Books adapted from Ilya Frank's reading method

Simply learning a language has little effect. You must be able to apply it, perceive it aurally and visually. The easiest way to do this is by watching films and reading books in the original. But for this you need an “assistant”. Often, as the latter, we use a regular dictionary. At the initial stage of studying, you have to look into it often, since the vocabulary is quite small or completely absent. This makes reading foreign books a boring and difficult task. Ilya Frank's books come to the rescue with this.

Ilya Frank's method is as follows: to original English text an interlinear translation is inserted in brackets (sometimes in a translation you can find several meanings of a word, in some cases - a literary translation, necessary clarifications). That is, you read the text in English simultaneously with the translation into Russian, which is presented after each sentence.

At the end of the adapted paragraph, several difficult words with transcription. Thus, you can read the text without looking at the dictionary, and independently understand the meaning by comparing the English text with the interlinear translation. After an initial understanding of the text, you should read the non-adapted text, which is presented after the adapted passage, trying to understand the meaning of the text without hints. The text needs to be read without straining or focusing on memorizing words and understanding grammar. The idea is that words and grammar learn themselves in context after repeated repetition.

Ilya Frank's method: advantages and disadvantages

Every language learning method has its opponents. Ilya Frank's method is no exception. Many advocate learning the language first, saying that vocabulary will somehow form on its own. Focusing on generally accepted, established views on language teaching, we do not always question them. Everyone looks at the situation from their own side. To understand the principle of Ilya Frank's method, we should remember how children master language. Do they really learn grammar from the cradle? They learn to speak, read and write. And understanding the grammatical structure of the language comes to them much later.

As a result of training using his own methodology, Ilya Frank knows about 20 languages, two of which he speaks as a native speaker, and the rest he reads and translates.

Ilya Frank invented interesting method, thanks to which you can read your favorite books and at the same time learn English.

The books themselves by Ilya Frank, written using the educational reading method, can be found.

The principle of Ilya Frank's reading method is as follows: you are given a paragraph of text in English with a translation into Russian and, where necessary, with explanations. Then the same paragraph is duplicated in English, but without translation.

Reading is a great way to increase your vocabulary when learning English. But what to do when your favorite books in the original seem too complicated? They come to help.

To facilitate the learning process, books are adapted to a certain level of language proficiency: structures in the text are simplified, frequently used words and expressions are used.

The second option is to place text in English and Russian on the page simultaneously. The reader can look at the translation done by professionals at any time.

Well, the final technique that will be discussed today is the reading method of Ilya Frank.

Ilya Frank's reading method is a method that makes it easier to read books on foreign language due to the fact that the text in these books is divided into paragraphs, first there is an adapted passage (in a foreign language with detailed explanations of the meaning of the passage and analysis of new words), then there is the same text, but purely in English.

Thus, the reader first reads a sentence in a foreign language, delves into the essence of what is written, analyzing unfamiliar sections, and then consolidates the material by reading the passage entirely in English (or any other language).

What are the advantages of the method?

Let's look at what is special about this method:

  • You don’t have to constantly look into the dictionary for translations (which saves time and increases motivation);
  • Words can have different meanings depending on the context, and an inexperienced reader may simply misunderstand the content;
  • Words are memorized not individually, but as whole expressions and phrases, which helps subsequently to successfully use them in active speech.

I would recommend this method students with low, at the stage of active study. For those lucky ones who are fluent in the language, it is better not to switch to Russian (don’t stop yourself from thinking only in English in this moment), and we first try to guess unfamiliar words from the context (we develop a linguistic guess), and then we check ourselves with an English-English dictionary.

Ilya Frank's method to help teachers

Let's return to the texts using Ilya Frank's method. He is also a very great helper for teachers - where can they get so many hours to also parse texts? And here the material is ready, you just need to work it out.

I worked this way:

  • At home, students read the chapter;
  • During the lesson, we practice words and expressions (I select those that could be new or cause difficulty), then we divide the students into two teams and play (for example, some explain the word, others guess, play for speed. In general, there are a lot of vocabulary games! And fun and useful (the emotional factor plays a big role in memorization). It’s funny to watch how after the lesson they laugh and discuss: “do you remember how I explained this word to you?” They definitely won’t forget them after that!
  • Then I write down the key words, and we retell the chapter according to them in turn (one keyword for one person);
  • And then we act out this chapter, assigning roles. We often film this case on camera;
  • At the end of the lesson, we make assumptions about what might happen in the next chapter.

Happy reading!

Reading in a foreign language is a truly exciting activity. But how can we make it accessible, understandable and simple for those who have difficulties with languages? If you constantly look for unfamiliar words in the dictionary, then what kind of pleasure can we talk about? Ilya Frank once thought about this, whose reading method allows you to relax and fully enjoy the music of another language.

The magical world of reading

Reading a book in another language clearly demonstrates that no two languages ​​think alike, explaining something to someone in another language is incredibly difficult. A Frenchman simply will not start talking the same way as an Englishman, will not appeal to the same causality, will not take the same actions, will use different methods and reasoning to be convincing.

Reading literature in another language is very interesting, it’s like visiting another dimension, plunging into a completely different way of thinking and feeling, temporarily becoming familiar with something new, incomprehensible, unusual. A foreign culture can be sublimely inspiring, or it can be terrifyingly repulsive. Books adapted according to the method of Ilya Frank are examples of world literature, they are read by all of humanity, these works are popular and in demand.

A special way to adapt text

Texts based on the Ilya Frank method are adapted using a special method that encourages language acquisition on a subconscious, intuitive level, so to speak, passively. It can be used both as a teaching element in addition to conversational practice, and for easy language acquisition, if the goal is only to learn to read foreign literature.

What are texts based on Ilya Frank’s method? The entire work is divided into small passages. First, the adapted text with an exact translation is located, and certain lexical and grammatical notes can also be inserted. Next comes the same passage, but in the original, without translation or commentary.

Simple and productive

Reading is a great way to improve your knowledge and expand your vocabulary. Unfortunately, a novel in a foreign language can be an overwhelming burden for a beginner, as you constantly have to stop reading to look in the dictionary. This takes a lot of time and is not productive. In addition, numerous idiomatic expressions may remain incomprehensible even after you have translated all the individual words. Books prepared according to Ilya Frank's method, published since 2001. They are quite popular in Russia and abroad. Franc currently runs his own foreign language school in Moscow.

What beginners need to know

The main problem for beginners, as a rule, is the lack of a rich vocabulary, and here, proposed by the famous linguist named I Lya Frank's reading method will come in handy. It may be tempting to think that reading a novel can be a painless way to learn a language. D Even using Ilya Frank's reading method, French, Spanish, English or any other language cannot be learned through reading alone. A good start would be at least basic knowledge of the alphabet, pronunciation, and grammar.

Ilya Frank's reading method: German language

Anyone who has ever read German will understand that there is a problem. It is a logical and precise language, but in its adherence to rules it comes with certain difficulties. In German auxiliary is in second place in the sentence, and then all the other verbs line up at the end. Gestern habe ich meinen Freund begegnet. "Yesterday I met my friend." This means that you will not be able to translate the sentence without reading it to the end.

This is difficult not only when reading, listening is generally a real torture. Languages ​​shape culture and mentality. Even using the example of literature, one can see with the naked eye how good logistics is, and how complex the organization is. 26 adapted books in German, including the world-famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Erich Maria Remarque ("Three Comrades"), Goethe ("Faust"), Theodor Storm ("Regentrude - Queen of the Rain") and others, will help you immerse yourself in head into the entertaining world of reading.

English for fun

As for the English language, here we need to dwell on transcription in more detail. Between the adapted and original passages, as a rule, a transcription of three words is given, moreover, those that are not pronounced according to generally accepted rules. Ilya Frank's reading method (English or any other language is being studied) can be perfectly supplemented with audio accompaniment.

There are books that are difficult to read, but you can listen to with pleasure, especially if the voice acting was done by a wonderful cast. This is where a good listening comprehension skill comes in handy. English speech. A total of 137 books have been prepared, including Walter Scott ("Ivanhoe"), Mark Twain ("The Prince and the Pauper"), Ernest Hemingway ("The Old Man and the Sea"), Agatha Christie ("The Alphabet Murders") and many others.

Foreign language - goal or means

When learning languages, it is important to understand that they are best learned through direct use: communicating in person, reading books, listening to the radio, and so on. Thus, a foreign language becomes a means, not a goal. To memorize numerous lexical units, mechanical and monotonous memorization is not effective enough; the novelty of impressions and emotions that are associated with certain words will be more important and productive.

Is this reading method right for me?

While reading, it is important to think about the content of the book, and not what language it is written in. Maybe someone will think that this doesn’t suit him, there’s no point in it, you can’t learn a language like that, and so on. However, as the author himself, Ilya Frank, states, the reading method It will definitely work if you approach the matter responsibly and read it intensively, in one go, and not from time to time.

The idea of ​​"non-boring" reading

By 2016, more than 300 books in 56 languages ​​had already been presented to readers. According to author Ilya Frank, the reading method It will work if the work is truly interesting to its reader, so it is important to choose a book depending on your preferences, from classics to entertainment genres.

The idea of ​​non-boring reading was developed by Ilya Frank, a reading method without cramming and dictionaries, it is attractive for both beginners and advanced users. These books don’t have to be read at your desk; you can do what you love on the subway, in nature, sitting on a bench in the park. This cannot be called relaxation in its pure form, since the flow of information is quite large, but such brain work does not lead to stress or boredom. You can achieve success, as he said: “You need time and immersion, you need to give part of your soul to it.”

Happy reading everyone!

It's no secret that mastering a foreign language is impossible without constant practice. Ilya Frank's method helps students read fascinating books in the original language, systematically increasing their vocabulary. Discussions about the effectiveness of the innovative approach proposed by the author do not stop, which does not prevent adapted literature from being in increasing demand.


Ilya Frank's method was developed by a Germanic philologist, a graduate of Moscow State University, with great experience teaching work. The future author of the original methodology noted the low efficiency of the education system back in his school years. German language, which was used by teachers. Students were offered mostly monotonous grammar exercises and were forced to learn by heart great amount foreign words without using them in practice. The results of this approach turned out to be very modest.

Ilya Frank's method appeared due to the fact that the future teacher preferred reading foreign classics in the original to cramming. After just a few months, he had accumulated a sufficient vocabulary to freely understand texts in German. Using the same approach, the young man consistently mastered French and English.

For the first time, books based on Ilya Frank's method appeared on sale much later - in 2001. The purpose of literature is to help students passively learn foreign languages.

Ilya Frank's method: features

Adapted novels and stories, unlike ordinary ones, do not contain continuous foreign text. Instead, books using the Ilya Frank method offer readers small blocks of no more than three paragraphs, presented twice. At the top there is always a text containing in brackets the translation of each foreign language phrase or individual words (depending on the situation). What follows is a block of foreign text without explanation.

Thus, books using the Ilya Frank method allow students of English (German, Spanish, etc.) to read the same text twice. At the first acquaintance, the student learns the meaning of incomprehensible words and constructions, and at the second, he consolidates the studied material.

Eliminates tedious cramming of foreign words and phrases. Memorization is carried out passively during classes, while the reader sees examples of the use of new expressions.

What about grammar?

Ilya Frank's reading method has a large number of opponents who doubt its effectiveness. When making arguments, they most often focus on the fact that reading adapted literature does not allow students to advance in learning the grammar of a foreign language. Is this really true?

The author of the technique is convinced that to understand his texts the reader does not need to know even the basics of grammar. This makes literature accessible to users planning to learn a foreign language from scratch. In addition, in particularly difficult cases, the student is offered grammatical explanations contained in the first text block. Studying French, German, English using the Ilya Frank method, a person masters grammatical basics passively.

The creator of the method does not at all encourage his followers to abandon grammar lessons and perform exercises aimed at reinforcing the basic rules. On the contrary, in his opinion, the best results will be achieved by combining reading and taking grammar tests.

Difficulties with transcription

Transcription is one of the main difficulties that people learning English have to face. Ilya Frank's method is often rejected by those who believe that reading without a dictionary with transcribed words will not be useful. However, at the end of all adapted text blocks there is a transcription of the three most difficult words. Mainly those whose pronunciation is not subject to general rules, is an exception.

The author is often asked why he adapted texts do not contain transcriptions for each word. The creator of the method explains that this approach will prevent immersion in reading and prevent the reader from enjoying this activity.

How to use books

The technique developed by Frank is ideal for people who do not want to use tutors. The author promises that his readers will be able to remember up to 1000 foreign words in just a month. To do this, you just need to practice for at least an hour every day. Ideally, you should devote two hours a day to reading, so you should initially come up with the right motivation for yourself. Long breaks in classes are not encouraged, since the basis for success is regular reading.

When starting to work with the book, the reader should read the introduction, which discusses in detail the basic rules of reading that make the task easier. The developer of the technique strongly advises users to read the text in a row, without specifically concentrating on places that seem incomprehensible. You should also not try hard to memorize unfamiliar words. They will appear several times in the text, which will help them to be remembered in a natural way, without tension.

Advantages and disadvantages

The absence of the need for tedious cramming is one of the main advantages of Ilya Frank's reading method. English language(or another) can be studied without constantly resorting to a dictionary to find out the translation of a new expression. Not only individual words, but also entire speech patterns are stored in the reader’s memory.

The technique is relevant for everyone, from language learners from scratch to advanced users. The latter can be advised to concentrate on the blocks that do not contain translation, simply enjoying the exciting stories and providing themselves with the necessary practice. The good thing about books is that they allow people to engage in convenient time and anywhere - in transport, in the office, on a trip. There is no need to carry bulky dictionaries, textbooks and notebooks with you.

Are there any negative sides at an innovative technique? This approach is not relevant for people who want to acquire communication skills in a foreign language as quickly as possible. However, they will also be able to effectively use adapted literature to expand vocabulary, additional classes. But the author promises his followers, first of all, free reading.

Is the technique effective?

The effectiveness of the unconventional method has been tested and proven by its creator. Ilya Mikhailovich is currently able to read approximately 20 languages ​​of the world, and he speaks two of them as a native speaker. The author assures that he owes his success to this unique development.

At what age can you resort to unconventional way training? Frank published adapted stories for different ages, adults and children can work with his books. The youngest readers should study with the help of parents or teachers who will explain to them unclear points related to grammar and transcription. You can start doing independent exercises from about 8-10 years of age.

A wide range of

English is far from the only language that it can help you master. unconventional method Ilya Frank. Spanish, German, French - students have access to stories and stories presented in more than 50 languages ​​of the world. Among them there are also rare oriental languages ​​that are difficult to learn. Currently, the author has published more than 300 different books for children and adults. Most copies are offered for purchase online and are available in a wide selection in book supermarkets.

Is Ilya Mikhailovich’s innovative methodology, which has many fans and opponents, suitable for a particular student? You can find out this only by studying books for some time.
