How to increase the number of push-ups? How to do more push-ups

If I were asked to remember the most popular question that I have read in my section on the site over the past few years, I would... refuse! I have nothing else to do, or what? But if I was forced to do this, then, of course, I would remember the question about push-ups. For example: “Hello, Dima! I really like to do push-ups, can you tell me how to increase the number of push-ups?” And then there are various fantasies that are little compatible with the harsh reality of fitness.

Of the many bodyweight exercises, many people like push-ups, but I don’t know why. Here, of course, it wouldn’t hurt me to get smarter - remember, for example, that exercises with your own weight are calisthenics (an independent training system); that push-ups are great for training your anterior core; that when performed correctly they have a beneficial effect on health shoulder joints and so on. But it doesn’t help me - just as I loved the barbell, I will continue to love it! However, this does not stop me from telling you a secret about several ways to improve your performance in push-ups.

But first, a couple of important points...

1. Blessed monotony. Let's get this straight: if you want to do more push-ups, train your endurance. This does not mean that the development of other physical qualities will be insignificant or unnecessary - far from it (and even vice versa). But in order for your success in push-ups to increase, you will need to train only by doing the push-ups themselves (well, maybe not exactly “only”, but mostly accurately): the body will begin to get better over time, and better adapt to performing this particular exercise, spending less and less and less energy, including nervous.

2. Damn cor. A weak anterior core - abdominal muscles, hip flexors, calf extensors - will easily kill your attempts to "grow" push-ups. This is because usually in this exercise the body gives up not when the direct movers (agonists) - triceps, pectoral and deltoids - get tired, but when the not so important assistants that stabilize the correct position of the body refuse to work. The anterior core is what they are.

If you want to do more push-ups, train your abdominal muscles with exercises that include hip curls: any variation of leg raises and front planks will do (this is a great help!). Arm yourself with a calculator and calculate how many push-ups you dream of doing and in what time (based on the calculation of 3 repetitions in 2 seconds). For the resulting time, try standing in the plank 4-5 times a week, this will make the main task much easier.

Well, now let’s move on to the methods themselves...

Method 1: Increase your strength threshold

Everything is simple here. Here's an example: the more kilograms on the barbell you squat with, the easier it will be for you to squat with a lighter weight. If you are able to squat with 200 kg, then with a hundred you can easily squat 20 times. If you can only squat with 110 kg, then with a hundred, God willing, you will squat a couple of times. The analogy is clear, I hope? Try increasing the working weight in push-ups with plates on your back. Focus on increasing 8-10 RM. Train 3-4 times a week.

Method 2: Be patient

Tense physical labor the body cannot last indefinitely - it is “clogged” with decay products. Unpleasant sensations problems that arise as a result make you refuse to continue performing the exercise that develops muscle endurance. But the body’s ability to “tolerate”, to resist this phenomenon- trainable quality. To delay the onset of the threshold “repetition X”, do 1-2 sets of push-ups with your own weight until failure. Daily or even twice a day is best.

Method 3: Practice your technique

For this purpose, nothing better than a repeated method has yet been invented. Do more approaches. If you can do 30 push-ups, do 5-10 sets of 5-8 reps per workout. This will help you practice your push-up technique without faltering as fatigue increases.

Method 4: Combine

Combine all the methods described above - and you will get the most from each. Inform the editors immediately about new records!

    1. Do push-ups correctly. First, you should read about how to do push-ups properly so you don't hurt yourself and bring more benefits.
      • Remember that you should not touch the floor, but you should lower your body as low as possible.
    2. Be realistic. You cannot increase the number of push-ups in 1 day. You will need to take the time to become stronger and more resilient. In the first days, do some push-ups 3 times a day with a break of 2 hours. Even if you did 1 push-up, in a week you will easily do 7.

Part 2. What are you capable of?

  1. Before training, count how many push-ups you can do without preparation.. Do push-ups until your vision blurs or your hands give out. The number of push-ups depends on your physical fitness.
  2. Before starting your workout, give your muscles a rest for 15 minutes. And remember, you don’t need to check your results every day.

Part 3. Training

  1. Start your workout with a small number of push-ups. For example, if you are doing 30 push-ups, start with 20.
  2. Take a break for 2-3 minutes. When your muscles have rested, repeat the exercise 2 more times. And so several times a day.
  3. Each time after a successful workout, try to do a few more push-ups. Do the same number of approaches as in the last workout.

Rest often.

    Your muscles need as much rest as they do exercise. Sometimes you can relax by jumping rope. Read the article on how to jump rope.

Part 4. Making it perfect.

  1. When you are already doing push-ups consistently, improve your performance by 4-5 push-ups each workout. Even if you don't have enough strength, try your best. Never give up!
  2. After reaching 50-60 repetitions, try more difficult push-ups.
    • Try to do push-ups on one hand or on your fingers. You can also try push-ups with clapping and jumping.
    • For 10 sets per day, replace them with 2-3 different difficult push-ups or push-ups with additional weight (you can just put a backpack with books on your back).
    • After 60-70 push-ups, you can do more complicated variations more often.
  3. Once you reach 100 push-ups, don't stop! Improve your physical state. And remember, you are doing all this only for yourself.
  • It is best to do push-ups during work or some activity. You can do 2 approaches for advertising on TV. If you play or work on the computer, you can rest your eyes while doing push-ups.
  • If you miss a few days, then go back to the previous result. For example, if you did 20 push-ups, then two days later do 19.
  • Don't just do push-ups. They can be combined with pull-ups, barbell lifts, abdominal crunches and much more.
  • Don't stop at 100 push-ups, do more and more each time.

- a mandatory exercise as in school curriculum By physical culture, and in the arsenal of a person involved in fitness or bodybuilding. Push-ups develop and strengthen several muscle groups in the upper body without requiring any additional equipment. But there are often cases when a person cannot do push-ups even 10 times. This problem is especially common today among teenagers, which often causes ridicule from their more physically developed peers.

What to do to do more push-ups. And what not to do.

1. Maintain proper technique

The first thing you need to pay attention to is correct technique:

  • The body should form a single straight line;
  • Hands should be approximately shoulder-width apart or slightly wider;
  • During classic push-ups, the elbows are spread apart, but not more than 45 degrees relative to the body;
  • As you inhale, lower your body smoothly and under control, bending your arms elbow joints to an angle slightly less than 90 degrees;
  • As you exhale, straighten your elbows and return to the starting position.

2. Determine your maximum

Having understood the technology, you need to understand your current maximum in the number of push-ups in one approach.

It's important to understand that you need to find out your maximum in correct technique movements.

In addition to the number of repetitions, it is also necessary mark the time, spent on performing this amount of work.

3. Sets, reps and rest

Next you need to figure out the number of repetitions, approaches and rest time between them.
For beginners it is recommended to do 3-4 sets of 60-80 percent reps of your max, with 30-45 seconds of rest between sets. That is, if you can perform 20 push-ups in one approach, then in the initial stages you should perform 12-15 repetitions in each approach. You need to do push-ups no more often than once every three days so that the muscles have time.

After training in this style for 1-2 weeks, you can move on to performing 2-3 approaches with the maximum possible number of repetitions. However important to understand that with each subsequent approach the numbers will decrease by 2-3 points. This is normal, since the muscles have not yet adapted to the new load. Over time, this figure will begin to increase. In this style, you need to do push-ups 3-4 times a week, that is, every second day.

To track progress more clearly, you need to write down results from each of the 3 approaches.

At each subsequent workout, you should try to increase the number of push-ups in each approach by 1-2 points, relative to the results of the previous workout. After a few workouts, a certain ceiling in the number of repetitions will be reached. In this case, over the next 2-3 workouts, you need to stick to this number of push-ups from the floor, and then try to increase it again by 1-2 units.

Diagram for increasing push-ups

There are many on the Internet similar friends on each other diagrams-tables on increasing the number of push-ups. But here it is important to understand that each of them was written based on the testimony of one specific athlete, therefore they cannot be considered universal and 100% effective, because each person is individual, everyone has a different initial maximum in the number of push-ups, and each body needs different time for restoration. Therefore, such table diagrams can be taken as a certain basis, but you need to substitute your current results.

Answer to the question: “How to learn to do push-ups on the floor many times?” actually very simple. It is necessary to comprehensively and comprehensively work out the shoulder girdle, to develop all the muscle groups that are used during push-ups. For this, there is a scheme that is based not so much on increasing the number of push-ups, but on their variability. We are talking about push-ups with different hand positions.

To achieve the best result, you must follow 3-4 sets of each push-up option, alternating exercises. The number of repetitions varies in the range of 60-80 percent of the maximum.

It's important to understand that over time the maximum result will increase, which means you need to increase the number of repetitions in each approach.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to push-ups in different planes:

By working individual segments of the chest, you make it stronger pectoral muscles in general, which cannot but affect in a positive way and on the number of push-ups.


So, you can increase the number of push-ups in a fairly short time. short term, if you pay enough attention to this and follow simple, but very important rules and recommendations.

How to increase the number of push-ups in video format

Among the many bodyweight exercises, most people prefer push-ups. This is not surprising - push-ups are a great workout. top part body, when performed correctly they have a beneficial effect on the health of the shoulder joints and so on. If an athlete sets a goal to increase the number of push-ups in a short period of time to some significant limit, for example, to a beautiful number with several zeros, there is nothing difficult about it provided regular training. We offer a method for increasing the number of push-ups designed for 10 days, during which you will pay maximum attention to this particular exercise according to a certain pattern.

Some useful information.

Types of push-ups

Depending on the distance between the hands during the exercise, push-ups are of three types: narrow, wide and regular.

Push-ups with a regular grip (hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart) – this works the chest, shoulders and triceps equally.

Close-grip push-ups - the load is placed mainly on the shoulders and triceps.

Wide grip push-ups – the main load is placed on the chest and a little on the triceps.

Some useful tips

1.Learn how to do push-ups correctly.

Before you start counting the number of push-ups, you need to be sure that you are doing them correctly. For each set, your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart for regular-grip push-ups, your hands placed directly under your shoulders or even slightly closer together for close-grip push-ups, and significantly wider than shoulder-width apart for wide-grip push-ups. The back and legs are stretched out in a straight line, the lower back in no case sag, the abdominal muscles are tense. The balls of your toes should rest on the floor.

2. Do it different kinds push-ups.

3. Rest between sets.

You should rest between sets for at least as much time as your first set took. For most beginners, this figure will be 20-30 seconds.

Method of push-ups to increase the number

First of all, try doing push-ups. In order to begin to increase the result, you need to remember the starting point. Do push-ups from the floor using any grip that is comfortable for you for as long as you can, as long as the technique is maintained. For example, your maximum in push-ups is 30 repetitions, multiply this number by 4. It turns out that during each day you need to do 120 push-ups. How you achieve this amount is not so important. It is important to maintain this amount per day.

For example. Let's say you need to do 100 push-ups. Distribute this amount throughout the day using the example of 6 options:

— 2 sets of 50 repetitions;

- 4 sets of 25 repetitions;

- 10 sets of 10 repetitions;

- 10 push-ups (every hour);

- 50 push-ups (morning and evening).

The basic rule is to multiply your maximum amount 4 push-ups and distribute the resulting number throughout the day as convenient for you. You train like this for 10 days. After which you rest for 4-5 days (without training at all), and on day 14-15 try to do as many repetitions as you can. You will definitely see the difference!

Many people ask how it is easier, bigger and better do push-ups to pump up muscles, become stronger, more resilient, faster, increase speed, power and reaction. After all, push-ups from the floor have a lot of benefits, and everyone needs to do push-ups, both adults and teenagers, men and women.

In this article you will learn how to make it easier, bigger and better. do push-ups , what are the benefits of push-ups and how to learn how to do push-ups correctly in order to achieve your goals and not injure your health. Since improper execution of exercises leads to injuries. So follow and put our tips and exercises into practice correctly. Find out: how to do push-ups on the floor with your fists .

To make push-ups easier, you just need to start doing push-ups with a regular grip and do 3 sets and 5-10 push-ups per set. You don't need to do a lot of push-ups at once heavy load, because this does not lead to anything good.

To make it easier do push-ups, you need to set a goal for yourself and motivate yourself with something, then push-ups will be much simpler and easier. Find out: how to do push-ups for girls at home.

How to do more push-ups

To get more push-ups, you need to do push-ups at least 3 times a week, preferably every day. Try to do 1-2 more push-ups every day and workout. For example, today you do 3 sets of push-ups, 10 push-ups per set. Tomorrow you will also need to do 3 sets, but 11-12 push-ups per set.

Also for more do push-ups, you need to try to use extra weight. Since the number of push-ups does not always affect muscle growth, but if you need speed, endurance and strength, then try to do 1 more push-ups every day. Then you can achieve the desired results faster. Find out: how to do push-ups correctly and why you need it.

How to do push-ups better

To get better at push-ups, use a variety of push-ups. Do push-ups with a regular, narrow or wide grip, on your hands, on your fists, on your fingers, on your hands, or do push-ups with clapping or on one hand.

Sports tips in pictures and videos
