How to sew winter clothes for a dog. Pattern of clothes for dogs of small breeds: interesting ideas, description and recommendations. We cut and sew clothes for York

In frost, during rain, heavy snow or wind, people wear warm, waterproof clothes, hats, scarves. Our smaller brothers - dogs - also freeze and catch a cold, and since people are responsible for those whom they have tamed, it is the direct duty of people to monitor the health of their four-legged comrades, protect them from colds and choose clothes appropriate for the weather.

First of all, clothes are vital necessary for small "pocket" dogs, such as:

  • toy terriers;
  • Yorkshire Terriers;
  • chihuahua;
  • Chinese crested;

These breeds of small dogs have very short and fine coats with no undercoat, and crested breeds do not have hair on the body, only in the ears, muzzle and tail. The owners of such breeds, especially crested and chihuahuas, should Special attention draw on the wardrobe of your pets in order to avoid unnecessary hypothermia, pneumonia and other complications.


Every dog, and especially small breed dogs (such as the Chihuahua), should have their own wardrobe. Of course, you can do without decorative costumes and dresses. But warm clothes must be in the wardrobe:

  • Suit-overalls made of raincoat waterproof fabric: such a thing will save your dog from hypothermia in cold weather, and your apartment from black puddles and spots;
  • A jumpsuit with synthetic winterizer or faux fur will protect your pet from cold weather, chilly winds and heavy snowfalls;
  • A knitted sweater made of thick yarn or a thick knitted shirt will protect your pet from small spring and autumn cold snaps;
  • A warm blanket for dachshunds and other hunting breeds will help protect the lungs of animals from hypothermia;
  • It is also desirable that the wardrobe has boots with waterproof soles that will save the paws of small dog breeds from hypothermia, frostbite, mechanical damage and chemical burns;

Taking measurements with your own hands

In order to build a pattern of clothes for your animal with your own hands, you must first remove it from your dog or from similar dog same breed all necessary measures, i.e:

Transferring measurements to patterns with your own hands

When transferring measurements to a pattern of future clothes, you need to account for seam allowances. Do-it-yourself details will be sewn together and at the same time they should be free and not hamper the movements of the dog. Therefore, on a do-it-yourself pattern on each side, it is worth leaving from 1 to 3 cm for the seams and free movements of the dog in clothes. After cutting out the pattern and basting it, you need to put it on your dog and see if it sits well, if it causes discomfort to the animal and if it fits in size.

If for all these parameters the pattern sat well, then it can be sewn on a typewriter or carefully stitched by hand. Fasteners, as a rule, on such models are made on the back in the form of zippers, so it is easier to dress active and playful dogs before a walk.

Basic and most common patterns

simple blanket

The back can consist not only of two parts, but also be one-piece. The whole model consists of 4 pattern parts. The details of the back and collar are sewn along the BAB line, then the collar pattern is fixed into the ring with threads or buttons (clasps), and a T-shaped belt pattern is attached along the lower part and the blanket is fixed with it. At the end of the blanket, you can fasten a loop for the tail. The blanket can also be made insulated by putting a padding polyester or thick knitwear on the lining, but for such a model it requires twice as many patterns, that is, 8.


In this model, the back will be sewn from two patterns, and the stomach from one. If you want to make an insulated vest, then you will need to cut twice as many patterns and sew a layer of insulating padding polyester between them. A zipper is first sewn into the back part, and then the parts are sewn together.

Sweater for a small dog

This sweater can be sewn from an ordinary sleeve from an old sweater without using any pattern. The bottom of the sleeve will become the collar of the dog, from it you need to set aside the length of the back of your dog and, having previously stitched the sleeve, cut off everything superfluous. Then make holes for the legs and cut holes for them.


The jumpsuit consists of 11 parts: two patterns for the back, two patterns for each foot and one pattern for the tummy and chest. First, a lock is sewn between the two details of the back, then the back is sewn with the detail of the abdomen, leaving holes for the sleeves. Each sleeve is sewn separately and then sewn to the main part of the overalls. If you want to make a jumpsuit for the colder season, you need to cut out twice as many details, and put insulating details between them: synthetic winterizer or faux fur, inner part can be cut out of thick knitwear or wool, and the outer one is made of waterproof material. Then the overalls can be worn on the dog in frost, snow and even rain instead of a raincoat.

decorative clothing


The easiest way to sew a T-shirt for a dog is from an old children's T-shirt, while remembering that the bottom of the T-shirt will remain convex along the back of the dog, and it will need to be shortened along the stomach. It should also be taken into account that the wide part the body of the dog is the chest, and therefore the patterns of clothing must be swept away, after trying on and clarifying that the dog’s movements are not constrained. Only if the dog is comfortable in clothes, you need to stitch a T-shirt.

The dress

In addition to sweaters, overalls and vests, you can also sew decorative clothes for your pet, such as a dress. For the main part of the dress, a vest or T-shirt made of light fabric, and for a skirt, a rectangular piece of fabric is suitable, equal in length to two girths of the dog's abdomen. Additionally, the dress can be decorated with silk, chiffon, satin ribbons, beads or stripes.


In addition to sweaters and vests, you can also sew your pet with your own hands. hat or scarf and shoes. The main thing is that things should be convenient, comfortable, sewn from natural fabrics and not restrict the movements of the dog. All this will help your dog avoid drafts and complications from colds during the cold season.

We offer you master classes that will tell you how to sew clothes for dogs with your own hands: a blanket, overalls, vest, hat, boots.

Clothes for dogs - how to make a vest

First you need to take measurements from your pet. It's better to do it together. Let one person treat the dog with something tasty, and the second takes measurements. Here's what you need to know to sew a vest, and subsequently a jumpsuit:
  1. the length of the back from the neck to the root of the tail;
  2. chest girth (the widest point of the sternum);
  3. volume of the abdomen;
  4. neck circumference (at its widest point);
  5. distance from the point of growth of the paws to the beginning of the neck;
  6. the length of the segment from the hind to the forelimbs;
  7. girth of the thigh of the hind leg;
  8. girth of the front paw;
  9. neck height;
  10. length from the front paw to the penis (for boys);
  11. head girth.
You will also need a measurement showing the distance along the sternum from one to the second front paw.

The presented pattern of clothes for dogs will help you sew a vest for your pet - this is one of the easiest outfits for a four-legged dog.

First of all, you need to determine the size of the side of the square in the drawing. To do this, divide measurement No. 1 (the length of the back from the neck to the root of the tail) by 10. Let's say this first value is 20 cm, divide by 10, it turns out 2. This means that the sides of all squares will be equal to two cm.

Take tracing paper, drawing paper or a special "graph paper" for patterns. Draw here the longitudinal and transverse segments. For the back, you should have 11 squares horizontally and 7 vertically. For the front - the same number horizontally and 3 vertically.

On the upper segment, set aside the length of the back. Where it says “head” on the pattern, you need to set aside the girth of the neck. In this example, it is 26.5 cm: 13 cm on the back and 3.5 on the breast.

If your dog has different proportions, make adjustments to the pattern, do not forget to add cm to the measurements for a loose fit, since clothing for a dog should not be tight.

Transfer the measurements of the volume of the abdomen and the girth of the front paw to the pattern. Please note that you will be imposing the pattern on the fabric, which you have previously folded in half. The front of the vest is made with a fold, and 2 parts are cut out for the back.

Similar patterns for dogs will help you sew comfortable and comfortable clothes for your animal. The vest is best made from fleece. This fabric is practical, soft, does not fray. In such clothes, the animal will not be cold to take a walk on a dry autumn evening.

Further, these patterns for dogs - the front and back of the vest, need to be transferred to the fabric folded in half. Redraw the contours of the details, adding to the free fit. Cut along the stroke leaving 7mm for a seam allowance.

Stitch the sides, matching point C with C and D with D. Pierce the neckline, armholes, bottom of the vest with a contrasting fabric. Stitch a zipper on the back and it's time to put on a new thing for your pet.

Velcro can be sewn on the back instead of a zipper.

If you know how to knit, these patterns for dogs will help you make a knitted vest. Using the same scheme presented, create another new thing.

First you need to knit a sample, determine how many loops are in 1 cm. Dial the right amount and start working from the waistline from the back. Periodically apply your work to the pattern to determine where to cast off and where to cast on.

But it is better to knit a one-piece dog vest, you can sew buttons on the tummy. Start with an elastic band, decorate the sleeves and neck with it. If you knit braids on the back, then the vest will turn out even more beautiful.

How to sew a jumpsuit for a pet?

This pattern is suitable for a toy terrier or other small dog.

If you will sew an autumn or winter fleece overall, then it is enough to make it in one layer. This will be comfortable in dry, not very cool weather. If you need warm clothes for dogs, you can sew a winter overall consisting of three layers with your own hands:
  • upper waterproof (for example, from bologna fabric);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • linings.

Speaking about how to sew a jumpsuit, it must be said that it can be made from unnecessary things - a bologna jacket, an out-of-fashion coat.

If you do not have such things, then you will need
  • waterproof fabric;
  • the lining is silk or flannel (you can take the diaper left over from the baby);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • lightning;
  • piece of plastic
  • elastic.

How to determine the scale, you already know. Redraw the pattern on paper. Now you need to attach it to two types of fabric (lining and main) and to the synthetic winterizer. Cut out with seam allowances.

Sew the overalls from the main fabric. And for the second half, put the parts from the padding polyester on the parts from the lining, sew the second jumpsuit.

Stitch it with the first one so that the seams are inside - between the main fabric and the lining, connecting at the sleeves, at the bottom of the panties. Turn right side out through the unsewn top of the jumpsuit.

Postpone the bottom of the sleeves, panties, insert an elastic band into these drawstrings. From plastic, cut a visor according to the pattern. Insert it between exactly the same parts of the main fabric and lining, stitch along the edge.

Insert the visor between the two layers of the hood, sew. If you do not want to do it, then stitch the hood around the edge and insert a tie or elastic here so that it fits snugly enough to the head. Here's how to sew a pet jumpsuit at home.

We sew a hat, boots, a blanket with our own hands

After the dog clothes are made, sew beautiful shoes with your own hands. Indeed, in the cold season, reagents are scattered on the streets of cities. To prevent dogs from stepping on them, sharp stones, fragments with their paws, protect the legs of animals with shoes.

In order to sew shoes, take:
  • warm dense fabric (fleece or drape);
  • skin;
  • threads;
  • ribbons and limiters for them;
  • hole puncher.
Redraw the pattern. cut out soft tissue 2 details of the tops, and leather soles.

You can also sew shoes for dogs with a thread and a needle, without the help of a machine. Stitch the details. Make holes on the top of the tops with a hole punch. If this tool is not available, use a knife. Thread strings through here to tie your shoes. Place stops or tie knots at the ends of the ropes.

And for such a pattern of hats for dogs, you need a transparent sheet of paper or a file. Enlarge the presented scheme, redraw.

Attach one and the other half of the hat to the back. Run along the dotted line. Sew on the visor so that it holds its shape, put cardboard or plastic inside. This hat is two-layer, consists of the main and soft lining fabric.

If you want to tie a headdress on an animal, then shorten the sidewall pattern, and sew ribbons just below the visor.

For beginners, seamstresses can be advised to make for four-legged friend blanket. In such a cape, the dog’s body will not freeze, it will not be afraid of wind and a slight cold snap.

This dress is very easy to make. With your own hands, the patterns need to be redrawn on paper, putting the dimensions of your dog.

As you can see, the blanket is cut out in the form of an apron. Ribbons will help tie it on the animal. Such a cape can be sewn from one fabric or make a blanket with two or three layers.

Now you know how to make clothes for dogs with your own hands using a pattern. If you adore your pet, make a house or a soft couch so that he can rest there.

How to make a house, a bed for animals?

You can make a shelter for a medium or small dog from a cardboard box. See how the parts are arranged.

You need to lay out the box, fold its bottom and sides so that they make a floor, 2 walls and two halves of a gable roof. From small sides, make 2 narrow acute-angled sidewalls on the roof, cutting a round hole in one of them so that the animal can freely pass into it.

Make the dog house so that the animal fits freely there, can stretch out to its full length and turn around.

Cardboard housing is the easiest option. Sew the house out of thick foam rubber so that it holds its shape. To do this, take:
  • thick fabric;
  • foam rubber 5–8 cm thick;
  • wide braid for finishing;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • a pair of compasses or a frying pan lid.
First determine the size of the house. Its height is the height of the dog multiplied by 1.5. The size of the walls should be such that the pet can stretch out there, freely enter, exit, turn around.

Focusing on the previous photo, reveal the details:

  • one - sex;
  • two - wide walls;
  • 2 - roofs;
  • two - narrow walls (one of them with an opening for entry).
From the fabric you need to cut the floor - two canvases for each part, plus 1.5-2 cm on each side of the seam allowances; and from foam rubber one is the same and without allowances. Fold 2 pieces of the floor right sides, sew from three edges. Turn through the fourth. Insert the cut out sheet of foam rubber here, wrap the edges of the fabric inward, stitch.

Also decorate the details of the roof, sidewalls. From the entrance side, cut a hole along the lid from a frying pan or other template, wrap it around with braid.

The entrance to the house can be either round or rectangular. If you wish, cut it into an arch shape.

Sew the details together, focusing on the photo hint, and you can invite your pet to celebrate housewarming in a new home!

There are more simple options decoration of the dog's resting place. Make a bed for your pet. It consists of a bottom and three or four sidewalls. If they are tall, make 3 so that it is comfortable for the dog to enter here.

Bottom - oval, round or rectangular. It is sewn from the top and bottom thick fabric. Soft foam rubber is placed inside. Now you need to measure the perimeter of the bottom and cut out the sides of the couch of such a length.

Sew the side one-piece, consisting of the upper and lower fabric, put foam rubber inside. If the bottom edge is square, topstitch at the corners. Then the sides will have a shape.

Here's how to make a dog bed or dog house. It remains to tell you how to sew a bag, because owners of small animals often carry dogs. It is not very convenient to hold them in your hands, it is much better to transport them in a special bag.

Buy a carrier or make your own?

See how interesting it is to sew such a thing with your own hands. For her you will need:

  • durable fabric (you can take a raincoat);
  • thin foam rubber or cardboard;
  • lining fabric;
  • centimeter;
  • thread with a needle;
  • pins;
  • crayon;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

  1. In order to sew a dog carrier, you need to measure the height, length, width of the pet. Add a few cm so that it does not hinder the movement of the animal. In this example, the height of the bag is 28, and the width is 20 cm. For this, you need to cut out a canvas measuring 76 by 35 cm, plus 3 cm seam allowances (since the stitch slightly reduces the canvas).
  2. To make the bag quilted, place the lining on the front side, on it - the cardboard of the same size, and on it - the main fabric, right side up.
  3. Pin the resulting "sandwich" with pins around the edges. Use chalk and a ruler to draw horizontal and vertical lines to make squares. They may be small, but to make it easier to work, make them large, for example, with sides of 7–9 cm.
  4. Sew the lines along the markings, remove the pins. Now fold the canvas right sides, pulling the smaller edge to the same (35 cm). Make a seam on one side and symmetrical on the other side. Bottom, on the wrong side, stitch 4 corners. They will mark the bottom and sides. At the same time, we detach two corners on one side and 2 on the other.
  5. Insert a zipper. If you want your dog to occasionally lie down in the bag to rest, then don't make a recess for the head. If you want to decorate this detail, make a semicircular cutout at the top of the small sidewall, process it. But it should not be too big so that the dog, for example, being frightened of something, could not jump out of the carrier.
  6. Make the handles of the bag a comfortable length for you so that you can hang it on your shoulder if you wish.
Here's how much you can make yourself for your pet. We offer you to see how clothes for dogs are sewn with your own hands, so that you even better understand some of the nuances of this interesting and useful activity:

In winter, dog owners try to protect their pets from the cold by dressing them up in amazing outfits. Overalls for dogs, especially for small puppies just right. In what only overalls do not run four-legged friends in the snow. True, the price of these clothes is quite high, and not everyone can afford such a purchase. But any needlewoman can sew a winter outfit, the main thing is that a pattern of overalls for a dog is at hand and that's it necessary materials. Such a product will look even more refined than store options.

In winter, dog owners try to protect their pets from the cold by dressing them up in amazing outfits.

This outfit is suitable for both a cocker spaniel girl, a bulldog, and a labrador. The main thing is to make all measurements correctly so that the pet is not only warm, but also comfortable in such attire.

Building a pattern and sewing step by step:

  1. First of all, you need to measure the length of the back from the neck to the base of the tail.
  2. After that, build a pattern grid. For this purpose, the resulting value is divided by eight. This will be the size of the grid square.
  3. Transfer the pattern to paper and cut it out.
  4. Transfer each detail to the fabric, not forgetting the seam allowances.
  5. Cut and sweep, stitch.
  6. Process the legs, insert elastic bands.
  7. Neck and back overalls also process and retract the elastic.
  8. Sew the flaps for the fastener and sew on a wide Velcro.

How to make a do-it-yourself jumpsuit pattern for a small dog (video)

How to sew a jumpsuit for a Yorkie with your own hands

The miniature overalls model is designed for small dogs. Suitable for both Yorkshire Terrier and Toy Terrier. The tailoring is quite simple. The main thing is just not to make a mistake with the sizes.

Master class on cutting and sewing:

  1. Take measurements: the length from the neck to the base of the tail, the girth of the neck, wrists of the front and hind legs, the volume of the thighs and the place where the front paws pass to the shoulder blade.
  2. Additionally, measure the circumference of the waist and chest.
  3. Based on the data obtained, make a pattern, while not forgetting about the hole for the tail.
  4. Transfer the finished pattern to the fabric, cut everything out and immediately baste.
  5. Try on the blank on the animal and, if necessary, correct inaccuracies.
  6. Stitch all the details together.
  7. Sew on a zipper.
  8. Insert elastic bands into the cuffs, collar and opening at the back.
  9. In addition, decorate the overalls with a pompom imitating a snowball, sew on small pockets.

The miniature overalls model is designed for small dogs.

Overalls for dachshund

Beginners are not recommended to start tailoring complex clothes. It would be best if the first job was to make blankets. In such a dress, the dog will not be cold. A funny product is sure to attract the attention of others.

Working process:

  1. Put the pattern on the fabric from the wrong side and circle it with chalk.
  2. Cut, but make allowances about a centimeter around the entire perimeter.
  3. Sew on a piece of fabric measuring 11x17 cm for the breast.
  4. On the back of the blanket, grind off the tucks.
  5. Flip around the edge of the workpiece.
  6. Sew Velcro on the side and on the chest.

In this dress, the dog will not be cold

Tip: if you plan to wear clothes in the winter, you additionally need to cut out a lining from the padding polyester.

Pattern of overalls for a dog-boy

Features of the cut of a dog outfit directly depend on the gender of a four-legged friend. That is why it is so important to choose the appropriate pattern. This jumpsuit is perfect for dogs. large breeds as well as small and medium sized animals. It can be used as a regular raincoat. If you equip your clothes with a warm lining, then in winter your pet will feel comfortable in it.

Working process:

  1. Take all measurements and cut the material.
  2. Immediately sew the hood to the neck, additionally insert an elastic band.
  3. Fold the details of the visor right sides to each other and sew.
  4. Turn them right side out and work along the edge, which is curved.
  5. Overlap the straight edge.
  6. Sew the visor under the edge of the front of the hood, directly along the groove.
  7. Sew the side elements and the tummy.
  8. Only after that sew on the sleeves.
  9. Stitch the cuffs and pull the elastic bands into them.

At the final stage, sew on a zipper.

How to sew a snowsuit for a chihuahua

An unusual jumpsuit can be sewn not only for a Chihuahua, but also for a pug, spitz, poodle and other medium-sized dogs. Visually, this outfit resembles a coat. Having dressed up an animal in such clothes, you can not be afraid that it will be cold on a walk.

Working process:

  1. Take the necessary measurements and draw a diagram on paper.
  2. Fold the fabric in half and cut out two halves of the future product from it. At the same time, be sure to make small allowances for the seams.
  3. Similarly, cut out the details of the lining.
  4. Sew the outer parts with the lining, leaving only the sleeves unfinished.
  5. Sew a strip along the bottom, the width of which should correspond to the width of the chest.
  6. Sew one of the upper seams with a strip, and sew a zipper into the remaining one.
  7. Knit a neat collar and sew it to the hem.
  8. Connect all remaining parts.

Tip: Sleeves should not be short. Better if they were a little longer. The cuffs equipped with elastic bands will not allow the fabric to fall, and the animal will be much more comfortable in loose clothing.

Overalls for a miniature dog made of terry socks

From a pair of ordinary socks, you can make two original overalls at once, each of which will be special and very comfortable. Even without sewing skills, making such outfits will turn out without the slightest problem.

What is necessary:

  • socks;
  • yarn for knitting "Grass";
  • elastic threads;
  • needle;
  • hook;
  • paper;
  • ruler.

Working process:

  1. Put the toe with the heel up and draw a center line from the center of the heel to the toe.
  2. After that, draw a perpendicular line at a distance of about three centimeters.
  3. Measure ten centimeters from this line and draw another segment.
  4. On these perpendicular lines, mark the places of future holes for the paws.
  5. On paper, make a template for future holes by drawing a pair of circles with a diameter of three centimeters and a pair of ovals, the diameter of which should be 6x3 centimeters.
  6. Fix the templates with threads in the designated areas on the fabric.
  7. Fasten the jersey along the perimeter of the template with an elastic thread with a machine seam so that the fabric does not fray.
  8. Cut holes and remove templates.
  9. Using a hook and yarn, tie all the holes, making the usual double crochets.
  10. Try on the animal blank and mark with chalk all the necessary holes.
  11. Process them and cut them in the same way as in the case of cuts for the paws.

From the second sock, make a similar jumpsuit, but additionally tie the sleeves, carefully cut through and process the holes for the ears with high quality.

We cut a warm jumpsuit for a dog (video)

As a material for overalls, you can use not only fabric, but also genuine leather, as well as sew from old clothes that have not been worn for a long time. In this case, the dog will look incredibly stylish and original. If the main objective- to prevent the animal from freezing, it is better to resort to the use of more practical materials. the hostess can sew for her devoted friend not only a jumpsuit, but also a suit, a vest, various jackets, in which the dog will be warm. You can download the pattern on the Internet. After work on clothes is finished, it's time to think about shoes.

Other types of sewing

And where is the combo for large dogs??????????????


Is there a pattern for a basenji?

Having got a dog small breeds should be remembered not only proper nutrition and care for it, but also the fact that such breeds do not have an undercoat or the wool itself as such. Therefore, they are often cold and can get sick. To protect the animal from cold and moisture, he, like a person, needs clothes.

Clothes for small dogs with their own hands

Now in stores a huge selection of clothes suitable for dogs small breeds. Here you can choose overalls, blouses, T-shirts, dresses, as well as shoes, hats and other accessories. Models and prices for every taste. But if you want to dress your pet stylishly, beautifully, and most importantly, warm and comfortable, then you don’t have to spend a lot of money on it. Try to act as a designer and dress up your dog with your own hands. Believe me, it's not that difficult.

What do we need to create dog clothes with our own hands? First, the fabric. It must be durable and easy to maintain. We choose the material depending on what model we will sew and for what season. T-shirts, t-shirts, dresses made of cotton and knitwear are suitable for summer. In autumn, it is necessary to protect the pet from moisture and dirt. To do this, we use waterproof fabrics such as raincoat fabric and bologna. The winter version must be warm and not blown. The lining is needed from natural fabric - flannel or plush materials. And you can knit very beautiful and warm outfits. Yarn must be hypoallergenic and non-spiky.

Secondly, a machine (you can also sew with your hands), strong threads, needles. Buttons, buttons or clasp for fastening. As well as bows, ruffles for jewelry. Knitting needles or hook and yarn for knitting. Patterns of clothes for dogs can be drawn by yourself or found ready-made on the Internet.

How to take measurements for an outfit

In order for the outfit to fit perfectly on your pet - it does not hinder movement and does not rub the skin, as well as to make the right patterns of clothes for dogs measurements must be taken correctly:

All measurements are carried out only in a standing position..

The pattern of clothing for dogs should follow the contour of the animal, for this it is necessary to take measurements at the widest places, such as the girth of the neck. It is equal to the circumference of the collar. We measure the bust just behind the front legs. Back length - the distance from the withers to the base of the dog's tail in a standing position. Length between legs. The length of the hind and front legs. Circumference of the head and muzzle. Distance from ear to ear. Do not forget to add 1-3 cm to the dog clothes pattern for seam allowance and loose fitting of clothes.

The main stages of building a pattern

When making a pattern for any clothing, be patient and self-possessed. After all, every detail should fit perfectly on your pet.

  • First we draw a rectangle, one of the sides should be equal to the length of the product.
  • Set aside points equal to the measurements of the waist and chest line.
  • Now you need to highlight the width of the back, lengthening the pattern line.
  • We divide the width of the back into two identical parts, mark the intersection point and measure 1/3 of the girth of the animal's neck from it.
  • We connect the dots in a semicircle and we get the neck line.
  • Then we make a shoulder cut and calculate the width of the armhole for the front and hind legs of the pet.
  • When making a pattern of clothes for dogs with your own hands, do not forget to leave a cutout for the tail.
  • For a pattern of sleeves, you must measure the height of all the paws of the dog, the volume - along the bones of the upper joint.

Models and patterns for dogs

So, let's look at what must be in the wardrobe of our little pet.

  • Warm jumpsuit for cold and windy weather.
  • Lightweight for fall and spring.
  • Waterproof suit for rainy weather.
  • Cape or blanket.
  • Several jumpers and hats.

Summer outfits - T-shirts, T-shirts, dresses, skirts are not so necessary attributes of a dog's wardrobe. It already depends on the desire of the owner to dress up his pet.

simple blanket

Let's start sewing with the simplest model - blankets. The blanket is a special design vest. It is easy to put on, does not hinder movement and does not cover the paws. The blanket well protects the back and chest of the dog from the cold. The fabric can be taken fleece, felt, cashmere or cotton, calico as an easy option.

So, make a pattern. We measure the length of the back from the neck to the tail and the girth of the neck and chest. We decide on the width of our blanket. It can be up to the elbows or cover only the back. We set aside these dimensions on paper and draw a pattern. Don't forget to leave seam allowances. So that the product sits well, below, across chest, sew on a strap or an elastic strip with an elastic band inside. You can trim the cape with a collar or hood to protect your neck and head.

The same blanket can be knitted with your own hands. It can be a rectangular or triangular version with a knitted hole for the tail.

We start knitting from the gate. We collect on the knitting needles the number of loops equal to the girth of the neck. We knit to a height of 4-5 cm (or a little higher) with an elastic band. After that, we close the number of loops corresponding to 1/3 of the neck circumference, now we knit the back with any pattern. Do not forget in each 2 rows at the beginning and at the end to do one crochet. When the width of the back reaches 2/3 of the circumference of the chest, we knit straight without increments. 10–12 cm before the end of knitting, along the edges of each second front row, we knit two loops together - this is how we reduce the knitting width. If we do not do this reduction, then the back at the bottom will turn out with corners. So that the edges do not wrap, it is better to knit the first and last 3-4 loops only with facial loops.

Belt - a strip passing under the pet's belly, we knit with an elastic band separately. We can knit it in any width, and a length equal to 1/3 of the chest circumference and 1 cm for the fastener. We sew one part of the finished belt to one edge of the back of the blanket, and fix the other to the other edge with buttons or Velcro. And the belt can be made from two strips of unequal length. Then we sew them symmetrically on the sides of the back and connect them together with Velcro.

We sew overalls

The material for the overalls is light with a water-repellent effect.. This is a universal model. You can make a warm lining for colder weather.

What you need for work:

We have enough measurement data to make a simple overalls scheme, where we will take into account everything anatomical features dog structures. Transfer the desired measurements to the cardboard and connect the points that appear to each other. Add 30 mm to them from above - this is enough for the back of the dog. Then we cut out two identical parts for the overalls.

We transfer the pattern to the material, cut it out and manually sew the product. Let's try it on a dog. We do this in order to see all the inaccuracies and flaws. We correct them on the product and transfer the corrections to the cardboard. Now we will be sure that the clothes will sit on the dog as it should.

Bait and then sew together all the details of our jumpsuit, insert the zipper and elastic into the cuffs, collar and ponytail slot. Do not sew pants very short - because of this, the pet will feel constrained and uncomfortable. Make a larger allowance for the length. Rubber bands inserted into the legs will allow the dog not to step on the fabric. You can decorate the jumpsuit with small beautiful details and quickly go for a walk to show off your new thing.

Sweater for a small breed dog

The easiest way to sew a sweater from an ordinary sleeve from your old sweater. Just make sure she doesn't wobble. You don't even need to make a pattern here. The elastic of the sleeve will be the collar. From it, set aside the length of your dog's back. Sew the sleeve and cut off any excess. Now you need to mark, cut and sweep holes for the legs. Here is our sweater.

Making shoes for your pet

Choosing a non-slip material for making shoes. When making a pattern, you need to measure the size of the paw of the dog - this will be the sole.

We cut out a round piece from dense material or leather, which is equal to the diameter of the foot. We make a margin of a couple of centimeters. To keep the dog from slipping you can make a rubberized patch on the outside.

Next, we make stockings from a thinner fabric. To do this, cut out a rectangle that is equal to the circumference of the sole without increments. We make a margin of 1–2 cm on the sides. The height of the stocking is the distance from the hock joint to the ground (so that the dog can bend its paw). We sew upper part so that the string can be inserted. Then we connect the sole and our stocking with a margin inside. We also sew the sides. Now we turn out our cylinder and cut off the stock so that it does not cause inconvenience to the dog. Insert the string. You can use an elastic band instead of a lace. But no matter what you use a lace or an elastic band, make sure that it does not overtighten the foot. So you can sew both outdoor and indoor shoes for your pet.

Hat for a small breed dog

Baby yarn is good for knitting a hat for your pet. She is soft and not scratchy.

We need knitting needles No. 4, wool, fur or ready-made pompoms.

The hat is knitted with a whole fabric from the muzzle to the neck, while knitting the armhole for the ears.

We collect 44 loops on the knitting needles, we knit 3 cm with an elastic band 2X2, then we knit the fabric with the front surface of 6 cm.

With the help of an auxiliary knitting needle, close parts 2 and 4 and continue to knit the third part for 4 cm.

We collect all 5 parts on one knitting needle, we continue knitting.

We knit the first part, in place of the closed loops of 2 and 4 parts, we collect the same number of loops and continue knitting all the parts with the front stitch 4 cm.

We finish the hat with an elastic band 2x2 3 cm. We close all the loops, sew on pompoms or fur.

Here is the original cap.

Put the collar on closer to the muzzle and measure the distance from it through the back of the head to the eyes. This will be the length of the pattern rectangle. We also measure the distance between the ears. This is the width. Draw a rectangle for the cap. Put a dot in the middle of the length of the rectangle. Here we will sew the drawstring.

Now draw a smaller rectangle. This is a coulisse. For the length we take the distance between the ears. Width 2-5 cm depends on the size of the dog.

We make a visor. The first side is equal to the distance between the ears. The other is your imagination. You can create any size and shape. Now we transfer the details to the fabric. We make the visor double. We make an allowance for the seams and sew. Sew on the drawstring and thread the cord. Sew the elastic on the sides of the cap. The cap is ready.

Instead of lace and drawstring, we can sew an elastic band, but then you will not be able to adjust the width of the hat as you wish. You can also fix the cap on the dog's head with a ribbon or cord.

The owner who cares about his pet pays attention not only to nutrition, physical activity and health of the dog, but also seeks to protect it from cold and rain, as well as to dress in accordance with fashion trends for pets. A brightly and tastefully dressed dog cheers up both its owners and the people around them. And if the owner also knows the art of sewing, then the task becomes much easier. It is enough to purchase the necessary fabric and find suitable patterns, and you can create the entire wardrobe with your own hands, from raincoats to holiday dresses.

How to choose dog clothes patterns

When choosing patterns of clothes for dogs, you need to pay attention first of all to:

  1. Different dog breeds have different body proportions. For example, a Stafford and a Poodle, even though they are approximately the same in size, however, clothes sewn according to a pattern for a Poodle will be small in the chest for a Stafford. Therefore, clothes for pets are often sewn to order according to individual measurements.
  2. Do not forget that clothes for a dog should be comfortable first of all. Therefore, pay attention not only to the beauty of the clothes, because manufacturers first of all sew clothes, oddly enough, for the owners, in accordance with the fashion of the canine world.

You can also sew shoes for a dog, but it is worth noting that not all dogs perceive shoes on their paws right away. This may take time.


In rainy weather, a raincoat will come in handy in a dog's wardrobe. Made of waterproof fabric, this raincoat with a hood will keep your dog's coat from getting wet and dirty during a walk.

  1. We cut fabric for a raincoat.
  2. We cut two parts of the hood. We sew them, sew on the lace gathered on the thread.
  3. We also sew lace around the entire edge of the cloak.
  4. We sew the hood and body, you can decorate it with appliqué.
  5. Add Velcro fasteners.
  6. The coat is ready!

By reducing or increasing the pattern, you can sew a raincoat as for yorkshire terrier, and for the Great Dane.

Universal pattern of clothes for dogs

This overalls pattern is called universal because, having made small edits, it is easy to form another pattern out of it and the pet will have a different wardrobe item - for example, a jacket.

  1. For tailoring, you will need a measure of the length of the back. It is removed from the base of the neck to the root of the tail.
  2. We divide the length of the back by 8 and get the side of the square of the dimensional grid, along which the pattern is built.
  3. By changing the length and volume of the legs (when trying on), we adjust to the parameters of your pet.
  4. Detail 2 is a wedge that is sewn between the front paws with a narrow end.

Warm sweater

Next in line is a warm jacket for the dog. Here is her pattern.

On the image:

  1. Bottom trim. Size 2*2.5 inch.
  2. Cuffs. Need 2 pieces, size 1.5*2.5 inch.
  3. Collar. Height 7 inches, length should match the pattern.
  4. These parts are best cut out of stretch.
  5. We fold the details of the cuffs and neck in half, sew.
  6. It turns out the detail, as in the photo.
  7. We bend the fabric of the main part in the middle and cut it with this in mind. We unfold, make sure that the part is symmetrical and return to its original position. Sew along the line in the second picture.
  8. Sew on the edging, cuffs and neckline.


A soft harness for a chihuahua is one of the easiest to make.

  1. We cut according to the pattern 4 parts made of denim, mesh, synthetic winterizer or fleece and lining.
  2. We sew the appliqué to the mesh and denim.
  3. We sweep all the details together, we sheathe the edge with an oblique trim.
  4. Sew the fastener straps to the harness.

Dog bed

In addition to clothing, a comfortable lounger can also be sewn for a pet.

1. We start by building a pattern. For dogs different size appropriate to do and sleeping place more or less.

2. We cut the fabric according to our pattern, not forgetting the seam allowances.

3. We sew a side. This is how it looks when finished.

4. We sew the side to the bottom.

5. To make the cover easier to wash, attach a zipper.

6. You can sew such a comfortable bed with your own hands. We are sure that your pet will appreciate the effort and love that you have put into the work.

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