The oldest cat is Guinness. The oldest cats in the world. Age record holders from the Guinness Book

Since ancient times, cats have been quite mysterious animals. Their intelligence, abilities and character are amazing. Cats live on average 12–15 years, but there are a few centenarians who have lived quite long and unusual lives.

Age record holders from the Guinness Book

The oldest cat on earth is considered pet named Lucy. She lived for 43 years, which, if converted to human age, would be 175 years. She lives in the UK. Its owner is Bill Thomas. His pet feels great and catches mice perfectly. Her only drawback is that she has completely lost her hearing.

Lucy was born in the town of Llanelli in 1972, Bill's aunt told about it. She knew the cat earlier, 40 years ago, when she had a different owner. Bill has had a cat since 1999; he got it after his aunt died. After such an unusual story, the owner showed the cat to the veterinarian, who confirmed her record age. Veterinarians are looking for the reasons for the cat’s longevity, but she continues to enjoy life and catch mice.

One of the oldest cats in the whole world is Cream Puff, who lived 38 years. She was born in the town of Austin. Her record is included in the Guinness Book. She holds second place. The cat was born in 1967 and died only in 2005. She lived a long and joyful life. The owner of the cat is Jake Perry.

He believes that his pet lived so long thanks to a special diet that included natural products(broccoli, bacon, asparagus and eggs).

He treated her like a member of the family, with great love and affection. A few years ago, Cream Puff was the oldest cat, but the situation changed when in 2011 the cat Lucy became known all over the world. The story about it was described above.

The next place in the Guinness Book of Records belongs to a cat nicknamed Capitolina. She lives in Melbourne. She is one of the oldest living cats. Today her age is 34 years old.

Can't help but mention about the long-liver Kitty, who lived for 31 years. She lived in Staffordshire. Her owner was D. Johnson. This cat was quite graceful, but at the age of 30 she was able to give life to two kittens, which deserves respect.

And here Blackie the cat lived to be 25 years old, which in human age is 117 years. She also lives in England. Today she feels fine, but only her vision is failing, but her hearing is fine.

Champions by age in Russia

Russia also has its own rating of cats that have lived longer than others. The first place among long-lived Russian cats is occupied by Basilio, who celebrates his 26th birthday this year. He lives in Kostroma. He feels great, so he will soon be able to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

It should also be noted the cat Dymka. According to her owners, she is now 27 years old. She, too, has not yet been included in the Guinness Book, but media are talking and writing about her mass media. For example, Yana Rozova is already familiar with this cat and she really likes to tell the whole world about her. She took part in the Echo of Moscow program.

And he closes the top three centenarians in Russia mongrel cat Murka. She lived for 20 years. The cat was found in Star City, from where it came to V. Trunov, who was responsible for training USSR cosmonauts. Murka was a full-fledged member of the Trunov family. She had a very accommodating character and was easy to like.

Another Russian cat that deserves attention - Roxana. She lived for 19 years, which is a worthy result. She lived in the city of Serov and belonged to the Persian breed. Roxana appeared in 1994, and had a very presentable pedigree, which undoubtedly made it possible to accurately name the dates of birth and death.

And here Russian cat Chernyshka lived 16 years, which can be attributed to longevity. She was born and lived in Irkutsk. Its owner was Olga Ponomareva, who loved her very much. The cat had a very flexible and soft character. It can be classified as a “yard” cat.

Reasons for longevity

As you know, cats live very little on the street. On average this ranges from five to seven years.

It is worth noting that such a low life expectancy is not due to increased danger, which is present on the street.

There are quite a few factors that influence a cat's lifespan. There is an opinion that the breed of a cat, as well as its pedigree, necessarily has an impact on the cat’s life. Thus, Persian cats usually live several years longer. Although Siamese and british cats also have fairly good life rates.

However, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the opposite information. So, quite often outbred cats are long-lived. Although the list of the world's longest-livers proves that the breed has minimal impact on the lifespan of cats. But don’t forget about the pedigree, since good genetics usually has a positive effect on a cat’s well-being. They are usually with good health, rarely get sick. But this is not the secret of longevity.

Every owner wants their pet to live as long as possible. Of course, we all understand that nothing lasts forever, the hour of separation will come sooner or later, but in order to delay it, you need to take into account the following recommendations from experts:

  • should be observed correct mode feeding, be sure to listen to the advice of veterinarians (only an examination by a veterinarian will allow you to determine the cat’s diet, what and in what quantities);
  • it is necessary to make regular visits to the veterinarian, namely, it is necessary to carry out all vaccinations on time and do not forget about routine examinations in order to immediately detect a health problem and begin treatment on time (remember that cats are excellent at hiding pain, so even if there are no symptoms of disease, you should still go to veterinarians);
  • don't forget the meaning physical activity for a cat, regardless of age, even after 10 years, pets love to actively spend time with their owner - play catch with a toy or hunt for a fly;
  • dental health is very important for a cat and its life expectancy, you should regularly do routine dental examinations, as well as monitor their hygiene - brush using a special toothbrush and paste, remove plaque;
  • If you do not plan to breed, you should immediately spay or neuter your pet, because there is also a certain period for this procedure, which an experienced veterinarian will help you figure out.

Breeds of long-lived cats

Today on the planet there is great amount cat breeds. Some veterinarians are inclined to believe that breed has an impact on a pet's life expectancy. It is worth considering which cat breeds are long-lived.


They usually live for about 14 years, but can live up to 20 years. It is Thai cats that are often long-lived. They are very smart, interesting and inquisitive, and they love to take part in all household chores. They are highly trainable and can even be taught to open doors without any help.

Thai koshi are rightfully considered an ideal option for a family with children.


This breed is famous in every corner of our planet. She was so loved thanks to her amazing character, since she becomes quite attached to her owner, she may experience feelings of jealousy towards other pets.

Siamese cats perfectly capture the mood of the owner and react violently when the owner pays attention to them.

Quite often they live to be 12 years or more.

Japanese Bobtail

This breed is often called one of the most ancient, because images of cats were found on imperial engravings, as well as on ancient temples. These cats are characterized by unpretentiousness, understanding and devotion. They are practically not prone to molting, which is worth noting as an undeniable advantage. Cats of this breed love water, love to swim, and can also go fishing. On average their age is 18 years.

They are quite rare.

Asian Longhair

Such cats are quite often pets.

They are very loyal to their owners. They practically never leave their side; sometimes such a strong attachment even begins to interfere with the owner.

Cats are characterized by increased talkativeness. They are attracted by the comfort and coziness of the home, so they are quite rare in the yard. On average, representatives of the Asian Longhair breed live about 18 years, although it can be longer.

Asian shorthair

This cat breed also has an average long life, which can even exceed 20 years. The peculiarity of this cat is that it gets along well with other pets.

This breed has short hair, which in a positive way affects the cleanliness of the house.

Pets are quite sociable, although they do not impose themselves on the owner.

From this video you will learn how long cats live and how to extend the life of your pet.

Meet Rubble, a cat from Exeter, England, who is now called the "oldest cat in the world." Rubble the cat recently celebrated its 30th birthday. The cat and his owner Michelle Foster are the most best friends, she received as a kitten on her 20th birthday, back in May 1988.

Michelle believes that the secret to Rubble's longevity is that she cares for him like a child, she has never had children, so the cat is always surrounded by care and attention.

"He's a lovely cat, although he's gotten a little grumpy in his old age," she said. He's old and doesn't want too much attention. We'd rather he just be left to live quietly in his old age.

The oldest cat to ever live, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is Creme Puff, who was born on August 3, 1967 and lived an incredible 38 years and three days until August 6, 2005! It is not known whether Rubble will break this record, but its owner is proud of the achievement that exists. Michelle remembers very well her 20th birthday, when she was given a kitten; at that time she lived alone, as she had just left her parents for an independent life. The cat brightened up her loneliness.

Now the cat is suffering from high blood pressure, so the owner constantly visits the veterinarian with him, but in general the cat is still full of strength and is in excellent health.
This is what Rubble looked like 30 years ago

And so 30 years later

Behind last years The average life expectancy of domestic cats is growing rapidly and by given time is 12-15 years old. Wild cats On average they live 5-8 years. This difference is explained by a number of factors - habitat, nutrition, immunity, etc.

The life of pets is full of the amenities they need - pure water, tasty and healthy food, their own place to sleep and relax, which they only win from their owner. The weather outside the window will also have little effect on the cat; at most it will arouse curiosity. If pet fell ill, he will be immediately taken to the doctor. The owner's care protects the cat from any adversity.

Outdoor cats are constantly exposed to stress. Their life is a continuous struggle for existence.

Fewer vitamins, lack of habitat hygiene, constant wars with relatives and larger enemies significantly shorten the life of a wild cat.

Longevity statistics for some breeds:

Live up to 11 years: Snow-shoe
Live up to 12 years: Bombay (Bombay)
Russian blue
People who live up to 13 years of age: American Bobtail
Exotic Shorthair
People who live up to 14 years of age: York (York Chocolate)
Scottish straight
Ural rex
People who live up to 15 years are: Abyssinian
Asian shorthair
Arabian Mau
Bohemian rex
British Shorthair
Cymric (longhaired Manx)
Selkirk Rex
Sphinx (Canadian Sphynx)
People who live up to 16 years of age: Maine Coon
People who live to be 17 years old: Australian smoke
Neva Masquerade
People who live up to 18 years of age: Asian Longhair (Tiffany)
Devon Rex
Japanese Bobtail
People who live to be 19 years old: Asian tabby
People who live up to 20 years are: American Shorthair
Manx tailless (Monx)

But among the cats there are also those who have lived 25, 30 or more years, and by human standards this is over 100 years.

The most famous long-lived cats

In 2010, Blackie from Great Britain became the record holder for longevity. In my 25 years White cat survived three of her litters. Now the old woman, of course, is not such a quick hunter, her eyesight has decreased, her fur sheds heavily, but she continues to live quite well full life. Master Blackie believes that main reason The longevity of a cat is his love and care for her.

In the same year, two more centenarians, belonging to a Texas resident, Jake Perry, were entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Cream Puff, whose name literally translates to “Cream Pie,” lived to be 38 years and 3 days. Granpa Rex Alen, a Sphynx breed, lived a little less - 34 years and 2 months. This grandpa was very popular cat. Sometimes parties were held in his honor, at which Granpa was not averse to eating bacon, broccoli and coffee. Some experts believe that this is the secret of his longevity.

In 2011, the name of the absolute record holder for longevity among cats became known: Lucy. When she came into the Thomas family, her owner Bill did not immediately notice what an old-timer she was. His elderly neighbors reported that 40 years ago, a cat was running around his aunt’s store. The veterinarian confirmed that the cat lived a very long life. Lucy is feeling great now. Despite almost complete absence Rumor has it that she continues to worthily protect the house from mice.

Spike the cat lived in one of the villages of England for 30 long years. When he was 19, he was wounded in a fight with a dog. He had to have throat surgery and, despite the doctors' pessimistic forecasts, Spike survived. Perhaps the local climate and healthy eating helped him overcome the average life expectancy. On his last birthday, the owner buried her pet with chicken prepared according to a special recipe.

A cat who lived for 24 years. She received Guinness World Records status as the oldest living cat on the planet.

34 years is an indicator tabby cat Ma from UK

Old man Puss lived a little more - 37 years. In Australia, there lives a Burmese cat, Lady Catalina, who is already 37 years old.

In Russia, the most famous long-lived cat is Prokhor. Now he is 28.

Factors affecting the lifespan of cats

How long a cat will live depends both on genetics and on the characteristics of each breed. But there are other factors:

  • Correct diet. Balanced diet - necessary vitamins and microelements will help to qualitatively increase the vitality of your pet.
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly; a timely examination will help you detect and prevent dangerous diseases.
  • Create the most comfortable conditions for your four-legged friend. active life and rest. Play with the cat.
  • Proper care of teeth, nails and coat. Maintaining hygiene will improve your cat's health.
  • Sterilization. This will help maintain the health and energy resources of your animal.
  • Monitor your pet's weight. Obese cats tend to live much shorter lives.
  • Love your furry friend and be attentive to him.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love his pet. Unfortunately, most animals age much earlier than their owners. The average lifespan of a cat living at home is 15-18 years old. However, some representatives of the genus stand out from the rest. Most old cat lived much longer in the world.

Cream Puff and Lucy

The title of the oldest cat in the world is firmly assigned to a cat named Cream Puff. She was born in August 1967 and died at the beginning of the twenty-first century, in 2005. On that moment she was 38 years and three days old. For her age, Cream Puff was included in the Guinness Book of Records, and her performance has not yet been surpassed by anyone.

I wonder what this cat she removed the cat with whom she lived under the same roof from her pedestal. Their owner was Jake Perry, a US citizen. First he had a Sphynx cat named Granpa. He was born in 1964 and died when he was 34 years and two months old. A year after his death, Granpa received the title “Cat of the Year” in one of the magazines, and also found himself in the Guinness Book of Records. He was later replaced by Jake Perry's other cat, Cream Puff.

Despite the fact that officially the title of the oldest cats belonged to these animals, in fact the true record belongs to Lucy. She was born a little later, in 1972, and at the beginning of 2011 she was already over 39 years old. The only problem is that Lucy’s age is not officially confirmed, and therefore is not registered in the Guinness Book of Records.


In Staffordshire, D. Johnson lived with a small graceful cat named Kitii. She, like the record holders, managed to overcome the border at thirty years. Moreover, right before her thirtieth birthday, Kitty gave birth to two kittens.

Haze and Blackie

There are long-lived cats in Russian-speaking countries. For example, there is a known cat named Dymka, who is already more than twenty-seven years old. She is often talked about in the Russian media. Next comes english cat named Blackie. Despite its name, it is an animal with long white fur. She is twenty-five years old, and so far the only thing that bothers her is minor vision problems.


Another long-lived cat also lives in England. She was born in Dorset in 1990. She lived more than twenty-four years. In connection with this achievement, Poppy’s owners gave her a party with a real cake, and later ensured that the cat’s name was included in the Guinness Book of Records.


When Murka was a little kitten, not even a week old, she ended up in Star City, where she fell into the hands of V. Trunov’s family. In those days he was in charge of the process on-site cosmonaut training Soviet Union . Since 1985, Murka has lived for twenty years. The owners explained such a respectable age personal characteristics cat, its character, as well as its position in the house. They considered their pet a real member of the family.


A cat named India cannot boast of such significant indicators as, for example, Lucy, but she also lived quite a long time - nineteen years. The blue-black beauty gained her fame due to the fact that she lived in the family of George Bush Sr. She was purchased specifically for the couple’s twins, who, according to them, loved their cat very much.

Roxana and Chernyshka

Roxanne, like India, died at the age of nineteen. This is a Persian breed cat that lived in Russia, in the city of Serov. It was possible to establish the exact date of birth and death, since the animal had a serious pedigree. The same cannot be said about Chernyshka, another Russian cat, but she also lived quite a long time. The courtyard black beauty with a gentle character was about sixteen years old.

Nutmeg and Velvet

Nutmeg is one of the cats that is stubbornly approaching the numbers indicated in the Guinness Book of Records. He lives with Ian and Liz Finlay in Newcastle, UK. He is already thirty-one years old, although it is difficult to accurately determine the animal’s age. The fact is that the future owners found him in their garden when he was already quite old. A tortured, sick cat who suffered from strong ulcers, took him to the vet. After examination, he said that Nutmeg was approximately five years old at that time.

The cat that came closest to these indicators was Velvet, who lived in America, in the state of Oregon. He is the oldest among male cats. His age is listed in the Guinness Book of Records at 27 years.

Why do some cats live so long?

It is a well-known fact that street cats rarely live longer than five to seven years, and this is not only due to the numerous dangers that await them at every turn. A variety of factors influence the lifespan of an animal. Some believe that this is affected, for example, by the breed of the cat and its pedigree.

There is data according to which Persian cats live several years longer than others. The British and Siamese breeds. However, there is also contrary data. They say that long-lived animals are usually outbred animals.

If you pay attention to the list of record holders given above, it becomes clear that the breed is unlikely to have any significant impact on the issue of longevity. Pedigree can still have an effect, since good genetics sometimes provides an animal with good health, which is of course important. However, the real secret of life expectancy is hidden in something completely different.

How to extend the life of your cat?

Every owner wants his pet to stay with him as long as possible. Of course, you need to be realistic and understand that separation will happen, sooner or later.

Fortunately, some tips will help you postpone the sad moment.

  • From birth you need to choose the right diet for your pet. It is best to do this with the help of a veterinarian. Based on the examination, he will advise what exactly and in what quantities the cat should eat.
  • You will have to visit the veterinarian afterwards. First of all, this is necessary for all vaccinations that need to be done regularly. Also, routine examinations will help to detect and eliminate health problems in a timely manner. It is important to remember that cats are excellent at masking pain, and therefore it is worth taking them to the doctor even if there are no signs of illness.
  • Physical activity is important for animals at any age. Even if the cat is already more than ten years old, it is quite possible to arrange races with it around the apartment or, for example, you can make it run in circles with the help of a toy.
  • Don't underestimate the importance of dental health. To take care of them, you need to visit the veterinarian regularly and brush them with a special brush.
  • If a cat or cat has no value from a breeding point of view, the animal must be castrated or sterilized according to all the rules, at the appropriate time. A doctor will help you determine it.

The world's oldest cat, Nutmeg, has died in Britain. He was 32 years old.

(Total 5 photos)

At the beginning of September 2017, the cat Natmeg passed away at the incredible age of 32 years for his relatives. In human terms, he would be 144 years old. However, it is worth noting that comparing the ages of animals and people is always quite conditional.

The cat's owners Liz and Ian Finlay from Blaydon-on-Tyne adopted Nutmeg after discovering him in their garden in 1990. Then the couple took the cat to the veterinarian, who, based on the condition of the teeth, determined that the animal was at least five years old. It also turned out that the unfortunate animal suffered from severe ulcers on its neck, but the couple literally came out of it. Since then, the owners have never parted with the animal.

After Nutmeg turned 30, he often became the center of media attention and was loved by Internet users.

Many saw in the cat’s eyes a unique combination of fatigue, irritation and wisdom, indicating that long years The animal has managed to understand a lot in life.

Serious problems The old cat's health problems began back in 2013, when he had a heart attack. In August, the old animal suffered from the disease respiratory tract, and also suffered from heart failure, so the owners decided to euthanize the old cat. Liz and Ian Finlay admitted that they were heartbroken because they loved each other very much fluffy pet.

The secret to his long life, according to the couple, was that he was not their pet. “We were his pets, and he never let us forget about it,” the owners say.

By the way, the oldest cat in history is considered to be the black and white Cream Puff from Texas: she died in August 2005 at the age of 38, which is approximately human age at 170 years old. On average, domestic cats live about 15 years.
