Loss of appetite in a cat - causes, diagnosis, treatment. Why does a cat have a bad appetite: causes of problems and their solutions? Why does a cat periodically lose appetite?

Good nutrition for your cat is the key to its good health and an active lifestyle. Therefore, when a four-legged friend has no desire to eat, the question arises before its owner, how to increase the cat's appetite.

Not always a lack of appetite is a deviation and requires the intervention of the owner. Cats 1 time in 2-3 months can set the "unloading period" for themselves. At the same time, water consumption does not stop.

Reference! The norm of fasting while maintaining good health and activity for an adult is 2-5 days, for a kitten - 1 day.

Refusal of a pet from food may be a consequence of the manifestation of external factors, characteristics of the organism or diseases. In any case, it will not be superfluous to consult a veterinarian.

How to increase your cat's appetite

Dehydration (dehydration) in cats is a lack of water in the body, which jeopardizes the functionality of the organs and systems of the animal. Inadequate fluid intake or excessive fluid loss leads to life-threatening conditions. For more information on dehydration, you can read our separate

Natural reasons for refusing to eat

Cats are very sensitive animals, often reacting with a lack of appetite to factors that are not significant in the opinion of their owners:

Domestic cats are very finicky creatures, but the creators of dry food have managed to please them. Most purrs, after trying dry granules, refuse to return to natural food. This is very convenient for the owners. Learn how to properly feed your cat dry food in our separate

Why does your pet try to eat litter?

If there is a lack of calcium and minerals in the body, cats may begin to eat granules, which are poured into the tray. This can lead to bowel problems. Particularly dangerous is the silikogel composition, which sticks to the internal organs of the pet and, in some cases, leads to the death of the pet.

The best way out of the situation is to purchase calcium-containing vitamins, add bone meal and food supplements rich in minerals to food. If the problem persists, you need to urgently change the brand of filler and check the result.

Reference! Sometimes cats scratch their teeth with filler granules, swallowing the splattered bits. The problem is solved by including pork and beef bones in the pet's diet.

Lack of appetite as a result of illness

Refusal of treats associated with the loss of olfactory or tactile functions of the body, developing against the background of a progressive disease, is called anorexia. In addition to it, the pet has other symptoms characteristic of a particular disease.

Table 1. Diseases, their symptoms, methods of treatment.

If any disease occurs, accompanied by a number of other symptoms in addition to anorexia, the help of a veterinarian is needed. He will prescribe a method of treatment, type and dosage of drugs.

Bowel obstruction

Complete stop or difficulty in moving processed food through the canal to the anus.

One of the main causes of pathology is the blockage of the canal by any swallowed object. These can be threads, pins, needles, rags, toys, silikogel filler, Christmas tree rain, and even hairballs.

The main symptoms are:

  • decreased appetite or lack of it;
  • a sharp decrease in the number of bowel movements or lack of stool;
  • intense, constantly increasing vomiting;
  • pain and bloating in the abdomen;
  • lethargy, general malaise.

Reference! With intestinal obstruction, even drinking leads to another vomiting.

As a result of the disruption of the body caused by such a pathology, dehydration quickly sets in. With a long absence of treatment, exhaustion sets in, body temperature drops, and shortness of breath appears. Failure to provide timely assistance can lead to the death of the pet.

Video - intestinal obstruction in cats

Self-treatment can lead to a worsening of the situation. Attempts to feed or water the animal will cause another vomiting. Laxative and antiemetic medications can temporarily mask symptoms without having a therapeutic effect.

Vaseline oil, popular for constipation, can only help if the obstruction is incomplete. But there is a high probability that a foreign object, having moved a little along the intestines, will finally clog it. In addition, the object during movement will damage the intestinal tissue, which can subsequently become dead.

Reference! Cats with partial obstruction may exist. Complete blockage of the intestine will inevitably lead to the death of the animal.


When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact the veterinarian to examine your pet.

Obstruction can be diagnosed using:

Reference! To increase the information content of the X-ray, a special contrast agent is used - barium sulfate. It is a safe, white powdery compound that is tasteless and odorless.


When the diagnosis is confirmed, the animal is replenished with droppers for the loss of nutrients and water.

When the animal's life is threatened, the cause of the obstruction is surgically removed, sometimes with a damaged part of the intestine.

Reference! All manipulations are performed under general anesthesia.

The first time after surgery, the animal is kept without food for 12-24 hours, supporting the body with droppers. For 2 weeks, the cat is fed with semi-liquid food, monitoring the condition of the seams, which are then removed.

When is it worth increasing the appetite in cats

A good appetite is desirable for all felines, but complete nutrition is especially important for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats.

If the kitten is thin, eats little and without pleasure, but is healthy, you need to improve its appetite in the following ways:

  • changing the main diet;
  • special vitamins to increase appetite;
  • feeding with special cat weed sold in pet stores.

Reference! These appetite-boosting methods are suitable for cats of all ages.

You can stimulate the appetite of a healthy, mobile individual by introducing a few low-fat fermented milk drinks into the diet, which stimulate digestion. You can use special additives (seaweed, yeast, catnip). Raw yolk, offered in the morning on an empty stomach, increases the efficiency of the stomach. When feeding a pet with dry food, it is advisable to replace it with drying for cats with sensitive digestion.

Features of appetite during pregnancy

The reluctance to eat in pregnant cats may be due to:

  • toxicosis;
  • an infectious disease;
  • the injury received;
  • constipation;
  • multiple pregnancies;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • death of the embryo.

With toxicosis, you can increase the cat's appetite by diversifying the menu, including vegetables and fruits in the diet. In the last weeks, with a decrease in the size of the stomach, it is necessary to switch to more high-calorie foods.

In all other cases, you must immediately visit the veterinary clinic.

Feeding a lactating cat

The main requirement for the diet of a lactating cat is its balance and nutritional value. The feed should be rich in minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids necessary for milk production.

The frequency of feeding directly depends on the number of kittens in the litter. The main thing is that the cat should always have access to fresh food and water.

Dry food should only be used in premium and higher class. You can try drying for pregnant cats or kittens.

Reference! So that the pet does not get stress, it is better to simultaneously feed the food that she had previously consumed.

The diet of natural food must include:

  • low-fat varieties of meat and offal (beef, poultry, rabbit) with a net weight of at least 50% of the portion;
  • low-carb supplements in the form of cereals, which help normalize digestion;
  • fiber in the form of greens, vegetables and fruits, as a supplier of minerals and vitamins, facilitating the cleansing of the intestines from hairballs;
  • a small portion of oil and yolk, which provide the cat's body with fatty acids;
  • low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt) should be given in separate portions.

Reference! A lactating cat should be given food as soon as possible, but it is not allowed to leave a half-eaten portion next time. Stale food can cause stomach upset, which can negatively affect the quantity and quality of milk produced.

When a cat loses its appetite, it is necessary to observe whether it is caused by a developing disease. It is best to seek immediate veterinary advice if a problem occurs.

Video - what to do if the cat has no appetite


If the animal's appetite has disappeared, but at the same time you are sure that she is healthy (remains cheerful, playful and agile), you do not need to be upset. Perhaps she was just tired of her daily food. In this case, different owners act differently. Someone will decide to change the diet of their beloved pussy and start it with something more attractive, and someone will leave the food on the plate, judging like this: "If you get hungry, you will eat it." There is nothing cruel about the last decision. A cat always knows whether she needs food, she will not voluntarily malnourish or overeat. In the first case, you run the risk of spoiling your pet.

If you lose your appetite, you need to show it to the veterinarian. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests for you and determine the cause of the low appetite... Perhaps the cause is gastrointestinal disease or bad teeth. Constantly suffering from pain, the animal simply cannot eat food. You don't need to self-medicate! Start only after consulting your doctor.

Pet stores sell a sufficient amount of cat vitamins, which include seaweed, catnip, yeast and other useful substances. These vitamins are specially formulated. They improve the metabolism, and as a result, the animal's appetite increases. Many cats like to eat specially sprouted grass. It also strengthens the animal's immune system and improves appetite. You can buy sprouted grass at the pet store or grow it yourself.

Cats are wayward and mysterious creatures. They only do what they like. They come when they want, not when asked to. At the same time, it is quite rare to find specimens that will eat from a bowl everything that you thought it necessary to put there. Most often they are very finicky and capricious. Therefore, the owners often ask the question of how to increase the cat's appetite. First you need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Whims or illness

If day after day your pet chooses only the best pieces, or even turns away from the bowl with displeasure, there may be at least two reasons for this. This can be a natural process or a symptom of an illness. The second case is best discussed with your veterinarian. Therefore, let's start with how to increase the cat's appetite, if physiologically there are no prerequisites for refusing to eat.

Hunter by nature

These animals cannot safely walk past a bird's nest or burrow in which the hatched mice squeak. Therefore, before thinking about how to increase the cat's appetite, you need to observe what the pet is doing during the day. It is possible that he has already had enough of the caught prey and therefore ignores the proposed bowl.

This behavior is typical for animals that have free access to walks and the street. This is not a cause for concern. Usually, within a few days, the animal will empty the found nest, after which it will begin to eat in the usual volume. You don't even have to worry about how to increase your cat's appetite.

Watching the animal

It is another matter if the cat began to eat less against the background of developing respiratory diseases, problems of the digestive tract and diarrhea. All these are quite serious problems that require the intervention of a veterinarian. Do not forget that the clinical picture can be blurred, so it is best to be examined by a doctor and pass the necessary tests. Perhaps the cause is a gastrointestinal disease or dental disease. Suffering from pain, the animal refuses to eat, therefore, treatment should be started only after the diagnosis is made.

Proper nutrition

It's no secret that a healthy stomach is the key to a good appetite. So forget about milk feeding your cats. This is a predator that needs fresh meat, poultry or mice. To keep your pet's digestive system normal, feed her one raw yolk a couple of times a week. Professional food for sensitive digestion will not hurt either. But even it cannot be given to the animal on an ongoing basis. Moreover, soups, leftovers from our table, fatty broths, salty and sweet are not suitable for cats. Take care of your pet's body. She needs meat and fish, cereals and herbs in small quantities. Catnip is suitable as the latter. What is it for? It is a kind of stimulant and drug, but in small quantities, the herb can improve digestion. Therefore, you need to give it only a few leaves.

Providing a good appetite

Pet stores today sell quite a lot of cat vitamins, which include seaweed and catnip, yeast and other useful substances. They are specially designed for pets. They are appetite stimulants for cats that improve metabolism.

Many cats love to eat grass sprouts. It also improves the animal's appetite and strengthens the immune system. You can buy sprouted grass at the pet store or grow it yourself. It's no secret that a healthy stomach is the key to a good appetite. Therefore, you need to monitor the nutrition of your pet from an early age and try to keep it in the best possible way.

If poor appetite is associated with stress, then catnip can be of great help. What is it for? It has a positive effect on the body, soothes and helps relieve stress. Moreover, the herb is completely harmless to digestion. Many preparations for increasing the appetite of cats contain extracts of this plant, due to which they give excellent results. The plant has only one drawback, it is often impossible to use it, because otherwise addiction occurs.

Drawing attention to food

This is a fairly simple way to solve the problem and increase your appetite. You can draw your cat's attention with your favorite treats. This is fraught with the fact that the animal will be spoiled, but everything is fine in moderation. It is possible to offer food with a strong, characteristic odor as feed, which stimulates the appetite.

For this purpose, tuna or sardines are suitable. Studies show that these are the fish that resonate the most in cats. A few drops of catnip extract will further enhance this effect. An increase in the B vitamins in food has a similar effect. And best of all, create conditions that will awaken the hunting instincts. Hang the pieces of food on a string so that your pet has some difficulty getting them.

What do cats love?

When you take a pet, you should be well aware that you are taking on a lot of responsibility. You need to create an environment at home so that the animal feels comfortable, cozy and calm. Especially cats need this comfort. If a fluffy beauty feels danger, if she is offended, then from constant stress she can refuse food. This is a natural phenomenon. So take another look around to see if your cat is really doing well.

It should be noted that cats love to eat. And if the puppy needs to be fed on a schedule, then the cat likes it if there is always food in the bowl. Therefore, try to leave some dry food even overnight. Also, cats love to sleep, so provide a warm spot for them. Sleep pet and eat with great appetite. Finally, fluffy beauties love to play. Provide him with toys, boxes in which he can hide, mice and other paraphernalia.

What do cats dislike?

If the animal loses its appetite, there are reasons for this. Cats really do not like to be grabbed and squeezed. They especially do not tolerate being pulled by the tail, so if there are children at home, and the cat has lost its appetite, perhaps the reason lies precisely in this. But the complete absence of people is also traumatic for them. A cat definitely needs a portion of love every day. Cats do not like loud noise, scandals in the house. If they occur regularly, stress can occur in the animal. They are scary cleansers who can refuse to eat if the bowl is dirty.

Instead of a conclusion

It is also important to remember that Soups and borscht, milk, leftovers from your table are not at all the food your pets need. It is imperative to take raw fish, boil it slightly and lay it out in portioned bags. It will stay in the freezer for a very long time. Meat in the form of minced meat, boiled cereals, cottage cheese, herbs, all this must be included in the diet of fluffy handsome men so that their digestion does not suffer.

Have you noticed that your cat comes up to a plate of food, sniffs it, but refuses to try the treat that you prepared for her (find out what cats love and what you shouldn't feed them)? When a cat does not feel well, this behavior is not surprising, however, if a healthy cat or cat refuses to eat for several days, it is time for the owners to sound the alarm and first of all find out why their cat is not eating. And, our publication will help you with this ...

Cat appetite

Healthy cats have a good appetite. Still, in order for a cat to run, jump and frolic and play her own, she needs the energy she gets from the food she eats. However, when a cat is sick, her appetite may not be as good. If the cat refuses to eat at all, the owners must definitely establish the reason for this behavior. Perhaps loss of appetite is a serious symptom of a dangerous disease, and ignoring this behavior of the cat, you will lose time. Read more about cat diseases and the health of the feline family.

However, we would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that statements of such a nature as a cat refusing to eat, relate to those products from her diet that she is used to and which she loves. If your cat has been eating fish all its life, and you suddenly decided to transfer it to another type of food, for example, dry, it is not surprising that she will refuse such food.

Causes of loss of appetite in cats

Health problems

What do you usually feed your cat? Perhaps the loss of appetite is due to the fact that you changed the manufacturer of canned food or purchased a lower grade feed? In fact, the cat does not care what it eats, and therefore its taste preferences are quite stable. Abrupt changes in this area are always accompanied by her inner rejection, which is difficult to overcome. So, if you do decide to transfer your cat to a different type of food - do it gradually, starting with small portions of supplementary feeding throughout the day, and then replacing one of the feedings with a new food.

Change of mood

Cats are very sensitive creatures, and some of them are very weather dependent. Therefore, a sharp change in the weather (when it is too hot outside, many cats have a bad appetite), some kind of stress (you forgot to pet the cat before breakfast), all this can lead to the fact that your kitty will not be in the mood for lunch. As a rule, such a temporary loss of appetite does not threaten the pet with anything serious. A small fasting day will not hurt. But, if the depression is prolonged, and the cat does not eat for several days, it is better to show the pet to the veterinarian, as there are health problems.

Food not served properly

If you taught a cat to eat from her favorite bowl, and then suddenly, for some reason, they took food on the floor and poured it on the floor, or the cat always ate a little warmed-up fish, and here you offer her a product from the refrigerator, your pet may refuse such food despite his hunger. If the food is too hot, the cat runs the risk of being burned, and once burned, she may completely refuse to eat what you gave her. If the food is too cold (from the freezer), it does not smell at all for the cat, so it is not of any interest to her.

In such a situation, it is better to check the food - if it is too cold or hot, if everything is in order, you can bring the cat to the bowl and pat her on the back, thus inviting him to eat.

In no case should you poke your pet into the bowl with your nose - for a cat, this is a real humiliation and insult. And from this she is unlikely to have an appetite.

Great appetite is one of the signs of a pet's health and well-being. But refusal is not always an indicator of health problems, sometimes there are quite natural reasons for this. Therefore, it is important to know for what reasons one may not eat anything and in what cases it is necessary to seek help from a veterinarian.

Reasons why a cat refuses to eat

Among the reasons for the "hunger strike" of the animal may be:

  • awakened sexual instinct;
  • stressful condition;
  • too hot weather;
  • fasting day;
  • injury;
  • viral infection;
  • poisoning;
  • the presence of worms;
  • foreign body in the stomach;
  • and the postpartum period;
  • consequences of anesthesia.

Sexual instinct

This reason is one of the main reasons for the loss of appetite in animals. If your cat has begun to eat poorly and you do not know what to do, then pay attention to her behavior. Some cats lose their appetite a week before the onset of estrus, and during it they do not eat at all, but spend time only sleeping and persistent calls from their partner. For a healthy and active cat, this is normal behavior. The main thing is that she drank enough

A cat can also lose appetite if he senses a cat in heat nearby. By the way, if your animal is going through this period too violently, then it may be worth showing it to the veterinarian.

Important! Prolonged refusal to eat, and especially from drinking, is life-threatening for a pet. Therefore, if you cannot assess the condition of the cat and understand the reason for this behavior, it is better to immediately seek help from a veterinarian.


One of the reasons for refusing food can be the stress of the animal. Cats are known to are distinguished by great conservatism. Any changes in life: a change in the decor in the room, the arrival of a new family member, the arrival of guests or even other utensils for feeding can cause stress, and for this reason the cat cannot eat.

Gentle and affectionate handling of your pet, favorite games and treats can help cope with stress. In the most severe cases, your veterinarian may recommend taking sedatives.

Change of diet also strongly influences the behavior of the animal. A different consistency of food, a new smell, taste or shape - and now your pet refuses to eat. Knowing this, try to introduce new food gradually, adding it to your usual food throughout the week, so that your pet can get used to the new product.


You've probably noticed that the appetite is much stronger in winter than in the hot season. The same thing happens with your pet. Seasonal fluctuations in appetite are one of the manifestations of the body's thermoregulation.

Hot weather, especially if it lasts for several weeks, leads to the fact that the cat eats very small portions or does not eat at all for 1-3 days. After all, the consumption of a large number of calories leads to an increased production of heat during digestion. Therefore, the cat artificially restricts itself in food, and this is a completely normal process. But it is necessary to ensure that there is always a sufficient amount of clean fresh water in its availability.

The same can happen in the winter season, when the animal is constantly in the apartment with the maximum heating system.


Sometimes the cat does not eat anything during the day for no obvious reason, and it is completely unclear what to do with it. Perhaps, according to some veterinarians, your pet decided to arrange a fasting day for itself, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

However, their opponents cite other probable reasons for such a one-day unloading:

  • overeating an animal on the eve of a hungry day;
  • the cat has eaten heavy food that needs long digestion;
  • after the previous meal, the pet was too physically active, which caused temporary digestive problems;
  • the cat did not like something in the environment or the behavior of people, and she decided to "take offense".
If your pet does not eat for a day or even two, but at the same time behaves as usual, he does not have a fever or other signs of illness, then you should not worry for now.


Most painful conditions lead to a decrease in appetite. Therefore, the answer to the question, what to do if the little kitten does not eat, there can be a whole list of reasons:

In addition, trauma to the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the large intestine, liver and pancreas diseases, gastritis, urolithiasis, kidney failure and other diseases lead to a lack of appetite. Therefore, when any signs of painful conditions or deviations from the norm appear, it is necessary not to wait for the return of appetite, but how show the animal to a specialist as soon as possible.


A pregnant cat should normally eat well and nutritiously. Therefore, if she refuses food, then, most likely, the animal suffers from toxicosis, other manifestations of which are drowsiness, lethargy, short-term vomiting, increased salivation. However, if at the same time there is a painful abdomen or increased body temperature, then be sure to contact your veterinarian.
In addition, loss of appetite may indicate an imminent birth. As a rule, the cat stops eating about a day before giving birth. Although there are times when toxicosis torments the animal literally during childbirth.

If the cat does not eat for some time after giving birth, but at the same time feels good, then there may be several reasons:

  • postpartum stress of the animal;
  • she ate more than one afterbirth;
  • the cat has not yet regained consciousness after difficult
  • the animal is still afraid to leave its

All of these reasons are normal for a loss of appetite for one to two days, however, if this is added to a high or low temperature, profuse discharge from the vulva, lethargy, painful and tight abdomen, vomiting or diarrhea, then an urgent need to contact the veterinary clinic.

Important! It should be noted that the function of hiding their ailments as much as possible in the feline family is naturally laid down so as not to seem weak and vulnerable to other predators. Therefore, the owners should be especially attentive to the condition of their pets.

Consequences of anesthesia

Usually, after the operation under anesthesia, the animal does not want to eat for up to two days, and this should not bother if there are no other painful manifestations. This is because anesthesia inhibits all body functions, including appetite. The cat becomes relaxed with impaired coordination of movements and a weakened swallowing reflex. Therefore, it’s even good that she doesn’t eat, because there is no danger of choking on food.

Typically, appetite returns five to eight hours after coming out of anesthesia. The complete recovery is evidenced by the restored coordination of movements, a stable normal temperature and the absence of all signs of the action of drugs.

What to do if a cause is found

So, a kitten or an adult animal has stopped eating and drinking, what should be done. After finding out the reason for the lack of appetite, if it fits into the norm, it is worth observing the state and behavior of the animal. Perhaps it needs a little rest or a change. If the "hunger strike" is associated with stress, weather conditions, sexual instinct, pregnancy or the effects of anesthesia, then over time everything will return to normal.

And in any case, do not self-medicate. Articles on the Internet or telephone consultations are just the beginning of the process of solving the problem; a certified veterinarian should deal with the treatment of the animal.

Providing first aid to an animal

To begin with, you should assess the general condition and the presence of other symptoms in the cat. If they cause concern, then it is necessary to urgently show the animal to the veterinarian.

In the absence of painful symptoms, you should try to eliminate all stress factors as much as possible, offer your pet your favorite food, interest in games. If the cat has suffered stress, then it is worth providing her with a calm and secluded place with all the amenities - food, water and a tray.

If your efforts are unsuccessful and the cat still refuses to eat, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic.

How much a cat can starve depends on her age and state of health. A small kitten should not be left without food for more than one day, otherwise there may be a threat to his life. An adult healthy individual can do without food for 7-10 days, provided there is sufficient drinking.

If possible, even a seemingly healthy animal, which suddenly began to refuse food, should be shown to the veterinarian as a preventive measure. But there are a number of symptoms that directly indicate the need to see a specialist:

  • the animal is in pain, purrs plaintively;
  • increased or decreased body temperature;
  • vomiting or upset stools;
  • tense painful abdomen;
  • drowsiness, lethargy, inactivity;
  • muscle weakness, impaired coordination of movement.

Any of these signs should be taken as seriously as possible and not delayed going to a veterinary clinic.

Did you know? The cat cannot chew large chunks of food, because the structure of its jaws does not allow them to move from side to side.

How to get an older cat to eat

Old age of the animal leads to metabolic disorders and diseases of the oral cavity, and, consequently, to a decrease in the ability to sense the taste or smell of food. Therefore, food for an old cat or cat should be easily digestible, with a not very hard texture and as appetizing as possible. It is recommended to consume foods that have passed the "Adult Aging Cat" test.

Considering the weight, health and preferences of the aging cat, you can offer him free access to food or portioned feeding. To encourage him to eat, you should:

  • try to seduce the animal with new tastes and textures;
  • slightly heat the food, let it taste with your finger;
  • open your mouth to the animal and put a piece on your tongue, but you shouldn't do it forcibly;
  • you can offer small, thinly sliced ​​pieces of fresh raw liver or pieces of tuna;
  • many cats love it when their usual food is flavored with tuna juice;
  • try giving the cat baby food, but do not forget that it should not contain onions;
  • in more difficult cases, needleless syringe feeding can be used.
Now you know the reasons why your cat may stop eating, and what to do about it. remember, that your pet is as much a family member as everyone else. And he can also be angry, upset, or sick. Therefore, be patient and attentive to your pet, and he will repay you with his warmth and good atmosphere in the house.
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