A woman was walking with dough and fell softly. what do you think? Funny riddles for children with a trick

1. Our chicken is sick - temperature is 37. We need to treat the chicken - take her to the cockerel! (all in.)
2. Tie the Knots - What about the river in summer? Our favorite river, Nyumushka, then still deep, was the source of our joy in the summer... We rush from the churches, throw off our clothes as we go and fly into the water. We will definitely swim to That Shore for Osochka. This is Green Meadow Ray, not bitter, pleasant to the taste. We swim until we're blue in the face, and one of the boys is sure to shout from the shore, seeing that someone is still alone in the water: “Whoever is last out of the water must tie the knots!” While you get out, they will tie such Knots, and even in the Water the Knots will help, so that it will be more difficult to Untie them (L. A. Korytova (Sintsova) Childhood in Zaostrovye. Our rural childhood) (vin.)
3. Riddle (noun, female) - Make a riddle - choose a leader in the game, saying a rhyme-counting: We played, whoever we hit with our hand, this is how we’ll do the riddle first, they’ll stop at me last, I have to (Kiril. )
4. Riddle: Forest, clearing, slide, hole, wall, wall, ceiling, electric bell! You can call? - The ceiling is the sky. Electric bell - nose, press it and ring
5. Riddle. A grandmother was walking with dough and fell soft spot. What do you think? (Head)
6. Riddle-counting: a cockerel or a hen (grabbing a panicle in a pinch herbaceous plant and running along it from bottom to top to form a kind of bouquet, the children hide it behind their backs and ask each other: “A cockerel or a hen?” A long “rectangular” bouquet is a cockerel, a short “triangular” one is a hen) - Vanka or Manka, boy or girl (TE)
7. Zagalit (ch., sov. v.), syn. (return) To get dirty - in the children's game of hide and seek: hit the stick in the designated place to record the result of the game (about the driver). They played GALU, one leads, everyone hides; he will come running, he will see someone, and he will spoil him (yours); (about the participants of the game). They played GALU, one person drives, everyone hides. He will come running, he will see someone, he will light up, otherwise he will hide - and he will come running forward and tap with his wand, he will fire himself (yours.)
8. ZaEda – 1) picky unfairly; 2) about someone who argues in his own favor or with the aim of appropriating something for himself. It is used especially by children when playing Babki: he hit Babki incorrectly (in Kon), stood incorrectly towards the line, etc. in order to deceive his fellow players for personal interests - to play more Babok for himself (I.M. Durov) (everywhere. )
9. LIGHT THE CITY - when playing Ryukhi, be the first to knock Ryukha out of Gorodok beyond the line (I.M. Durov) (total); Hence: Zazhig - initiative, bullying: They all fought as long as there were them, and only Zazhig left Eryoma (A.O. Podvys.) (shenk.)
10. ZAinka (noun, female), as well as KapUstka, Drake - 1) game; round dance games in the spring meadows: RobYata will come, we’ll play Zainka (sheksn.); 2) dance. Previously, before, my mother went to dance ZAinka (A.S. Gerd) (wonderful)
11. Engage (ch., return., nonsov. v.) -play: No, kitties are running after Natasha for a piece of paper, but I don’t want to Engage with you (A.S. Gerd) (med.)
12. Borrow - (in a game, ritual action) take, choose someone: Borrow someone (black); The guy takes the girl, the guy’s girl stands, saying: “Oh, Borrow, Borrow, Borrow” (A.S. Gerd) (med.)
13. Stab - (in a children's game) to stain: Whoever is Stabbed in front is the Guide (A.S. Gerd) (kondop.)
14. For the Moon or for the Sun? - For the Moon. - For the Soviet country! - For the Sun. - For the “eastern” Japanese.
15. BARRIER (noun, female form), syn. Zakolok - a game of hide and seek: And the children played Zakolok, hiding (kondop.)
16. Stab (v., sov.v.) - (in a children's game) to stain: Whoever is ahead is Stabbed, that is the Guide (kondop.)
17. Sticks (noun, collection) - type of game (mes.)
18. Locked the case in the chest.
19. I remember the word guessing game - “Hangman” and the longest word - surname: Arosenevolokotocherepopenkovsky.
20. Roar at the top of your voice, If Karakozov is in the shop, come here to - Voice! -children's hoot (I.M. Durov) (everyday)
21. ZroDy Ruin - ... Then they fled for the harvest - ZroDy Ruin. It was necessary to find the highest one and climb on it - whoever is faster. It’s best to start from the corner: put your hands deeper into the hay, cling to tufts of grass and grab them before the hay climbs, so as not to immediately roll off. You missed it a little - and you slide down the Zard to the ground. But when you climb to Etaka Height, you can see everything from there: the river, Repnoy Island, trees, high-voltage supports, the bell on the other bank near the Pogost. Even the Kholmog-Orsky Cathedral could be seen in the distance if the bushes did not interfere. The hay in the Zorod is fresh - soft and fragrant, you could lie for hours and dream about heavenly pretzels - what they are... (A. Antonov (Shanga). Letters to his sister) (mes.)
22. Zastenki (noun, plural) - participants in a game like GorElok, who have to lead: If we are two Zastenki, he runs, if they get killed, then he becomes, and I run (whom.)
23. But the first one (I) is on the calendar!
24. ShutYurkat (v., sov.v.) - to stain someone when playing hide and seek: In KhorOmki they played, which ShutYurkat, in NavOdy Budya (med.)
25. For the ear and for the sun.
26. ZachUrat (ch., sov.v.) - seize the championship, leadership in the game (S.A. Udina) (leshuk.)
27. Close up (v., return, sov.v.), syn. Close up - saying “too much”, touch your hand to some designated place as a sign of leaving the game.: They played games, one Grazes, others Gather, then they run to the corner, They hide when the one who is grazing does not see (A.S. Gerd) (silent)
28. ZachUrkat (ch., sov.v.) - find when playing hide and seek (A.A. Istomin and others) (verbal)
29. Sand (v., nesov.v.) - hit with a ball, hand, stain (in a game): Children sand with a ball, play when (A.S. Gerd) (Kirish.)
30. Defense (noun, female form) - a children's game with a ball, lapta: We played Defense, this is with a ball. There is also Protection, this is Lapta (A.S. Gerd) (ext.)
31. Sounds of the bugle in the pioneer camp: rise - get up, get up, put on your Panama hat! Lunch - grab a spoon, grab some bread, get ready for lunch!
32. Great! Great! At the Yegorov gate. But at our gates, everything goes the other way around. Between heaven and earth the Piglet curled. He accidentally clung his tail to the sky!
33. ZdYgat (ch., nonsov.v.), syn. To freak out - to be afraid, to get scared during a children's game: YOU are the first Zdygau, not me! (A.A. Istomin and others) (oral)
34. Green Street - 1) game “Stream”: Green Street: the players become pairs, raising their clasped hands, forming a living corridor, the odd one runs along this corridor and chooses anyone and stands in a pair, the remaining one runs (med.); They played and sing on Green Street (A.S. Gerd) (med.); 2) In fact, the game “Rucheyok” was originally a game for adults and belonged to the category of “Kissing” peasant games: those standing in Rucheyok could give up and not let those running to the Kiss pass. In its original version, the game was revived among the Moscow Pagans. It is clear that they KISS ON THE CHEEK, and not passionately, and not every time, but occasionally, on some holidays. Now this is a tribute - a tribute to tradition and the desire to revive ancient games (O. Slavyanka)
35. Ziganshin rock, Ziganshin boogie! Ziganshin is a guy from Kaluga. While Poplavsky was shaving his mustache, Ziganshin ate his watch.
36. ZOLOTTSE (noun, sr.r.) - game: They played in ZOLOTTSE, well, they hid the ring (seg.); They're burying Zoletsko, Somebody has a ring, but he doesn't guess, so he goes around burying Zoletsko again, Zoletsko (ter.); They played and said: “Golden bury, bury, father in Terem, fell, fell the ring in the viburnum, in the raspberry.” - Who has it? “I have nothing” (in white); GOLDEN Burying is one of the mass games of Pomeranian youth at Imushka, organized in Sumy Posad during the period of Great Lent. This game consists of the following: all participants, with the exception of one, called the Stander, sit on benches or on the floor of the hut, forming a circle, and the Stander who remains outside the circle moves to the door (or even behind the door) and tries not to look at what is happening. takes place in the circle of players. At this time, one of the players in the circle takes someone else’s (or his own, if he has one) Golden ring, brooch, earring and passes it unnoticed to one of the players in the circle. Then the Stander is called from the door, who must guess who is holding the “Gold” in his hands and take it into his own hands, which, in turn, is constantly passed around among the players, unnoticed by everyone. In case of an unsuccessful guess, the Clerk pays Fant. The game continues until the Keeper finds the Gold, after which the drawing of Forfeits in executions begins, ending with the one who has the Gold turning into the Keeper-Guesser. The game is ancient and now not very widespread (I.M. Durov) (total)
37. ZubAriki (noun, plural) - children's game: Let's go to ZubAriki, let's go and let's throw ourselves (A.S. Gerd) (pud.); When almost all the snow has melted, the land is covered with grass, they begin to play “ZubAriki” - this is a special way of throwing an ordinary NapIlok (file) into the ground, kneeling or simply sitting on the ground. They throw it with a special twist from the hand, from the knee, from each finger - I don’t remember everything, but the game was exciting (L. A. Korytova (Sintsova) Childhood in Zaostrovye. Fun of boys)

At matinees, children's parties, and humorous programs, funny, amusing riddles that require a quick answer from those present are popular special place. They require attention and logic, because sometimes the answer to a tricky riddle can be completely different than what was expected.

Riddles come in many different forms. Here are just a few of them.

Poetic riddles

Dad tells us in a deep voice: “I have candy with ....”.
The rhyme at the end suggests a continuation with “meat.” But in in this case you should name some filling: with jam, marmalade, nuts...

Mothers also take their children to ... for vaccinations (clinic, not schools).

Riddles are actively used as educational and didactic games for children.

Only the fearless one enters the first-graders... (a teacher, not a diver, as the rhyme asks).

Look at the titmouse, the bird only has legs... (two, not three.)

You'll sleep during class and you'll get... (two) in your diary.

Three fir trees grew in the spring in a grove, look at it: all the needles... (green).

The whole spirit croaks loudly... (frog).

The tomato is large and ripe, it is round and very... (red).

Riddles to test your wits

These are unique tasks for the mind. To solve them correctly, the child only needs to think a little.

An old woman was walking with dough and fell down softly. What do you think? (In this case, the answer is supposed to be with the head: that’s what they think about, and not what part of the body the grandmother might have fallen on.)

What plate can't you eat from? (From empty).

Which wheel on a car does not spin when turning right? (Spare).

There were a hundred eggs in the basket, and the bottom fell out. How many eggs are left in the basket? (Answer: none, since the bottom of the basket fell. Hint: when guessing this task, you do not need to emphasize the word bottom.)

What is Adam's front and Eve's back? (Letter A in the name).

How many letters are in the alphabet? (Seven: A-1, L -2, F-3, A-4, B-5, I-6, T-7).
Why do birds fly? (Across the sky).

Why do ducks swim? (from the shore).

How many peas will fit into one glass? (Not a single one, peas don’t go).

What does half an apple look like? (To the other half).

Riddle on the topic: Which hand is better to stir tea? (With a spoon).

To whom do all people take their hats off? And even the president. (In front of the hairdresser).

Gray, with a trunk and big ears, but not an elephant. (baby or female elephant).

Non-standard riddles

There are also comic riddles that have a non-standard answer.

For example, how many steps does it take to put a hippopotamus in the refrigerator? The answer is three: open the refrigerator, plant the hippopotamus, close the refrigerator.

The second question is immediately asked: how many steps does it take to put a giraffe in the refrigerator? The answer is four: open the refrigerator, take out the hippopotamus, put the giraffe in the refrigerator, close the refrigerator.

After this, you can ask, if a giraffe, a turtle and a hippopotamus run for a while, who will come running first? Answer: - hippopotamus, since the giraffe is in the refrigerator.

And there are a lot of such riddles, funny both in content and in answers.

What's not in a woman's handbag?
Answer: About
Lagutova Sasha, Moscow

What happens if you cross a hare and a squirrel?
Answer: Zaebelka
on Vi, Novgorod

When will the foal become a horse?
Answer: Never (~ when baby)
net F I O, Omsk

What is the longest word in the Russian language?
Answer: A Word about Igor's Campaign

Green is flying. What is this?
Answer: Green tomato
Swan Lisa, Vladivostok

Black is flying. What is this?
Answer: Shadow of a green tomato
Swan Lisa, Vladivostok

There is a bathhouse, it is guarded by two devils, you have nothing. What do you need to do to make the devils let you through?
Answer: To the first, you ask to smoke, he yells: “Go to hell!” By the second, you ask for something to drink, he yells: “Go to the bathhouse!”
Lyusya, Omsk

What can't be done in space?
Answer: hang yourself
Katya, Prokopyevsk

Pet starts with the letter T.
Answer: Cockroach
Koromzina Vikusya, Kotlas

Pet starts with the letter D.
Answer: Two cockroaches
Koromzina Vikusya, Kotlas

Pet starts with the letter Y.
Answer: Another cockroach
Koromzina Vikusya, Kotlas

Antoshka stands on one leg.
Answer: One-legged Antoshka
Potekhina Tatyana, Orenburg

Why does the hedgehog run across the clearing and laugh?
Answer: The grass tickles the testicles
Potekhina Tatyana, Orenburg

What do you need to do to get twins?
Answer: Place carbon paper
Potekhina Tatyana, Orenburg

What to do if you have a dream in a foreign language?
Answer: Take a translator to bed
Potekhina Tatyana, Orenburg

Why is flounder flat?
Answer: Because she slept with a whale
Potekhina Tatyana, Orenburg

Why does a penis age earlier than a man?
Answer: Because he works in a hot shop, in night shift, upside down and to the point of nausea.
Potekhina Tatyana, Orenburg

What do milk and a hedgehog have in common?
Answer: Collapse

What kind of woman first rubs around you and then demands money?
Answer: Conductor
Molkova Victoria, Yaroslavl

Three guys are sitting in a cafe. Two of them have girlfriends, and the third has calloused hands. What does it mean?
Answer: He is a workaholic
Ivanova Afrosinya, Kyiv

I found her in the forest, I looked for her for a long time, I brought her home because I couldn’t find her.
Answer: Splinter
Novikova Nastya

Two went - three nails were found. Four people follow - how many nails will they find?
Answer: Not one, two collected all the nails

What is that green, small thing that rustles under the paper?
Answer: Small, green rustle
Korotkova Sonya

What is it: flies, rustles, and not rustles?
Answer: Rustler's brother
Korotkova Sonya

The yellow stuff is lying under the bed, it starts at 3.
Answer: Sunset
Andreeva Alexandra, P. Seryshevo

Who was the creator of pedicure?
Answer: Fagot Yura
Marina, Belgorod

Hangs, dangles, starts at X!
Answer: Tail
Raisyan Garik

An old man walked and farted. What did the old man fart with?
Answer: The priest stood and the old man nodded to him

What needs to be done to prevent a gun from shooting, a dog from biting, a woman from giving birth?
Answer: Don't let go
Kolpashchikov Dmitry, Kirov

Crawling along the ceiling and chewing on the light bulb. Who?
Answer: Ceiling lamp gnawer

With claws, not a bird, it flies and swears.
Answer: Electrician falls from pole
Semykina Sonya, Moscow

In which word does the letter Y appear 6 times?
Answer: Vylysypydysty
Serebrov Zhenya, Severouralsk

Three women were standing at a bus stop eating ice cream. The first licked, the second sucked, and the third chewed. Which one is married?
Answer: The one with the wedding ring

He yells and screams and doesn’t let me sleep.
Answer: Child
Kovylin Sasha, Samara

These three TV stars have been on the screen for a long time. One is called Stepan, the second is Philip. What is the name of the third one?
Answer: Piggy
Dilman Erica, Novokuznetsk

Mustached, striped, but not a cat.
Answer: Bum

Not ice, but melting, not a boat, but floating away.
Answer: Salary
Dremkova Daria, Astrakhan

What is it: walking on the wall and playing?
Answer: A fly with a player in his ears
Valliulina Arisha, Kazan

What are the similarities between a chicken and a motorcyclist?
Answer: The chicken sits down and runs away and the motorcyclist also sits down and runs away.
Pomuleva Larisa, Ulan-Ude

It nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter, cheers in the spring, cools in the summer.
Answer: Vodka
Shcherbakova Ksenia, Astrakhan

What is black on one leg?
What is black on two legs?
What is black on three legs?
Answer: Disabled Negro, two disabled Negroes, piano
Peycheva Elizaveta, Onega

Who is this green one who lives in the swamp and croaks?
Answer: You knew, you knew, you knew!
Peycheva Elizaveta, Onega

It's snowing, slushy, cold. What time of year is this?
Answer: Summer. This is such a shitty summer
Chemrov Kirill, Voronezh

A and B were sitting on the pipe. A went abroad, B sneezed and went to the hospital. What's left on the pipe?
Answer: Letter B (I - went to hospital)

One hundred heads and a ton of copper.
Answer: Brass band
Alexander, Shcherbinka

The pear is hanging, you can’t eat it.
Answer: Punching bag
Kolesnikova Yulia, Volgograd

A green crocodile is flying across the sky. Flew for 2 hours and covered 7 kilometers. How much will a kilogram of apples weigh if you remove the screw from the fluid coupling?
Answer: Kilogram

Riddles are jokes based on a play on words.

1. What pronouns spoil the pavements?

2. Who gets dressed up once a year?

3. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house?

4. When is a person a tree?

5. Two birch trees grow,

Each birch tree has four cones.

How much in total?

6. What will happen to the blue scarf if

put it in water for five minutes?

7. Can it rain for two days in a row?

8. How to write “mousetrap” in five

9. Why is there a tongue in the mouth?

10. Which horse doesn’t have a tail?

11. Why does the cow lie down?

12. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain?

13. How many minutes should you boil a hard-boiled egg?

14. When a horse is bought,

What is it like?

15. To get into the cinema, two dads

and two sons needed just

three tickets. How did it happen?

16. The man has one, the crow has two, the bear has none.

17. A flock of birds flew into the grove:

We sat down two per tree - one tree


They sat down one at a time - they didn’t get one.

Are there many birds and trees?

18. The grandmother was walking to Moscow,

Three old men meet her:

Old people have a bag each

And in each bag there is a cat.

How much did it go to Moscow?

19. What is between the window and the door?

20. How many peas can fit into an empty one?

21. Which month is shorter than others?

22. What question does no one ever answer?

won't answer "yes"?

23. What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat?

24. I am in lakes and seas, but I am not in the water.

I am in watermelons and cucumbers, but I am not in melon.

25. It is not found in the sea,

They will find her in the river,

It won't fit in the barn

Two will fit in the basket.

26. What kind of stone is in the water?

27. There are four hollows on four birch trees,

Each hollow has four branches,

There are four apples on each branch.

How many apples are there in total?

28. Why is there water in a bottle?

29. You, me, and you and I.

How many of us are there?

30. Do horses go to the ball?

31. If you bathe a red horse in blue

sea, what will it be like?

32. When do hands have three pronouns?

33. Which five-letter word has five “O”s?

34. Can a rooster call himself a chicken?

35. Why do they wear a hat?

36. What is sharper than a sword?

37. Why does the heron stand on one leg?

38. In which fields does nothing grow?

39. Which city flies?

40. What happens to a crow after three years?

41. A cat is sitting on the window:

And the tail is like a cat's,

And the nose is like a cat's,

And ears like a cat's

Not a cat.

42. Forty wolves fled.

How many ears and tails do they have?

43. Why would a sparrow eat a bucket of oats sooner?

than a horse?

44. Why does a goose swim?

45. How do day and night end?

46. ​​A flock of geese was flying. One was killed, how many


47. A woman was walking with dough,

She fell softly.

What do you think?

48. In what month is chatty Mashenka

says the least?

49. What is faster than thought?

50. What flies faster than an arrow?

51. What can’t money buy?

52. What don’t you see above you?

53. What makes a girl look good without blush?

54. What is cuter than father and mother?

55. What can’t a person live without?

56. When is a fool smart?

57. Who sits with his back to the king?

58. There is in the sky,

Not in the ground

There are two in the woman,

In the girl - not one.

59. How to write “dry grass” in four

60. A husband and wife walked, and a brother and sister,

yes brother-in-law and son-in-law. Are there many of them?


3. When the door is open.

4. When he is from sleep (from sleep).

5. None: cones do not grow on birch trees.

6. It will become wet.

7. It can’t, because there will be night between the days.

8. "Cat".

9. For teeth (for what?).

10. Chess.

11. Because he doesn’t know how to sit down.

12. For wet.

13. There is no need to boil it, because it is already cooked.

14. Wet.

15. There were three of them: grandfather, father and son.

16. Letter "O".

17. Three trees, four birds.

18. One grandmother was going to Moscow, and the old people were walking towards her.

19. Letter "I".

20. Only one, then the glass will no longer be empty.

22. To the question “Are you sleeping?”

23. The watchman is sleeping.

24. Letter "R".

25. Letter "K".

26. Wet.

27. Apples don’t grow on a birch tree.

28. Behind glass (behind what?).

30. They walk on the balcony.

31. Wet.

32. When they are you-we-you.

33. O-five.

34. He can’t because he can’t speak.

35. Because she doesn’t walk on her own.

36. Human gaze.

37. Because he will fall if he picks her up.

38. On the brim of the hat.

40. The fourth one will go.

42. Necks don’t grow tails.

43. Because a sparrow cannot eat a horse.

44. From the shore.

45. With a soft sign(b).

46. ​​One remained - killed, the rest flew away.

47. Head.

48. In May, it has the fewest letters.

51. Health.

53. Kind look.

56. When silent.

58. Letter "B".
