What to do if you vomit. What to do with nausea and vomiting? Why is prolonged vomiting dangerous?

Nausea is a deepest aversion to food. It leads to belching or vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting are reactions to signals from the brain. This signal causes the abdominal muscles to contract and the muscle ring between the stomach and the esophagus, called the esophageal sphincter, to open. As a result, the contents of the stomach, which should normally be sent down the digestive tract, are pushed up and out of the mouth by reverse contractions of the esophagus.


See your doctor immediately if you vomit blood, have severe abdominal pain, or after a recent head injury.

Nausea and vomiting can be early signs of pregnancy or for a variety of other reasons. This is, for example:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • inflammation of the liver (hepatitis);
  • inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis);
  • acute inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis);
  • gallbladder disease;
  • an infection of the digestive tract;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • food poisoning;
  • anxiety;
  • pain;
  • binge eating;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • surgical intervention;
  • migraine;
  • radiation therapy.


Nausea and vomiting are often accompanied by:

  • increased salivation;
  • sweating;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • rapid breathing.

What should be done

See your doctor immediately if you vomit blood, have severe abdominal pain, or after a recent head injury. If a small child has severe vomiting, an urgent need to call a doctor (see "If the child is vomiting").

Urgent medical attention is needed for those who are very nauseous, vomit frequently, or who have been vomiting for more than 24 hours.

If the patient is unconscious and vomits, lay him on his side with his neck extended (unless there is reason to fear head, neck or back injury). This will prevent flooding with vomit.

In the event of a head injury, roll the victim to a lateral position. This will ensure the outflow of vomit and air access. When rolling, care must be taken to keep the neck motionless.

For common nausea and vomiting accompanied by indigestion, make the patient comfortable. When vomiting stops, replace fluid loss. Give the patient a teaspoon of clean water every 15 minutes until they can keep it in the stomach. Then let him drink the liquid at room temperature in small sips every 15 minutes.

What doctors are doing

For severe nausea and vomiting, treatment is given to relieve symptoms, replace fluid loss, and eliminate the cause of the discomfort. Medication and even surgery may be needed depending on the cause of the nausea and vomiting.

For common nausea and vomiting, treatment involves creating a comfortable environment, replenishing fluid loss, and gradually returning to a normal diet.

If vomiting does not stop for more than 24 hours, the patient needs urgent medical attention.

What else do you need to know

In the process of recovering from an attack of nausea and vomiting, a person may consume gradually increasing amounts of food and drink. For example, after 4 hours, you can drink a large sip of clean liquid and eat a crouton or biscuit.

If this food does not make matters worse, move on to simple light foods such as soft-boiled eggs, boiled chicken, clear broth. After 24 hours, if everything is in order, you can eat regular food, however, avoiding spicy foods and overeating.


If the child is vomiting

In children, vomiting is a common symptom of indigestion. For the most part, this is not a serious malaise, but sometimes it requires immediate medical attention.

When to call a doctor

Call a doctor urgently if the baby's vomit is pushed out with such force that it is scattered to a distance of up to a meter. This may indicate partial or complete bowel obstruction.

Other hazardous situations

Call your doctor right away if;

  • vomit contains blood;
  • vomiting several hours after a fall or head injury;
  • vomiting is accompanied by headache and stomach pain.

What to do with prolonged vomiting

Prolonged vomiting, especially when accompanied by diarrhea, is a good reason to see a doctor. It leads to dehydration, a life-threatening condition.

Coping with regular vomiting

If vomiting is not accompanied by alarming symptoms, make the baby more comfortable. Support his forehead when vomiting. Then you should rinse your mouth and wipe your face with water.

To replenish fluid loss and prevent a recurrence of the attack, follow our advice.Give your child a teaspoon of water, tea, juice (not orange) every 10 to 20 minutes until he can keep them in his stomach, or suck on a lollipop.

Gradually increase the amount of liquid you drink at a time.

If the child has not vomited for more than four hours, give him a piece of dry bread or unsweetened cookies. Then feed him a simple light meal. When the disorder is over, gradually move the child to a regular diet.

The causes of vomiting can be very different, since it is a sign of a huge number of pathologies.

Vomiting appears at any age - this is an unconditioned reflex necessary for the removal of gastric contents through the pharynx.

The vomiting reaction protects the body from poisoning by removing toxic and caustic substances inside the stomach.

Causes and mechanism of vomiting

Vomiting is often preceded by nausea. The reason for both of these phenomena is the excitation of a special center located in the brain.

In addition, vomiting occurs as a result of mental irritations and stimulation of the emetic zones, which include the pharynx, base of the tongue, bile ducts and many other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diseases can cause nausea and vomiting:

  • abdominal organs;
  • surgical;
  • infectious;
  • nervous system;
  • vestibular apparatus;
  • metabolism;
  • blood circulation.

Such a variety of reasons makes vomiting a nonspecific symptom, based on which it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis.

There are three types of vomiting:

  1. central - it is caused by problems of the brain and organs of hearing and vision: tumors, meningitis, encephalitis, migraine, trauma, pathology in the structure of the inner ear, increased intraocular pressure;
  2. hematogenous-toxic - the reason for this type of vomiting is the accumulation of toxic components in the blood, which is characteristic of diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney failure, poisoning, including intoxication with carbon monoxide, alcohol, toxins, microbes and viruses with medicinal substances;
  3. visceral - the reasons for its appearance are associated with diseases of the digestive tract.

A special place is occupied by psychogenic causes: neurosis, stress and mental illness. Psychogenic vomiting most often occurs in people with hysterical traits.

It is caused by increased irritability of the vomit in the brain and vomit in the oral cavity.

Vomiting in an adult, which arose as a conditioned reflex, is a common sign of improper dietary intake. It is observed in women seeking to cope with excess weight in this way.

When she breaks down from a diet, a woman tries to get rid of calories by artificially removing food from the stomach.

The extreme degree of this condition is bulimia - a neuropsychiatric disease in which the patient after each meal causes himself to vomit in order to prevent food from being absorbed.

Vomiting in pregnant women should be considered separately. This is a typical morning symptom associated with early pregnancy. It is caused by hormonal changes.

At later stages, vomiting in the morning can be replaced by daytime and evening, as the abdominal organs are squeezed by the growing uterus, which causes nausea, especially intensifying after eating.

Diseases of the digestive system

Vomiting in an adult without fever presumably speaks of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When the temperature rises, a surgical or infectious disease can be suspected.

Normally, the vomit should not contain blood, bile, pus, or a lot of mucus. It should consist of recently eaten food, partially dissolved in acidic stomach contents.

When blood and other components atypical for this substance appear in the vomit, this indicates serious health problems.

The most alarming symptom is vomiting of blood. This condition is life threatening. It is caused by bleeding from the stomach and esophagus.

A person who has blood in vomit, or vomit in color and consistency resembles coffee grounds (this is how blood clotted in gastric juice looks like) should be immediately examined by a gastroenterologist or surgeon.

The slightest delay can cause hemorrhagic shock and death, since blood loss in gastric and esophageal bleeding is voluminous and rapid.

The cause of the appearance of bile in the vomit is liver and pancreatic diseases. Vomiting of bile is one of the symptoms of biliary colic, a condition that occurs with cholecystitis.

In addition, vomiting of bile appears with toxicosis of pregnant women, alcohol and drug intoxication, intestinal obstruction.

Pus in vomit is a sign of phlegmonous gastritis. With this disease, the submucosa of the stomach becomes inflamed. The inflammation is purulent. Pus spreads throughout the mucous membrane.

The cause of phlegmonous gastritis is an infection: staphylococci, streptococci, gangrene pathogens, etc.

This disease develops slowly, but always manifests itself suddenly: chills, fever, vomiting with pus, blood, and sometimes with bile. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention.

With advanced diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fecaloid vomiting may appear. It is caused by intestinal obstruction.

The accompanying symptoms will be weakness, heaviness, and abdominal pain. With the naked eye, bloating is visible - the intestines protrude, a rumbling is heard in it.

When feces appear in the vomit, it is necessary to urgently call a medical team: only urgent surgical intervention can save the patient's life.

The cause of the appearance of vomiting with feces can be intestinal cancer in the last stages - in this case, the operation will not help.

Diagnostics and treatment

To find out the cause of the phenomenon, the doctor collects an anamnesis. The task of the specialist will be to find out how long ago vomiting began and how often it occurs, whether the patient's condition relieves, whether nausea is associated with food intake, whether there are impurities in the vomit, what is their volume.

The doctor collects data on past illnesses and operations, changes in weight recently and conducts a general examination of the patient: he measures the temperature, examines for rashes and seizures, measures the pulse, respiratory rate, pressure, checks reflexes and the degree of dehydration.

To find the cause of persistent vomiting, laboratory tests of blood and urine will most likely be required. In some cases, the diagnosis cannot be made without instrumental studies.

The patient may be offered to go through:

  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, which can detect diseases of the liver, spleen and stomach;
  • FGDS - endoscopic examination of the stomach from the inside;
  • X-ray with contrast to exclude intestinal pathologies leading to its narrowing and partial obstruction;
  • neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain).

To treat vomiting, you need to get rid of the underlying ailment. No separate treatment for nausea is required.

If the cause of the pathology is diseases of the digestive system, then the treatment will consist in diet and medication.

Products are steamed, excluding from the menu fatty and fried foods that irritate the mucous membrane lining the digestive tract.

Vomiting has complications. These can be convulsions, the cause of which is the loss of fluid and the excretion from the body along with the gastric contents of trace elements.

When vomit enters the trachea, suffocation or pneumonia develops - in such cases, the gag reflex can cause death.

Recurrent vomiting damages the walls of the esophagus and tooth enamel, as acidic gastric juice escapes from the stomach along with the vomit and eats away at the tissues.

What to do if nausea starts? First of all, you need to stop eating for a while until the nausea disappears and the general condition improves. Hunger can last from several hours to a day.

It is worth trying to rinse the stomach yourself - drink a liter of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and artificially induce vomiting by pressing on the base of the tongue.

If these measures do not help, then you need to immediately contact a therapist. If vomiting a patient who is fainting, then you need to ensure that his head is tilted down or turn his head to one side. After the stomach is empty, the inside of the mouth is cleaned with a wet cloth.

There are antiemetic drugs. These include Metoclopramide and Domstal - they improve gastrointestinal motility and relieve nausea.

You can get rid of seasickness with the help of anticholinergics and antihistamines: Diphenhydramine, Fluorophenazine, Triftazin and others.

To better endure travel in water, land or air transport, Aeron tablets are used, designed to relieve nausea, which is caused by motion sickness.

Do not take medication at your own discretion - this can aggravate the situation and complicate the diagnosis.

Vomiting is a symptom of many diseases, from meningitis to banal motion sickness. It is necessary to establish the real cause of nausea, only after that you can start treatment.

Vomiting is a protective reflex of the body in both an adult and a child. Together with the vomit, the contents of the stomach and harmful substances are excreted. An unpleasant phenomenon can occur in the event of disturbances in the processes in the body. One-time vomiting, odorless, without fever, without diarrhea, is not dangerous, but if it is repeated, it is a signal of the development of the disease.


Vomiting is a complex reflex mechanism that is coordinated by the central nervous system (CNS). Everyone faced nausea.

Provoking factors are divided into 6 groups:

Usually, this reflex of the body is preceded by a feeling of nausea, poor health, increased salivation, sharp pain in the stomach, dizziness. When vomiting occurs:

  • damage to the esophagus;
  • large fluid losses associated with dehydration and leaching of minerals;
  • complications of concomitant disease;
  • aspiration pneumonia - inhalation of vomit, from which they enter the nose, respiratory tract (night vomiting is a great danger);
  • damage to tooth enamel by gastric juice, if sudden frequent vomiting occurs, the oral cavity is not sufficiently washed with saliva.

It is worth paying attention to nausea for no particular reason. It indicates pathological processes in the body.


Before a person vomits, the body starts a number of processes. Signs:

First aid for nausea

What should be done to help the body cope with vomiting, relieve attacks of nausea? Try to apply the tips:

Remember! Nausea and vomiting are not a disease, but a concomitant symptom that does not occur without a cause. If it is involuntary or continuous, then seek medical attention. After identifying the cause, you can begin to treat the disease and get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon.

Diagnostic methods

An important step is the correct diagnosis, study of the medical history. Medical examination of the patient clarifies the questions:

  • Time of occurrence of nausea, vomiting (before / after eating / not associated with food);
  • The presence of pain (in the stomach, in the head);
  • The nature of the discharge - color, content, presence of food, blood, bile, mucus.

In accordance with the answers received, examinations are carried out: laboratory tests of blood and urine, ultrasound, endoscopy, etc.

Diseases accompanied by nausea and vomiting

Some illnesses can be asymptomatic. For example, pancreatitis in an old and elderly person proceeds with mild symptoms. Therefore, in order to diagnose the cause, it is important to undergo a complete medical examination.


It is necessary to start treatment after establishing the exact cause and diagnosis. To cure a disease, an integrated approach to therapy is needed:

For what symptoms urgently call an ambulance

A medical emergency is required if:

  • Persistent vomiting began after an illness associated with inflammatory processes in the body;
  • There are signs of dehydration;
  • High fever, antipyretic drugs do not help;
  • Persistent abdominal pain;
  • There are signs of poisoning, causeless diarrhea;
  • If the allocated mass is empty, desires begin every 5 minutes without nausea, even after water;
  • The child vomits in a fountain at night, with no other visible symptoms;
  • Dizziness, fainting;
  • The manifestation of other symptoms of the disease.

Prevention includes proper nutrition, identifying and eliminating the causes that contribute to vomiting, preventing recurrence and complications of chronic diseases, timely seeking medical help and treatment.

Sometimes we feel discomfort caused by gagging without vomiting, feeling of nausea, vomiting. Vomiting is an unpleasant internal state that is the result of the manifestation of nausea. A complex reflex process - the stomach and esophagus begin to contract convulsively. Ultimately, it does not help the body get rid of stomach contents.

Desires have characteristic features:

Gagging in the morning is a common occurrence experienced by a person throughout his life. Women who are in an "interesting" position in the early stages of pregnancy complain about him.

Causes of frequent urge to vomit without vomiting in an adult

  1. Psychological impact: fear, anxiety, stress.
  2. Manifestation of diseases associated with neuralgia.
  3. Abnormalities in the structure and work of the heart.
  4. Girls have early pregnancy.
  5. The result of increased intracranial pressure.
  6. The body's response to the pharmacological features of a medicine.
  7. Changes in the menstrual cycle.
  8. Smoking and drinking large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis.

Symptoms of persistent vomiting:

The condition not only deprives an adult of peace. As an infant, a child, due to the appearance of congenital abnormalities, has the opportunity to feel the manifestations of vomiting. Cause an unpleasant state due to a huge number of reasons:

  • the appearance of the first teeth;
  • eating a lot of food;
  • the appearance of a feeling of nausea when traveling in transport;
  • congenital pathology;
  • diseases that interfere with normal breathing;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • the result of infectious diseases;
  • migraine;
  • a side effect of diseases, recording an increase in body temperature.

Constant gagging is observed in a child with pyloric stenosis. The disease is manifested by a strong increase in the muscles of the sphincter of the stomach, inhibiting the movement of food into the duodenum. The first months of life, the child literally "devours" an excessive amount of air while eating. The phenomenon is called aerophagia, it is a factor in the appearance of gagging without vomiting in newborns.

Diagnostic measures related to the treatment of vomiting:

  • correct and accurate collection of anamnesis;
  • clinical and biochemical blood sampling;
  • examinations of internal organs.


  1. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Raise your sugar level - eat candy, drink sweet tea.
  3. Eat fiber-free foods such as soups, oatmeal, toast, and cereals.
  4. Eat more often, in small portions.
  5. Limit your intake of caffeine.
  6. Learn to relax - relieve vomiting.
  7. Use breathing exercises.
  8. Practice yoga.
  9. Rinse your nose regularly with saline, seawater, or specialty drops.
  10. Eat in the morning.
  11. Monitor the water-salt balance.

Nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastrium, esophagus, oral cavity. The body's natural reaction to adverse conditions, pathological changes in the work of the digestive system. It is a common sign of illness.

Types of nausea:

  • central - with irritation of the nervous center;
  • reflex - with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system;
  • hematogenous-toxic reaction to the action of a substance poisoning the body.

In an adult, the feeling of nausea will occur when:

  • the individual reaction of the body to the action of certain medications;
  • constant drops in blood and intracranial pressure;
  • brain injuries, concussions, bruises of various shapes, degrees;
  • strong excitement and overwork;
  • increased adrenaline levels and all kinds of stressful situations.
  • toxicosis;
  • the appearance of neoplasms in the brain;
  • changes in the body associated with old age;
  • menopause;
  • spinal injuries;
  • pathological work of the muscles of the eyes;
  • frequent headaches;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • when exposed to toxic substances.

Common causes of nausea include:

  • starvation;
  • binge eating;
  • manifestation of intoxication of the body;
  • temperature increase;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • eating excessive amounts of sweets;
  • eating sweets on an empty stomach.

Symptoms of nausea:

  • diarrhea;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • severe weakness;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • headache.

Diagnostic measures include:

  • general, clinical blood test;
  • blood sampling for biochemical research;
  • scatological, endoscopic examinations;
  • Ultrasound, X-ray of internal organs.

First aid for severe nausea

The way to get rid of the excruciating, intense feeling of nausea:

  • be in a horizontal position;
  • get an influx of fresh air;
  • if the pressure is below normal, the patient needs to drink coffee or sweet strong tea;
  • use sedatives for stress and emotional stress;
  • use mint candy;
  • drink non-carbonated mineral water in small sips.

Negligence, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Use the advice of a doctor, follow his recommendations. The doctor determines the root cause, prescribes the correct treatment.

Vomiting is the result of the interaction of nausea, vomiting, accompanied by the emission of vomit from the body through the oral cavity. An unpleasant reflex ailment regulates the vomiting center, the habitat of which is the medulla oblongata.

Vomiting is promoted by:

The gag reflex without nausea and without the urge is more often recorded in children during brushing their teeth. The child pushes the brush deeper than it should, leading to irritation of the root of the tongue, causing vomiting.

Vomiting symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • dehydration;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • an increased amount of gas formation in the intestine;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse salivation of sour and sometimes bitter taste;
  • heavy sweating;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • intestinal and stomach cramps;
  • fever and chills;
  • yellowness of the skin and sclera;
  • rapid, deep breathing.

A complication of vomiting is dehydration.

Diagnostics of the gag reflex:

  • careful collection of anamnesis;
  • treatment of accompanying complaints and symptoms;
  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • CT scan of the brain.

Treatment for vomiting depends on the cause and includes:

  • seeking medical help from a doctor;
  • strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • preventing the development of complications of the root cause of the gag reflex;
  • taking antihistamines as prescribed by a doctor.

We conclude: gagging, nausea, vomiting cannot be cured. It is necessary to treat the root cause - the disease that caused the ailments. Showing genuine attention to the state of the body, you will be in good shape, you will forget about the manifestations of the urge to vomit.

The reasons for vomiting in an adult are different, so it is not always possible to independently understand what caused such a reaction of the body. The very process of nausea and vomiting is a natural reflex that cannot be controlled by willpower. Nausea and vomiting appear when there is a need to cleanse the digestive system of toxic substances. In this way, the body itself tries to prevent toxins from being absorbed and spread throughout the bloodstream. But there are situations when toxic substances do not enter the bloodstream from the intestines, but the body still reacts to the problem. Severe vomiting can be the primary source of many complications, the first of which is dehydration. Therefore, if a person begins to vomit violently, you need to take him to the hospital as soon as possible.

Main reasons

The gag reflex in the human body is carried out when the vomiting center is excited, which is located in the medulla oblongata. This center is activated by chemoreceptors, which react to toxic substances in the bloodstream. It is worth distinguishing vomiting from regurgitation.

Nausea in an adult is divided into 2 types:

  1. Visceral vomiting. Appears when the mucous membrane of the stomach, pancreas, tongue, soft palate is irritated.
  2. Toxic vomiting. It occurs as a result of poisoning the body with various chemicals or appears against the background of the development of the disease.

Nausea and vomiting can be caused by:

  1. Pathology of the digestive system.
  2. Diseases of the nervous system. These can be: meningitis, encephalitis, concussion, bruise or brain tumor, high intracranial pressure.
  3. Disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system (heart attack, heart failure, hypertension).
  4. Pathologies associated with disruption of the vestibular apparatus (Meniere's disease, labyrinthitis). Motion sickness or motion sickness, for example, in transport, also causes nausea.
  5. Disorders of the endocrine system (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, adrenal pathology, phenylketonuria).
  6. Carrying a child. The first trimester of pregnancy, accompanied by vomiting, is called toxicosis, which almost every woman experiences. As a rule, starting from the 2nd trimester, toxicosis goes away on its own. But while nausea and vomiting are normal during pregnancy, this reaction to a fetus present can cause dehydration. Vomiting in the last weeks of gestation is considered a serious pathology that requires medical attention. The causes of preeclampsia are still not fully understood. There are several theories of its development: early or late pregnancy, the presence of a chronic infection, chronic overwork, stress, previous abortions, etc. If nausea and vomiting are accompanied by abdominal pain and bleeding, there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Also, this symptom is characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy.
  7. Psychogenic factors. The appearance of nausea followed by vomiting is characteristic of emotional people. Such a reflex reaction of the body can occur under the influence of any psychoemotional shock.

Some medications can also provoke vomiting. The reason for this may be their overdose or intolerance to one of the components that make up the drug.

Digestive system problems

Most often, nausea and vomiting are provoked by disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, which are caused by food poisoning. But there are other more serious pathological reasons.

A provocateur of the gag reflex can be: an infectious lesion of the body, an inflammatory process, functional disorders, the appearance of a tumor, etc.

If severe vomiting occurs, do not let the disease take its course or self-medicate. Some pathologies that cause nausea and vomiting require immediate surgical intervention. The absence or delayed delivery of professional medical care can cost life. Such diseases include:

  • acute appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • peritonitis.

As a rule, other symptoms are present along with the gag reflex:

  • significant temperature rise;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • pain syndrome localized in the abdomen;
  • excessive sweating.

The cause of the body's inflammatory response, which provokes nausea and vomiting, may be:

  • gastritis;
  • the presence of a duodenal or stomach ulcer;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis).

Impurities of blood or bile

In matters of diagnosis, the contents of the vomit and its smell are of great importance. If there are traces of scarlet blood in the vomit of an adult, then such a symptom is characterized by the presence of bleeding, which could open in the upper parts of the stomach, esophagus or pharynx. If bleeding has formed in the duodenum or stomach, for example, due to an ulcer, then the color will be darker (brown). The change in the shade of the blood occurs due to a chemical reaction that occurs when it interacts with gastric juice. A small amount of blood can be a symptom of gastritis. For peptic ulcer and other pathologies that are associated with high acidity, the vomit is characterized by a sour smell.

The presence of blood and foam in the vomit indicates pulmonary hemorrhage.

The residual bitterness in the mouth after vomiting of yellow or green color is an indicator that bile has been released from the body. There are 2 options for the appearance of such symptoms:

  1. There was an accidental throw of bile into the stomach and it came out along with all its contents.
  2. Duodenal obstruction.

If the vomit contains not only bile but also pus, then it can be argued about stomach phlegmon or the presence of a foreign body in it.

In rare situations (but they should not be ruled out either), helminths can cause reflex nausea and vomiting. As a rule, this symptom occurs when there are a large population of them in the body, so they can go out through the mouth along with vomit and bile.

The rotten smell of vomiting appears when food has been in the stomach for a long time. And if there is a smell of feces, then this is a sure sign of intestinal obstruction.

After drinking alcoholic beverages, the smell of chemicals appears, in case of kidney problems - the smell of ammonia, and diabetes mellitus gives the vomit a pronounced smell of acetone.

What measures can be taken if the condition worsens?

If the gag reflex manifests itself often, you need to call a doctor or take the patient to a medical facility on your own. Until the moment the patient enters the order of doctors, water must be consumed between attacks. The pharynx should be small. Excessive fluid intake at one time can provoke a repeated gag reflex. It is recommended to refuse food intake.

When vomiting is severe, even a small amount of water provokes them, and dehydration can be prevented. This requires putting an ice cube in your mouth.

To restore the lost amount of minerals and vitamins, you need to consume a liquid that is rich in electrolytes. These drinks include:

  • ginger tea (you can add a spoonful of honey if there are no contraindications to its use);
  • still mineral water;
  • apple juice, previously diluted with water;
  • low-fat broth.
  • Hydrovit;
  • Normohydrone;
  • Electrolyte;
  • Regidron;
  • Rex Vital.

You can use peppermint to suppress the feeling of nausea. It can be consumed as a tea, or used with peppermint drops or lozenges.

If the adult's nausea and vomiting has stopped, and there are no more threatening symptoms, you can try eating a few salty crackers. With a favorable reaction of the body, further consumption of food should be frequent, but in small portions.

If all the symptoms have passed, then a diet should be adhered to for several days, which implies the exclusion from the diet of all foods that can irritate the digestive tract and hinder its normal functionality.

When an admixture of blood is observed in the vomit, other symptoms of malaise appear, vomiting does not stop for a long time, then there is a threat to the patient's life. In such situations, professional medical diagnostics should be carried out in order to identify the provocateur who caused nausea and a gag reflex. You may need hospitalization and immediate surgery by a surgeon.

After providing medical care, depending on the cause of the pathology, the doctor will individually tell you what to do to the patient in the rehabilitation period.

Vomiting and nausea are symptoms that give a person a lot of discomfort throughout the entire period of his illness. He cannot leave the house, because the urge to vomit can arise suddenly.

This symptomatology negatively affects not only human health, but also his mood. Trying to get rid of discomfort, the patient asks the question: what to do with nausea and vomiting? The answer will be given below.

The specifics of this symptomatology

Before giving the patient injections with any medications, it is recommended to understand the peculiarity of this ailment.

Nausea is called discomfort in the upper part of the stomach and in the larynx, resulting from intoxication of the body.

Nausea is accompanied by dizziness, numbness in the limbs and general weakness. Vomiting with nausea does not always occur, it is, rather, its consequence.

This symptomatology occurs for various reasons. For example, its appearance is preceded by toxic poisoning, overeating or intestinal infection.

In most cases, vomiting and nausea occur ad hoc, due to an external stimulus. Interruption of contact with this irritant leads to recovery.

However, if a person has any abnormality in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, these two symptoms will occur regularly. What to do in this case?

When a person regularly vomits and vomits, the first thing he needs to do is undergo a course of medical therapy in a medical facility.

If the patient's condition is not very serious, the doctors will prescribe appropriate medications for him and prescribe a therapeutic diet.

Perhaps they will need to give him cleansing enemas.

When vomiting and nausea are accompanied by other symptoms, for example, heartburn, belching, intestinal colic, the patient is admitted to the hospital for further monitoring of his condition.

So, what should you do in order to rid yourself of this unpleasant symptomatology?

Actions for nausea

For nausea, do the following:

  • If this ailment was caused by banal overwork, a person should open the windows in the house to gain access to fresh air, drink a scan of water and take a lying position. It is recommended to sleep for a few hours and the discomfort in the upper abdomen will go away.
  • When a person is very nauseous, you need to do alcohol lotions. You can not keep alcohol on the skin for too long, as this will dry them out. It is enough to inhale alcohol vapors.
  • Validol will also help to cope with this ailment.
  • With nausea, mint infusion will help the patient get rid of discomfort.
  • If the nausea was caused by motion sickness, it can lead to frequent vomiting. What to do in this case? If a person taking a boat trip or a trip is nauseous and vomiting, he should have lollipops with him, as they help get rid of such symptoms.
  • If the patient is experiencing an urge to vomit, do not suppress it. For nausea caused by intoxication of the body, vomiting will be the best treatment. Why? Together with the vomit from the stomach, all the pathogenic bacteria that provoke poor health of the patient are exported.
  • To provoke the urge to vomit, you should drink water and press with two fingers on the lingual root.

Actions for vomiting

When strong discomfort in the upper abdomen is accompanied by vomiting, you need to do the following:

  • The patient should drink plenty of fluids. Water and other fluids will help absorb harmful trace elements in the patient's stomach. The more he drinks, the more effective the treatment will be, because it depends on the degree of cleansing of the stomach. Moreover, vomiting leads to dehydration, so drinking plenty of fluids with this ailment is the main necessity.
  • When vomiting, do not stop her urge. On the contrary, such attacks occur when the body tries to fight the disease by freeing the stomach from harmful microelements and toxins.
  • If nausea and vomiting bother the patient for several days, he should not take any action, because a disease that lasts for several days is a clear sign of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The best medicine for vomiting is a sorbent. You can take activated carbon, Enterosgel or Smecta. The sorbent envelops stomach toxins that prevent its normal functioning and promotes their rapid elimination from the body.

Home treatment

Nausea and vomiting can be treated with traditional medicine. So, home treatment includes the following:

  1. The patient should monitor his diet. During the period of treatment, it is recommended to refrain from eating foods that are heavy for assimilation. We are talking about fatty, smoked and spicy foods. Also, the ban is imposed on the consumption of fruits that increase the level of acidity in the stomach, such as apples and plums.
    On the first day of illness, the patient is advised to completely abandon food intake, as this will negatively affect the functioning of the stomach and its well-being.
  2. On the second day after the onset of the disease, the patient should drink sweet tea. It can be replaced with juice or mineral water. The only food that a patient can eat with nausea and vomiting in the first days of the illness is broth and crackers.
  3. The addition of grated ginger to food will help alleviate the condition of a person who has this symptomatology. Ginger normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the elimination of pathogenic microbes from the body.
  4. A person suffering from this ailment will feel better if they dissolve one spoonful of soda in a glass of warm water and drink the solution.
  5. You can get rid of this symptomatology with salt water. It is enough to dissolve one spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water and drink the water in one gulp. After that, you should drink orange juice.
  6. If nausea and vomiting prevent a person from functioning normally, you can get rid of them with the help of potato juice. Juice should be squeezed out of raw potatoes, which should be taken one spoonful several times a day. The patient will feel better already in the first day after taking potato juice.
  7. With such symptoms, you should drink green tea.

Herbal medicine for this ailment

Herbal preparations can help relieve the discomfort associated with nausea and vomiting. These healing recipes contribute to the quick recovery of the patient.

  • Mint infusion. Peppermint is poured over with boiling water. It takes 2 hours to insist. After that, the mint is thrown away, and the infusion is taken three times a day. It is recommended to take a mint infusion after each vomiting.
  • Dill. Dill seeds are poured with boiling water. This infusion is drunk one tablespoon twice a day. This medicine for this symptomatology should be taken if the ailment was caused by abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lemon balm infusion. Dry medicinal lemon balm is poured with boiling water. It should be infused for at least 30 minutes. This medicine should be taken three times a day, 3 tablespoons. It is important to drink lemon balm infusion after a meal.
  • Infusion of the trefoil watch. Two tablespoons of this herb are poured into two glasses of water. The water should be cold. The trefoil watch is insisted for 8-10 hours.

Treatment of ailment in pregnant women

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women experience toxicosis. This is a normal state that signals that her body is preparing for new conditions.

With toxicosis, morning vomiting is a common and absolutely normal phenomenon for a woman.

Despite the fact that this symptom does not carry any danger to the life or health of the expectant mother and her fetus, it brings a lot of discomfort and problems.

Pregnant girls are prohibited from taking medication. How to get rid of gagging?

  1. It is necessary to give up the evening meal. If the expectant mother eats before bedtime, she will become nauseous in the morning.
  2. It is important to eat small meals to avoid overloading your stomach with too much food.
  3. In the morning, you should only eat foods that are easily digestible by the body.
  4. Stenches and any unpleasant odors should be avoided. Contact with them is fraught not only with nausea, but also with sudden vomiting.

Useful video

Nausea is a rather unpleasant sensation, unfortunately, occasionally arises in almost every person. It does not appear without a reason, its appearance indicates some kind of malfunction in the body.

What is persistent nausea without other symptoms?

Constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms can indicate many diseases or other changes in the body. Whatever the reason for this unpleasant sensation, this problem cannot be ignored, but it is necessary to find out the true source of nausea.

Nausea is not a normal state of a healthy body, and even more so if it is permanent. Persistent nausea without vomiting or other symptoms may indicate the occurrence of such diseases:

  • stomach diseases
  • bowel disease
  • brain diseases
  • kidney disease
  • the occurrence of tumors and inflammation,
  • disruption of the thyroid gland,
  • violation of the cardiovascular system,
  • violation of the vestibular apparatus,
  • manifestation of infectious diseases.

Note! Very often, the occurrence of constant nausea can indicate an incorrect lifestyle:

  • alcohol abuse
  • smoking
  • strong overvoltage and overwork of the body,
  • improper diet (excessive consumption of fatty and smoked foods, abuse of fast food),
  • emotional exhaustion.

If nausea occurs, before diagnosing the disease, you need to reconsider your lifestyle... Probably, it is because of the wrong order of existence that these uncomfortable sensations arise.

What to do if you feel nauseous without vomiting

When nausea occurs the first thing to do is to review your diet... If the day before this uncomfortable feeling, a lot of fat was eaten, or simply an excessive amount of any food, this may be the cause of nausea.

Oily looking can provoke an attack of nausea.

But if a sensation such as constant nausea without vomiting and other symptoms occurs, another problem that is dangerous to health may lurk in it.

The first thing to do is to promptly seek help from a qualified specialist.

The doctor will conduct an examination of the body, direct it for diagnosis. Currently, with the help of high quality equipment in laboratories, taking into account the received blood and urine tests, many diseases can be detected. Therefore, you should trust the specialists and go through all the diagnostic methods.

Nausea can be a symptom of a disease

Important to remember! Taking medication for nausea will only temporarily relieve the uncomfortable sensations, but not from the very source of this unpleasant sensation.

In order to get rid of nausea, it is necessary to start treating the disease that causes it. Having cured the ailment, the nausea will disappear after it.

The main causes of nausea, other than disease

This uncomfortable feeling may not necessarily arise due to human diseases. There are many other reasons which can cause such unpleasant experiences.

Overwork is one of the main causes of nausea. It is important for a person to rest and relax.

Sometimes they become unexpected for the person himself, who does not and does not associate them with the emerging feeling of persistent nausea:

  1. Overstrain and lack of sleep... The body needs rest and healthy sleep. If you do not get enough sleep for a long period of time, you may experience various discomfort, including regular nausea. This is a kind of signal from the body about the wrong daily routine.
  2. Problems associated with the vestibular apparatus. People with such a disruption in the operation of this device can be rocked in transport, an elevator. Against this background, severe nausea may occur.
  3. Poisoning, intestinal infection. The pathological process is usually accompanied by vomiting and fever, but there are cases in which only the occurrence of nausea is dispensed with.
  4. Side effects of drugs. Each medicine can cause side effects, including nausea. You can read about this in the instructions for the medicinal product.
  5. Pregnancy. The first months of pregnancy, as a rule, are accompanied by constant nausea, and gagging is not at all necessary.
  6. Migraine. Headaches of this nature are very often accompanied by nausea.
  7. Concussion. This condition usually causes nausea and, in severe cases, vomiting.

These are the most common causes of persistent nausea without vomiting or other symptoms, and there are many others. Each organism responds differently to different processes both changes and consequences in people are usually individual.

Women often feel sick during pregnancy. If the nausea attacks are severe and frequent, you should visit your gynecologist

Note! Even the most harmless causes of nausea should receive special attention. Discomfort is not normal if the body is completely healthy.

Features of nausea in diseases

The following diseases can cause nausea:

The listed characteristics of the manifestations of diseases may differ, since each organism carries diseases in its own way, therefore, the symptoms may be different or to a lesser extent.

Important to remember! Even if the symptoms are exactly the same as those described in the article, you cannot resort to self-medication. The fact is that many diseases are similar in their symptoms, while their treatment is significantly different.

Features of nausea by time of day

Features of discomfort may vary from time of day. If you constantly vomit without vomiting and other symptoms in a certain period of the day, then this will allow you to more accurately determine the cause of this discomfort.

If nausea appears on the road, then you should use a special bracelet

If nausea constantly haunts the body, then it is possible to trace its dependence on certain human actions, for example:

  • food intake,
  • driving in transport,
  • work in uncomfortable conditions,
  • stress, and more.

Usually the nausea is aggravated by these processes. If you constantly feel sick, regardless of these actions, then the reason is more serious and see a doctor, even if nausea without vomiting and other symptoms.

There can be many reasons for nausea in the morning.

Starting from the most harmless, such as overeating before bedtime or, conversely, a strong feeling of hunger, ending with more serious signs of illness.

A large amount of alcohol provokes nausea.

An excess of alcoholic beverages before bed is a perfectly accurate sign of morning sickness. Highly often morning sickness becomes a clear sign of pregnancy... Medication should not be used on an empty stomach, it can also cause nausea.

But if constant nausea is tiring, exhausting, and it does not depend on the above factors, then the reason should be sought in your health, or rather, problems with it.

Causes of nausea after eating

When eating fatty and heavy foods, and even in excess, even in an absolutely healthy person may experience discomfort... Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the diet and eat in small portions, this will help to avoid nausea.

If nausea occurs after eating, then you should pay attention to nutrition. Perhaps a special diet should be followed

If the described action did not help, and after any meal there is a feeling of constant nausea, then this is a common symptom of almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Such s diseases cannot be independently diagnosed as their symptoms are very similar to each other.

Even if everything goes away without vomiting and other symptoms, you should think about a comprehensive examination.

Attacks of nausea in the evening and at night

Basically, all painful and uncomfortable feelings intensify in the late afternoon, including the feeling of nausea. Very often, evening and night nausea occurs after a strong overexertion during the day, due to severe overwork.

If you have a nausea attack, peppermint oil may help

It can be caused by irregular work hours, which can lead to fatigue and exhaustion. Overeating may be one of the reasons. in the evening, since in the afternoon a person's metabolism is already less active, including the work of the stomach, for which it is difficult to cope with the processing of excessive food intake.

In the evening, and even more so before bedtime, you need to eat light food and in small quantities, it will relieve overeating and discomfort. You may experience nausea due to taking medication during the day or an adverse reaction.

If that's not the reason it is necessary to undergo an examination with a doctor's consultation to identify the source of this uncomfortable feeling. The causes of nausea in the evening can be various diseases, ranging from dysbiosis and ending with inflammation of appendicitis.

If nausea persists, see your doctor

In any case, given the symptom cannot be ignored, so that in the event of a disease, cure it on time and without harmful consequences.

Nausea is a rather uncomfortable sensation, especially when it persists for a long time.

This ailment cannot be ignored, since it not only brings discomfort, but can also signal a serious illness or disorder in the body.

Only with proper diagnosis and medical supervision, you can identify the true causes of nausea and get rid of these unpleasant sensations.

The following video will explain the causes of persistent nausea:

This video will tell you which diseases are symptomatic of persistent nausea:

The following video will explain the main signs of anorexia nervosa:

Vomiting and nausea- accompanying each other protective reflexes, not amenable to conscious control. Often, vomiting is aimed at cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of harmful substances. can be a symptom of various diseases, pregnancy in women.

Vomiting and poisoning

If vomiting has developed against the background of food poisoning (diarrhea, rumbling in the abdomen, weakness, a slight increase in temperature), you need to rinse the stomach with plenty of water. Washing is done as follows: the patient should drink as much boiled water as possible, and then provoke vomiting by pressing a spoon or finger on the root of the tongue. After the discharge of vomit, repeat the procedure and so on until the patient vomits with clean water. You can drink sorbing drugs such as White clay or.

Antiemetic drugs

If the cause of vomiting is unknown or cannot be corrected, antiemetic drugs should be taken.

It is possible to stop vomiting caused by various reasons with such drugs as Cerucal and Motilium. Cerucal is a drug that stops vomiting at the level of the brain, it is effective against vomiting for migraines, traumatic brain injury, gastroenteritis, stomach atony, kidney disease. Adults take Cerucal 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablet three to four times a day, Motilium is taken half an hour before meals, one to two tablets three times a day.

Cisapride acts on vomiting faster than Cerucal, but it is effective only for vomiting caused by intestinal and stomach atony. Cisapride is taken one to two tablets ten minutes before meals.

Painful multiple vomiting with gastroenteritis, after chemotherapy and radiation therapy in oncology is eliminated by taking one or two tablets of Ondansetron, Emetron or their injections (drugs cannot be taken for liver diseases). Vomiting caused by air and sea sickness, with motion sickness, can be removed by Ciel. It is taken before meals, one to two tablets, two to three times a day. Prevention of "motion sickness" - taking one or two tablets half an hour before the trip, children can be given half a tablet.

Ciel lowers attention, so you should not drive while taking this drug. during pregnancy, the drug Kokulin removes well. Frequent vomiting dehydrates the body, so the patient needs to be given plenty of fluids.

Vomiting against a background of severe diarrhea mixed with blood, severe weakness, high fever are signs of an intestinal infection. Severe vomiting, discoloration of feces, darkening of urine are a sign of viral hepatitis. If you suspect an acute intestinal infection or hepatitis, the patient should be urgently shown to the doctor.

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