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Growing calla lilies for cutting.

Planning the cultivation of planting material and planting.
Calla lilies- An excellent plant for cutting and growing in a pot. Colored zantedeschia(calla lilies) can be grown for cutting, as a potted crop and in the ground. After 6-8 months of cultivation, the plant develops tubers, the above-ground part of the plant dies and calla tubers fall into a dormant period that lasts at least three months. After interrupting the dormant period, the tubers are planted in the soil and the entire life cycle plants repeats.
Plant calla tubers necessary immediately after their delivery. The tubers delivered to the customer have already undergone the necessary processing; they need to be planted as quickly as possible. IN open ground calla lilies They begin to bloom on July 1 and flowering continues until October 1. In the subtropics it can bloom all year round, part of the time the plants grow in a greenhouse, and part of the time in open ground (with shading). When grown in both temperate and subtropical climates and depending on the variety grown, the plants must be shaded in order to reduce the light intensity by 30% during hot weather and thereby stimulate stem elongation.

The best way to plan for long flowering is to plant calla tubers within clearly planned periods. An important factor influencing the duration of flowering is the number of flowers on the plant. Calla lilies, forming a large number of flowers bloom longer than calla lilies with a small number of flowers.

Tubers should only be planted in good soil, otherwise the tubers should be planted in containers with good soil substrate.
To provide good growth and the development of calla lilies, the soil should be loose and breathable.

Almost any type of soil can be used to plant calla lilies, but there are two things to consider: important factors- the soil must contain sufficient quantity air and hold water well. However, the soil should not contain large amounts of water, so a good drainage system is required. When planting tubers in clay soil, you should use ridges or raised beds, which will protect the tubers from becoming waterlogged. When growing plants on clay soil, the electrical conductivity should be low, EC (<1,5), а кислотность почвы должна быть на уровне pH 5-7. Почва должна быть чистой от патогенов, особенно, таких как грибы питиум (Pythium) и ризоктония (Rhizoctonia solani). По результатам почвенного анализа перед посадкой в почву вносят удобрения. Если на этом участке в предшествующие годы выращивали calla lilies, then the soil must be steamed or treated with fungicides to prevent possible plant diseases.

In the absence of suitable soil, calla lilies are forced into containers.
If the soil is not entirely suitable for forcing (very heavy soil, poor drainage, presence of pathogenic fungi), then forcing is carried out in containers in the substrate. Forcing calla lilies in containers has its advantages: if after planting the room temperature is quite high, then the containers can be moved to a cool room for rooting at a temperature of 12-16°C. For forcing, it is better to use a loose peat mixture. If the soil in the greenhouse is contaminated with pathogens, containers should not be placed directly on the soil. The container is filled with substrate to 2/3 of its volume and the tubers are placed with the growth bud up on the surface substrate. Then the container to the top covered with substrate. The tubers should be covered with a sufficiently large layer of substrate, since the roots begin to form in the upper part of the tuber. When forcing calla lilies in a container with a limited volume of substrate, great attention must be paid to watering. It is necessary to maintain uniform substrate moistening throughout the entire growing period. The feeding and growing conditions for plants when forcing them in containers in a greenhouse are the same as in the soil of a greenhouse. If calla tubers If they need to be saved for future use, they should be watered for another month after cutting the flowers. After this, watering is stopped and the leaves fall off.

Compliance with the conditions for growing calla lilies and proper nutrition of the plants will give good results.
Potassium is a more important nutrient than nitrogen. Zantedeschia (Calla lilies) needs fertilizers, and more potassium fertilizers than nitrate ones. Excess nitrogen leads to excessive foliage of plants, weakens plants, causes a decrease in the number of flowers, and increases the risk of underdeveloped flowers. The soil must contain all the necessary nutrients, including microelements. Simple or complex fertilizers are applied in different ways, including with irrigation water. For uniform plant growth, the potassium content in the soil should be twice the nitrogen content. Fertilizers are applied during the main filling of the soil and during further feeding of plants.

Weeds must be destroyed before calla lilies sprout.
Chemical weed killers are used before sprouts appear. After sprouts appear, chemicals are used very limitedly. When the leaves open and the plants grow well, weed growth is suppressed. When removing weeds mechanically, try not to damage calla leaves and its roots in the top layer of soil.

Temperature and humidity.
After planting calla lilies the temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at 15-16°C. The soil temperature should be 15-18°C. After the leaves open, the air temperature is maintained at 18 - 20°C. Depending on the light intensity, the air temperature can rise to 25°C (maximum). To avoid plants being damaged by the bacterial disease Erwinia, try to keep the soil temperature from rising above 20°C. With good lighting, plants produce more flowers and the quality of stems improves, so it is necessary to ensure good lighting for plants, especially in spring and autumn. To reduce the high temperature of the air and soil in the greenhouse in the summer, they use chalk to whiten the glass or shade the plants with fabric. In addition, shading in such conditions also prevents the formation of short stems. When calla lilies bloom In spring and autumn, the night air temperature should be lowered from 15 to 10°C. Under these conditions, plant development slows down, but flower coloring intensifies. The optimal air humidity during the daytime is 75%. The relative air humidity should not be allowed to decrease to 50-60%. The relative air humidity should not be allowed to rise above 75-85% at night. Plants and tubers are damaged by low temperatures.

Experience of growing calla lilies in a greenhouse of a candidate of agricultural sciences. Sciences K.S. Kocharyan:
“The substrate for callas is made from plant soil, peat and volcanic slag in equal parts, with the addition of 1.5-2 kg of manure per square meter (soil pH 5.5-6). In September, large vegetative layerings of callas are planted in a greenhouse: in ridges 1.5 m wide and 15 m long, oriented from east to west. Planting density is 10 pcs per square meter. When planting calla lilies, it is imperative to ensure that the base of the false stem of the calla lilies is at soil level, then there will be one hundred percent survival rate (when planted a little higher, the plants age prematurely and lose productivity, and when planted deeper, soil gets into the leaf sheaths, causing the leaves and inflorescence rudiments to rot).
After planting, water the plants abundantly, after which their leaves begin to grow rapidly. If after the first watering the plants bend, they need to be corrected (restored to a vertical position). In the fall, to ensure intensive leaf growth, the formation of inflorescences and their normal development, in greenhouses we maintain 6-12 degrees at night and 12-14 degrees during the day.
Between the end of October and the first ten days of November, flower arrows begin to appear, and the first flowers are picked in the second half of December; Mass cutting is carried out in January. The height of calla lilies reaches a meter and slightly higher; The diameter of the flower “spread” is about 15 cm. We cut the callas halfway (the spread of the cover is no more than 80% of its length) - then the flowers are stored in the bouquet for about two weeks.
In the winter months, the temperature in the greenhouse should be 14-16 degrees, but in extreme cold it can drop at night to 6-8 degrees (this happens without negative consequences for plants). We water the plants regularly but moderately twice a week. Once a month we remove dying leaves and remove weak cuttings. We carefully loosen the soil in a greenhouse with callas (they have a shallow root system, damage to the roots is undesirable) 1-2 times a month - only until the leaves close. We fertilize callas 2-3 times a month, applying per square meter. meter 20 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of nitrogen fertilizers.
In the first year, the yield of calla lilies is 40 inflorescences per square meter. meters, and in the second year the yield of inflorescences almost doubles."

In addition to the soil culture of calla lilies in a greenhouse for cutting, the experience of growing calla lilies in a greenhouse in pots is also practiced - both cut inflorescences and flowering calla bushes in containers are sold.

The answer was prepared by E.Yu. Ziborova.

O P Y S A Y I E (ts 473496 INVENTIONS Soaz Soviet Socialist Republic;i;o og, tss 1: zR osuaarstvennyi kavnt of the Council of Ministers SSS.2:635.942 eo aeyaa ivooretegi i otkrytiykov state order of Labor of the Red Riktsky Botanical Garden) S 1 TOSOL B 1 RAC.1.14 VLNIYA KDLL ZFIO 1 SKO IN GREENHOUSES (72) Author tszooreteiya L 1, Cat The invention relates to the field of floriculture, namely to methods of growing calla lilies in the soil of greenhouses to obtain cut inflorescences in the cold season There is a known method of growing Ethiopian calla lilies in greenhouses, which ensures a certain planting and appropriate care. In greenhouses, the temperature is maintained at 20 - 22, and on sunny days it is allowed to rise to 37 and above. Per 1 liter (2 are planted with 8 - 9 plants. C each receives 2 - 5 inflorescences per season, that is, from 118 - 45 inflorescences. The plants are used for cutting for 3 - 4 years, after which each is divided into 3 - 4 parts and planted again in the soil of the rack. When planting callas on large areas, often small vegetative side shoots are used. During the growing season, pinching of small shoots is carried out 4-6 times. However, when growing Ethiopian calla lilies using the known method, it is difficult to carry out clonal selection and correct formation of inflorescences. In addition, the yield of inflorescences and the reproduction rate are small. When dividing callas using a known method, 3-4 new ones are obtained from one plant, and wide wounds are inflicted on the plants. In the first year after division, because of this, the color is weakened and is 60% of normal, that is, 25 - 30% of the period of use of the plant passes through life.5 In addition, the process of division is limited by age from .etetsya q productThe population size decreases due to aging. The plant uses 5-7 new plants for propagation. The vegetative plants from one plant produce 5-7 new plants, but according to biological principles, they have lower productivity throughout the 2nd cycle. In this case, random plants are used for propagation without taking into account their productivity. Clonal 5 selection at low reproduction rates is difficult and therefore the productivity of the population is difficult to increase. The rate of planting is reduced by 1 (2), which, in addition to the direct yield of flowers, leads to the spilling of squat, spreading plants with short false stems and flower stems, therefore, 60 - 70% of the cut is 11 - 111 parsed.In greenhouses, a high temperature is maintained, which entails high heating costs. It is not taken into account that the heat contributes to the rapid blooming of inflorescences, the peduncle of which has reached 25 - 30 cm inside the false stem. At the same time, such inflorescences account for 15 - 20% of the total stock with 473,496 flowers in the population, 110 at the same time, 110 of the recumbent inflorescences are caught at high density and 40 - 50 inflorescences are reduced 51, WHICH IS THE GLOBAL RESULT OF THE CIZEN yield of inflorescences. In addition , with the known method of growing, developmental biology is completely ignored: they take into account the conditions necessary for the establishment and formation of social systems, 1 S GPLAYUT 31 ache 11 E GRYAVIL 0)1) formation of rdstezzi, for a long time shaking - TT tsa CHASTOS UL: SNIS PESYchsk.v.110 tsrsd, 1 yas)10)u sposoo for OoleGchtstsya and;:Ovdetsiya bedbug selection, obsspschssya and,":Wiltsy forms rovyatstya co.children, uVeltsChsTSTs: TsH VYOD 1 V:OLODTSOE VRSMYA GOLYA Ts POVytetsts 5 COEF. 1st ryaz)1 POKststsya planting will be allowed to grow up resting dst- Gc with 2 - 3 bogamts on srs 0 - 7 years with szhsgoltsy olzokratsy removal after 01;0- teas: I summer rest of all children ts shoots, .ms,.vuh - three, central to this process of distribution of assimilating leaves and inflorescences, the temperature is maintained at 12 - -27, during the predominant period of the process of rapid growth of inflorescences inside the locust stems 6 - 17 c During the process of laying the flower buds 5 - 22. The method is carried out as follows Thus, Cultivation is carried out in greenhouses with glass; tsviy posyalochtsim mater. Evil 1 which is grown from dormant summers - VsGstyatstsvyh more than 1. For this purpose, during Vrs)1)jass flowering (Jagvar - March) will allow the reproductive selection of uterine plants 1 J. From) hyaot healthy, well-developed plantlets with expressive varietal prizes with 11 PITS AND OCCLTS .1 flowering, placing marking pegs near the plants. During the autumn pasytskovatsitsy in August - September, from the selected plants, 5 astkts AND SEEDING soil is separated from the selected plants. To do this, prepare an area with a loose nutrient substrate, into which 3 kg of peat and 5 kg of pska are added. The furrows are 15 s wide, 7 - 8 s wide, and deep. The bottom of the furrow is compacted by stepping on a wooden strip with your foot. To the flattened face bors)evil, high fly: 10 4 - o tsststsyatsotstspy MSTRL LLYA LORSSHCHIVYATSI 51 N TECHE 1 IS 1 O, and;i PO 40 - 00 tsa 1;1 OGOtstsy mst) with this transplantation in January, Then they are covered with soil tsa 2 - 3 ss, water well and maintain temperature In tsomeshstststi 8 - 15". Planting of sprouted tap holes tsa dorac:tsvdttse is GROWED IN JANUARY, STSLLYAK VS 1 YATSIVET Tss depth 30 s. For 1 g, add 10 kg of PYaVOZ, 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt, loosen the surface of the mixture for 15 s, mark rows after 20 s, and carry out three-string 5 O 5 20 25 30 35 40 45 50)c) 60 65 tsuo sludge. Young plants: Zysazh;vayug chs)sz 5 - 7 ss so that osszs 1:151 ., l, - styevs are at the same height as the father of the earth. In winter and spring, the mololys plant grows in the same conditions at 0 and blooms. In the summer, they continue to grow, so they are regularly watered, loosened and planted. 1) the arrangement of ground plants is allowed IN SVGUST, PE;) EL TSH POSYALKOY Tsa POSTOI;oe)1 sto. 1 (besides the main shoot, 2 - 3 good lateral shoots or as many children are left on the plant, a circle is selected from the top. All the remaining shoots and tapholes are broken out and thrown away. Half the preparation of the soil and planting are done: sh tsd a permanent place is produced by the following oo- RYAZO): GSU 1 TOVYY STSLLYAK PSR.1 s11 VYAOT s 1 depth 40 s, and Vtsosyat tsa 1 2 10 kg tsyavoz, 0 kg peat, 00 s, SUPSRfoefdta, 20 g KYALITSOI salt. 1 lake cult: they grow at a depth of 20 ss, Young plants are vysaktsvyaOt in gru: t 1 About 12 qya 1, ll tsvstststs 5 V tschsis b - 7 years. The development of kyalls is regulated by GlyaVtsy.1 00 - I keep to the temperature, tsa tszmstststsiya which plants exclusively plastically react. Under the ceracyotsal temperature regime, the buds develop from the tslts in general the tss is laid. The peculiarity rages 51 ya.l consists of volume 3, TSYALZSM:1 YS ORGYTSY IN TS 1 SCIS 1 9)1 SS 51 TsSV develop inside the false stems. calla tsa cut it is necessary to take into account that the plant undergoes three formative processes with Ryaz.Ichtsy Te 1:SRYATURTSY)TS TRSOOVYATTS 5)1:1: LL 5,)YAS-pusation of assimilated leaves tstis VCMTRTS Lozhtsykh STEOLSY OptmalyYAYA Ts.;- ceraturd 6 - 17 and for the formation of new flower buds, the optimal temperature is 5 - 22. Long-term exposure to any of these processes leads to a decrease in the number of opening inflorescences and therefore during the growth of support from temperament) r- TY REKIM S UCHSTO) VSSKH FOR) 10001) with; ZOVYATELTSKH Ts R O C S S". 0 V.Osststss;the maintenance of flowering callas is carried out in such a way as to create conditions favorable for the beginning of active growth, the opening of new assimilating leaves, the regrowth of permanent roots for the proportional growth of leaves and social branches of the growing stems, as well as for the establishment new shoots are produced in the cone. Pyasyckovatsis callas are produced once a year, in August, after the end of summer dormancy. The upper part of the rootstock is freed from the ground. All thin shoots wither, leaving 2 - 3 main thick shoots in the bush. Thanks to this operation, favorable conditions are created for the development of buds with high flowering plants and the fall of flowers 47349660 65. The ability to repeat this work several times a season. Basic care of plants in the fall includes the following operations: the ground around the shoots is leveled so that the ground ;) another stem was at the level of the surface of the tree; I; For 1 liter 2 add 5 kg of peat, 12 g of potassium 1 salt, 16 g of superphosphate and 10 g of ammonium sulfate. The soil is bayoneted with vilays without turning the layer, loosened and watered abundantly. The temperature at this time is maintained close to Okruzhaoshey - nocp.0 6 - 12, and dtsm 12 - 18. Daily temperature fluctuations are useful for plant development; it is increased to 27 and decreased to minus 1 +2 for 4 - 6 hours s:ele.1 sput:ii. The winter content of flowering calla lilies should be full of inflorescences 1, for which it is necessary to monitor only the blooming of the blooming inflorescences, tso and create conditions conducive to normal steoles, including the second inflorescences and generative shoots. A good indicator of the optimal course of these processes is the procorciocytal development of assimilated calla leaves, which also needs to be taken into account. The winter development of callas is regulated primarily by maintaining a temperature commensurate with the surrounding temperature. In winter, in greenhouses, at night and in cloudy climates, they maintain a temperature of 12 - 10, I In sunny climates, it is raised to 22 - 8". Higher temperatures are undesirable; dotsust:.)1 s kryatkormennys, I 4 - 6 hours lowering the temperature to 6 - 8, Once every 30 - 40 days and for one week the night temperature is: - lowered to 18, in order to cause mass blooming of successive inflorescences. Maintain a high temperature longer than 7 - 10 days in a row, it follows, tyak kyak Otsya suppresses the sk 1st growth of inflorescences.The increase in temperature is timed to coincide with the desired dates of mass flowering: January 1, February 23, March 8 and other days of increased demand for flowers or warmer weather in accordance with the long-term weather forecast. The specified temperature regime allows you to save fuel for heating greenhouses and regulate the timing of flowering. The spring content of flowering kyllas is used to create conditions favorable to the laying of generative buds, which are the basis for the productivity of the next season. The laying of flower buds is associated with the necessary growth of shoots and regulates it from) te),:sryaturtss: 0 mode. , to ensure the winter of the 1st 5th buds in the end of March - the beginning of April, the night temperature is reduced to 7 - 9, the conduction is strengthened. D 11 TE 1 b- a significant increase in the temperature of the sun (above 28). In mid-April, when Wednesday 1 O 15 20 25 Zo 35 40 45 50 55 night temperature becomes positive, in glass-coated greenhouses the doors and transoms are left open at night, and in greenhouses with a film coating; - 20% of the roof is torn. Abundant blooms in spring occur due to solar heating. To ensure intensive growth of shoots, at the end of March, full mineral fertilizing is carried out (M RK - 4: 5: o), at the beginning of ripening, fertilizing with yellow liquid is given with abundant watering weekly, When keeping flowering kyallas in the greenhouses in the summer, the temperature is maintained at 20 - 2, and in solar dci, the tolerance is up to 37 and higher. The proposed method in comparison with the produce)1 COUNTS THE OBTAINING FROM MINT 1)IC thicket of 7 - 18 plants More, Vel: 1 - yield of inflorescences of 2 - 3 from one raststsy ts mdltsts 51 et term esplyatiatsts tsvet 1 more - 10 plants twice: from 3 - 4 years to 6 - 7 years. Planting 1 liter of ryastetstsy, instead of 8 - 9, in addition to a direct increase in the yield of inflorescences from the area, allows you to get an increase the yield of inflorescences from 1 parsing is 4 - 5 times more. Thus, the reduction of the nutritional area reduces the cost of care work for the plant 20 C,"1, Osetsie pyatskovyae in a slow way, carried out once a year, ensures the strengthening of the SUBJECT main shoots, which grow little and grow 1 They are squeezing around Oegami. The inflorescences of the planted plants turn out to be more gummy - the first time 1) the other ones descend 10 syat ztschtstlenno b 1 elsh,)hozh 5 st).Growing calla lilies in the cold season at suotroitchesko)1 tsperyaturtsem reKts)e with a background temperature of 12 - 15 and syadpshy:1 DAYS.1 C MONTHS)1 ITS DEVIATIONS)C FROM the average c; recommendations for seasonal conditions for containing callas, based on its biological characteristics, ensure the receipt of tsor)12;1 of the Outotsov bookmark and their development inside the false stem , which allows you to get from 1 liter to 80 liters instead of 5 - 10 or 28 - 40, obtained by the known method. In addition, according to the proposed method, heating costs are reduced by approximately 401. When calculating the economic feasibility of the proposed method, it turns out that when implementing the plan for obtaining inflorescences from 1 l, income increases by almost 2. 5 times. In this way, the costs of planting these plants are reduced in connection with their service life. In this way, the proposed method makes it possible to make the cultivation of kyalls rssttabsltsy)1 q profitable, while Vrs)ya kyak prts Cultivate in a known way kyallas are a profitable crop. op Subject of invention Compiled by L. Paapnna Techred 3. TarasinoRedaktoo L. Emelyanova Ksrrsktor B, Gutman Zaka752/1178 Ed. d 1530 Tnoagk 619 TsNIIPI State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSRPodsoe Type. Kharkiv Phil. warmed up Patent A method of growing Ethiopian calla lilies in greenhouses, including planting and care, which is characterized by the fact that, in order to facilitate the selection of bugs, ensure the correct formation of inflorescences, increase their yield in the cold season and increase the reproduction rate, planting is carried out grown-up dormant children with 2 - 3 shoots for a period of 6 - 7 years with an annual 1 removal after the end of the summer dormancy of all children n shoots, except two - toeh, p: this is: 1 z:er; Od:re;es:a ". As the asymmetrical leaves of the inflorescences are released, the temperature is maintained at 12 - 27, the period of the process of latent growth of the tip 1 inside the false stems b - 17 and in the lane: The process of ordering 10 zyh flower buds - 2 1 and


1913847, 28.04.1973



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Method of growing Ethiopian calla lilies in greenhouses

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Generalization of an experiment on growing stool in a school greenhouse



I.Introduction 3

II. Main part

Chapter 1.

  1. A little history 4
  2. Legend 4
  3. Structural features 5
  4. Growing flowers 6
  5. This is interesting 8

Chapter 2.

2.2. Experiment in a school greenhouse.

III. Conclusion

IV. Bibliography


I. Introduction

Flowers... Living colors of the earth. Flowers have always attracted people with their beauty and aroma. Not a single person can do without them. Flowers decorate and enliven our lives, bring pleasure, delight with their beauty, aroma, excite the heart and soul, improve our mood, and therefore preserve our health.

In first grade, we went on an excursion to the school greenhouse, where we first became acquainted with calla lilies. These flowers amazed us with their beauty, delicate white flowers. In addition to these plants, we saw beautiful chrysanthemums, prickly cacti, tiny tangerines and large lemons, grape vines, laurel, pomegranate and fragrant roses. All this beauty was created by Elena Fedorovna Kartyaeva, a laboratory assistant at the school greenhouse. We had an idea to learn more about calla lilies and grow them ourselves.

Therefore it was put target: learn more about calla lilies and grow flowers in the school greenhouse.


- learn as much as possible about calla lilies;

- find out what people around us know about calla lilies;

- prepare for growing calla lilies in artificial conditions;

- grow flowers yourself in the school greenhouse.

An object studying - plants in the school greenhouse.

Subject of study- calla flowers.

Research methods:analysis of literary sources and survey results, observation, photography, survey, experiment, analysis of the results obtained.

Hypothesis: If we study the material on this topic, we will be able to grow callas and introduce our friends to little-studied flowers, learn how to conduct an experiment and process the results obtained.

Chapter 1.

Calla - Calla (zantedeschia, calliper, richardia) is a well-known herbaceous perennial plant of the araceae family. We can distinguish representatives of this family by their characteristicinflorescence - a spadix with a spathe.

  1. A little history.

Calla lilies are native to South Africa.

In V. Dahl’s dictionary, calliper is represented by a variety of names:serpentine, snake, snake-grass, krasukha, lake shifter, white companion, breadwort, cockerels, bobwort, gorewort, swampweed.

In the “Botanical Dictionary” of N. Annenkov, in addition to the variants of the names of this plant already mentioned by V. Dahl, thistleweed and swampweed, there is an interesting message about the whitewing: “The roots of this plant are attributed in the Perm province the property of pulling hair, a snake sting and a sewing needle from the body, for whereby the crushed fresh root is firmly tied to the place through which these illnesses entered the body.”

Latvian writer Anna Sakse wrote many fairy tales about flowers. Among them is the fairy tale “Whitewing”. An orphan boy, herding pigs, was forced by his evil stepmother to save a piglet that had fallen into a swamp. The poor shepherd boy drowned along with the pig: “...Only the pig’s ear and the boy’s calloused fist stuck out on the surface... The next day the swamp dried up, and in its place grew a flower that looked like a white wing...”.

  1. Legend.

Callas are a talisman of family happiness. They say that reconciliation after a quarrel will be easier, and old grievances will be forgotten faster, if you present this flower to a person dear to you, with whom your relationship has broken down. Calla reveals femininity. And the negativity around is transformed into goodwill and a desire for open conversation.

There is a belief that calla lily is a flower that increases the immunity of its owner. It is believed that this plant charges the very air in the garden and home with health, energy and strength. A bouquet of calla lilies banishes despondency and melancholy and gives cheerfulness and hope to a seriously ill person.

Now I’ll tell you the legend about the flower, about how kala appeared on earth. A cruel, Indian deity's daughter fell in love, because it's an everyday matter. She fell in love with a brave and courageous young man, Who lived in a simple ordinary tribe. Having learned about their love, he made his daughter invisible, But still she came down from the mountains to her beloved. The young man only felt that she was next to him, the string of his soul again sounded with longing. He collected flowers and sewed a blanket, And he covered his beloved with it in the evening, But he saw only her silhouette, And he began to cry, trying to find the answer to fate. The father, seeing this, took pity on him and returned his daughter’s former face. In the place where the blanket fell, the whole clearing was covered with new flowers.

Another legend associated with callas. A merciless leader from a barbarian tribe fell passionately in love with a beautiful young girl and decided to take her as his wife. But the kind and honest girl boldly refused him. An angry man attacked her settlement, intending to seize the power of the girl he liked. On the day of the wedding, which was not to take place according to her will, the beauty, dressed in a festive wedding attire, wanted to throw herself into the fire, but the ancient gods decided to help the girl, not wanting such a pure and brave creature to simply die, and turned her into magnificent and delicate flower - calla lily.

  1. Features of the structure.

Ethiopian calla and other varieties with a white veil grow

up to 1 m in height, with a variegated cover - does not exceed 50 cm. The round tubular stem turns into a flower. The color of the flower is different. The more common ones here are white with a pale yellow center. In addition to white calla lilies, yellow and burgundy flowers are grown in the school greenhouse.

The underground part of the calla lily is either not described at all in the literature, or it is spoken about in a vague way. Either calla lilies have tubers, or rhizomes, or “tuberous rhizomes.” It turned out to be very simple. In some plants, those descended from Ethiopian calla lilies, the underground part is a rhizome. Others, whose ancestors are Calla Elliott and Calla Rehmann, have tubers.

  1. Growing flowers.

Natural places for wild calla lilies to grow are floodplains in regions with warm and mild climates. For successful growth and flowering, callas require a light to partial shade location and constantly high soil moisture.

Growing kale under artificial conditions and achieving its flowering will be easy for someone who knows everything about it.

Calla is a “short day” culture. During the formation of a peduncle in calla lilies, it requires long-term lighting (at least 12 hours). And then the calla is provided with a shorter daylight hours (8 - 10 hours).

To successfully grow this exotic plant, gardeners need to remember that calla lilies must have a pronounced dormant period. In our Russian conditions, the dormant period for plants is winter. In the remaining months of the year, calla lilies in a pot require a balanced combination of organic and mineral fertilizers.

The shoots of a growing calla lily will not shrink if you feed it with organic matter in a timely manner. To do this, you can carefully dig a groove along the edge of a heavy and voluminous calla pot and add any organic matter available in the house. You can use, for example, fruit peels (bananas, kiwi apples, etc.), seed husks, tea leaves, etc. Sprinkle the added organic matter with soil and water the plant with water at room temperature. Subsequently, water the calla lilies fed with organic matter with mineral fertilizer dissolved in water (according to the instructions).

Periodically, the top layer of soil in a pot with calla lilies can be replaced (with care not to damage the rhizome). Then the plant will grow successfully in a pot for quite a long time without replanting.

Calla is very moisture-loving, so the substrate must be kept moist and never dry out. This is also a necessary condition for the development of beneficial soil bacteria that process organic matter into plant-available nutrition.

When a flower stalk appears on the calla lily, you can slightly (so as not to burn the roots of the plant) increase the dose of nitrogen-potassium fertilizer. It is preferable to use urea, which improves soil acidity, which is beneficial for callas.

When the calla inflorescence is at the beginning of dissolution, you can add calcium to the substrate (for example, an infusion of egg shells is suitable). Then the half-blooming calla peduncle, when cut (or if the plant blooms in a pot), retains its freshness longer and does not fade as quickly as it does in nature.

About calla lilies they usually write: “blooms from October to April.” This simply cannot be! December, January and February in the homeland of calla lilies - South Africa - is summer, hot and sometimes dry. It is during this period that calla lilies go into a dormant state. It awakens to life in the fall, when the air temperature does not exceed +20 - +22C and it rains. Therefore, the peak of calla flowering occurs in our summer (June-July-August) - accordingly, during the mild South African winter.

Two groups of calla lilies - “white” and “colored” - require a different approach. “White” are moisture-loving, bloom longer, and do not shed their leaves during the dormant period. “Colored” are less demanding on soil and air moisture, they lovebright diffused light and completely shed their leaves during the dormant period. Guided by general recommendations for flower care, lovers often fill tuberous calla lilies. And when the plant sheds its leaves, they think that the calla has died and throw away the tuber along with the earthen lump. Other troubles also happen with Ethiopian calla lilies. When a plant gets from the greenhouse into a dry, warm apartment, it “thinks” that summer has come and gradually prepares for it - it stops blooming, droops and sheds its leaves. We rush to save our treasure - we begin to water and spray abundantly. The result is sad: the confused calla does not rest and does not grow.

By following these simple rules for caring for calla lilies, you can successfully grow and propagate this noble and graceful plant for many years, enjoying its flowering.

  1. This is interesting.

The whitewing's blanket predicts the weather: it reacts sensitively to the approach of rain, deviating like a barometer needle. If the cover fits tightly to the inflorescence, if its tip is directed vertically, the weather will be sunny. If the leaf-spread of the calligraphy moves away from the inflorescence at a right angle, it will soon rain. The more the leaf deviates, the closer the rain. The purpose of this behavior of the plant, obviously, is to allow the flowing moisture to transfer pollen from the upper staminate flowers to the flowers located below.

All parts of the fresh butterfly are peppery in taste and poisonous due to the glycoside-like saponin they contain. Poisoning is expressed in the form of vomiting, stupor, slow heart rate, and convulsions. Large doses of poison can be fatal. The toxicity of whitefly is especially high in early spring and dry summer. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to take laxatives and drugs that support heart activity. However, when dried or cooked, the toxic substance is completely destroyed, making the plant not only safe, but even edible.

Whitewing is familiar to folk medicine as a diuretic for dropsy and edema, as an analgesic for rheumatism (decoction of herbs or rhizomes), as a laxative (fruit). Calliper leaves boiled in milk were applied to ulcers, and compresses from fresh rhizomes were applied to snake bites.

Whitewing served as a surrogate for flour. In low-yield years, peasants collected the starch-rich rhizomes of this plant and dried them. After drying, they were ground into flour and boiled. The slurry was drained and the grounds were dried again. Boiled and dried, the mass completely lost its bitterness and toxicity and was sent to the kneading bowl as an admixture to ordinary flour.

Chapter 2.

Experimental - research work.

2.1. Analysis of a sociological survey.

We decided to find out what the people around us know about calla lilies. 50 people took part in the survey, children from grades 2b, 3a and their parents. We wrote questions and conducted a survey. The results have been processed.

1.Do you know that there are such flowers as “calla lilies”?

Yes – 39

No – 10

Don't know – 1

2.Do you think they are easy to grow?

Difficult – 36

Easy – 12

I don't know – 2

3. Do they grow here?

Growing in a greenhouse – 24

Not growing – 16

Don't know – 8

Growing houses – 2

4.What do they look like? If you don't know, then guess.

I don't know – 20

White – 15

Red – 6

Beige – 3

Handsome – 2

Blue or any – 1 each

5.For what purpose are they grown?

For beauty – 19

I don't know – 13

For celebrations – 3

Sniff – 3

For joy, decoration, medicinal – 2 each

For perfume, aesthetics, bouquets, love, ritual services, scare away - 1 each

6.In what cases can they be given?

For the holiday - 23

For a wedding or birthday – 11

Don't know – 9

Any – 3

To the funeral – 2

To your loved one - 2

As a result of the survey, we saw that opinions were divided. There are questions to which the respondents answered correctly. But it seems to us that if these beautiful flowers are in our school, then we need to know more about them. There were even wishes after studying the topic to tell them what we knew about these flowers.

2.2. Experiment in the school greenhouse

Goal of the work: to experimentally identify favorable conditions for growing calla lilies in a school greenhouse.

The work put forward hypothesis : if we use various fertilizers and improve the soil, we will be able to grow calla lilies and see their wonderful flowers.

Our experiment was carried out in a greenhouse on the roof of school No. 17 in the city of Ust-Ilimsk on Engels Street -7.

We used young calla lily seedlings, greenhouse soil, autumn fallen leaves, mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, calcium nitrate, potassium sulfate), organic fertilizer (weekly infusion of grass), Baikal-EM fertilizer, and an air thermometer.

Our work was made possible thanks to the microclimate in the greenhouse, which is very similar to the climate of South Africa (hot, long summers, cool, short winters).

Stages of work:

  1. September 2012 - September 2013
  2. October 2013 - May 2014
  3. September 2014 - January 2015

Description of work.

At the first stage we took 3 plants and planted them in the same potting soil. created the same conditions for them, but carried out different feedings: sample No. 1 - with mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate), sample No. 2 was treated with organic fertilizer (herbal infusion), and sample No. 3 was watered with plain water. Stem growth (h) and number of leaves (n) were compared.




September 2012

h= 10cm

n = 1 sheet



October 2013

h= 23

n =3 sheets





We concluded that during the growth period calla lilies respond better to organic fertilizer.

Since our goal was to grow calla lilies before they bloom, we reached second phase work. In the greenhouse, the soil is not actually renewed, and we decided to collect fallen leaves in the school yard in the fall and put them in samples No. 2, No. 3. For plants No. 1 and No. 2, the feeding conditions remained the same; sample No. 3 was fed with mineral and organic fertilizers and the biological preparation “Baikal-EM”.





October 2013

h= 23

n =3 sheets

h= 23

n =3 sheets

h= 23

n =3 sheets

May 2014



0 flowers

Flowering time: no

“Children” - 4 pieces, weak.



2 flowers

Flowering dates: April, May.

“Children” - 6 pieces, developed.


n=6 leaves

1 flower

Flowering time is May.

Young shoots and “babies” 8 pcs., developed.

The results pleased us and we made the following conclusions : For good growth and flowering of plants, it is necessary to update the soil and apply all fertilizers.

Since sample No. 3 was the weakest, and with the changed care it caught up with other plants in growth and bloomed, the most “babies” and young shoots were formed on its rhizome. So, we did not add leaf compost to sample No. 1 and fertilized it only with mineral fertilizers; flowering did not occur.

The findings gave us the opportunity to use this type of plant care for all calla lilies in the greenhouse.

Has begun third (practical) stagework. We put the leaves collected in the fall by the children of our class in a box (bed), poured soil on them, planted several calla lilies and carried out the fertilizing described in our experiment for sample No. 3. The plants differed in their powerful stems and the size of their leaves and flowers. And most importantly, for the first time in 10 years they bloomed in January.We assume that the leaves created an air cushion for the plants, which warms the soil and has a good effect on the growth and development of plants. All calla lilies in the greenhouse received fertilizing, but this result was obtained only in the experimental plot with closed leaves.

III. Conclusion.

As a result of studying the flower crop (calla lilies) and its cultivation, we made the following conclusions:

There are calla lilies of various colors with different flowering periods.

This is truly a festive flower.

For good growth and flowering it is necessary to fertilize. mineral, organic, biological fertilizers.

You can use fallen autumn leaves to improve the soil.

I really like working in the greenhouse: I fell in love with flowers, learned to care for them, make notes of observations, conclusions, and was able to tell my classmates about my work.

And, most importantly, I wanted to become a biologist and study living nature and engage in genetic engineering.

From time immemorial, through different eras, people have carried the desire for beauty. Once a person planted flowers, he never parted with them. Flowers cleanse the soul and make it kinder, richer. The words of M. Prishvin say: “Understand the living language of nature, and you will say - the world is beautiful!”


1. “Flowers” ​​- reference book. Moscow, Ast, Astrel, 2001

2.M.Alexandrova, P.Alexandrov. "Home garden floriculture"

Labyrinth-Press, Moscow, 2002

3.Internet resources:

V. Applications:

I. Excursion to the greenhouse

II.Plants in a greenhouse.

III.Structure of calla lilies.

IV. The first stage of the experiment.

V. Second stage of the experiment.

VI. Third stage of the experiment.
