escaped convicts.
  • During two world wars the island was under occupation (Australian and Japanese troops).
  • An independent state was proclaimed here in 1968.

Level of development of the smallest island country

Several decades ago, Nauru was considered rich country. Financial well-being was provided through the export of phosphorites. But when the deposits were exhausted, it turned out that the created reserves were extremely insufficient. Mining of phosphorites caused enormous damage to the local ecology. Large areas of the island began to resemble a lunar landscape.

In the 1990-2000s. They tried to improve the welfare of Nauru by declaring the country an offshore zone and through the mass sale of passports to foreigners. But under external pressure I had to give up all this. The main current source of funding is Australian cash injections. To a large extent, this is a payment for ecological problems, which appeared due to the activities of Australian phosphorite miners.

As for tourism, it is poorly developed here due to the same environmental troubles. It is noteworthy that Russians wishing to visit the island do not require a visa.

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Once in Thailand I talked to locals and asked them which country is the largest in the world. They thought it was the USA, but I explained that it was Russia! We are lucky to live in the largest country in the world, but which country is the smallest? Who is our antipode? The question is quite interesting.

The smallest countries in the world are located in Europe

I was good at geography at school, so I remember that there are many dwarf states in Europe, and each of them has its own unique properties:

  • Andorra. Ski resort in the Pyrenees.
  • Monaco. Principality. Known for its casino and the city of Monte Carlo.
  • Liechtenstein. World leader in dental production! Well, if you count it per capita.
  • San Marino. The oldest state in Europe, it is about 1700 years old.

In addition, there are three more states in Europe that are almost invisible on the map, but they are precisely the smallest on the planet.

Vatican City is the smallest UN member state

The Vatican is hidden inside the capital of Italy, so it is essentially invisible on the map of the world and Europe. The country is small, but influential, because there are hundreds of millions of Catholics on the planet!

The Vatican is a member of the UN, they even have their own armed forces, which are staffed by Swiss Guards. This tradition originates from the Middle Ages. At that time, the Swiss were considered the elite infantry in Europe. Thus, the Vatican is small, but remote, as we say in Russia. Millions of tourists visit it every year, because the museums there are worthy of attention. It is curious that the Vatican is essentially the only theocratic monarchy on the planet. Rare government system.

However, there are two states in Europe smaller than the Vatican. Firstly, the Order of Malta, which is located there in Rome, and secondly, the funny state of Sealand on a platform in the North Sea, but this looks more like humor.

If you look hard enough on the map of Europe, you can find two more funny microstates like Sealand. This is a republic creative people Užupis in Vilnius and the Free City of Christiania in the capital of Denmark. They are popular with all sorts of party people, for example, hippies.

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It seems to me that if we discard such a necessary thing for a state as international recognition, and judge the actual existence of a country by the presence of state characteristics (its own territory, money, authorities, etc.), then the only and smallest state on the planet is Sealand. This country is located in the sea, on a former military anti-aircraft platform, off the southeast coast of Great Britain.

The history of the smallest country in the world

Sealand begins its history in 1966, when retired English Major Bates and his friend O’Reilly bought a small military platform located at sea from Britain. During World War II there was a soldiers' garrison there and anti-aircraft guns were based there.

Friends were thinking of organizing an amusement park on it. However, they soon quarreled and O’Reilly decided to seize the platform, while Bates held the defense for two days, firing back with a rifle and throwing Molotov cocktails at the attackers. O'Reilly had to retreat empty-handed. On September 2, 1967, Bates announced the creation of the sovereign state of Sealand, with a system in the form of a constitutional monarchy (the document includes only 7 articles), and proclaimed himself its prince - Roy I. In 1968, the British government tried to regain control of the platform, and to Patrol boats even approached her, but Roy I again gave armed resistance, and the British were forced to retreat. As a result, the British government initiated action against Bates trial, which is still going on.

State characteristics of Sealand

This country has most of the characteristics of a functioning state, except for recognition - it is not recognized by any country at all. These include:

  • Your own flag and coat of arms.
  • Stamps.
  • The presence of ministries in the government structure (the Ministry of Tourism works most successfully).
  • Own passports.
  • Minted money.

Although the size of the state is small - only 0.004 square meters. km., but it has its own territorial waters and even has claims to British waters. Currently, the head of Sealand is Prince Michael the First (son of Bates).

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I think everyone knows this popular song “Small Country”. So, “who will tell and who will show where she is, where she is?” That person will be me. Follow me, I will describe everything in detail!

The country that is the smallest

In general, there are many such countries. This:

  • Vatican;
  • Order of Malta;
  • Monaco;
  • Liechtenstein.

The Order of Malta is considered the smallest state in the world. However, not all countries recognize the sovereignty of this country, but the order itself presents itself as a separate state. It is located inside Rome. It has tiny dimensions - 1200 meters in length and width. Imagine, a kilometer there and a kilometer back, and you’ve already walked the length and breadth of the country!

1,300 people live here, who have their own passports and currency. The Order has only three buildings, two are in Rome, and the third is in Birgu. Getting into them is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible!

The cars have their own state insignia. Amazing country!

Principality of Monaco

A fairly well-known dwarf country in which the famous racing competition “Grand Prix of Monaco” is held. It occupies only 200 hectares of land. 31.7 thousand people live. The population density here is the highest.

The Principality is divided into districts:

  • Monte Carlo;
  • Monaco;
  • La Condamine.

By the way, the popular Monte Carlo casino operates in Monaco. Although the country is small, business is developed here, and there is also Golden Square, where the most boutiques are located. famous brands.

And another principality

We will talk about Liechtenstein, a small state but with big ambitions. The economy and industry are well developed here. The population is 32 thousand people, and only two thirds of them are indigenous people.

The principality has 11 communes, which are divided between two districts - Upper and Lower Liechtenstein.

The country practically consists of mountains. There are few mineral resources here, but it is developed Agriculture. And the nature here is very beautiful.

Tourists will be interested in visiting Vaduz. This is the capital of the country. The attractions are National Museum, postage stamp museum, winery.

All these countries are interesting in their own way, as they say, small but remote.

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When I was in seventh grade, our history teacher said about medieval states: “you could walk around them in 24 hours.” This comparison shocked me to the core and forced me to bury myself in the all-knowing Internet. I have always been especially interested in which country is the smallest in the world these days.

The smallest in the territory of the state

The tiniest country in the world is considered to be the Order of Malta, a knightly organization that miraculously survives to this day. Its total area is only 0.012 km² and consists of a residence in the center of Rome and the tiny Fort St. Angelo on the island of Malta. Just under 13 thousand people have citizenship of the Order of Malta. At the same time, he maintains diplomatic relations with 107 countries and holds the post of independent observer to the UN.

Second place rightfully belongs to the Vatican, another state inside Rome with an area of ​​0.44 km². Only 836 people currently have its citizenship.

“Bronze medal” for Monaco, a sovereign principality that is part of France. Almost 36 thousand inhabitants live on an area of ​​2.02 km².

Smallest island states

Most of the countries with the smallest populations are located not on continents, but on islands and atolls in the Pacific Ocean:

  1. Niue. There are only 1,398 people in this country, although the size of the island is impressive: 261 km².
  2. Nauru. This 21-hectare island is home to 9,322 people.
  3. Tuvalu. It includes 4 islands and 5 atolls, but their total area does not exceed 26 km². And the population is 10.5 thousand people.
  4. Cook Islands. Just over 19 thousand people live on the archipelago, with total area at 263 km².
  5. Palau. This unique country consists of 328 islands, and only 20,842 people live on them.

However, the smallest country in the world (although not recognized by other states) is Sealand, an oil platform in the North Sea that declared its independence in 1967 and has stubbornly defended its “borders” ever since.


Little country

We will not be talking about that small country from N. Koroleva’s song, where animals with kind eyes and life is full of love, but O Vatican.:)

It has square only 44 hectares and is located on the territory of the capital of Italy - Rome. Even though he is like that small, yes, as they say, remote... Judge for yourself:

  • the most valuable treasures of culture and art kept in the Vatican;
  • Vatican - center of the catholic faith and the Catholic Church;
  • Literacy Rate here one hundred percent;
  • The Vatican has influence Not only to politics Italy, but also to other countries;
  • The Roman confession preaches good deeds and humility;
  • the only state that recognizes life on other planets;
  • The Vatican has its own radio station, which broadcasts in almost 30 languages;
  • nothing in the Vatican do not produce or sell(the budget is replenished through donations and tourism);
  • in the Vatican the most accurate meteorologists in the world.

For those traveling to the Vatican

If you decide to go to journey to Italy and decide to look into the Vatican, then take note of the following:

  • currency here as throughout Europe - Euro;
  • language mainly Italian, French and English, since the Vatican does not have its own language;
  • in the Vatican all buildings aresights;
  • greatest number crimes in the Vatican commit tourists(Be carefull!);
  • climate here soft, practically without rain or frost. There is no sweltering heat in summer(temperature 20–28 °C), and winter is warm and snowless (0–12 °C).

Vatican Gardens- this is what first catches your eye. These luxurious plantings made of oak, pine, cypress occupy half of the Vatican territory. Animals and birds, most likely won't call you special interest, since parrots, field mice, bats, squirrels and rabbits live in the gardens.

Write about little Vatican I can endlessly, but perhaps this is it I'll stop today.

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Greetings, dear guys! And greetings to you, dear parents!

On political map in the world you can easily find at least 250 independent states, among which there are powerful powers like our Russia. And there are those who are very tiny, but also defend their right to exist. And if at school the topic is about the 5 smallest countries in the world, then this is the place for you today.

Lesson plan:


An honorable first place in the top five mini-countries is occupied by a tiny state inside another state.

Countries surrounded by the territory of other states are called enclaves.

The independent Vatican is located inside Italian Rome. Officially it is called the sovereign territory of the Holy See. An area of ​​less than half of one square kilometer (0.44 sq. km to be precise) is home to a population of only 840 people.

The Vatican is governed by the Pope, who is elected for life.

This dwarf state is one of the most famous museums located under open air, where great works of art and architecture are collected.

Although the Vatican is no larger in area playing field for golf, however, its influence on world civilization something that not every country can boast of. Before the Vatican Catholic Church worshiped by billions of believers, she always stands in defense of peace and tries to prevent military conflicts.

Here's something interesting about the tiny Vatican.

Principality of Monaco

Second place among the smallest! The mini-state is located on more than two square kilometers (2.02 sq. km) near France on the Ligurian coast. Among small states, Monaco is one of the most densely populated. 38,400 people live in an area comparable to the Moscow Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

The Principality is not at all poor, making money from visiting rich people who come here on their beautiful yachts to play in the world-famous casino in Monte Carlo. The Monaco Grand Prix is ​​also held here, one of the stages of the Formula 1 world auto race.

Tourism and banks, which store the capital of the world's most famous billionaires, bring a lot of money into the treasury.

What do they write about the Principality of Monaco?


The republic is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on a coral island and, with an area of ​​21 sq. km, ranks third among the five small countries. 10,800 people live here.

This unique country was one of the richest just over fifteen years ago. All thanks to the phosphorite reserves there. Ruthless mining disrupted the island’s ecosystem and brought Nauru into the ranks of undeveloped “third world” countries. Environmental pollution after the development of phosphorite deposits has deprived the country of attractiveness for tourists.

How is Nauru different?


In fourth place is dwarf Tuvalu, a state located on nine atolls and islands in Pacific Ocean. This is one of the poorest countries in the world. And she also has a very funny name for the capital for us Russians - Funafuti.

10,700 people live on an area of ​​26 sq. km. The Tuvalu Islands were discovered by the Spanish navigator Alvaro de Neira in the 16th century. Until the 20th century, the dwarf state was a colony of Britain.

Yours modern name the island baby was received only in 1975, and it means “8 standing together” - according to the number of islands that were first inhabited, the inhabitants settled on the ninth later.

The country was originally named Lagoon Islands.

What makes Tuvalu different?

San Marino

Our top five is completed by the smallest republic in the southern part of Europe, surrounded on all sides by Italy. 80% of the tiny country, whose total territory is 61 sq. km, huddles on the western mountain slopes of Monte Titano.

The oldest European state, founded in 301, has a population of 33,000. According to legend, the dwarf republic received its name from Saint Marino, an ordinary Christian mason who, saved from the Roman emperor, found shelter at an altitude of 700 meters and created a community.

At first it was one of the poor European countries, which did not attract attention to itself, and was also inconveniently located. This helped San Marino maintain its independence. Today, a small state exporting ceramics Construction Materials and wine, visited by millions of tourists. Local residents are now among the richest in Europe.

Evgenia Klimkovich.

Ever since school, everyone remembers perfectly what the political map of the world looks like. This is a lot of states, some of which can be called real “giants”, while others are so small that their names are at the bottom, in the footnotes. And if each of us can find large countries, such as Russia, the USA, Canada, China, without error on a globe or map, then we will have to work hard to find small ones. In this article we will talk about which of all is the smallest country in the world, and we will also make a kind of rating of small states by territory (area) and by population, so that you can confidently answer the question that interests many about the smallest of them.

About 250 countries are marked on the world map, officially recognized and independent. Among them there are real “giants” that occupy vast territories, as well as “tiny” ones in area. Below we will look at the smallest countries by area, compiling a kind of TOP 10 small lands, starting with the largest of them.

10th place - Grenada

The area of ​​this island state is 344 sq. km, and the population is just under 90 thousand people. First discovered by the notorious Columbus, this country is famous for growing nutmegs, bananas and citrus fruits on its territory. A significant amount of government income, in addition to fruit exports, comes from the provision of offshore services.

9th place – Maldives

For many people, this place is associated with heaven on earth. The area of ​​this “paradise” is only 298 sq. km, the population is about 390 thousand people. Consisting of more than 1,000 islets, this archipelago is located in Indian Ocean and is recognized as one of the best resort areas in the world. The mild climate, unusual beaches, clear water - all this attracts tourists from all over the world, and on the territory there are best places for a beach holiday.

8th place – Saint Kitts and Nevis

The total area is 261 sq. km, the population is about 50 thousand people. The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is located in the Caribbean Sea on two islands bearing the country's name. In the Western Hemisphere, this federation is considered the smallest both in terms of territory (area) and population. The main income comes from tourism, since all other industries are not very developed.

By the way, to attract investment in the agricultural sector, it was developed special program, which allows you to obtain citizenship by investing about 300 thousand dollars in the development of this area.

7th place - Marshall Islands

The area of ​​the islands in the Pacific Ocean is 181 sq. km, the population is just over 52 thousand people. This republic is known for America’s nuclear tests conducted in the middle of the last century, which significantly changed the flora and fauna of the islands. That is why now the plants characteristic of this zone are quite rare, although others have been planted instead. Tourism on the islands is just beginning to develop, but in the future this area may become one of the most beloved by tourists.

6th place – Liechtenstein

The Western European principality covers an area of ​​160 sq. km. with a population of 37 thousand people. Beautiful and picturesque, this country borders Austria and Switzerland, and official language- German. Despite its tiny size, the principality is a developed state with a high standard of living for its people. The country is famous for its precision instrumentation and the flowing Rhine River.

If we look at it from a tourist point of view, guests will be pleased with the beautiful scenery and clean air, and the trip will be remembered for a long time.

5th place – San Marino

Bordering exclusively with Italy, San Marino occupies 61 sq. km., population – 32 thousand people. This state is recognized as one of the oldest in Europe, the date of its formation is the 3rd century. Picturesque landscapes, ancient buildings and a developed service sector - all this will delight the guests of San Marino.

4th place – Tuvalu

Tuvalu is located in the Pacific Ocean and occupies only 26 sq. km. with a population of about 11 thousand people. The climate in the country is tropical, with pronounced periods of rain and drought. This state is one of the poorest countries in the world due to its poorly developed economy.

3rd place – Nauru

Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean. Area – 21.3 sq. km., population – about 10 thousand people. The most amazing thing about this country is that it does not have a capital.

The climate can be described in two words: hot and humid. Flora and fauna are not very diverse.

2nd place – Monaco

It is difficult to imagine a person who has never heard of the country of casinos - Monaco. The area of ​​the state is 2.02 sq. km, the population is about 30 thousand people. The main source of income for this country can be called tourism. The construction and sale of real estate is also developed, since becoming the happy owner of an apartment in this zone is either expensive or very expensive.

1st place – Vatican

The smallest state in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.44 sq. km, and its population is 836 people.

The Vatican is located inside the eternal city of Rome and is subordinate to the Pope. His income comes from donations and tourism (entrance to museums, sale of souvenirs). The smallest state plays a big role in resolving military conflicts and is the center of Catholicism.

If you are interested in the smallest state in terms of territory, then now you know for sure that this country is the Vatican, one of the independent and recognized ones. Some also mention the Order of Malta, its territory covers 0.012 sq. km., but although this country is recognized as independent, for our ranking of states it lacks its own currency and a citizen’s passport. Therefore, the Vatican remains the smallest in terms of territory.

5 smallest countries (population)

It just so happens, but in the largest countries in terms of population - China and India - a third of the total population of our planet lives. Compared to these “giants”, small countries seem even smaller. Below we will look at the smallest of them in terms of population and answer the question of which country is the smallest in terms of population.

5th place – Niue

In fifth place is the island and the same name public education– Niue with a population of 1611 people. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, east of the island of Tonga.

4th place – Tokelau

Tokelau is part of New Zealand, but after referendums in 2006 and 2007, the state ceased to be associated with New Zealand. Population – 1383 people.

3rd place – Vatican

The Catholic center has a population of 836 people. The state located in Rome is governed by the Pope.

2nd place – Cocos Islands

The second smallest state in terms of population is the Cocos Islands or Keeling Islands, with a population of 550 people.

1st place Pitcairn Islands

The smallest country by population is the Pitcairn Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean. Number of people: 56 people.

Knowing the data from this article, you can say with confidence which state is the smallest both in terms of territory and population.

On the global political map of the world there are about 250 officially recognized independent states. Among them there are powerful powers that have significant weight in various international organizations and taking an active part in the life of other states. As a rule, these states have a sufficient (for example, Russia) and large population (China).

Along with giant countries, there are also very small states, the area of ​​which does not exceed 500 km², and the number of people living is comparable to the population small town. However, some of these countries are playing very significant role. These, for example, include the state of the Vatican - the religious center of all Catholics, headed by the Pope.

As you may have guessed, today we have prepared a ranking of the smallest countries in the world; the main criterion for the distribution of places is the area of ​​territory occupied by the state.

344 sq. km

  • Primary language: English
  • Capital: St. George's
  • Population: 89,502 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $9,000

Grenada is an island state with a constitutional monarchy. Located in the Caribbean Sea. It was first discovered by Columbus in the 14th century. In the agricultural sector, bananas, citrus fruits, and nutmeg are grown, which are subsequently exported to other countries. Grenada is an offshore zone. Thanks to the provision of offshore financial services The country's treasury is replenished annually by $7.4 million.

298 sq. km

  • Main language: Maldivian
  • Capital: Male
  • Population: 393 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $7,675

The Republic of Maldives is located on an archipelago of more than 1,100 islands in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives is one of the best resorts in the world, therefore, along with fishing, the main share of the economy is the service sector (about 28% of GDP). There are all the conditions for a wonderful holiday: magnificent nature with a mild climate,... Abundance different types animals, among which they are almost never found. The presence of beautiful underwater caves stretching along the entire archipelago, which will be a real gift for tourists who are fond of diving.

Interesting fact: With such a cluster of islands there is not a single river or lake.

261 sq. km

  • Primary language: English
  • Capital: Basseterre
  • Population: 49.8 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $15,200

Saint Kitts and Nevis is a federation located on two islands of the same name, in the east Caribbean Sea. In terms of territory and population, this state is the smallest country in the Western Hemisphere. The climate is tropical. Thanks to this, the islands have a very rich flora and fauna. The main industry producing most treasury revenues – tourism (70% of GDP). Agriculture is poorly developed, mainly sugar cane is grown. To modernize agriculture and industry in the country, a program was launched - “Citizen for Investment”, thanks to which you can get money by paying $ 250-450 thousand.

Interesting: Pavel Durov (creator of the social network VKontakte) has citizenship in this country.

181 sq. km

  • Main language: Marshallese, English
  • Capital: Majuro
  • Population: 53.1 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $2,851

Marshall Islands (republic), located in the Pacific Ocean. The country is located on an archipelago that includes 29 atolls and 5 islands. The climate on the islands varies, from tropical in the south to semi-desert in the north. The flora and fauna have been significantly changed by humans, including the nuclear tests conducted by the United States in 1954. Therefore, plant species characteristic of this area are practically not found on the islands; others were planted instead. The main sector of the economy is the service sector. Products produced in agriculture, for the most part, are used for their own needs within the country. The country has fairly low taxes, which makes it possible to create an offshore zone. Due to undeveloped infrastructure and high prices for transport (flights to the islands), tourism is at a initial stage development.

160 sq. km

  • Main language: German
  • Capital: Vaduz
  • Population: 36.8 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $141,000

The Principality of Liechtenstein is located in Western Europe, bordering Switzerland and Austria. Although this state occupies a small area, it is very beautiful. Beautiful mountain landscapes, because... The country is located in the Alps, and Europe’s largest Rhine flows in the western part of the state. The Principality of Liechtenstein is a technologically advanced state. Precision instrument making enterprises operate in the country. Also, Liechtenstein is one of the largest financial centers world, with a highly developed banking services sector. The country is very high level life and well-being. In terms of GDP per capita, it ranks second in the world, after Qatar, with an amount of 141,000 thousand dollars. Liechtenstein is a shining example that even such a small country can exist with dignity and occupy a significant place in world politics and economics.

61 sq. km

  • Main language: Italian
  • Capital: San Marino
  • Population: 32 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $44,605

The Republic of San Marino is located in the southern part of Europe and borders Italy on all sides. San Marino is the oldest European state, formed in the 3rd century. This country is located in a mountainous area, 80% of the territory lies on the western slope of Monte Titano. Ancient buildings and the mountain of Monte Titano itself are among the objects World Heritage UNESCO. The basis of the economy is manufacturing, which accounts for 34% of GDP; the service sector and tourism also play an important role.

26 sq. km

  • Main language: Tuvalu, English
  • Capital: Funafuti
  • Population: 11.2 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $1,600

The state of Tuvalu is located on a cluster of atolls and islands (9 in total) and is located in the Pacific Ocean. The climate in this country is tropical, with distinct seasons of rain and drought. Often they pass through the islands. Vegetable and animal world The food supply of this state is quite scarce and is represented mainly by animals brought to the islands - pigs, cats, dogs and plants - coconut palms, bananas, breadfruit. The economy of Tuvalu, like other countries in Oceania, is mainly made up of the public sector, and to a minor extent agriculture and fishing. Also, Tuvalu is among the poorest in the world.

21.3 sq. km

  • Main language: English, Nauruan
  • Capital: None (Government is located in Yaren County)
  • Population: 10 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $5,000

Nauru is located on a coral island in the Pacific Ocean and is the smallest republic in the world. This country does not have a capital, which also makes it unique. The climate on the island is quite hot, with high humidity. One of the main problems of this country is the shortage fresh water. Just like in Tuvalu, flora and fauna are very sparse. The main source of replenishment of the treasury for a long time there was phosphorite mining (in those years the country was one of the richest countries in the world with a high GDP), but since the 90s the level of production began to decline, and with it the well-being of the population. According to some estimates, phosphate reserves should have lasted until 2010. In addition, the development of phosphorites caused irreparable damage to the geology and ecosystem of the island. Tourism is not developed due to the severe pollution of the country.

2.02 sq. km

  • Main language: French
  • Capital: Monaco
  • Population: 36 thousand people.
  • GDP per capita: $16,969

Notable: Monaco is the only state in which the number of regular troops (82 people) is less than the military band (85 people).

0.44 sq. km

  • Main language: Italian
  • Form of government: Absolute theocratic monarchy
  • Pope: Francis
  • Population: 836 people.

The Vatican, the leader of our ranking, is the smallest country in the world. This city-state is located inside Rome. The Vatican is the seat of the highest leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. Citizens of this state are subjects of the Holy See. The Vatican has a non-profit economy. The bulk of the budget comes from donations. Also, cash receipts to the treasury come from the tourism sector - payment for visits to museums, sale of souvenirs, etc. The Vatican plays a significant role in resolving military conflicts, calling for the preservation of peace.

There is an opinion that the smallest country in the world is the Order of Malta, with an area of ​​0.012 km2, because... it has all the necessary attributes to be called a state (its own currency, passports, etc.), but its sovereignty is not recognized by all members of the world community.

It is worth noting that there is a so-called principality Sealand(from English - sea land), the area of ​​which is 550 sq.m. This state is located on a platform, not far from the shores of Great Britain. But, since the sovereignty of this state was not recognized by any country in the world, it was not included in our rating.

The smallest country in Eurasia is 0.44 sq. km.
The smallest country on the African continent is Seychelles – 455 sq. km.
The smallest country on the North American continent is 261 sq. km.
The smallest country on the South American continent is Suriname - 163,821 sq. km.
