Gynecological department. Examination by a gynecologist Indications for a surgical procedure are


Our doctors, thanks to their high qualifications and extensive experience, treat all gynecological pathologies, infections, and diseases. In addition, in the early stages, it is possible to cure uterine cancer in our clinic. Treatment of this and other diseases, we carry out comprehensively, that is, therapeutically, medically, as well as an operational method.

Cancer treatment requires a clear understanding of the location, stage and type of the process. A formidable diagnosis is always terrible for the patient, the arising fear and panic do not allow him to correctly assess his condition and make a decision on the necessary treatment. In our clinic, we can carry out any diagnostic studies at the modern level to clarify the diagnosis, choose the optimal type of treatment, the necessary and radical scope of the operation, determine the need for chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy before or after the operation. In the case of detection of continued tumor growth after previously performed non-radical operations, there is always the possibility of a second operation aimed at eliminating the tumor and complications arising from adjacent organs, and improving the quality of life.

Through the use of various methods - both traditional and innovative - effective and efficient treatment of female diseases is provided. We carry out joint medical work together with the Department of X-ray Surgical Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment of the Clinic's Radiation Center, which allows us to carry out a unique procedure for the treatment of uterine fibroids: embolization of the uterine arteries. We also use conservative myomectomy, extirpation and amputation of the uterus.


The surgical block of our clinic allows us to carry out all kinds of surgical interventions, including organ-preserving ones (removal of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts while preserving the diseased organ and preserving reproductive function), using laparoscopic, endoscopic and other equipment.

  • Recanalization of the fallopian tubes. The RCM method allows you to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes. The procedure is carried out using an X-ray machine, under the control of which a special catheter with a balloon is inserted and advanced into the uterine cavity. Getting into the mouth of the pipe, the balloon inflates and expands the lumen of the pipe. The catheter is advanced until the tube is patent. But the RCM method is not always effective: in cases where the pipe is significantly tightened with an external solder, the chances of solving the problem “from the inside” are reduced.
  • Ovarian cyst removal
  • Removal of polyps
  • Extirpation of the uterus
  • Embolization of the uterine arteries
  • Amputation of the uterus
  • Elimination of purulent-inflammatory formations, abscesses
  • Plastic correction of the genitals

The gynecological department of Clinical Hospital No. 1 is designed for 22 beds. The department has 1 and 2-bed wards, as well as 1-bed superior rooms.

More than a thousand patients are treated in our department every year. On the basis of our hospital, 24-hour emergency assistance is provided, if necessary, preparation and examination for planned treatment is carried out. The department performs the following types of operations:
Diagnostic hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage (for endometrial pathology: hyperplasia, polyps of the endometrium and cervical canal).

Endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyps are observed in 5-25% of gynecological patients of all age groups. Dominated during the premenopausal period. Clinically, the pathology of the endometrium is manifested by menstrual irregularities, acyclic blood secretions from the genital tract. There are certain ultrasound signs of endometrial pathology. To diagnose and develop the correct treatment tactics, the first step is necessary - separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine mucosa under the control of hysteroscopy with a histological examination of the material obtained.

With a preserved menstrual cycle, the intervention is carried out in phase 1 of the cycle.

Hysteroresectoscopy, polypectomy, myomectomy with submucous uterine myoma nodes, endometrial ablation, dissection of the intrauterine septum and synechiae.

Endometrial resectoscopy and ablation is used for recurrent endometrial polyps, allowing targeted elimination of the polyp leg, affecting its growth zone, with recurrent endometrial hyperplasia, infertility (malformations of the uterus (septum), synechiae in the uterine cavity, submucous (submucosal) myomas which interfere with conception or carrying a pregnancy). Resectoscopy allows you to eliminate the cause of pain and menometrorrhagia, leading to anemia - submucous (submucous) myomatous nodes without opening and removing the uterus. The technique of hysteroresectoscopy for submucous myoma consists in the gradual fragmentation of the node with a resectoscope loop. If necessary, preparations are made for hysteroresectoscopy with hormonal drugs (gonadoliberin agonists, oral contraceptives, gestagens) to reduce the thickness of the uterine mucosa - the endometrium.

Radio wave surgery of the cervix using the Surgitron apparatus, including conization of the cervix (ectopia of the cervix against the background of infection with the human papillomavirus, leukoplakia, dysplasia). High amputation of the cervix in severe cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has declared human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18 as carcinogenic factors, and 31.33 and 35 as possible carcinogens. Cervical dysplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia CIN) is a precancerous disorder of the cervix. It occurs against the background of HPV infection. The frequency of CIN transition to cervical cancer reaches 40-60%. For the prevention and timely treatment of cervical cancer, a screening examination is used: annual gynecological examinations from the age of 18 or from the first year after the first sexual contact. Mandatory: cytological examination of cervical smears (Pap test). In the presence of three negative Pap tests, cytological screening is then carried out once every 2-3 years up to 50 years, once every 5 years up to 65 years. It is advisable to screen for HPV oncogenic risk. If changes are detected during screening, a radio wave biopsy is performed, conization (with CIN of 2 and 3 degrees) of the cervix with curettage of the cervical canal. The final diagnosis is established after receiving the results of the histological examination. The use of the Surgitron radio wave scalpel allows you to completely remove the altered area of ​​the cervix, to obtain high-quality material for histological examination. In addition, after the application of the radio wave method of treatment, scarless healing of the cervix is ​​noted, which is important in the subsequent planning of pregnancy and childbirth.

The operation is performed in the first phase of the cycle (from 5 to 10 days from the beginning of menstruation). Specific prevention of HPV infection is vaccination.

Embolization of the uterine arteries (UAE) with uterine myoma.

Uterine fibroids (MM) is a localized benign tumor consisting of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue elements of the myometrium. The tumor can be single, but more often multiple nodes are detected (sometimes up to 10 or more).

MM is a common disease and the most common tumor of the internal genital organs of women. The disease is detected in 15-35% of women over 30 years of age. In the reproductive age, MM occurs in 13-27% of cases. It is detected in 4-11% of all women, in 20% of women over 30 years old and in 40% of women over 50 years old. In postmenopausal women, as a rule, the reverse development of the tumor occurs. Recently, MM often occurs at the age of 20-25 years. In recent years, a relatively new method of treating uterine fibroids - endovascular embolization of the uterine arteries (UAE) - has entered clinical practice. When the blood supply to the myomatous nodes stops, degenerative processes occur in them, which leads to an irreversible decrease in the size of the nodes. There is a spontaneous expulsion (birth) of submucous nodes in the first 2-6 months after UAE.

To determine possible contraindications to UAE, at the first stage, an ultrasound examination is carried out to determine the blood flow rate in the fibroid nodes, hysteroscopy, RFE. UAE is recommended to be performed in phase 2 of the cycle on days 22-25, since during this period the blood flow in the uterine arteries is most pronounced.

The intervention is performed by vascular surgeons in an X-ray operating room with the participation of an anesthesiologist. A puncture of the femoral artery is performed, through which a special catheter is inserted into the left uterine artery. Selective angiography is performed and a substance that clogs the fibroids vessels - an embolisate is injected. The most commonly used particles of polyvinyl alcohol with a size of 355-710 microns. The catheter is then advanced into the right uterine artery, where the same process is carried out. After embolization, the blood flow in the vessels of the fibroid nodes stops, while in the normal endometrium, blood flow remains. In the first 2-3 days, infusion, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic therapy is prescribed. The development of postembolization syndrome is often observed: fever, pain in the lower abdomen, which is a natural reaction of the body to ischemia of the tissues of myomatous nodes. Until the next morning - bed rest. The punctured limb should remain in a straightened position for 6 hours. In the morning, the pressure bandage from the puncture site and the urinary catheter are removed, and the patient is activated. Control examinations after 3, 6 and 12 months. Of particular note is the use of UAE in women who wish to maintain or restore fertility. The likelihood of pregnancy after UAE is comparable to that after myomectomy. Moreover, in the group of patients in whom myomectomy is impossible or is associated with a high risk of transition to hysterectomy, UAE is the last chance to preserve fertility. EMA in our hospital is an order of magnitude lower than in many medical centers in Moscow.

In case of prolapse (prolapse, prolapse) of the genitals, extirpation of the uterus by vaginal access, colpoperineorrhaphy, levatoroplasty, Manchester operation are performed. Modern methods of treatment of prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs, allowing to avoid recurrence of prolapse: extraperitoneal colpopexy using a prolene mesh vaginal access (Perigee and Apoggia system of AMS). Correction of stress urinary incontinence using free synthetic loop urethropexy transobturator access (Monark, TVT-O).

Marsupialization, removal of a cyst of a large gland of the vestibule of the vagina.

Laparotomy, extirpation of the uterus, surgery for uterine myoma, ovarian tumors, stage 1 uterine cancer, tubo-ovarian formations of inflammatory etiology.

Operations on the appendages by laparoscopic access: external endometriosis, endomterioid ovarian cysts, benign ovarian tumors, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the appendages (including tubo-ovarian formations), tubo-peritoneal infertility, PCOS.

All ovarian masses (cysts, tumors) that exist for more than 3 months are subject to surgical removal. Laparoscopic access is the gold standard for epididymal surgery. If necessary, an emergency histological examination is carried out during the operation, which makes it possible to correctly determine the scope of the operation.

Supravaginal amputation of the uterus by laparoscopic access (with the size of the uterus not exceeding 9-10 weeks of pregnancy), myomectomy with subserous arrangement of nodes by laparoscopic access.

Now in our clinic we are treating a delicate problem - stress urinary incontinence.

The prevalence of urinary incontinence among women is 36%. With prolapse of the genitals, urinary incontinence occurs in 25-80% of patients. Shyness, as well as the attitude of women with urinary incontinence as a common sign of aging, leads to the fact that women are poorly informed about possible treatments.

The following types of urinary incontinence are shared:
Urgent urinary incontinence (UM) is a complaint of involuntary leakage of urine that occurs immediately after a sudden sharp urge to urinate.
stress urinary incontinence (stress urinary incontinence) - involuntary leakage of urine during exertion, coughing, laughing, jumping.
mixed NM - a combination of 1 and 2 types
other types of NM
Perhaps you yourself have noticed how urinary incontinence affects the professional, social and personal activity of women, leading to a deterioration in the quality of life, and sometimes to complete isolation. This is why it is vital to know that urinary incontinence can be cured.

In the gynecological department of KB No. 1 of the UD of the President of the Russian Federation, a modern method of treating stress urinary incontinence in women is used - TVT-O (TVT-O), or Free Synthetic Loop, which requires minimal surgical intervention.

There is practically no postoperative pain, and the patient can return home 1-2 days after the operation. The result is achieved by supporting the middle part of the urethra in the correct position. The operation is usually performed under intravenous or spinal anesthesia. With needles, the loop is inserted through a small incision in the anterior vaginal wall and placed under the midsection of the urethra, providing reliable support, thereby eliminating the cause of urinary incontinence. The effect occurs immediately after the operation.

The department provides treatment for patients with chronic inflammatory processes, therapy aimed at prolonging pregnancy up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Physiotherapy is widely used, if necessary, it is possible to carry out ozone therapy, plasmapheresis.

Before hospitalization for planned surgical treatment, it is advisable to consult the head. branch

First of all, I must say that all specialists, including a gynecologist, are receiving appointments at the Central Clinical Hospital. HE works as usual and receives women on the detection, prevention and treatment of gynecological diseases.

What are the categories of gynecologists

I must say that gynecology covers a huge range of female diseases, and studies the female body comprehensively. Therefore, for full-fledged work in this area, specialists of various directions are required:

1. Gynecologist immunologist.
2. Gynecologist homeopath.
3. Gynecologist endocrinologist.
4. Obstetrician gynecologist.
5. Mammologist.
6. Children's gynecologist.
7. Gynecologist, obstetrician surgeon.

All these specialists deal with women's health issues in the field of:

1. Genitourinary system.
2. The reproductive system.
3. Reproductive system.
4. Endocrine system.
5. The mammary gland.
6. Surgery.

It is also worth noting that an adult woman should regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo a gynecological examination. In addition, if she has gynecological symptoms of the following nature, then she should consult a doctor immediately:

1. Severe or pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
2. Vaginal discharge.
3. Bloody or brown discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
4. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
5. Itching and burning in the genitals.
6. Discomfort or pain during intercourse.

At what periods should a woman consult a gynecologist

There are several periods in a woman's life when the help and consultation of a gynecologist may need her. This is the beginning of sexual activity, at this moment a woman can already undergo a full examination by a gynecologist. He will conduct a visual examination, and also prescribe an ultrasound examination of the internal organs of the small pelvis. This is necessary in order to identify violations in their work, as well as to determine congenital pathologies and structural changes.

In addition, a woman should consult a gynecologist at the planning stage of pregnancy. This approach is extremely justified, since it makes it possible to enter into pregnancy completely healthy and with cured gynecological diseases. This will guarantee a good pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. Moreover, an experienced gynecologist will conduct a detailed consultation and tell the woman about all the features of this condition and prepare her for childbirth.

Further, consultation and examination by a gynecologist during menopause is necessary. A woman should definitely consult a doctor and he will explain to her how this period goes and prescribe tests. During climatic periods, it is very important to monitor hormone levels in order to avoid unpleasant symptoms such as hot flashes and surges in blood pressure.

What does a gynecologist do

Gynecological care consists in the fact that specialists identify, prevent and treat all types of diseases:

  • inflammatory processes on the internal organs of the small pelvis,
  • acute inflammation of the external genital organs,
  • treatment of complex gynecological diseases,
  • identification of congenital gynecological pathologies,
  • viral diseases of the genital area.

In addition, gynecologists carry out a number of surgical measures:

  • abortion,
  • laparoscopic operations, including diagnostic,
  • hysterological operations,
  • endoscopic operations,
  • the introduction of intrauterine contraception.

In order to identify these violations, the gynecologist prescribes a number of tests and examinations for a woman, which will enable him to correctly diagnose a gynecological disease:

1. Ultrasound examination.
2. Basic analyzes:

  • for HIV infection,
  • PCR diagnostics,
  • for bacterial flora,
  • for hepatitis.

3. Laparoscopic diagnostics.
4. Hysterological diagnostics.
5. Endoscopic diagnostics.
6. Biopsy.

In the life of a woman, there are several periods when the help and consultation of a gynecologist may need her. This is the beginning of sexual activity, at this moment a woman can already undergo a full examination by a gynecologist.

On the basis of the gynecological departments of the hospital of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31, a clinic of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian National Research Medical University has been deployed.

Gynecology of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31 is rightfully considered one of the best in Moscow. All types of conservative and surgical treatment of any gynecological diseases are used. Hysteroscopic and laparoscopic diagnostics are possible, and surgical treatment using these methods allows you to maximize the recovery period and is the most gentle for patients.

Since 2004, the hospital has firmly established a modern organ-saving method of treating uterine fibroids and adenomyosis - uterine artery embolization.

detailed information

general information

Head of Department No. 1 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.N. Kaukhova.
Senior nurse of the department - Yu.N. Tarasova.

Head of Department No. 2 - Ph.D. O.I. Mishieva.
Senior nurse - N.G. Kosolapova.

In two gynecological departments of the hospital, all types of conservative and surgical treatment are successfully used, including for the following diseases:

  • uterine bleeding of the reproductive, perimenopasal periods, menopause;
  • diseases of the cervix;
  • physiology and pathology of the postmenopausal period;
  • intrauterine pathology (uterine myoma, adenomyosis, endometrial polyps, endometriosis, synechiae, foreign bodies);
  • ovarian formations in patients of different age periods
  • inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs.

The main types of surgical treatment:

  • diagnostic laparoscopy;
  • gluttony and laparoscopic operations in the amount of amputation and extirpation of the uterus;
  • gluttony and laparoscopic operations on the appendages;
  • vaginal extirpation;
  • plastic vaginal surgery, including prolapse of the uterus and prolapse of the walls of the vagina;
  • laparoscopic infertility treatment;
  • laparoscopic organ-sparing surgery for tubal pregnancy; restoration of the patency of pipes;
  • hysteroscopic treatment of intrauterine pathology;
  • electrosurgical, laser and thermal ablation of the endometrium, uterine artery embolization.

The motto of the team of gynecological departments is
warm attentiveness to patients.

Dozens of letters of thanks come to the clinic. The implementation of highly technological methods is carried out by the doctors of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31 in close professional contact with the staff of the department.

general information

    • Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Presidium of the Board of the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, member of the New European Surgical Academy (NESA), member of the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists FIGO) - Mark Kurtser- student of the founder and honorary head of the department - Savelyeva Galina Mikhailovna, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Honored Scientist, Vice President of the Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric Faculty from 1971 to 2017.
      At the moment, the clinic's achievements are associated with the implementation of a wide range of laparoscopic diagnostic and treatment interventions on the pelvic organs. Over the past 20 years, one of the employees of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergey Vyacheslavovich Shtyrov a school of endoscopic gynecology was established on the basis of 31 hospitals. Valentina G. Breusenko- Founder of the hysteroscopic method at City Clinical Hospital No. 31. At the present stage, with the introduction of hysteroresection, laser ablation and thermal ablation of the endometrium, the arsenal of hysteroscopic operations performed has significantly increased. Since 2004, the hospital has firmly established a modern organ-saving method of treating uterine fibroids and adenomyosis - uterine artery embolization. Over the past 5 years, cooperation with the department has allowed practical doctors to defend 4 doctoral and 38 master's theses. Currently, a grant has been received to carry out scientific research on the topic "Early diagnosis of ovarian cancer". To the staff of the department: Academician of the RAMS G.M. Savelyeva, professors V.G. Breusenko, S.V. In 2003, Shtyrov was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation for the development and implementation into practice of endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment in gynecology.

general information

Embolization of the uterine arteries (UAE) is one of the modern directions of surgical treatment of uterine diseases, which consists in puncture of the artery in the thigh, catheterization of the uterine vessels and the introduction of particles of a special embolization drug.

Symptomatic or growing uterine fibroids

  • Up to 20 weeks of gestation in the absence of severe pathology of the cervix, endometrium and ovaries.
  • In patients interested in pregnancy, with a confirmed role of uterine fibroids in the pathogenesis of infertility or with a high risk of miscarriage, if it is impossible to perform a safe myomectomy.
  • As a preparation for myomectomy or hysteroresectoscopy.

Intense uterine bleeding of various etiologies, when other methods of treatment are impossible or involve a real threat to the patient's life.

When determining the indications for UAE for fibroids, the motivation of patients is important: the patient's persistent desire to preserve the uterus, avoid surgery, interest in pregnancy.

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is performed in:

general information

Robotic surgery is a new, high-tech type of minimally invasive surgery, which consists in surgical intervention through small incisions in the patient's skin and the ability to operate remotely. This ensures minimal trauma, faster recovery, shorter hospital stay, and minimizes the likelihood of further complications.

Benefits of robotic surgery

The da Vinci Si robot does not perform operations on its own, contrary to popular belief. But thanks to remote control and high-quality imaging, it allows the operating surgeon to make more precise movements and eliminates hand shake. That is, the robot follows all the movements of the surgeon, and it is not able to move or program itself.

These factors create ideal conditions for the surgeon and facilitate complex laparoscopic surgeries. As a result of the maximum accuracy of even very complex instrument movements, due to the excellent image quality and the possibility of performing surgery on small and hard-to-reach areas, the duration of hospitalization of patients is reduced, they feel less pain, lose less blood, have a better aesthetic result, undergo rehabilitation faster and more quickly return to Everyday life.

Robotic operations in gynecology, City Clinical Hospital No. 31

In the 70s and 80s, the widespread introduction of laparoscopy into clinical practice began, which was associated with the appearance of fiber optics and special instruments. As a result, not only the quality of diagnostics improved, but also some interventions on the abdominal organs became possible. By the way, in our country the experience of using laparoscopy in gynecology was summarized in 1977 in the monograph by G.M. Savelyeva - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor and our doctor, under whose leadership the first operation was carried out in our hospital after its opening in 1970.

At the moment, almost all gynecological operations are performed using laparoscopy and a robot. Robotic surgery in gynecology is one of the fastest growing fields and is used in the treatment of all benign and malignant gynecological diseases. Our gynecologists perform operations on women with a problem of genital prolapse (prolapse), including support of the pelvic floor (promontofixation using a mesh implant), removal of myomatous nodes (myomectomy) with preservation of the uterus, panhysterectomy with lymphadenectomy. Thus, operations previously performed laparoscopically can now be reliably performed using a robotic method.

Operation of uterine fibroids and ovarian formations

Today, endoscopic surgeries are routinely performed regardless of the size of the uterus. Depending on the location of the myomatous nodes and their number, removal can be done with small incisions and not resort to open surgery. In this case, uterine fibroids, regardless of their size, are removed from the abdomen in small areas using a marcellator.

Radical hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is a classic and effective method of treating oncological diseases of the uterus and appendages at the initial stage. Robot-assisted surgery makes it minimally invasive, with less blood loss and length of hospital stay.

Experience in carrying out robotic operations at City Clinical Hospital No. 31

At the moment, in City Clinical Hospital No. 31, robotic operations of varying complexity using the da Vinci robotic system are carried out on a regular basis.

Today, gynecological robotic surgeries include the removal of ovarian tumors, myomectomy, promontofixation, total and partial hysterectomies, treatment of endometriosis, as well as the treatment of endometrial and ovarian cancer.

general information

Laparoscopy is an endoscopic method of emergency and elective surgery. It allows you to view the internal organs of the abdomen through a small opening in the abdominal wall. Inspection is carried out using an optical tube. After 2-3 other punctures, the necessary manipulations with the organs are performed. Laparoscopy is practically bloodless and minimally traumatic.

At the origins of laparoscopic gynecology in Russia is the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the pediatric faculty of the Russian State Medical University Galina Mikhailovna Savelyeva. Every laparoscopy specialist rightfully calls her your Teacher.

The range of surgical interventions performed by the laparoscopic approach is wide: gynecological operations, cholecystectomy and hernioplasty, gastrectomy, pancreatoduodenal resection and operations on the colon and rectum.

general information

Ectopia of the cervix (also Ectopia of the cervical epithelium, Pseudo-erosion of the cervix, Erosion of the cervix, Endocervicosis) is the location of the columnar epithelium lining the cervical canal on its vaginal surface, which looks like a red spot around the outer opening of the canal. Ectopia occurs in about half of women of reproductive age and almost never occurs in women over 40 years of age.

general information

Hysteroscopy - examination of the walls of the uterine cavity using a hysteroscope, followed by (if necessary) diagnostic and surgical procedures. Hysteroscopy allows you to identify and eliminate intrauterine pathologies, remove foreign bodies, take tissue biopsies, remove endometrial polyps.

The indications for a diagnostic procedure are:

  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus.
  • Postmenopausal bleeding.
  • Infertility.

The indications for a surgical procedure are:

  • Submucous uterine myoma.
  • Intrauterine septum.
  • Intrauterine synechiae.
  • Endometrial polyp.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.

Contraindications are:

  • Recently transferred or existing at the time of the study, the inflammatory process of the genital organs.
  • Progressive pregnancy.
  • Profuse uterine bleeding.
  • Cervical stenosis.
  • Advanced cervical cancer.
  • General infectious diseases in the acute stage (flu, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, thrombophlebitis).
  • Severe condition of the patient with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys.

The indications for a diagnostic procedure are:

  • Submucous uterine myoma.
  • Intrauterine septum.
  • Intrauterine synechiae.
  • Endometrial polyp.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Removal of the remnants of the intrauterine contraceptive.

Indications for a surgical procedure:

  • Suspicion of internal endometriosis of the uterine body, submucous node of fibroids, synechiae (adhesion) in the uterine cavity, remnants of the ovum, cervical and endometrial cancer, endometrial pathology, perforation of the uterine walls during abortion or diagnostic curettage.
  • Suspected malformations of the uterus.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle in women of childbearing age.
  • Anomalies in the development of the uterus.
  • Postmenopausal bleeding.
  • Infertility.
  • Control study of the uterine cavity after surgery on the uterus, with miscarriage, after hormonal treatment.

The gynecological department at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences is widely known in Moscow for the highest level of treatment, qualified personnel, including doctors of the highest category, and an individual approach to each patient who turns to us for help. In the conditions of the gynecology center of our clinic, you can use medical and diagnostic paid services, of a planned or emergency nature, which differ in affordable cost.

The gynecological department of the hospital is designed for 30 beds.

The department has 1 and 2-bed wards, as well as 1-bed superior rooms.

More than a thousand patients are treated in our department every year.

Diagnostics and treatment of a wide range of gynecological diseases are carried out in accordance with international standards, using modern diagnostic and treatment methods. On the basis of our hospital, 24-hour emergency assistance is provided, if necessary, preparation and examination for planned surgical treatment is carried out.

Gynecological diseases that are treated in the clinic of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • Adenomyosis
  • Atypical endometrial hyperplasia
  • Genital prolapse (prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls)
  • Dysfunction of the ovaries of the reproductive, premenopausal periods
  • Ovarian cysts
  • External genital endometriosis
  • Incipient miscarriage
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Non-developing pregnancy
  • Acute pelvioperitonitis
  • Acute, chronic salpingo-oophoritis

Treatment methods

Therapeutic treatment of gynecological diseases in our the hospital carried out with the use of drug techniques and physiotherapy - ozone therapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound.

The department performs the following types of operations:

  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy, surgical hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage (for endometrial pathology: hyperplasia, polyps of the endometrium and cervical canal). With a preserved menstrual cycle, the intervention is carried out on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Hysteroresectoscopy, polypectomy, myomectomy with submucous uterine myoma nodes, endometrial ablation, dissection of the intrauterine septum and synechiae.
  • Radio wave surgery of the cervix using the Surgitron apparatus, including conization of the cervix (ectopia of the cervix against the background of infection with the human papillomavirus, leukoplakia, dysplasia). High amputation of the cervix in severe cervical dysplasia.
  • In case of prolapse (prolapse, prolapse) of the genitals, extirpation of the uterus by vaginal access, colpoperineorrhaphy, levatoroplasty, Manchester operation are performed. Correction of stress urinary incontinence with free synthetic urethropexy.
  • Removal of a cyst of a large gland of the vestibule of the vagina.
  • Laparotomy, extirpation of the uterus, myomectomy for myomatous nodes and gigantic ovarian tumors.
  • Operations on the appendages by laparoscopic access: external endometriosis, endomterioid ovarian cysts, benign ovarian tumors, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory diseases of the appendages (including tubo-ovarian formations), tubo-peritoneal infertility, PCOS.
  • Supravaginal amputation of the uterus, extirpation of the uterus by laparoscopic access, myomectomy with subserous arrangement of nodes by laparoscopic access.

Best gynecologists in Moscow

Doctors of the highest category are receiving patients from the capital and regions. A deep understanding of the characteristics of the female body and many years of practical experience allow the patients of the antenatal clinic to count on an accurate diagnosis and an individual treatment plan for diseases of any complexity.

Outpatient appointment

Doctors obstetrics and gynecology clinics RAS provides consultations to patients at the outpatient stage. It is possible to receive recommendations for any gynecological pathology, including the problems of hormonal contraception, hormonal treatment of various diseases, treatment of climacteric syndrome.


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