Allergic instructions for use. ✎ Real Reviews of Alergyx Allergy Remedy. Why is allergy becoming so common and dangerous?

Allergonix is ​​a new generation drug used to relieve allergy symptoms, and is approved for use in case of hypersensitivity. The medicinal product shows excellent results in the fight against allergic reactions, reduces the number of relapses.

What is the secret of the remedy? How to use it correctly to get the desired result? The answers to the questions are of interest to most allergy sufferers suffering from an unpleasant disease. Before starting therapy with Allergonix, read the instructions for the medication, do not exceed the dosage.

Pharmacological properties

Allergonix drops are absorbed by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract by 80%, the remaining 20% ​​- by the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. It is possible to increase the therapeutic effect by keeping the agent in the oral cavity for several minutes. After entering the patient's body, the active substances of the drug establish a strong bond with plasma proteins, which increases their distribution throughout the human body in a short period of time.

The effectiveness of Allergonix is ​​associated with blocking H1 receptors, which stops the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms, helps to reduce the negative reaction from the immune system to the stimulus. The natural components of the medicine have a general strengthening, immunostimulating effect on the victim's body. The therapeutic effect is felt within 10 minutes after taking the recommended dose.

A stable positive result is noted on the fifth day of continuous therapy. The half-life of the drug from the body is 10 hours, about 80% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, 10% is metabolized in the liver. The manufacturer recommends taking Allergonix for a long time, the remedy has a prolonged effect.

Composition and form of release of the medication

Allergonix is ​​available in the form of drops, one package includes 10 ml of medicated liquid. For convenience, the glass container is equipped with a measuring dispenser. Each carton contains instructions for use.

The tool is a herbal drops based on extracts from plants and other natural ingredients, which are aimed at correcting the hypersensitivity of immune cells to already formed antibodies to prevent a repeated allergic reaction. What is the secret of the effectiveness of the product?

Positive results are due to the natural composition of Allergonix, the absence of any chemical compounds:

  • birch, larch bark. They have a pronounced antiseptic effect, include betulin (the substance is considered a natural antibacterial agent);
  • beaver musk. Used to improve tone, strengthen immunity;
  • chaga- a special mushroom that grows on birches, it is rich in various vitamins, minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body;
  • badger fat is a source of essential fatty acids;
  • cumin, chestnut, amaranth. Increases the body's resistance to respiratory infections;
  • stone oil... Normalizes the work of the heart, kidneys, liver, increases the body's endurance, strengthens blood vessels;
  • chitosan- natural enterosorbent, helps to eliminate toxins, allergens;
  • dandelion, horsetail, mallow, cyanosis, burdock, elecampane. They are a powerful vitamin cocktail;
  • yarrow, immortelle, violet, lingonberry, tansy, St. John's wort, marjoram. The herbal collection, with regular use, strengthens the immune system, creates powerful protection against various infections, helps to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions, especially during exacerbations of seasonal allergies.

The combination of the healing elements of Allergonix has a complex effect on the patient's body, improves well-being, and has a beneficial effect not only on the course of allergies, but also on the functioning of human organs and systems.

Indications for use

Allergonix is ​​intended to relieve the symptoms of all types of allergies. The medication copes well with manifestations, pollen, food, dust mites.

The tool copes with the manifestations of an acute immune reaction:

  • nasal congestion, cramps, shortness of breath;
  • relieves swelling of the ENT organs;
  • relieves burning sensation;
  • copes with indigestion, abdominal pain, vomiting.

Complications of allergic reactions include: shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, regular surges in blood pressure, joint problems, lifelong medication, chronic allergic rhinitis.

Note! In 90% of all cases, a neglected allergy threatens with serious complications, negative consequences for the whole organism as a whole.


Allergonix is ​​a natural and safe medicinal product. The tool has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to individual components of the medication. The medicine is approved for use by children, elderly patients, persons suffering from serious diseases of various organs and systems.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of medicines with a similar effect. Why is it worth giving preference to Allergonix? The medicine has a lot of advantages compared to analogues, an important plus is the absence of chemical components. Other medicines are based on synthetic additives that can cause gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney problems.

Allergonix creates a natural barrier, blocks the path of infections, quickly relieves allergy symptoms, and is approved for use at any age. It is advisable to drink drops in long courses as a preventive, therapeutic agent.

The advantages of Allergonix include:

  • domestic production. The medication is manufactured on the territory of Russia, all components grow on the territory of our country, which makes its cost quite acceptable for all segments of the population;
  • fortifying effect: drops strengthen the immune system, improve the patient's quality of life;
  • unique composition of the drug: no analogue includes such a variety of natural ingredients in ideal proportions for the human body;
  • absolute safety: the product is allowed to be used by the elderly, children, patients with problems in the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and other organs;
  • ease of use: the medicine is easy to use, the product has a pleasant herbal taste and aroma;
  • availability of medication: Allergonix is ​​dispensed without a prescription, the reasonable price pleases many allergy sufferers;
  • high efficiency: regular use of herbal medicine leads to the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms in 85% of cases, elimination of seasonal allergies in 65% (according to the results of eight years of research).

The disadvantages of the drug include the need for regular use. The agent accumulates in the body, after the completion of the course it continues to act, but immediately the effect is not as noticeable as after the use of chemical medications, which immediately stop the symptoms of allergy.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer recommends pressing the pipette once, drip two drops of the product under the tongue. Hold the medicine in your mouth for a few minutes, drink it down with a few sips of purified water. As a preventive measure, take twice daily on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals). For treatment or acute attacks of an acute immune response, take half an hour before meals, three times a day for one month.

Allergonix is ​​allowed to be combined with other medications not related to the treatment of allergies. Before use, it is recommended to negotiate the combination of medications with your doctor.

  • if it is possible to prevent contact with an irritant (concerns, the presence of poplar fluff in the city of residence), you need to start taking Allergonix two weeks before this moment. It is advisable to conduct a prophylactic course in the off-season in autumn and spring. Take two drops neat. It is allowed to drip the product onto a piece of sugar, slowly dissolve it in the mouth;
  • with constant forced contact with an allergen, it is recommended to take 4 drops once under the tongue, then use three drops daily until a stable therapeutic effect is obtained. In this case, the course of therapy can last up to three months.


As such, there are no analogues of Allergonix. There are drugs that include one or more of the components presented in the product, but they have not yet produced a complete replacement for a natural drug.

Cost and reviews

You can buy the product in the online store at an affordable price - 999 rubles. Beware of counterfeits, buy medication on a trusted website, read patient reviews. The packaging must be complete, the expiration dates are in order. Having purchased a low-quality product, send it to the manufacturer, report the incident to the consumer protection society.

Each package has its own code, it is not difficult to verify the authenticity of the product (there is a line on the site where you can enter numbers, get confirmation from the manufacturer).

Opinions about Allergonix were divided: some believe that the drug is not effective, others vehemently confirm the effectiveness of the drug. But in most cases, the remedy deserves 5 points out of 5. The positive effect is confirmed by numerous studies, allergists throughout Russia.

Most of the positive reviews prove the effectiveness of the medication. Acceptable price policy, prolonged action, absence of side effects make the product attractive to many patients.

Alergyx (Alergiks) - means number 1 in the fight against allergic reactions to food, pollen, odors or other irritants. The drug fights against various manifestations of allergies in the respiratory tract (whistling, asthma, spasms), in the eyes (redness, tearing, swelling), on the skin (itching, blisters, urticaria), ENT organs (runny nose, nasopharyngeal problems, nasal congestion).

In 9 out of 10 cases, allergy leads to complex consequences: anaphylactic shock, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, eczema, joint inflammation and others.

Alergyx drops - organic composition

Alergyx from is a natural herbal complex based on natural herbs. For 4 centuries, Siberian herbalists have used these substances to treat allergic reactions and health problems in the local population. Alergyx - drops that contain the following substances:

  • Artemia extract... Artemia is a species of crustaceans that live in salt water bodies, used to eliminate problems with immunity, allergic reactions to components of the natural environment or drugs.
  • Burdock roots. Relieve puffiness, eliminate itching of the skin.
  • Flowers and leaves of yarrow... They have a cleansing effect on the body, neutralize the irritant and the source of the allergic reaction.
  • Dandelion Herbs... It is worth buying Alergyx to see this unique effect: herbs cleanse every cell, relieve allergies, relieve nasal congestion, bronchial asthma.
  • Violet herbs. They have a general sedative effect, eliminate the risk of stress.
  • Stone oil. It is used to eliminate skin problems (flaking, itching, eczema).
  • Beaver musk. Known for anti-allergenic and antibacterial effects.
  • Badger fat. It improves metabolic processes, helps to strengthen the immune system, gives the body useful substances and elements that it lacked so much.
  • Walnut partitions... A powerful anti-allergenic component that neutralizes the source of allergies.

The product also contains other components: roots of elecampane, horsetail, licorice, mallow, cyanosis, chestnut seeds, agaric fruits, Siberian larch bark, beaver musk and others.

How do Allergix drops work?

  1. You take drops in the exact dosage (all according to the same scheme as indicated by the manufacturer).
  2. The active components of the agent penetrate the body and block H1 receptors.
  3. This removes the root cause of the allergy.
  4. Further, the stimulus is “blocked” and enveloped in smart cells.
  5. After 3-5 minutes, the person is relieved.
  6. The drug has a cumulative effect: the more you take, the better.
  7. Over time, the body's barriers are strengthened, the sensitivity to the stimulus decreases.

Scientists have proven that after this course, more than 95% of allergens will cease to be for you. You will get rid of health problems after 1 course of taking the product. There are different reviews about Alergyx: someone coped with an allergy in 2 weeks, someone in 1 month.

How to use?

  1. Pour 3-4 drops of the product into a pipette.
  2. Drop it under your tongue.
  3. Wait 2-4 minutes.
  4. Drink with 3 sips of water.

The price for Alergyx is not set high, so it is better to buy several packs right away. For the prevention of allergic reactions, the agent is used 2 times a day; for treatment, you need to take drops 3 times a day. The drug should be taken about 30 minutes before eating.

What is he doing?

  • Relieves allergies within 7-10 minutes after ingestion.
  • Destroys 3 main symptoms: edema, lacrimation, and itching.
  • Protects against allergic dermatitis.
  • It removes allergens and toxins from the body.
  • Cleans every cell in your body.
  • It puts in order metabolic processes and metabolism.
  • Normalizes blood pressure, eliminates problems of the cardiovascular system.
  • Restores normal heart rate.
  • It has a long-term cumulative effect.
  • Destroys allergies and the ingredients that cause them.
  • Protects the body from pathogenic viruses and infections.

Where can I buy?

It is not yet possible to buy Alergyx in a pharmacy (the product became revolutionary on the market, the manufacturer did not manage to conclude the appropriate supply contracts). However, you cannot find the drug either in online stores, or in supermarkets, or in small grocery stores. It can be purchased only on the manufacturer's official website on the Internet. To place an order, you need to supply your contact details in the appropriate form. After that, you will be called back to specify the volume of the order and the place of its delivery. Be vigilant, do not fall for the bait of scammers, of which there are so many online.

Expert opinion

Allergy is a serious problem in modern society. More than 93% of people have experienced it at least once in their life: cough, itching, tearing, diarrhea and others. The sooner you start treatment, the better. I can confidently recommend Alergyx to my patients. According to the results of clinical trials, he proved a unique effect: the remedy not only relieves the symptoms of allergic reactions, but also eliminates the cause, strengthens the immune system. Typically, the problem will subside within 10 minutes after using the drops. And after 2-3 days, my patients already notice the first changes.

Antonova Galina Pavlovna,

Physician-therapist, St. Petersburg.

Allergy is an abnormal condition of the body, which is caused by a hypertrophied immune response to an external stimulus (allergen). A similar phenomenon can cause various symptoms - from skin manifestations (dermatitis), runny nose, sore throat, profuse lacrimation to a systemic life-threatening allergic reaction called Quincke's edema.

Signs of allergies can be the result of the ingestion of pollen from plants, animal hair into the respiratory tract, often such manifestations occur due to food, household chemicals, or prolonged use of certain medications.

In any case, allergies are something that needs to be dealt with. The pharmacy sells various antihistamines - these can be drops, sprays, as well as tablets, capsules, tinctures, etc. Regardless of the dosage form of release, such antiallergic drugs rarely give a persistent positive clinical effect, differ in a short symptomatic effect and eliminate only the consequences of the allergen entering the body.

Miraculous drops

Fortunately, science does not stand still, and not so long ago a new drug Allergyx appeared on the pharmaceutical market, which became a real salvation for those who suffer from various forms of allergies. This composition has a complex effect on the human body:

  • relieves external allergic symptoms;
  • helps to remove the "irritant" that caused the appearance of a protective reaction;
  • relieves discomfort on the skin (if any);
  • has a positive effect on metabolic processes, improves the work of the cardiovascular system.

Important: composition against allergies, it is exclusively natural, therefore this remedy has no contraindications, its use is not associated with the occurrence of side effects. The drops are non-addictive, safe and suitable for patients of any age, regardless of the individual characteristics of their health.

The main active ingredients of the drug are:

  • badger fat. This component helps to cope with the body's defensive reaction to an irritant.
  • Stone oil. Stimulates immune function, improves metabolism, "supplies" nutrients to tissues and cells.
  • Artemia extract. Prevents the development of anaphylactic shock.
  • Extracts from medicinal herbs (tansy, horsetail, burdock, dandelion). Provide a regenerating, soothing, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, protective effect.
  • Walnut partitions. They help to cope with skin rashes, eliminate itching, irritation, flushing and other unpleasant external symptoms of allergies.

Unique properties of drops

How Allergyx works:

  • after the patient has taken the appropriate dose of the drug, the active substances included in its composition "discover" the cause of the allergy and block the receptor reactions to it;
  • after a few minutes, the person experiences significant relief;
  • the allergen is destroyed by "smart" cells "present in Allergyx, and is excreted from the body in a natural way;
  • it is noteworthy that the drops have a cumulative effect: this means that with regular use of the drug, the risk of recurrence of allergic reactions is noticeably reduced.
  • the bottle with the medicine must be shaken;
  • then take 3-5 drops of the product into a pipette and pour them under the tongue;
  • after three minutes, the composition must be washed down with a glass of warm water.

What clinical effect can be achieved by taking Allergyx regularly? Reviewsbuyers point to the following results:

  • the drug prevents the development of an allergic reaction, neutralizes potential irritants;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • copes with skin manifestations of allergies - urticaria, dermatitis, relieves itching, irritation, redness;
  • fights against dysfunctions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the active components of the drug do not allow the formation of edema.

Expert opinion

Reviews of allergists about Allergkis drops against allergies confirm: the effectiveness of this medication is not a divorce, but the truth. The tool has gone through a whole range of necessary clinical trials, the results of which are simply amazing: so. 95% of patients managed to completely get rid of allergy symptoms in just a month and forget about the existence of this medical problem forever.

Experts draw the attention of people with allergies to the following benefits of Allergix drops:

  • the medicine contains only natural ingredients;
  • the drug is safe;
  • the tool is universal, can be used by patients of any age, regardless of the severity of the allergy;
  • the price of this herbal composition is much lower than its pharmacy counterparts, which, at the same time, cannot boast of such a wide spectrum of action and high efficiency rates;
  • Allergyx not only eliminates the entire symptom complex of allergies, but also affects the cause of the problem;
  • has a positive effect on the body as a whole - it regulates metabolic processes, stimulates immunity, provides organs and systems with all the necessary nutrients.

What buyers say

Those patients who managed to buy Allergyx in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev and other cities using our website note the following advantages of the drug:

  • convenient to use at home;
  • can be purchased online without a prescription;
  • affordable price;
  • has a cumulative effect;
  • provides fast, but at the same time lasting result;
  • the medicine is completely safe;
  • there is a clear dosage;
  • no contraindications and unpleasant side effects;
  • can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention;
  • fights not only with allergy symptoms, but also affects the cause of its occurrence;
  • demonstrates a general health effect.

Where to buy

It is impossible to buy Allergiks against allergies in a pharmacy (analogues of the drug cannot cope with half of those medical problems that these unique drops can “solve”). The only "safe place" where you can buy this miracle cure is our official website.

Only we supply to the large cities of the CIS countries really high-quality original products from a trusted manufacturer at the best prices.

Of course, negative reviews about the drug Allergix have been published on the Internet. But their appearance is due to the fact that there are more than one fraudulent website operating on the network, which offers gullible customers to buy fake drops at exorbitant prices. Obviously, such a medicine is not only useless, but also a dangerous purchase, which can cause irreparable harm to your health and “hit” your wallet.

Making an order on our website is as easy as shelling pears: enter your contacts in the application form posted on the main page of the resource, indicate there how many bottles of Allergyx you would like to buy. After that, all that remains is to wait for a phone call from our employee to agree on the nuances of the transaction.

Allergyx is a new word in the fight against allergies. The herbal components of the drug, gently affecting the body, help not only to cope with the symptoms of this unpleasant phenomenon, but also to eliminate its cause (remove irritants). You can buy this miracle drug at the best price on our website. Make an order right now and get a nice discount!





Alergyx drops will help get rid of allergies and their manifestations, reduce the body's response to irritants and restore all important vital processes disturbed by allergic symptoms.

Taking this remedy, the allergic person finally gets the opportunity to live in peace and not suffer: there are no more rashes on his skin, he breathes easily and freely, his nose does not stuff up, and his stomach does not get upset. The quality of life without allergies and its symptoms is significantly improved!

Allergic forms

Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to certain irritants, that is, allergens.

Sometimes allergens are formed in the body itself - in this case, they are called autoallergens, which can be:

  • natural (tissue proteins that are separate from the immune system);
  • acquired (proteins with foreign properties).

Thus, some diseases, such as rheumatism, hypothyroidism and the same arthritis, may well cause allergic reactions.

Doctors not without reason call allergy "the disease of the century" - at least 85 percent of the population currently suffer from it.

The essence of the problem lies in the inadequate reaction of the human body to the allergen that has got into it.

Naturally, it is necessary to know the main symptoms of allergies in order to timely understand what is happening and provide the correct assistance to an allergy sufferer.

The individuality of the disease is expressed in the fact that allergens are different for everyone: it can be pollen, dust, cat hair, and so on.

Allergy is the basis of many diseases, including dermatitis, bronchial asthma, infectious ailments, urticaria, and so on.

Recently, more and more people suffer from this manifestation. Why is this happening? Perhaps, not least, due to the increased consumption of chemical products, which negatively affect the human body and contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Causes and symptoms of allergies

The forms and symptoms of allergies can be different. Sometimes they can be mistaken for signs of other diseases.

In terms of form and signs, allergies are as follows:

  • Respiratory - an allergen (pollen, dust, some kind of gas) appears in a person when breathing. Its main manifestations can be considered sneezing, runny nose, itching sensation inside the nasal cavity, severe cough, wheezing in the lungs, choking. The components that cause this reaction are also called aeroallergens. Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma are considered as the main manifestations.
  • Dermatosis - this allergy is accompanied by skin irritations and rashes. It can be caused by certain foods, cosmetics, household chemicals and even medications. Of the allergic manifestations, skin redness, itching sensations, dry skin and peeling, puffiness, blisters and eczema should be noted.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis - in this case, primarily the organs of vision are affected. Among the manifestations, it is necessary to note a burning sensation in the eyes, the appearance of swelling, and tearing.
  • Enteropathy - allergies are caused by certain foods or medications. In fact, this is a reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, which can manifest itself as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes constipation), swelling in the oral cavity, and intestinal colic.
  • Anaphylactic shock is considered the most dangerous allergy, provoked by a variety of factors - for example, an insect bite or taking medications. The development of an allergic reaction can be immediate or last several hours. Of the manifestations, it should be noted a sharp shortness of breath, the presence of seizures, the onset of a rash, urination, which occurs involuntarily, nausea with vomiting and defecation. The presence of such symptoms should not be ignored.

Several factors should be noted that contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions:

  • smoking;
  • the nature of the diet and its changes;
  • intestinal microflora;
  • external adverse factors;
  • stressful conditions;
  • hormonal contraceptives.

Most modern drugs, alas, only eliminate the signs of allergies, but do not directly treat the cause of the disease. As a result, allergy sufferers soon have to face "old" problems again.

Fortunately, scientists were able to develop special Alergyx drops, thanks to which it turns out not only to relieve oneself of all the torments that allergic reactions bring to a person, but also to completely cure allergies.

Droplet functions

Those looking to buy the most effective allergy treatment should choose Alergyx. This drug successfully copes with the following functions:

  • reduces the body's sensitivity to a variety of allergens;
  • relieves allergic reactions;
  • removes allergens from the blood;
  • improves the elasticity of the vascular walls, increases the tone;
  • improves metabolic processes in the skin;
  • positively affects blood circulation, promotes the growth of blood cells;
  • eliminates asthmatic changes in the bronchi;
  • helps to remove mucus during an allergic cough;
  • successfully fights spasms;
  • protects the body from infectious diseases;
  • neutralizes toxins;
  • strengthens the immune system
  • reduces inflammation;
  • restores the functions of organs and vital systems disturbed by allergies;
  • delivers many useful trace elements to the body.

With such a remedy, no allergy becomes scary. There is nothing surprising in the absence of negative reviews about Alergyx. After people manage to get rid of the diseases that have tormented them for a long time, they remain more than satisfied.

Efficiency without a doubt

Due to the fact that allergy sufferers are already accustomed to drugs that can only achieve short-term results in terms of combating allergies, at first they reacted with a certain degree of skepticism to the appearance of this new product.

Alergyx divorce or not? - this is what buyers are interested in, who want to cure the disease once and for all, but have not yet experienced this remedy on themselves.

Well, first of all, they should read the doctors' reviews about Alergyx. Medical specialists emphasize not only the high efficiency of the drops, but also confirm the safety of their use, since there are no side effects after use.

No less important are the opinions of allergy sufferers who tried this drug and were able to get rid of allergies, even if they had not been able to cope with the disease by any other means before.

Answering the question whether Alergyx is fraudulent or true, it should be noted that this product has certificates, that is, documents confirming its excellent quality and safety. Needless to say, this kind of documentation is not just handed out. To obtain it, special verification tests were carried out, and the drops passed them successfully.

In general, you need to test the product on personal experience, and all possible doubts will disappear after the first positive results.

Features of the composition

What makes this drug so effective? First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition of Alergyx, which is presented only with natural ingredients and does not contain any chemical additives:

  • Anise lofant - helps to remove allergens and toxic elements from the blood, copes with allergic reactions.
  • Badan root, as well as wild rosemary - improve the tone of blood vessels, increase the elasticity of their walls, have a positive effect on blood circulation, accelerating cell growth, and relieve inflammatory processes.
  • Elecampane, licorice and yarrow - eliminate asthmatic changes in the bronchi, improve breathing.
  • Cyanosis, henbane and hyssop - help to remove mucus with an allergic cough or runny nose, eliminate spasms and protect the body from infections.
  • Corn silk, ginger and string - bio-extracts from these plant cultures neutralize the dangerous effect of toxins, fight against the influence of medicinal antigens.
  • Cordyceps and Zyuznik - Help the immune system respond to antigens.
  • Helen, violets and dope - promote metabolic processes in the skin, relieve inflammation.

The overall effect of all these components on the human body is positive and healing. The work of many organs improves, the endocrine, nervous and immune systems begin to function better, many problems associated with the health of the gastrointestinal tract are solved.

Correct application

Of course, it is necessary to learn how to use Alergyx, because only the correct use of the drug will help to achieve not only effective, but also positive results.

Fortunately, users shouldn't have any difficulties. Even in the recent past, it was impossible to think so simply and easily to cure allergies. It was possible only to get rid of allergic reactions for a short time.

In the case of this tool, it turns out to achieve a really long-lasting effect.

The operation of the tool involves the commission of the following actions:

  • prepare 50 milliliters of water (about 3 tablespoons);
  • drip a little of this remedy there (ten drops are enough);
  • drink three times a day;
  • take the remedy daily for 15 days.

In principle, any beginner can cope with this, even if he has not had to deal with allergies before. Medical assistance is not required.

It is important to note that there are no contraindications to the use of the drug. In rare cases, people have personal intolerance to certain components: then it is better to consult with your doctor before use.

It is necessary to understand that only course use will help to completely normalize the activity of the immune system in response to the action of allergens, relieve the body of allergic reactions and cleanse it of accumulated toxins.

The last updated description by the manufacturer 31.07.1998

Filtered list

Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Composition and form of release

1 tablet contains Echinacea angustifolia D4, D12, D20, D30, Ignatia amara D6, Lycopodium clavatum D6, Sulfur D6, D12, D20, D30, Thuja occidentalis D6, Ledum palustre D8, Phosphorus D8, Antimonium crudum D12, Seaminum D12 ; in the package 50 pcs. Excipients - lactose 297 mg, magnesium stearate 3 mg.


Homeopathic medicine.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- adaptogenic, immunostimulating.

Indications of the drug Allergy

Allergic reactions: runny nose, sneezing, lacrimation, burning and itching in the eyes, pruritus, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, indigestion, hay fever.


Application during pregnancy and lactation

Side effects

Not identified.

Method of administration and dosage

Sublingually, keep in mouth until completely dissolved. Adults - 1 table. every 1-2 hours until the condition is relieved, then - 1 table. every 4 hours (or as needed); for prevention - 1 table. 2 times a day (in the morning and at night) for 3 months.

Children aged 2-12 years are prescribed half the adult dose.

Precautionary measures

To ensure full effectiveness, it is not recommended to eat, gargle, brush your teeth for 15-30 minutes after ingestion. At the beginning of treatment, an exacerbation of symptoms is possible. If improvement does not occur after 5 days of treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Storage conditions of the drug Allergy

In a dry, dark place.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Allergy

5 years.

Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

Synonyms for nosological groups

ICD-10 headingSynonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
H10.1 Acute atopic conjunctivitisAllergic eye diseases
Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis due to chemical and physical factors
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
Allergic eye inflammation
Spring qatar
Spring keratitis
Spring conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis
Year-round allergic conjunctivitis
Acute allergic keratoconjunctivitis
Acute allergic conjunctivitis
Superficial bacterial eye infection
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis
Seasonal conjunctivitis
Chronic allergic keratoconjunctivitis
Chronic allergic conjunctivitis
J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitisAllergic rhinopathy
Allergic rhinosinusopathy
Allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Allergic respiratory diseases
Allergic rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis
Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Vasomotor rhinitis
Prolonged allergic rhinitis
Year-round allergic rhinitis
Year-round allergic rhinitis
Year-round or seasonal allergic rhinitis
Year-round allergic rhinitis
Allergic vasomotor rhinitis
Exacerbation of pollinosis in the form of rhinoconjunctival syndrome
Acute allergic rhinitis
Swelling of the nasal mucosa
Swelling of the nasal mucosa
Swelling of the nasal mucosa
Swelling of the nasal mucosa
Swelling of the nasal mucosa
Hay fever
Persistent allergic rhinitis
Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Hay rhinitis
Chronic allergic rhinitis
L29 PruritusDermatitis itchy
Dermatosis with persistent itching
Other itchy dermatoses
Itchy scalp
Itchy skin
Itching with partial obstruction of the biliary tract
Itchy eczema
Itchy dermatoses
Itchy allergic dermatosis
Itchy dermatitis
Itchy dermatosis
Itchy skin
Itchy skin with dermatosis
Excruciating itching
Limited pruritic dermatitis
Severe itching
Endogenous pruritus
R60.0 Localized edemaAllergic laryngeal edema
Local edema
Local edema
Local edema
Localized edema
Swelling of the lower extremities
Swelling due to inflammation of the tendon sheaths
Oral swelling
Swelling after dental procedures
Swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa
Swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa
Edema of traumatic origin
Edema of a traumatic nature
Swelling with injuries
Post-traumatic tumor
Post-traumatic edema
Post-traumatic soft tissue edema
Traumatic edema
T78.4 Allergy, unspecifiedAllergic reaction to insulin
Allergic reaction to insect bites
Allergic reaction similar to systemic lupus erythematosus
Allergic diseases
Allergic diseases and conditions caused by increased release of histamine
Allergic diseases of the mucous membranes
Allergic manifestations
Allergic manifestations on mucous membranes
Allergic reactions
Allergic reactions due to insect bites
Allergic reactions
Allergic conditions
Allergic laryngeal edema
Allergic disease
Allergic condition
House dust allergy
Skin reaction to medication
Skin reaction to insect bites
Cosmetic allergy
Drug allergy
Drug allergy
Acute allergic reaction
Edema of the larynx of allergic genesis and against the background of radiation
Food and drug allergies
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