Learning Irish. Modern Irish. Origin of writing in Ireland

The Foundation for the Development of Traditional Culture and the Nordheim School present modern Irish language courses.

Classes include training in the standard version of standard Irish (Caighdeán Oifigiúil), familiarization with grammatical and phonetic dialect features (using the example of the southern, western and northern dialects), as well as the gradual mastery of the southern dialect of Irish - the dialect that became the language of classical Irish literature and played an important role in Irish history.

The course of study lasts 3.5 years. During this time, course participants, depending on the number of classes attended, will be able to master the modern Irish language at an advanced level of independent proficiency (B1-B2) according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). They will be able to understand the content of texts on various topics, formulate their own opinions in Irish, and communicate on various topics in most possible situations.

At the end of each part of the course, students take an exam based on the materials of the European Test of the Irish Language (TEG), receive a certificate from the Foundation for the Development of Traditional Culture and the opportunity to undergo a two-week summer internship in training center Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne in Ireland, in County Kerry.

Course participants also have the right to:

  • attend additional individual and paired Irish language classes;
  • attend additional lectures on the history and culture of Ireland;
  • take part in traditional Irish singing and old-style singing (sean-nós).

Classes are held once a week in groups of 4 to 6 people on Saturdays or Sundays.

The duration of classes is three astronomical hours with a ten-minute break.

All teaching aids are provided free of charge.

Group schedule:

18:30-20:30 (continuing group)

14:00-17:00 (continuing group)

When registering, please indicate in the comments the desired day and time of classes.

Price: 2000 rub. for a full three-hour lesson


Yuri Olegovich Andreychuk

Linguist, translator, foreign language teacher; until 2002 he worked in the Moscow State University system.

One of the most prominent popularizers of the Irish language in Russia and folk culture. Singer, musician, leader of the group “Army of the Seeds” (SluaSí). He studied traditional Irish singing and “old style” singing in Ireland. Since 1998, in collaboration with the Veresk Foundation and the Foundation for the Development of Traditional Culture, it has been participating in the organization of concerts, festivals and other events dedicated to Irish culture.

Since 2009, he has been conducting regular modern Irish language classes in Moscow, collaborating with language centers and traditional culture centers in Ireland in conducting joint cultural and language programs.

Language help

Irish Gaelic belongs to the group of Celtic island languages ​​of the Western Indo-European branch. language family. The modern Irish language originates from the Old Irish language in which the Irish sagas were written. The Irish literary heritage is the third largest and oldest in Europe after ancient Greek and Roman.

During English colonization, the language was repeatedly banned. Centuries of punitive laws, wars and famines have led to the fact that from the second half of the 19th century V. The Irish language ceased to be the main language of communication in Ireland, but continued to develop in three dialect varieties: southern, western and northern. The oppressed position of Irish speakers led to significant problems in their socialization, many of which are still felt today.

At the same time, the literary and oral tradition of the Irish language continued uninterrupted. In the XIX-XX centuries. The Irish language experienced its revival and entered into modern history one of the European languages ​​and one of the two state languages Ireland. Currently the Irish language is varying degrees owns from 16 to 18% of the country's population; it is studied in schools and universities. Radio, television and other media operate in Irish.

Studying the Irish language in Russia will help everyone who is interested in the history and traditions of the Emerald Isle to go beyond the stereotypical perception of Ireland and its inhabitants, and discover for themselves new world, in which live traditional culture bought new ones modern forms without abandoning his heritage.

Centuries of British rule over Ireland led to the fact that now almost all the inhabitants of the island speak English language. But special areas still remain, Gaeltachts, the population that prefers to use their native language Irish.

The Irish language is one of the few surviving Celtic dialects in the world. Thousands of years ago they were spoken by millions of people across Europe from the Carpathians to the west coast of Spain, from the Bosporus to the British Isles. However, now only in certain regions of the continent there are people who protect Celtic culture and languages.

We are talking about Scotland, Wales and Cornwall on the island of Great Britain, the Brittany Peninsula in France, as well as the Isles of Man and Ireland.

The Republic of Ireland has a population of four and a half million people, with another one and a half million living in Ulster, the northern part of the island controlled by Great Britain. But only 1.66 million of them said they had some knowledge of Irish. In everyday life, ten times fewer people communicate in it.

Realizing that the Irish language was in danger of extinction, the authorities adopted great amount measures aimed at its preservation and resuscitation. All official information in the Republic of Ireland is published in two languages: signs and road signs are bilingual. Television and radio programs are broadcast in the indigenous language of the island. It can be heard more and more often in Parliament.

But there is special regions on an island where Irish is the main language. The use of English in the official sphere is prohibited there (in the private sphere, however, it is not prohibited). We are talking about Gaeltachts - territories with a special legislative status, located mainly in west coast and in rural areas Ireland. These include individual villages with a couple of households, and entire regions with dozens of settlements.

The total population of these areas is approximately 100 thousand people, of whom about 70 thousand speak mainly Irish in everyday life.

However, the special status plays a cruel joke on the Gaeltachts. After all, tourists from other regions of the country, Great Britain and the rest of the world tend to come to these villages, expecting to plunge into the atmosphere of Celtic culture there. And this forces their residents to increasingly use English in communication.

A separate conversation about the so-called neo-Gaeltachts - areas of cities whose residents deliberately switched to Irish as the language of primary communication relatively recently, in recent decades. Such neighborhoods exist in Dublin, and in Belfast, and in smaller populated areas. Moreover, their number is constantly increasing - the process of reviving the language at the official level brings positive results.

Ireland is a completely small state, which, however, gave the whole world St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, a huge number of words that most people consider English. The Irish language belongs to the family of Indo-European origin. Other languages ​​from the same group are Scottish Gaelic and Breton.

Who speaks Irish?

According to statistics, Irish is spoken by about 1.6 million people. These are the residents as well Northern Ireland. There are also residents in the United States who use this language in everyday speech. Irish is one of the officially recognized languages ​​of the European Union. In total, about 42% of Irish residents communicate in it. The vast majority of Irish people, about 94%, also speak English fluently.

Irish language: words of interest and other features

One of the most interesting features The way Irish speakers think is that they use an unusual base-20 number system. This means that for them the number 60 means three times 20. Another characteristic- Irish does not have the pronoun “you”, just as English does not have the pronoun “you”. If a tourist visits Ireland for the first time, he should not be surprised if an Irishman, after the first acquaintance, begins to address him as “you”.

Irish thinking characteristics

What is even more unusual is that the language does not have the concepts of “yes” and “no”. For example, to the question: “Were you at home today?” - the Irishman will not answer affirmatively or negatively. He will say: “I was at home today.” Negation is conveyed using special forms verb. The order of words in a sentence is another feature that distinguishes this language. Irish is interesting because it uses reverse order words In other words, the phrase “I went home” will sound like “I went home.”

Most peoples view the concept of time linearly, that is, they say: “The house was built three hundred years ago.” The Irish see the time axis a little differently. For them it flows as if from bottom to top. They will say the same phrase as follows: “The house was built three hundred years down.”

History of the language

The initial stage of the emergence of Irish dates back to the period from the 7th to the 10th centuries. At this time, the Old Irish language was born. It contains the epic works of the people of the emerald island. Old Irish is one of the oldest languages ​​in all of Europe - second only to Ancient Greek and Latin.

This is followed by the period of the Middle Irish language - from the 10th to the 13th centuries. Then Old Irish, being a literary language, is also used in everyday speech. From the XIII to the XVII centuries. the classical form of Irish is formed. For two centuries, the Irish authorities pursued a policy of destroying the Irish language. It was prohibited not only in official use, but also in everyday communication. In 1798, a popular uprising was suppressed, after which the indigenous people emigrated en masse to other countries.

Attempts to exterminate the language

The paradox was that in early XIX century there were a huge number of Irish people using their native language. Irish was the language of communication of peasants and workers - a total of about 5 million speakers. Although the language, like local Catholicism, was banned, almost all ordinary people used it in everyday communication.

The year 1831 was fatal for the Irish: this year Britain ordered that a single united state be established throughout Ireland. school system. Whereas previously the Irish language had been transmitted through illegal schools, now every child was required to attend an English school.

But an even greater disaster was the economic crisis that struck in 1845, which resulted in a terrible famine. About 1.5 million people died from it.

Irish for beginners: why and how to learn?

Many, inspired by reading the Irish epic, want to learn at least the basics of Irish. Many myths and prejudices exist about this mysterious and unusual language. Some believe it is a dying language. Irish, however, is not included in this group: it is a minor language, but not a dying one.

Then, those who want to learn Irish have another question: “What benefits can it have? practical use, besides personal interest? The fact is that this language is a whole collection of unusual grammatical and lexical phenomena. Therefore, anyone who is interested in linguistics and would like to expand their horizons can try to master the Irish language. The self-instruction manual in Russian, like the dictionaries, is a rather rare publication. However, you can find English-Irish and Irish-English dictionaries, as well as tutorials in English.

More reasons to learn Irish

Irish grammar presents a real challenge for linguistic enthusiasts. For example, the word "woman" will be used in various forms. The use of one or another option depends on the context and the adjacent pronoun - my, your or his woman is meant. When studying foreign language Usually difficulties arise with changing the ending of a word. But in Irish, not only the ending of a word changes, but also its beginning.

The motivation for learning Irish can also be its belonging to the western branch of the Indo-European language family. The Russian language belongs to the English group of Germanic languages. Slavic and belong to the northern branch. Therefore, we can judge that even the Russian language is closer to English than Irish.

Also, knowledge of the Irish language provides an opportunity to become familiar with the rich Irish folk art. Most of Irish folklore has never been translated into Russian. Many will also be interested in contemporary Irish prose.

Irregular online community publication

Websites for Irish Language Learners

Maynooth University course. Preparation for exams for the European Certificate of Irish Language TEG.

An online resource with the ability to practice the pronunciation of individual sounds and selected words using examples recorded by famous Irish journalists - radio and television announcers. Each of the speakers presents the pronunciation of one of the three Irish dialects.

Audio recordings of speakers of different Irish dialects, made in 1928-31 and organized by county. Examples of live spoken speech are given along with written text. Among other records, the archive contains examples of speech from speakers of extinct dialects.

The largest Irish-English and English-Irish dictionary, with individual examples of the grammatical forms of each word and examples of the pronunciation of words in all three dialects of Irish.

New large English-Irish dictionary.

English-Irish and Irish-English online dictionary with examples of usage from the texts of Irish publications.

Brief online dictionary with the ability to translate from Russian into Celtic languages ​​(including Irish) and back.

Terminological dictionary. Lots of new modern terms

A resource dedicated to Irish place names and other place names.

Online encyclopedia in Irish, dedicated to famous Irishmen.

A site dedicated to Gaelic fonts.

Official website of the Department of Germanic and Celtic Philology of Moscow State University

News and announcements about MSU Celtic classes

A collection of links describing applications, programs and games in Irish.

A site with descriptions of fonts, office applications and dictionaries in the Irish language.

The largest online store of Irish books of a wide variety of genres.

Big book Shop with regular assortment updates.

Irish Book Club Store.

Corner of Celtic lyrics. Songs in the languages ​​of various Celtic peoples with information about the performers.

Blogs and communities

Gaeilge amháin ("Irish Only"). The largest public group for speaking Irish in social network Facebook.

"I'm studying Irish." Community of Irish language lovers on the social network VKontakte.

Blog of MSU students and graduate students studying Irish

American Irish language course forums Daltaí na Gaeilge.


Gaeltachtaí na Mumhan (Gaeltachts of the South)

Gaeltacht Chorca Dhuibhne

(West Dingle, Gaeltacht Cork Gyne)

West Dingle Heritage - An organization dedicated to providing Irish language courses in the Gaeltacht of West Dingle, County Kerry. Here, in the cultural and language center, students from Russia undergo annual practice.

West Dingle Museum. Information about the history and archeology of the region

Website for lovers of hiking on the Dingle Peninsula

Blasket Ferries - from Dingle

Blasket Ferries - Dunkin

West Dingle Gaeltacht Hotels and Hostels Websites - Here(link to the “Hostels and Hotels” sheet from the description of the West Dingle Gaeltacht maps)

Gaeltacht Uíbh Ráthach

Ring of Kerry Tourism Site

South Kerry Gaeltacht Council (Committee)

Website for lovers of hiking on the Iverach Peninsula

The village of Ballinskelligs (Baile an Sceilg) and surrounding areas

The village of Waterville (An Coireán) and surrounding areas

Hostel in the village of Ballinskellig (Baile an Sceilg)

Hostel in the village of Dromod

Daniel O'Connell House Museum

Skellig Islands Visitor Center (on Valentia Island)

Ferries to Skellig Island (from Portmagee)

Gaeltacht Mhuscraí

(Muscry, West Cork)

West Cork Cultural Centre, Ballyvourney village

Website for lovers of hiking in the Gaeltacht of Muskra

Ballingirie village (Béal Átha an Ghaorthaidh) and surrounding area

Oilán Chleire

(Cape Clear Island/Clear Island/Clear)

Cape Clear Island Visitor Center and Accommodation

Ferries to the island (from Baltimore and from Skull)

Baltimore Village (Dún na Séad) and surrounding area

Gaeltacht na nDéise (An Rinn)

(Wrynn, County Waterford)

Tourist website of the Gaeltacht Rinn

Irish courses for adults at Rinn College

Gaeltachtaí an Iarthair (Gaeltachts of the West)

Gaeltachtaí na Gaillimhe

County Galway Tourism Sites

Irish language courses at St Ann's College in Rosmukh Gaeltacht

County Galway Gaeltachts

"Coastal" Gaeltacht (Cois Fharraige)

Connemara tourism website

Connemara National Park
