The blood is thick and dark for reasons. Thick blood: causes and treatment. What to do if you have thick blood

Fatigue, dizziness, headaches, irritability, memory impairment, vision - these are just a few signs of thick blood. Viscous blood is a serious signal from the body about a health problem.

Blood can be called the "river of life" in our body, too important processes depend on it.

When it thickens, the capillary blood flow slows down, as a result, stagnation occurs, oxygen starvation in the tissues, all systems and organs suffer, the heart and brain have to work in an emergency mode. The risk of blood clots, strokes, heart attacks is high.

The increased density of blood is called the syndrome of high viscosity, also hyperviscous syndrome.

In the article:

1. About the functions performed by blood.
2. Syndrome of high viscosity.
3. The viscosity of the blood is normal.
4. Why does the blood thicken.
5. Signs of thick blood.
6. Reasons for increasing the density of blood. Risk factors.

Blood functions in brief:

  • Transport is the most important, it is gas exchange, the transfer of nutrients, heat, hormones, etc.
  • Providing immune responses and homeostasis (stable internal balance).
  • Regulation of the intake of salts (electrolytes) and water into the body,
  • Creation of protective barriers on the way of foreign bacteria and viruses, own defective cells.

The fulfillment of all these important tasks is due to the complex composition:

  • liquid extracellular part - plasma,
  • weighed shaped elements (cell mass) - erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes;
  • enzymes, hormones, ions, other substances.

The density of the blood determines the balance of plasma and cell mass, the liquid part should be more so that blood can freely flow into the smallest vessels and capillaries.

High viscosity syndrome

Hyperviscous syndrome is understood as a number of changes in the rheological (flowing) properties of blood:

  • an increase in the density of blood in general and plasma,
  • increased hematocrit (hematocrit number).

Hematocrit shows how much of the total blood volume is occupied by the formed elements. If the balance shifts towards the cell mass, the blood thickens.

The hematocrit balance in the normal state of blood is 4: 6, where 4 is the uniform part, and 6 is the plasma.

In men, the hematocrit is higher than in women, due to the presence of androgens (male hormones), which thicken the blood.

  • High hemoglobin, specifically the level of heme (the gelling part) and globin (protein).
  • Decreased elasticity and ability of red blood cells to deform.

Due to the ability to deform, acquire various shapes, erythrocytes penetrate into microvascular cells, delivering oxygen to the tissues.

  • Increased synthesis of fibrinogen.

Fibrinogen is a special protein responsible for blood clotting. Its increased content in the blood leads to the adhesion of erythrocytes, the formation of blood clots (thrombi), and the development of thrombosis.

  • Aggregation (enhanced adhesion) of erythrocytes.

Red blood cells carry a negative charge and repel each other. When the balance of acids and alkalis is shifted towards an acidic environment (blood acidification), erythrocytes lose their original polarity, and instead of repulsion, they are attracted and adhered to each other.

Cell clusters are formed, similar to coins or tiles, of 25-50 red blood cells.

  • Increased production of paraproteins.

In pathological conditions, plasma cells vigorously produce paraproteins - special proteins that report a malfunction in the body to all organs so that they are rebuilt to the required mode.

Normal blood viscosity

The blood density in healthy people is 1.050 -1.064 g / ml. This value is determined by the volume of cell mass, lipids, proteins in the blood.

The viscosity of blood is measured by a viscometer device that compares the speed of blood flow in relation to distilled water at the same temperature and volume.

The norm is blood flow 4-5 times slower than water.

The density of the female blood is lower than that of the male. Democritus is normal in women - 37-47%, in men 40 - 54%. This difference is due to different hormonal systems and physiology.

Why does the blood get thick

There are many causes of blood viscosity. The most common:

Lack of enzymes(fermentopathy, sometimes congenital) - a pathology in which food enzymes are absent or insufficiently active, food is not completely broken down, the blood is contaminated with under-oxidized decay products, acidifies, erythrocytes stick together, cells and tissues starve without oxygen.

Poor quality water: chlorinated, destructed, carbonated, contaminated.

due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, selenium, lecithin, zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc.), supplying the enzymes and hormones it needs.

This leads to a change in the chemical. the composition of the plasma, an increase in its viscosity. The liver bears an increased load when eating canned, smoked, meat, salty, sweet foods. Living in areas of unfavorable ecology and working in hazardous industries also harm the liver.

The balance of blood composition is disturbed: more cell mass than plasma.

Dehydration: at insufficient water intake; strong physical exertion (when sweating, the blood thickens); poor digestibility of water; taking diuretics, drinks, herbs; diarrhea, vomiting.

Spleen hyperfunction, its excessive blood-destructive activity.

Doctors are concerned that the tendency to thickening of blood is observed not only in the elderly (this is a natural process), but also in young people.

By the way, 100 years ago the blood of the younger generation was more liquid. This fact can be explained by dirty ecology and a huge amount of chemistry in food.

Heavy thick blood hardly fulfills its main transport role. The vital activity of the whole organism is disrupted.

Signs of thick blood

If you are not aware that your blood is thickening and circulating slowly, the following signs should be alerted:


aching headache, dizziness with short loss of coordination, nausea, muscle weakness and general fainting.

Sensory disorder in the arms and legs:

numbness, tingling, burning, "goose bumps"

Dry skin.
Blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.
Hypersensitivity to cold.
Drowsiness, sleep disorder.
Fast fatiguability.
Tingling in the region of the heart, shortness of breath, palpitations.
Protruded veins, heaviness and pain in the legs.
Always cold feet.
Increased pressure on the background of general weakness.
Depressive state, anxiety.
Decreased hearing, vision.
Tearing, burning in the eyes.
Noise in ears.
High hemoglobin.
Frequent yawning as a sign of a lack of oxygen to the brain.
Sometimes constipation, bloating, flatulence.
Slow bleeding with cuts, wounds.
Repeated miscarriages.
The presence of one or more chronic diseases, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or irritable bowel syndrome, candidiasis.

The reasons for the increase in blood viscosity. Risk factors

Many causes lead to excessive blood clotting and restricted blood flow. They are divided into genetic and acquired.

Genetic or hereditary causes are less common.

You are more likely to have a genetic cause of excessive blood clotting if you have:

  • Family members who have had blood clots.
  • Personal history of recurrent blood clots before the age of 40.
  • Personal history of unexplained miscarriages.

Acquired reasons thick blood lie in the presence of other diseases or pathological conditions:

Aging. With age, the blood thickens, hyperviscosity makes the vessels too stiff, less elastic and, often, calcified.

Smoking increases the risk of unwanted blood clots forming. Smokers have thicker blood than usual.

Alcohol abuse... Alcoholic drinks, being diuretics, bind and remove water from the body, thereby thickening the blood. The amount of water lost is four times the amount of alcohol consumed.

Overweight and obesity- serious risk factors for blood clots.

Pregnancy. Women are more prone to developing blood clots when they are pregnant due to an increase in platelet count and blood clotting factors. The uterus constricts the veins, slowing blood flow, which can lead to blood clots.

Men after 45 years have enhanced platelet synthesis.

Using birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.

Prolonged bed rest due to surgery, hospitalization, or illness.

Lack of physical activity, especially among the population in large cities, long periods of motionless sitting in a car, plane, at work.

Dehydration. A condition in which your body is not getting enough water. This condition causes the blood vessels to constrict and the blood to thicken, and there is a risk of blood clots.

Heavy metals .

For example, old-style silver dental implants may contain mercury, a heavy metal that causes blood to clot. Mercury can also be found in large quantities in marine predatory fish.

Lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3.

Environmental toxins.



Senile dementia, impotence, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke - this is not a complete list of diseases associated with impaired blood circulation. People suffer from different diseases, but the cause of death is very often the same - viscous thrombosed blood.

Good blood quality is the main condition for health and active longevity. It is vital to exclude the factors that lead to blood thickening. Be sure to pay attention to how you feel.

Fatigue, distraction, drowsiness, memory loss, heaviness in the legs are possible signs of thick blood.

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The state of a person's blood is the most important indicator of the work of the cardiovascular system. The quality of all processes occurring in the organs and cells of the body depends on blood, because it is their main living environment. Thick blood, the reasons for which differ, indicates a violation of its composition. The main function of blood, transport, is difficult. This negatively affects the processes of oxidation and reduction in all tissues and organs: the brain, kidneys, liver, etc. For this reason, the quality of the blood should be within the normal range. It is periodically necessary to do its analysis and, if necessary, adjust the blood composition.

What is thick blood

There are two components of blood: blood cells, which, along with their main functions, give it density, and plasma is its liquid part. If the number of formed elements exceeds the plasma content, the blood viscosity and its density increase. Viscosity is determined by the level of fibrinogen and prothrombin content, but it can also increase due to an increase in other indicators, such as: cholesterol, glucose, hemoglobin, etc. The general indicator of the ratio of the amount of plasma and formed substances is called the "Hematocrit number".

The increased viscosity indicates that not all blood cells are able to perform their function. This means that some organs will not receive enough nutrients and not all waste products will be excreted. In addition, in order to push through too thick a mass, the heart requires great effort and tremendous power, which means that it will wear out faster. Not to mention the threat of blood clots with all the ensuing consequences.

A general analysis, through which an increased density of blood is detected, which is not a disease in itself, should alert the doctor, who will help to prevent the occurrence of a whole bunch of diseases in a timely manner. The fact is that thick blood (hypercoagulation) has poor permeability in veins and vessels, especially in small capillaries. As a result, the blood supply to all organs is disrupted, causing stagnation, leading to the development of varicose veins and the formation of blood clots. At the slightest disturbance in the blood supply to the brain, a feeling of lethargy, weakness arises, efficiency decreases, memory deteriorates. In combination with a sedentary lifestyle, there is a risk of development or exacerbation of existing, sometimes even fatal diseases: varicose veins, stroke, heart attack, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis.

Diagnosis and symptoms of increased density

To determine the degree of hypercoagulability, the following tests will be needed:

  1. a general blood test and hematocrit (the sum of all formed elements - erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, in relation to the total blood volume);
  2. analysis of blood clotting and duration of bleeding,
  3. coagulogram - a method for studying the state of the hemostasis system, giving an idea of ​​its general condition, blood coagulability, as well as the integrity of blood vessels and APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) - an indicator of measuring the effectiveness of the internal and general coagulation pathway.

Since the disease called "thick blood" does not exist, it is not entirely correct to describe the accompanying symptoms as symptoms, because they can occur in the background, but nevertheless, the clinical symptoms that are characteristic of hypercoagulation are as follows:

  • high blood pressure (blood pressure),
  • general weakness
  • drowsiness,
  • dry mouth
  • absent-mindedness,
  • heaviness in the legs
  • fatigue
  • depressive state,
  • headache,
  • constantly cold limbs,
  • nodules in the veins.

The list goes on, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all? the so-called latent form, the result of which hypercoagulation is detected only after donating blood for analysis.

Causes of thick blood

The density of blood is influenced by a number of factors, the most common of which are:

  • excess amount of red blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin,
  • lack of enzymes,
  • acidification of the body,
  • irradiation,
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins involved in the production of enzymes and hormones,
  • increased blood clotting,
  • hyperfunction of the spleen,
  • dehydration due to insufficient water intake or if the large intestine does not absorb it well,
  • excess consumption of carbohydrates and sugar.

As a rule, one of the listed reasons prevails, the symptoms of which are temporary.

Thick blood during pregnancy

Thick blood during pregnancy can be caused by the fact that the woman's body is experiencing additional stress, which it cannot always cope with. Sometimes this phenomenon is triggered by a complex of factors, such as: blood diseases, large blood loss, pain shock, or even iron supplements taken by mommy to increase the level of hemoglobin.

Most often, doctors notice such a feature of the blood in a pregnant woman during blood sampling from a vein, when the opening of a medical needle is clogged or even excessive blood density is visually noticeable. In any case, if there is a suspicion of abnormalities in blood clotting, the doctor directs the expectant mother to a detailed coagulogram.

Why thick blood is dangerous during pregnancy

Most of all, this disease is dangerous due to the possibility of blood clots, which can lead to blockage of blood vessels in the uterus, deterioration of the baby's blood supply, and then to miscarriage.

In some cases, thickening of the blood can simply be a feature of physiology and return to normal immediately after childbirth. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, do not worry ahead of time after receiving the results of blood in which abnormalities have appeared - your attending physician will decide for himself what needs to be done in a particular case.

As for the use of drugs for rapid blood thinning, then during this wonderful period they are prohibited and, often, the doctor is limited to prescribing a diet.

Diet with thick blood

If the analysis showed that the density of your blood exceeds the norm, whatever the reasons for this, you need to monitor your diet. You should exclude fried, fatty foods, canned food, marinades, smoked meats and certainly include low-fat dairy products in the diet. The consumption of sweets and sugar is generally not recommended. You should also give up buckwheat, potatoes, bananas, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

If the causes of hypercoagulability of a person lie at his age, along with being overweight and if, moreover, he leads a sedentary lifestyle, then he is more at risk of stroke, which can lead to disability of varying degrees and even death.

There are many products containing substances that help thin the blood. This impressive list includes a lot of delicious things, among which everyone who is faced with a problem will find those that suit his tastes:

Treatment of the disease

Taking aspirin will help in solving the problem of thick blood. There is also a special drug Thrombo ACC, which is based on the same aspirin.

Effective folk remedies are also known. One of them is meadowsweet (meadowsweet). Tinctures and preparations based on it can become a full-fledged replacement for aspirin, they are often prescribed for diseases of the circulatory system.

One of the recipes is as follows: the meadowsweet is brewed by preparing a decoction at the rate of 1 tablespoon of herbs per glass of boiling water. Pouring boiling water over the grass, the broth is left to infuse for half an hour, then filtered and drunk in the form of tea.

Whatever the reasons for thick blood, there are a huge number of means of dealing with it, and everyone will choose the right one for themselves.

Blood viscosity is a very important indicator of a person's health status. This concept means the ratio of the number of corpuscles and blood plasma. The increased viscosity negatively affects the condition of the heart, blood vessels and all internal organs. In the presence of such a condition, the cardiovascular system wears out faster, there is a threat of blood clots and other negative manifestations.

Signs of changes in blood viscosity

Human blood consists of corpuscles (leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets) and a liquid part (plasma). Normally, the part of the shaped elements is not more than 45% and not less than 40%. If this amount is increased, it is a matter of increased blood viscosity. If leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes occupy less than 40%, it is customary to speak of reduced viscosity.

Increased density can be determined by the following manifestations in a patient:

  • decreased visual acuity;
  • noise in ears;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • frequent headaches;
  • decreased performance, drowsiness;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • a feeling of creeping on the body;
  • apathy, irritability, manifestations of depression.

With a reduced viscosity, the ability of the blood to clot is impaired. In such patients, subcutaneous bleeding, bloody discharge from the gums, hemorrhages into internal organs and other pathological conditions are diagnosed.

Why does the blood thicken

A condition such as increased blood viscosity can be caused by various reasons. Among them are:

  • lack of enzymes. This is a congenital or acquired disease in which an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes is synthesized in the human body. Due to the fact that food is not completely broken down, the blood is contaminated with decay products, which provokes adhesion of erythrocytes, oxygen starvation of tissues;
  • poor quality of consumed water. Poor quality water negatively affects the blood composition, leads to an increase in viscosity;
  • heavy load on the liver. Due to the lack of minerals and vitamins, the liver ceases to cope with its tasks. This leads to an increase in the number of corpuscles in the blood. Abuse of smoked, spicy, salty, sour foods negatively affects the liver. Alcohol has a destructive effect on the body;
  • dehydration of the body. If, during intense physical activity, a person does not consume enough water, this can provoke an increase in the density of the blood. In addition, diarrhea, taking large amounts of diuretics, vomiting and other conditions are the cause of dehydration;
  • dysfunction of the spleen. Spleen hyperfunction leads to a disruption in the ratio of plasma and corpuscles.

A common cause of a pathological condition is liver disease with impaired enzyme synthesis

Due to an increase in viscosity, the blood circulates heavily throughout the body, as a result of which the functioning of all organs and systems is disrupted, the heart is forced to work in an enhanced mode, since it is difficult for it to distill thick blood.

Important! Recently, there has been a tendency for an increase in blood viscosity not only in the elderly, but also in younger patients. This is facilitated by poor ecology, poor quality food and other factors.

Reasons for low viscosity

Sometimes the blood density decreases. Although liquefaction is diagnosed less often than high viscosity, the condition poses a serious threat to the health and life of the patient. This indicator is especially important for women in the last stages of bearing a child. When bleeding is opened, it can be very difficult to stop it, and it is often fatal.

Reduced blood viscosity occurs in humans against the background of the following conditions:

  • taking drugs that include acetylsalicylic acid for a long period;
  • overdose of heparin-based drugs;
  • vitamin K deficiency;
  • lack of calcium;
  • malignant formations that provoke a decrease in the synthesis of formed elements;
  • serious allergic reactions;
  • liver pathology. Dysfunction of the organ leads to a decrease in the production of prothrombin and fibrinogen, which entails a decrease in blood viscosity.

When diagnosing the above-described diseases, the patient is obliged to regularly donate blood for laboratory research in order to timely identify a condition that is dangerous to health.

Why is pathology dangerous?

A decrease in viscosity is dangerous by the development of bleeding, especially in patients with severe injuries, as well as in women during childbirth. It can be quite difficult to stop bleeding in such patients, especially if it was not possible to provide timely assistance and deliver the person to the hospital.

One of the complications of blood disorders is vascular thrombosis, accompanied by tissue death

With increased viscosity, the following conditions are dangerous:

  • stroke;
  • ischemic infarction;
  • vascular thrombosis with subsequent tissue necrosis.

Both conditions (increased and decreased coagulation) are not independent diseases. They are provoked by other pathologies. The risk of complications depends on the severity of the disease that caused the violation of the blood composition.


To diagnose increased or decreased blood viscosity, the patient needs to undergo a general analysis, which will show the number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and other indicators. Another required analysis is hematocrit. It allows you to identify the ratio of plasma and shaped elements. Coagulogram determines the state of hemostasis.

In modern medical practice, a special device - a viscometer - also helps to determine the viscosity of blood. During the study, the doctor collects distilled water into one of the pipettes of the device, and blood into the other. After that, both containers are connected, a vacuum is formed inside. Columns of water and blood begin to move at different speeds, which makes it possible to assess the viscosity. Based on the data obtained, the attending physician establishes an appropriate diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment.

High viscosity treatment

How to lower blood viscosity? To reduce the number of shaped elements, the patient needs special therapy, including treatment of the pathology that provoked this condition. In addition, the patient is prescribed a diet and drugs that lower the density of leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets.

There is no specific therapy regimen. Treatment tactics always depend on the patient's clinical picture. The general principles of dealing with high viscosity include correction of metabolic processes, prevention of blood clots, and treatment of neoplasms of hematopoietic tissue.

Drug treatment

The main drug used to lower blood viscosity is aspirin. The drug reduces viscosity, prevents the formation of clots. Despite the fact that the medicine is sold without a prescription, it is not recommended to carry out self-treatment with it. The dose and regimen for taking Aspirin depend on the characteristics of the patient's condition and are selected exclusively by the doctor.

Treatment of the disease is often carried out with the help of Aspirin and drugs that have a similar effect.

Among other medications used for the disease, the following should be distinguished:

  • Ginkgo biloba,
  • Cardiomagnet,
  • Aspeckard,
  • Phenilin,
  • Aescusan.

One or another drug is prescribed taking into account the diagnosis of a person, because increased viscosity is a consequence of a variety of pathologies. Women in position are often prescribed Curantil medicine. In addition to the ability to thin the blood, it strengthens the walls of veins and capillaries, has an immunomodulatory effect.

Patients suffering from varicose veins of the legs are advised to take Curantil in combination with Lyoton. Such a drug union prevents the formation of blood clots, enhances blood circulation through the vessels. With thrombosis, patients are prescribed drugs such as Warfarin and Heparin.

Any medications are used under the strict supervision of a physician. Self-medication in this condition is unacceptable.

Power features

A special diet helps to reduce the viscosity of the blood. In medical practice, it is called table number 10. This food is often prescribed for various cardiovascular pathologies, during the recovery period after a heart attack, with atherosclerosis, and ischemic heart disease.

The following foods help to reduce the increased density of blood:

  • berries - blueberries, cherries, strawberries, white and red currants, gooseberries, cranberries;
  • fruits - oranges, lemons, peaches, apples;
  • vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, beets;
  • spices - garlic, ginger, pepper, cinnamon;
  • dark chocolate, cocoa, coffee.

These are just some of the foods that have a positive effect on the body. For more information on diet, contact your dietitian or healthcare professional.

Patients with pathology are advised to introduce garlic, ginger and other useful foods into their daily diet.

Traditional treatment

With the permission of the doctor, you can try auxiliary treatment with folk remedies. For this, the healing properties of some herbs and plants are used. Dissolving properties are possessed by yellow melissa herb, hawthorn berries, elm-leaved meadowsweet, valerian root, lemon balm, narrow-leaved fireweed and others. The herbs can be brewed and drunk in place of tea, individually or together. It is allowed to drink no more than a glass of a medicinal drink per day.

Flax oil has good thinning and anti-thrombotic properties. The product helps to establish metabolic processes, remove excess cholesterol, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. It is recommended to drink oil in a tablespoon after sleeping on an empty stomach. The course of therapy should be 2 weeks, then a break and repetition of treatment.

Another powerful remedy is apple cider vinegar. This product helps to remove toxins, toxins and other negative products from the body. Drink vinegar for 1.5-2 months, 2 teaspoons, diluted in a glass of water.

How to deal with low viscosity

An increase in the number of formed elements is less common in patients than an increased density. Normal drinking regimen increases blood viscosity, refusal to take long hot baths, timely decrease in temperature in case of various diseases.

Whatever the reason for the violation of the ratio of plasma and uniform elements, it is important to take all the necessary measures to normalize the blood composition. Timely diagnosis of pathology and competent therapy of the disease will help prevent possible complications, preserve the patient's health and life.

Update: December 2018

Nowadays, when much attention is paid to the prevention of cardiovascular accidents, there is more and more talk about blood thickening. Additional confusion is often caused by doctors themselves when they tell patients about the need to thin the blood.

Many well-known drugs (clopidogrel, warfarin, heparin, etc.) really reduce the risk of thromboembolic complications, but they affect the coagulation system, but not blood density. Undoubtedly, thickening of blood increases the risk of thrombosis, but this is just one of the factors of thrombosis, and "thick" blood itself rarely leads to thrombosis, as well as "liquid" - does not guarantee protection against cardiovascular accidents.

What is the danger

Very thick blood creates additional resistance to blood flow, and therefore significantly increases the load on the heart. There is a violation of microcirculation, tissue hypoxia increases. Slowing down the blood flow in the capillaries promotes persistent aggregation of erythrocytes and thrombus formation.

Consequences of very thick blood:

  • increased blood pressure,
  • decompensation of cardiovascular diseases,
  • violation of microcirculation,
  • increased risk of blood clots.

What is the peculiarity of blood

Blood is a special substance that fundamentally differs in its properties from the liquids we are used to (water, oil), and does not obey Newton's laws of laminar flow. If the viscosity of true solutions is constant under various conditions, and depends only on the nature of the substance and temperature, then, applicable to blood, this indicator is influenced by many factors (composition, flow rate, pH level, vessel diameter, properties of erythrocytes, etc.).

The viscosity of blood in different parts of the circulatory system is different, for example, in the veins it is thicker than in the arteries, and in the large arteries it is thicker than the small-caliber arteries.

Slight fluctuations in viscosity are noted throughout the day. Heavy physical work, overeating, the use of a large number of foods rich in starch and protein at one time, the use of certain medications, etc. contribute to blood thickening.

Causes of blood thickening

The most important factors that determine the density of blood are:

  1. The ratio of blood and plasma corpuscles
  2. Plasma composition

The ratio of blood and plasma corpuscles (hematocrit)

Whole blood is a suspension, where plasma acts as a solution, and corpuscles (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets) act as suspended particles. However, in practice, when examining blood, only the volume of erythrocytes is taken into account, since it is more than 160 times higher than that of other blood cells.

In a clinical blood test, an indicator called hematocrit is used to assess the ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the total blood volume.

Hematocrit rate

in men 0,4-0,48
among women 0,36-0,42

The higher this indicator, the thicker the blood. Even minor fluctuations in hematocrit, including in the normal range, significantly affect blood viscosity. For example, an increase in hematocrit from 0.4 to 0.5 increases blood viscosity by 2 times.

It happens for 2 reasons:

  1. an increase in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytosis)
  2. decrease in blood plasma volume.
An increase in the number of red blood cells (erythrocytosis) Decreased plasma volume
Vakez's disease (a type of leukemia with a predominant lesion of the red sprout of the bone marrow) Dehydration (dehydration)
  • insufficient water intake
  • alcohol consumption
  • diarrhea
  • indomitable vomiting
  • taking diuretics
  • increased sweating
  • taking antipyretic drugs
  • polyuria
  • diabetes insipidus
Chronic tissue hypoxia:
  • long-term residence or work at height (pilots, climbers)
  • caisson work
  • smoking
  • cardiovascular diseases accompanied by circulatory failure
  • chronic lung disease accompanied by respiratory failure
Pathological conditions accompanied by a sharp decrease in the volume of circulating blood
  • shock states
  • extensive burns and burn disease
  • peritonitis
Increased synthesis of erythropoietin (a hormone that stimulates the formation of red blood cells)
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • benign kidney tumors,
  • hydronephrosis,
  • renal artery stenosis,
  • kidney transplant
  • fibroids of the uterus, cerebellar hemangioma,
  • pituitary adenomas and cysts, thyroid adenoma,
  • Cushing's syndrome.

Aggregating ability of erythrocytes

The ability of erythrocytes to stick together (aggregation) has a great influence on the density of blood.

Normally, in large vessels, erythrocytes are connected to each other with the help of special protein bridges and form characteristic cell complexes, which, due to their shape, are called "coin bars". However, the bonds in this complex are fragile and easily broken with minimal mechanical stress. A closer approach of erythrocytes to each other is prevented by a negative membrane potential.

Normally, reversible aggregation of erythrocytes facilitates their movement in the flow and contributes to more efficient tissue oxygenation.

However, in some pathological conditions, there is a pronounced irreversible adhesion of erythrocytes, which leads to a sharp increase in blood viscosity. The blood becomes so thick that it simply cannot move through the capillaries.

An increase in the density of blood due to the adhesion of red blood cells is facilitated by:

  • prolonged bed rest, prolonged immobilization,
  • the use of certain medications (muscle relaxants, anesthetics),
  • a pronounced decrease in blood pressure,
  • increased cholesterol levels (atherosclerosis)
  • increased hematocrit (dehydration, erythrocytosis)
  • activation of the blood coagulation system (trauma, ICS syndrome)
  • decreased blood flow rate (circulatory failure, venous insufficiency).

Plasma composition

The density of blood largely depends on the lipid and protein composition of blood plasma. An increased content of globulins, especially fibrinogen, contributes to an increase in viscosity.

A significant increase in the globulin fraction is noted with:

  • multiple myeloma,
  • Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • severe allergic reactions.

Albumin, on the other hand, has antiaggregants properties and reduces blood viscosity.

High levels of cholesterol, low and very low density lipoproteins also contribute to additional blood clotting.

The shape of red blood cells and their ability to deform

Erythrocytes have a biconcave shape, but if necessary, they are able to change their configuration. Due to their plasticity and deformability, erythrocytes are able to freely pass through the smallest capillaries, the lumen of which is more than 2 times smaller than their diameter.

Excessive "hardness" of erythrocytes contributes to an increase in blood viscosity.

Low deformability can be due to:

  • an increase in the number of abnormal red blood cells (hereditary spherocytosis, COPD),
  • hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell anemia),
  • chronic hypoxia,
  • swelling of red blood cells due to acidosis
  • chronic stress
  • work at night

Influence of gender and age on blood viscosity

The viscosity of the blood depends on the age. Newborn babies have very thick blood. This phenomenon is due to the high content of erythrocytes (hematocrit is 55% and higher, and the hemoglobin level reaches 180-240 g / l). From the 2nd day of life, these indicators (and, accordingly, the viscosity) begin to decrease, reaching minimum values ​​by 6 months. By the age of 12, blood viscosity in children approaches adult values.

Gender also affects blood viscosity.

Normally, men have thicker blood than women. At the same time, men are more susceptible to additional thickening of the blood. This is due to a greater adherence to bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), the peculiarities of work, exposure to heavy physical exertion.

An additional factor in blood clotting in women is the use of hormonal contraceptives, uncontrolled intake of diuretics and laxatives in order to lose weight.

Blood viscosity in pregnant women

Pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in blood viscosity, which is due to a physiological increase in blood volume, mainly due to its liquid part. Only in the third trimester of pregnancy there is some blood thickening, mainly due to an increase in the level of fibrinogen, which is an adaptive reaction before the forthcoming blood loss.

How does hyperviscosity syndrome manifest?

As a rule, there are no specific signs of moderate blood thickening, and the symptoms of the underlying disease come to the fore.

Increase in viscosity more than 5 units. (at a rate of 1.4-1.8 units) leads to severe microcirculation disorders.

Most often, patients are worried about:

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • drowsiness,
  • parasthesia,
  • weakness,
  • double vision
  • memory impairment,
  • episodes of loss of consciousness,
  • blurred vision
  • development of trophic ulcers,
  • hearing impairment
  • gangrene of the limbs,
  • progression of cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension.

Methods for diagnosing thick blood

Unfortunately, there are no methods that can accurately determine the viscosity of blood.

This is due to the fact that outside the human body, blood loses some of its properties, so the obtained indicators may differ significantly from real ones.

  • Viscometry is the most reliable method for determining the relative viscosity of blood, it is used mainly in hematological patients (with leukemia, myeloma, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, some intoxications and severe infections), when blood clots can reach critical values.
  • General blood analysis. In the general clinical analysis of blood, signs of thick blood are an increase in the level of hemoglobin, the number of erythrocytes, an increase in hematocrit, the presence of pathological forms of erythrocytes, a sharp decrease in ESR.
  • Blood chemistry. Blood thickening may be indicated by a high level of total protein with a relatively low content of albumin, an increase in cholesterol, and low density lipoproteins.
  • Coagulogram. The increased viscosity can be said with an increase in the concentration of fibrinogen.

The most objectively judged about the density of the roof can be with the cumulative assessment of the above indicators.


The range of drugs that affect blood viscosity is limited. A small number of drugs are known that affect only certain components of the high viscosity syndrome.

These drugs include

  • Acecylsalicylic acid,
  • Dipyridamole (courantil),
  • Pentoxifylline,
  • Tanakan,
  • Diquertin combined with ascorbic acid.

From herbal preparations, extracts of safflower leuzea and chalcedony lychnis have the ability to thin the blood.

Blood performs so many important functions in the body that not only the activity of individual organs and systems, but also human life directly depends on its quality.

Why does blood thicken

Before you start to deal with the consequences of blood thickening, you need to find out the reasons why this happened:

  1. Age ... As people age, the composition of the blood changes and the level of hemoglobin rises - the blood becomes viscous. This can threaten the formation of blood clots, increased blood pressure, varicose veins, etc.
  2. Improper nutrition ... An abundance of sweet and fatty foods, insufficient water intake, poor quality water intake or poor absorption of water can make the blood thick.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle ... In the absence of movement in the body, 40% of the blood cannot circulate and stagnates, becoming more and more dense.
  4. Lack of enzymes or lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the production of these enzymes: vitamin C, zinc, lecithin.
  5. Poor liver function ... This happens in cases of consuming unhealthy food or alcohol abuse, smoking, working in hazardous industries, living in ecologically "dirty" areas.

Also, thick blood can be temporary, for example, during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body.

All these reasons can be eliminated, but it is still better to engage in prevention: regularly get tested, play sports and, of course,.

Signs that you have thick blood

Of course, only a blood test can give a clear picture.

But there are clinical symptoms by which one can understand that the blood thickens and cannot fully circulate throughout the body:

  • Drowsiness.
  • General weakness.
  • Increased pressure on the background of weakness.
  • Headache.
  • Swollen veins and nodules on them.
  • Loss of strength and increased irritability.
  • Depressive states.

All this can manifest itself together or by one symptom. But in some cases, there are no signs. Therefore, for the correct diagnosis, it is required to pass a general blood test, an analysis for coagulability and for the integrity of blood vessels.


If it turns out that you have thick blood, the doctor prescribes treatment, which consists, first of all, in changing the diet and observing the drinking regime. From drugs, aspirin or something containing acetylsalicylic acid may be prescribed.

Just do not self-medicate and take aspirin just like that, because it can provoke diseases that you do not know about. In some countries, aspirin is even banned due to the abundance of side effects and their risks not only to health, but also to life.

In this regard, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes:

  • Infusion of currant and raspberry leaves ... 2 tbsp raw materials must be poured with 2 cups of boiling water and let it brew.
  • Mulberry root decoction ... 200 g of chopped roots are poured with 3 liters of cold water and left for an hour. Then they put it on a small fire, wait for it to boil, keep it for another 15 minutes, and then remove the broth, cool and strain. Take 3 times daily before meals, store in the refrigerator.
  • Infusion of garlic and honey ... The first ingredient is taken 250 g, and the second - 300 g, mixed and left for 21 days. The resulting product should be drunk half an hour before meals three times a day.
  • Herbal collection (sweet clover + oregano). 2 tsp raw materials must be poured with boiling water (1.5 tbsp.), drink the infusion during the day, dividing it by 3 times.

Despite the fact that all these recipes are based on the use of natural raw materials, they also need to be treated with caution. After all, there is such a thing as individual intolerance.

Useful and harmful products

You can help your blood simply by reviewing your diet and filling it with healthy blood thinning foods:

  • Berries: cranberries, raspberries, currants (especially black), strawberries. They contain vitamin C, which is necessary so that the blood does not thicken, and the walls of the vessels remain elastic.
  • Lemons and. They also contain vitamin C.
  • Fresh cucumbers. They are 97% water, so they are useful for thinning the blood.
  • Garlic and garlic oil. It contains the antioxidants needed to keep all blood counts normal.
  • Vegetable oil: olive, linseed, etc. These are sources of vitamin E, which is necessary to prevent blood clots from forming in blood vessels.
  • Raisins and prunes. These dried fruits contain salicylates, which act on the blood in the same way as aspirin.
  • Ginger. Can be used as a seasoning or as a stew of finely chopped ginger root. It relaxes the walls of blood vessels, helping blood to circulate more freely throughout the body.
  • Chilli. Of course, you should not use it in its natural form, but you can use it as a seasoning, because it contains folic acid and vitamins A and E.

In addition to introducing products into the diet that contribute to blood thinning, it is necessary to rid your menu of that food, due to which the blood thickens:

  • Sugar in all its forms.
  • Alcohol.
  • Smoked foods, fried and simply fatty.
  • Soda.
  • Buckwheat (due to its high iron content).
  • (because of them, the viscosity of the blood increases).

It is also worth giving up fatty protein foods in the diet, as this contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels, which can lead to plaque formation.

In addition to following a diet and using traditional medicine, it is imperative to move more. And we are not talking about professional jogging, it is enough just to walk more and do morning exercises. And some experts recommend once a week to arrange a "day without a car" to keep the circulatory system in good shape.

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