Encephalography for driver's licenses. Electroencephalography (EEG) for information from the traffic police

Today, when the form driver's license, and vehicle categories have changed, many drivers are interested in some details of the medical examination. They are often concerned about whether they need to undergo an MRI when renewing their driver's license or obtaining a license to drive a vehicle for the first time. There is an opinion that magnetic resonance imaging of the head will only be needed by professional drivers, while amateurs can do without an expensive examination.

Many people confuse the two examinations that the patient’s brain undergoes. One of them is the tomography mentioned above - a fairly detailed and detailed study of brain structures. In terms of early detection of neoplasms and other pathologies, this moment this survey is second to none. The second is an electroencephalogram, which is a more accessible type of research. It allows us to describe brain rhythms. And now this kind of research is available in both central and provincial clinics. The devices have become slightly less widespread than electrocardiographs. And the EEG equipment itself is not as expensive and cumbersome as tomographs.

In order to be issued a driver's license after passing all the exams, you must have a driver's certificate certified by the final signature of a therapist or doctor. general practice. In order for him to approve such a document, he needs to collect the opinions of different doctors and examination data. Among them there is precisely the result of an EEG, not a tomography.

Does a professional need to undergo a tomography when replacing a license?

According to the new rules, a medical certificate is required when replacing driver's license for something new. This document will also be needed if the driver wants to open a new category in his license. Often, the head of the enterprise organizes a medical examination for professional drivers. It is often carried out in an attached state clinic, and it’s unlikely that anyone will force you to specifically undergo an MRI examination.

A different picture can be observed in commercial clinics, with which motor transport enterprises a service agreement in terms of medical examinations of drivers can also be concluded. This is where you can encounter intrusive service, when medical staff forces you to undergo magnetic resonance imaging.

Is it necessary to do an MRI for a certificate from the traffic police?

In fact, no one has the right to impose this examination on either a professional driver or an amateur, because it is not included in the list mandatory procedures upon receipt of a driver's license. But professional drivers may encounter a situation where the clinic simply scammed their company’s management into paying for an MRI. Then there is nothing left to do but go through the procedure. In this case, you can find an undoubted advantage of the examination: the result obtained will make it clear whether there are any pathologies in the brain. Early detection and treatment of an incipient disease can stop its process and save a person’s life.

If you are offered to undergo a tomography and pay for it yourself, then the person has the right to refuse the imposed examination.

When is an MRI necessary when replacing a driver's license?

The answer to the question of whether an MRI is needed for a driver’s license is already clear: no. However, if during a medical examination a neurologist, psychiatrist or EEG interpreter found a pathology that requires more detailed research, you can walk along at will magnetic resonance imaging of the head. It is preferable to do this where modern equipment is available.

Why do clinics force MRIs of the head to obtain a driver's license?

The answer to this question is simple: it benefits them. When purchasing expensive equipment, each head of a private medical institution strives to return the money spent on this device as quickly as possible by conducting examinations. People do not often want to undergo an MRI procedure, which can significantly lighten the wallet. Only if you really need to confirm malignant or benign tumors, to understand whether surgery is necessary and whether it is possible, then tomography has direct indications. But the percentage of such patients is not large enough to organize a massive flow to the clinic. But in order to replace a driver’s license, many can come to a medical institution for a driver’s certificate.

Is it necessary to undergo an MRI of the head for a driving license of categories “C”, “D”, “E”

It is these categories, as well as the newly introduced “CE”, “DE”, “Tm”, “Tb”, together with the subcategories “C1”, “D1”, “C1E”, “D1E”, that are professional, and for them mandatory procedures EEG is performed. For those who are new to this procedure, it is easier to present it in a “different form” and force them to undergo an MRI. If an amateur driver gets or changes his license, then he doesn’t even have to do an EEG. Unless the neurologist wants to obtain more in-depth information about the patient’s health status.

Do public transport drivers need an MRI for a certificate from the traffic police?

On the one hand, transportation large number passengers - this is an even greater responsibility than when transporting cargo. Therefore, you need to understand how adequate the driver is, whether he has the correct reaction, whether he is capable of being responsible for passengers and averting harm from them in the event of an emergency. After all, a detailed examination of the brain could show something indicating the driver’s readiness for maximum concentration.

On the other hand, is it worth doing an MRI for this purpose? This no longer requires a study of what is happening inside a person’s head, but a competent assessment by a psychiatrist. It is this specialist who is able to identify the nature of a person’s reaction, as well as identify his personal characteristics. By the way, examination of drivers by a psychiatrist is now possible only in state dispensaries.

You will also have to go to a state dispensary to get a certificate from a narcologist, but the rest can be done at a commercial clinic.

What doctors and examinations does a driver need to undergo?

For drivers to receive medical report Fitness to drive a car, in addition to a psychiatrist and a narcologist, should undergo:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist.

You will have to take urine and blood tests only if a narcologist requests them for his conclusion. Even not all amateur drivers can undergo an otolaryngologist, but professionals are required to do so.

An amateur driver can be referred for an ECG by a therapist, and an EEG by a neurologist. Professionals must undergo such examinations. But MRI is not on any of the lists, so this examination is not relevant to the mandatory requirements for obtaining or replacing a driver’s license.

1000 rub.

Sign up for an EEG

A transcript of the EEG results is issued immediately after the examination

Get an EEG for a driver's license without an appointment in 15 minutes at any of the clinics in the Health network!

Using an EEG, the doctor will obtain data about electrical activity brain To do this, he will put electrodes on your head, which will collect information. The procedure is safe, painless and will take no more than 15 minutes.

  • An EEG is required when obtaining a certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate * for categories C and D. The EEG results must be provided to a psychiatrist at the dispensary at the place of registration, along with a psychologist’s report
  • EEG is also performed as part of various types of medical examinations; to assess the state of the brain after injury or surgery

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*Based on Article 65 Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ, Article 23 of the Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 No. 437-FZ, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 1993 No. 377.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the methods diagnostic examination brain, which is one of the most widely used today. In particular, EEG is the only method that allows high accuracy distinguish epilepsy from other paroxysmal conditions. That is why EEG has now been included in the mandatory medical examination that is taken before obtaining a driver’s license (according to a letter from the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated April 5, 2012 N 14-5/10/2-3374).

What does EEG reveal?

Doctors prescribe an electroencephalogram for:

  • epilepsy (both before prescribing medications and while taking them and before reducing the dose anticonvulsants or cancel them altogether)
  • cerebrovascular disorders
  • neoplasms localized in the brain
  • neuroses (sleep disorders, stuttering, tics, obsessive movements, nocturnal enuresis, etc.)
  • children's cerebral palsy(cerebral palsy)
  • delays in mental, psycho-speech or psychomotor development in children

How is the examination carried out?

  1. The doctor attaches electrodes to your head that will record bioelectrical activity brain. Provided by them the readings will be displayed in the form of a graph - an electroencephalogram. It is by looking at this graph that the doctor will be able to draw conclusions about the presence of any deviations from the norm. Sometimes an EEG is performed during sleep - in a sleeping person, brain activity characteristic of epilepsy increases sharply, which facilitates the examination. Well, if we are talking about children under three years old, then the procedure can only be carried out during sleep.
  2. There is no need to prepare for the study in any special way.: Simply do not drink coffee, tea, energy drinks, or caffeine-containing drinks/medicines for 12 hours before the EEG. Also keep in mind that you need to come for the examination with dry and clean hair, without oils, aerosols, lotions and other cosmetics.

By contacting the “Zdorovye” network of medical centers, you get confidence in the high quality of care for all medical services. Our specialists will quickly and accurately conduct an examination, interpret its results in detail and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Considering the fact that in 2014 Article 23 of the “Security Law” was amended traffic RF”, now in order to sign a driver’s license from a psychiatrist and narcologist, you need to have an electroencephalogram of the brain. Many drivers have a question: “Why go through such a procedure?” - the answer is simple! An electroencephalogram analyzes the state of the brain and the processes that occur in it. After passing the medical examination, you will be given EEG certificate, which describes how the brain functions. An encephalogram for a driver's license is carried out as the most reliable examination of the cerebral cortex. Using this procedure, it is possible to analyze the effect of traumatic brain injuries (if any) on general state health, confirm or exclude the presence of seizures, abnormalities, neurological diseases, epileptic syndrome, assess the general state of work important body human body.

Cost of electroencephalogram

The Garantmed medical center is equipped with the latest equipment and also has required licenses to carry out examinations.

Our medical center has a special price offer for drivers: the cost of an electroencephalogram of the brain with the issuance of a conclusion (for passing the commission) is 400 rubles, a driver’s medical certificate for categories “A”, “B” – 800 rubles, “C”, “D” — 1000 rub.

Therefore, do not try to buy an EGG certificate or other medical documents out of hand! This is not only illegal, because you are not sure of the authenticity of the documents, but it can also harm your health, since undergoing an examination means insuring yourself against health problems in the future.

How is the procedure done?

Encephalogram for a driver's license - in full safe procedure, which does not require special preparation and takes only 15-20 minutes of time. During the examination, the doctor will fix a special medical cap on your head and attach sensors to it, which, in turn, will read information about how the brain works and transmit it to an electroencelograph. The device records the data that the sensors read and prints it on paper in the form of a curved line. This is the encephalogram that drivers and everyone who is prescribed to undergo it receive along with a description of the results of the procedure. The main thing is that the EEG is performed by an experienced neurologist - this is the key to the correctness and accuracy of the diagnosis.

EEG at the Garantmed medical center in St. Petersburg

The Garantmed Medical Center employs experienced, qualified neurologists who not only perform an encephalogram for a certificate from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (SAI), but also clearly and correctly draw up all the necessary certificates and make diagnoses. By undergoing an EEG for PND at the Garantmed medical center, the driver will save a lot of time, because registration for an EEG at regular dispensaries is carried out a month in advance. When choosing the Garantmed medical center, the entire procedure will take you just one day!

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