Tomb Raider is a next generation game. Games like Shadow of the Tomb Raider

And adventure fighters from a third person, but time passed and serious competitors appeared on the gaming horizon, seriously squeezing the position of the former leader of the genre.

The relaunch of the franchise in 2013 made positive adjustments to the outdated mechanics and allowed games about Lara Croft to return to the "major league" with triumph again!

compiled in accordance with the personal gaming preferences of the author of the publication

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb

To prevent another valuable artifact from falling into the hands of the Nazis, "combat archaeologist" Indiana Jones goes to the "Celestial Empire".

It is very likely that the famous Indiana Jones movie epic was the inspiration for all adventure games in general, so it is logical that this archaeologist game has a similar gameplay.

Prince of Persia (2008)

Caught off guard by a sandstorm, the prince meets the beautiful Elika, who turns out to be the princess of a fairy kingdom. Together they have to free the land from the awakened ancient god evil - Ahriman.

The 2008 Prince of Persia game is definitely the same type of game as tomb raider, albeit with some well-known caveats. The lack of firearms is made up for by dizzying somersaults and an atmosphere of adventure.

Resident Evil: Revelations

I would never have thought that any would cause me an association with games like Tomb Rider, but as they say, the amazing is nearby :) On the one hand, there is no “sports overcoming obstacles” here at all, but the atmosphere of exploring closed spaces has a lot in common with the last parts of the "tomb raider".

Someone may joke that Jill Valentine's attractive sirloin led me to such an idea and ... there is some truth in this, but not all: faster game process Revelations, the abundance of shootings and the strong-willed character of the heroine are the main reason for the similarity.

Assassin's Creed (game series)

From time immemorial, there has been a deadly confrontation between two ancient orders, the Assassins and the Templars, who are eager to possess ancient artifacts - particles of Eden left over from the First Civilization.

Strictly speaking, it is suitable for comparison, there is also a search for various valuables, and free running “through the roof”, but I would especially single out AC Black Flag, because who better than pirates to look for treasures.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor + Shadow of War

The commander of the garrison Talion, who fell in battle against the Black Hand of Sauron, is infused with the spirit of the elf Celebrimbor, the creator of the rings of Power. Together they have a long way to go to take revenge on the enemy.

It is difficult to forget about the basics of game mechanics - the projects of the Monolith Productions studio for the Lord of the Rings franchise. Here, already due to the fantasy component from all sorts of different magical objects, it “already ripples”, and the hero has to climb a lot on vertical surfaces.

Horizon Zero Dawn

This tomb rider-type game takes us to a gloomy world of the future, in which human civilization has been thrown back in development for many millennia, and mechanical monsters have taken the place of animals.

The incredibly interesting gameplay of the PS4 exclusive makes it a pity that games like Horizon Zero Dawn do not come out as often as fans of such projects would like.

Uncharted (game series)

Nathan Drake from childhood dreamed of becoming a treasure hunter and fate fulfilled cherished dream brought together with Victor Sullivan - his future adoptive father ... and thus one of the most famous "archaeologists" in the video game industry was born.

Obviously, the developers from the Naughty Dog studio once drew ideas from games about the tomb raider (3rd person view, parkour elements, treasure hunting, etc.), but over time the situation became a mirror image - the game in the Tomb Raider style itself became an example for imitations.

Clearly no other game is quite like Shadow of the Tomb Raider, like other parts of the Tomb Raider series. Even those that were released for consoles back in the 90s feel strongly like a novelty, not to mention the later reboots of the franchise.

But in order to understand which one you should start with, you need to figure out which elements you liked the most in the last part. Rise of the Tomb Raider is the previous game in the series and features a semi-open world where you can move between huge locations while progressing through a linear story. The earlier the game was released, the more linear the levels are. But the entire Tomb of Raider series boasts the tombs and puzzles that Lara Croft fans love so much.

If you're looking for a game that takes place in the same world but differs in gameplay, be sure to check out Lara Croft GO and Lara Croft & The Temple of Osiris. The first is a turn-based puzzle where you have to move around the board avoiding traps and enemies. The Temple of Osiris is an isometric arcade game that features a co-op mode in addition to the single-player campaign.

Uncharted Series

The Tomb Raider and Uncharted series from Naughty Dog are often compared to each other. Both there and there in the center of the plot are charismatic adventurers who are ready to do anything to solve the next puzzle. But treasure hunting is not their only goal. They easily fight enemies, climb mountains and disarm traps.

Structurally, the Uncharted series, and especially the last two parts of Lost Legacy and A Thief's End, are very similar to Shadow of the Tomb Raider. For the most part, these are linear adventures with a well-developed plot, but at the same time, each individual location can be freely explored by looking under each stone. Shadow of the Tomb Raider offers a slightly more open world, but the puzzle-solving, combat, and story-centric features are still key elements in both games.

God of War

A year ago, when talking about games similar to the Tomb Raider series, we would not even think about the God of War franchise. The new part has changed a lot and has become more dramatic, telling about the exciting adventures of Kratos and his son, due to which it got into our list of games that strongly resemble Tomb Raider in their structure.

Of course, the plot of God of War is much deeper than it might seem at first glance. He is strongly associated with Norse mythology, its gods and creatures. And yet, like Shadow of the Tomb Raider, God of War is an action-adventure game.

Both games offer a semi-open world to explore, which you can freely explore, getting to know its features and inhabitants along the way. At the same time, everything that you see and where you are is highly dependent on the current progress. This means that at the very beginning you cannot go to the final location. You are limited by the plot. God of War is more action oriented than Shadow of the Tomb Raider. But the structure of these two games is almost the same.

Strange Brigade

Strange Brigade is a kind of mix between good old action movies and modern games. The main action takes place in the 1930s, somewhere in the remote corners of the British Empire. In the center of the plot - a group of four adventurers who are on the verge of destruction of Egypt are fighting with mythical creatures. The game is designed for co-op, but it is quite suitable for single-player passage. In the process, you will destroy zombies, solve puzzles, explore caves and tombs of the great pyramids.

As you move between levels, you will fight off waves of enemies. The locations themselves are distinguished by their scale, so you can explore them for a long time until you look under each stone. Like in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, in Strange Brigade you can collect items, solve puzzles. True, they are not so complicated here. That said, Strange Brigade is quite a fun futuristic game that will definitely remind you of the early Tomb Raider series and even the Mummy movies.

Far Cry 5

Of course, the main difference between the Far Cry and Tomb Raider series is that the former offers players a completely open world. If in Shadow of the Tomb Raider you can freely explore only certain locations, then in Far Cry 5 you have an entire country at your disposal. But as for the battles themselves, everything is in order with them in both parts. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, there are slightly fewer explosions and helicopter crashes, but in order to eliminate enemy groups in both games, you will have to work out tactics and conduct reconnaissance. Although it is not necessary to do this at all. In Far Cry, you get a lot more freedom of action, but after completing Shadow of the Tomb Raider, this is more of a plus, not a minus.

The same can be said for other Ubisoft open-world games. The Assassins Creed series boasts a deeply developed world. Like Shadow of the Tomb Raider, it is free to explore. In addition, stealth is an important part of combat here.

If some studio were working on new parts of the Prince of Persia series, then we would definitely include them in our list of games similar to Tomb Raider, but for now that's all.

Almost everyone knows the pretty tomb raider who travels all over the world and seeks adventure on her own head. Lara Croft doesn't take shortcuts when it comes to finding artifacts of incredible importance. Complex puzzles, armed pursuers, adrenaline rush and, in the end, a well-deserved reward - that's what awaits gamers who decide to play for this heroine. But what to do if all the games about Lara are completed, but you don’t want to start them in a new way? For such a case, there are games very similar to Tomb Raider.

Moreover, we are talking about games similar to the later Tomb Raider, which became a new milestone in the development of the series. The developers decided to restart the franchise, moving the project to a new cool engine, and creating dizzying locations. Let's see what games can compete with the new Tomb Raider, offering gamers a similar experience!

Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands - Adventures of the Prince

This project is considered one of the most successful in the line and refers to the period when the franchise was bought out by Ubisoft. In case you didn't know, after the failed 3D version of Prince of Persia, its creator decided to completely stop working on the series. Fortunately, having seen the potential of the Prince, specialists from Ubisoft gave him a new life.

The Forgotten Sands has nothing to do with the 2008 game, continuing The plot Sands of Time. At the same time, the projects are connected only by the same setting and the main character. According to the plot of the game, the Prince decides to stay with his brother Malik. However, upon arriving at his castle, he discovers that it is under siege by a huge army. Wanting to get rid of all the problems, the naive Prince summons Solomon's army with the help of a mysterious medallion. As a result, the enemies are defeated, but the soldiers of the magical army turn all the inhabitants of the castle into sand statues. The prince needs to deal with this unpleasant situation and find answers to many questions.

Adventure games and third-person shooters have become more popular these days, but The Forgotten Sands also has attractive gameplay features. Here you will move through the levels in arcade mode. You will need to go through difficult traps, solve intricate riddles, and crush the sides of opponents with the help of acrobatic stunts and special skills. There are also elements of an RPG slasher - the game character fights with huge amount enemies, gaining experience and pumping skills.

Special mention is worthy of the Prince's abilities, which correspond to the four elements:
- The power of water allows him to freeze liquids, turning them into convenient springboards for movement, and explode ice blocks, causing serious damage to enemies;
- The power of air gives the Prince acceleration, and the air whirlwind creates a mini-tornado that can scatter others in different directions;
- The power of the earth helps the hero to restore the elements of buildings, and also allows the use of stone armor - a serious defense in difficult fights;
- With the help of the powers of fire, the Prince knocks enemies aside or simply inflicts damage on them.
By managing the elements competently, you can easily cope with the most difficult tasks. True, for this you will have to train well and pump several levels.

Thief - new beginnings

We will not talk about the entire Thief series, because these games are obsolete. It's about the 2014 project, which became a restart, giving fans a new experience.

At its core, this is a stealth action game where the action takes place from the first person. The game takes place several centuries after the events of the last Thief: Deadly Shadows. Because of this, you will not be able to meet with representatives of the once influential groups of Hammerites, Pagans and Guardians. And all because they fell into decay, being forgotten. The only thing left of the once powerful organizations architectural monuments in the form of churches and cathedrals, now used for other purposes.

The missions of the game involve completing difficult tasks in stealth mode. Moreover, there are several approaches that you can choose in the process of passing. Such non-linearity allows you to use all the features of an improved combat system and pave the way to the target with dangerous weapons.

The setting is reminiscent of the Victorian era with steampunk elements. Artificial intelligence well developed - he reacts logically to the actions of the protagonist and can go in search of him even when he does not suspect anything. You need to competently steal from the characters so that they do not turn to the city guard.

Batman Arkham City - dark sequel

Before us is the second part of the Batman: Arkham franchise, which tells the story of the Dark Knight, who tirelessly defends peace and order in Gotham. His work is complicated by the fact that in addition to ordinary criminals, the city is tormented by exceptional lawbreakers like the Joker. A hospital was built for such individuals. strict regime Arkham. Only after a while so many prisoners accumulated in its walls that it ceased to cope with its tasks.

The new mayor made an unexpected act - he bought out part of the slums and organized a closed area there, where he sent all the violators. The perimeter of the area is carefully guarded by the Tiger organization. And for the "treatment" of dangerous criminals, Hugo Strange is tirelessly watching. Once having found out who Batman really is, Hugo kidnaps him, talking about plans to activate the mysterious "Protocol 10". The winged avenger manages to get out of captivity and receive a set of equipment from the faithful Alfred. Now Batman is in enemy territory and must investigate Strange's plans, bringing order to Arkham City on the side.

The graphics in the second part have significantly improved and are considered one of the best in the series. The Batman suit has received many improvements. For example, smoke grenades have appeared in his arsenal, allowing him to disorient opponents at the most opportune moment. Enemies have become diverse, they need a unique approach. The world is completely open - you can explore every nook and cranny of the gloomy slums and find a lot of interesting things there. The developers have not forgotten about puzzles - here you will be not only a merciless universal fighter, but also a detective collecting evidence or investigating cases in hot pursuit.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Industrial Revolution

The action of the new part of the game takes place on the territory of Victorian London, where many interesting events took place even without the stories invented by the writers. In the center of the plot are the twins Evie and Jacob Fry. They are assassins who dream of ridding the capital of the British Empire from the influence of the Templars. To do this, they organize their own gang and try to destroy the Hanging Man group, serving the dark forces. At the same time, Evie, with the support of the head of the London Assassins, is looking for the Shroud of Eden, a special artifact that the Templars are chasing.

The developers once again offered gamers an open game world. During the passage of the game, you will find an unforgettable action and landscapes that will take your breath away. Help the Assassins once again save the world by becoming great heroes!

Batman Arkham City Game Of The Year Edition - cool DLC

Six months after the main release was released, the developers managed to supplement the project with several DLCs. They are brought together in GOTYE and allow you to enjoy the gameplay in a new way. Be the first to join the ranks of crime fighters and restore order in the city. In additions, you can choose not only Batman - Nightwing, Robin and Catwoman are available. And if you're interested in playing for the dark side, Harley Quinn will help wreak havoc in Arkham City. She will show who really controls the government-forgotten territories of Gotham.

Tomb Raider is a multi-platform computer game, developed by the American studio Crystal Dynamics with the assistance of Eidos Montreal. The global publisher is Square Enix. Publisher in Russia: "1C-SoftKlab". The release of Tomb Raider took place in March 2013 on the following platforms: PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation3.

Tomb Raider from 2013 is not a continuation of the series and practically does not come into contact with previously released parts of the game universe. It's easier to think of Tomb Raider as a reboot or reboot of a famous franchise. As main character Lara Croft still performs, but she has changed a lot. Lara got younger, lost her large breasts and acquired realistic body proportions. Her character has also changed. The once formidable tomb raider has become softer and more naive, the severity has disappeared from her gaze. The heroine finally ceased to look like a formidable warrior and turned into the most ordinary young girl. But that's what it was overriding goal developers - to make gamers look at Lara Croft from a completely different angle.

According to the plot of the game, 21-year-old Lara, as a result of a shipwreck, falls on Mysterious Island, the coast of which is littered with the wreckage of various ships. She traveled by sea as part of a research expedition, but after the disaster, she finds herself completely alone. Lara hopes to make friends in the future, but first she needs to simply survive. Shrouded in a mystical aura, the island of Yamatai turns out to be a very dangerous place. Bandits roam here, who were once quite respectable sailors and pilots, wild animals roam here and there, it always rains and there is not enough food. Lara Croft, who lost her iron-concrete nerves as a result of the “reincarnation”, often cries and tries to somehow settle down in the harsh conditions of a tropical hell, which is a piece of land lost in the ocean called Yamatai.

A lot of emphasis in Tomb Raider is on survival. In order not to stretch her legs, Lara must get her own food - by killing deer, for example. There are other representatives of the local fauna on the island, but not all of them are peaceful and fluffy. The same wolves can attack the girl and tear her to shreds if she does not kill them first. To protect against animals (including bipedal opponents), the heroine initially uses only a bow and a pickaxe found in the dungeon, but then she acquires more powerful murder weapons: a pistol, machine gun, shotgun and even a machine gun.

The developers have made the game world more open, and within a single location, you can move around without any restrictions. The player is not forbidden to travel between the regions of the island, if, for example, one or another area has not been explored to the end. Although Lara has changed, her desire to explore the tombs has by no means disappeared. In the world of Tomb Raider, catacombs and secret caves are often hidden in hard-to-reach or inconspicuous places, and finding them can be quite difficult. But if the search ends in success, then the player gets into the good old and familiar Tomb Raider with a lot of puzzles and puzzles. Some of them are complex and can cause some difficulties. However, you can solve the problems that have arisen after activating the “Survival Instinct” mode. This mode highlights items that Lara can interact with.
