Zirconium filling. Zirconium crowns for anterior teeth: description and reviews. Free consultation on the cost of treatment in our dentistry

Is it possible to perform gum plastic surgery before prosthetics?

Julia, 40 years old

Hello! Tell me, the right central tooth, there was a crown with an inlay, it was removed due to a cyst, the gum became uneven, it fell inward from the front, it goes like a wave. They said the cyst ate the bone tissue. Is it possible to make a bridge from e.max ceramics with support on adjacent teeth? And is it possible to straighten the gums somehow, or is it not necessary. It looks terrible.

Good afternoon, Julia! You can't make a bridge from E-Max, zirconium dioxide can. Gum failure is repaired with bone grafting.

Put on dental crowns, but some are yellow and crumble, why?

Denis, 43 years old

Hello. I got zirconium crowns, 21 crowns, 6 of them on my teeth, the rest on implants. The orthopedist is a young boy, they took measurements for a very long time, after making the crowns, the bite was incorrect, grinded several teeth. And then the question is whether zirconium can be grinded? Three crowns are connected together, and two teeth from the inside have become yellow and rough, the doctor says we will grind and that's it , but about yellowness he can’t answer anything. I don’t like all this, for me repairing my oral cavity is very expensive, I don’t want to have any problems. For that kind of money they don’t really do anything! Please tell me why they are yellow ? and why sometimes I feel crumbs from a tooth, it feels like they are crumbling. Thank you.

Good afternoon, Denis! The color of the crowns is chosen by the physician in conjunction with the patient (and sometimes with the technician). It is difficult to say why in your case the color turned out to be “yellow”. If you feel crumbs in your mouth, you urgently need to go to the dentist for an examination.

A piece of zirconium crown broke off, did you what to do?

Marina, 29 years old

Hello! I made you a zirconium crown exactly a year ago. A piece broke off, and a large one. This is the 5th tooth from the top. We did it for about 2 months, and it cost 26 thousand. Sokolniki. What to do? Do I have to pay? How long will it take me to fix this situation? I'm not in Moscow at the moment. And it is important for me to know about the timing and all the nuances in this situation. Thank you in advance.

Good afternoon, Marina! You need to go to the clinic to make an appointment with your podiatrist. After the inspection, it will be possible to decide exactly how much work needs to be redone and because of what the crown was chipped, and accordingly to navigate the time of work. If the work was under warranty, then there will be no additional payments for reworking the crown.

Are zirconia crowns suitable for restorations?

Natalia, 35 years old

I have zirconium dioxide crowns, the upper front 4 teeth, one began to swing, the crown slides down, some unpleasant liquid oozes from under it! what it is and what treatment options can you offer! installed not in your clinic

Good day, Natalia! Most likely, you have inflammation under the crown. It is necessary to remove the crown and retreat the tooth. If it cannot be treated, it will be removed. We can offer you different options for prosthetics and implantation.

How much do Prettau zirconia crowns cost?

Elina, 36 years old

How much do pretal zirconia crowns cost?

Good afternoon, Elina! Estimated prices are listed on our official website. More precisely, you will be introduced to them after consulting a dentist.

How much does a zirconia dental crown cost?

Elvira, 42 years old

Good day! I got 3 zirconium crowns on my front teeth this year in Vse Svoi dentistry at st. Aircraft designer Mil 8 ... One tooth is very different in color from zirconium ... My natural teeth turned yellow due to an immune disease ... I have sclerosis ... Now December 2, 2017 - what is the cost now for a zirconium crown? I'm going to put in another crown ...

Good afternoon, Elvira! In order to guide you on the cost of this tooth, you will need to come for a free consultation. Sign up at a convenient time for you!

Can zirconia crowns replace front teeth?

Katerina, 20 years old

Hello, tell me, please, is it possible to replace crooked anterior teeth with zirconium crowns and correct the bite?

Hello Katerina! Is it possible to correct the bite of the teeth with crowns, the orthopedic doctor will say after the examination. You can sign up for a free consultation by phone indicated on the website.

Is it possible to put zirconium on the upper jaw, on the lower cermet?

Irina, 55 years old

Is it possible to install a bridge on the chewing teeth made of zirconium on the upper jaw, and below it is cermets. Will the ceramics below collapse over time, because they write that zirconium is stronger?

Good afternoon, Irina! Ceramics will not chip off crowns, metal ceramics or zirconium dioxide. Another problem may arise - a difference in the color of the crowns, since in cermets the frame is gray, and in zirconium dioxide it is white.

Is it possible to remove the zirconia crown and replace it with another?

Denis, 27 years old

Is it possible to remove a zirconia crown and replace it with a lighter one?

Denis, hello. Perhaps. You need to consult an orthopedic doctor.

The installed crowns are not satisfied, is it possible to fix it?

tatiana, 64 years old

After the installation of zirconium dioxide crowns on the frontal upper teeth (9 pcs., On the screed) constantly, discomfort during conversation appeared, whistling sounds appeared, the tongue, when speaking, falls as if between the upper and lower teeth. In addition, the aesthetic appearance of the crowns is not satisfied. They are smaller and, most importantly, shorter than my teeth and they cannot be seen in conversation, but the lower teeth and the movements of the tongue between the teeth became visible in full body. Feeling that the upper teeth are missing. It is inconvenient to eat for the same reason. When smiling, the upper teeth are not visible - it seems that the mouth is toothless. I wanted to get a beautiful smile (the frontal row of teeth after numerous treatments and restorations required treatment of canals, etc. and they had to be covered with crowns and I chose not cheap dioxide), but just got teeth. Please tell me if it is possible to remove this device (installed yesterday) and will they agree to correct these shortcomings? Thanks in advance for your reply

Hello Tatiana! You need to contact the head doctor of the clinic and tell about these inconveniences. He will definitely solve your problem.

How much will it cost to set 4 or 6 zirconia crowns?

Alla, 39 years old

How much will it cost to install 4 or 6 zirconia crowns on the upper anterior teeth? Is the killing of the canals included in the price of the crown? And what is aesthetically better than a crown or restoration?

Hello Alla. You can see the cost of crowns on our website in the price section. Preparation of teeth for prosthetics (depulpation, canal retreatment) is done by a therapist and is not included in the price of crowns. What kind of work will be more aesthetically pleasing and, more importantly, more practical, the specialist will be able to say after the examination, because much depends on the condition of your teeth. Sign up for a free consultation at any of our clinics to receive detailed information on treatment and prices. But we can definitely say that crowns are a more durable construction than restoration.

What is the difference between a one-piece zirconia crown and a zirconia crown?

Julia, 37 years old

What is the difference between a one-piece zirconia crown and a zirconium dioxide crown? Why is there such a difference in price. Is it possible to install zirconium crowns on the visible part, and on the chewing ones which are not very visible, ordinary metal ceramics?

Hello Julia. The zirconium dioxide crown is completely machined from this material and does not have a ceramic coating. As a result, it lacks shine and transparency, and is not suitable for anterior teeth, only for chewing teeth. Metal-free crowns on zirconium dioxide are durable and highly aesthetic, the closest in appearance to their teeth.

Is it necessary to pulp a healthy tooth when installing a zirconium dioxide bridge?

Ekaterina, 39 years old

Tell me please, is it necessary to pulp a healthy tooth when installing a zirconium dioxide bridge?

Catherine, good afternoon. The need for tooth depulpation is influenced by the width of the pulp chamber, in which the nerve is located. If it is wide (in young people), then sometimes there is a need for depulpation, if obliterated, then it is possible to prosthetics on vital teeth.

What is the difference between a zirconia crown and a solid zirconia crown?

Darina, 26 years old

Hello, I would like to know what is the difference between Zirconium dioxide crowns for 13,143 rubles. from the One-piece crown made of zirconium dioxide for 6 900 rubles? Thank you in advance for your response

Good afternoon, Darina! A zirconia crown is a two-layer crown, which is based on white matte zirconium dioxide and is covered with ceramics the color of your teeth. A one-piece crown made of zirconium dioxide entirely consists of zirconium dioxide without a ceramic mass and does not have the color and shine of natural teeth, therefore they are made only for chewing teeth, which are not visible when talking and smiling.

Where is the best place to put zirconium dioxide crowns in Moscow?

Vitaly, 41 years old

After an unsuccessful placement of a crown in the Astrakhan state dentistry, you no longer want to take risks, although it is cheaper there. I am ready to come to Moscow in order to have the crown set so that it will last at least 15 years. Where is the best place to put zirconium dioxide crowns in Moscow?

Zirconium crowns are the newest option for prosthetics, which, according to many dentists, is an order of magnitude superior to traditional metal-ceramic and ceramic prostheses. How safe is the material, what teeth is it suitable for, how much will it cost the patient? Let's try to figure it out!

To immediately eliminate confusion in terms, let's figure out the name. According to the chemical formula, dentists are dealing with zirconium dioxide. In practice, it is often called oxide or simply zirconium - there is no difference.

Features of zirconia crowns

  1. High bioadaptation.
  2. According to histological studies carried out after six months of wearing zirconium prostheses, no pathological changes were found in the tissues of the oral cavity. The material does not cause allergies, has even better biocompatibility than titanium, therefore it gives good aesthetics not only in the area of ​​adhesion of the crown to the gum, but also around the implant, if zirconium abutments are installed.

  3. Perfect white.
  4. It is difficult to say whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage. Some dentists believe that whiteness will not improve the overall appearance if the natural color of the enamel is far from ideal. Therefore, it is not recommended to use zirconium for anterior teeth. Others are convinced that the ZrO2 compound provides the highest aesthetic effect, due to the fact that the color matching is carried out not only on the surface, but also at the level of the frame. In addition, the selected color does not change during the entire wearing period, which is at least 15 years.

Zirconium is not only aesthetic, but also a super strong material, so the crown thickness is only 0.4 mm. For comparison, it is necessary to grind a tooth by 1.5-2 mm under cermet.

Types of crowns

There are 2 types of zirconium prostheses:

  • classic: two-layer, inside - zirconium frame, outside - porcelain cladding;
  • monolithic: made of solid material, due to increased strength, they are installed mainly on chewing teeth.

The disadvantage of classic zirconium teeth is the interface between the two materials. The strength of porcelain is more than 10 times lower than the "base", therefore, over time, the quality of the connection between the frame and the top coating deteriorates, and chips may appear.

The disadvantage of monolithic crowns is their esthetics. They have a bright milky opaque color that creates an artificial effect.

In what clinical cases are they suitable?

Let's start with situations for which zirconium is not recommended. It:

  • single prosthetics of anterior teeth;
  • bridges of 3 crowns on the front teeth.

It is suitable for those who suffer from bruxism (only monolithic type), cannot install implants or metal-ceramic crowns due to allergies.

Optimal prosthetics options:

  • crowns and bridges on implants;
  • bridge prosthesis for the front teeth of at least 4 units;
  • bridges and crowns for chewing units.


  1. Unique mechanical properties.
  2. When conducting research on 3 unit bridges, zirconium dioxide showed a tensile strength 2-3 times higher than that of pressed and infiltration ceramics. Thanks to an alloy with yttrium, the material self-stabilizes when cracks appear: a compressive stress is created in the frame, which stops the fracture process. This property of zirconia is referred to as the "airbag effect".

  3. Exceptional durability.
  4. Comparable with any of the known alloys used for prosthetics. Crowns, root posts, abutments for implants, braces, bridges of any length are made of zirconium.

  5. Lack of reaction to hot / cold.
  6. Zirconium, in contrast to ceramic teeth on a metal frame, has the best characteristics of resistance to cold and heat, therefore it does not cause hypersensitivity.

  7. Ideal for implantation.
  8. The same abutment is placed under the zirconium crown, so the implanted implants feel like natural teeth, that is, they are devoid of the disadvantages that arise when using different materials (cermets and titanium), namely, poor adaptation of the gums.


One of the main advantages of zirconium crowns is durability, without a competent approach to prosthetics it can become a "fat" minus. Natural teeth wear off much faster when rubbed against them. In order not to spoil healthy units, there is one option: people with increased abrasion of enamel are placed a pair of prostheses - on the damaged unit and on its antagonist.

Another drawback is chips. The weak bond between the porcelain and the zirconium framework leads to the fact that after a couple of years, microcracks may appear on the tooth. In this sense, zirconium is inferior not only to cermets, but also to pressed ceramics. For comparison, about 10% of people with zirconium dioxide prostheses form chips after 5 years, with metal-ceramic crowns - after 10 years, and porcelain lasts even longer.

Manufacturing technology

Another feature of zirconium-based prosthetics is the unique precision of the crown. It is provided by computer technology CAD / CAM - computer design / programmed manufacturing.

Only the model is performed manually, according to a previously taken impression of the teeth. Then it is scanned by a laser and entered into the program. The rest of the process is fully automated (without human intervention), which excludes any deviations in the shape of the prosthesis.

The process takes place in 3 stages:

  • milling of the framework (crown) from a single piece of zirconium, at the same time the color is selected;
  • baking the finished prosthesis at a high temperature to provide strength;
  • facing with porcelain.

How much to get used to

According to patients' reviews, zirconium crowns and bridges do not cause discomfort either in the first time after installation or in the future. Thanks to the computer "fit", the crown fits exactly to the sharpened teeth, therefore it is fixed tightly and reliably. If the dentures are on antagonistic teeth, a slight knocking may occur when closing.

Care features

No special skills or products are required in the care: brush twice a day with regular (no bleach) toothpaste. To avoid chipping, do not gnaw nuts with your teeth!

comparison table

Characteristic Zirconium dioxide Sintered metal Metal-free ceramics
Aesthetics Limited.
The milky white color is hardly corrected, so the teeth look unnatural.
Metal does not transmit light, therefore, in order to achieve maximum naturalness, it is necessary to apply a large layer of ceramics, as a result, to greatly prepare the tooth.
Almost does not differ from the enamel of natural teeth.
Adaptation It is absolutely hypoallergenic.
Does not cause gum atrophy, fits snugly, protecting against the development of caries, suitable for bruxism.
It often causes allergies.
Black or bluish rims can form around metal-ceramic crowns as a result of metal oxidation. Such a reaction provokes the destruction of soft and bone tissues, spoils the appearance of the gums.
Does not cause allergies, but not suitable for chewing teeth.
With bruxism, a large number of missing units unevenly distributes the load on the gums.
Implantation Excellent osseointegration.
No bone loss effect, protection against bacteria due to the tight adhesion of the crown to the gum.
Complications during wearing are possible.
In combination with titanium abutments, gum irritation and inflammation are common.
Not used.
Price From 17,000 rubles,
on the implant - from 25,000 rubles.
From 7 500 rubles,
on the implant - from 18,500 rubles.
From 20,000 rubles.

As can be seen from the table, zirconium crowns, despite their relatively high cost, combine versatility, reliability and aesthetics, therefore they are the best option for prosthetics and implantation.

Zirconium dioxide is one of the most advanced materials used in orthopedics and dentistry. Dental prosthetics with zirconium dioxide crowns today are carried out in most dental clinics, since they are a worthy replacement for your own teeth in terms of both strength and aesthetics.

Despite the fact that zirconium dioxide as a basis for manufacturing appeared in dentistry, especially in Russia, relatively recently, it quickly gained popularity. This is due to the fact that he possesses undeniable virtues:

Despite the impressive advantages of the material, one cannot fail to mention its disadvantages:

- the complexity of manufacturing, as a result of which the production time is lengthened and the patient has to wait longer than in the case of cermets or ceramics;

- the cost is high in comparison with analogues made of other materials;

- zirconium dioxide is not suitable for all types of prosthetics. For example, veneers are rarely made from it.

How is dental prosthetics performed with zirconium dioxide crowns?

Zirconium dioxide itself is a white powder, which is mixed with various additives to make the base for crowns. At high temperature and under pressure, monolithic blocks are produced from it, from which crowns are then cut. The order of the doctor's actions is as follows:

  1. Taking an impression, creating a model of the dentition.
  2. Scanning the model and creating its three-dimensional image.
  3. Grinding an individual crown from a solid block on a special computer-controlled milling machine.
  4. Ceramic coating by hand, firing and glazing.

Expert opinion. Dentist Romanovsky O.O.: “A variation of the zirconia crown - a construction made using the Prettau technology. It assumes that the veneering of the metal with ceramics is not done or is done only partially. Prettau zirconium dioxide is more transparent, so you can refuse veneering and thereby achieve certain advantages ":

- no chips on ceramics;

Zirconium oxide is an ideal solution for anterior prosthetics.

- there will be no abrasion on the opposite side;

- without ceramics, the flexural strength increases by about 200%.

Installation is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Grinding teeth.
  2. Production of temporary plastic crowns from casts during the production of zirconium structures.
  3. Trying on zirconium crowns.
  4. Fixing the structure with cement.

Average cost in Moscow

The table shows the average prices (in dollars) in Moscow for prosthetics based on zirconium dioxide crowns using conventional material and Prettau technology.

Zirconium dioside or cermet?

Which of the two most popular materials to choose for making crowns? Comparative analysis is shown in the table.

Criteria Zirconium dioxide Sintered metal
Strength Very high due to its crystalline structure. Average service life - from 20 years. High, average service life - 15 years.
Aesthetics There is no gray band along the border of the gums, the crowns are devoid of aesthetic drawbacks. There is a gray stripe along the gingival border, since the structures have a metal base.
Security Absolute biocompatibility and safety, including for allergy sufferers. The designs have a number of contraindications, especially in the presence of a fluorine coating.
Combination with teeth Complete combination with natural teeth Crowns practically do not stand out in the dentition and are combined with the teeth

Installation indications

As you can see from the above table, there is a difference between designs made of different materials. They also differ noticeably in the cost of installation. Therefore, before giving preference to one or another material, it is important to know in which cases zirconium structures are preferable:

    1. Prosthetics of anterior teeth, when aesthetics is especially important.
    2. Prosthetics in the chewing area, where strength is important.
    3. High requirements for the longest possible esthetics of the dentition.
    4. Inability to install structures from other materials (for example, due to allergic reactions).
    5. The need for prosthetics of living teeth.

Constructions are not installed during pregnancy and after illness. Contraindications also include inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, malocclusion, mental disorders.

Usage - the most common type of non-removable, designed to restore and prevent further decay of the damaged tooth.

Products are made from various materials (they can be metal, polymer, ceramic, combined).

One of the most durable, safe and easy-to-use dental crowns is considered to be a construction made of zirconium dioxide. More details about its specifics - below.

Product details and available

For the manufacture of these, zirconium oxide is used - a super-strong modern material, modern doctors use it when working with the front and chewing teeth.

Zirconium crowns have been used in dentistry for the past 20 years due to the following advantages:

Installation indications

Dentists say that zirconium oxide crowns can be installed even when products from other structural materials are contraindicated for the patient.

In particular, in such clinical cases:

  • with endocrine diseases;
  • when the patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • if the patient does not want to part with natural front teeth (any other crowns require the removal of nerves due to the risk of caries development);
  • when simultaneous prosthetics of 4 or more teeth is required.

How a prosthesis is made

For the manufacture of zirconium structures, CAD \ CAM techniques are used. On the basis of the dentist's impression of the patient's jaw, a three-dimensional computer model of the future product is built. It consists of two layers - a zirconium frame and a ceramic veneer.

Half the finished product is fired, then a ceramic layer is applied and again subjected to heat treatment. In order for the structure to become monolithic, it is fired again.

The next stage in the manufacture of the prosthesis is staining. After that, the product is again placed in the oven. The finished zirconium crown is fixed on the patient's tooth with the help of a temporary, and then a permanent fixative composition.

Important: the further life of a patient who has been installed with a zirconium prosthesis is not complicated by anything. It is necessary to take care of your teeth and oral cavity as before.

How the crown is installed

Prosthetics using zirconium products takes place in several successive stages:

  • examination of the patient (including);
  • if required, treatment, replacement of old fillings;
  • sharpening the tooth under the crown (if compared with - the intervention is minimal);
  • making jaw casts (they make both temporary plastic and zirconium crowns);
  • the dentist selects the shade of the surface of the product for permanent wear;
  • direct installation of a fixed prosthesis.

Let's take a closer look at the last stage. It includes the following stages:

  • preparation for the procedure;
  • placement of crowns on temporary cement;
  • final fixation of prostheses.

First, the dentist prepares the abutment tooth (usually the manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia). If necessary, the canals are sealed to the patient, after which the quality of the work done is checked using an X-ray.

Important: if the tooth is destroyed so much that the crown cannot be fixed, a zirconium stump insert is placed on the patient.

Until the permanent dentures are ready, the patient should wear plastic crowns.

In the photo, plastic crowns are an intermediate option before installing zirconium

During the next visit to the dentist, the patient is attached to the finished permanent dentures with temporary cement.

Over the next few days, any shortcomings or inaccuracies of the installed structures should be revealed - in this case, the doctor will have to eliminate them.

If the "fitting" of the product is successful, the prosthesis is fixed using a permanent composition. This is the final stage of the installation of zirconia crowns.

Price policy

The main and, perhaps, the only drawback of zirconium crowns is their high cost. So, prosthetics of one tooth on average costs a patient 20 thousand rubles.

Why so many? The quality of the work performed depends on the qualifications of the dentist, the skills of the laboratory technician, and the availability of the necessary equipment.

The total cost includes the cost of a temporary plastic crown. If we take into account all these factors, then the price of installing a zirconium crown is quite justified.

Comparative characteristics of different crowns

The following types of dental crowns are used in modern dentistry:

  • all-metal;
  • photocomposite;
  • plastic;
  • all-ceramic.

The impressive cost of zirconium constructions often scares patients away and makes them prefer cheaper and more proven prostheses over the years. Is this choice justified?

Let's carry out a comparative analysis of the products:

  1. Price... Plastic and metal crowns are the cheapest (2-5 thousand / unit), ceramics occupies an intermediate position (about 10 thousand), zirconium prostheses are the most expensive (from 15-17 thousand).
  2. Life time... Plastic structures (temporary) are unreliable, they only last for a few days; metal, ceramic and metal-ceramic prostheses will last 5-10 years, and the service life of zirconium crowns is 15 years and more.
  3. Aesthetics... From the point of view of aesthetics, metal is inferior to cermets and ceramics, while zirconium crowns look as natural as possible - their aesthetic indicators are as close as possible to the appearance of natural teeth.
  4. Complexity of installation... The process of installing all types of dentures, except for those made of zirconium oxide, requires strong tooth turning.
  5. Reliability... Ceramic crowns may not withstand the functional load; metal and zirconium structures cope with this task much better.
  6. Allergic reactions... Zirconium oxide is the only one of the above construction materials that cannot cause an allergic reaction in a patient.

Summing up, we note that zirconium crowns are the most expensive, but at the same time the most durable, aesthetic and safe of all existing dentures.

Question answer

The most popular questions and answers from people who want to install zirconia crowns on themselves:

  1. Is it necessary to pulp a healthy tooth? before installing a crown? The need for the procedure is influenced by the width of the pulp chamber in which the nerve is located. If it is wide enough, the doctor performs depulpation, if not, the prosthesis is installed on vital teeth.
  2. What are zirconium prostheses attached to?? The material for fixing the dentures is dual-curing cement.
  3. How much does a crown cost? The minimum price for a prosthesis is 13-15 thousand rubles.
  4. How long will the product last? Manufacturers provide a minimum 15-year warranty for zirconia crowns.
  5. Is it possible to grind a zirconia crown using water cooling?? This is recommended but not required.

Precautionary measures

Experts focus the attention of patients on several contraindications to the installation of zirconium crowns:

  • deep bite;
  • period of pregnancy in women;
  • insufficient natural tooth height.

A beautiful smile is of great importance in a person's life. It is an indicator of the health and youth of the body, gives a good mood to its owner and all the people around him. Sometimes it happens that a smiling person suddenly stops smiling altogether. He is afraid to open his mouth in the presence of other people. What happened? What are the reasons for this behavior? The thing is that his smile is no longer perfect. The culprit was one of his teeth, which decided to break, crack or flake off (we recommend reading: the tooth broke, but its root remained in the gum: what to do if such a situation arises, how to build it up?). What to do now? How to restore the former beauty of a smile and a good mood of its owner? The answer is simple - he needs to get a crown. Zirconium ceramics are especially popular.

What are zirconia crowns?

A crown is a way to restore a tooth, when its visible part is completely restored. In shape, it resembles a crown, and therefore bears the appropriate name. Its task is to restore the appearance of the tooth and its chewing functions. Its purpose is to make the tooth strong and prevent it from decaying further.

To date, crowns made of zirconium dioxide have proven themselves well (see photo). A distinctive feature of zirconium ceramics is its super strength, durability and wear resistance. Oxide-coated constructions are absolutely safe and do not cause allergies. If properly cared for, zirconium oxide ceramics will last at least 15 years.

Zirconium dioxide crowns are dental constructions with a special degree of strength. They are produced on high-tech equipment and are used to restore both anterior and lateral chewing units.

In modern dentistry, zirconium oxide is the highest quality material for the manufacture of crowns and bridges. In this area, it has been used for more than a dozen years and is the optimal material for dental restoration.

Composition and properties of the structure

Zirconium oxide crowns, as shown in the photo, consist of two layers:

  • inner, which is a strong zirconia frame;
  • external, consisting of veneering ceramics, reminiscent of human tooth enamel.

Zirconium dioxide has many features that are characteristic of crowns made from it. Zirconium oxide structures have the following properties:

Due to the ability of zirconium dioxide to refract light like enamel, structures can be made in any color. Zirconia ceramics are suitable for both anterior and posterior teeth. The small weight of such products allows them to be placed even on implants. Zirconium dioxide, due to its inertness, does not react with the latter. Zirconia prostheses fit tightly to the gums, which prevents bacteria and food debris from entering under them, and this excludes many dental diseases (for example, periodontal disease, caries).

Installation indications

Zirconium oxide ceramics are not cheap, so patients refuse them. Sometimes these crowns are essential. The reasons for this are:

  1. problems with hematopoiesis and internal organs;
  2. preservation of the remainder of a living tooth;
  3. lack of incisors or lateral units;
  4. production of removable dentures;
  5. allergy to components of other materials;
  6. partial or complete damage to the hard tissues of the oral cavity by caries;
  7. aesthetic defects;
  8. chips caused by injury.

Who are contraindicated for?

Where there is a plus, there must be a minus. Zirconium ceramics have the following contraindications:

Photos before and after installation

Pros and cons of zirconia dentures

Zirconia crowns have become popular due to the following benefits:

  • ease that allows for prosthetics on implants;
  • naturalness, which makes it possible to restore a single tooth;
  • a high level of aesthetics, which makes it possible to prosthetics the "smile zone";
  • hypoallergenic;
  • the translucency of the dioxide crown makes it similar to a natural tooth;
  • the enamel does not change its color under any circumstances;
  • strength guarantees the durability of the structure;
  • absolute harmlessness to humans;
  • tight fit to the tooth eliminates the likelihood of the development of pathogenic microflora;
  • to install a crown, a healthy tooth is grinded to a minimum;
  • no gray tint between the gum and the dioxide crown;
  • the nerve is not removed, which means the tooth under the prosthesis remains alive;
  • you can prosthetics both one tooth and a whole bridge.

Zirconia teeth have practically no flaws. Is that the price is too high (for the manufacture of crowns from zirconium dioxide, modern high-tech equipment and expensive raw materials are used). The high quality of the product completely smooths out this shortcoming.

The process of making and installing zirconia crowns

To manufacture the structure from zirconium oxide, the CAD / CAM technique is used, thanks to which the product comes out extremely precise. The first thing a dentist does is an impression. Next, the laser scans it and processes it on a computer.

The production of a zirconium dioxide crown takes place in stages. On the first, the frame of the future structure is poured out. For this, a special apparatus is used, into which zirconium dioxide is loaded. After that, a model of the future tooth is designed.

The next stage is the manufacture of the outer part of the crown. It involves the application of a porcelain mass to the frame of the structure. The porcelain is added in layers and kiln fired to give the denture its strength. In order for the crown to be identical to the natural series, a pre-selected shade is given to the enamel. Zirconium ceramics fit perfectly to the tooth, which eliminates possible complications and guarantees a presentable appearance.

As soon as the crown is ready, the dentist will be able to start installing it, but for now it is necessary to perform a number of procedures:

Denture care and durability

After installing a zirconium oxide crown, your doctor will tell you how to care for it. By adhering to the following rules, you will be able to give the established zirconia prosthesis longevity:

The rules for caring for zirconium crowns are not at all different from the rules for caring for your teeth. The guarantee that dentists give on zirconium oxide crowns is lifetime. The material behind them is very durable. Only proper care is required from the patient, and then the structure will last more than 1 dozen years.

Which is better: zirconium, metal-ceramic or porcelain prosthesis?

Zirconium-free metal ceramics, porcelain crown or metal-ceramic construction? To figure out which one is better, you need to consider their differences. If you need to place a denture on the anterior group of teeth, then a zirconium oxide construction is ideal for this. Such a crown is characterized by excellent aesthetics, full compatibility with the tissues of the oral cavity and a high price.

Zirconium oxide, due to its strength, is suitable for the manufacture of both single prostheses and bridge structures.

Cermet is also suitable for the restoration of teeth from the front, but in terms of aesthetics, it is inferior to zirconium. The frame of such a prosthesis is metal. If you need to restore only one tooth, then it is better to choose a denture made of porcelain or zirconium oxide. Or to restore several teeth at once so that it is not so noticeable.

Porcelain is characterized by aesthetics that are distinctive from cermets. It conveys well the shades and translucency of the tooth, due to which the porcelain crown is completely invisible on the front teeth. It will never fade or darken. This type of material is suitable for the manufacture of only single crowns and is characterized by a high cost.

Summarize. If it is necessary to restore the front teeth, then the ideal option would be a zirconia crown or porcelain structures. Although they are expensive, they are aesthetic. For chewing teeth, the most practical will be metal-ceramic dentures or zirconium oxide. The choice is yours!

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