The Varangian cruiser has modern weapons. Guards missile cruiser "Varyag". history of the cruiser "Varyag"

A full-scale civil war began on the night of January 27. It was started simultaneously - and independently of each other - by both sides. In the north of Finland, the Whites attacked Russian military units and Red Guard detachments, and in the south the Red Guards carried out a coup. The country split.

The Whites held 4/5 of the territory, but this was sparsely populated and backward Northern Finland. Developed Southern Finland with the large cities of Helsingfors (Helsinki), Tammerfors (Tampere), Vyborg, etc. remained with the Reds. In terms of population, both Finlands were approximately equal.

Power in red Finland passed to the Council of People's Representatives (SNU), whose chairman was Kullervo Manner. To control the SNU, a Main Work Council was created from representatives from the SDPF, trade unions and the Red Guard. No organizations similar to the Soviets arose in Finland. The workers acted through their old organizations - trade unions and SDPF. The only new organization that emerged during the revolutionary period was the Red Guard.

At the end of February, the SNU published a draft constitution, written mainly by Otto Kuusinen. It was supposed to be adopted in a referendum, which never took place due to the civil war. The Constitution recognized the supreme power of the parliament, elected through universal suffrage. The power of parliament was supplemented and limited by popular referendums. If the majority of parliament violated the constitution and wanted to usurp power, the people had the right to revolt. It is curious that nothing was said about socio-economic transformations in the draft Constitution.

There was no split between left and right in the SDPF. Representatives of both the radical and moderate wings of the party were active in the revolution. Of the 92 deputies of the Sejm from the SDPF, only one went over to the White side. This absence of a formalized split in the labor movement is an important difference between the Finnish revolution and other revolutions of that period.

The new government carried out the nationalization of industry very moderately and carefully. Only enterprises abandoned by the owners were transferred to the control of workers. In other cases, the enterprise remained with the capitalist, although there were elements of worker control.

SNU took control of the state-owned Finnish Bank, but did not touch private banks. Similar duality in financial sector created many opportunities for fraud for owners of private banks, which had a negative impact on economic life.

SNU transferred the ownership of the lands they cultivated to the torpars - small tenants of Southern Finland. All the rest of the land remained with the previous owners. The farm laborers received nothing from the revolution. Also, the Reds were unable to offer anything to the peasantry of Northern Finland, who formed the basis of the White Guard - and this became one of the main reasons for the defeat of the revolution.

The Finnish revolution did not create any specialized organization to combat counter-revolution - no analogue of the French Committee of Public Safety or the Russian Extraordinary Commission to Combat Counter-Revolution, Profiteering and Banditry. As a result, counter-revolutionary conspiracies acted with almost impunity. By the time the civil war began, all members of the bourgeois government were in southern Finland. But the Red Guards did not bother to find and arrest them, and they were all able to escape to white, northern Finland.

February 2 SNU canceled death penalty and did not restore it until the end of the war. A revolutionary government waging a civil war without resorting to the death penalty is an extremely rare occurrence.

In battles throughout the war, 3.5 thousand Red Guards and 3.1 thousand Shyutskorites died - approximately equal losses. The victims of the Red Terror - Red Guard lynchings - were 1,600 people. According to minimum estimates, the White Guards shot 8 thousand people, according to maximum estimates - 18 thousand. There were two waves of Red lynchings - at the beginning of the war, when workers and torparis who joined the Red Guard took revenge on the propertied classes for centuries of humiliation, and at the end of the war, when the defeated Red Guards, knowing that they were doomed, sought to take them with them to the next world fallen into the hands of their enemies.

Unlike the white command, the Reds energetically fought against lynchings. The appeal of the Red Guard command on February 2 ordered:

"1). Any use of violence against unarmed prisoners of war is strictly prohibited;

2). All criminals for crimes committed during the revolution must be handed over to the military courts of the working class. This also applies to captured enemies; mistreatment and retaliation against them will not be tolerated. The honor of the revolutionary people obliges us to do this. The military courts now being created also investigate and try all crimes of counter-revolutionaries; unauthorized revenge on the part of individual Red Guards is strictly prohibited.”

One of the veterans of the Social Democratic movement in Finland, very popular among the workers, Jürje Mäkelin, who belonged to the right wing of the SDPF, published an appeal in which he condemned the Red Guard lynchings:

“The feeling of revenge must be alien to the fighter for the cause of the proletariat.... With his weapons, the worker must restrain all the bad elements that usually come to light in revolutionary times. These include, for example, robbers... They are no less dangerous for the proletariat than those who are currently fighting against the workers with arms in their hands, since many even among those who are sympathetic to the aspirations of the proletariat will, due to a misunderstanding, attribute the crimes of these elements to the workers. We want to be sure that before the God of history and the international proletariat we dare to answer for every shot fired from our ranks” (V.M. Kholodkovsky. The 1918 Revolution in Finland and the German Intervention. M., 1967, p. 107).

The Finnish Reds were not Bolsheviks. These were left-wing and not-so-left-wing Social Democrats who were pushed by the intransigent intransigence of their enemy into a civil war they did not want. And which we lost.

The fate of the war was decided at the front. After the first battles, the front stabilized for some time.

There were 75 thousand fighters in the Red Guard, 70 thousand in the Shutskor. Quite comparable forces with a slight quantitative advantage for the Reds. But White had a qualitative advantage. The core of the Shutskor consisted of rangers who had experience of war on the side of Germany. The former were thrown into the shutskor tsarist officers and generals - mainly from the Swedish-speaking Finnish elite. Tsarist general There was also the commander-in-chief of the Whites, the Finnish Swede Mannerheim, who did not know the Finnish language.

During the Russian Civil War, most Red Army soldiers had World War I experience behind them. A considerable part of the talented Red commanders (as well as the commanders of the Makhnovists and other peasant rebels) emerged from the non-commissioned officers of the World War. The Finnish workers and torpars who joined the Red Guard had no military experience and had to learn the simplest things on the fly - for example, how to handle a rifle. They had almost no commanders of their own with combat experience, and there were much fewer Russian officers who went to fight for the Finnish revolution, like Lieutenant Colonel Svechnikov or Colonel Bulatzel (the latter would be shot by the Whites - like his two teenage sons) than the officers who fought for the Whites. Intelligent Red commanders gradually emerged from among the Red Guards, but time was needed, and there was not enough time. All historians say that unexpectedly great military talent was discovered by the metalworker Hugo Sammela, the commander of the Red Western Front. He died on March 28, 1918 during the battles for Tammerfors as a result of an accidental explosion of military warehouses.

Military affairs was the weakest point of the Reds. There was no military intelligence or reserves. Commanders were chosen, orders were often discussed even during the battle and were not carried out. In the first half of April, when, after catastrophic defeats, the command of the Red Guard ordered an organized retreat to the east of the country, the red detachments of the Western Front, which at that time were fighting successful battles, refused to retreat and fell into the cauldron, where the majority were destroyed.

Attempts by the Red Guard to go on the offensive in February and March ended in failure. White held their position. Nevertheless, there was hope that the situation would change in the spring. The peasants of Northern Finland - the majority of the Shutskor fighters - will return to plow the land, and this will sharply weaken the Whites.

The Brest Peace Treaty changed the situation sharply in favor of the Whites. Among his conditions was the withdrawal of Russian troops from Finland (which, however, was planned to be done in any case after the end of the war with Germany) and the Bolsheviks’ refusal to help red Finland. The Germans freed part of the army, and by agreement with the head of the Finnish white government, Svinhuvud, 20 thousand German soldiers under the command of General von der Goltz were sent to Finland. In exchange for military assistance, the Finnish Whites agreed to complete control of German capital over the Finnish economy and to turn Finland into a vassal of Germany.

In conditions of an approximate balance of power between the Reds and the Whites, 20 thousand German soldiers became the weight that tipped the scales in favor of the Whites.

On the moral impact of the news that German troops are coming to help the whites, M.S. Svechnikov writes this:

“The moral impression made by the German intervention was enormous. The latter literally paralyzed the actions of the government, not to mention the masses, who, after a great upsurge, unprecedented in the history of the labor movement, began to feel nervous, uncertain about their successes, and brought on panic.

At this time, Germany reached the apogee of its glory, its power and, as a result of its successes, at this point in the world war could dictate its demands To the Soviet Government. How could little Red resist?

Finland, when its big neighbor - Soviet Russia - gave in to the Germans? This was even more impossible for her. that all its forces were at the front against an equally strong white army” (M.S. Svechnikov, op. cit., p. 90).

German troops landed on the Finnish mainland on April 3 (they occupied the Åland Islands on March 5). Even before their landing, on March 26, the Shutskorites approached Tammerfors. The fighting for Tammerfors continued until April 6 and became the decisive battle of the civil war. The Reds fought desperately, many of the White units lost up to two-thirds of their personnel in battle, but nevertheless Tammerfors fell when the Reds ran out of ammunition. White terror began.

The fall of Tammerfors and the landing of the Germans became a turning point in the civil war. The unstable balance changed sharply in favor of White. And a significant part of the workers, and - what is worse - the Council of People's Representatives - stopped believing in the possibility of victory. As a result, the SNU fled from Helsingfors to Vyborg on April 8, when it became known that German troops were approaching the capital of Red Finland.

The battles for Helsingfors took place on April 12-13. Abandoned by their leadership, the Red Guards of Helsingfors fought with great courage, but were defeated.

“Women played a significant role in the defense of Helsingfors. One of the participants in the struggle talks about this: “It seemed that the outcome of the battle was already predetermined, the battle was already calming down, the Germans were advancing from all sides, the streets were filled with “liberators,” when armed women and young girls appeared. There had already been fighting women in the Red Guard, but now they appeared in large numbers. And their appearance in Helsingfors among the Red Guards gave the latter cheerfulness and inspiration... They put on their best dresses, realizing that this was the last time in their lives. Almost all of them died.

Perhaps it was the heroic defense of Helsingfors or Tammerfors that the Finnish worker poet Cassie Kaatra had in mind when he wrote in his “Legend of the Red Banner”:

The pavement was smoking with blood;

At the cost of countless deaths

Men and women and children

The city held out..." (V.M. Kholodkovsky. The Revolution of 1918 in Finland and the German Intervention. M., 1967, p. 281).

The fall of Helsingfors meant that the civil war was lost. The SNU, having gone to Vyborg and having lost faith in victory, decided to organize the withdrawal of the Red Guard units to Soviet Russia. Members of the SNU feverishly shuttled between Vyborg and Petrograd; rumors were spreading in the Red Guard units that “treason was ingrained in all headquarters” and that the leadership was going to escape, abandoning ordinary soldiers. The rumors were confirmed. When the Germans and White Finns approached Vyborg on April 24, most of the SNU members fled by boat to Petrograd.

Two years later, a group of former fighters of the Finnish Red Guard, who became Bolsheviks and Red Army soldiers in Soviet Russia, committed an act unique in the history of the world communist movement - on their own initiative they shot some of the leaders of the Communist Party of Finland. In the explanatory note to Lenin, which was written by members of the “revolver opposition” who surrendered to the Cheka, among the crimes of the Communist Party of the Communist Party leadership, a double escape in April 1918 was indicated - from Helsingfors and Vyborg:

“... You [Vladimir Ilyich] did not hear the curses expressed by the workers when these gentlemen cowardly ran away at the most decisive moment, leaving tens of thousands of workers to be torn to pieces by the White Guards. They could have saved them, but they didn't even try. We heard these furious curses shouted by a huge revolutionary-minded mass, left without leadership in a disorganized state, not knowing what to do when the deadly ring of the White Guards was closing in on all sides. On everyone’s lips was the terrifying news that the leadership had shamefully fled to save their own skins - not to save the idea!” (Comintern and Finland. 1919-1943. M., 2003, p. 79).

Among the members of the SNU, only Edward Gylling, who led the finances of the SNU, refused to flee to Petrograd and remained with the doomed Red Guards until the end. An economist and historian by training, before the revolution he belonged to the moderate wing of Finnish social democracy. Gylling participated in the battles for Vyborg for all 5 days - from April 24 to 29, then managed to escape, illegally made his way to Helsingfors, and from there to Sweden. There he switched to Bolshevik positions, in 1920 he moved to Soviet Russia, met with Lenin and became the leader of Soviet Karelia, where he pursued a policy of Finnization. In 1935 he was removed from the leadership of Soviet Karelia, and in 1937 he was executed.

The former chairman of the “red diet” and the Council of People's Representatives, Kullervo Manner, who headed the Communist Party of Finland for many years, died in a Stalinist concentration camp in 1939. In 1936, Eino Rahja and Jurje Sirola died of natural causes in the USSR. By that time they had both lost political influence. In 1923, Jurje Mäkelin, a veteran of the Finnish labor movement, who by that time had become one of the leaders of the legal Socialist Workers' Party, died in a Finnish prison under mysterious circumstances. Other leaders of Red Finland were survived by Otto Kuusinen, who died in 1964 in the USSR, and Oskari Toka, who died in 1963 in the USA, who had long since retired from politics and did not become a Bolshevik.

After the fall of Vyborg, another orgy of white terror began. Among the victims of the White Terror, in addition to Finnish workers and Red Guards, there were also Russian speakers who lived in Vyborg. Moreover, Russian-speaking people who sympathized with the Reds tried to escape from Vyborg along with the Red Guard detachments, and the Apolites, or in general people who sympathized with the Whites and were waiting for them as liberators from the revolutionary nightmare, fell under the distribution.

The names of 327 Russians shot by the Whites after the occupation of Vyborg have been accurately established. According to the modern Finnish researcher L. Westerlund, the number of those executed was slightly higher - from 360 to 420 people. In 1910, 5,240 Russian-speaking people lived in Vyborg. Thus, approximately a tenth of the Russian-speaking population of Vyborg was shot, and given that almost exclusively adult men were shot, in this group of the Russian population the proportion of those shot was off the charts. Among the 327 “Russians” executed, there were 37 non-Russians, including 23 Poles and 4 Ukrainians. (L. Westerlund. We waited for you as liberators, and you brought us death. St. Petersburg, 2013, pp. 28, 40, 87).

Very often, the motive for execution was the desire of defenders of sacred private property to enrich themselves at the expense of the property of the person being shot:

“They said that the director of the grocery store, Antonovsky, shouted: “They took all my money, 16,000.” In some cases, the fingers of those executed were cut off to remove the rings.

Those shot on April 29, 1918 between the Russian ramparts were robbed so thoroughly that the next day relatives found their dead half naked. On the morning of April 30, 1918, merchant Wilhelm Kontula visited the place of executions, “when the partisans took off clothes and other things from the dead.”

The commander of the Vyborg schutzkor Turunen also visited there between 04/1/05/1918. “The bodies were in the same positions as on April 29, all the officers were robbed almost naked. Only a few were still wearing blue officer trousers.” A soldier from the Vaasa regiment, Georg Hemberg, who was present at the scene, saw how some of the soldiers who took part in the mass execution began to inspect the belongings of the dead, apparently to steal boots and belts, as well as valuables such as watches,

wallets and money. When one of the soldiers threw away a pair of bad boots, Hemberg took them for himself. In the stories of relatives of the victims and demands for compensation, there are many statements about missing money and valuables from the deceased. Tailor Markus Weiner, according to his wife, lost a ring, a silver pocket watch and 5,000 marks after his death. On the day of his death, the executed construction engineer Nikolai Nikitin had with him a silver cigarette box worth 200 marks, a gold signet ring worth 100 marks, ten gold Finnish coins, a nickel watch worth 50 marks and 1,500 marks, which disappeared after death.150 The military engineer Konstantin Nazarov's gold watch on a gold chain worth 600 marks went missing, wedding ring for 90 marks and a wallet containing 2,500 marks and an unknown but even larger amount of Russian money. On the day of his death, the former junior artillery officer Martin Eck had with him 1,200 rubles, a silver watch, a gold ring and others family values, which were not found with the body. The lining of piano master Fritz Tuklenok's pocket had money and valuables sewn into it that had been stolen. He had 4,000 marks, 2,000 rubles and securities whose total value was approximately 30,000 marks. On the day of the murder, the sexton of the Roman Catholic Church Stanislav Zakrevsky had 1000 marks, a silver pocket watch worth 80 marks, a wedding ring worth 125 marks, as well as rosary beads and clothes worth 200 marks. Money and things were missing. Body

worker Alexei Zykov was found robbed. He had 800 marks and 800 rubles with him. On the day of his death, tailor Andrei Pchelkin had a silver watch worth 100 marks, a wedding ring and 25 marks, which were missing. Tailor Alexander Pchelkin lost a gold ring with a stone worth 75 marks and 50 marks in cash.

Based on all this data, we can come to the conclusion that the appropriation of money and valuables was, according to at least, one of the compelling reasons for the killings of Russians that occurred in connection with the capture of Vyborg. It is possible that some of the murderers participated in the executions, primarily driven by their own thirst for profit, while the motive of the Jaeger leadership was the liquidation of the Russians in Finland. The goals of the looting are explained by the mixed composition of those executed. Probably, the opportunity to get easy money seduced adventurers, criminals and money-hungry ordinary soldiers to participate in mass shootings, clearly organized by people from the command. ((L. Westerlund. We waited for you as liberators, and you brought us death. St. Petersburg, 2013, pp. 58–59)

In total, after the defeat of the revolution, from 80 to 90 thousand Reds were arrested. Of these, from 8 to 18 thousand were shot, from 12 to 15 thousand were starved to death in concentration camps. There were 3.5 million people living in Finland at that time, and half of the country’s population supported the Reds, so the proportion of those executed and tortured among Red supporters was huge.

“What is happening in the country is terrible... Executions continue continuously. Red madness gave way to virtually white terror. And these executions give the impression of arbitrariness, for victims are seized where no violence was committed [by the Reds] and awaken unquenchable hatred where there was none before. Thousands of widows, tens of thousands of orphans have lost their breadwinners, and the state has not taken the slightest step to alleviate their need or at least give instructions about this. In the camps, prisoners are dying like flies. In the prisoner camp at Jakobstad, in the first three weeks of May, 21 prisoners died from epidemics and 26 from hunger. In Sveaborg the prisoners are in an unimaginably difficult situation. And representatives of the good upper classes walk around and say: “Let them die, they deserve it, the infection will be destroyed from the roots.” But a simple person in the village, even one who was white throughout the rebellion, despite all the threats and promises, says: this will give rise to hatred that will not go away for generations. It goes without saying that it will be difficult for anyone who survives these months of horror, anxiety and despair because of the death of his relatives, because of the destruction of his home or because of the humiliation of the fatherland ... "(V.M. Kholodkovsky. Revolution 1918 in Finland and the German intervention. M., 1967, p. 298).

Back in the 1980s in Finland, Red Guard veterans and Shutskor veterans were sent to different nursing homes to avoid fights caused by the events of 70 years ago.

What would have happened if the Reds had won the civil war in Finland? The Finnish Reds were not Bolsheviks. They did not advocate the dictatorship of the proletariat, but rather a parliamentary system, and their socio-economic goals were very moderate. Left to its own devices, the Finnish revolution, if it had won, would have created a welfare state with a parliamentary system - and this could have influenced events throughout Northern Europe. Contemporary author writes:

“The victory of the Reds in Finland would greatly change the course of historical events in Scandinavia and the North-West. With a high probability, the Norwegian Workers' Party, which at that time was much more left-wing than the current one, could have come to power in Norway - it was even a member of the Comintern.

In Sweden, the Social Democrats were also very strong, although they were not as left-wing as Lenin’s Social Democrats. But the Finnish socialists were by no means as radical as the Bolsheviks - by the way, maybe that’s why they lost.

So there was quite a prospect for the formation of a left-wing socialist alliance in Scandinavia, which would be in allied relations with Soviet Russia and to some extent replace Germany, which Lenin counted on in the event of the victory of the German revolution - as a source of technology and a model of industrial culture.

This, once again, is fortune-telling, but all development, including the USSR - including its configuration, could have taken a different path. The Russian Revolution and everything that followed it, precisely because it took place in the weak link of capitalism, very much depended on many accidents: had Lenin lived a little longer, had Grigoriev’s mutiny not prevented the Red Army from coming to the aid of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, things would have turned out differently otherwise the battle of Warsaw... And a whole series of other points that could change the course of history in the USSR and in Europe very much.

So the idea that the victory of the Red Finns would simply create another republic in the USSR, and everything else would be as it was, is very naive.

We don't know what would have happened. But very, very many things would be completely different. Maybe it's better.

This option was not implemented. The defeat of the Reds and the rampant white terror in Finland became an important factor due to which events in Soviet Russia went exactly the way they did. The Finnish Reds wanted to preserve democracy, sought to avoid the Red Terror, abolished the death penalty and did not create the Cheka. The Finnish propertied classes, having won a victory over a humane enemy, did not make any concessions to the vanquished for their humanity and flooded the country with blood. The Bolsheviks drew the logical conclusion from this that they were faced with one alternative - victory or death. And that you need to win at any cost. Otherwise, the Russian Whites will flood Russia with the blood of workers and peasants, just as the Finnish Whites flooded Finland with the blood of workers and peasants. The victorious white terror in Finland became one of the important incentives for the introduction of red terror in Russia...

Alexey Kupriyanov, for Strike.

The missile cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" goes out for testing, 1988-1989.

– Third ship of project 1164 – missile cruiser"Chervona Ukraine" laid down on July 31, 1979 at the shipyard named after the 61st Communard. At the request of the Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet the ship is named after the cruiser who died in 1942 in Sevastopol Bay, defending Sevastopol. Launched July 27, 1982.

Travel speed – up to 34 knots. Cruising range - 9 thousand miles (17.5 thousand km, or almost half the equator). Crew – 416 people. Instead of standard Basalt anti-ship missiles, the missile cruiser carries on board 16 3M-70 Vulcan anti-ship missiles, a Fort missile system, a twin 130-mm gun mount, two Osa anti-aircraft missile systems (80 missiles), six six-barreled 30-mm machine guns, two five-tube torpedo tubes, two rocket launchers, a Platina sonar station with a towed device, a Ka-27 helicopter.

RBU-6000 "Smerch-2" rocket launcher.

The development of the P-1000 "Vulcan" complex was started in accordance with government decree of May 17, 1979 in connection with constant growth range of attack carrier-based aircraft of the US Navy The Vulcan anti-ship missile complex (P-1000) entered service in 1987. The 3M-70 anti-ship cruise missile had a turbojet engine similar to the P-500, but due to the use of a more powerful launch-acceleration stage (SRS) with controlled nozzles, as well as more modern structural materials (in particular, titanium alloys), as well as weakened armor protection , had a range increased to 700 km.

The rocket of the Vulcan complex is strikingly different from its predecessor due to the use of a more powerful launch-acceleration stage (SRS) with controlled nozzles, as well as more modern structural materials

Similar replacementAnti-ship missile "Basalt" on anti-ship missile "Vulcan" was also assumed for the previous ships of the project, which was subsequently carried out on the cruiser “Moskva” during its modernization, and since 2011 the process of modernization of the “Marshal Ustinov” has been underway. Recharging of the Vulcan complex is carried out only at ship bases, as it is a rather labor-intensive operation. Serial production of 3M-70 missiles was carried out at Strela Production Association (Orenburg).

In short, the P-1000 Vulcan anti-ship missile system is a highly improved Basalt. The “Basalt” complex was modernized and put into service on 10/13/1987, but under the name “Vulcan”, which means that RKR pr. 1164 are armed with “Vulcan” and only “Vulcan”.

However, these anti-ship missiles cannot use standard launch stages, since their operation can lead to the destruction of the launcher. As a result, they are equipped with P-500 anti-ship missile launchers, which somewhat reduces the flight range. By unknown reasons(economic, political, technical or production nature) The Vulcan anti-ship missile system was installed on the cruisers of the 1164th project in truncated form- without replacing the SM-248 fiberglass launchers with new ones made of heat-resistant alloys, allowing the use of 3M70 missiles with launch-boost solid propellant rocket engines of a new design.

The Varyag missile cruiser has heat-resistant launchers. But considering that anti-ship missiles with powerful launchers are not yet being produced and are still used, then For this reason, the Marshal Ustinov RKR is armed with the Vulcan anti-ship missile system with 3M70 missiles equipped with launch boosters from the 4K80 anti-ship missile system of the decommissioned Basalt complex. In connection with the above. It remains to be assumed that the range of the Vulcan anti-ship missile system today is either the same as that of the Basalt (550 km), or (according to some sources) 150 km more due to a decrease in the mass of the rocket.

In fact, the missile cruisers of Project 1164 use the Vulcan anti-ship missile system with 3M70 missiles equipped with launch boosters from the 4K80 anti-ship missile missile system of the decommissioned Basalt complex.

On December 1, 1986, a crew was formed at the 10th Operational Squadron of the Pacific Fleet. By order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 284 of August 10, 1988, retired sergeant major Pavel Khristoforovich Dubinda, holder of the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, was enlisted as an honorary sailor. From August 15 to December 1, 1989, the ship underwent sea and state tests. On December 25, 1989, it was accepted into the USSR Navy.On January 7, 1990, the USSR Naval Flag was raised on the cruiser.

Missile cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" during the transition to the Pacific Fleet, 1990. Author Muratov V.N.

From September 27 to November 5, 1990, the cruiser escorted by the EM “Bystry” made an inter-naval transition from the port of Sevastopol to the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to perform combat service tasks. During the passage from October 22 to 24, he made a business call to the port of Cam Ranh (SR Vietnam). The transition and fulfillment of combat service tasks were rated “good.”
Upon arrival at the KTOF on November 5, 1990, the cruiser was assigned to the 173rd missile ship brigade of the Kamchatka flotilla.
According to the results of the BP for 1991, the ship took second place in combat training, and was declared the best ship of the KTOF in missile training for 1991.
In 1991, missile firing with cruise missiles at a sea target and firing at the Malachite target missile of the Fort UMZRK were successfully carried out.
On July 26, 1992, the USSR Naval flag was lowered on the cruiser and St. Andrew's flag was raised.The cruiser was declared the best at the KTOF in missile and artillery training and air defense and won the Navy Civil Code prize for firing cruise missiles at a sea target and firing at 3 Malachite missile targets of the UMZRK Fort.
In 1991 - 1994, the cruiser was the best ship of the formation.
In 1995, the cruiser, after a long stay, made the transition from the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky base to Vladivostok in 4 days for the naval parade in honor of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Peace in the Pacific (September 2). On September 4, 1995, the ship was transferred to the 36th division of missile ships of the 10th Operational Squadron.

In connection with the redistribution of the fleet after the collapse of the USSR, On February 9, 1996, the missile cruiser “Chervona Ukraine” by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the famous Yeltsin “reformer”, Admiral of the Fleet Felix Gromov renamed guards missile cruiser “Varyag”. The missile cruiser became the last worthy successor to the glorious name of the legendary cruiser “Varyag” from the Russian-Japanese War of 1905.Moreover, the aircraft-carrying cruiser of the same name, Project 1143.5 “Varyag", who never entered combat service in the Russian fleet, at this time it was not yet sold for scrap and did not belong to Thailand.

In 1996, the cruiser fired artillery at coastal and sea targets. Fire from anti-aircraft missile systems destroyed 2 La-17 target aircraft and 1 RM-15 Termit target missile. "Varyag" was declared the best ship of the KTOF in air defense.
In 1997 The cruiser "Varyag" took part in a training cruise to Korea and Japan. For the first time, the Navy had a clergyman as a crew member. He became Bishop of Vladivostok and Primorsky Benjamin. From February 9 to February 13, 1997, the cruiser made an official friendly visit to the port of Incheon, Republic of Korea, to the site of the battle between the armored cruiser Varyag and the Japanese squadron.
On September 3, 1997, a cruise missile was fired at an actual sea target (the target was a decommissioned landing ship). The naval target was destroyed by a direct hit from the missile. For this shooting, the cruiser was awarded the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy as the best surface ship of the Navy in missile training. In 1997, the cruiser was declared the leading surface ship of the KTOF.

Missile cruiser "Varyag". Carrying out rocket firing with the Vulcan complex. Photo by V. Ankov, Muratov V.N.

In 1998, the cruiser underwent dock repairs. After repairs, the ship completed a combat training course. He fired anti-aircraft missile systems and artillery at air, coastal and sea targets.
In 1999, the cruiser performed missile firing with the main complex for the prize of the Navy Civil Code.
From October 2 to October 6, 1999, the cruiser “Varyag” together with the destroyer “Burny” under the flag of the commander of the KTOF, Admiral M.G. ZAKHARENKO. participated in an official visit to the port of Shanghai - the People's Republic of China in connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
On October 28, 1999, the cruiser participated in a comprehensive control exit of KTOF ships into Peter the Great Bay with the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.
In May 2001, the cruiser was visited by Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II.

Since 2002, the Project 1164 missile cruiser "Varyag" has become the flagship of the Pacific Fleet in returnheavy nuclear missile cruiser of Project 1144 “Admiral Lazarev”. From October 10 to 15, 2002, the cruiser made an official visit to the port of Yokosuka (Japan) for the 50th anniversary of the Japanese Naval Self-Defense Force, and participated in the naval parade in Tokyo Bay.

In 2003, the cruiser successfully completed missile firing with the main complex for the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

The missile cruiser "Varyag" sets off on a cruise to South Korea, February 3, 2004. Photo by Sayapin Vladimir

From February 10 to 15, 2004, the ship made an official friendly visit as part of a detachment of warships of the KTOF (together with the Admiral Tributs, MPK Koreets) under the flag of the Commander of the KTOF, Admiral V.D. FEDOROV. to the port of Incheon, Republic of Korea, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the feat of the armored cruiser "Varyag". During the visit, joint exercises were held with ships of the Republic of Korea Navy. In April 2004, during the command and staff exercises of the KTOF, the ship successfully carried out missile and artillery firing, and shot down an aerial target of the Gyurza and AK-630 air defense systems.

In September-December 2005, the cruiser as part of a detachment of warships (BOD Admiral Panteleev, BOD Admiral Tributs, tanker Pechenga) successfully completed the tasks of a long voyage with port visits: port Visakhapatnam (India) - port Singapore - port Jakarta - Sattahip port - Haiphong port. The cruiser took part in the international exercises "INDRA-2005". A number of officers and midshipmen were awarded state and departmental awards. In December, the cruiser was declared the best in the main types of training based on the results of 2005.

In 2006, the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the guards missile cruiser Varyag, was delivered to the walls of Dalzavod for scheduled repairs. In March-April, the cruiser cleaned the fuel tanks and unloaded all ammunition. In May 2006, dock repairs began on the cruiser.The repairs were planned to be carried out quickly. But due to the lack of qualified shipbuilders at the crisis Dalzavod (as, indeed, at all enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex) rapid scheduled repairs lasted almost two years. In the period from June 2006 to February 2008, separate repair work was carried out on the cruiser with the replacement of the main and main engines and the modernization of weapons by JSC Dalzavod Holding Company.

After repairs and restoration of the chassis, the Varyag missile cruiser, under the command of Guard Captain 1st Rank Eduard Moskalenko, took part in sea trials.During one of the exits from the factory to the waters of the Peter the Great Gulf, the Varyag, as in the best years of yore, developed a maximum cruising speed of 32.5 knots. The sailors, missing the real combat work at sea at the quay wall, even in these few days recharged themselves positive attitude. After all, before sea trials, a whole conscription of sailors and foremen was forced to study maritime science only on simulators and during shipboard training in their specialty.

The commander of the operator section of the control group of the anti-aircraft missile division of the guard, sailor Nikolai Ivanov, drafted into the fleet from the Sverdlovsk region in the fall of 2006, stated that “...he felt completely different as soon as the ship finally left the factory and went to sea. I wanted to take a full sip of sea romance, and I started thinking about concluding a contract after completing my military service «.

Commander of the Guards missile ship "Varyag" (2008), Guard Captain 1st Rank EDUARD MOSKALENKO: “The current repair is the first in the entire 18-year life of the missile cruiser. The factory workers carried out a planned replacement of all engines, galley equipment, household systems - showers, latrines. If we measure such repairs by monetary investments, then it cost the state approximately 350 million rubles. The main burden fell on the Dalzavodsk residents, but dozens of other Russian defense enterprises also contributed to the restoration of Varyag. I can say one thing: a huge amount of work has been done with honor, and now our “Varyag” is technically in excellent shape, as shown by its sea trials at sea. This repair extended the ship's full service life for at least another fifteen years. Moreover, there are practically no restrictions on navigation. Even during such a long period of repairs, we tried to keep the ship fully staffed, so that the personnel, while docked, would maintain their departments in normal condition, study functional responsibilities by specialty. You can’t do everything with a reduced crew: the economy is vast! During the first trips to sea, the sailors worked their watches and all the mooring elements. So the cruiser will soon take its usual place as the flagship. And not a single one an important event the navy – be it a military parade or a large-scale exercise in the ocean – cannot do without it.”

During one of the exits from the factory to the waters of the Peter the Great Gulf, the Varyag, as in the best years of yore, developed a maximum cruising speed of 32.5 knots. The sailors, having missed the real combat work at sea at the quay wall, were charged with a positive attitude even in these few days. After all, before sea trials, a whole conscription of sailors and foremen was forced to study maritime science only on simulators and during shipboard training in their specialty. According to the commander of the operator section of the control group of the anti-aircraft missile division of the guard, sailor Nikolai Ivanov, who was drafted into the fleet from the Sverdlovsk region in the fall of 2006, he felt completely different as soon as the ship finally left the factory at sea. I wanted to take a full sip of sea romance, and thoughts arose about concluding a contract after completing my military service.

One of the most significant events of 2008 for the Varangians was February 9, when they celebrated two memorable dates: 104th anniversary of the heroic battle and death of the cruiser "Varyag" in the Russo-Japanese War and the day of raising the guards flag. 104 years ago, on February 9, 1904, the great-grandfather of the Pacific Fleet flagship - the cruiser "Varyag" of the Imperial Fleet - after a fierce battle with the Japanese squadron in the roadstead of the Korean port Chemulpo was scuttled by his crew. So the commissioning of the new Varyag precisely for this significant date in its history is the main task for the entire crew.

In April 2008, the cruiser’s crew successfully worked and passed the K-1 course task. In May 2008, the cruiser joined the permanent readiness forces. In October 2008, the guards RKR "Varyag", as part of a detachment of ships, made an unofficial visit to the port of Busan in the Republic of Korea and took part in the international naval parade. At the end of 2008, the cruiser was declared the best ship of the 1st rank of the association.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Pacific Fleet (2008) Rear Admiral ANDREY VOYTOVICH: “For all of us, Pacific sailors, the return of the guards missile cruiser “Varyag” to combat formation is an extremely important and humanly joyful event. Still would! The power of the fleet immediately increases noticeably. It is no coincidence that according to NATO classification, this class of Russian warships was nicknamed aircraft carrier killers. Our Varyag is armed with a powerful multi-purpose strike missile system, which allows it to hit large surface and ground targets at a considerable distance. In addition, its arsenal includes rocket launchers, torpedo tubes and several artillery installations of various calibers and purposes. I am sure that the flagship will remind itself more than once by participating in large-scale exercises and long-distance voyages. Today, the name of the guards missile cruiser "Moskva" from the Black Sea Fleet, which recently loudly announced itself in the Atlantic, is heard more often on the pages of central newspapers. I am sure that the Pacific “Varyag” will soon be in the spotlight.

The missile cruiser "Varyag" at berth 33 of the Golden Horn Bay before leaving for China to participate in the naval parade in the Yellow Sea in honor of the 60th anniversary of the PLA Navy, April 13, 2009. Photo by V.N. Muratov

In April 2009 Guards missile cruiser"Varyag" as part of a detachment of KTOF ships made an unofficial visit to the port of Qingdao, China, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Navy of the People's Liberation Army of China.

The missile cruiser "Varyag" in Qingdao during events in honor of the 60th anniversary of the PLA Navy, April 20, 2009

In October - December 2009, the Varyag GRK made a business call to the Changi naval base of the Republic of Singapore in order to ensure the safety of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev who participated in the APEC 2009 summit.
The cruiser was visited by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, Governor of the Primorsky Territory S.M. Darkin, Vladyka of Primorsky and Vladivostok Veniamin. At the end of 2009, the cruiser won two prizes from the Navy Civil Code for missile firing.

Missile cruiser "Varyag". Vulcan P-1000 anti-ship missile system

In 2010, the guards missile cruiser Varyag paid an unofficial visit to the port of San Francisco in the United States. During the visit, a number of meetings were held with the command of the US Navy and the administration of the city of San Francisco. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev visited on June 23 the missile cruiser Varyag, which is currently in San Francisco on an unofficial friendly visit. The head of state boarded the flagship of the Pacific Fleet before heading to Silicon Valley.

Rear Admiral Vladimir Kasatonov reported to the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces D. Medvedev about the tasks that Russian sailors performed during the long voyage and the events in which they took part in San Francisco. The President inspected the missile cruiser and spoke with the crew

GRK "Varyag", 2010

In November 2010, the guards missile cruiser "Varyag" visited the port of Incheon, Republic of Korea. The crew of the cruiser took part in the ceremony of leasing the armored cruiser "Varyag" to the Russian Federation.

Firing a missile from the S-300F “Fort” anti-aircraft complex at a “Saman” target missile, September 2011. Photos taken by Vadim Savitsky

9M33 Osy-M rocket after launch. GRK "Varyag", September 2011

In April-May 2011 GRK "Varyag" participated in the Russian-Chinese exercises "Peace Mission 2011" in the Yellow Sea with a call at the port of Qingdao.

In September - December 2011 at the head of a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet "Varyag" carried out combat service tasks in the Pacific Ocean with visits to the Maizuru naval base (Japan) - here they took part in a joint exercise with the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force to search and rescue a ship in distress, Apra (Guam Island , USA) – here they took part in the Russian-American anti-terrorism exercise “Pacific Eagle 2011”, and then, an unofficial visit to Vancouver (Canada).

From April 23 to April 27, 2012 together with the BOD "Admiral Vinogradov", "Marshal Shaposhnikov", "Admiral Tributs" and the supply ships of the Varyag GRK, took part in the Russian-Chinese exercises "Peaceful Mission 2012" in the Yellow Sea.

A group of warships led by the flagship of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, the guards missile cruiser "Varyag", arrived in China to participate in the Sino-Russian joint naval exercises "Maritime Cooperation 2012"

At the beginning of 2013 it underwent scheduled repairs at Dalzavod. From July 5 to July 12, 2013 participated in the joint Russian-Chinese exercise “Peace Mission 2013” ​​in the Sea of ​​Japan. Next, the cruiser will lead the permanent operational formation of the Navy in the Mediterranean Sea, replacing the missile cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet RKR "Moscow". September 07, 2013 took part in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Australian Navy in Sydney.

November 4, 2013 carries out a combat mission in the Mediterranean Sea, and makes a friendly visit to Egypt, the port of Alexandria.

During the period from May 20 to May 26, 2014. GRK "Varyag" took part in the Russian-Chinese exercises "Maritime Cooperation - 2014". During the exercises, the Russian squadron visited Shanghai.

From July 15 to July 19, 2014 The ship took part in the Russian-Indian exercises “Indra-2014” in the Sea of ​​Japan.

In September 2014 took part in the large-scale exercises Vostok-2014.

In November 2014, on the eve of the Australian G20 summit, two detachments of ships of the Pacific Fleet, led by the cruiser Varyag, arrived on the shores of Australia to ensure the safety of Russian President V.V. Putin.

Board numbers of the Varyag GRK: 119(1989), 031(09.1990), 011(1994)

At the post of energy and survivability. Video from various compartments is broadcast to the monitor

View from the helipad. The hangar gate for the Ka-27 helicopter and the famous “Volna” radar of the antenna fire control post of the “Fort” air defense system

Sailor's dining room

Officer's wardroom on the Varyag GRK

Making bread

The chiefs of the ship are the administration of the Tula region and the city of Tula (agreement b/n dated December 19, 1996), the administration of the Noginsk region (agreement No.-84 dated December 23, 1996), the labor collective of VLADIVOSTOK-AVIA OJSC (agreement b/n dated August 14 1999), Charitable Foundation support for the naval fleet “Cruiser “Varyag” (agreement no. dated February 8, 2011).

GRK "Varyag" in Vladivostok, view from the monument to Muravyov-Amursky

LJ user drugoi writes: The 44th Red Banner Brigade of anti-submarine ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet is located in the very center of Vladivostok, next to the sea terminal, opposite the fleet headquarters building. Four large Project 1155 anti-submarine ships stand side by side against the wall. From here these ships go on combat duty to the Gulf of Aden, where they protect merchant ships from pirates.

To the right of the four BODs is the floating hospital Irtysh, and to the left is the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the guards missile cruiser Varyag.

The Project 1164.1 missile cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" was laid down at the 61st Communard plant in Nikolaev on July 31, 1979 (serial number 2010), on November 5, 1982 it was included in the list of ships of the USSR Navy, launched on August 28, 1983, entered service commissioned on December 25, 1989, and on February 28, 1990 included in the Pacific Fleet. After the collapse of the USSR, the cruiser went to Russia and in 1996, at the initiative of the ship’s crew, it was named “Varyag” - in honor of the famous armored cruiser of the 1st Pacific Squadron of the Russian Navy, a participant in the Battle of Chemulpo in 1904.
The main cruiser is the homing cruise missiles of the P-1000 “Vulcan” complex. The SM-248 missile launchers are located on the sides of the ship; they look very impressive and can easily distinguish the Varyag from other ships. Project 1164 cruisers are also called “aircraft carrier killers” - in fact, that’s what they were created for.

1. The pattern of missile action is impressive - after a salvo from one side, all eight missiles, after opening their wings, form a single group, a “wolf pack” with a leader - a separately flying missile, which guides the entire group to the target, adjusts the course for the remaining missiles, dumping information on them. When approaching the target, the lead missile selects the largest object (an aircraft carrier), directs one of the missiles with the so-called at it. “special ammunition” and divides the remaining objects between the rest of the “flock” missiles. All missiles include homing heads and strike objects. The mass of one rocket is almost five tons, the flight speed is about 2900 km/h. An enemy ship has no chance of staying afloat after being hit by such a missile. If the lead missile is shot down, another one, exactly the same, takes its place. The attack takes place without the participation of the ship’s crew using a “fire and forget” system. Interestingly, all this is technology from the early 70s.

2. Acquaintance with “Varyag” begins with prosaic bags of cabbage and carrots. The Admiral Panteleev BOD standing nearby is preparing to set off on a trip to the shores of Africa and is loading a supply of food.

3. They go on sea voyages for a long time and seriously stock up on everything they need. This is only a small part of that drinking water, which is loaded into the holds of a warship.

4. The officer accompanying me advised me not to use mobile phone: “If you have a smartphone, it’s better to turn it off, otherwise it may burn out.” I didn’t believe it, but I turned it off just in case. The ship has a full set of radar weapons of the MP-152 “Ring” complex for detecting operating radios and location stations, homing heads of enemy missiles, their direction finding and suppression. Perhaps there was some reason in the officer’s words.

5. On the forecastle of the Varyag there is an AK-130 - a ship’s automatic cannon. Fires a high-explosive fragmentation projectile at a speed of 90 rounds per minute and a range of up to 23 kilometers. Fully automatic - operates independently until the ammunition runs out. They say it has no analogues in the world. We knew how to do something, but something that shoots. There were problems with consumer goods, but the guns were always excellent. AK-130 is no exception. In the initial sketches of the ship, there were 12 launchers (six per side) and instead of one twin-barrel gun there were two single-barreled A-100s. In 1972, Admiral Gorshkov ordered the addition of four more launchers to fire two full eight-missile salvoes, and the two AK-100s were replaced with one twin-barreled AK-130. The ship became significantly heavier, the speed and ammunition of artillery guns decreased (720 rounds versus 2000).

6. Despite modern means communications, the signal flag system remains the main communication for watercraft in the fleet. The Russian Navy uses the code of signals of the USSR Navy. 32 signal flags correspond to the letters of the Russian alphabet: Vedi - “The course leads to danger”, Zhivete - “Make a medium move”, Y - “Detected a mine”, etc. This photo shows the signalman's position on the cruiser. The metal box contains signal flags, which, if necessary, are raised on vertical halyards to the yardarm. To the left of the box are black “running balls”, which in the sea indicate the speed of the ship. The lower the “ball” is located, the higher the speed. By the way, the Varyag can travel at a speed of 32 knots. When he goes at such speed, the breakers behind him are ten meters high.

7. “What is that little red thing turning blue?” On the wall are silhouettes of ships and planes of Russia and NATO countries. A hint for the signalman who is observing what is happening around the ship.

8. This is the wheelhouse of the ship. From here it is controlled in everyday conditions. The cabin is connected to the combat information center BIUS "Lesorub-1164" by a command elevator.

9. Place of the commander of the cruiser “Varyag”, guard captain 1st rank Eduard Moskalenko.

10. Everything here really reminds us of the 70s. So reliable and iron. "Warm tube sound." I tried my best not to photograph anything secret, but go figure, where everything is.

11. “Tovs” - I love these naval words. Huys, biteng, twindeck, southwest, coaming, sternpost, binnacle - all this smells of the salty sea wind and is incredibly exciting.

12. The shifts went to their places of work. The Kavtarangs racked their brains: “What would I show you that’s so unclassified?” We agreed on some screen No. 22. Sailor Renat from Bashkortostan sat in the operator’s seat and began pressing buttons, turning on monitors - depicting the activities at the combat post. It looked quite authentic.

13. The same Renat, who caught the attention of the officers at the wrong time, enlivened the ship’s library room, pretending to be sorting out the mail that had arrived on the ship. The library is good. Small, but everything is there. In general, the Varyag is a fairly comfortable ship. The wardrooms are decorated with wood, there are paintings hanging, and carpets on the floor. There is a swimming pool with a waterfall, healing showers, a large steam room, and a sauna. The accommodation cabins are air conditioned and the ship has four air refrigeration units.

14. Walking on a cruiser involves long walks along endless corridors and sudden descents and ascents along vertical ladders. In the fourth compartment we go lower and lower, to where the sailors' quarters are. Weapons are, of course, interesting, but I really wanted to see how sailors live on one of the most powerful cruisers in the world.

16. On the screen of the competition for the best cabin, you can see, for example, that cabin No. 14, which scored a bolt for the competition in December, apparently received a big star from the commanders and then became advanced, without falling below the rating of “four”.

17. This is how he rests night shift in the now exemplary cockpit No. 14. I opened the door for a couple of seconds and took a few pictures of the sleeping sailors.

18. In the next cockpit, a sailor was writing something important in a journal. Next to him stands a cage with a parrot screwed to the table. The parrot was there and resting.

19. The holy of holies of the missile cruiser is the galley. The ceilings here are low and a sailor with a rag in his hand putting things in order, walked with his head bent, which gave his figure a sad look. Nearby, two other sailors began to open cans with a simple knife, for which they immediately received a scolding from the officers accompanying me. Everything has to be perfect for someone else's eyes, I understand.

20. A ship's cat is an indispensable accessory for any warship to combat rodents. Or, as they say here, “squirrels.” Seals and vital cables in a metal braid - these are the conditions for the coexistence of people and rodents. There are several cats on the ship; they are brought in one at a time to the combat unit. The cats of the cruiser "Varyag" are popular with guests in different countries where the ship calls. It happens that they are given as gifts - one of the ship's cats now lives in an Orthodox church in Singapore. Mother, they say, was happy with such a gift. Another was given to a local admiral in Indonesia.

21. I wanted to take one lifebuoy as a souvenir. They didn’t give me a government circle, but they gave me something else.

22. We had lunch with the officers, talked, then moved to the work cabin, where we talked some more. I didn’t want to leave, but time was running out for them and for me. When leaving, I took a few more pictures on the deck of the Varyag and on the shore.

24. It seemed to me that everything was in order on the cruiser. He goes to sea and conducts training exercises. The Varyag is a welcome guest in foreign ports; people line up to see it and take a tour of the ship. As the officers said: “The French Mistral is parked nearby - there is no one there, but to us there is a queue for the entire pier, thirty thousand people come for several days of visit.” You can see how proud the sailors are of their “Varyag” and their service. They invited me to go on a hike - I have to think about it, I’m not friends with the jocks, although I really want to, of course. Because this is real.


Missile weapons

  • 8 x 2 - P-1000 Vulcan anti-ship missile launcher (16 missiles);
  • 8 x 1 - 3M41 “Fort” air defense missile launcher (64 missiles);
  • 2 x 2 - PU 4K33 “Osa-M” air defense missile system (40 missiles).

Mine and torpedo weapons

  • 2 x 5 - 533 mm TA PTA-53-1164;
  • 2 x 12 - 213 mm RBU -6000 "Smerch-2".

Radio-technical weapons

  • Radar MR-800 "Flag";
  • 2 navigation radars "Vaigach";
  • SJSC MGK-335 “Platinum”;
  • Electronic warfare MP-150 "Gurzuf-A", MP-152 "Gurzuf-B", MR-262 "Fence", MP-407 "Start-2";
  • BIUS "Lesorub-1164".

Same type ships

"Chervona Ukraine"- Soviet missile cruiser of the project, the third ship in the series, has been part of the USSR Pacific Fleet since 1990. In 1996, renamed "Varangian" with the assignment of a guards rank. Actively takes part in exercises, combat services and ceremonial events of the fleet. After the nuclear cruiser Admiral Lazarev was put into reserve, it remained the most powerful combat unit in the KTOF ranks and was appointed flagship.

General information

Cruisers of Project 1164 type "Slava" (NATO code - English. Slava class) - a type of Soviet missile cruiser, occupying an intermediate position between ships of the Kirov type (Project 1144 Orlan) and destroyers of the Sovremenny type (Project 956 Sarych). Slava-class missile cruisers with powerful surface-to-surface missile weapons became an important part of the Russian Navy after the division of the USSR fleet.

The Project 1164 missile cruiser is designed to strike large surface ships and enemy strike groups, ensure the combat stability of ship-based anti-submarine search and strike groups and solve the problems of collective air defense of formations and convoys in remote areas of the seas and oceans. Supporting missions include anti-submarine warfare, fire support for landing forces, and shelling of enemy-occupied coastlines.

"Chervona Ukraine" became the third and last of the completed Slava-class cruisers, and in 1990, after completion of tests, it was sent to the Far East to strengthen the Pacific Fleet. Six years later, the missile cruiser was renamed, receiving the name “Varyag” and the guards rank. Remains in service to this day.

History of creation


The immediate predecessors of Project 1164 missile cruisers were large anti-submarine ships of Projects 1134A and 1134B. The main purpose of ships of projects 1134A and 1134B, the construction of which was completed for the USSR Navy by the end of the 1970s, was to provide air defense and anti-aircraft defense to formations of warships, as well as to search, track and destroy submarines in remote areas of the seas and oceans. It was they who were tasked with tracking in combat service the SSBNs of a potential enemy deployed in the World Ocean. Because of their powerful weapons and substantial displacement, they were always called cruisers abroad.

RKR "Varyag" at sea

Meanwhile, these BODs did not carry anti-ship weapons, and the task of fighting enemy naval strike groups remained before the fleet. Its solution using only attack submarines (SSGs) was irrational - operational groupings of heterogeneous forces and assets were required. It was also necessary to increase the strike capabilities of such groups and increase their combat stability from retaliatory strikes - this was dictated both by the dynamics of improving weapons and equipment, and by the lagging behind the USSR Navy in the development of naval aviation. In this regard, the Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on military-industrial issues adopted decision No. 87 (dated April 20, 1972) to begin the development of technical specifications for a new ship, and in the mid-1970s the design of a new missile cruiser of the project under the code "Atlant" began. . The chief designer of the ship was first A.K. Perkov, and then V.I. Mutikhin; Captain 2nd rank A.N. Blinov was appointed chief observer from the Navy. Along with the traditional strike mission, the ship was entrusted with providing zonal or collective air defense, since the combat use of the ship was supposed to be part of an operational formation.

The lead RKR of a series of six cruisers with gas turbine units of Project 1164 under code name Atlant was laid down on the slipway of the Nikolaev Shipyard named after 61 Communards on November 4, 1976. The ship, named "Slava", was launched on July 27, 1979, and a year later the crew moved in. The cruiser entered service at the end of 1982, and in February of the following year was included in the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet.

The second cruiser of the series, Marshal Ustinov, was laid down in 1978, launched in April 1982, and transferred to the Northern Fleet on September 21, 1986. On December 17, 1997, planned repairs, which lasted for three years, were completed. At the St. Petersburg JSC Severnaya Verf, the cruiser, among other things, received a new power plant. On February 24, 2001, the capital of Belarus took patronage over the cruiser. Legally, this fact was secured by an agreement signed by the chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee and the ship’s commander.

Construction and testing

On December 1, 1986, on the basis of the 10th operational squadron of the Pacific Fleet, a crew was formed for the ship under construction. By order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 284 of August 10, 1988, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the Order of Glory, was included in the crew of the Chervona Ukraina as an honorary sailor three degrees, retired guard sergeant major Dubinda Pavel Khristoforovich is a veteran of the crew of the first cruiser with this name, who, after the death of his ship, defended Sevastopol in the ranks of the Marine Corps.

In September 1988, the crew of the cruiser arrived in Nikolaev and settled on board.

From August 15 to December 1, 1989, the completed missile cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" underwent sea trials and State tests on the Black Sea.

On December 25, 1989, the cruiser, which successfully passed the tests, was accepted into the Navy, which was confirmed by Order of the Civil Code of the Navy No. 0108 of March 23, 1990.

Description of design


The cruiser's hull was welded from low-alloy steel and formed from volumetric sections, which, in turn, made up assembly blocks assembled in construction areas located fore and aft of the main (mortgage) area - the engine rooms. To compensate for bending loads under storm conditions, it was planned to place two longitudinal bulkheads, as well as fastening the bilge keels and superstructure sheets at the points of their attachment to the hull structures using rivets.

The length to width ratio is 8.97, which ensures good wave climbing. The bow contours are made with a large camber of the frames. The ship has a rapid, predatory slope of the stem with a keel bulb, an extended forecastle with significant sheerness in the bow, upper and lower (living) decks, two platforms in the bow and stern, a hold and a second bottom. The casting system is longitudinal with a spacing length of 500 mm. The double bottom extends the entire length of the ship's hull into a double side, and the double bottom space is used to store fuel and water. The upper and lower (living) decks are continuous along the entire length, with the upper deck having a break at the bow.

View of the cruiser from the water

A developed three-island superstructure and tower-like pyramidal foremasts and mainmasts were mounted on the forecastle deck. The bow superstructure has five tiers and ends in a pyramidal tower-like foremast. The middle superstructure consists of three tiers with two rectangular chimneys attached to it and is crowned in the middle with a pyramidal tower-like mainmast. The aft two-tier superstructure ends in a full-fledged hangar for the permanent deployment of the helicopter, and on the roof of the superstructure itself there is an antenna for the control system of the Fort air defense system.

All main and auxiliary mechanisms were mounted inside the ship's hull on foundations and bases using shock absorption, which reduced noise inside the compartments and significantly reduced the acoustic fields around the ship. All passages to combat posts are carried out along 2 side corridors without access to the upper deck to better meet the requirements of anti-nuclear protection (PAZ) and anti-chemical protection (CCP). The ship's unsinkability is ensured by dividing the hull into 16 compartments by transverse waterproof bulkheads.


Limitations in the size and cost of ships did not allow any significant armor to be included in the design of Project 1164 missile cruisers. However, at the request of the chief observer, for many hull structures the minimum thickness of steel sheets was adopted at 8 millimeters, which is higher than required by calculations or standards. Along with steel, aluminum alloys are also used in the ship's design. Elements of the cruiser's superstructure in areas exposed to open flame are made of steel, while the upper structures are made of aluminum alloys for lightness.

Power plant and driving performance

The main engines are two combined automated M-21 units of the third generation, which include two 10,000 hp M-70 propulsion reversible gas turbines. s., four afterburner (otherwise called main) reversible turbines of the M-8KF type, 22,500 hp each. With. and two constantly operating steam turbines of the heat recovery circuit (TUK) of 1500 liters each. With. When all sources of hot exhaust gas are turned on, the power of the TUK turbines increases to 2500 hp. With. Thus, the maximum continuous power of the cruiser’s power plant reaches 115,000 hp. With.

The ship's full speed is 32.5 knots. The maximum cruising range at economic speed is more than 8,000 miles.

Crew and habitability

Crew on board the cruiser

The living quarters of the crew (sailors and petty officers) are located on the upper and lower decks, where there are two- and three-tier stationary bunks in the cockpits. Personal belongings and team uniforms are stored in lockers. There are canteen crews on the ship for meals for conscripts.

Officers are accommodated in single and double cabins in the bow of the ship, and midshipmen in double and quadruple cabins. All living quarters are radio-equipped. Officers and midshipmen take meals in two wardrooms; the officers' wardroom is located in the bow superstructure.

To store supplies of provisions and various equipment of engine, artillery, mine, skipper and other parts, special storerooms are provided on the ship. The cruiser is equipped with a bathhouse with a swimming pool, showers, laundry, ironing, hairdressing salons, a sports cabin, washrooms and latrines. The medical block includes an infirmary, an isolation ward and an outpatient clinic. All residential and service premises, posts and ammunition cellars are equipped with an air conditioning system, which includes 4 refrigeration units of the BM-600 type and ensures the crew’s livelihoods at outside temperatures from -25°C to +34°C. In addition, the ammunition cellars are equipped with irrigation and flooding systems. Ship's stock fresh water can be replenished with water from a desalination plant.


Main strike complex

Containers of Vulcan cruise missiles on a cruiser

On the third missile cruiser of Project 1164 “Chervona Ukraine”, instead of the “Basalt” complex, its improved version was initially installed - the P-1000 “Vulcan” complex, which has a maximum firing range of 700 kilometers. The complex's ammunition capacity is 16 missiles in transport and launch containers, and reloading of the Basalt and Vulcan missiles is possible only at the base using special missile unloading devices.

These cruisers are among the most powerful in their class precisely because of their anti-ship missiles, which have a long firing range and high warhead power, while being difficult to hit by enemy air defense systems. These missiles are also designed for a nuclear warhead, but even with a conventional warhead they can hit and destroy such a well-protected and large target as an aircraft carrier. For this reason, Slava-class guided missile cruisers are sometimes called “aircraft carrier killers.”

Auxiliary and anti-aircraft weapons

The main anti-aircraft weapon is the Fort multi-channel collective defense missile system. The Fort air defense system is designed to destroy high-speed, maneuverable and small-sized targets in the entire range of altitudes up to ultra-low, as well as medium-sized naval targets.

Launch of the Fort missile defense system from the Varyag

The complex includes an under-deck drum-type launcher B-204 with eight drum devices for 8 TPK. The rocket launch is below deck, vertical from a transport and launch container with the main engine starting after the rocket exits, which ensures fire and explosion safety of the cellar. The rocket is launched from a container under the launch hatch. After the rocket descends, the drum rotates, bringing the next rocket into the TPK to the launch line. The total ammunition capacity of the complex on Project 1164 cruisers is 64 missiles. The B-204 launcher also includes loading devices that install transport and launch containers with missiles from the deck of the ship into the cellar on the drum guides.

Detection and guidance radar of the Fort complex on the Varyag

The firing range of the Fort complex is 5-75 km. The reaction time of the complex in standby mode is from 16 to 19 seconds, the rotating antenna of the guidance radar provides simultaneous tracking of 6 targets and the targeting of two missiles at them in a spatial sector of 90x90 degrees.

Short-range air defense systems are represented by two single-channel 4K33A Osa-MA complexes, which are designed for self-defense against low-flying anti-ship missiles, airplanes, helicopters, as well as for hitting surface targets at a range from 1 to 10, and at a height of up to 5 km. The Osa-MA air defense systems are installed on-board: each complex has a two-beam ZIF-122 launcher aimed in two planes, a magazine for 20 missiles and its own control and detection system. The total ammunition is 40 missiles.

The artillery armament is represented by a two-gun 130-mm automatic artillery mount AK-130 with a radar control system MR-184 "Lev". The control system is multi-band, with radar and television channels for target sighting. The maximum rate of fire is 85 rounds per minute. Within the range of the ammunition, the complex provides shelling of sections of the coast, ports and other coastal structures, fortified points during landing operations of fleet forces against the coast; can conduct naval artillery battles with surface ships and fire at medium- and large-sized naval targets; hit various types of air targets, including low-flying missiles. The rate of fire is adjustable from single shots or volleys to bursts. Firing range is 24.1 km, barrel survivability is over 1,500 rounds, ammunition capacity is 360 rounds per barrel.

To engage low-flying air targets at the firing line, combat small surface targets and lightly armored coastal objects, as well as destroy floating mines, there are AK-630M rapid-fire assault rifles - three batteries consisting of two gun mounts and one fire control system each. Fire control - from the MP-123 "Vympel" radar or manually from the sighting column. The rate of fire is 5000 rounds per minute, the altitude reach is up to 5 km, the maximum range is up to 8 km. The total ammunition capacity is 48,000 rounds.

Mine and torpedo weapons

The ship's anti-submarine weapons receive target designation from the Platina State Joint Stock Company. The detection range of submarines using this complex under favorable conditions is up to 15 km. When a special towed variable-depth antenna is turned on, it is possible to “listen” to the horizons below the temperature jump layer. The main anti-submarine armament of the ship is 2 five-tube torpedo tubes PTA-53-1164 of 533 mm caliber, with a total ammunition load of 10 guided torpedoes. The ship-based Ka-27 helicopter can also be used to search for and combat submarines.

The Smerch-2 universal rocket-propelled bomb system is used to destroy torpedoes coming at a ship and to combat underwater saboteurs. IN as a last resort bomb launchers can also be used to combat submarines (at detection distances of less than 6 km) and to fire at coastal targets. The system includes: two 12-barrel RBU-6000 installations with a power drive and a loading device; RSL-60 reactive depth charges; "Storm" fire control devices. Bombs from the cellar are fed by special lifts; after loading the last barrel, the installation automatically switches to guidance mode. After firing, it automatically returns to loading mode. A backup manual drive for the installation is provided. Firing range up to 6 km, depth of destruction of an object up to 500 meters, fuse either impact or remote (for a certain depth). All this data is entered using fire control devices, immediately before the shot. The total ammunition capacity is 144 bombs (for 6 salvos for each RBU). Instead of the RGB-60, it is possible to use more advanced 90-R (RPK-8) shells.

Aviation weapons

Anti-submarine helicopter Ka-27PL lands on the Varyag site

The initial project provided for arming Project 1164 cruisers with Ka-25 helicopters. From 1965 to 1973, about 460 Ka-25s in 18 modifications were built at Aircraft Plant No. 99. The anti-submarine modification (Ka-25PL) can transport in the bomb bay and use bomb and torpedo weapons with a total mass of up to 1100 kg (the normal torpedo and bomb load is 650 kg).

The main torpedo armament of the helicopter was the AT-1 torpedo weighing 550 kg. This type torpedoes are capable of attacking a submarine at a depth of 20 to 200 m, with a speed of 25 knots. Subsequently, instead of the AT-1, its modification AT-1M began to be used.

The helicopter's bomb armament is represented by deep anti-submarine bombs PLAB-250-120, PLAB-50-64 and PLAB-MK, capable of hitting a boat at a depth of up to 300 m. It is possible to use day and night marker bombs OMAB-25-12D and OMAB- 25-8Н, located on external holders.

A further development of the Ka-25 was the heavier and more advanced Ka-27PL helicopter. As a rule, helicopters of this type are based on the cruiser Chervona Ukraine/Varyag. A hangar is provided for the helicopter on the cruiser, and takeoffs and landings of rotorcraft are controlled from the launch command post (UCP) located to the right of the hangar.

If necessary, instead of the Ka-25PL anti-submarine helicopter, the cruiser can take on board its search and rescue version, the Ka-27PS.

Communications, detection, auxiliary equipment

Antenna of the Voskhod radar on the Varyag missile launcher

The radio-electronic armament of Project 1164 cruisers is represented by the three-dimensional radar MR-800 "Flag" (as part of the MR-700 "Fregat-M" and MR-600 "Voskhod" stations with the Baikal-F data processing system, later "Poima", and an antenna identification), capable of detecting air targets at a distance of up to 480 km, and surface targets up to 40 km (without the help of a ship's helicopter). The stations operate in the centimeter and decimeter ranges. Starting with the third ship of the series, the cruiser Chervona Ukraine/Varyag, the Fregat radar was replaced by the more modern Fregat-MA. The latter has two antenna arrays in the form of flat panels “back to back”: one for shortwave (dimensions 3.4x3.3 m), the second for the long-wave frequency range (dimensions 3.54x2.42 m). The information processing system of the two antennas is the same. “Dead zone” - 2 km, acceptable conditions waves are 20 degrees during roll and 10 during pitching.

Illumination of distant surface conditions and target designation (via satellites) is carried out by Corvette stations.

The Salgir-U navigation complex includes three MR-212 Vaigach type radars.

Communication facilities are combined into the Typhoon-2 complex; there are Tsunami-BM and Kristall space communications complexes. The subsystems are controlled by the BIUS “Lesorub-1164”.

The cruiser has 12 ten-barrel jammer launchers of the PK-10 system and 2 double-barreled jammer launchers (ZIF-121) of the PK-2 system, as well as a full set of radar weapons of the MP-152 “Ring” complex for detecting working communication systems, radar stations, missile homing heads the enemy, their direction finding, suppression of missile guidance paths and other countermeasures (MRP-3, MP-150, MP-152 “Gurzuf” and so on).

Service history

Cruiser at sea

From September 27 to November 5, 1990, the cruiser, escorted by the destroyer Bystry, made an inter-naval transition from the port of Sevastopol to the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to perform combat service tasks. During the passage from October 22 to 24, the cruiser made a business call to the port of Cam Ranh (Vietnam). The transition and fulfillment of combat service tasks were rated “good.”

Upon joining the Red Banner Pacific Fleet (KTOF) on November 5, 1990, the cruiser was assigned to the 173rd missile ship brigade of the Kamchatka flotilla.

In 1991, the cruiser Chervona Ukraine successfully fired cruise missiles at a sea target and fired the Fort air defense system at a Malachite target missile.

At the end of 1991, the ship took second place in combat training, and was also declared the best ship of the KTOF in missile training for 1991.

GRKR "Varyag" fires with a universal caliber during exercises

On July 26, 1992, the USSR Naval Flag was ceremoniously lowered on the cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" and the St. Andrew's Flag of the Russian Navy was raised.

The cruiser was declared the best at the KTOF in missile and artillery training and air defense and won the Navy Civil Code prize for firing cruise missiles at a sea target, as well as firing at three Malachite missile targets with Fort air defense missiles.

In 1991 - 1994, the cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" was the best ship of the formation.

In 1994, the cruiser was declared the best 1st rank ship in the Kamchatka flotilla.

In 1995, after a long stay, the cruiser made the transition from the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky base to Vladivostok in 4 days for the naval parade in honor of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of peace in the Pacific Ocean. The parade took place on September 2, the anniversary of the signing of Japan's surrender.

On September 4, 1995, the ship was transferred to the 36th missile ship division of the 10th operational squadron (OpEsk) of the KTOF and changed its permanent base, moving from Petropavlovsk to Abrek Bay.

Front view of the cruiser

On February 9, 1996, the RKR "Chervona Ukraine" was solemnly renamed into the missile cruiser "Varyag" by order of the Navy Civil Code and awarded the rank of guards. The renaming immortalized the memory of the heroic cruiser "Varyag" of the Russian fleet, with the beginning Russo-Japanese War who took part in an unequal battle with the Japanese squadron.

In 1996, the cruiser fired artillery at coastal and sea targets. Anti-aircraft missile fire destroyed 2 La-17 target aircraft and 1 RM-15 Termit target missile. Declared the best ship of the KTOF in air defense.

From February 9 to 13, 1997, the cruiser made an official friendly visit to the port of Incheon (formerly Chemulpo) of the Republic of Korea - to the site of the battle of the armored cruiser "Varyag" with the Japanese squadron, to give military honors to the heroic Russian sailors. First Deputy Commander of the Pacific Fleet, Vice Admiral V.V. Chirkov, held his flag on the Varyag missile cruiser.

On September 3, 1997, a cruise missile was fired at an actual sea target (the target was a decommissioned landing ship). A naval target was destroyed by a direct hit from a cruise missile. For this shooting, the cruiser was awarded the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy as the best surface ship of the Navy in missile training. In 1997, the cruiser was declared the leading surface ship of the KTOF.

In 1998, the cruiser underwent dock repairs. After repairs, the ship completed a combat training course, firing anti-aircraft missile systems and artillery at air, coastal and sea targets.

In 1999, the cruiser performed missile firing with the main complex for the prize of the Navy Civil Code.

GRKR "Varyag" returns after a visit to Shanghai, October 1999

From October 2 to October 6, 1999, the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, the cruiser "Varyag", together with the destroyer "Burny" under the flag of the commander of the KTOF, Admiral Zakharenko M.G., took part in an official visit to the port of Shanghai (People's Republic of China) in connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary education of the People's Republic of China.

On October 28, 1999, the cruiser participated in a comprehensive control exit of KTOF ships into Peter the Great Bay with the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on board.

From October 10 to 15, 2002, the cruiser made an official visit to the port of Yokosuka (Japan) on the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Forces, and took part in a naval parade in Tokyo Bay.

In 2002, Varyag was appointed the flagship ship of the Pacific Fleet to replace the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser Admiral Lazarev, which was put into reserve.

In 2003, the cruiser successfully completed missile firing with the main complex for the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

In 2004, from February 10 to 15, “Varyag” made an official friendly visit as part of a detachment of warships of the KTOF (together with the Admiral Tributs BOD and the Koreets MPK) to the South Korean port of Incheon to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the armored cruiser’s feat. Varyag". The Russian detachment flew under the flag of the commander of the KTOF, Admiral V.D. Fedorov; During the visit, joint exercises were conducted with ships of the Republic of Korea Navy.

In April 2004, during the command and staff exercises of the KTOF, the ship successfully carried out missile and artillery firing, and shot down an aerial target of the Gyurza air defense system with fire from 30-mm AK-630 assault rifles.

"Varyag" on the march

In September-December 2005, the cruiser, as part of a detachment of warships - in addition to the Varyag, it included the Admiral Panteleev, the Admiral Tributs and the Pechenga tanker - successfully completed the tasks of a long voyage visiting the ports of Visakhapatnam (India) , Singapore, Jakarta (Indonesia), Sattahip (Thailand) and Haiphong (Vietnam). During the cruise, the cruiser took part in the international exercises “Indra-2005” with the participation of warships of the Indian Navy. A number of officers and midshipmen of the Varyag were awarded state and departmental awards.

In December, the cruiser was declared the best in the fleet in the main types of training based on the results of 2005.

In March-April, the cruiser cleaned the fuel tanks and unloaded all ammunition, and in May 2006, dock repairs began on the ship.

In the period from June 2006 to February 2008, separate repair work was carried out on the cruiser with the replacement of the main and main engines and the modernization of weapons by JSC Dalzavod Holding Company.

Missile cruiser "Varyag" at full speed, drawing

In April 2008, the crew of the Varyag cruiser, which completed repairs, successfully worked and passed the K-1 course task, and in May 2008 the ship again joined the permanent readiness forces.

In October 2008, the Varyag GRKR, as part of a detachment of ships, made an unofficial visit to the port of Busan ( South Korea) and took part in the international naval parade.

At the end of 2008, the cruiser was declared the best ship of the 1st rank of the association.

In April 2009, the Varyag GRKR, as part of a detachment of KTOF ships, made an unofficial visit to the port of Qingdao (PRC) to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the PLA Navy.

In October - December 2009, the Varyag GRKR made a business call to the Changi Naval Base of the Republic of Singapore in order to ensure the security of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who participated in the APEC 2009 summit. The cruiser was visited by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev (September 16), the Governor of the Primorsky Territory S. M. Darkin, and the Bishop of Primorsky and Vladivostok Veniamin. In addition to the cruiser, the detachment included the rescue ship Fotiy Krylov and the medium tanker Pechenga; The commander of the Primorsky flotilla of heterogeneous forces, Rear Admiral S.I. Avakyants, held his flag on the Varyag.

At the end of 2009, the cruiser won two prizes from the Navy Civil Code for missile firing.

The missile cruiser "Varyag" is sent on a friendly visit to San Francisco, 2010

In June 2010, the guards missile cruiser "Varyag" paid an unofficial visit to the port of San Francisco (USA). During the visit, a number of meetings were held with the command of the US Navy and the administration of the city of San Francisco.

In November 2010, the guards missile cruiser "Varyag" visited the port of Incheon, Republic of Korea. The crew of the cruiser took part in the ceremony of South Korea leasing the hull of the armored cruiser Varyag to Russia. During the ceremony, Supreme Commander-in-Chief President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev was present on board the cruiser.

In April - May 2011, the cruiser participated in the joint Russian-Chinese exercise "Peace Mission 2011" in the waters Yellow Sea calling at the port of Qingdao (China).

In September - December 2011, "Varyag" at the head of a detachment of ships of the Pacific Fleet under the flag of Captain 1st Rank Sergei Zhuga performed combat service tasks in the Pacific Ocean with visits to the naval base of Maizuru (Japan), Apra (Guam Island, USA) and Vancouver ( Canada). During this combat service, the cruiser "Varyag", together with the US Navy in the area of ​​​​the island of Guam, took part in the anti-terrorist exercises "Pacific Eagle-2011".

From April 23 to April 27, 2012, together with the large anti-submarine ships Admiral Vinogradov, Marshal Shaposhnikov, Admiral Tributs and supply ships, he took part in the Russian-Chinese exercises Peace Mission 2012 in the Yellow Sea.

At the beginning of 2013, the cruiser underwent scheduled repairs at Dalzavod.

From July 5 to July 12, 2013, he participated in the joint Russian-Chinese exercise “Peace Mission 2013” ​​in the Sea of ​​Japan. In the period from July 13 to 20, together with the destroyer "Bystry", large anti-submarine ships "Admiral Vinogradov" and "Marshal Shaposhnikov", large landing ships "Nikolai Vilkov" and "Oslyabya" he participated in a sudden large-scale inspection of the troops of the Central and Eastern Military Districts.

At the end of August, the Varyag, at the head of a squadron of ships of the Pacific Fleet, set off for the Mediterranean Sea.

On November 7, 2013, the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" of the Northern Fleet in the central part of the Mediterranean Sea conducted maneuvers to practice elements of inter-fleet cooperation together with the crew of the missile cruiser of the Pacific Fleet "Varyag". During the maneuvers, the cruiser crews practiced organizing communications during the sea crossing, joint maneuvering, and also organized anti-submarine defense using helicopter systems.

On November 11, 2013, the cruiser Varyag became the first warship in the history of the Pacific Fleet to visit the Egyptian port of Alexandria. Also during the voyage, the Varyag visited the ports of Trincomalee (Sri Lanka) and Salalah (Oman).

On January 25, 2014, the Varyag GRKR returned to its home base after completing a long combat service. In five months, the ship covered about 30 thousand nautical miles.

In the period from May 20 to 26, 2014, the Varyag GRKR, at the head of a squadron of the destroyer Bystry, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleev, the large landing ship Admiral Nevelskoy, the tanker Ilim and the sea tug Kalar, took part in the next Russian-Chinese exercise “Maritime Cooperation 2014”. During the exercises, sailors from the two countries practiced joint actions to defend ships at anchorage, release merchant ships captured by pirates, organize joint air defense, conduct anti-submarine and search and rescue operations, missile and artillery firing at sea and coastal targets. For the first time, the parties carried out combat training missions as part of mixed detachments of ships. 18 warships and vessels of the Russian Navy and the PLA Navy took part in the exercise.

After the exercises, the Russian squadron visited the port of Shanghai (PRC). The ceremonial events in Shanghai were attended by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vice Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov, and Deputy Commander of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLA), Vice Admiral Tian Zhong.

Guards cruiser "Varyag" at the head of a detachment of ships

The Russian detachment of warships left Shanghai on May 27 and arrived in Vladivostok on June 1, 2014.

From July 15 to 19, “Varyag” took part in the Russian-Indian exercises “Indra-2014” in the Sea of ​​Japan (Peter the Great Bay). The active phase of the exercise took place from July 17 to July 19, 2014. During the exercise, Russian and Indian sailors practiced counter combat in the dark, search and simulated destruction of a submarine, artillery firing at parachute and naval targets, as well as assistance to a ship in distress.

In September 2014, “Varyag” carried out firing during the large-scale exercises “Vostok-2014”.

From October 23 to December 15, 2014, as part of a detachment of the large anti-submarine ship Marshal Shaposhnikov, the tanker Boris Butoma and the rescue tug Fotiy Krylov, he ensured a naval presence and flag display in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. During this campaign - in November 2014, on the eve of the Australian G20 summit - two detachments of ships of the Pacific Fleet, led by the cruiser Varyag, arrived on the shores of Australia, which caused a public outcry in Australia.

At the end of 2015, the Varyag GRKR entered its next combat service at the head of a detachment of Pacific Fleet ships consisting of the Bystry destroyer, the Boris Butoma tanker and the Alatau rescue tugboat. Rear Admiral Alexander Yuldashev raised his flag on the Varyag.

From December 6 to 12, 2015, a detachment led by the Varyag was on an unofficial visit to the port of Visakhapatnam (India) during combat service. After the visit, the Pacific Islanders took part in the joint Russian-Indian naval exercise Indra 2015.

At the end of the exercises - on the twentieth of December 2015 - the cruiser on a business visit called at the port of Salalah (Oman), where the crew replenished water and food supplies. Next, the cruiser headed across the Red Sea to the coast of Syria to join the Mediterranean squadron of the Russian Navy.

Guards missile cruiser "Varyag" at sea

At the end of 2015, the cruiser “Varyag” was recognized as the best surface ship of the Pacific Fleet in tactical training. On December 29, 2015, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the guards missile cruiser "Varyag" was awarded the Order of Nakhimov. The Varyag itself at that time continued to carry out combat service tasks, heading through the Red Sea to the Suez Canal.

On January 3, 2016, the cruiser passed through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea to relieve the Moskva missile cruiser near the coast of Syria as part of the Russian Navy’s operational formation in the Mediterranean Sea. The main combat mission of the Varyag was to cover with its Fort anti-aircraft complex the actions of the air group of the Russian Aerospace Forces at the Syrian Khmeimim airfield. The Russian contingent deployed in Syria at the invitation of the government of the Syrian Arab Republic is participating in hostilities against Islamists.

On June 4, 2016, in Singapore, on behalf of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Anatoly Antonov, a reception was held on behalf of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Varyag guards missile cruiser, in Singapore. The reception was organized as part of the business visit of the missile cruiser Varyag to the Singapore Changi naval base. The event was timed to coincide with the 15th international conference on security in Asia “Shangri-La Dialogue” taking place in Singapore.

More than 300 years ago, by decree of Peter the Great, the St. Andrew's flag was first raised on Russian ships. Since then, many heroic pages have been written in the history of the fleet, but cruiser « Varangian“who refused to lower the banner in front of a huge enemy squadron in 1904 will forever remain in the memory of people as the most striking symbol of fearlessness, self-sacrifice and military valor.

history of the cruiser "Varyag"

The history of this ship began more than 100 years ago in 1898 in the American city of Philadelphia. Easy armored cruiser « Varangian"was built in the USA by order of the Russian Navy Ministry. The shipyard of the company was chosen as the site for the construction of the ship. American Company William Cramp & Sons"in the city of Philadelphia on the Delaware River. The parties signed a contract on April 11, 1898. The choice of this shipbuilding company was not accidental. The plant was well known in Russia. Cruisers purchased in America for the Russian Navy were also repaired and refitted here. In addition, the company promised to deliver ship in 20 months. This was much faster than the pace of ship construction at Russian state-owned factories. For example, at the Baltic Shipyard it took about 7 years to build a ready-made project.

authentic photographs of the cruiser "Varyag"

cruiser "Varyag" in the Philadelphia dock

"Varyag" in Philadelphia before leaving for Russia

raid of Algiers, September 1901

cruiser "Varyag", 1916

However, all weapons " Varangian"was made in Russia. Guns at the Obukhov plant, torpedo tubes at the Metal plant in St. Petersburg. The Izhevsk plant manufactured equipment for the galley, and the anchors were ordered from England.

On October 19, 1899, after illumination and a prayer service, it was solemnly launched. " Varangian" amazed contemporaries not only with the beauty of its forms and perfect proportions, but also with the many technical innovations used during its construction. Compared to ships created earlier, it had significantly more electrically powered devices; boat winches, windlasses, elevators for feeding shells, and even dough mixers in the ship's bakery were equipped with electric drives. For the first time in the history of shipbuilding, all furniture cruisers « Varangian"was made of metal and painted to resemble wood. This increased the survivability of the ship in battle and during a fire. Cruiser « Varangian"became the first Russian ship on which telephone sets were installed in almost all service areas, including posts at the guns.

One of weak points cruisers there were new steam boilers " Nickolas“They made it possible to reach high speeds, sometimes up to 24 knots, but were extremely unreliable in operation. Due to some deficiencies found when receiving the ship, “ Varangian"was commissioned at the beginning of 1901. During the construction of the cruiser, 6,500 people worked at the shipyard. Simultaneously with the construction of " Varangian"Russian leadership ordered the construction armadillo « Retvizan"for the Russian Pacific squadron. It was being built on a nearby slipway.

St. Andrew's flag and pennant were raised on cruiser « Varangian"January 2, 1901. In March of that year, the ship left Philadelphia for good. On the morning of May 3, 1901 " Varangian» dropped anchor in the Great Kronstadt roadstead. Two weeks later, a review took place, which was attended by Emperor Nicholas II himself. Ship The king liked it so much that he was included in the squad heading to Europe. After official visits to Germany, Denmark and France cruiser « Varangian"Departed for his permanent base in the Far East. On February 25, 1902, the warship arrived at the Port Arthur roadstead. Before cruiser « Varangian»managed to visit the Persian Gulf, Singapore, Hong Kong and Nagasaki. Everywhere the appearance of a new spectacular Russian ship made a huge impression.

Port Arthur on the map

Japan, not happy with the strengthening of Russian influence in the Far East, was feverishly preparing for war with Russia. Its fleet was practically rebuilt in English shipyards. The army was increased by 2.5 times. The most advanced developments of the type of weapons were taken for equipment. A country rising sun, just as Russia considered the Far East a zone of its vital interests. The result of the coming war, according to the Japanese, was to be the expulsion of the Russians from China and Korea, the separation of Sakhalin Island and the establishment of Japanese dominance in the Pacific Ocean. Clouds were gathering over Port Arthur.

heroic battle of the cruiser "Varyag"

December 27, 1903 commander cruisers « Varangian» Vsevolod Fedorovich Rudnev received an order from the Russian governor to go to the Korean international port of Chemulpo (the current port of Inchhon, South Korea). According to the command's plan, the cruiser was supposed to establish reliable communications between Port Arthur and our envoy in Seoul, as well as indicate the Russian military presence in Korea. It was forbidden to leave the port of Chemulpo without an order from senior command. Due to the difficult fairway and shallow water " Varangian» dropped anchor in the outer roadstead. A few days later he was joined by “ Korean" Very soon it became clear that the Japanese were preparing for a major landing operation. On January 25, the commander of the cruiser V.F. Rudnev personally went to Russian Ambassador, to pick him up and go home with the entire mission. But Ambassador Pavlov did not dare to leave the embassy without an order from his department. A day later, the port was blocked by an armada of a Japanese squadron consisting of 14 ships. The flagship was an armored cruiser « Osama».

January 27 commander cruisers « Varangian"received an ultimatum from Admiral Urio. The Japanese commander offered to leave the port and surrender to the mercy of the victors, otherwise he threatened to attack Russian ships right in the roadstead. Having learned about this, the ships of foreign states sent a protest - to go into battle in a neutral roadstead, at the same time they refused to accompany the Russians to the sea, where they would have more opportunities to maneuver and repel an attack.

On cruiser « Varangian"and gunboat" Korean"We began to prepare for battle. According to tradition, all sailors and officers changed into clean shirts. At 10:45 V. F. Rudnev addressed the crew with a speech. The ship's priest blessed the sailors before the battle.

At 11:20 cruiser « Varangian"and gunboat" Korean"weighed anchor and went towards the Japanese squadron. As a sign of the sailors' admiration, the French, British, and Italians lined up the crews of their ships on the decks. On " Varangian“The orchestra played the anthems of the states, in response, the anthem of the Russian Empire sounded on the Italian ship. When Russian ships appeared in the roadstead, the Japanese raised a signal offering to surrender, commander cruisers ordered not to respond to enemy signals. Admiral Urio waited in vain for several minutes for an answer. At first, he could not believe that the Russians were not coming to surrender, but to attack his squadron. At 11:45 the flagship " Osama"opened fire on the cruiser" Varangian" One of the first shells hit the upper bow bridge and destroyed the rangefinder station, the navigator's combat unit was killed. In two minutes " Varangian" opened strong return fire from the starboard side.

It was especially hard for the gunners who were on the upper deck. The Japanese used new tactics for the first time in this battle - they literally fell asleep cruiser « Varangian» high-explosive projectiles with a strong explosive effect, even when hitting the water such a projectile would scatter into hundreds of pieces.

The Russian fleet used powerful armor-piercing shells. They pierced the sides of enemy ships without exploding.

paintings with the cruiser "Varyag"

battle of the cruiser "Varyag"

There was blood and gore everywhere, burnt arms and legs, torn bodies and exposed flesh. The wounded refused to leave their places; only those who could no longer stand on their feet were taken to the infirmary. The upper deck was broken in several places, all fans and grilles cruisers turned into a sieve. When the stern flag was torn off by another explosion, the boatswain raised a new one, risking his life. At 12:15 Rudnev decided to bring the left side gun into battle. When ship began to turn around and was simultaneously hit by two large shells. The first hit the room where all the steering gears were located, fragments of the second flew into the conning tower, three people standing next to Rudnev were killed on the spot. The commander himself cruisers « Varangian"was wounded in the head, but, despite the concussion, remained at his post and continued to lead the battle. When the distance between the opponents was reduced to 5 km, a gunboat entered the battle " Korean».

It is curious that not a single Japanese shell hit it. The day before, the commander ordered the masts to be shortened, which prevented the Japanese from accurately determining the distance and adjusting the shooting.

At 12:25 " Varangian"opened fire from the left side. The Osama's aft bridge was destroyed by a direct hit, after which a severe fire broke out on the flagship. By this time, the second Japanese cruiser " Takatiha", having received serious damage, was forced to withdraw from the battle. One of the destroyers sank. At 12:30 two shells pierced the side of the cruiser " Varangian" under the water. Cruiser began to list to the left side. While the team was sealing the holes, Rudnev decided to return to the port of Chemulpo. At the raid, he planned to repair the damage and put out the fires, so that he could then return to battle again.

At 12:45, as the raid approached, the general fire stopped. During the battle " Varangian"managed to fire 1,105 shells at the enemy. At 13:15, wounded and smoking " Varangian» dropped anchor in the roadstead. According to eyewitnesses, its entire deck was covered in blood. There were 130 wounded sailors lying in the charred premises of the cruiser. 22 people died during the battle. Of the 12 six-inch guns, two remained in working order. Further resistance was not possible. And then the military council of the cruiser decided to prevent the Japanese from sinking the ships, and to place the crew on foreign ships by agreement. Having received Rudnev’s appeal, the commanders of European ships immediately sent boats with orderlies. Several sailors died during the evacuation. Most of all - 352 people - took French cruiser « Pascal", the British took 235 people, the Italians - 178. At 15:30 on " Varangian" opened the kingstons and flood valves, " Korean" was blown up.

February 9, 1904 at 18:10 light armored deck cruiser « Varangian"lay down on the left side and disappeared under the water.

Not a single officer or sailor was captured after the battle. Respecting the courage shown in that battle, Admiral Urio agreed to let them pass through the combat zone to return to their homeland.

Two months later with the sailors " Varangian" And " Korean"arrived in Odessa. The heroes of Chemulpo were greeted with the thunder of orchestras and demonstrations of thousands. The sailors were showered with flowers and an unprecedented explosion of patriotic feelings. All participants in the battle were awarded St. George's Crosses. Each sailor received a personalized watch from the emperor. Then the first songs dedicated to the cruiser appeared “ Varangian"and gunboat" Korean».

second life of the cruiser "Varyag"

after battle

after the rise in August 1905

Japanese cruiser "SOYA" ("Varyag")

However, on this history of the legendary cruiser didn't end. Soon after the battle it became clear that " Varangian"It didn't sink very deep. During low tides, the water level in Chemulpo Bay dropped to 9 meters. Having learned about this, the Japanese began work on raising the cruiser " Varangian" Within a month, divers and special equipment were delivered to Chemulpo from Japan. The cruiser's guns, masts and pipes were removed, coal was unloaded, but all attempts to raise it in 1904 ended in failure. Only on August 8, 1905, after the creation of special caissons, was it possible to tear off cruiser from the muddy bottom. In November 1905 " Varangian» reached Japan under its own power. Almost two years cruiser « Varangian"was in the city of Yokosuka undergoing major repairs. The work to raise and restore it cost the Japanese treasury 1 million yen. In 1907, he was enlisted in the Japanese Navy under the name " Soya" At the stern, as a sign of respect for the enemy, an inscription of the cruiser's former name was left. For nine years cruiser was a training ship for a cadet school. It taught how to defend the honor of your homeland.