Enmg at the scientific center of psychoneurology on Shabolovka. Neurosis clinic on Shabolovka how to get there

Specialized Clinical Hospital No. 8 named after. Z.P. Solovyova - “Clinic of Neuroses” was founded by Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Bazhenov and S.L. Tsetlin in 1914 as a private psychiatric hospital.

The architectural ensemble of the hospital (9 buildings) was created in 1912-1913. architect Evgeny Vasilyevich Shervinsky (the project was published in the yearbook of the Moscow Architectural Society in 1914). Shervinsky received this order, perhaps not by chance - the name of his father, Professor V.D Shervinsky, was very widely known; Apparently, the experience of working with Kognovitsky, who built an outpatient clinic on Yauzskaya Street (the construction of hospitals was specific and undoubtedly required technical experience in working with this kind of buildings; perhaps Shervinsky was his assistant) and Meisner, who built several clinics in Moscow just had an impact during the years when young Shervinsky worked with him.
The Hospital building is one of the best buildings in Moscow in the neoclassical style, in its most austere, restrained and at the same time intimate form. The buildings of the Hospital were surrounded by a wonderful French park - with a gazebo, parterres, and rows of curtains.

In 1916, it housed a military psychiatric hospital (under the name Moscow Don Psychiatric Hospital of the Committee for Assistance to Mentally Ill Soldiers, and since 1918 - Moscow Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 for soldiers of the Red Army). In 1920, it was transferred to the Moscow City Health Department for organization in there is a city psychiatric hospital (renamed as the Moscow Don Neuropsychiatric Hospital). This happened with the active assistance of the head of the Main Military Sanitary Directorate, Zinovy ​​Petrovich Solovyov, whose name was subsequently, since 1928, given to the hospital (Moscow Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after Solovyov). A dispensary building was built in 1929, after the Great Patriotic War- three standard buildings.
Since 1920 the hospital has been clinical base Psychiatric Clinic 2nd Moscow medical institute them. Pirogov, led by Professor Vasily Alekseevich Gilyarovsky, who was also the chief physician of the hospital. In 1945, the hospital became the base of the Institute of Psychiatry of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, and in 1952, a laboratory of the Institute of Higher Education was organized on the basis of the hospital. nervous activity person of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the same year, the Department of Psychiatry of the 2nd Medical Institute, based in the Clinic, was headed by Oleg Vasilyevich Kerbikov, whose name is associated in-depth research in borderline psychiatry.
In 1951, the hospital was given the number 8 (Moscow Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 8 named after Solovyov). And in 1972, the hospital, on the initiative of the chief physician, Professor Vilmir Semenovich Chugunov, was reorganized into the “Clinic of Neuroses” and since that time has specialized in the treatment of borderline forms of mental disorders. Since 1977 at the hospital modern name(among Muscovites it is also known as the “clinic of neuroses”).

In 1972, the hospital was reorganized into the “Clinic of Neuroses” and since that time has specialized in the treatment of borderline forms of mental disorders. Over many years of work, the Clinic has accumulated experience in the selection and comprehensive treatment of this group of patients. Today, the hospital is the country's largest (1,100 beds) treatment and prevention facility specializing in the treatment of neurotic mental disorders. The clinic has all the necessary facilities for diagnosing and treating both mental pathology itself and its somatic components, which ensures a high percentage of achieving a pronounced improvement in the condition of patients. The following departments operate: Consultative and outpatient department (headed by Anosov Yuri...

In 1972, the hospital was reorganized into the “Neurosis Clinic” and since that time has specialized in the treatment of borderline forms of mental disorders. Over many years of work, the Clinic has accumulated experience in the selection and complex treatment of this group of patients.
Today the hospital is the largest in the country(1100 beds) is a medical and preventive institution specializing in the treatment of mental disorders of the neurotic range.
The clinic has all the necessary facilities for diagnosing and treating both mental pathology itself and its somatic components, which ensures a high percentage of achieving a pronounced improvement in the condition of patients.

Branches are functioning:
Consultative and polyclinic (head. Anosov Yuri Aleksandrovich) - structural subdivision clinics, providing continuity between the hospital and the city’s clinics and medical units.
In the consultation and polyclinic department, the issue of referring the patient for treatment to one of the departments of the clinic is resolved, in day hospital or a country branch, as well as outpatient follow-up care for patients discharged from the hospital.
Indications for referring patients for treatment to the Clinic in accordance with ICD-10 are:
1. Mental disorders caused by damage and dysfunction of the brain or somatic illness(F 06.xxx)

1.1 Non-psychotic affective disorders
1.2 Organic anxiety disorders
1.3 Organic emotionally labile (asthenic) disorders
1.4 Organic dissociative disorders
1.5 Lung cognitive disorder(F 06.7)
1.6 Personality and behavioral disorders caused by disease, damage or dysfunction of the brain (F 07.xx).

2. Depressive episodes without psychotic symptoms (F 32.xx; F33.xx).
3. Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (F 4x.xx).
4. Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disorders and physical factors(F 5x.xx).
5.Personality and behavior disorders in adulthood (F 60.xx).
Contraindications for referral for treatment are:
1.Endogenous mental illness with psychotic (delusional, hallucinatory) symptoms and pronounced personality changes.
2.Psychopathy with antisocial behavior disorders - dissocial personality disorder (F 60.2x).
3.Psychoorganic disorders in dementia.
4.Alcoholism and drug addiction.
5. Severe somatic and neurological diseases.
6. Infectious and venereal diseases
7. Condition after surgical interventions
8. Pregnancy.
Inpatient Neurosis Clinics number 16 medical departments, where it is carried out complex treatment sick.
