How to sew a sleeping bag for a dog. How to make a dog bed with your own hands: step-by-step instructions from simple to unusual. Made from plastic materials

A dog living in a house should have its own corner. There she plays and rests, so there must be a bed there. The times when the owner’s old shirt or an outdated blanket acted in this capacity are long gone. Now you can buy a house or make a dog bed with your own hands.

The pet supply industry has flooded stores with recreational products for pets. You can find simple bedding and entire house structures, from which only the pet’s nose is visible. But a self-made bed is unique. There is no analogue in other families; in addition, it has other advantages:

  • The bedding is made according to the size of the pet.
  • The model best suits the pet's character.
  • The shape and color can be adjusted to the interior of the room.
  • Significant savings in finance and time.

Before you start sewing or knitting a lounger, you will need significant preparation. It is important to decide what parameters the product should meet and what will be needed for manufacturing.

You should also take into account your own strengths and skills - you should not take on a complex house with a lot of decor if needlework is not one of your favorite hobbies.

What you need and where to start

The very first step is to sit down and think: what is needed and where to start. Experienced needlewomen recommend stocking up on:

  • Pattern paper. It is better to use old wallpaper, but even newspaper will do.
  • Fabric for the base of the product. It shouldn't be fluffy. The ideal option is teak, denim, and raincoat fabric.
  • Filler. It should be approached responsibly. If the choice is made in favor of natural materials, then dried grass is necessary. Hay is not suitable because long and hard blades of grass can prick the animal. An alternative is coconut fiber. Feather and down, as well as wool, should be discarded - the former breed mites, and the hairs take a long time to dry. Synthetic filler is easier to get. Hypoallergenic structures are well suited: foam rubber, synthetic fluff, silicone balls, filfiber.
  • Material for the sleeping surface. It is easy to change, so it is worth making 2 options: for summer and for winter. For the first case, cotton or linen is suitable, for the second - wool, cashmere, fleece.
  • Wooden blanks and tools and, if you plan to make a lounger with a rigid base.
  • Threads, knitting needles and crochet for knitted bedding.

Important! Articles on homemade production of sun loungers often also mention holofiber, which is used as a filler. However, some breeders and experienced owners strongly do not recommend resorting to it: the specific structure is such that it quickly absorbs fat and sweat, which are secreted by the skin and hairline dogs.

How to determine the correct sizes

A properly selected bed size is the key to the animal’s comfort. To correctly determine the size, it is necessary to take into account the breed, weight and habits of the animal.
Even when bedding is made for a decorative dog, it is important to remember that numerous breeding experiments have deprived these pets of some of their natural instincts. During sleep, they can fall apart and stretch in such a way that a comfortable bed for such a pet will be similar in size to the bedding of a medium-sized mongrel.

When sewing a product for a large animal, it is necessary to measure 2 parameters: the length of the body without the tail and the height at the withers. However, the form must be determined based on preferences. A round bed is best created for a pet that likes to curl up in a ball.

If the dog prefers to sleep fully stretched out, then it is necessary sleeping area rectangular in shape and impressive in size. It is in this case that the height at the withers is taken into account: the spread out paws should also remain within the boundaries of the lounger.

Read also: How to accustom a kitten to dry food: transfer without problems

The optimal solution is a transformable bed that folds up while the dog has not yet grown out of it. puppy age and increases in size along with its owner.

Product patterns

There are many patterns on the Internet for creating various forms and types of beds, but it’s better to create it yourself, precisely adjusting it to the size of your pet.


  • Measure the dog's parameters.
  • Transfer them to paper and draw the base.
  • After applying the material, leave 2.5 cm for stitching.

The pattern of the sides consists of 4 rectangles, where the long side corresponds to the size of the base, and the short side is chosen by the owner based on how high the sides should be. Beginners are advised to make them separately and then secure them with tape or Velcro.

It’s worth taking on a round lounger after you’ve already acquired some sewing skills. It is necessary to make a pattern of the product on paper in such a way that the dog can fit in it and there is still a little space left. Having retreated 30 cm, you need to draw another circle - this material will be used to make the sides.

If you are planning an oval berth, patterns for the base and sides are made separately, and the parts themselves are connected at the final stages of work.

Making homemade sunbeds: options

For handmade lovers, we offer both complex product options and very easy-to-make beds. It is important to remember when choosing this or that model that it is not the owner who sleeps in it, but the pet. Therefore, the main criterion for selection is the future comfort and convenience of the dog.


For an experienced seamstress, good luck if her pet likes to sleep in a ball, because, having the skills, sewing a round lounger is extremely simple:

  • Choose the appropriate material.
  • Draw a circle the size of the planned sleeping place.
  • The second circle is drawn depending on the height of the sides.
  • The fabric needs to be folded in half and cut out, you will get 2 parts.
  • Place one face down on the table, lay out the filling, cover with the second;
  • Sew around the inner circle.
  • Sew the sides together while adding soft material and inserting an elastic band or cord;
  • When all the seams are completed, the elastic must be tightened - the sides will rise.

The finished lounger with sides just needs to be installed in the chosen location and invited your pet to evaluate the new thing.

Large sun lounger

A large dog requires a large bed. Typically, dogs of this size are distinguished by their impressive weight, so it is recommended to create entire beds for them, mounted on a wooden frame. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the bedding being pressed down by its own weight and, as a result, sleeping on an almost bare floor.

To make such a sleeping place you need:

  • Take a pallet and disassemble it into boards.
  • Use them to make a bed base.
  • The second pallet will also be disassembled - 3 sides will be made from it.
  • All fastenings should be made first with wood glue, and only then with screws.
  • Sand the wooden surface, completely removing burrs.
  • Cover with varnish that will not harm the animal.
  • Wait for it to dry and air.

While the wooden base is drying, you need to sew the mattress. It is made simply:

  • You need to cut 2 pieces of fabric to fit the size of the bed, leaving seam allowances.
  • Sew on 3 sides.
  • A zipper is sewn into the fourth.
    The last stage is stuffing the mattress with filler and placing it in the bed. Now you can invite your pet to explore a new sleeping place.

Read also: What is the difference between kitten food and adult food?

Foam lounger

A sleeping place made of foam rubber is suitable for harsh winters or pets who cannot stand the slightest draft and need constant warmth. Most often, such a bed is made with sides so that the dog can get maximum shelter from the cold and the wind.


  • Purchase foam rubber of medium hardness and thickness of 3 cm.
  • A few days before you start sewing, unroll your purchase completely and let the material straighten.
  • Depending on the size of the dog, it is necessary to make an oval pattern for the base and sides.
  • It is recommended to cut the foam rubber using a stationery knife, cutting it with smooth movements, this will ensure an even edge.
  • Apply neoprene glue to the edges and leave the material for a day.
  • Fold the fabric right side out and cut out 2 ovals with an allowance of 5 cm so that the filling fits comfortably.
  • Leave 20 cm unsewn and turn the workpiece inside out.
  • Insert foam and additional soft material.
  • The remaining edge can be stitched by machine or sewn by hand for greater accuracy.
  • Make separate sides and fill them with foam rubber.
  • Connect all the parts.

A warm and soft bed is ready. On frosty winter evenings, your pet will happily sleep in it after a walk.

Lounger made from an old sweater

Clothes that are just hanging in the closet can find a second life and serve your four-legged friend perfectly. A bed from an old sweater is made quickly and with minimal effort.

To do this you need:

  • Sew the cuffs together.
  • Sew the hem tightly.
  • Insert any selected filler through the gate, but the best option will become coconut fiber.
  • Make a stitch on the chest of the product.
  • Add soft material to the sleeves and attach them to the sides and bottom of the sweater.
  • Close the throat with a machine stitch.

Important! A bed like this is a universal option. You can take it with you on a trip as a temporary sleeping place, or place it in the car. If the product is made for dogs miniature breeds, then thrown into a chair or on the sofa next to the owner, it will become the pet’s favorite rookery.

Small mattresses

Small bedding is a great solution for warm summer days. Small dogs will be happy to use them to escape the heat.

To make such a mattress, you will need:

  • Take your chosen fabric.
  • Cut 2 pieces required sizes, leaving 1.5 cm for the seam.
  • Fasten the workpiece with pins.
  • Stitch the wide side and both narrow sides twice.
  • Turn out the almost finished mattress and draw cells with soap or a special pencil.
  • Sew them along the front side.
  • If you choose a material sold in large pieces, finely tear the filler;
  • Fill in each cell.
  • Fold the fabric remaining on the unsewn side 2-3 times and stitch.

You can also attach loops that will secure the litter to a wall or other horizontal surface. Wash according to the instructions for the filler.


Knitted loungers are the prerogative of lovers of this type of needlework. The simplest option is to knit a round bedding like a rug or napkin onto a pillow. This model is made with crochet. During the work, the movement goes in a circle.

Attention! Any pattern can be chosen, but considering that this is a sleeping place for a dog, and not a decoration for the living room, you should not get carried away with excessive delicacy.

If you are planning a knitted lounger, then the procedure for the main steps is not much different from making a sewn lounger. The fabric will simply not be woven, but knitted with loops. At the final stages, the blanks also need to be stitched, filled with soft material.

Warm pillow cover

In addition to clothing, bedding items are also used when making sunbeds. In particular, you can make an excellent lounger from a pillow that is no longer in use.

Dog- best friend person, and friends should be respected. Does your beloved pet still sleep in a cardboard box covered with rags that smells like dog a mile away? Give your friend just a little time and effort - make a comfortable and beautiful lounger. Believe me, your four-legged friend will definitely appreciate your efforts and reward you with love and devotion. Today in the article we’ll look at how to make interesting dog beds with your own hands, and present a master class with photos and videos of the process.

A little creativity for dog beds

If you can’t figure out how to make a dog bed, we bring to your attention several exclusive and at the same time budget ideas for products that you definitely won’t find among your neighbors or friends.

  • Bed made from an outdated suitcase;
  • a bed made from old furniture, be it an old chair, coffee table, banquette or console, and for a large dog a kitchen table will do;

  • an impromptu house can be equipped even from an old bedside table or chest of drawers;
  • a sweater that is not the first freshness will make a first-class bed for a dog;
  • Pallets or barrels will do;

  • For those who like to get creative, we suggest building a dog bed from a tire.

Advantages of a handmade dog bed

Naturally, it is much easier to go to a pet store and buy a bed for your pet there. Manufacturers offer the buyer a lot of original and interesting products - from cheap plastic to solid ones made of wood and fabric. But creating a masterpiece with your own hands is something else, something that demonstrates your affection for the animal, and also a good saving on the family budget.

Among the advantages of homemade sun loungers, we note:

  • When you decide to sew a dog bed with your own hands, you will definitely take everything into account anatomical features, weight and size of the pet;
  • if the dog strives to get into the owner’s bed, then sewing a cozy corner will discourage the animal from such a need;

  • a rag or jacket literally becomes unusable within a week, but a solid base covered with foam rubber and fabric is durable;
  • handmade bed is a must-have for the health and comfort of the dog.

Before you sew a dog bed, you should familiarize yourself with several useful practical tips:

  • The longer the animal’s fur, the easier the design to clean is to choose: plastic bases with removable covers are the easiest to clean;

  • watch your pet, evaluate its temperament: open places are suitable for active ones, and build closed places for those prone to solitude;
  • consider the size in advance, but be prepared that the initially small “mongrel” can grow into a large dog.

Step-by-step master class on the process of sewing a dog bed

If you are interested in an excellent dog bed, then you cannot do without materials and step by step wizard class.

Tools and materials

Before you start sewing a comfortable place for your four-legged pet to rest, prepare:

Important! It is better to ensure that the materials are wear-resistant. Of course, you will want to decorate the “nest”, but if your pet likes to play around and chew things, then you shouldn’t bother - it’s a waste of time.

We sew a model with sides

This master class is suitable for both large dogs and small breeds.

  1. Take a piece of fabric of the desired size.
  2. On a piece of paper, draw a rectangle or oval and sides, as in the photo.
  3. Using a pattern, transfer the silhouettes of the future dog bed onto the fabric.
  4. Cut out all the elements along the contour, sew them together, and stuff them with filler.
  5. We recommend taking the time to sew a zipper or lacing into the base.
  6. Cut a fabric cover using the same pattern, but a couple of centimeters more on each side. You can sew elastic bands to the cover for convenience.

Bed in the form of a pillow

It’s easy to sew a place for a dog with sides, but you can do the procedure in an elementary way.

  • the pattern of a dog bed is drawn on paper, taking into account the pre-measured dimensions of the pet (preferably with a margin);
  • transfer the design to the fabric and cut out two identical parts;
  • Sew on three sides, stuff the filler into the gap formed, then sew the 4th side.
  • in the same way, work on sewing a pillowcase, only increase the size of the pattern by 2 cm.

Now you can sew the most simple options beds for dogs.

Unusual decor of cozy dog ​​beds

We present to your attention several interesting ideas for arranging personal space to a pet. By modernizing the proposed options, you can also quickly and inexpensively.

  • Place a pillow in a wicker basket and weave decor into the walls. If desired, you can cut cardboard around the perimeter of the basket, cover it with foam rubber and cover it with bright fabric. This removable “protection” insulates the basket and can be easily washed.

  • From the bedside table you can create a cozy place for your pet. Just take out the drawers and place a pillow or piece of fur coat inside.
  • If you have an old monitor or TV, then you can arrange a place for your pet by taking a fresh look at the equipment. Remove the insides, leaving the frame. Cover the inside with foam rubber and place a pillow. This option is suitable for small females and males, and can be considered as a temporary shelter for a small puppy.

  • A hammock made of a folding cross and a blanket stretched over it. This mobile option is suitable for a small dog or bitch.

  • In an old suitcase, replace the worn-out lining with a new one that is more suitable for modern design apartments. Place a soft pillow inside, and put toys in the pockets or come up with any other decor.

  • An unnecessary wooden box will make the perfect dog bed. Drive in all the protruding nails, remove a couple of boards from the future front side, and paint the surface with the desired acrylic paints.

To the bottom with outside attach the legs, which can be cut out or bought at a hardware store. Place a pillow inside and write your pet's name.

  • Everyone definitely has an old sweater, cardigan or golf shirt in their closet. They can also be used for work. Sew up the neck of the jacket, and then sew the openings of the sleeves so that an arc is formed. Fill with filler, then lay the sleeves as sides and baste. Sew the product.

  • Many types of furniture are suitable for creativity. You can remove the drawers from the old chest of drawers, paint the base and give your pet a soft pillow or even hang a curtain.
  • For big dog fasten and then sew two pillows using a homemade sewn pillowcase.

That's all, a cozy rookery for a cute puppy or a faithful adult dog is ready. Surely apartment residents will appreciate the purchased item not only from the point of view of comfort, but also from the aesthetic side.

Video: Dog bed from an old sweater without scissors and sewing

Every animal needs its own corner where no one will disturb it, and dogs are no exception. Sleeping on the floor, in a plastic box or on a hard bedding is not at all fun for your pet. Why not make your own dog bed? Let's try to master this master class! In this article we will look at the types of beds and two step-by-step instructions for creating a dog bed.


What are they?

Before you start designing a “sleeping place” for your pet, let’s look at the types of beds and what material they are made of. The choice depends only on the size and breed of the pet. So, if the dog long wool, then the plastic version is suitable. This is one of the most popular products.

Why is that? Plastic is easier to clean from dog hair, and this material is also non-toxic. The lounger comes with strong supports on which it stands stably. For plastic models, pillows made of cotton are certainly offered.

House-shaped beds of various sizes are an excellent option for quiet dogs who tend to be alone. They are made from soft and hard materials. We can safely say that this is a kind of refuge for four-legged friend which you can arrange to your liking.

If a plastic lounger seems unattractive, pay attention to other options - for example, wicker beds. Both large and small, they are suitable for dogs of all breeds and personalities. Pets are offered open and closed models.

It’s easy to guess that dog beds with an open top will be received with a bang by sociable pets who love to be the center of attention. Well, less “sociable” animals will be happy with closed beds in which no one will disturb them. In addition, they are made from natural materials, as opposed to plastic, which is only beneficial for the dog.

If you want to pamper your pet an original gift, choose a dog sofa with a removable cover or just comfortable pillows. This masterpiece of high-class dog furniture will fit perfectly into the interior and will please your pet.

If the pet small size, a small lounger of any type is suitable for it - plastic, plush, fur. It all depends entirely on your preferences. Is it a large dog? Then you also have plenty to choose from. For example, here is such a wonderful product, as in the photo.

We sew a bed

Having decided what kind of sleeping places there are for dogs, let's try to do something similar. We offer an elementary version of the fabric model, which can be easily sewn even by an inexperienced craftsman.

Tools and materials

To sew a large or small size lounger, you will need:

  • the fabric from which you will make the product (velor, plush, old fur coat or thick jeans);
  • filler (this can be silicone, foam rubber, dry sawdust, etc.);
  • large sheet for creating a pattern;
  • material for a pillowcase or cover that you will wash periodically (for example, cotton);
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors.

A simple bed in the form of a pillow

Even a novice master can handle this model!

  1. First, we measure the pet, because the product is intended for him. To do this, wait until the dog lies down with his legs stretched out and take measurements.
  2. When we have specific numbers, we begin to take action. Your task is to draw a pattern on thick paper.
  3. Having done this, we cut out paper fragments of the future bed (as a rule, these are two large circles or rectangles).
  4. Now we draw the contours of the sunbed parts onto the fabric and cut them out.
  5. We sew the fragments together, leaving a small space through which we will fill the product with foam rubber or any stored filler.
  6. All that remains is to sew up the hole with tight threads, and the pet’s sleeping place is ready.
  7. By increasing the pattern by 2-3 cm on each side, you can sew a removable pillowcase using this principle. But do not sew up the hole, but provide a closure with buttons, snaps or a zipper.

Lounger with sides

If you want to give your pet a bed with sides, the pattern will be different. Master class on how to make a cozy sleeping area for your pet.

Pattern of a lounger with sides

  1. Take a bulky piece of fabric.
  2. Now let's draw a large rectangle or circle with sides, as shown in the figure.
  3. We apply the part to the material and cut out two fragments of the future bed, cutting off the corners along the way.
  4. We sew the resulting pieces together and put soft filler into the future bottom of the product.
  5. We sew it up, and then fill the sides.
  6. We strengthen the resulting lounger with zippers or lacing. This is convenient: when it’s hot, the sides can be lowered and the bed will turn into a comfortable mattress. It is advisable to have a removable cover for it so that the product does not get dirty.

How to make a bed from an old sweater?

Do you have a blouse that is about to be thrown away? Don't rush, if you are a jack of all trades, an old sweater will find new life. It’s easy to make a cute bed for your pet out of fabric – just a little effort. How is it sewn? We offer a master class with instructions for action.

Tools and materials

To create this piece of dog “furniture” you will need:

  • old sweater;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • two unnecessary pillows.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pull the “innards” out of the pillow.
  2. Cut off the neck of the sweater if it is high, or simply sew it up if the blouse has no collar.
  3. Next, sew the product from one sleeve to the other.
  4. The next step to be taken is to insert the pillow inside the jacket and mend the bottom.
  5. Push the soft “entrails” that were pulled out from another pillow into the formed “arc” from the sleeves.
  6. We admire the resulting product, which you sewed yourself.

Separately, you can make a removable cover for washing. Your pet will be more comfortable in the new bed. We hope you enjoyed the master class. You need to find some time and give your pet a gift.

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This is the kind of lounger I got. As they say, “I made him out of what was there.” I only used what was available. Didn't spend a penny. There are many ideas on the Internet on how to sew a dog bed. They all provide specific patterns, but I like to create from what is available.

I didn’t photograph the source materials, so I’ll tell you this. Furniture foam rubber 2 cm thick, a long piece of foam rubber 5 cm thick, fabric from a large sofa cushion, and we select the color of the fabric for the side.

We cut out the base of the lounger from foam rubber; mine is an irregular oval, which is more rounded on one side and more rectangular on the other. It doesn't really matter, do what you like best. Now, applying the foam rubber to the fabric, we make a pattern, do not forget to add a couple more centimeters to the thickness of the foam rubber, then it will be easier to sew later. We stitch it, turn it inside out, insert the foam rubber and sew up the hole through which the foam rubber was inserted.

Here's a view from one side and the other.

how to make a dog bed with your own hands

Now we trim the side. You need to cut to the width of the foam rubber, plus the thickness of the foam rubber, plus another 3-4 cm.

I also have a cushion sewn to the side, which at one time decorated the pillow. It’s beautiful and it’s a shame to throw it away, so I put it into the process. It is possible without it. Yes, I also stitched the side in the middle.

Now comes the hard part, sewing the side to the bottom. Since I don’t have enough side for the entire circumference of the bottom, so we are looking for the middle at the side and at the bottom. And we begin to stitch from the middle in a circle. Then the second part. We do this to ensure that everything is symmetrical.

Now you will understand why we added another 3 cm. We apply the side to the side of the bottom that will lie on the floor, sew it on, pushing the foam rubber inside. It’s hard to hold, but we sew and we’re not afraid.

This is how it happened, now we turn it inside out and the entire seam remains inside.

You can leave it like that, but it’s kind of boring. We will write further.

Here, from the same pillow there are two pieces left like this.

We place them on another piece of fabric and stitch them, but do not sew the bottom. Cut it out, turn it inside out, stuff it with padding polyester. Sew lengthwise so that the padding polyester does not bunch up.

how to make a dog bed with your own hands

We sew them to the side.

The side is a little wider, since there is a supply of fabric for the thickness of the foam rubber, so we will gather it at the end.

Now we sew them to the bottom.

There are pieces of the roller left, let's think about how best to remove them.

how to make a dog bed with your own hands

I liked the second option better, let's secure the ends inside.

From the remains of this roller we will make a pigtail-toy for the dog.

I'll have to sew another pillow here.

Happy dog ​​owners know very well that their pets should know their place. This is exactly the corner where the animal will feel comfortable and fully relax. Unlike cats, which tend to constantly move around the owner’s living space, a dog simply needs its own space. Read on to learn how to make it yourself.

Options for organizing a place for a dog

Today, there are a lot of different devices for sleeping and resting dogs, which differ in their design, level of comfort and, accordingly, price.
It is important to know that the dog is not always happy with such gifts. It's hard to predict your pet's tastes, and how he reacts to your gift may leave you a little upset and make it a waste of money. Therefore, in order for the animal to happily rest in a purchased bed, you will have to work hard. As for the size of the bed itself, it is not always possible to accurately guess it, since during direct use the animal can slightly deform the bed, and then it will be quite uncomfortable for him.

As for the price category, it all depends on how much you decide to spend on your pet, because there are examples of beds that are decorated with natural furs and stones. In this way, the dog's owners undoubtedly want to show others how dear this animal is to them. The dog himself is indifferent to such “ostentatious” beds; for him, the most important thing is, first of all, comfort. If you do not have huge amounts of money, but love your pets, then the best option will make this device yourself.

Types of sun loungers

Beds differ depending on which dog they are selected for.

They may be as follows:

  1. In shape - round, oval, rectangular or other simple shape.
  2. In terms of filling - soft, filled with padding polyester or plastic.
  3. Intended use: for sleep, for active recreation.
  4. According to the level of rigidity - frameless (in the form of a pillow or mattress), framed (have a rigid base covered with soft fabric).
  5. By the amount of light - open and closed.

Features of the dog

Should Special attention pay attention to how your pet likes to relax. Some dog breeds love to sleep curled up, and round or oval beds are ideal for them. If the dog likes to sleep with his paws stretched forward, then he will like a rectangular bed, since an oval one will be cramping for him. There are also dogs that prefer closed beds. This way they feel protected and can rest peacefully.

This mainly applies to small breeds dogs - true connoisseurs of comfort.

The list of the variety of modern sunbeds could go on forever, but it will still be much more pleasant for a dog to bask in a cozy place that is filled with the love of its owners.

Benefits of a homemade lounger

You can make a dog bed with your own hands without any problems if you prepare for the work correctly. Of course, making a lounger will take a lot of time and effort, but there will be many benefits from it, for example:

  • the size will be accurate, and the pet will not have to huddle in a small area when it grows up and gets stronger;
  • a fabric will be selected that does not accumulate static tension and will not cause the pet to “spark” at the slightest contact with it;
  • the choice of the shape of the bed can be made in accordance with the preferences of the dog or its physiological characteristics;
  • The color and shape of the lounger itself will fit perfectly into your own home interior.

However, the most important advantage when creating a mattress is that all the love and care with which you made this bed for him will be transferred to your pet. The energy of love, care and affection is the most valuable thing you can give to your pet, so let’s prepare pencils and pens and get ready to make this simple item.

Where to begin

Before starting work, we should collect all the components we need for our work:

  1. Paper for making a pattern, if there is none, then you can take a regular newspaper.
  2. Sheathing fabric - commonly used dense species, such as denim or teak, which is lint-free, does not fray and does not change color when used.
  3. Filling - silicone or synthetic padding is most often used, but you can save money and fill the lounger with unnecessary scraps and pieces of fabric. You can use hay from homemade dried aromatic herbs, but this filler will have to be changed periodically.
  4. Fabric for pillowcases - it is recommended to make several options for pillowcases to constantly change and wash them; you can experiment and find out which pillowcase your pet will like best.

Before you start making the pattern, you need to measure the length of the dog. It is recommended to do this while the dog is lying on the floor with its paws fully extended. If you have a puppy and its growth is rapidly increasing, then you need to add half the length of the dog to the pattern or make beds as the pet grows.

Dog bed patterns

The easiest way to make a dog bed with your own hands is using a pattern, which will make the work much easier.

The most important thing in constructing the correct pattern and making a lounger is the choice of shape.

The pattern is easy to make. It is necessary to draw what you have planned on paper and figure out how the dog will feel and whether it will be comfortable. Next, transfer the design to the wrong side of the fabric and cut it out.

It is better to make the bottom from foam rubber. Let's look at the most primitive and easy-to-make lounger. To make it you will need foam rubber, furniture fabric and any fabric for pillowcases. We cut two parts from foam rubber - the bottom and the side of the lounger. The side is not very high, from 20 to 40 cm, depending on the height of the dog.

Next, using the foam rubber parts of the bottom, we cut out the same element from the fabric, not forgetting to leave 2 cm for the seams. Next, all the parts are sewn together: first, the fabric ones are sewn together, and foam rubber is already inserted into them. After this, the product is completely stitched, that is, a side is attached to the bottom. This, in fact, is the whole technique, which can even be done by hand, but a sewing machine will make this task easier and make the seams more neat. Sunbeds for large dogs usually require an additional pillow, which can be sewn according to the pattern of the bottom of the lounger and filled with any filler, the main thing is that it does not cause allergic reactions in the dog, as well as its owners. If necessary and the dog’s special preferences, the shape for the bed can be made combined. If your imagination does not allow you to come up with something yourself, then you can look for patterns of dog beds in Internet resources and, using them, sew your masterpiece.

Big dog needs a big bed

If your pet large breed, then it will take more materials and, naturally, more effort to make the lounger. IN in this case It is much more profitable to get a sunbed that is manufactured in production. One more essential condition is the rigidity that must be present at the base of the frame. Most often it is made of wood, since wood is ideal for dogs, does not create discomfort and is considered an environmentally friendly product, fulfilling its main function of holding the dog’s body.

Hands have business, pets have love

Even those who are not good at cutting techniques can make a dog bed with their own hands - this is another advantage and feature that deserves attention. This does not require any special knowledge or skills at all. Now we know how to make a dog bed or bed with our own hands. It's quite simple and economical. For production, you can use unnecessary materials and improvised means, the main thing is that they do not harm the pet. The basic rule when creating a sun lounger is to make comfortable sleep pet. With just a couple of hours, you can make a great dog bed. Do it yourself - please your pet and prove once again how strong your love for him is. And you will have a job in boring times winter evenings, and the pet will be happy with such a gift.
