What is Lobotomy

It is safe to say that the units of us know the meaning of the word Lobotomy, although some used it in a conversation in ironic form. Let's try to figure out what lobotomy, the meaning of the word and the section of medicine, which uses this term.

What is Lobotomy

Lobotomy is a procedure associated with the branch of the frontal shares of the brain, with the destruction of the nerve endings to the acute subject. The method refers to punitive, anti-human medicine, which psychiatrists are trying to remember how less often. Initially, the lobotomy was applied to patients with severe forms of mental diseases, and then the procedure was used for people suffering from depression, suicide, homosexuals, for the treatment of difficult children. As a result of interference in the brain, quiet managed zombies were obtained without emotions and feelings.

Prefortional Lobotomy

For the first time, prefortional lobotomy was tested by the Portuguese neurosurgeon Egashek Monist in 1935. The patient was made by the trepanation of a skull and, a special metal loop, an insignificant injury was applied by the prefrontal sections of the frontal fraction, partially destroying the connection with the rest of the lobes.

The operation was carried out on people suffering from schizophrenia, and in some cases a positive result was obtained - the patient became manageable. At the same time, the emotional component of the person was destroyed, and the person turned into a "vegetable". For this discovery, Egash Monis received the Nobel Prize, which in the future they tried to challenge specialists and relatives of patients, but to no avail.

Transorbital Lobotomy

The follower of the American psychiatrist Walter Freimen went on his teacher, he did surgery through the opening of the socket, without damaging the eyeball. Fremen broke the thin bone of the skull vault with the help of an ice ax deployed in the opposite direction. The operation was done without anesthesia, the patient was turned off with electric shock and for ten minutes destroyed nervous bonds between brain shares by a barbaric way.

Freeman believed that psychic patients were first falling into a state of childhood, and then returned in adult life with mentally normal people. As a rule, patients remained in the "induced childhood", such a term called the freeman's condition of his patients, the rest of his life. He continued to observe them for a long time and came to the conclusion that the method is not only useless, but also harmful to most patients.

The consequences of lobotomy

After the lobotomy, the "Lobal Loli" syndrome was observed:

  • If the operation and rehabilitation of the patient went well, the memory, the recognition remained without visible changes. The emotional component of behavior disappeared, the ability to solve complex tasks, plan life, sympathize with loved ones, experience losses.
  • In some cases, the operation led to the patient's death (often operated inexperienced doctors - impostors).
  • Patients had attacks of epilepsy, seizures, Abscess and meningitis of the brain
  • Patients suffered obesity, they had no saturation sense
  • They could not cope on their own, eat, dress, behaved like small children

The residue of life mentioned the operation was carried out in psychiatric clinics, under the supervision of medical staff.

In modern psychiatry, the distinct drug is given by the drug Aminazine, he suppresses aggression, without changing the person, without destroying life. The gloomy story of psychiatry remained in the past and only chilling blood documents and photographs indicate terrible experiments on mentally ill people.

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