Types of playing cards for two. Card games

Card games with kids familyr_papa wrote in July 31st, 2012

text: Dmitry Pryanik

We have a grandiose journey ahead of us - we are going on vacation, to visit relatives in Feodosia. We will be on the road for almost two days. Even for adults it is not easy to withstand such a move, let alone the fidget-Styopka. How to keep him busy on the road? We take a few mini-board games with us, but you won't be playing them all day long!

I thought that cards would save the day. When I was Stepka, I was very fond of playing with my grandmother in "Akulina", and with my grandfather - in "I Believe - I Don't Believe". I tried to remember all the card games for kids, and I got a pretty good list.

Bonjour, Madame!

This game has two options. First: the leader throws out cards one by one. Second: all the cards are dealt to the players in equal numbers, and each in his turn puts one on the table.

Each card corresponds to a certain movement or word:

Ace - slap your palm on the table
King - Salute
Lady - to shout "Bonjour madam!"
Jack - shout "Sorry, monsieur!"
Ten - shout "Hurray!"
Nine - clap your hands
Eight - meow
Seven - crowing
Six - grunt

The player who mixed up words or movements is eliminated from the game.

I believe - I do not believe

If there are more than six players, then two decks are mixed. The cards are dealt two at a time (and one player may have fewer cards than the others - it doesn't matter).

The player who sits to the left of the dealer starts the game. He lays out three cards face up and names the cards. The game starts with aces. That is, the player can actually put aces and name them, or he can put any other cards, but also call them aces. The second player lays out the kings (again also - either lays down the correct cards, or cheats). The third player lays out queens and so on in descending order.

If someone has doubts during the game, he says: "I doubt it." Then all the cards laid out on the table are turned upside down. If at least one card is "fake" (that is, it was not named, but it ended up on the table), then the player takes all the cards for himself. If there was no cheating, then the cards are taken by the player who cheated.

The game is won by the one who gets rid of his cards first.


The game can be played by four to ten people. At the beginning, choose one suit - it will become the main one.

Each player is dealt three cards. He puts one of them face down on the table and exchanges it with another player. Continuing the game in this way, you need to collect three cards of the same suit, agreed at the beginning of the game. The one who collects is out of the game.

The last player is considered the loser and gets the nickname Eroshka.


If there are more than six players, then take a deck of 52 cards. All cards are dealt to the players equally, from right to left.

Each player examines his cards. If there are doubles (two deuces, two jacks ...), then he folds them. He holds the rest of the cards in his hands in a fan so that no one can spy on what cards he has left.

Players take turns, from right to left, begin to draw one card from each other. Again, they do the same, if paired cards come across, they are discarded. You can't just throw off Akulina - the queen of spades. During the exchange of cards, it passes from one player to another, and the one who at the end has it in hand is considered the loser.


This game is like Akulina. The presenter randomly pulls one card out of the deck and hides it. Then the rest of the cards are dealt to all participants in the game. They reveal their cards and discard paired cards. Then, in turn, cards are drawn from each other from right to left. As soon as paired cards come across, they are discarded again. The game goes on until one of the players has the last card, in a pair of the one that the host hid.


This is a game of mindfulness. Because you need to monitor not only your cards, but also the behavior of other players.

So, aces, kings, queens, jacks and tens are chosen from the deck.

The host shuffles the cards and distributes them equally to all players. The host starts the game - he exchanges one card with a neighbor (they are exchanged at random, cards are not shown to each other). The goal is to collect four cards (aces, or kings, or queens ...)

The game is played in complete silence. The player who collects four cards raises his thumb. As soon as other players notice this, they also raise their thumb. The one who notices and lifts the finger last becomes a donkey. He must shout "ia-ia" three times.


This is a game for two. The cards are shuffled and laid out in two decks (face down).

One by one, the players place their cards on the table. If the first player has the highest card, then he takes both cards for himself and puts them on the bottom of his deck.

If both players play cards of the same rank, or one ace and the other a six, then the cards are in dispute. This means that each player puts another one on his card (face down), and another one on top - face up. And already on the third card they judge who won the dispute. The winner (that is, the one whose third card is the highest) takes all the cards involved in the dispute.

The game continues until one of the players has no cards left. He loses and is called a drunkard.


Three or more players take part in the game.

Each player is given seven cards. The rest of the cards are in the deck, from which the leader takes the top card and puts it face up on the table.

On this card, the second player lays out three cards from his cards - either descending or ascending. For example, the driver posted a lady. The second player places a jack, ten and nine on it. Or king, ace and deuce. The suit doesn't matter.

When all possibilities have been exhausted and there is no more opportunity to put cards from those in hand, the player can take the top card from the deck. If it suits in order to make the next three cards, then the game continues. If not, then the turn goes to the third player.

When the deck is depleted, players continue to play. The one who does not have three cards, passes (says "pass" and misses a move).

The goal of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards.

In the old days, this game was extremely relevant. Today, it is no less popular. It is played by adults, children, and even old people. It can take an hour or it can last all night. This is a game of cards. It is about her that we will tell you today. A card game is a game based on a deck of cards that are laid out in sequence. The sequence depends on the type of game. There are decks of 52 cards, and there are 36 cards each.

Historical reference

There are several versions of the origin of maps. One of them claims that the maps were created according to Christian calculus and appeared for the first time in China, and only then in Europe. According to another version, the cards were known in Ancient Egypt. After another attack, a council of the wisest was convened, deciding how to defend against the enemy, and after long meetings, they decided to put their wisdom into the drawings. It was a kind of bridge between God, the universe and man. This is how the tarot cards appeared. They consisted of 78 cards and were used in divination in four elements: fire, water, air, earth.

In Russia, maps began to be used in the 17th century. It is believed that they were brought to us by Cossacks from Ukraine. Card games were wildly popular in the 19th century. Over time, they began to be banned, allegedly they saw an evil spirit in this. Today, there are no explicit prohibitions, and yet card lovers are viewed with suspicion. The types of card games represent a whole era. It is believed that games can be used to understand what kind of person the player is and what place he occupies in the social ladder of life.

Games People Play

What kind of card games are there? - from the simplest to the most complex. From amateur to commercial. All types of card games involve a large group of people, often money and a good mood. And of course, sleight of hand. What are the card games:

  • Commercial
  • Gambling
  • Intellectual

Card games, which are:

  • one thousand
  • bridge
  • preference

This group of games belongs to the commercial and the most difficult ones. They publish huge reference books, conduct training programs. Gambling is divided into:

  • Poker
  • Black Jack
  • Tryna
  • Baccarat
  • Drunkard
  • Eckart
  • Macau
  • Pharaoh

In such games, your skill is not useful to anyone. Success and luck are important here. And our last group of mind games is subdivided into:

  • King (ladies' preference)
  • Dominoes
  • Chests
  • 101 Points

Mind games rarely come with commercial deals because they are easy and predictable. Commercial games can last all night, so they can while away your long journey, while gambling and intellectual games are fast and repetitive. They will come up at any time. To this day, maps are kept in almost every home, and they are waiting for their cherished evening in order to be published. But do not get carried away, otherwise you can be captured by gambling and lose your head, and then your whole life. After all, cards to this day keep many secrets. And who knows what kind of trick they can play with a person.

Card games have always been popular with people. For many, this is just a way to have fun and have fun playing an exciting game, for some, it is a real means of earning money. Cards allow you to play many different games of varying degrees of difficulty. This is why they are so popular. They play cards on all continents, everywhere have their own authentic types of games, but some games are well known all over the planet. In this article, we will answer the question of which card game is the most popular.

First place - "Fool"

This game is known to everyone. It is called differently in different countries, but the rules are the same everywhere. Players are dealt six cards each, with one of the suits being the trump suit. Players walk at each other in a circle. The one who remains with the cards in hand loses the game. The object of the game, on the other hand, is to get rid of the cards. There are varieties of "Fool". In one case, it is allowed to transfer the attack using a card of the same size, in the other - the game takes place as a team. You can play either a full deck of cards, along with sixes and jokers, or a classic one. In general, there are several dozen types of "Fool". As a rule, this game is not gambling, most often it is played for the purpose of an interesting pastime.

Second place - "Goat"

If we list the most interesting card games, then it is imperative to mention "Goat". The rules of the game are quite simple. There are two teams involved, each of which consists of two people. They play with a deck with 36 sheets, while the sixes are not used in the process itself, but play an auxiliary role.

Before the start, the dealer shuffles the cards, after which he distributes eight cards to each player. The task is to collect pairs of cards - this is how points are scored. The winner is the one with the most points. Moreover, different cards have different values. So, for aces they give 11 points. For tens - 10, for kings - 4, for ladies - three, for jacks - two points. The rest of the cards have no value at all.

Third place - "Poker"

Unlike past games, which are often just for fun, poker only makes sense when playing for money. This is the world's most popular gambling game. The international community has officially recognized poker as a sport. Poker gained its fame more than two hundred years ago. It represents the perfect combination of a player's skill and luck that can help win. Poker requires strategic and logical skills. In terms of difficulty, it is compared to chess. Moreover, unlike chess, poker is a game with incomplete information. In other words, during a game you don't know which cards are in your opponents' hands, while in chess you always see the board. Poker can be played with a variety of decks, but most often it is played with a standard 52-sheet deck.

Fourth place - "Blackjack"

Bledjek is also very popular with gamblers. Originally created for casinos and gambling, it is the oldest game of its kind. The origin of blackjack is the French "21", which has more primitive rules. The homeland of blackjack itself is the United States. In Russia, it is known in two variations. In the classic version, which can be found in casinos, and in the "home" version, which has a smaller deck.

Fifth place - "Preference"

The progenitor of the preference is the English "Whist", which was also popular in pre-revolutionary Russia. Preference and Vista are considered to be aristocratic entertainment. As a rule, three or four people play. You can play with a larger company, but in this case, the dynamics noticeably worsens. The whole deck is involved in the process, except for sevens. To win the game, you need to score the most points. The preference rules are quite voluminous, moreover, they are constantly being edited. In Russia, the last update of the rules took place in 1996.

Sixth place - "Bridge"

Bridge is one of the hardest card games to play. It values ​​the strategic and logical thinking of the player. At the same time, there is practically no value of luck. Bridge is recognized by the Olympic Committee as an official sport. Each game is comparable to a chess game in terms of the level of intelligence. There is an opinion that the Bridge got its name from the Russian word "privet". A deck of 52 cards is used, from twos to aces. Jokers are not involved.

Seventh place - "Jin-Rummy"

Jin Rummy was invented by Mexicans and is especially popular in Latin America and the United States. Also known by another name - Kunken. Jin-Rummy is not gambling, it is rarely played for money. Each party requires logical and strategic skills and develops them well. Jin-Rummy is designed for 2-4 people. If only two people participate, then each is given a set of ten cards. In case three or four people participate, they receive 7-8 cards. The remaining deck is placed in the middle of the table. In this case, the top card is removed. It is designed to be discarded with unnecessary cards. The goal is to collect a combination of three cards of the same suit or denomination.

Eighth place - "Mafia"

Mafia began to gain popularity several years ago. Today it is one of the most popular card games for the company. Most often it is played with a regular deck of cards, but there are also special sets. The rules are simple enough. Each player is dealt cards. Several of them are representatives of the mafia (a certain card is responsible for this, which is appointed by general consent), and all the rest are civilians. In the event that the company is large enough, additional characters can be introduced to perform a wide variety of functions. Each con mafia commits one murder. The task of civilians is to reveal the representatives of the mafia, and the task of the mafia is to kill all civilians. It is interesting that the birthplace of the "Mafia" is Russia. Today it is popular both in the United States and in Europe.

Ninth place - "Solitaire"

Solitaire is the most popular solitaire card game. It became very popular after its computer implementation - Solitaire is one of the preinstalled games on Windows. Nevertheless, you can also collect solitaire using simple cards.

Tenth place - "Deberts"

Recently, "Deberts" has greatly squandered its popularity, but at the end of the last century it was known in many countries. There are players today. The objective of the game is to collect 301 points by collecting certain cards. The winner was the one who collected the required number of points first.

There are different versions as to where this game originated. Some call it Sakhalin homeland, others attribute the authorship to Jewish communities. Deberts was very popular in the USSR. There was a variety of "Deberts", named after the provinces of the Soviet state - Kharkov and Moscow "Deberts".

Thus, the material lists the most popular card games. The list includes both gambling types, such as "poker" and "blackjack", and amateur ones, such as "fool" and "goat".

Card games are loved all over the world. With them, as with ordinary ones, it is pleasant to while away the time in the company; card tournaments are held in many countries of the world. There are more than a thousand varieties of card games, and we have compiled the TOP-7 of the most popular of them.

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Most popular in the USA and Latin America. Jin-rammi originated from the popular Mexican game kunken in the middle of the last century. Now this version of rummy is distributed mainly in Europe and the United States.

The game is logical-strategic and is rarely played for money. Jin-rammi is designed for 2-4 people. To play in pairs, 10 cards are dealt, a company of three or four people receives seven cards each. The deck remaining after the deal is placed in the middle of the table and the top card is removed - players will discard unnecessary cards on it.

The main goal of the game is to collect a combination of three or more cards of the same suit or value. Players can draw cards from both resulting decks, but they cannot discard sheets just taken from the discard pile. The best position in the game is gin, when a person has no "extra" cards in his hand that are not used in combination. The player with the most points loses and deals the sheets (corresponds to the value of the card, the ace in rummy is considered a unit, the jack, queen and king - tens).

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One of the most beloved in America and Europe, but not very popular in the CIS countries. The predecessor of the bridge is considered to be "whist", popular in the Russian Empire since the 19th century, but practically disappeared in Soviet times.

The difficulty of bridge is comparable to that of chess and backgammon, the game is internationally recognized as a kind of intellectual sport. On the bridge, major tournaments and mini-events are held for a company of eight people. A distinctive feature is that a person does not play for himself, but for his pair (East in a team with West, North with South). In bridge, it is not customary to prompt or help your friend, the game has a strict code of ethics that does not allow any violation of rules and discipline.

There are four people in the home rubber bridge. This variety is less popular due to the large influence of randomness on the results of the game. Bridge lovers prefer the sporty variation of the game, in which everything depends on memory and logical thinking.

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Like bridge, this is an "aristocratic" game with its own code of honor, the roots of which go back to the English "whist". Preference is most interesting to play in a company of three or four people - cards are dealt to only three players and with a larger number of participants, the entertainment loses its pace and dynamism. Preference is referred to as commercial games, where, unlike gambling, the outcome of the party depends not on luck, but on the skills of the participants.

Sevens are not used in the preference, they are played with a deck of 32 sheets. The main goal of the party is to score more points. Preference rules are amended from time to time. The last revision took place in 1996, when the Russian Club of Preference Admirers issued its own set of recommendations and rules of the game.

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One of the most famous card games in the world, invented especially for casinos. The predecessor of blackjack is the game "Twenty One", popular in 19th century France. For the first time, blackjack appeared in gambling establishments in the United States. In order to interest a wide range of visitors, casino employees had to carry out various PR campaigns and even modify the rules of the classic "Twenty-one" to be more interesting for players.

One of the variations of blackjack is popular in Russia - a point. The main difference between these varieties in the deck: in the American version, 54 cards are used, in the Russian - 36. The point is considered a home version, which is more suitable for playing outside the casino.

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The most famous and popular gambling card game in the world. Poker is internationally recognized as a sport that regularly hosts tournaments and championships. The game gained popularity more than two hundred years ago, the first mention of a similar card entertainment dates back to the beginning of the 16th century.

Poker perfectly combines logical and strategic features with a high level of dependence on luck. As in gin-rummy, the main goal of the participants is to get the most "weighty" combination. It is more interesting to play poker with bets (albeit for conditional money), when the participants need to feel the atmosphere at the table in order to save their funds, understand when it is better to leave the game and keep the remaining chips, and at what point to take a risk and raise the bet.

Bluff is also important in poker. A player who does not own valuable cards can bluff unsure opponents, forcing them to leave the game.

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Goat appeared in Germany at the end of the 19th century, becoming today one of the most popular card games in the CIS countries. Has many variations. Each region has its own version of the goat, differing in the rules for assigning the trump card, which often creates confusion for participants from different cities.

The goat looks like a bridge and a fool at the same time. As in the bridge, the players are divided into criss-cross teams, and a three-player one-on-two game is allowed. The similarity with a fool is manifested in the presence of a trump card and the need to beat the cards of opponents.

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A game that does not need any special introduction, the rules of which are known even to first graders. The fool appeared in the Russian Empire in the 19th century and was widespread only among the peasants - the nobility preferred the "aristocratic" preference and bridge. The game gained popularity in the USSR, at the same time new varieties of the fool appeared: throw-in, transfer, with a deck of 52 cards.

The fool is distinguished by simple rules and the ability to play in a large company. Like most card games not for real money, a fool will help you forget about your problems and get rid of.

This type of game is for two players only. They play with an incomplete deck of 24 cards from Ace to nine inclusive. Seniority of cards: Ace, ten, King, Queen, Jack, nine. The dealer gives himself and his partner 10 cards, 4 cards are dealt to the buy-in. Cards are not put in the buy-in first and last but not least. The coupon must be placed in a pile in the middle of the table, the cards face down.

Bidding is announced, in which the players assign as many points as they could take in the process of playing with their cards. Appointments are made from 60 to 120 points. You need to assign dozens, when calculating points, they should also be rounded up to 10.

Whoever makes the highest assignment takes the buy-in. At will, he can take either the last two cards of the buy-in, or the first two. The cards remaining on the table are not allowed to be viewed by any of the players until the end of the game. The player who has bought takes two of his unnecessary cards face down on the table and makes the first move. He also assigns a trump card to the game.

In some companies, the buy is placed in two piles of two cards. The buyer has the right to use any coupon. You cannot look at the two remaining cards. Sometimes four buy cards are included in the scoring. This happens when the winner of the trade declares 120 points without announcing margins and takes all the bribes to one.

If the senior hand folds in the first round of betting, the second has the right not to make an appointment, the buy still belongs to him. On the call card, you should either lay out a card of the same suit, or interrupt with a trump card. The highest card takes the bribe. The second and all subsequent moves belong to those who took the previous trick.

After the end of the game, the points are calculated. A player who has a King and a Queen of the same suit in bribes writes for himself for marriage: trump - 80, non-trump - 40 points. The points declared during the bidding process are attributed by the player to himself in the event that he scored at least the assigned one. Otherwise, they are debited from the account of the buyer. When a player reaches 850 points in his record, he has the right not to participate in the auction, his opponent is not allowed to pass.

If after buying the player sees that he simply cannot take the declared points, he is allowed to “leave” - write down the declared points for himself as penalties, and the opponent adds 60 points to his record. This kind of thousand can be adapted for four players as well. In this case, 5 cards are dealt already, and the player who takes the buy-in takes one of his unnecessary cards to the opponents face-down.

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