I'm used to waking up when my girl does. We are looking for each other. A new look at the world


At first I stopped in front of the inscription, rooted to the spot. Then he decided to touch the letters. The paint remained on the fingers - it had been applied quite recently. Someone was here. Someone is looking for me.
I rushed outside. Screamed:
- Aw! Is there anyone?
- Aw!
No, there was no one to answer.
Then I took the radio out of the car. I scrolled through all the stations, carefully listening to the crackling and hissing.
I immediately rushed further along the highway. Excitement and trepidation took over me. I was shaking all over. Only after several hours of travel did I realize that I should have left the answer on the wall. Or stay on your own. This gas station - a symbolic, conditional meeting place - would unite us.
But suddenly the sea appeared in the distance. A blue edge loomed on the horizon, streaking the sky. I came to the south.
Then I stopped the car and stepped towards the elements. Step by step I descended from the steep cliff onto the rocky, inhospitable shore, and for some reason my heart became heavier. At first I thought I was just worried about the inscription, but suddenly everything became clear to me.
The sea did not move.
There was no cry of seagulls, no steamship whistles, no sound of the surf. The water just stood there, as if the sea was a huge, endless lake. I scooped up a handful of water - and only then did the dark silence of the abyss move and a splash was heard. I tasted the water - salty. It was, without a doubt, the sea, only frozen, immobilized by someone’s mighty hand, and I did not know why only I was given the right to dispose of it.
And I screamed.
From pain, from despair, from the bitterness of loss. I have never appreciated the company of others. I never wanted to be with people. I never liked to chat in vain, I didn’t like conversations at all. And suddenly I realized that I couldn’t live without it.
- I'm looking for you! – I shouted as hard as I could. - I'm looking for you! Do you hear?
My scream resembled agony. It seemed that just a little more - and I would burst, explode, dissolve in space, rise into the heavens with a scream and disappear into deep space, turning into star dust.
- I'm looking for you!
And suddenly my voice changed. I heard unfamiliar notes in it. He became taller, fuller, louder.
Someone shouted along with me.
I turned around and saw you.
You stood nearby on the shore, smiling slightly. Your hands were folded into a megaphone, and you echoed me in a voice that was sweeter to me than an angelic choir, more pleasant than heavenly music:
- I'm looking for you! I'm looking for you!
And then we ran towards each other...
...I clearly remember one thing: small shore pebbles filled your sandals, and you stopped for a moment, shaking them out and looking at me guiltily. Then I thought that your eyes were the same color as this sea - only the tides still ebb and flow, and somewhere at the bottom the majestic whales sing their sad summer songs.

On April 2, I gave myself a new challenge. The task was simple: for 21 working days I had to wake up at 4:30 am. I'm already used to waking up early (at 6 am almost every day), but this time I wanted to go even further. I wanted to test myself and find out my limit.

I decided to follow this regime only on weekdays, because weekends and holidays are a different story. Of course, I don’t have time to do some things on weekdays, so I have to move them to Saturday-Sunday, but mostly weekends are a time for fun and night outs.

Yes, of course, I could follow such a regime every day, but in that case I would upset my life balance. Since I planned to continue waking up early after 21 days, it would have been a real torture rather than an advantage.

Why exactly 21 days? Well, I relied on the age-old idea of ​​Dr. Maxwell Moltz, who states that you only need 21 days to form new habits. I don't know if it actually works, I just needed to set a goal.

I have one rule that I try to adhere to: always set yourself a specific goal, because only in this way will you be able to understand whether you succeeded or failed to achieve what you wanted.

What was the ultimate goal of all this? Increased productivity, I wanted to make the most of each day. I'm always thinking about how to improve my work, how to improve my life, and I like to think through all the details and take actions that will help me achieve what I want.

I always knew that I was a morning person, and my goal was to get up even earlier every morning and see if it would increase my productivity.

So what have I learned during this time? LOTS OF THINGS.

1. If you want to change something in your life, it is very important that you have outside support along the way.

But when people find out about your new habit, they will become interested and ask questions. The most useful thing is that you will be afraid to show your weakness, and this alone is enough to prevent you from quitting what you started. Moreover, I wanted to ignite someone else with my idea. Of course, I understood that if I didn’t succeed, it wouldn’t be a tragedy, but the thought that other people could follow my example helped me move on.

2. People pay attention to details.

Some people think like this early awakenings not entirely normal, so I had to very actively defend my position in the comments. People were worried about me. People asked a lot of questions. And at the same time, people believed that they themselves would never be able to train themselves to get up just as early.

I had long and meaningful conversations with people who read my posts, and I was grateful to everyone who responded. These people gave me a lot to think about, and this article you are reading now was largely due to these conversations.

3. People don't want to wake up earlier because they think it will make them sleep less.

In the beginning, a lot of people were actually very worried about me. Most of the questions asked boiled down to one thing: when do I sleep? Of course, I planned everything in advance.

I knew very well how long it takes for my body to get enough sleep. And since I changed my wake-up time, it was necessary to also change the time I went to bed. For me it turned out to be simple. I need 6-7 hours of sleep to get enough sleep, and I had no intention of sleeping less.

So if it's 9:30 or 10:00 pm, then I know it's time for me to go to bed. To my surprise, most of the people who asked me when I slept actually slept a lot less than I did. And I began to sleep much better than before.

4. Remove obstacles that come your way

People are very fond of saying that it is impossible to do this or that. Yes, of course, there are certain circumstances that can become an obstacle. But I believe that many people are simply lazy and don't want to put in the extra effort to improve their lives. They just go with the flow, without really thinking about their real capabilities.

Yes, maybe it's easy for me to say because I had suitable conditions: I am not married, I have no children, my life belongs only to me. But, on the other hand, a lot depended on my desire and motivation.

If I lived with my parents, this would be much more difficult, because I would have to take into account my family, their habits and rhythm of life. So, I started this path, making sure in advance that nothing would interfere with me.

Think about everything that is stopping you from achieving your desired goal.

This applies not only to the desire to wake up earlier, but also to the desire to quit smoking, start going to the gym or, say, eat more fruits and vegetables. How to get rid of all the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal?

In my case, I knew that I would need the following: complete independence; the ability to fall asleep whenever I want; the opportunity not to wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, realizing that I have a lot of unfinished business; the ability to work anywhere and anytime... Fortunately, I had all this.

I usually work in startups, which means I have a flexible schedule, which is why I can start work at 4:30 am. This schedule allows me to return home earlier. Besides, no one depends on me, and I do not depend on anyone. And, despite the fact that seven other people live in the same house as me, it was easy for me to fall asleep so early.

5. Your physical condition will help you a lot.

If we talk about sleep, I was very lucky. I fall asleep very quickly (on average it takes me 5 minutes). I sleep well (I rarely wake up at night). There are no problems with waking up either: I get up immediately when the alarm goes off.

Of course, this is a consequence of my lifestyle: I eat well, exercise every day, and there are no constant and global worries in my life. And I believe that most people can also wake up earlier if they decide to change their lifestyle.

All changes start with small things, but after a few weeks or months you will realize the benefits of all these small changes.

6. Forget the phrase “Just 10 more minutes”

Many of us are guilty of this: we don’t get up immediately when the alarm goes off, but move it another 10 minutes later. Fortunately, I rarely did this, and now I am finally convinced of the futility of this activity.

If you want to wake up at a certain time, then please forget about this eternal “well, just 10 more minutes.” This will seriously affect your day: research shows that you will not get enough sleep in these 10 minutes, moreover, you will feel more tired, and this will have a negative impact on your business.

7. I love to sleep, but my body only needs 6-7 hours to get enough sleep.

After 6–7 hours of sleep, I can no longer sleep, but just toss and turn in bed. It's better to get up and do something interesting and useful. I'll sleep in the next world.

8. More time left for work

Once I started waking up at 4:30 am, I had an extra 2 hours that I could devote to work. How? As I said above, I’m a morning person and after 6 pm I can’t do anything particularly useful; my productivity drops in the afternoon.

So I moved these two evening hours, which I spent uselessly on the Internet, to the morning and could devote them to work. Now I could finish work earlier and rest exactly when I needed it.

9. I now have time to sort out my mail.

Typically, in these 2 hours I have time to answer all emails and plan my entire day. Seeing the number zero next to your inbox when it's only 6:30 a.m. is wonderful. The most gratifying thing is that few people can answer my messages at such an early hour. This is especially true for Facebook, it is the most unfortunate enemy of our time. Message after message, we can get stuck in correspondence with some person all day.

And if you think about it, you will notice that most people do not need immediate answers to all their questions, and nothing bad will happen if you answer the letters tomorrow.

10. More time to train

I went to the gym before I decided to wake up early. But since I started waking up at 4:30 am, I decided to add another workout per week. Before this, training three times a week was enough for me, but now this is not enough: I need four to five training sessions.

My early awakenings help me with this: I don’t come to training tired, as was usually the case before. Plus, I go to the gym with a sense of accomplishment - I’ve already worked for 2 hours.

11. New look at the world

My early awakenings allowed me to notice details in the world around me that I had previously paid little attention to.

Going for a run or a walk while the sun was still up was impossible before when I lived according to a standard schedule.

12. And, of course, you need willpower to change your daily routine.

If you don't have willpower, then it's more than likely that you will give up. Train your willpower, learn to achieve what you want.

In the end, if you really want to, no one will be able to stop you!

It is an irrefutable fact that in order to get enough sleep, a person must adhere to a certain sleep rhythm. The best option is night sleep, although there are other methods, for example, the so-called " polyphasic sleep" But let’s take a closer look at the usual sleep pattern.

Everyone knows the feeling when a hated alarm clock pulls you out of your sweet sleep at the most interesting moment. It takes you a long time to come to your senses, to understand where you are, and you feel overwhelmed all day. So what to do?

What time do you go to bed?

Undoubtedly, you need to go to bed before midnight, numerous evidence speaks in favor of this fact. Scientific research. Scientists' conclusions are based on the theory of circadian rhythms - the majority biological processes in the human body is subject to cyclic activity. At the same time, the peak of activity occurs during the day: from 8 am to 6 pm, respectively. A decline in activity is observed at 21-22 hours, and the minimum is observed from 23 pm to 1 am. It is at this time that the body rests as much as possible. Taking into account the need to get ready for bed and other factors (work, family), the best time to go to bed is considered to be 10 pm. But this is ideal.

What time is best to get up

Human sleep, in turn, also has a cyclical structure - it consists of phases of “rapid” and “slow” sleep. The first cycle lasts about 100 minutes, each subsequent cycle lasts 10-15 minutes less. On average it takes 1 hour 30 minutes per cycle. To get a full night's sleep, you need 4-6 cycles (multiples of the duration of this cycle), that is, on average, sleep should last 6-9 hours. Thus, a person who goes to bed at 10 pm should wake up at 4-7 am, depending on the frequency. This allows you to calculate the time period when the body is in phase REM sleep. This is the easiest time to wake up. But this is ideal.

On average, a person falls asleep in 15 minutes, so if you need to wake up at 6 am, your best bet is to go to bed at 20:45 or 22:15. Using this simple table, you can estimate what time you need to go to bed in order to wake up refreshed. right time. But this is ideal.

Of course, these figures have a highly averaged value, since There is great amount factors influencing sleep duration and quality. This should include:

  1. Floor. It is believed that women should sleep a little more than men - by 30-60 minutes on average. This is explained by the characteristics of the female nervous system.
  2. Age. Everyone knows that children sleep much more - newborns 12-16 hours a day, adults - 4-8, older people - 4-6. Accordingly, for these categories, the time of going to bed and waking up may differ significantly.
  3. Nutrition. The quality of food affects the duration of sleep and the speed of falling asleep. People who eat a “light” diet, low in fat, fall asleep faster and sleep better. Those who prefer fatty, salty and spicy foods spend much more time falling asleep, and are sometimes forced to go to bed much earlier, but they sleep good sleep they are the same.

We hope these little tricks will help you wake up easily and in good mood. Sweet dreams and pleasant awakenings to you.

Source of information: based on materials from marketium.ru

Does the time we wake up in the morning matter? How does it affect physical well-being and capabilities? spiritual development? It turns out that a lot in our lives is decided by what time we go to bed, how many hours we sleep and, most importantly, when we wake up. The mood depends on it physical tone, activity, state of mind, self-awareness, the ability to control events and even fate. Getting up in the morning determines our day, and days make up our whole life.

Vedic knowledge specialist O.G. Torsunov devotes Special attention the relationship between a person’s spiritual development and the time of his awakening.

Waking up from 2 to 3 am

Not every one of us can wake up at these hours. Such an awakening requires training, asceticism, and a very “pure” lifestyle. When all this is present, a person can wake up from 2 to 3 am without problems for physical and mental health. With such a time of ascent, the ability to move strongly and quickly along the path of self-awareness manifests itself. The activity of the Sun during these hours is weak, but the Moon continues to act on the mind very strongly. As a result, the mind is in a state of peace.

In such early hours, the most auspicious activity for a person is prayer to God, chanting the holy names, reading scriptures. The psyche at such a time of awakening becomes very sensitive, therefore, for people who get up so early, a solitary life is suitable; it is not advisable for them to spend a long time in places with large crowds of people. Waking up from 2 to 3 am is recommended for clergy and those who are detached from worldly life.

Waking up from 3 to 4 am

Anyone who wakes up between 3 and 4 a.m. also activates internal forces to understand your spiritual nature. When getting up at these hours, it is recommended to engage in spiritual practices. And if you devote your morning to prayer every day, over time you can make great progress in realizing the divine nature of all things. The mental sensitivity of those who get up at this time is not so high as to lead a solitary life, but they should communicate more often with holy people who have dedicated themselves to the service of God, and as little as possible with people with a material, sinful consciousness.

Wake up from 4 to 5 am

Waking up during these hours is responsible for our cheerfulness and ability to look at things positively. At this time, our planet Earth is in a state of optimism. That is why all birds, being in a state of goodness, begin to chirp, rejoicing at the new day. Also, when we awaken during these hours, our ability to be creative and creative is activated: we can easily develop our writing talent, musical skill, and artistic abilities. The time from 4 to 5 am is also not intended for active, energetic activity, so it is better after waking up to read spiritual books, pray, send love to all living beings, communicate with the Higher Mind, being in a state of joy and optimism.

Wake up from 5 to 6 am

People who wake up every day from 5 to 6 am acquire the ability to be alert and active throughout their lives. They easily cope with illnesses and are in good physical shape. At this time, the activity of the Sun is still low, and the Moon has already lost its activity, so the mind becomes very receptive to any information that is quickly remembered and stored in memory for a long time. During these hours it is useful to engage in spiritual practice, cognition, learning, and memorizing the necessary information.

Ideally, a person should wake up before the Earth, that is, before 6 o’clock. This way he can have time to mentally tune in with her. Then the weather will not affect our well-being. But anyone who wakes up later than 6 am will no longer be able to adapt to weather changes; his optimism will be unnatural.

Wake up from 6 to 7 am

People who awaken during this period of time rise after the Sun. This means that their vitality will be lower, and things will be unstable: with periodic victories and falls. Such a rise will also affect the state of health, which, although it will be quite strong, will be greatly deteriorated in critical situations and serious illnesses. The same applies to mental state.

Wake up from 7 to 8 am

A person waking up at this time does not use the potential that he has. He dooms himself to lower physical and mental tone. During the day, he often has a feeling of lack of time and fuss. It seems to him that he does not have time to do anything. There is an internal feeling that for some reason there is not enough strength, energy, and the concentration of attention necessary for successful activities is disappearing. There is a tendency to migraines, low acidity, enzyme deficiency, immunity decreases. Instead of activity, passivity, nervousness, irritability, fussiness, and tension are observed.

Wake up from 8 to 9 am

Getting up at these hours dooms us to life difficulties, chronic illnesses, disappointments, failures. People who wake up at this time every day often have bad habits, because they do not have the strength to overcome their character flaws. It is always more difficult for them to correctly assess the situation, see the true motives of other people’s actions and make the right decision, and this leads to the fact that they often go with the flow, lacking the determination and energy to change something in their lives.

Wake up from 9 to 10 am

People who get up between 9 and 10 o'clock are prone to depressive states, apathy, lethargy, unwillingness to live, nervous disorders. They often experience disappointment, feel deprived, offended by fate. They are subject to fear, suspicion, and anger. Accordingly, this attitude attracts suitable events and situations into life. These may be uncontrollable passions, unbridled bad habits, accidents, serious illnesses. Such people are attracted to external aggression. They can become victims of violent acts, as they are in low vibrations of destruction.

Knowing which hours are most favorable for awakening allows us to understand the reasons for events occurring in life, as well as the origins of our mood, physical activity and energy, mental state.

Wake up early, feel great and be in harmony with nature. Then everything in your life will be wonderful!

No matter how correct a lifestyle we lead, if we do not follow a sleep schedule, then all our attempts to be healthy and beautiful are broken by hours of lack of sleep. U healthy sleep there are laws, they need to be understood and strictly followed.

Of course, everyone's sleep schedule is individual. After all, there are phenomena like Margaret Thatcher, who slept 4 hours a day and that was enough for her. But the famous physicist Albert Einstein barely got 10 hours of sleep. But still, scientists have compiled some recommendations for proper sleep.

What time is best to go to bed?

Undoubtedly, sleep that begins after midnight cannot be called healthy. Since most biological processes in the human body are subject to cyclic activity. And the peak of activity occurs at daytime- from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. But the decline accordingly begins at 22-23 hours. That is, at this time the body switches to rest mode and it is easier for it to gain strength. Plus you need to take into account the time it takes to get ready for bed. It is best to be in bed at 10 pm.

The main rule- don’t go to bed on the day you need to wake up.

What time is best to wake up

Scientists have found that on average sleep should last 8 hours. Thus, if a person falls asleep at 10 pm, he should wake up by 6 am in order to get a good night’s sleep and be as alert and productive as possible during the day at work and at home.

Of course, these figures have a highly averaged value, since there are a huge number of factors that influence the duration of sleep and its quality. This should include:

- Floor

Women need to sleep longer than men, by 30-60 minutes, or even more. The female nervous system can tolerate more than the male nervous system, but it also takes longer to “reboot.”

- INage

Children sleep more than old people. So, if a newborn needs 12-16 hours a day, then 4-6 hours may be enough for pensioners. That’s why going to bed and waking up are radically different.


It is very important how a person eats; this can affect the sleep schedule, the amount of time needed to get enough sleep or the speed of falling asleep. Because people who regularly eat light, low-fat foods fall asleep faster and get better sleep. But those who cannot deny themselves fatty, high-calorie, spicy and salty foods are forced to spend more time falling asleep. Yes, and they need a little more time to wake up cheerful.

We have long divided people into night owls and larks according to the time they wake up and when they work best. I am more of a night owl than a lark, as the night is something special for me. It is at night that wonderful thoughts and ideas come to mind. But inspiration is inspiration, and life dictates its own rules, and we cannot always go to bed and get up whenever we please. You still have to wake up early in the morning.

The child must be taken to kindergarten by 8:30, and the headmistress vaguely resembles the director of my school, so I’m a little afraid of her - it’s better not to be late. You still have to get up early, and often this turns into a whole quest: wake everyone up, feed them, wash them, and dress some of them. Folk wisdom“They lifted me up, but forgot to wake me up” - this is about me. And, as always, interesting tips and a look at the problem of getting up early from a slightly different angle come to the rescue.

10. Avoid "night traps". This is when your hand reaches out to interesting magazine or a book, or maybe to the TV remote control or computer to see if anyone has commented on your post. The latter is especially dangerous, since we are all familiar with the “Honey, someone on the Internet is wrong!”

11. Dinner should be light. And avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks at night.

12. Accept bath before bed. You can use it with lavender oil - it’s very relaxing. For children, it is good to brew a soothing mixture and add it to water. Although on especially difficult days this will suit you too.

13. Try to always go to bed at the same time. And even on weekends.

14. Completely extinguish all light sources. It is best to sleep in complete darkness. If the night light is on, your body will not be able to completely relax and will be on alert all the time. What kind of healthy and sound sleep is there?!

15. Find the right alarm ringtone. It shouldn't be too soft, otherwise you simply won't wake up. But it’s also better not to choose something that is too sharp and loud. She may well be annoying. It would also be nice to put the alarm clock somewhere far away so that you have to get up for it.

16. Are you awake? How about stretching? Good and proper stretches are very beneficial. They should not be sharp, otherwise you risk pulling your leg or back or getting a cramp as a gift. Stretch gently and sweetly.

17. Charger. As children we were forced to do exercises in the gardens and primary school V mandatory. And who can boast of a daily morning routine now?

18. Glass of water. It would be a good idea to drink a glass of water after you wake up. Water will help your body wake up and remove substances that have accumulated during the night.

19. An unobtrusive reminder. Still can't wake up? Try, for example, hanging your weekly or daily plan in the bathroom next to the mirror. While you wash your face and recognize yourself in the mirror, at the same time read what you have planned.

20. Convenient clothes for getting up in the morning. This could be a robe, slippers or warm socks (very important in winter, when you especially don’t want to get out of bed).

21. Find a friend in misfortune, that is, someone who will not allow you to stay in bed after the alarm goes off. And it’s even better if this person is very positive and energetic. Then the kick will be something like a charge of vivacity.

22. Be prepared for bad surprises. When you are sleeping sweetly, you may be woken up by a late call or bad dream. And after you wake up, you may not be able to fall back to sleep quickly. Therefore, it would be great if you found your own way to fall asleep.

23. Cheer up. Upbeat music from your favorite artist in the morning is the best soundtrack for getting ready for work. Plus coffee, tea or your favorite fresh juice is the key good morning and high spirits.

24. And open the window again. Only after we woke up. More fresh air- we kick the dream out of the apartment!

One of my friends said that she found the ideal period for sleep - from 23:00 to 6:00. And she feels great if she goes to bed and wakes up within these time frames. Perhaps everyone has such a comfortable time for sleep, all that remains is to find it.

A certain Filipe Castro Matos trained himself to wake up at 4:30 in 21 days.

On April 2, I gave myself a new challenge. The task was simple: for 21 working days I had to wake up at 4:30 am. I'm already used to waking up early (at 6 am almost every day), but this time I wanted to go even further. I wanted to test myself and find out my limit.

I decided to follow this regime only on weekdays, because weekends and holidays are a different matter. Of course, I don’t have time to do some things on weekdays, so I have to move them to Saturday-Sunday, but mostly weekends are a time for fun and night outs.

Yes, of course, I could follow such a regime every day, but in that case I would upset my life balance. Since I planned to continue waking up early after 21 days, it would have been a real torture rather than an advantage.

Why exactly 21 days? Well, I relied on the age-old idea of ​​Dr. Maxwell Moltz, who states that you only need 21 days to form new habits. I don't know if it actually works, I just needed to set a goal.

I have one rule that I try to adhere to: always set yourself a specific goal, because only in this way will you be able to understand whether you succeeded or failed to achieve what you wanted.

What was the ultimate goal of all this? Increased productivity, I wanted to make the most of each day. I'm always thinking about how to improve my work, how to improve my life, and I like to think through all the details and take actions that will help me achieve what I want.

I always knew that I was a morning person, and my goal was to get up even earlier every morning and see if it would increase my productivity.

But when people find out about your new habit, they will become interested and ask questions. The most useful thing is that you will be afraid to show your weakness, and this alone is enough to prevent you from quitting what you started. Moreover, I wanted to ignite someone else with my idea. Of course, I understood that if I didn’t succeed, it wouldn’t be a tragedy, but the thought that other people could follow my example helped me move on.

2. People are attentive to details. Some people think that such early awakenings are not entirely normal, so I had to defend my position very actively in the comments. People were worried about me. People asked a lot of questions. And at the same time, people believed that they themselves would never be able to train themselves to get up just as early.

I had long and meaningful conversations with people who read my posts, and I was grateful to everyone who responded. These people gave me a lot to think about, and this article you are reading now was largely due to these conversations.

3. People don't want to wake up earlier because they think it will make them sleep less. In the beginning, a lot of people were actually very worried about me. Most of the questions asked boiled down to one thing: when do I sleep? Of course, I planned everything in advance.

I knew very well how long it takes for my body to get enough sleep. And since I changed my wake-up time, it was necessary to also change the time I went to bed. For me it turned out to be simple. I need 6-7 hours of sleep to get enough sleep, and I had no intention of sleeping less.

So if it's 9:30 or 10:00 pm, then I know it's time for me to go to bed. To my surprise, most of the people who asked me when I slept actually slept a lot less than I did. And I began to sleep much better than before.

4. Remove obstacles that come your way. People are very fond of saying that it is impossible to do this or that. Yes, of course, there are certain circumstances that can become an obstacle. But I believe that many people are simply lazy and don't want to put in the extra effort to improve their lives. They just go with the flow, without really thinking about their real capabilities.

Yes, maybe it’s easy for me to say, because I had the right conditions: I’m not married, I don’t have children, my life belongs only to me. But, on the other hand, a lot depended on my desire and motivation.

If I lived with my parents, this would be much more difficult, because I would have to take into account my family, their habits and rhythm of life. So, I started this path, making sure in advance that nothing would interfere with me.

Think about everything that is stopping you from achieving your desired goal. This applies not only to the desire to wake up earlier, but also to the desire to quit smoking, start going to the gym or, say, eat more fruits and vegetables. How to get rid of all the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal?

In my case, I knew that I would need the following: complete independence; the ability to fall asleep whenever I want; the opportunity not to wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, realizing that I have a lot of unfinished business; the ability to work anywhere and anytime... Fortunately, I had all this.

I usually work in startups, which means I have a flexible schedule, which is why I can start work at 4:30 am. This schedule allows me to return home earlier. Besides, no one depends on me, and I do not depend on anyone. And, despite the fact that seven other people live in the same house as me, it was easy for me to fall asleep so early.

5. Yours physical state will help you a lot. If we talk about sleep, I was very lucky. I fall asleep very quickly (on average it takes me 5 minutes). I sleep well (I rarely wake up at night). There are no problems with waking up either: I get up immediately when the alarm goes off.

Of course, this is a consequence of my lifestyle: I eat well, exercise every day, and there are no constant and global worries in my life. And I believe that most people can also wake up earlier if they decide to change their lifestyle.

6. Forget the phrase “just 10 more minutes.” Many of us are guilty of this: we don’t get up immediately when the alarm goes off, but move it another 10 minutes later. Fortunately, I rarely did this, and now I am finally convinced of the futility of this activity. If you want to wake up at a certain time, then please forget about this eternal “well, just 10 more minutes.” This will seriously affect your day: research shows that you will not get enough sleep in these 10 minutes, moreover, you will feel more tired, and this will have a negative impact on your business.

7. I love to sleep, but my body only needs 6-7 hours to get enough sleep. After 6-7 hours of sleep, I can no longer sleep, I just toss and turn in bed. It's better to get up and do something interesting and useful. I'll sleep in the next world.

8. More time remains for work. Once I started waking up at 4:30 am, I had an extra 2 hours that I could devote to work. How? As I said above, I’m a morning person and after 6 pm I can’t do anything particularly useful; my productivity drops in the afternoon.

So I moved these two evening hours, which I spent uselessly on the Internet, to the morning and could devote them to work. Now I could finish work earlier and rest exactly when I needed it.

9. I now have time to clear out my mail. Typically, in these 2 hours I have time to answer all emails and plan my entire day. Seeing the number zero next to your inbox when it's only 6:30 a.m. is wonderful. The most gratifying thing is that few people can answer my messages at such an early hour. This is especially true for Facebook, it is the most unfortunate enemy of our time. Message after message, we can get stuck in correspondence with some person all day.

And if you think about it, you will notice that most people do not need immediate answers to all their questions, and nothing bad will happen if you answer the letters tomorrow.

10. There is more time for training. I went to the gym before I decided to wake up early. But since I started waking up at 4:30 am, I decided to add another workout per week. Before this, training three times a week was enough for me, but now this is not enough: I need four to five training sessions. My early awakenings help me with this: I don’t come to training tired, as was usually the case before. Plus, I go to the gym with a sense of accomplishment - I’ve already worked for 2 hours.

11. A New Look to the world. My early awakenings allowed me to notice details in the world around me that I had previously paid little attention to. Going for a run or a walk while the sun was still up was impossible before when I lived according to a standard schedule.

12. And, of course, you need willpower to change your daily routine. If you don't have willpower, then it's more than likely that you will give up. Train your willpower, learn to achieve what you want.
