What are the names of black fish in the aquarium. Aquarium fish red, black, blue, white, yellow: photo with names. Aquarium fish are predatory and peaceful, peaceful: names, photos. How to choose a fish and create suitable conditions for it


Goldfish appeared almost over a thousand years ago, the first color variations of the Chinese goldfish. It is from them that the goldfish, with all its many species, has its ancestry. A goldfish tank should be large with coarse pebbles or gravel.


Beautiful fish "in the shower" remained crucians and, like crucians, dig in the ground, stir up water and dig up plants. You have to have powerful filters in the aquarium and plant plants with a strong root system or in pots.
Body length up to 22 cm. The body is rounded, with long veil fins. The coloration is orange, red, black or spotted. Through many years of selection of the aquarists of the Ancient East, it was possible to bring out a huge number of beautiful species. goldfish... Among them: telescopes, veil-tails, celestial eye, or astrologer, shubunkin and others. They differ from each other in body shape, fins, color and have long lost their external resemblance to crucian carp.



Quite a medium-sized fish that can live in aquariums from 30 liters. The classic color is brown. Often these small catfish are confused with their larger counterparts - pterygoplichts. Generally a very hardworking fish and it is good to clean the growths.


MUSHROOM is one of the most popular aquarium fish. It occurs naturally in the waters of Honduras, Central America, Guatemala and Mexico.
Viviparous fish. Males differ from females by the presence of a process in the form of a sword, hence the name. It has an interesting feature, in the absence of males, the female can change sex and grow a "sword". They are also known to eat algae and snails.


Very cute and nimble catfish corridor. We would compare them to the Pomeranian in the dog world. The bottom small fish, which does not require special conditions, feeds on what it can find at the bottom. As a rule, they are 2-10 centimeters long. Don't know who to plant in the aquarium - buy a corridor.

Botia clown

This type of fight is the most popular among aquarists. Most likely due to the fact that the clowns look very impressive, as can be seen in the photo. The peculiarity of the fish is the thorns that are under the eyes. These spikes can be extended when the fish is in danger. They can live up to 20 years.

Sumatran barb

Perhaps one of the most spectacular types of barbs - for this it is considered one of the most popular of its kind. It is necessary to keep them in a flock, which makes the fish even more spectacular. The size in the aquarium is up to 4-5 centimeters.

SIAM ALGAE- a peaceful and very active fish. The best helper in the fight against algae.
Inhabits the waters of Thailand and the Malaysian Peninsula.
In nature, it grows up to 16 cm, in captivity it is much smaller. The life span in an aquarium can be up to 10 years. Eats algae of almost all types and even "Vietnamese".
Content: 24 - 26 ° С; dH 4 - 20 °; pH 6.5 - 7

The most interesting and beautiful fish, a representative of the Cichlids family. The homeland of this fish is South America.
Discus are calm, peaceful and a little shy. They live in the middle layers of water, do not get along well with scalars and highly active fish. Should contain a group of 6 or more individuals. They are very demanding on water temperature. If the temperature is below 27 ° C, then discus get sick, refuse to eat and die.
Content: 27 - 33 ° С; dH up to 12 °; pH 5 - 6

The most unpretentious fish, ideal for novice aquarists. Habitat - Northern South America and the islands of Barbados and Trinidad.
The male has a luxurious tail with a bright and beautiful pattern. The female is twice as large as the male and not as bright. This fish is viviparous. The aquarium must be closed. It is better to keep them in a species aquarium, as active neighbors can damage their veil tails. Guppies are omnivorous.
Content: 20 - 26 ° С; dH up to 25 °; pH 6.5 - 8.5

Shark barbus (bala)

Shark bala or barbus is a fish that was named so as a result of its resemblance to sharks (this can be seen from the photo of the aquarium fish next to the description). These fish are large, can grow up to 30-40 centimeters, so it is better to keep them together with other large barbs in a volume of 150 liters or more.

Fighting fish. Found naturally in Southeast Asia.
The only drawback is that the males are very aggressive towards each other. Can grow up to 5 cm in length. Surprisingly, this fish breathes atmospheric air, due to a special labyrinth organ. Keeping this fish does not require special knowledge. It is desirable to have an aquarium from 3 liters. Variety in feed is encouraged.
Content: 25 - 28 ° C; dH 5-15 °; pH 6 - 8

Peaceful and beautiful fish. Belongs to the Labyrinth family. They are found in the waters of the large islands of Indonesia, the Malacca Peninsula, and southern Vietnam. They get along with any neighbors, grow up to 10 cm. It lives mainly in the upper and middle layers of water. They are most active during the daytime. Recommended for beginner aquarists. It is necessary to keep at least 100 liters in an aquarium with live plants and bright lighting.
Content: 24 - 26 ° С; dH 8-10 °; pH 6.5 - 7

Danio rerio

Small fish up to 5 centimeters long. It is not difficult to recognize due to its color - black body with longitudinal white stripes. Like all zebrafish, it is a nimble fish that never sits still.


Telescopes are available in gold and black. As a rule, they are not very large in size, up to 10-12 cm, so they can live in aquariums from 60 liters. The fish is spectacular and unusual, suitable for those who love everything original.

Molliesia black

There are black, orange, yellow, and mestizos. In shape, they are something in between, between guppies and swordtails. The fish is larger than the relatives described above, so it requires aquariums from 40 liters.


Pecilia are the personification of a whole genus - Pecilia. They can be of a variety of colors, from bright orange to variegated with black splashes. Fish can grow up to 5-6 centimeters.


A moral fish that does not like encroachments on its territory. Although beautiful, it requires a proper attitude towards itself. It is better not to plant them with your own kind, there is enough female and male of this species in the aquarium, they can get along with neons, guppies and other not large species.

A mobile, schooling, peaceful and very shy fish. It comes from the Rio Negro river basin.
In an aquarium it grows up to 3.5 cm, life expectancy is up to 5 years. It should be kept in a flock of 10 or more individuals. You should not add them to large fish, since neon can easily become their prey. It stays in the lower and upper layers. The size of the aquarium is selected at the rate of 15 - 20 liters per pair of individuals. Food: small bloodworms, dry flaky.
Content: 22 - 26 ° С; dH up to 8 °; pH 5 - 6.5

SCALARIUM- angel fish. Found in South America in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers.
This fish has been known to aquarists for many years. She is able to decorate with her presence absolutely any aquarium. This calm and schooling fish with a life expectancy of 10 years. It should be kept in a group of 4 - 6 individuals. A large and hungry scalar can eat small fish, such as neon. And a fish like a barb can easily pluck its fins and antennae. Prefers live food.
Content: 24 - 27 ° C; dH 6-15 °; pH 6.5 - 7.5


Tetra fish love when there are a lot of living plants in the aquarium, and, accordingly, oxygen. The body of the fish is slightly flattened, the predominant colors are red, black and silver.



Thornsia is also called black tetra. The classic color is black and silver, with black vertical stripes. The fish is quite popular, so it will not be difficult to find it in your city.


The size of the fish is different, but in general they do not grow more than 8-10 centimeters. There are also smaller species. All fish are beautiful, have a silvery color, with different shades. The fish are gregarious and live more calmly in a group.

ASTRONOTUS- large, calm and a little shy fish. Occurs in the basins of the Amazon River.
In an aquarium, it can grow up to 25 cm, the lifespan can be more than 10 years. Small neighbors can eat. The aquarium is selected at the rate of 100 liters per individual. There should be no sharp decorations, as the astronotuses in a panic can injure themselves. The aquarium must be closed. It should be fed with live food.
Content: 23 - 26 ° С; dH up to 35 °; pH 6.5 - 8.5

BLACK KNIFE- bottom and nocturnal fish. Inhabits the overgrown parts of the Amazon River.
Has an interesting body structure. Can move in any direction. In the aquarium it grows up to 40 cm. In the daytime it mostly hides. It is better to keep it alone, as clashes can occur between large individuals. An aquarium from 200 liters with driftwood, live plants and a large number of rock shelters is suitable for keeping.
It feeds on live food.
Content: 20 - 25 ° С; dH 4 - 18 °; pH 6 - 7.5

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Schooling aquarium fish: species and short description

There are aquarium dwellers that feel great and look great in pairs or even in one copy. And there are those who are better kept in groups. Flocks can be simple, in which all fish are equal and any one can become a leader, depending on the situation, or hierarchical with a permanent leader and participants who clearly know their place. Keeping a flock has its advantages: the fish are better protected from enemies, it is more convenient for them to eat, they are less nervous and, finally, look very advantageous. Let's take a quick look at the main types of schooling aquarium fish, alphabetically for convenience.


Cichlov family



Other types


Aquarium size

Water parameters

Food and diet

The striped catfish is an aquarium glutton that eats both animal feed and plant foods.

Due to the tendency to overeat, it is necessary to constantly monitor the size of his tummy and, noticing that it has increased greatly, do not feed the fish for a couple of days.

Feeding is done once a day, before turning off the lights.


Catfish compatibility

Raphael's striped catfish are peaceful bottom dwellers. They are great for multi-species aquariums and are very friendly to their medium to large sized neighbors. However, small fish will be perceived as food. Thanks to the strong armor on the body, representatives of the species Platydoras armatulus are also settled with large aggressive fish.

As neighbors, South and Central American cichlids, large tetras and other haracin, carp, gourami and other anabontids, gambusia and other catfish, which do not have a heightened sense of territoriality, are perfect. You can keep catfish alone or in a group.

When kept in a group, individuals will exhibit territorial behavior, therefore, clashes between representatives of the group are inevitable, but they will not inflict any damage to each other. As a result, they will even begin to share their hiding places with each other. In the wild, individuals of Platydoras armatulus gather in flocks for protection. Males and females If you look at the fish from above, it is noticeable that mature females are thicker than males.


Breeding of singing catfish In captivity, striped catfish are very rarely bred. It is a spawning fish, but it is bred for sale using hormonal injections. Only a few cases of successful spawning in an aquarium are known, when breeders found fry already swimming.

Also, a couple of successful breeding cases were recorded in very large aquariums, but this turned out to be very difficult and there is very little information about the process. Malek of Platidoras catfish (© Joel Rahkonen) In the wild, females of Platidoras lay eggs for fertilization in rivers and streams. It is also known that the smaller representatives of the Bronyakovs are also called nest builders.

In the aquarium, they can collect various debris, or find places with leafy debris or pieces of wood and try to hide under them. Then another fish of the same species swims through the "nest", but this will not be a fact of successful fertilization and subsequent reproduction.

Platidoras striped catfish: content, compatibility, photo-video review

Catfish platidoras is one of the most popular catfish-like fish in our aquariums. The striped catfish is very beautiful. Wide black and white stripes run along the entire body. This color is especially clearly visible in young individuals, with age the stripes become less noticeable. In nature, these catfish reach up to 20 centimeters in length, and in an aquarium up to 16 centimeters.

The behavior of Platidoras catfish is curious, but it is worth noting that they prefer a nocturnal lifestyle, if the environment becomes comfortable, then the catfish can actively explore the aquarium during the day.

Catfish are peaceful and hardy. Platiodras will perfectly fit into a general - multi-species aquarium. Soma belongs to the Bronyakov family (Doradidae). The name of the family reflects the essence of this catfish - they have strong skin, a well-developed occipital shield in the front part of the dorsal fin, and bony outgrowths along the lateral line, forming spiny bony shields.

A very interesting fact about this catfish is that it "knows how to sing" and they are called "singing catfish". This is due to the ability of Platidoras and other catfish of the Doradidae family to make sounds. Chirping sounds are produced by rubbing the pectoral fins against grooves in the shoulder joints, while crackling sounds are produced by an elastic spring mechanism that vibrates the swim bladder. From the Bronyakov family, the catfish Acanthodoras spinosissimus and Acanthodoras cataphrectus are also “singers”.

The striped placidoras easily tolerates the harsh environmental conditions. Despite the fact that individuals of this species are predominantly nocturnal, they often swim out of their hiding place in order to explore all corners of their aquarium during the day. They love to bury themselves in soft river beds, so be prepared to provide them with a corner of good sand and gravel. Platidoras prefer dim lighting, so the water surface of the aquarium can be “covered” with floating plants (pistia, duckweed) or you can buy a special lamp for catfish-like fish. The aquarium is also equipped with a variety of shelters - voids in snags, clay pots or plastic pipes of various sizes. Platidoras and plants are absolutely compatible, but plants are not required. Catfish get along well with non-predatory medium-sized neighbors. Do not add too small fish to the catfish, they can become a snack for him.

Description of Platidoras

The body has a cylindrical arrow-shaped shape with a flat abdomen. Females are larger than males, especially when viewed from above. As mentioned earlier, in the wild, catfish reach 20 cm in length, and sometimes 24 cm individuals are found. In an aquarium, the average length of adult fish is 15.5 cm. The average life span of Platydoras is 20 years. The color of their body can be either dark brown or black, with clearly visible white horizontal stripes, creating an alternating pattern. The muzzle, the lower part of the head and the anterior edge of the pectoral fins are white in color. The older the fish, the less sharpness of the pattern it has. The catfish have a large head with large eyes. The mouth is wide; there are two pairs of antennae. They are found on either side of the mouth, one on the lower and one on the upper jaw. There are strong spines on the pectoral fins, which the fish can rigidly spread to the sides, and the internal spines can be used to strike. The spikes are often tangled in the net and are easily pricked. The external similarity of the striped platidoras with the long-nosed catfish Orinocodoras eigenmanni often makes it difficult to identify them when sold. To determine the species, just look at the muzzle and adipose fin. The long-nosed catfish has a much longer muzzle and fin.

Water parameters for pH content: 5.8 - 7.5, water temperature: 23.9 - 30.0 ° C. dH 2 -20 °. The minimum volume for a catfish tank is 120 liters. Since this freshwater inhabitant is unpretentious in terms of keeping conditions, it is enough to change 30% of the water every month. Like most catfish of this family, Platidoras prefers medium hard water saturated with oxygen. It is imperative to have shelters and dim lighting in the aquarium. Voids in roots or snags, clay pots, parts of plastic pipes are suitable as nooks. Platidoras like to bury themselves in the soft river bottom, so good sand or gravel should be in the aquarium. These catfish do not nibble on aquarium plants and only eat small algae. With the coming of night, Platidoras get out of their hiding places and start digging the ground in search of food. As a result, oozy deposits can build up on plants with small leaves. To observe the activity of the fish at night, you need to install a red or moon-colored LED backlight.

Feeding Platidoras. Striped catfish is omnivorous and unpretentious to feed. In the wild, they feed on shellfish, crustaceans, and detritus. These catfish are benthophages and feed on anything that reaches the bottom. You need to feed them daily. Since Platydoras armatulus is nocturnal, a good time to feed is when the aquarium lights are turned off. But be careful not to overfeed the catfish! There are cases when fish died from overeating. The diet should mainly contain protein food, as well as a vegetable component.

Catfish eat with pleasure live moths, earthworms, tubifex. Since they eat everything that they find at the bottom, both frozen food and flakes that have sunk to the bottom are good for them.

Feeding aquarium fish must be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotuses. Article "How and how much to feed aquarium fish" talks about this in detail, it sets out the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime of fish.

In this article, we will note the most important thing - feeding the fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, you need to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include in its diet food either with the highest protein content or vice versa with plant ingredients.

Dry food is, of course, a popular and popular food for fish. For example, every hour and everywhere you can find food of the company "Tetra" - the leader of the Russian market on aquarium counters, in fact, the range of food of this company is amazing. In the "gastronomic arsenal" Tetra includes as individual food for a certain type of fish: for goldfish, for cichlids, for loricaria, guppies, labyrinths, arowans, discus, etc. Also, the Tetra company has developed specialized feeds, for example, for enhancing color, fortified or for feeding fry. Detailed information about all Tetra feeds, you can find on the official website of the company - here.

It should be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy food by weight, and also keep the food closed - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

Platidoras compatibility

Peaceful, gets along with any kind of aquarium fish. They are great for multi-species aquariums and are very friendly to their medium to large sized neighbors. However, small fish will be perceived as food. Thanks to the strong armor on the body, representatives of this species are also lodged with large aggressive fish. As neighbors, the South and Central American cichlids, large tetras and other haracin, carp, gourami and other anabontids, gambusia and other catfish, which do not have a heightened sense of territoriality, are perfect. You can keep catfish alone or in a group. When kept in a group, individuals will exhibit territorial behavior, therefore, clashes between representatives of the group are inevitable, but they will not inflict any damage to each other. As a result, they will even begin to share their hiding places with each other. In the wild, Platidoras gather in flocks for protection. See also article "Compatibility of aquarium fish".

Sexual dimorphism and reproduction of Platidoras

If you look at the fish from above, it is noticeable that mature females are thicker than males. In captivity, striped catfish are very rarely bred. It is a spawning fish, but it is bred for sale using hormonal injections. Only a few cases of successful spawning in an aquarium are known, when breeders found fry already swimming. In the wild, females of Platidoras lay eggs for fertilization in rivers and streams. It is also known that smaller representatives of the armored ones are also called nest builders. In the aquarium, they can collect various debris, or find places with leafy debris or pieces of wood and try to hide under them. Then another fish of the same species swims through the "nest", but this will not be a fact of successful fertilization and subsequent reproduction.

Habitat and history of the Platidoras striped catfish

Beautiful photos with Platidoras

Interesting video about Platidoras

Large fish for home aquariums

Arowana. Red-striped mastacembelus. Red-tailed catfish

The pseudoplatistoma is striped. Shark catfish. Moray eel freshwater

Pseudoplatystoma striped (lat. Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) is a large freshwater fish, which is also called "paddlefish". There are two pairs of antennae on the lower jaw, and one pair on the upper jaw. To keep fish, you need a spacious aquarium with a volume of 500 liters or more. Pseudo-Platystopa striped is a predatory fish. The color of the body is steel-gray, black stripes with branches and original patterns stand out along it. Active at dusk. Who does such a large pet get along with? It is advisable to settle her alone in a spacious tank. But the aquarium will need even more spaciousness, and a successful neighborhood will only work with fish at least a meter in length (the length of the pseudoplatistoma striped is 150 cm). The neighbors should have a tall body and an active, mobile disposition. These catfish also dislike aggressive fish. They lack scales, the skin is soft, which is easy to damage.

Pangasius Siamese, or shark catfish (lat.Pangasius sutchi) is a large freshwater catfish with a mobile character. The body is torpedo-shaped, the head is slightly flattened, the eyes are black and mobile. Outwardly it resembles a small shark. Adults are characterized by a dark color and a silvery belly. Young catfish have several gray stripes along the body, the color of the whole body is bright silver.

Pangasius are voracious pets that can eat anything edible. You can give insects, worms, fish meat, shrimp, food with plant components, cereals (buckwheat, rice, oat in the form of cereals) as food. But it is important not to overfeed the catfish, and to do a fasting day once a week. The length of this fish in nature is 150 cm. In an aquarium it can grow 20-30 cm long. It is unacceptable to settle them in aquariums less than 150 liters, because they need a large swimming space.

Look at feeding large aquarium fish.

Freshwater moray eel is a fish with an interesting appearance, which can be found not only in marine aquariums. It lacks paired fins, the gills are pushed back. Instead of scales - skin, and the muzzle looks very frightening. Despite its appearance, moray eels are sensitive to environmental conditions and live in the aquarium for only 2 years. In the absence of shelter in the aquarium, a lot of mucus appears on the skin. The body color is gray, dirty brick, albinos are less common.

Moray eels can be kept in fresh water, but if their health worsens, it is better to salt the water with sea salt with a concentration of 5 ppm and higher. The allowed water temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius. The aquarium should have aeration, good filtration, and sufficient cave cover. The reservoir must be covered with a lid, and the openings in the devices must be covered with a net. Body length - 70 cm. Moray eels live with large and non-aggressive fish, who love salted water. Can be kept in a species aquarium. You can feed adults with frogs, fish, shrimps 1 time in 7 days, young animals - three times a week.

Long fish like a worm


I present to your attention a very interesting inhabitant of the aquarium, similar to a long worm - AKANTOFTALMUS ( Acanthophthalmus ) !

These serpentine fish are often found in our aquariums and deserve attention, because in addition to their decorative properties and an interesting worm-like body structure, they perform useful functions in the aquarium.

These fish worms come from Indochina and the islands of Southeast Asia. They appeared in the expanses of the former USSR in the 70s. Fish have a long striped body, the size of which can reach 12 centimeters. Thus, by purchasing a couple of acanthophthalmuses in a year you will get good such worms the size of a palm)))

Acanthophthalmus are bottom fish that burrow into the ground or hide in shelters. They do not like bright light and lead a gloomy lifestyle. Due to their secretive lifestyle, these worms may not be seen for weeks. And you also need to be very careful when you take out the decor from the aquarium (for example, for cleaning), because these minke whales carefully hide in them, they can fall out and remain somewhere on the carpet.

These worm fish do not need special feeding, since they are orderlies of the aquarium world - they clean the soil and eat the remains of fish food. In this connection, they are not only unpretentious fish, but provide an irreplaceable service to the hostess, helping in cleaning the aquarium.


Detachment, family: carps, loaches.

Comfortable water temperature: 22-30 ° C.

Ph: pH 6.5-7.2.

Aggressiveness: not aggressive 0%.

Compatibility: with all kinds of fish.

Aquarium for aquantophthalmus: any, preferably wide.

All acanthophthalmus can be divided into types:

Acantophthalmus Kühl

Acantophthalmus Meisser

Acantophthalmum semi-spotted

Here are the sex differences of worm fish,

in the photo there is a male and a female of aktophthalmus

It seems to me that the acanthophthalmus worms deserve the attention of both a novice aquarist and a sophisticated pro. They will bring a variety of shapes to your aquarium world.

Platidoras striped: content

Aquarium size

Water parameters

This is not to say that the striped catfish is a fussy aquarium, but there are rather strict requirements for water indicators.

  • the content of calcium and magnesium oxides (hardness) - 6–15 ° dH;
  • pH (acidity) - 5–7 pH;
  • water temperature - 22-30 ° С.

The most comfortable habitat for catfish is a soft, neutral environment without salts, heated to 26–30 ° C. This is not surprising, because in their homeland in South America, rivers are filled by rains and melting mountain snows.

However, most of the tropical fish sold in Russia are bred and raised by domestic aquarists.

But the presence of aeration, filtration and the creation of a small bottom current will significantly improve the well-being of the fish. Do not forget to change 25-30% of the water in the container once a week.

Soil composition and bottom design

Food and diet

The striped catfish is an aquarium glutton that eats both animal feed and plant foods. Feeding is done once a day, before turning off the lights.

Platidoras eats the following sinking foods with pleasure:

  • live and frozen bloodworms, tubifex, enchitreus, grindal, cortetra, earthworms;
  • small pieces of meat and fish, caviar of other fish, various crustaceans;
  • special tableted, granulated feed, flakes;
  • zucchini and cucumber slices, spinach, lettuce and seaweed.

It is important that the protein component of the diet is 3-4 times greater than the amount of plant components. In search of food, striped catfish leaves at dusk and remains active all night. The fish picks up food from the bottom or searches for it, loosening the soil, which helps to keep the aquarium clean and improves the aeration of the substrate.

Compatibility and livability

Fry and small fish several centimeters long are perceived by striped catfish as an aquarium delicacy and will certainly be eaten as soon as possible.

The situation can be saved only by the presence of extensive dense thickets of tall or floating plants, in which small fish can safely hide.

With larger specimens, the catfish behaves peacefully and does not offend them.

Good neighbors to live with Platidoras will be

  • Cichlids,
  • Goldfish,
  • Scalars,
  • large Gourami and Barbs.

The striped catfish carefully guards its territory.

Reproduction of Platidoras

Summing up

The striped catfish belongs to aquatic organisms with an average complexity of keeping. The parameters and conditions for a comfortable stay coincide with the requirements for keeping most "serious" aquarium fish. Therefore, if a large aquarium is launched, equipped with filtration, aeration and water heating mechanisms, and the presence of small schooling fish is not expected, then Platidoras can be safely settled in the reservoir. A fish with a restless character and charming appearance will become a real decoration of the aquarium and will bring a cheerful confusion to the measured life of its inhabitants.

Most hobbyists can only afford to set up small aquariums. Such models, with a capacity of up to 100 liters, are perfect for the interior of the apartment. These small tanks are easy to maintain and cost-effective, as are the small aquarium fish that inhabit them.

Breeding fish is a fascinating and at the same time, complex process, the main thing in which is the result, namely, the contemplation of the colorful living underwater world. The advantages of large aquariums in this sense are high, however, compact versions can also successfully fulfill this decorative function. It all depends on how well you select its inhabitants - the smallest fish.

Viviparous small fish

An excellent option is to breed the most persistent fish - guppies. They are not the smallest, but they demonstrate high vitality and are the most hardy of the flock inhabitants of the home "reservoir". Your aquarium will be filled with bright colors, thanks to the main beauty of these schooling fish - the caudal fin, especially if you purchase interesting specimens. A flock of 15 - 20 fish will color your aquarium with bright lights.

A wonderful solution for settling a small aquarium will be swordsmen, which got their name due to the fact that a xiphoid process appears on the caudal fin of males during puberty. Feeding the swordsmen will not be difficult, because a variety of food suits them: dry, live, and frozen. You should not breed them in aquariums with a capacity of more than 50 liters, because swordsmen in such conditions can grow up to 10 - 12 cm.The most ideal recipe for breeding them: run a company of 15-20 waterfowl in 50 liters of water with a temperature of 20 - 25 and, voila ... Your eye is already delighted with the magnificent red, black, green and even spotted and brindle representatives of this genus.

A flock of 10 miniature mollies of an elegant black color will look very interesting. However, such a sophisticated beauty requires better care. The guarantee that they will give you joy from their contemplation is bright light and periodic salting of water, maintaining the temperature at least 20 ° C.

Spawning fish

Among this type of aquarium pets, barbs (Sumatran, fire, black-striped ruby, tiger) are widespread, which prefer live food and grow up to about 6 centimeters. They are quite unpretentious, but they should be purchased in pairs. These smallest aquarium pets cannot be lodged with relatives of the veil forms because barbs are able to nibble on their fins.

See how the barbs look live.

The presence of the smallest aquarium fish - zebrafish or zebrafish inle will be effective. These most active and very playful small schooling fish prefer live or dry food, and their size reaches 3 - 5 centimeters. Unfortunately, excessive mobility of waterfowl is dangerous for them. Often zebrafish jump out of their pool, so only closed aquariums are suitable for growing them.

Talking about the smallest fish for breeding, one cannot but mention the well-known neons. These smallest inhabitants of indoor ponds are famous for their amazing color, or rather the neon glowing strip that runs through the entire body. Like all small fish, neons are schooling, so it is worth settling them in groups of 10 or more.

Look at the neon aquarium.

Whichever schooling fish you choose, it is very important to understand that their attractive colorful appearance and cheerfulness depend entirely on you. It must be borne in mind that the minimum permissible volume of water for each instance cannot be less than 3 liters. Too many water dwellers will turn your source of inspiration and positiveness into a kind of "communal apartment" and will not have the best effect on their behavior. Maintaining an optimal temperature, a weekly water change of 20 percent, an aquarium filter, aeration and suitable food - these simple procedures will help you to enjoy the contemplation of the splendor of the bright colors in the aquarium.

And here's another great selection of nano fish - take a look:

Popular aquarium fish


Speaking about the popularity of fish, it should be said that this concept has a meaning: prevalence among aquarists, availability, ease of maintenance - unpretentiousness of fish, etc. That is, a popular fish is a fish that has earned prestige and demand in the aquarium market. Popularity does not depend on the size or type of fish. As a rule, this question is asked by novice aquarists who are going to purchase or purchase additional fish.

In this connection, you should pay attention that when buying fish, first of all, you need to take into account the compatibility of aquarium fish, and only then their popularity.
So, we present to your attention our selection of the most popular aquarium fish (in alphabetical order, with photos and descriptions).

The most popular sucker catfish. Ancistrus are not whimsical in their content, they are orderlies of the aquarium world. They have a sharp character and can even chase small, neighboring fish.
Detachment, family: carps, chain catfish.
Comfortable water temperature: 22-24 ° C.
Ph: 6,5-7,5.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 10%.
Ancistrus has a mouth with horn-shaped suction cups, which actively scrapes algae in the aquarium - it cleans the walls of the aquarium and eats dead organic matter. He eats any live and dry food with pleasure. The activity of these catfish manifests itself with the onset of dusk or when the aquarium lighting is turned off during the day.

It is difficult to call these fish easy to keep, since they belong to the family of cichlov fish, moreover, they are large, predatory fish. Nevertheless, thanks to their beauty, their qualities: demeanor, intelligence - astronotuses have won a leading position in popularity among cichlids.
Detachment, family: cichlids.
Comfortable water temperature: 22-28 оС
Ph: 6,0-7,5.
Aggressiveness: aggressive 99%
Aquarium volume for astronotuses it should be from 300 to 500 liters.
Aeration, filtration, regular water changes are required (weekly 30%). Particular attention should be paid to filtering - it must be powerful (the second filter will not be superfluous). The aquarium can be decorated with large stones and driftwood, the decor should not be sharp. Provide hiding places for fish.

An amazingly diverse family of fish. Nimble, schooling fish, which are interesting to watch. Barbs live relatively peacefully with similar medium-sized neighbors in the aquarium, but they can nibble on smaller and weaker fish.
Detachment, family: carp.
Comfortable water temperature: 21-23 ° C.
Ph: 6.5-7.5.
Aggressiveness: quite aggressive 30%.
Sumatran Barbus Compatibility: barbus, gourami, moths, parrot, catfish, thorns, tetri.
Most of these fish species can be kept in aquariums from 50 liters. They usually have a life span of 3-4 years in an aquarium. When keeping barbs, you need to take into account the characteristics of a particular species, since the variety of different options for this fish often confuses novice aquarists.

Everyone knows these fish, even those people who have never kept an aquarium. This is not surprising because they were the most popular inhabitants of all Soviet aquariums. Guppy fish also earned their popularity: unpretentiousness in nutrition and maintenance, resistance to unfavorable conditions of detention and low price.
Poecilia reticulata or Lebistes reticulata
Detachment, family: Peciliae (Poeciliidae).
Comfortable water temperature: 2 0 - 26 ° C.
Ph: 6,5 - 8,5.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 0%.
Guppy compatibility: compatible with all non-predatory and small fish.
Over the years of keeping guppies in aquariums and careful selection, many species of guppies have been obtained, the care of which and their maintenance is not at all so easy. Currently, it is very difficult to classify guppies, since as a result of numerous crosses, more and more new breeds are bred every year.
Gupeshk can be kept in a general aquarium (but not with fast-swimming species that can cut off their fins) from 60 cm in length, in places with dense thickets of plants, including small-leaved ones, reaching the surface of the water (among them, Indian limnophila and lustrous are desirable), floating plants with roots hanging down; and Riccia, where the fry will find shelter. Guppies are undemanding to the volume of the aquarium.


Another large family is labyrinth fish. The beauty and popularity of these fish lies in their diversity and beauty. And also in the fact that they are not demanding on aeration of the aquarium and can do without it for a long time. This is due to the fact that the gourami are home to the rice fields of Asia, where there is little oxygen in the water, and the water itself is stagnant. These fish, as a result of evolution, have learned to breathe atmospheric air, which they capture from the surface of the water with the help of a gill labyrinth.
Detachment, family: labyrinth.
Comfortable water temperature: 24 - 28 ° C.
Ph: 6,5-7,5.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 40%.
For maintenance, you need a lighted aquarium (overhead lighting) with a volume of 100 liters or more with thickets of living plants and free swimming space. Presence of snags is desirable (fish constantly keep near them). Filtration, light aeration and weekly changes of up to 30% of the water volume are required.

These are small, nimble fish, which mainly swim in flocks near the surface of the water. Pink danios are especially popular. They are unpretentious in content, inexpensive, they can get along even with large, non-predatory neighbors. An interesting fact about zebrafish is that these are the first fish that have undergone the now fashionable trend. GloFish- an artificially bred form of luminous fish.
Danio pink Brachydanio albolineatus
Detachment, family: carp.
Comfortable water temperature: 21-25 ° C
Ph: 6.5-7.5, water hardness: 5-15 °.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive. Fish are kept in an aquarium in a flock (from 6 specimens) in an aquarium with a length of 60 cm and a volume of 20 liters.

Discus are the kings of the aquarium. These fish cannot be called easy to maintain, unpretentious. Moreover, their cost is very biting, and their character is so capricious that sometimes even an experienced aquarist finds it difficult to cope with them. Nevertheless, the disc-shaped body of these South American cichlids, their coloring is simply mesmerizing. This fish is popular because everyone wants to have it in their aquarium, but not everyone can handle it.
Blue Discus Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi
Detachment, family: South American cichlid.
Comfortable water temperature: 25-30 S.
Ph: 5,8-7,5.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 10%.
Discus is a large fish. In the natural environment it reaches a length of 20 cm, in aquariums the size does not exceed 12 cm. The shape of the body is disc-shaped. The dorsal and anal fins are very long and go around almost the entire body. The pelvic fins are narrow. The body is brown with vertical blue stripes. The whole body is adorned with numerous blue touches. Males are larger and brighter than females, fins of males are more pointed.
Discus are demanding in maintenance - they need a tall and spacious aquarium to keep them. The minimum aquarium size for a couple is 150 liters. However, the fish are schooling and for its maintenance (5-6 individuals) an aquarium of 300 to 500 liters is needed.

Here we are with you and got to these gorgeous representatives of the aquarium world. Perhaps, these fish are not only known, but also seen by everyone. After all, even with mother's milk, we all heard the fairy tale: "About the fisherman and the fish", where this popular fish, or rather the veil tail, became the prototype of the mistress of the sea. In addition, since time immemorial, namely from the time of Ancient China, monks have been engaged in the selection of these fish, while obtaining amazing forms from the progenitor of all Goldfish - the goldfish.
Detachment, family: crucian carp.
Comfortable water temperature: 18-23 ° C.
Ph: 5-20.
Aggressiveness: 5% are not aggressive, but they can bite each other.
Compatibility: with all peaceful and non-aggressive fish.
Many novice aquarists, trying to make friends with these fish, take a whole horde of young scrofula. However, you should always remember that this is a large species of fish and for a couple of Goldfish you need an aquarium of 100 liters or more.

This is a family of chain-mail catfish. Popular, easy to maintain, not whimsical, peaceful catfish. Have intestinal respiration, i.e. can breathe booty - anus.
Corydoras paleatus
Detachment, family: armored catfish.
Comfortable water temperature: 24-25 ° C.
Ph: 6,0-7,0.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive.
Compatibility: any fish. Not only are not desirable - labeo, battle modest, well, and ancistrus, tk. they chase them (although it looks more like a game). Large cichlids are also not the best neighbors. The most famous catfish and excellent aquarium orderlies - keeping them with "Goldfish" you will ensure the cleanliness of the soil in the aquarium.

Another member of the labyrinth fish family. In this topic, it is highlighted separately, since lalii have a calm and peaceful disposition. Unlike gourami, they coexist peacefully with the most harmless fish.
Detachment, family: labyrinth.
Comfortable water temperature: 18-20 ° C.
Ph: 6,5-7,0.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 10%.
Lyalius is one of the most beautiful, attractive fish of the labyrinth family. Small fish in the aquarium can reach 5-6 cm. The body of the fish is flat. The color of lalius is greenish-blue with transverse stripes of red and blue-blue, the abdomen near the gills is blue. Lalius's fins are covered with red spots. The male lalius differs from the female in a brighter color. They are the same size. Lalius do not live long, only 2-3 years.
The fish has a shy nature. It is advisable to place lalius in an aquarium with calm, peaceful fish. It is recommended to keep the felling in a flock of 3 or more, so the fish feel more confident.

Bright, lively representatives of viviparous fish. They are hardy, active, inexpensive in price. It is possible to keep with peaceful cichlids, for example, with scalars.
Xiphophorus helleri
Detachment, family: peciliaceae.
Water temperature: 20 - 25 ° C.
Ph: 7,0 - 7,5.
dH: 5-20 °.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 10%.
These fish have a variety of shapes, types and colors. They have a specific tail fin inherent only in them, for which they, among the people, got their name. In addition, swordtails belong to the species of viviparous fish and therefore their breeding is not difficult.
The combination of the above factors affected not only the popularity of these fish, but we can say made them popular.

Neons are one of the smallest aquarium fish, they look beautiful in a flock. Absolutely peaceful, harmless fish that you can talk about for hours.
Detachment, family: carps, haracin
Comfortable water temperature: 18-24 ° C
"Acidity" Ph: 5.5 - 8 °.
Hardness dH: 5-20 °.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 0%.
Complexity of content: easy.
Neon Compatibility:
Not compatible:
Cockerels or Bettas

A very beautiful fish, its veiled tail and fins are simply mesmerizing. The color of the fish is different. Most often, an ink color with a reddish tint is found. Males are colored much brighter, fins are longer than females. The size of the fish is up to 7 cm.
Detachment, family: labyrinth.
Comfortable water temperature: 22-24 ° C.
Ph: 6,0-7,5.
Aggressiveness: males are aggressive towards each other.
Compatibility: with all the peaceful fish. You should not plant to swordsmen, barbs, gourami, especially to cichlids.

The scalars are popular American cichlids. They are supportive of peaceful and not very large neighbors. The scalar does not uproot aquarium plants like many cichlids do.
Latin name: Pterophyllum scalare.
Detachment, family: Perchids (Perciformes), cichlids, cichlids (Cichlidae).
Comfortable water temperature: 22-27 ° C.
"Acidity" Ph: 6-7,5.
Hardness dH: up to 10 °.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 30%.
Complexity of content: easy.
Scalar compatibility: although scalars are cichlids, they are not aggressive. Even small, peaceful fish and even live-bearers are favorably disposed towards. As neighbors, you can recommend: red swordtails (look great with black sclyars), thorns and other tetras, danios, all catfish, gourami and lalius, parrots and elow, other non-aggressive cichlids.
These South American cichlids simply fascinate with their elegance and beauty of sailing fins, which, like angel wings, support it in measured weightlessness. Actually, it is not for nothing that these fish are called Angels abroad.

The thornsia is a small, popular dark silver fish. It can be found in any pet store and in many home aquariums. Its unpretentious maintenance, ease of breeding, peaceful nature - deserves the attention of beginners in aquaristics.
Latin name: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
Synonyms: Black, mourning thorns.
In English: Black skirt tetra, Black Widow tetra, Black tetra.
Detachment, family: Kharacin.
Comfortable water temperature: 21 - 24 C.
"Acidity" Ph: 5,7 - 7,0.
Rigidity: up to 6-16 °.
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 20%.
Complexity of content: easy.

Takarkatums are one of the most common catfish in our aquariums. Their popularity is due to the unpretentiousness of the content, endurance and peaceful disposition of these fish.
Latin name: Hoplosternum thoracatum.
Correct name: Many call this fish tarakatum, probably comparing it to a cockroach, but it is still correct to say thoracatum, from the Latin "thorax" - shell.
Synonyms: Torakatum, hoplosternum, toraktum catfish, catfish tarakatum.
Detachment, family: Armored catfish.
Water temperature: 22-28 ° C.
Ph "acidity": 5,8-7,5.
dH: Up to 25 °.
Aggressiveness: Not aggressive 0%.
Complexity of content: Very light
Compatibility: In fact, any fish, these catfish, do not pose any threat to other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Cichlazoma black-striped

Black-striped cichlazoma is one of the most popular fish of the cichlazoma family. These are relatively small, unpretentious fish with a beautiful, sophisticated body color and, which is important, unlike many cichlids, have a calmer character.
Latin name: Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum. From the Latin words "nigro" - black and "fascia" - ribbon, belt, stripe.
Russian synonyms: Black-striped cichlazoma, black-striped cichlazoma, black-striped cichlamosis.
Foreign names: Zebra Cichlid, Zebra chanchito, Convict Cichlid, Zebrabuntbarsch Grunflossenbuntbarsch, Blaukehlchen.
Detachment, suborder, family: Perches (Perciformes), Perches, Cichlids (Cichlidae).
Comfortable water temperature: 20-28 ° C.
"Acidity" Ph: 6.8-8.0.
Hardness dH: 8-30 °.
Aggressiveness: relatively not aggressive 30%, show aggression during the spawning period and caring for the offspring.
Complexity of content: easy.
Someone might say that the peak of their popularity has passed, that now there are many other more colorful forms of cichlids and cichlazes in particular. However, the statistics don't lie! Today, black-striped cichlazoma, the most popular of all cichlazomas in Yandex search. More than 2200 users of this search engine turn to this request every month.
We also recommend looking at the colorful brochure "Popular species of aquarium fish" This brochure contains all the popular species of fish, with a description of their conditions of keeping, compatibility, feeding + photos.

Video about popular aquarium fish

Unpretentious aquarium fish - do not bother the owner

Is it difficult to keep aquarium fish? This question is often asked by novice hobbyists. They are afraid that they will not cope with the care, feeding, settlement of pets. Like any living creature, an aquarium fish requires attention and care, but how to create comfortable living conditions for it if you do not know enough about aquarium business? In this case, unpretentious aquarium fish can become your pets. They are easy to keep, unpretentious fish are considered very hardy, tenacious, get used to humans. If you are very busy, and you do not have enough free time to care for animals, then the most unpretentious aquarium fish will significantly reduce the time spent in the aquarium.

List of unpretentious small fish

What unpretentious aquarium fish are good for a beginner who does not have much experience in maintaining an aquarium? When there is a desire to create good living conditions for your pets, you can choose small and beautiful fish with a peaceful disposition that can live in not very capacious tanks.

Guppies are one of the most popular decorative pets in the aquarium. Outwardly, they are very bright, cute, have a beautiful ponytail. Can be kept in small tanks from 40 liters, they are able to tolerate changes in water parameters. Some guppies can withstand the lack of filtration, aeration, plants, although such a settlement is strongly discouraged. Guppy fish are fertile, viviparous. They get along well with small and peaceful fish. For this reason, they have been popular in our country for many years. In addition, the variety of colors is amazing - you can choose a flock of fish of different colors, whose offspring will be even more colorful.

Watch a video describing the maintenance, care and reproduction of guppies.

Swordsmen - they are easily recognizable by their caudal fin, which in males ends with a "sword" at the lower base of the tail. There are also many varieties of swordsmen: color variations, sizes, demeanors prove that these are very interesting pets. The main advantage is that they are hardy, livable with many ornamental fish, and do not spoil the aquarium decorations. It is advisable to settle in a 20-50 liter tank, where there are many shelters and dense vegetation. Swordsmen can stand up for themselves - they can be settled with active fish that like to bother their neighbors. Swordsmen are tenacious also because the female of this species suddenly becomes a male, which saves her in a critical situation.

Mollies are viviparous fish of the Pecilia family. Relatively hardy, withstand small changes in water parameters. However, their body does not withstand bad biological stress - dirty water, low water temperature, fresh water. They prefer salted ponds and bright lighting. Some mollies can come into conflict with swordsmen, barbs. The character is peaceful, but unpredictable.

Tetras are another popular fish of the Kharacin family. Unlike corridors and guppies, they will not be able to survive in strict conditions of detention - they require a lot of dissolved oxygen in clean water. Schooling fish can be settled in a common tank with a volume of 35 liters or more, in a flock of 5-6 individuals.

Gourami are easy-to-keep fish, suitable for beginners. They need portions of atmospheric oxygen, so aeration will have to be monitored. Gourami know how to stand up for themselves, eat live, frozen and plant food. Sometimes gourami can show aggression towards fish of their own species.

See how to keep pearl gourami.

Barbs are pets that are easy to care for and maintain, but with what character! Considering that they are schooling fish, they can get other neighbors, especially bright ones and with lush fins. These are the pirates of home aquariums, they can disturb even large cichlids, they are not suitable for a small general aquarium. The advantages of barbs are endurance, livability, beautiful appearance.

Unpretentious large fish

The most famous aquarium fish, which have relatively large body sizes, are members of the Cichlid family. Not only are they very beautiful, but also peaceful, interesting, quick-witted. Cichlids quickly get used to humans, they can feed from the hand. They form a couple from a young age, skillfully look after their offspring. Representatives of this family common in domestic aquariums are freshwater astronotuses, scalars, discus, African and South American cichlids. The size of cichlids is from 15 to 30 cm, therefore, they require settlement in a spacious tank with a volume of 100 liters or more. They get along well with some peaceful fish, but they differ in territorial behavior. They tolerate changes in water parameters, but not abrupt. There is one "but": some types of cichlids cannot be fed with tubifex and bloodworms, it is harmful to them. This point should be taken into account when settling in a common tank.

Black fish for home aquarium

Black aquarium fish look aesthetically pleasing and will no doubt decorate your home pond. If you like aquariums in a minimalist style - without an abundance of decorations, without soil, then fish of this color will definitely do. Nowadays, there are dozens of species and breeds of fish with a dark body color, which are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and interesting behavior.

Small fish of black body color

The black telescope fish is an aquarium pet with an original appearance. These are the descendants of Carassius auratus, the well-known goldfish. Telescopes have a velvety-coal body, a veil tail fin, and large eyeballs. Telescopes can be kept in an aquarium without decorations due to the potential for eye injuries. The minimum amount of plants and decor actually keeps it alive. Black telescopes prefer warm water and are best kept in a tropical aquarium. Looks great in a white tank.

Black mollies - belongs to the Peciliaceae family. A beautiful fish with a brilliant blue tint of the body. Body length reaches 10-12 cm. Behavior is peaceful, mollies prefer to live in a small flock. Some representatives of the breed may be colored unevenly. These mollies sometimes give birth to albino fry, or with a lighter body color. Molly are able to interbreed with platies, guppies and swordtails, and bring hybrid offspring. These aquarium fish look very beautiful among green plants, against a background of white soil.

Labeo bicolor - a fish with a dark body and a bright red tail. The size of the body is from 10 to 12 cm. The body is elongated, slender, flattened on the sides. There is a pair of antennae above the upper jaw. An algae-eating fish that scrapes off algal growths from plants and other surfaces with the help of a suction cup. The fins are large - the dorsal fin is sharp and high, the pelvic and anal fins are charcoal. The caudal fin is red in color. The character is active, territorial. Labeos look good against the background of light stones and wooden driftwood, which they love very much.

Look at the labeo two-tone in the community aquarium.

Ornatus black phantom is an unpretentious aquarium fish. The body is small (4-5 cm), oval and flattened at the sides. The dorsal fin is high, sail-shaped. The color of the scales is silvery-charcoal, the tail is dark, the pelvic and anal fins have a charcoal "bloom". This is a gregarious ornatus, which can be kept in the company of several relatives. The character is mobile, peaceful. Keeping a small flock requires an aquarium of 50-80 liters.

Black velvet scalar is a selective form of the common scalar. The body color is intensely charcoal, the eyes and fins are also black. Good specimens should not have shiny scales. In the process of constant selection, the breed loses its original qualities. The scalar is a peaceful fish that can be kept with other fish from the age of young. But the older they get, the more aggressive they show their character. Recommended to be kept in pairs and in a species aquarium. In the veil forms of these scalars, the fins are longer.

Large fish with black body color

Apteronotus, or knife fish, is an elegant aquarium fish, the body length of which is 12-20 cm. The body is elongated, the pelvic fin is long and well developed, for which the fish got its name. The body color is black, there are several white stripes at the base of the tail. Apteronotuses are characterized by a peaceful nature, however, it is better to keep them alone. Fish are nocturnal, they perceive smaller neighbors for food. It is also not recommended to keep them in pairs (especially in a cramped aquarium), they show aggression towards relatives.

See what a knife fish looks like.

Astronotus "Black Star" - is distinguished by pronounced intelligence and interesting behavior. Astronotus aquarium fish are the favorites of many aquarists. Over time, they recognize their owner, playful, can take food hand-held. The body color is dark, stains of orange or red are visible on the scales. As representatives of the Cichlid family, they prefer to live in pairs, in a spacious reservoir among rocky scenery. The offspring can produce green, white or red pigments. It is recommended to keep in a species aquarium, as small fish are perceived as food.

Black Labeo, or black shark, is a rather large aquarium fish with a body length of up to 60 cm. The dorsal fin is high, triangular in shape, the color of the scales is velvety black. The color of young individuals is silver-black. Aquarium fish of this species grow quickly, therefore, with age, they require spacious living conditions. The black labeo is territorial and cannot be kept with members of its own species. The best neighbors are cichlids, plekostomuses, gourami, ball sharks. Labeos are active in the daytime, they swim in the middle layers of water.

Predatory aquarium fish with photo, name and links

Predatory aquarium fish

Quote:“Whoever wants to live must fight. And who does not want to resist in this world
eternal struggle, he has no right to life. "

Dear reader, this article is about freshwater aquarium predators. On the Internet, there are a lot of fables about this issue, to the extent that scalars are fierce predators of the aquarium.

Therefore, before posting our selection of predatory fish, let's define the concepts with you.

All animals can be divided into predators and herbivores:

Predatory Are those who eat exclusively meat.

Herbivores Are those who feed exclusively on plants.

Now it is worth noting the fact that in nature it is very rare to find a Predatory ANIMAL that feeds exclusively on meat. For example, cats! Cats are predators, but all the happy owners of Barsikov and Murzikov know that their pets are very fond of chewing grass and houseplants.

The same situation is with fish. It is very difficult to find a "meat-eating fish" in the huge aquarium kingdom. Perhaps this is not. I do not promise, but the diet of all aquarium fish includes both plant and animal feed.

From the above, we can conclude - PREDATORY AQUARIUM FISH in the true sense of the word does not exist. Speaking about the predation of fish, the word aggression is most likely appropriate. But there is also a trick with aggression - after all, even guppies show intraspecific aggression, although they by no means pull on predators.

Thus, it is possible to deduce a certain vector of understanding the phrase: "PREDATORY AQUARIUM FISHES" are overly aggressive, large, territorial aquarium fish, in the diet, which mainly includes meat food.


Many people know that the cichlid family is mostly aggressive, territorial fish, especially this statement applies to African cichlids. In some cichlid species, there is even the most severe intraspecific aggression, which manifests itself not only in males towards each other, but even between a male and a female, for example, as in Labeotrofeus Trevavas... Sometimes it comes to the fact that the joint maintenance of a female and a male becomes simply not possible, since the latter slaughters an individual of the opposite sex to death.


Astronotus is the most popular and widespread predatory cichlid. Large, aggressive fish, which is best kept in a species aquarium and in pairs. Astronotuses perceive all medium-sized neighbors as food. And with large species, skirmishes constantly occur. It is almost impossible to add someone to an adult couple.

Fish can reach 35 cm. Astorontus is native to the Amazon basin, the Parana river system, Paraguay, Rio Negro. The volume of an aquarium for such cichlins is needed from 300 to 500 liters.

Water parameters: pH 6.0-8.0, temperature 22-28 ° C. Aeration, filtration, regular water changes (weekly 30%) are definitely necessary. Particular attention should be paid to filtering - it must be powerful (the second filter will not be superfluous). The aquarium can be decorated with large stones and driftwood, the decor should not be sharp.

CYCHLID KNIFE Long-snouted haplochromis

It has a territorial character and is jealous of those who "entered" its territory. The longnose cichla throws itself on various shiny objects. In clashes with other fish catches the eye, for which she received the nickname "eater of eyes" . These fish in nature are ferocious "killers".

Comfortable water parameters: temperature 25-27 ° С, dH 8-20 °, pH 7.5-8.5. aeration, filtration, weekly change? part of the water is fresh with the same parameters.


Piranha predators are literally armed to the teeth. The teeth are lamellar and razor-sharp. The jaws of the piranha are powerful, an adult can bite into a wooden stick as thick as a human finger.

It is worth noting that aquarium piranhas lose their natural aggressiveness, while maintaining their formidable appearance. But for some reason, people's fear does not disappear from this.

Piranhas are schooling aquarium fish, so it is better to keep them in a school of 5-8 fish of the same size and age.


These catfish are not just predators, but "fierce killers". In their homeland, in Asia, they exterminate all the fish that is in their reservoir, and when there is no one left, they crawl out onto land and crawl to the nearest new reservoir for a "new victim" »Insects and small frogs. We must pay tribute - in the aquarium, these catfish behave much calmer.


The fish does not have a livable grumpy character, shows aggression. You can keep a tetradon with large moving fish. Some authors recommend keeping this fish only in a species aquarium.

A flock of tetradons needs a large aquarium volume of 150 liters or more. The fish leads a twilight lifestyle and is afraid of bright light. Therefore, the aquarium is equipped with many stones, caves, driftwood and floating plants.


Towards the end of the article, I will give an example that clearly shows the predatory nature of any living creature, even the most harmless one.

Acantophthalmus is a small loach worm fish. Peaceful harmless inhabitant of the aquarium bottom. But…. in nature, if a medium-sized predator grabs acanthophthalmus, a sharp thorn will make it immediately spit out and remember this striped fish. Large birds or catfish often ingest acanthophthalmus whole. What they regret very much later !!! A small fish breaks through the walls of the animal's stomach, and sometimes comes out. The gluttonous predator dies at the same time.

The struggle for life, alas, forces many to be predators and cold-blooded killers. And the world of aquarium fish is just a small springboard for fighting for life and procreation.

We also recommend looking at the colorful brochure "Popular species of aquarium fish" This brochure contains all the popular species of fish, with a description of their conditions of keeping, compatibility, feeding + photos.

(to view or download, click on the picture)

Video about predatory aquarium fish

What kind of fish to settle in a 20-liter aquarium

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to purchase a large aquarium. But almost everyone dreams of having their own little underwater world at home, which would bring a lot of positive emotions and become a source of joy for the whole family. In this situation, the best option may be an aquarium of 20 liters, which will harmoniously fit into a small room, greatly facilitate cleaning time and is much cheaper. And if you listen to the opinion of aquarists, in such a small aquarium, individuals of one species can feel great, thereby forming a small flock, fish of completely different species or a couple of beautiful cockerels.

Shiny neons

Ideal for an aquarium of approximately 20 liters are peaceful glittering neons. Due to their unpretentiousness, neonets will feel great in a 10 liter vessel, but only if their number consists of 4 individuals. It is worth remembering that this type of fish belongs to schooling aquatic inhabitants, so the aquarium should be slightly larger.

Paying attention to the appearance of the fish, a distinctive feature of the color is a shiny blue horizontal stripe, the body itself has a different color: blue, black, red and blue. By nature, charming neonets are friendly, sociable, very active and playful, not picky and do not differ in the complexity of the content. Catfish, gupishi and minors will become good neighbors for them.

Danio - rerio

The striped aquarium inhabitants of the zebrafish are rerio, another ideal option for a 20 liter reservoir. In addition to their cheerful multi-colored color, danios are cheerful, agile and very active. That is why they will become a real decoration of a small aquarium of 20 liters.

They are picky, as they can safely live in water with a temperature of 16 to 30 degrees, they love vegetation and are content with good natural light. Feed preferably with live food, such as daphnia, cyclops or live bloodworms. They spawn easily and thrive best in flocks.

Friendly guppies

The most common inhabitant of home aquariums - guppies, will not bring any trouble to their owners, which is why they are considered the best option for novice aquarists. In addition, guppies, in addition to being unpretentious, have many beautiful colors and are fertile. After several weeks of living in a 20 liter aquarium, you can find a huge number of fry, which are quite difficult to catch.

Absolutely everyone eats guppishes and can perfectly survive a week-long hunger strike, endure absolutely any temperature and can be content with natural light. But in order for the color of the fish to acquire a richer palette, it is worth installing artificial lighting, paying attention to frequent feeding and periodically changing the water, adding about 1.5 liters of water to a 20 liter aquarium once a week.


A beautiful slender cardinal, it is considered one of the few fish that thrive in a small 20-liter aquarium. Cardinals have a beautiful brown-olive shade with a silvery sheen. The caudal fin is bright red and has small yellow stripes. The cardinal fish in small open spaces of the aquarium can reach approximately 4-5 cm.

Cardinals are made of friendly fish, which is why it is better to keep them in small flocks in the company of red neon, zebrafish or rhodostomus. To make the cardinals feel at home, it is necessary to decorate a small 20 liter reservoir with vegetation. And as feed, dry mixes and live feed are perfect.

Norman's Blue Eyes

The cute schooling blue-eyed fish is an ideal solution for a small aquarium. Experts are confident that even in a 10-liter vessel, these fish will be able to swim in plenty. A distinctive feature of the blue eye is the bright framing of the shell of the eye, which glows with neon light, thereby making the atmosphere of the aquarium unusually charming.

Peaceful but a little shy blue-eyed, it will get along with peaceful species of fish, but it is better to keep large inhabitants away. Blue-eyed loves various shelters, vegetation, dark soil and a little free space. Eats almost all types of live food and does not disdain substitutes.

Luxurious cockerels

For beautiful cockerel fish, owners of luxurious fins and bright colors, a reservoir of a small amount of liters is also ideal. However, certain conditions must be created to keep these fish. For example, a temperature that is too low or too high can lead to diseases that can lead to the death of males. A prerequisite is a water change, about a few liters weekly,

The daily diet of the fish is live food. You can use frozen food, or dilute their diet with flatworms or snails. They get along with swordsmen, minors, catfish, gourami, etc. But active guppies, neons, barbs can inadvertently damage the chic fin of the cockerel, which will lead to fighting fights.

See also: Small aquarium fish.

Neons content, compatibility, reproduction, types, photo-video review Neons are one of the most popular aquarium fish. These small shiny fish have long won the hearts of aquarists and have taken their well-deserved place among mini-fish such as guppies, swordtails and tetras.
Neons received such recognition due to their unpretentiousness, compactness and, of course, thanks to neon body coloring.

Latin name: Paracheirodon

Detachment, family: carps, haracin
(in Latin Characidae).
Comfortable water temperature: 18-24 ° C
(for manufacturers up to 22 ° C)
"Acidity" Ph:
5.5 - 8 °.
(for future growers pH up to 6.8 °)
Hardness dH: 5-20 °.
(for future manufacturers - dH up to 10 °)
Aggressiveness: not aggressive 0%.
Complexity of content: easy.

Neon Compatibility: non-aggressive, peaceful fish (neons, tetras, swordtails, platies, ornatus, pulcheras, flashlights).
Not compatible: neons should not be kept with large, aggressive fish: cichlids, barbs, large catfish, goldfish, labeo, gourami.
How many live: the lifespan of neons directly depends on the temperature of the aquarium water in which they are kept: 18 ° C - 4 years, 22 ° C - 3 years, 27 ° C - 1.5 years. As the temperature rises, the biorhythm of life of neons also increases. That is why, unlike many other aquarium fish, it is possible and even necessary to keep them in "cool" water. You can find out how long other fish live IN THIS ARTICLE!
Minimum Neon Aquarium: from 10 liters, you can plant 4 neons in such an aquarium. Neonchiks are schooling fish and are therefore recommended to be kept in larger aquariums. For how much neon can be kept in the X aquarium, see HERE(at the bottom of the article there are links to aquariums of all sizes).

Requirements for the care and conditions of keeping neons

- neons definitely need aeration and filtration, weekly water changes up to 1/3 of the volume of aquarium water.
- it is not necessary to cover the aquarium, although the fish are mobile, they do not jump out of the reservoir.
- lighting should be moderate. The aquarium is equipped with shading zones, which is achieved with the help of thickets of living plants, as well as with the help of floating plants.
- decoration of the aquarium, according to your taste and color: stones, grottoes, driftwood and other shelters. An open swimming area must be provided in the aquarium.
Feeding and Diet of Neons: In principle, fish are omnivorous and not whimsical to feed. They are happy to eat dry, live food and substitutes. But, like many aquarium fish, neons love live food: bloodworms, brine shrimp, bark, cyclops, daphnia. Neon food is taken from the surface of the water or in its thickness. Food that has fallen to the bottom may remain intact. Therefore, the fish should be fed in portions, so that the food does not have time to fall to the bottom.

Feeding any aquarium fish should be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotuses. Article "How and how much to feed aquarium fish" talks about this in detail, it sets out the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime of fish.

In this article, we will note the most important thing - feeding the fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, you need to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include in its diet food either with the highest protein content or vice versa with plant ingredients.

Dry food is, of course, a popular and popular food for fish. For example, every hour and everywhere you can find food of the company "Tetra" - the leader of the Russian market on aquarium counters, in fact, the range of food of this company is amazing. In the "gastronomic arsenal" Tetra includes as individual food for a certain type of fish: for goldfish, for cichlids, for loricaria, guppies, labyrinths, arowans, discus, etc. Also, the Tetra company has developed specialized feeds, for example, for enhancing color, fortified or for feeding fry. Detailed information about all Tetra feeds, you can find on the official website of the company - here.

It should be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy food by weight, and also keep the food closed - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.


The homeland and natural habitat of neons are the streams and rivers of South America: Peru, Colombia, Brazil. Rivers - the top of the river. Amazons from a certain Sao Paulo de Olivens to Iquitos, richly live in the river. Putumayo and R. Purus do Boca do Tapaua. As you can see, the natural habitat of neons is very distant and mysterious. That is why the chronicle of these fish in the aquarium world is quite young. The starting point of neons as aquarium fish can be considered 1935, when a French citizen A. Rabo discovered these neon fish in the waters of the Putumayo River (Eastern Peru).

Discoverer Auguste Rabot was delighted and surprised by the beauty of the red-blue fish found, which prompted him to bring several individuals to the United States of America and Old Europe. A year later - 1936. this species of extraordinary fish was studied and described by the American ichthyologist S. Myers. Germany is considered the second homeland of neons. This is due to the fact that it was the Germans who were the first to breed neons in artificial conditions. At that time, it was a sensation, since neither in the United States of America nor in France did fish breed under artificial conditions. The German breakthrough in neon breeding was due not so much to the merits of man as to the presence in Germany of very soft water, which is so fond of neon fish. Description: Neon is a small, nimble fish. In aquarium conditions, males reach sizes up to 3 cm, and females are slightly larger - up to 3.5 cm in length.
Neon color: There are different types of neons and each color is different. In general, all neons are united by one thing - a neon strip running along the entire body, which, in fact, gives a glow inherent only to these fish. Behavioral features: Neons are peaceful, schooling, nimble fish. Fish thrive in an aquarium in a large group. Their agility requires the aquarium - the space that is so necessary for maneuvers. The corridors (speckled catfish) are considered friends and helpers of neons, they, without interfering with the neons, monitor the cleanliness of the aquarium soil.

Reproduction and breeding of neons

Initially, I want to say that the reproduction of neons is not very difficult. At least, no special difficult conditions or hormonal injections are required.

Sex differences: Males of neons are smaller than females, about half a centimeter, they are much slimmer than "girls", and their neon side stripe has a clear, even shape, without convolutions. In turn, the females are larger than the males, they are fuller, "bellied", the neon stripe bends in the middle of the body. Preparing spawners for spawning: neon puberty occurs at 6-9 months. For successful breeding of "neon parents", they are initially kept in comfortable conditions, which consist in the presence of a wide aquarium house, in a variety of feeding and comfortable water parameters. Before spawning, males and females are kept separately, fed abundantly with live food for a crescent. When living apart, the water temperature is lowered to 19 ° C.
It is believed that the best producers are fish aged 10-12 months. IMPORTANT: strictly observe the recommended parameters of aquarium water and conditions of detention! Eggs are not fertilized by spermatozoa from very hard water (the shell does not let in), but from very bright lighting, the eggs die! Arrangement of a spawning aquarium: an aquarium from 40 centimeters in length, the bottom should be without soil, a separator mesh is installed at the bottom, the back and side of the aquarium are darkened, the substrate should be dark. Water parameters in the spawning grounds: level 15 cm, temperature 20-22 ° C, hardness dH up to 2 °, KH 0 °, pH 5.5-6.5 °, only natural light. It is recommended to disinfect spawning water with UV or ozone. Spawning neons: Having prepared the aquarium for spawning, males and females are planted in the afternoon in the late afternoon in a ratio of 1: 1 or 3 males to 1 female. Usually fish spawn by the morning of the next day at dawn. However, this process may take 3 days. During the spawning period, neons are not fed with anything.
Females spawn non-sticky eggs at a time from 50 to 200 eggs.
Immediately after spawning, I put the parents away, and the non-grower is darkened (remember, light is destructive for caviar !!!). It is imperative to remove the producers, as they eat the fry.
Within four hours after spawning, you need to monitor the eggs and, if whitened eggs appear, immediately remove them.
The incubation period for neon eggs is approximately 22 hours.

Neon Fry Care

Juveniles of neons begin to swim as early as 4-5 days, until this moment the larvae hardly move and hang in the spawning aquarium.

Malki require mandatory aeration, a water temperature of 20-22 ° C and a daily change of 1/10 of the volume of water, the water in the aquarium should be at a level of up to 10 centimeters.
From the moment the fry begin to swim (4-5 days), they must be fed frequently in portions. As a starter feed, it is necessary to use special feed for young fish. This food is sold in many pet stores, for example, TETRA MIN Baby and TETRA MIN Junior or sera MICROGRAN. You can also feed: grated boiled egg yolk, rotifer and ciliates.

When growing neon fry, you should carefully manage the lighting of the spawning aquarium. Lighting is intensified gradually, 100% - ordinary lighting can be done only after the juveniles "get on their feet", and this happens by the 1st month of life. Otherwise, the fry will simply lose their orientation.

What neons hurt

Fish can get sick with virtually all types of contagious and non-contagious diseases. Neons, being small and fragile fish, do not tolerate stress (for example, if they are chased by "bad neighbors"), as well as uncomfortable water parameters and the lack of a schooling lifestyle - which together and individually can lead to diseases (for example, ichthyophthyrosis - semolina) ... They have neons and a disease inherent only to them - plistophorosis or it is also called "neon disease". This infection manifests itself in the form of fading of areas on the body of fish - in neons, blue and red stripes fade. The disease is virtually incurable!

photo Plistophorosis "Neon disease" photo Ichthyophthyriosis "Manka" neons


It is better to feed neons once a day and regularly arrange fasting days (once a week), which in turn will help to improve the health of fish.
- when decorating an aquarium for neons, you should use dark tones of the ground and background.
- a sign of poor health or stress in neons is the fading of their color, they can fade to the point of complete gray.
- you should carefully use aquarium preparations containing copper - neons do not tolerate it.

All kinds of neon fish

There are also rare, artificially bred neons: Veil neon

Neon blue (Paracheirodonsimulans)
Neon red (Paracheirodonaxelrodi)
Neon green (Costelo)
Neon black (Hyphessobryconherbertaxelrodi)
Artificially obtained:
Neon golden (Paracheirodoninnesivar.)
Neon diamond or diamond (Paracheirodon innesi diamond), "albino" form of neon

Neon blue or ordinary (Paracheirodon innesi)

Most popular among neons. These neons have amazingly bright colors. A beautiful turquoise-blue neon stripe runs along the entire top, and the lower part of the body is half deep red, the back is grayish-brown, all the fins are transparent. They differ from their counterparts in an elongated, long body shape. Females of blue neon 4 cm, males 3.5 cm.
More details here: Neon blue or ordinary

Neon blue (Paracheirodon simulans)

Due to the similarity in the name to the blue neon, this type of neon is lost from the sight of aquarists. The progenitors of blue neon are blue and red neon. The fish is distinguished by a frail-long body, a neon stripe runs in the middle throughout the body. I reach sizes up to 4cm. More details here: Neon blue

Neon red (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

The habitat is the Orinoco and Rio Negro rivers. These are very similar to blues and only slightly differ in color. Along the entire body there are two solid stripes of blue and red neon colors. It can reach sizes up to 5.5 centimeters.

Neon green


The back is colored dark green. A wide strip of dark color runs all over the body, and in it there is a neon turquoise-blue strip. It can reach sizes up to 3.5 centimeters.
More details here: Neon green or Costello

Neon black (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)

These neons have a long, slightly flattened body. There are two stripes along the entire body, narrow silvery at the top, and wide black at the bottom.
More details here: Black neon
Neon golden (Paracheirodon innesi var.)

This is the smallest neon of all representatives. Its maximum size is only 1.5 centimeters long. Decorated with a gold stripe that stretches throughout the calf.
More details here: Neon golden
Neon diamond or diamond (Paracheirodon innesi diamond)

These fish do not have any neon strip at all. The brilliant appearance of neons has only a light color and a reddish tail. Reaches up to 3 centimeters in size. More details here: Neon brilliant or diamond
Neon veil

A very rare and expensive type of neon with a characteristic veiled fins. Reaches up to 4 cm in length. Content parameters are standard. The cost is $ 5.4. More details here: Neon veil and neon orange

Neon orange or orange

The rarest species! Neon resembles a transparent orange slice. It is the subject of hunting for gourmet gourmets of the aquarium world.
Interesting facts about neons
"Neons: A Bloody Story" As mentioned earlier, a certain French citizen, Auguste Rabot, was the first person who became interested in neons. Well, since he was a dashing businessman and was looking for gold in the rainforests of the Amazon River, and on the way he was catching exotic butterflies and collecting orchids, again not for idle curiosity, but for further sale - the gleam of neon fish greedily reflected a gold coin in his insatiable eyes ...
Everyone knows that greed and greed do not lead to good because these acts are included in the list of deadly sins. Rabo paid for it too. And it all happened like this:
Auguste Rabot wandered through the Amazon rainforest and caught an infection - tropical fever. Fortunately, it was pumped out by the local aborigines - the Peruvian Indians. Oklemavshis Rabo in one of the Indian huts first saw the neons that floated in a makeshift bowl. It was then that Rabo had a business idea of ​​how to profit from these brilliant fish.
He organized the transportation of fish to the continent, and the poor neon chicks were shoved into wooden boxes, smeared with resin, and in addition the fish were not fed with anything during the transportation. Nevertheless, neons proved to be tenacious and made it safely to the United States of America.
Rabo sent most of the surviving neons to Germany, and gave the rest to the fanatic and connoisseur of tropical fish - William Innesi. Remembering the nature of O. Rabo, it should be said that this was done not out of the kindness of his soul, but for the purpose of a complaint - after all, Innes was the publisher of the aquarium magazine and Rabo hoped to publish an article about his mega find, with all the ensuing profitable consequences ...
The article was published, in addition, Inessi handed over the fish to the ichthyologist D. Meyers, who in 1936. published a scientific paper describing a new species of fish and named them after Inessi - Paracheirodon innesi.

William Thornton Innes (1874 -1969)
- was born the state of Philadelphia, USA, where he graduated from high school. Upon graduation, he began to work for his father in a publishing house. In 1917 he published his first book "On Goldfish". In 1932. founded his famous magazine "Aquarium", which existed for 35 years. In addition, since 1920, Innes has regularly organized aquarium exhibitions. Also in 1932. published the book "Exotic Aquarium Fish", which was regularly reprinted.
George Myers (1938-1970)- US citizen: ichthyologist, zoologist and herpetologist, was a professor at Stanford University, from 1942 to 1994. - Professor at the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro. So the neon boom began! Employees of the largest aquarium firms made Auguste Rabot rich by generously and regularly paying him decent sums for the supply of neons. The aquarium dealers hoped to multiply them and thereby return the money spent on Rabo. Yes, it was not there, all the spawned neon caviar perished for unknown reasons.
In turn, Rabo, realizing the profitability of his monopoly position, strictly kept the secret of the habitat of neons and secretly left for the Amazon for a new batch of fish. This situation lasted for three years, until spies of aquarium companies tracked down Rabo near the Ucayali River, where he was killed. A year later, the delivery of neon fish was established without the participation of the deceased.
Neons, what else ?!- Neons are called the initiators of aquarium chemistry. This is due to the fact that in order to breed them and obtain the "necessary soft, spawning water", aquarists had to carefully study the hydrochemistry of water, which is why the aquarium business has risen to an even higher level.
- Caviar and juveniles of neons are catastrophically afraid of lighting, from which they inevitably die. Such a cruel joke is played with them by the neon genetic program, which allows the fish to develop only in the twilight, as it happens in the tropical natural environment of the Amazon River.
- Neons have scales, but underneath it is the skin, which consists of special pigment cells - a chromatophore. Actually, they produce the neon-metallic color of fish from the blood.
- Fish do not emit light, it is only reflection and refraction of incident light rays.
- Not only neons can glow with a neon color, but also many other inhabitants of the aquarium world. For example, the neon oceanops goby (Elacatinus oceanops), the size of which is comparable to neons and is 5 cm.

pictured neon goby oceanops- Many lovers of the aquarium world are wondering, why do neons need such an attention-grabbing color, because it is very dangerous? Until now, there is no scientific explanation for this color of fish. There is only an assumption that they need him to attract a partner during the mating season, as well as in order to confuse the attacking predator, disorienting him when a flock of neons crumbles. Recommended reading about neons:
1.Kochetov S. "Neons and small haracinides"
2. Kochetov S. "Characinous in the aquarium: from neons to piranhas"
The author of the books tells about many species of tropical fish, including neon fish and other small haracinous fish. From the books you will learn how to prepare an aquarium for neons, their conditions of keeping, feeding and breeding.

Beautiful photo review of neon fish

Inhabitants for a small aquarium

And now, you have read my article on launching a nano-aquarium, or have simply wanted to have your own little water world for a long time and now you are thinking about who to put there.

There are quite a few options)

All inhabitants of the underwater world can be divided into vertebrates, invertebrates and molluscs.

Vertebrates include various types of fish. Invertebrates include shrimps, crabs and crayfish. For molluscs - snails.

You can choose one of these kingdoms (for example, make a shrimp), or combine two, or even all three.

An aquarium inhabited by fish is considered traditional. But you can't put everyone in a small aquarium, you have to choose small schooling fish or one or two medium ones.

Possible options for settling a FISH aquarium:

1. Cockerels:

Very famous and common fish. Males are very beautiful, have luxurious fan-shaped fins. Females are less elegant, but also very brightly colored. Breeders are constantly working on the development of new colors of cockerels.

They are content with small volumes of water (but, you must admit, keeping a fish in an aquarium for less than 5 liters is both cruel and ugly). The water temperature is ideally 26 degrees. The cockerel breathes atmospheric air, swallowing it from the surface. Therefore, you need to ensure that the air in the room is not too cool. You can put a lid on the aquarium, but leave a few centimeters above the surface of the water.

Male cockerels are very pugnacious, so it is better to keep them alone or in families (1 male and 3-4 females).

The body length of an adult cockerel is about 6 cm.

2. Neons

Also a fish known to the Russians. Neons prefer to live in flocks, so it is better to settle them in groups of 5 or more.

The water temperature is 22-25 degrees (ideally); at higher temperatures, the lifespan of these fish is reduced. In principle, neons are unpretentious, they love soft water and an abundance of plants. They are prone to obesity, so they should be fed very moderately.

An adult neon can reach a length of 4 cm.

3. Danio rerio:

As a rule, these small fish are always recommended for beginners. Agile, cheerful and unpretentious zebrafish feel best in flocks. They can live in the temperature range of 15-30 degrees and be content with 1 liter of water per 1 fish (that is, even a group of 5 zebrafish can be launched into a five-liter aquarium). Spawns easily in the aquarium.

There are several color forms for this fish.

Body length up to 5 cm (but more often 3-4).

4. Guppy:

Probably, it is with this fish that aquaristics begins for most people. It was the guppies living in three-liter cans that became frequent residents of Soviet (and later Russian) apartments. They are loved by millions for their unpretentiousness (they can live even in the most extreme conditions), beauty (thanks to the many unique colors, everyone can find the "fish of their dreams" =)) and fertility (you can buy only one female, and in a month she will give birth to you 20 fry).

Guppies are viviparous, i.e. they do not lay eggs, but give birth to live fry. Absolutely everyone eats. They are undemanding to water temperatures.

At first I liked them very much, but now they multiplied uncontrollably. It's even annoying that I find at least 20 newborn fry in the aquarium every week.

Male guppies are slender, with a bright body and luxurious tail. Females are larger, thicker, gray and inconspicuous. But there are also quite beautiful purebred females.

Breeders are constantly working on new guppy breeds.

Sizes: male - 3-4 cm, female - up to 6 cm.

(last 2 photos - females)

5. Guppy Endler:

Essentially the same guppies. But Endler's guppy is a wild form that breeders did not have time to work on. Such fish are found in Venezuela. easily crossed with simple guppies and produce very cute hybrids)

Endler's guppies are smaller than regular guppies: males reach a length of 2-3 cm. Look great in small aquariums with a dark background!

6. Corridor:

The so-called "speckled catfish". In fact, there are many types of corridors, just speckled is the most famous of them.

Corridors love company, buy 3-5 individuals at once. In length, these harmless catfish do not exceed 5 cm, some species (such as the panda corridor) do not grow more than 3 cm at all.

Unpretentious, can live without aeration. The soil should be free of sharp stones so that the fish do not damage their delicate antennae. The optimum temperature for the content is 24-26 degrees.

Water volume: at least 3-5 liters per 1 fish.

7. Pygmy Corridor:

The type of corridors, which is worth mentioning separately.

Pygmies are small schooling fish, grayish and inconspicuous in appearance, but very cute and interesting in behavior. They feel good only in a flock, they love clean, oxygenated water.

Unlike other corridors, they do not sit only in the bottom layer of water, but prefer to "flutter" around the entire aquarium, like a flock of birds.

8. Cardinal:

Prefers neutral water, rather cool (18-21 °). 1 fish requires 3 liters of water. The fish are small, 3-4 cm, rather mobile. They love the abundance of plants, they are omnivorous.

9. Micro-collection:

Ideal fish for a nano aquarium. The body length rarely exceeds 2 cm. The water temperature is 22-28 degrees, they are unpretentious to the composition of the water, less than 1 liter of water is required for 1 fish. Unfortunately, micro-harvests are now rarely found on sale; aquarists wait months for these fish to be delivered to stores.

10. Norman's Blue Eyes:

Cute schooling fish, growing up to 3-4 cm. Their eyes glow brightly with neon light, which gives the aquarium a peculiar dynamics and charm.

Peaceful schooling fish, water temperature 20-25 degrees. I live at a higher temperature, very active and playful.

And so, we looked at fish that will be happy even in a small aquarium of 10-30 liters.

Approximate options for settling:

10 liter aquarium:


1 cockerel;

5-7 guppies;

5 neons;

5-7 Endler guppies;

10-13 micro-collection;

5 Norman Blue Eyes;

3-4 cardinals;

5-10 zebrafish;

7 micro-collection + 5 zebrafish;

3 Endler guppies + 5 zebrafish;

3 neons + 3 guppies.

20 liter aquarium:

Family of cockerels (1 male and 3 females);

1 cockerel + 3 corridors;

10-15 guppies or Endler's guppies;

15-20 zebrafish;

10-13 neons;

10-15 blue eyes Norman;

7 cardinals;

20-30 micro-collection;

7 corridors of pygmies;

5 guppies + 5 neons;

15 zebrafish + 15 micro-collection;

10 guppies + 3 corridors;

7 neons + 3 corridors.

30 liter aquarium:

There are even more opportunities here) For example, such fish can be settled, which I did not talk about here. A couple of macropods, a couple of honey gouramis, a couple of pelvicachromis or apistograms.

The rest of the combinations - we look at the 10-liter one and multiply the number of fish by 3.

Naturally, it is better to launch fewer fish for now than planned. Overpopulation is very dangerous for such small volumes. In any case, filtration, aeration and weekly water changes of 20-30% must be provided.

Nowadays, shrimp is in vogue - aquariums inhabited by freshwater shrimp.

Shrimps are unpretentious, cute and very interesting.

Aquarium PRAWNS:

1. Cherry shrimp (cherry):

Small (up to 3 cm) red shrimp. Extremely unpretentious. Reproduces well in the aquarium.

2. Amano shrimp (Japanese pond):

Larger than a cherry (up to 6 cm). Gray in color, it fights well against algal fouling. In an aquarium where shrimps live, the plants are always clean and well-groomed.

They do not breed in captivity.

3. Shrimp crystal:

Small (2 cm), expensive, quite demanding on water, but very beautiful shrimp.

4. Cardinal shrimp:

Very beautiful and very rare shrimp. It is considered difficult to care for.

5. Yellow shrimp:

An unpretentious little shrimp of bright yellow color. If it is undernourished, it can start to spoil the plants.

If you want to keep only shrimp (no fish), then you can plant a rather large flock in a small volume. For example, in 10 liters, 20-25 shrimp-cherries will feel great.

Shrimps do not touch the fish, but some fish do not mind eating shrimp. Therefore, small fish such as Endler's guppies, micro-gatherings, neons, corridors and Norman's blue eyes will become ideal neighbors for shrimp.

The calculation is something like this:

For 20 liters: 10 cherry shrimps + 5-7 Endler guppies (or other small fish).

MOLLUSCS in the aquarium:

Some snails are also quite cute and even useful. They will be great neighbors for your fish or shrimp.

1. Helena:

A cute striped snail that feeds on ... other snails. It helps a lot to get rid of the invasion of pond snails and coils that spoil the plants. In the absence of "live food" it feeds on the remains of fish food. Breeds well in the aquarium.

2. Neretina:

A beautiful and useful snail. Helps to remove plaque from walls and plants. It lays eggs, but snails do not appear in fresh water.

3. Ampularia:

The most beloved snail, very often found in aquariums.

Unfortunately, some types of ampularia damage plants. And there is a lot of dirt from them.


I tried to introduce you to creatures that will feel great in a small (10-30 l) aquarium. An aquarium with small nimble fish or businesslike shrimps will greatly decorate your apartment or office. With proper and timely care, it will delight you for a long time.

I wrote about how to start an aquarium in the article "The underwater world on your table".

Once again, I will repeat the simple rules that will help you always keep your aquarium in good condition:

1. DO NOT HURRY! The start-up of the aquarium should last at least 2 weeks (from the filling of water to the start of the fish).

2. Down with artificiality! Plants, soil and decorations in the aquarium must be NATURAL. No plastic!

3. The filter must work 24/7 !.

4. Water changes should be done once a week, at 20-30%. Never change all the water at once! Never wash your decorations with chemicals!

5. Feed the fish little by little! One day a week is a fasting day.

6. If after you have installed the filter, turbidity appears - do not rush to change the water! All is well, the appearance of turbidity indicates that a balance has begun to be established. After a couple of days, the water will be clear.

7. Don't overdo it with fish! Less is better.

8. Remember: an aquarium is a complex biological system. Do not climb there again with your hands, do not add chemicals or other drugs.

9. The fish is also alive. And you are responsible for her life.


There is nothing complicated in the aquarium hobby. Learn to be more patient, do not neglect advice, do not forget to devote half an hour a week to your underwater world - and he will thank you. Coming home, you will enjoy lush green plants and frolicking fish.

Good luck to everyone who decided to start an aquarium!

Next time I will try to tell you something more interesting from the world of aquarium hobby)

Aquarium fish is popular among pets. Quiet and not taking up much space, they do not require specific maintenance and a lot of time. Having fired up the idea of ​​buying a couple of ornamental fish, you need to find out in detail about the features of each species and the requirements for the content, and when buying, be guided by the names of the fish.

Unpretentious or interesting inhabitants deserve the title of favorites. The most popular aquarium fish get along well with neighbors and are adapted to different conditions of detention. Studying a catalog with a list of fish, a novice aquarist can get confused because of the huge number of species. Therefore, we have collected the names of all common aquarium fish in an alphabetical list for easy understanding.

A distinctive feature of these loaches is an elongated body, reaching 12 cm in length in adults. Unpretentious and non-conflict, they do not require a lot of space. The period of activity of aquarium fish occurs at night, during the day they are rare. The behavior is characterized by digging through the soil in search of food, which plays a role in cleaning the aquarium.


They have won sympathy among lovers of aquatic pets due to their grace and conspicuous appearance. reach 25 cm in length, grow rapidly. Fish of this species are difficult to care for and need a large aquarium with a capacity of 300-500 liters. Deep water filtration will be required. It is highly discouraged to add fish of other species. It is worth avoiding sharp decorations and providing them with cover.

Small individuals of aquarium fish of the carp family amaze with a variety of species. are omnivores, love dim light and easily adapt to different conditions.

The presented species of loaches will look very impressive in a spacious aquarium due to its yellow-orange color with dark stripes. In nature, battles live in flocks, therefore, for a comfortable existence, three fish are placed in one vessel. Difficult in content.


Combining several thousand species. They are often aggressive, while being caring parents. Popular fish family with specimens of various shapes, colors and sizes. They are unpretentious and easily adapt to any conditions.

Black knife

A lonely predator from the ateronotic family. In the natural environment it reaches 50 cm, in the aquarium - up to 40 cm. The shape of the body resembles a knife, the color of the fish is completely black. It has a special electric organ that helps fish in hunting. The animal's diet consists of aquatic insects and fry. Good filtration and a spacious aquarium are required. It is not worth keeping together with its species, the relatives are aggressive towards each other, but the knifefish behaves calmly with other large species.

There is a noticeable visual similarity of the Black Paku or Tambaki with the bloodthirsty piranha. Fish from 70 cm in size need a wide aquarium with powerful filtration. The need to buy a spacious vessel. The paku are omnivorous and shy, you should keep the fish away from loud and harsh sounds.

Other popular fish

Each breed is unique and may not match the general characteristics of the family to which it belongs. Each aquarist has to choose for himself which fish are suitable for him and the conditions that he can create for them.

Predator lovers admire the well-known ones. And also aristochromis christi - a large carnivorous fish, painted in blue and gray tones, has won its place. There are such types of fish as Crescent-tailed barracuda, Tiger perch, Golden leopard, Shellfish, Exodon.

Of the non-standard aquarium abodes, the Toad Fish and Leaf Fish stand out, named for their appearance, a fisher catfish with a specific body shape, Bornean tetradon - the owner of red eyes. Fish with a transparent body look unique, for example, the Glass Angel and.


There is also a group of Killy fish, united by their habitat. The list of fish contains about 1270 items. In nature, Killy live in small bodies of water, this is reflected in the appearance of the fish and gave them a similarity. Some species are named: Azrak karpozubik, Notobranchius Rakhova, Panhaks, Myers fish, Florida and Japanese Orizia.

Of the calm and peaceful species of aquarium fish, one can distinguish the Thorny Catfish, the Bolivian Butterfly, the Geophagus Orange-headed and the Imperial Gudgeon.

The decision to purchase fish should be approached responsibly, because they are even small, but living creatures. From the list of fish above, the aquarist can determine the type, and then read in detail the detailed description of the aquarium fish.

Versatile Aquatic Pet Care Tips:

  1. The capacity of the aquarium is calculated based on the size of the fish: for every 5 cm of body, 2 liters of water are required.
  2. In the absence or lack of experience in keeping aquarium fish, it is strongly discouraged to acquire expensive exotic species.
  3. The container with fish that do not require access to oxygen is covered with a lid, otherwise the aquarium animals may jump out.
  4. Remains of uneaten food should be removed from the water tank in time.
  5. It is impossible to overfeed fish in order to avoid health problems. Feed should be poured in the amount that the fish can handle in 5 minutes.
  6. Do not allow sudden changes in temperature and changes in the acid-base balance.
  7. Keep the aquarium away from noise and vibration.

Share in the comments which fish you like best!

Artificially colored aquarium fish began to appear on the market in the late 1970s. For coloring, fish with a transparent "glass" body were selected so that the dye was immediately noticeable, therefore ( Chanda ranga) immediately took the leading position among the colored fish.

After 10 years, the practice of dyeing has spread widely to other species. In addition to fish with a transparent body, albino forms or fish with a light color were used for coloring, for example, (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi)with a pinkish-white body color.

Coloring methods were never advertised and kept secret, so aquarists interested in understanding this process had to conduct the study on their own. ... Scientists from various universitiesextensive work has been done, including microscopic and histological studies, various aspects have been studiedorganism of colored fish. Materials aboutcoloring fish are collected by Practical Fishkeeping staff.

Breeders from Southeast Asia and China predominantly paint aquarium fish.

The choice of dye is determined by its brightness, durability and price. In 1980, acrylic paints were used. Currently, Indulin is used for coloring fish, nigrosine, benzidine, thioindigo and other dyes. Printing pigments and dyes are often used to treat leather. A number of dyes are approved for use on fish (as a food product) by the relevant official institutions in various countries.Of these permitted dyes for coloringornamental fish use synthetic astaxanthin.

The main methods of staining:

1. Injections

Using a syringe and needle, the dye is injected under the skin of the fish. As a result, small "pockets" filled with dye are formed in the body of the fish. The dye remains localized in such "pockets" in liquid form (with light pressure, such a "pocket" with liquid moves slightly) until the fish's immune system "removes" the substance fromthe body - as this is done, the artificial color gradually disappears. Injections can also be carried out into muscle tissue, then byThe paint is injected above the lateral line, and the pigment spreads to cover most of the sides. In the case of albino forms or fish with a light color, the dye is not injected into the muscles, but into the blood. As a result, with the blood flow, the dye spreads throughout the body, staining even the fins.

The fish are placed in a special caustic solution, under the action of which the outer mucus coating is destroyed (this then allows the dye to remain in the body longer and more efficiently penetrate the cells). The fish are then dipped into the dye solution and / or injected using a syringe and needle. After that, the fish are immersed in anothera solution that irritates their skin and thus stimulates the production of a protective mucus layer again.

3. Special feed

Special food with dyes is added to the diet. It is impossible to achieve bright colors and certain patterns using this technique, so this method is used only as an add-on.

4. Tattooing

Tattooing allows you to apply images to the body of fish in the form of inscriptions and drawings. Aquarium fish lovers are delighted with the new technology that allows hieroglyphs to be applied to scales. As a rule, wishes for happiness are applied, turning ordinary fish into talismans.

Moreover, in China, fish itself is a symbol of happiness and abundance. A special low-intensity laser is used for "tattooing".

Of course, artificially colored fish do not inherit color. In addition, the color pigment loses its brightness over time and becomes paler. Usuallythe color disappears after 6-8 months.

Except glass perchesand thorns are often artificially stained (Cichlasoma hibrid), (Botia modesta), tetras, ( Cyprinus carpio ) and some other types.


In 1999, Dr. Zhiyuan Gong and colleagues from the National University of Singapore worked with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene isolated from the Pacific jellyfish Aequorea victoria.

This gene is responsible for the synthesis of a phosphor protein, which emits rays of a pleasant greenish color in the dark.

In the course of experiments, scientists placed this gene in the embryo, which allowed them to create a genome that gave fish a bright fluorescent color from both natural white light and ultraviolet radiation. The original goal was to facilitate the observation of the internal organs of these fish. A photo of a fish glowing with a greenish ghostly light, shown at a scientific conference, was seen by a representative of a company that breeds and sells aquarium fish.

In the United States, luminous zebrafish were originally obtained with the aim of creating living indicators of pollution: when certain toxic substances were present in the water, the fish had to change color. But in 2003, businessmen and scientists signed a contract, according to which the first genetically modified GloFish fish appeared on the market.

In addition to the red fluorescent zebrafish sold under the brand name Red starfish» ( Starfire red), green and orange-yellow fluorescent zebrafish were bred by mid-2006, and blue and purple in 2011. These fish genetic lines received the trade name “ Electrically green"(Electric Green)," Sunny orange» ( Sunburst orange), « Cosmic blue» ( Cosmic blue) and "Galactic purple» ( Galactic purple).

All of these fish have been genetically engineered using recombinant DNA from various sea corals.

In 2012, a new variety of fluorescent aquarium fish appears under the brand of the green variety "Electric Green" GloFish, which were bred by the same method as the previous ones, but instead of the zebrafish, ordinary thorns were used (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi).

In 2015, the glowing green Sumatran barbs (Puntius tetrazona).

Variety of aquarium fish by color. Aquarium fish and their behavior according to the species. The most unusual and exotic aquarium fish.

  • Aquarium fish are able to attract the attention of even the most indifferent people to them. It is simply impossible to pass by a beautiful aquarium with clean water and fish smoothly moving through it.
  • It is believed that contemplation of the aquarium and its inhabitants calms the nerves and sets you in a balanced mood.
  • In this article we will try to figure out what are the varieties and colors of aquarium fish, what kind of behavior such fish have, and how best to organize their living together in the same aquarium.

Black aquarium fish, photo with names

Most of the black colored aquarium fish are artificially bred. Breeders have tried to create more frightening and mesmerizing black individuals from the standard colors of various types of fish.

Black goldfish

  • Over the many years of the existence of such a species of fish as the goldfish, many of their varieties have been bred by selection. One of these varieties is the black goldfish.
  • When setting up an aquarium with black goldfish, it is better not to use any algae, as they will definitely eat them. White soil will look very stylish with this color of fish, because black and white compositions are always in trend
  • It is better not to combine the living of goldfish in the same aquarium with exotic representatives of the fish family. This is due to the latter's refusal to perceive too low temperatures, which are shown to goldfish, and a large amount of their waste products.
  • The most unusual black goldfish is the black telescope

Miniature black fish

  • This category includes fish of the pitsilia family. In this family, there are several varieties of black-colored fish: guppies, swordtails, mollies and platies
  • Swordsmen and mollies, as a rule, have a completely black, velor surface. But the guppies and platys have a black pearl color with a green overflow
  • All small fish of the pitsilia family live in flocks, and quite amicably. The best company for them in the aquarium will be the black ornatus phantom.

Black barbs

  • Of course, it is difficult to call this fish absolutely black, because its head has a bright red color
  • Barbs live in flocks of six
  • Such fish are quite mobile, therefore it is better to combine them in an aquarium with the same active fish, otherwise they can frighten off the calmer representatives of the fish family with their briskness.

  • In addition to the black ornatus of the phantom, the black scalar may well get along with the pecilia fish. She has a calm and rather peaceful nature.
  • The scalars have a very unusual, flat, crescent-shaped fins.
  • When setting up an aquarium for scalars, it is necessary to provide for a large amount of algae. Fish love them very much


  • Apteronot (aka black knife or black knife) is a bottom fish with an elongated body shape and an unusual fin along the entire belly. This fin allows the ateronot to swim in all directions.
  • It is better to keep a black knife in the amount of one piece, since it shows quite strong aggression towards representatives of its fish breed. At the same time, he is quite friendly with regard to scalars and mollies. Too small fish can be mistaken for food by a black knife
  • Adults of the apteronot can reach a length of up to twenty centimeters

Black cichlids

  • Black cichlids are the favorites of many fish breeders. They are believed to be endowed with a certain intelligence. Some aquarium philes claim that cichlidia can be tamed and even stroked by hand right in the aquarium.
  • Black cichlids are long-lived. In good conditions, such fish can live up to twenty years.
  • Black cichlids are best kept in a species tank. However, due to its unusual appearance, even a pair of fish such as the Black Star Astronotus and the Chameleon Pseudotrophyus will look spectacular alone for the entire aquarium.

Black Shark

  • The labeo fish owes this name to its sharp fin on its back. Thanks to him and the shape of the body itself, the labeo has a certain resemblance to an ordinary shark.
  • But not only the appearance in the labeo resembles a shark - it is a very aggressive fish. Therefore, it is better to keep it separately.
  • In addition, the labeo, with rather large dimensions of the aquarium, can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters.
  • The younger brother of the black labeo, two-colored labeo, differs from her in the red color of its tail. This fish is more friendly, therefore it can quite get along in the same aquarium with scalars and pecilia

Red aquarium fish

Red is perhaps the most common color for aquarium fish.


  • Glossolepis or red atherina is one of the brightest representatives of the fish of the iris family
  • It is advisable to select a large aquarium for aterina red (from one hundred liters). Thus, the fish will be able to reach their maximum size.
  • In an aquarium with glosslepsis, there must be lush vegetation. These fish do not have the habit of spoiling it.
  • To get red atherins is best of all in flocks of up to ten individuals
  • Glossolepsis live up to five years

  • The red parrot is a pretty cute hybrid fish bred in Thailand and Singapore. On closer inspection, you can see that she seems to pronounce the letter "O" or modestly smiles
  • The red parrot is considered quite peaceful, and can get along in an aquarium with almost any fish
  • In a large aquarium, such a fish can reach twenty centimeters in length. But, alternatively, fish sellers can offer dwarf red parrots for smaller aquariums.


  • Swordsmen are prominent representatives of the Pecilia family. They owe their name to the tail appendix, which appears in males during puberty, and resembles a sword in shape.
  • Swordsmen live in packs. They can be bred both in small aquariums and in reservoirs with a large displacement. In this case, their sizes can reach their maximum: for males it is ten centimeters (without a sword), for females - twelve
  • In the aquarium, swordsmen get along with all peace-loving fish. The exception is fish with veil fins. Such fins cannot be ignored by the swordsmen.
  • The life span of these fish is up to five years.

  • Minor (aka red tetra, aka bloody tetra) is a small aquarium fish, reaching a maximum size of five centimeters
  • The body of the tetra is colored red (in males, the color is brighter and more saturated) with black spots located immediately behind the gills. In addition, its fins are colored in black and white and black and red stripes.
  • Minors are quite friendly fish, so they can be populated in an aquarium with other non-predatory fish
  • Tetras are very fond of algae and do not harm them. Therefore, it is advisable to plant the aquarium with plants as much as possible.

Goldfish in their collection also have representatives with red-orange red-white-black colors.

  • Chromis-handsome has a red color with white mother-of-pearl spots
  • These fish like a lot of space (the aquarium should be at least two hundred liters). Only in such conditions will they be less aggressive, and will not pose a threat to their peace-loving neighbors.
  • Chromis love plants, but they need to be rooted and fixed well enough in the ground, since fish sometimes dig the ground (especially during the spawning period)

Flower Horn

Flower Horn
  • This type of fish is considered an exotic representative from Southeast Asia. The secret of their selection has not yet been revealed - breeders prefer to keep it secret.
  • The flower has a bright red color with white and black patterns that resemble hieroglyphs in shape. On the head of this fish there is a kind of bag with fatty tissue. The larger the bag, the more expensive and elite the fish is. In females, such bags are hardly noticeable.
  • The flowers are up to thirty centimeters long. However, in some large aquariums there are individuals up to forty centimeters.
  • Flowers prefer to live in large aquariums (from two hundred liters)
  • More or less flower horns get along with chain mail and armored catfish, diamond cichlazomas, astronotuses, managua, labiatums and arowans

  • White aquarium fish are considered quite rare and expensive. This is due to the fact that the albinism gene is not dominant, therefore it is very quickly lost in subsequent generations. Based on this, breeding white fish is not an easy thing
  • The difficulty of keeping albino fish is that almost all fish diseases, as a rule, manifest themselves through a light bloom on the surface of the scales. On fish with white or transparent color, it is very difficult to notice such manifestations of the disease.
  • In addition, in order to have a beautiful aquarium with white fish, it is advisable to select an appropriate dark background. So the fish will be more clearly visible and do not merge with other elements of the aquarium.

Albino fish can also be found among goldfish: these are representatives of such breeds as shubunkin, comet, telescopes, eyes and oranda.

Small fish

Mollies silver

Fish of the Peciliaceae family can also be albinos. Their name always contains a color identity: silver mollies, white prince guppy, pearl scarlet guppy and bulgarian white sword-bearer.


The speckled white catfish corridors are very friendly and calm inhabitants of the bottom of the aquarium.

Such fish are found in white and golden tide.


An insanely beautiful fish is the white cockerel. Its gorgeous tail and fins will leave no one indifferent.

These charming fish are also called "angel fish".

White cichlids

Cichlis the White Prince

White cichlids, like black cichlids, are quite aggressive fish, therefore it is best to keep them in a species aquarium.

Albino cyclides are pseudotrophies and astronotuses.

Blue aquarium fish

Fish with a blue color will look great in any aquarium and will become a true decoration of it.


  • Afiosemion belongs to the fishtooth family
  • Such fish have an oblong body up to ten centimeters in length.
  • Afisemions are friendly enough and can easily share one aquarium with other small, non-predatory fish
  • For afisemions, an aquarium of fifty liters or more is suitable


  • Belkeya (blue tetra or bluish boelka) belongs to the haracite family
  • This is a small fish with an oblong body up to five centimeters in length.
  • The blue tetra is a peace-loving fish and can get along with the same calm fish.
  • The recommended volume of an aquarium for a bluish warbler is from fifty liters

  • Blue guppy belongs to the Pecilia family.
  • This is a small fish up to five centimeters in length with a gorgeous tail.
  • Guppies live in flocks in aquariums from 50 liters


  • Another pecilia fish is lamprichthis. However, unlike its relatives, this fish can reach a length of up to twenty centimeters.
  • Lamprichthys loves to live in aquariums from one hundred liters with other large friendly fish

  • Such a fish belongs to the labyrinth family
  • Gourami has an oval-shaped body up to ten centimeters
  • She can live in an aquarium from 100 liters with any peace-loving fish

  • This fish belongs to the cichlid family.
  • The length of the blue dolphin can reach up to twenty centimeters.
  • This variety of cichlids is quite friendly, but it is worth settling in an aquarium only with a species from 200 liters

  • Another member of the blue-colored cichlid family is the blue discus
  • Breeding such fish is recommended only for professionals, as they require rather careful care.

  • A friendly variety of cichlidia is mylandia callainos cobalt
  • This large fish (up to twenty centimeters) can live in one aquarium (from two hundred liters) with any calm fish

Blue cockerel

  • This small fish of the labyrinth family has an elongated body up to five centimeters.
  • The blue cockerel lives in an aquarium from fifty liters with all small peace-loving fish


  • Pomacetrus - a fish of the pomacenth family
  • This fish reaches a length of up to ten centimeters.
  • The aggressive nature of the pomacentrus determines their residence in a species aquarium from one hundred liters

  • This fish of the goby family has an oblong body up to ten centimeters in length.
  • Active gobies live in peace with other small calm inhabitants of the aquarium (from two hundred liters)

  • Such a beauty belongs to the pomacentral family.
  • Chrysiptera sapphire has an oblong bright blue body up to five centimeters long with bright yellow spots on the head, belly, fins and tail
  • Such bright fish live in aquariums from fifty liters, where they quietly coexist with other peaceful fish

  • A small fish, the cyprinodon of the carps family, has a body up to five centimeters long.
  • This small but rather aggressive fish can only get along with large peace-loving fish in a small aquarium (from 50 liters)

  • Such an unusual fish belongs to the doggy family.
  • The patterned black-backed dog has an oblong body up to ten centimeters long with a yellow tail and a black line along the entire back
  • This fish is quite calm, therefore it easily lives with other small friendly fish.

Sokolof's pseudotrophyus

Sokolof's pseudotrophyus

Sokolof's pseudotrophyus belongs to the cichlid family and fully meets their general characteristics.

Yellow aquarium fish

The colorful yellow aquarium fish are usually exotic fish species. However, some of them, with this color, are quite well-known even to inexperienced fish breeders.

  • This fish belongs to the pomacentral family
  • Amblifidodone lemon has an oval body and reaches a length of up to ten centimeters
  • Amblyfidodone lemon - a fish with an aggressive demeanor, but getting along in a common aquarium (from one hundred liters) with other large fish with peaceful habits

  • This fish is called the blue-lipped angel for the blue color of its lips. Also, apolemicht was also dubbed a three-point angel for the presence of two black dots on the head and a blue spot on the lips.
  • The blue-lipped angel is a rather large fish (up to twenty centimeters), requiring huge apartments (from five hundred liters)
  • The three-point angel has a calm character and can live with large peace-loving fish

  • The assessor belongs to the gram family
  • This small fish has an elongated yellow body with a rainbow head.

  • The masked butterfly belongs to the family of bristle-toothed or butterfly fish
  • This large fish (up to thirty centimeters) has an aggressive character, but gets along in a large aquarium (from five hundred liters) with large friendly fish

This fish is similar in all its characteristics to the previous representative of the butterfly fish family. The only difference is the tweezers-shaped nose. Hence the unusual name of the fish.

Ruffle Butterfly

Ruffle Butterfly

  • This fish belongs to the red mullet family
  • The golden reel can grow up to a huge fifty centimeters in length, which implies its settlement in an aquarium from a ton
  • The golden reel is quite calm and peaceful, therefore it can share one aquarium with other large peaceful fish

Despite the name, this fish is yellow in color with red-orange spots on top.

Zebrasoma brown and sailing

  • These two types of surgical fish grow up to twenty centimeters in length.
  • Zebrasomes need an aquarium of five hundred liters and the company of any other friendly fish


  • Some members of the seahorse or needlefish family are also yellow in color: leafy sea dragon, striped-tailed, and spotted or yellow
  • Such unusual fish must be settled in a species aquarium.
  • Caring for seahorses requires special knowledge and effort

This small (up to ten centimeters) fish of the goby family can easily exist in small (from one hundred liters) aquariums with other peaceful fish.


  • The following fish of the bodywork family have a yellow color: a humped box, a long-horned yellow and a cube
  • All of them require careful care and living in a large species aquarium from five hundred liters.

  • Labidochromis yellow belongs to the cichlid family
  • This unpretentious fish with a body length of up to 8-10 centimeters can get along with large calm fish in an aquarium from two hundred liters

This fish meets all the characteristics of the previous representative of cichlids.

  • An interesting fish in shape and color, whose head resembles a fox's face
  • This fish belongs to the family of sea foxes
  • In length, her body can reach twenty centimeters.
  • A yellow fox lives in an aquarium of two hundred liters with other peaceful fish

  • The pseudochromis diadem belongs to the pseudochromis family
  • This small fish is up to five centimeters long.
  • The pseudo-chromis diadem has a rather complex character, therefore it only manages to get along with large, non-predatory fish
  • For such a fish, an aquarium of one hundred liters or more is suitable.

Mollies sharp-nosed and sailing

  • These two types of fish belong to the Pecilia family and reach a length of up to twenty centimeters.
  • Mollies are quite friendly, and can share one aquarium (from one hundred liters) with the same peaceful fish

  • This type of fish belongs to the eel family.
  • Moray eels are very aggressive and require a species aquarium for themselves from five hundred liters
  • Such fish can reach a length of more than fifty centimeters.

  • Such a fish has an oval yellow body up to twenty centimeters in length with blue patterns on the back.
  • Neoglyphidodons are quite aggressive, therefore they should be bred in a species aquarium from five hundred liters

The list of yellow aquarium fish does not end there. In addition to the above fish with a yellow color, there are several dozen more. Some of them will be mentioned in
other sections of the article

Exotic aquarium fish, photo with names

Among those fish mentioned above, there were a lot of exotic fish. But this is not all the outlandish fish that today can be kept right at home. Here are the names and photos of the most beautiful and unusual exotic aquarium fish:

Scat Motoro

Piranha Red-bellied

Hitala fish knife

Queen Nyasa

Friedman's pseudo-chromis

Hevfrich's nemateleotris

Bleecker Parrotfish

Calm aquarium fish. Peaceful aquarium fish

The representatives of the following families are distinguished by their calm behavior and peaceful disposition:

  1. Catfish. Almost all catfish are very friendly. They swim on the bottom and have nothing to share with other inhabitants of the aquarium, who spend most of their time in the water column. Among the most popular peaceful catfish are speckled catfish, corridor, glass catfish and ancistrus
  2. Kharacin. The haracin family includes small friendly fish that live in schools. As a rule, they have quite attractive bright colors and do not require special personal care. The most common aquarium haracins in our country are thorns, neons, tetras and pristella
  3. Carp. The peaceful representatives of the carp family include such aquarium fish as zebrafish, barbus, cardinal and rasbora
  4. Labyrinth. This subgroup of fish differs from the rest in the specific structure of its body. This explains the unusual shape of the fish. The most popular aquarium fish of this family are gourami, cockerels, macropods and lapius.
  5. Cichlids. Basically, cichlids are considered to be quite wayward and aggressive fish. However, even among them, a number of fish can be distinguished that can get along with other types of fish. To properly add cichlids to the same aquarium with other fish, it is worth considering their habits and equipping special minks and shelters in it. The following representatives of the cichlid family can be called quite friendly: blue dolphin, cichlazoma and aulonocara

First of all, it should be said that there are simply no purebred predators among aquarium fish. Since predatory can only be called an animal that feeds exclusively on meat. The same fish that prefer to eat other fish are always not against plant food.

Polypterus Monodactyl dark

  • Guppy
  • Swordsmen
  • Pecilia
  • Mollies
  • Catfish corridors
  • Harazinki tetras
  • Terneces
  • Danio rerio
  • Torakatum
  • Gourami
  • Barbs
  • Cardinals
  • Cockerels
  • Macropods
  • Neons

Video: The most popular and unpretentious aquarium fish

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