How to choose a muzzle for a German Shepherd. How to choose a muzzle for a German Shepherd When to start getting acquainted with a muzzle

What types of muzzles are there and why does a dog need them? How to accustom an animal to wearing an accessory, what mistakes happen and how to prevent them?

Why does the dog need this accessory?

In general, it is better to accustom your animal to a muzzle, even if you have the most good-natured Labrador in the world or a tiny Chihuahua, and avoid all possible problems in the future. It won't take much time or effort. Of course, like any other skill, it needs to be periodically refreshed in the animal’s memory. But this is also a matter of a couple of ten-minute lessons a month on wearing this piece of equipment.

In addition to protecting against animal aggression against veterinarians, strangers, or even the owners themselves, unpleasant procedures, a muzzle is one of the means to prevent eating various pieces from the ground. The latter is very dangerous and can cost your pet’s life.

How to train a puppy to wear a muzzle

Choosing the right accessory

  1. Size . In order for the dog to be comfortable in a muzzle, it must suit him according to this parameter. Starting puppy training early age, the owner will have to purchase several accessory options, focusing on increasing the size of the growing pet. If the owner does not have the opportunity to buy several items, then there is another way. Before the formation of the jaws is completed (approximately 5-7 months), you can accustom the animal to a muzzle by tying a ribbon on the muzzle. As a result, the pet will not object to tugging on the latter, but the accessory itself will need to be trained separately so that the animal is not afraid of it. The dog must be able to open its mouth and breathe with open mouth in a muzzle, and also to drink (in open mesh versions).
  2. Material. Muzzles are available in leather, plastic, fabric, and metal. The latter look impressive on large, thick-nosed dogs, but in winter they become very cold and can cause frostbite on the skin. Fabric options are well suited for good-natured dogs just in case, and are also used for dwarf and small ones (toy terriers, chihuahuas, miniature pinschers) and short-faced (French and English bulldogs, pugs, Pekingese) breeds. Their disadvantage is the frequent formation of skin abrasions when worn, as well as insufficient strength for truly aggressive dogs. Plastic muzzles are light, but not very durable, and are frost-resistant. Accessories made of leather of different thicknesses depending on the size of the dog are considered optimal. They are quite soft and elastic and, at the same time, durable.
  3. The clasp and straps of the muzzle must be of high quality and reliable; check their condition periodically. By type, accessories can be solid (usually fabric, plastic) or in the form of a mesh (metal, leather).

Demonstrating to the puppy that the object is harmless and pleasant

The baby will be frightened by any object that the owner tries to put on him. It was the same with the collar and leash. Training begins with a clear demonstration that the item is absolutely safe for the dog's baby. Let the puppy sniff it and study it. Then place the treat inside the muzzle and let him eat it. After the dog is calm about this, you can fasten the accessory for a few seconds (5-8), generously encouraging the baby. The puppy will try to eat tasty piece bypassing the muzzle. However, let him understand: this is impossible, whoever stuck his nose in the accessory devoured the delicious food.
Do not muzzle your puppy as soon as he puts his nose in it. The first times, remove it from the muzzle quickly, without letting the puppy get scared. Then increase the time spent in the muzzle.
Do not allow the dog to play with it or chew it.

Training to wear a muzzle

The dog should associate wearing the item exclusively with positive emotions. At first, it will greatly disturb the baby; after putting on a muzzle, you need to immediately occupy the dog with an active pastime: a walk, a game. Go to an unfamiliar place so that the puppy is distracted, change from walking to running and the baby will be forced to follow you, invite friends with or without dogs to come out and walk with you. Then the animal will be distracted and quickly forget about the unpleasant object. When the pet walks calmly in a muzzle, praise it and give it a treat. If you want to remove an item from him, wait until the dog has forgotten about the item, and under no circumstances remove it while the dog is trying to get rid of it.

When going for a walk at first, always wear a muzzle, this way the dog will be calm about this event, I know that a fun walk will follow.

If an animal on the street suddenly begins to intensively remove the accessory, distract it with a game. If this doesn't work, take the item off and quickly return home. After being there for a few minutes, put the muzzle back on and go outside. Repeat a large number of times until the dog understands that a walk is only possible if he does not try to remove the accessory, otherwise he immediately goes home.

How to train an adult dog to wear a muzzle

What if your dog is already an adult, and you have not previously taught him to wear this accessory? Or the dog just came into your home, for example, from a shelter or from another owner.

There are no fundamental differences in teaching techniques. The difference is that teaching any skill little puppy much easier than for an adult dog, who always already has negative life experiences. Incorrect training is much worse complete absence thereof. If an animal associates putting on a muzzle with unpleasant veterinary procedures, you will have to work hard to change its settings. In the case of an adult dog, you will need much more patience and endless repetitions.

Other dogs require a special approach. An adult animal is no longer as distracted on the street as a puppy, and if the muzzle bothers him, then the dog devotes the entire walk to trying to remove it. In such cases, the accessory must be worn at home until the pet gets used to it.

For an adult animal, you can use the command “Ugh!”, “No!” while trying to get rid of the accessory.


  1. Lack of regular repetition of the skill. If the dog is one hundred percent good-natured and loves all people without exception and he usually does not need a muzzle in Everyday life, periodically carry out training walks in the accessory.
  2. If you are going to perform painful manipulations, do not put the accessory on your dog right in front of them. This is one of the main mistakes that causes complete rejection of the thing in the animal. Put it on in advance, be sure to take a walk before the procedure, give treats, exercise or play with the dog. The associative chain: “put a muzzle on - hurt” should not work out for him.

Practice shows that the actions of even the most well-mannered and good-natured dog cannot be predicted, therefore the use of a muzzle remains a necessary measure for all owners. There is an opinion that a muzzle is not needed for puppies, but should be used only for adult dogs, but this is far from true, since a puppy can scare a child or can catch his clothes with his teeth.

A muzzle is required when going to public places, as well as when going to the veterinarian. Seeing a muzzle on a dog in a park or on the street, none of the passers-by will complain about it to the owner, since they will be confident in their own safety. You should not refuse the accessory for the reason that it will prevent the dog from picking up food or dirty objects from the ground. How to train a dog to wear a muzzle?

When to start getting acquainted with a muzzle

You should not think that the sooner the pet gets acquainted with the muzzle, the better, because in fact it is very important that the dog’s age is such that it can understand what the owner requires of it. It is best to introduce a muzzle to your dog at the age of five months. Serious training should be carried out on a puppy at least 6-7 months old, when the animal already has some professional skills and can withstand wearing a muzzle on the street or to a veterinary clinic.

The exception is those dogs that were adopted from a shelter at the age of 5-6 months, since they do not have the same level of discipline as pet, therefore the approach to training must be completely different. Much depends on the dog's obedience, trainability, and how aggressive it is. A guarantee of successful training is the development of conditioned reflexes in the dog; the muzzle should be associated exclusively with pleasant events; there should be no aggression or irritation during the dog’s introduction to the muzzle.

How does a puppy and an adult dog get to know a muzzle?

Acquaintance with a muzzle should begin in this way - before putting it on an animal, you need the dog to sniff it properly and understand that it does not pose any danger to it. However, under no circumstances should you allow your dog to gnaw or chew it. In order for the dog to put on a muzzle, you should use a long-proven method - you need to place some kind of treat in it and wait until the pet can’t stand it and climbs to get it with its muzzle.

Of course, the animal can cheat and try to reach it from the side, but this must be prevented in every possible way. If, having barely taken out the treat, the dog immediately stuck its muzzle out of the muzzle, it’s not scary, this is the first acquaintance, which means you can’t force the animal to sit in it for a long time or immediately fasten it.

Accustoming a dog to a muzzle - stages

Once the dog has become familiar with the muzzle, everything possible must be done to prolong its stay in it. So, you can try feeding your dog a treat through a muzzle so that it gets used to it. If the treat should be given immediately at first, then you can wait 5 or more minutes before feeding your pet. It is very important to praise your dog when he eats a treat and still remains muzzled. You should not fasten the muzzle at this stage, let the dog feel free, and as soon as he gets used to his new equipment and can sit in it for more than 10 seconds, you can fasten it. For the fact that a dog walks calmly in a muzzle, it should be rewarded with praise or a treat.

The second stage is the combination of a muzzle and walks. Of course, the dog will not be able to immediately for a long time If you walk around wearing a muzzle, you can put it on and only take it off when you leave the yard. Then you can extend the time you spend in the muzzle by walking in it longer each time. The dog may try to remove the accessory, at this moment it is necessary to distract it, for example, by giving the command “near” and at the same time starting to run, or by giving some kind of toy.

Reasons for failure to train a dog to use a muzzle

The first reason is that the accessory is incorrectly selected. The muzzle must be suitable in size for the dog, and also take into account the shape of its muzzle, so that when worn, the pet does not experience any problems. discomfort. You can check whether the dog’s muzzle fits or not in a simple way– in it he should easily open his mouth and sit. You should check that the muzzle does not put pressure on your pet or rub it. In hot weather, it is best to use an accessory that resembles a wire basket. In such a muzzle, the dog will be able to open its mouth and stick out its tongue, which will allow it to control thermoregulation and not get heatstroke. In winter, it is best to wear a muzzle made of thick leather, as it is quite elastic and the dog will be very comfortable in it.

The second reason may lie in the fact that the owner puts on an accessory incorrectly on your pet. The animal must understand that nothing unpleasant is happening for it, that putting on a muzzle is a common occurrence. Therefore, the owner should not show any irritation or impatience when putting on a muzzle, and should not scold the dog or show aggression towards him.

The third reason may lie in the fact that the muzzle was first put on before going to the veterinarian, when the dog was vaccinated, or before any other unpleasant event. The pet owner must remember that conditioned reflex for a dog, it should be associated exclusively with pleasant sensations, therefore, putting on a muzzle for the first time, you should have a good time with the dog.

You should not remove the muzzle when your pet wants to take it off; you should first distract him and then remove it. This needs to be done because the dog may think that as soon as he wants to remove the accessory, he will immediately get what he wants, and there are cases when you should never remove the muzzle.

The nuances of training an adult dog to muzzle

It is much easier to accustom an adult dog to a muzzle than a puppy, since it is already accustomed to the “near” command, so if it suddenly starts to pull off the accessory, it is enough to say this command and it will understand that it cannot be distracted by any irritant and needs to follow the owner.

If the dog begins to protest, trying to remove the muzzle, you need to jerk the leash to make it clear who is the owner in order to subjugate its will. The advantage of training an adult dog to use an accessory is that it already understands its owner, so if it sees that he is upset or angry with her because she threw off the muzzle, he will not allow this to happen again.

Keeping a dog in the city requires the use of a muzzle and other necessary equipment. However, not all pets are loyal to wearing a “wardrobe item” of this kind. Particularly obstinate pets shake their muzzles and stop in place, not wanting to continue the walk. To accustom a dog to a muzzle, the owner needs to put a lot of effort and be patient. Let's talk about how to do everything right without harm to the psyche of the ward.

Why do you need a muzzle for a dog?

  1. Small pets have different temperaments; they often grab children and the owner by the pant leg. Also, the ammunition will not allow the dog to injure a person passing by.
  2. If we are talking about a large breed pet, people do not always react correctly to dogs of this kind. The owner, in turn, cannot adequately assess the reaction and mood of his pupil. The muzzle prevents the dog from possibly attacking other animals and passers-by.
  3. Many veterinarians ask to put a muzzle on the animal during examination, and this is not surprising. It is difficult to examine and treat a pet if the “patient” tries to bite the doctor. It is for these reasons that the animal must be accustomed to a muzzle.
  4. Transport companies transporting passengers with animals require a muzzle. Many controllers of planes, buses, and trains do not allow a dog to be transported without proper equipment.
  5. In the spring and summer, people poison yard dogs with rat poison and other chemicals. If you walk with your pet wearing a muzzle, he will not be able to pick up food from the ground. This move will prevent the pet’s health from deteriorating.

A muzzle is necessary to protect others from possible dog aggression, as well as to prevent poisoning of the pet itself. Ammunition should be worn for other reasons that we indicated above. Depending on the purpose, there are “deaf” or mesh muzzles. They can be leather, metal, nylon.

  1. Leather muzzle. The accessory is particularly strong and durable. The ammunition does not rub the animal's face, but summer time makes it difficult to breathe due to poor bandwidth. Muzzles of this type are purchased for small or medium breeds. A large individual will easily tear the attribute with its paws. Leather gear can be braided or whole. The first option is suitable for preventing aggression, the second is used to prevent the selection of food from the ground.
  2. Metal muzzle (mesh). This type muzzles are rightfully considered the most durable, durable, and cheapest. This option should only be used in cases where the pet has already grown up and is completely accustomed to the attribute on its face. If you immediately put on metal ammunition, the dog will start kicking and may injure the owner. Many veterinarians are wary of young animals brought in for examination wearing a metal muzzle.
  3. Nylon muzzle. Nylon ammunition is considered the most popular today. The muzzles are lightweight, easy to use, and do not cause discomfort to the animal. Due to the breathable and sliding material, the dog feels free. Thanks to the adjustment, you can purchase ammunition for growth. Negative characteristic It is believed that nylon muzzles are produced only open view. You will not prevent the animal from picking up food from the ground, but you will reduce the amplitude of the animal's mouth opening.

Important! If your pet is overly aggressive, give preference to muzzles with a maximum reduction in the amplitude of opening the mouth. Also make sure that the equipment has two or three buckles that secure the accessory tightly to the back of the head.

Features of training a dog to use a muzzle

  1. If your pet is a large breed, start muzzle training at six months. For small and medium-sized individuals, it is necessary to increase the period to 7-8 months.
  2. At first, your main task is to prevent negative emotions. There is no need to punish an animal for disobedience. Make it clear to your pet that the muzzle is a temporary and necessary thing.
  3. If a situation is about to arise in which the animal will be uncomfortable, do not wear a muzzle at this time. This may include scheduled or unscheduled bathing, dental care (claws, fur), treatment at the veterinarian, etc. The dog must compare wearing equipment with good events in life.

  1. First you need to make preparations. It is important to understand that the first acquaintance takes place exclusively at home.
  2. After purchasing, unpack the ammunition and place it on the floor or sofa. Call your pet and let him sniff the muzzle. Do not allow your animal to chew on the accessory or play with it with its paws. Stop all attempts with the command “No!”
  3. After sniffing, you need to attach the ammunition to your pet. To do this, fasten the muzzle tapes around the neck, do not put the cap on the muzzle. Assess the animal’s reaction: if the dog is calm, let him walk around the apartment for a third of an hour. While the muzzle dangles around the neck, watch your pet's reaction.
  4. He is still not allowed to chew on ammunition. If the dog behaves obstinately (trying to remove the attribute with its paws, barking, biting), act more cunningly. Place a purchased treat inside the “basket”, the ward should see the treat.
  5. When the dog tries to eat something tasty from a special bowl, let him do it. The first steps have been completed. Listed preparatory activities are carried out until the dog begins to enjoy fastening the buckles on his neck.
  6. The animal will compare the training with the fact that with each action it is allowed to eat a treat. The dog will wag its tail and look forward to further training. It is not necessary to attach the muzzle to your neck; you can carry it in your hand when going for a walk.
  7. If you plan to train an adult, it will take about 1 month. The puppy will get used to it faster (1-2 weeks). Put on your gear periodically. You need to catch the moment when the dog will wear it without any complaints.
  8. If about 3 weeks have passed, but the animal still resists, feed it breakfast from the muzzle. Next, wash the accessory with water and go for a walk. Repeat the steps until the dog is no longer afraid of the attribute and is happy to receive a treat from it.
  9. After each treat from the muzzle, fasten the buckles and place the basket on the muzzle. Wait 10 seconds, take pictures, praise your pet. Gradually increase the duration until you reach 5 minutes or more.

If you often walk your dog without a leash, putting a muzzle on the animal will prevent possible injuries from passers-by. When a dog runs at a person in ammunition, the pedestrian is confident in his own safety, so he will not defend himself with his legs and arms.

Video: how to properly train a dog to wear a muzzle

How to accustom a dog to a muzzle and put it on? It's no secret that many dogs hate wearing a muzzle.

Some are trying to get rid of it with everyone possible ways: they squeal, whine, rub their muzzles on the ground, others humbly allow themselves to be put on the hated piece of ammunition, but at the same time they look like convicts doomed by fate to lifelong torment.

And there are also individuals who, in response to attempts to muzzle them, unequivocally demonstrate the snow-whiteness of their grin. And only a few dogs are able to be indifferent to the fact that, at the request of a person, a kind of freedom limiter is placed on their jaws.

But, after all, we all love our pets and do not wish them harm at all. So how can we “explain” to our smaller brothers that a muzzle is not a terrorist attack against their will, but a necessary attribute of “clothing” when being in human society.

Basic rules for training dogs to be muzzled

Success in this matter is ensured by two things:

  • First- This right choice muzzle The best specimens are considered to be those made of thick leather. They have sufficient elasticity, but at the same time retain their shape. Metal muzzles look impressive, but in winter they cause great inconvenience. In addition, when you hit your head, such a muzzle hurts not only the one who was hit, but also the one who hit. Be sure to choose a muzzle that is sized.
  • Second What you have to do to make your animal love the muzzle is to associate wearing it with something very pleasant, such as a walk. How to do it? Go outside only wearing a muzzle. If the dog tries to take it off, you can meet him halfway and unfasten it, but at the same time immediately put the dog on a leash and return home. Stand there for about 3 minutes and, after giving the command to “walk,” put the muzzle back on. Repeat the procedure several times.

You can also do the following: practice the basic commands from the obedience course with your dog for a long time and persistently, and then release him for a long-awaited break in the muzzle.

  • But even before you decide to put a muzzle on your puppy for the first time (and it’s easier to train it from a young age), treat your dog with especially tasty morsels for several days, placing them directly in this piece of ammunition.
  • When the puppy associates receiving a treat with a muzzle, at one point quickly put an empty muzzle on the baby and immediately give him a tasty piece, and as soon as he eats this piece, immediately remove the muzzle.
  • Gradually increase the time between putting on the muzzle and giving the treat.

An older dog, which has already honed some skill and brought it to the point of automatism, is easier to teach the correct behavior in a muzzle if you give a command (not a conditioned negative reinforcement, such as “fu”), for example, “near”.

Dressing calmly and wearing equipment is a prerequisite for keeping a dog in populated areas. A muzzle is one of the most unloved “toilet items” for dogs - you can’t bark, you can’t bite, you can’t pick up “rotten yummy” food from the ground... a complete disappointment. But training does not tolerate leniency, so we will figure out how to accustom a dog to a muzzle without stress for the ward.

The direct purpose of the accessory is to protect others from possible dog aggression; however, the muzzle is also used as a safety measure if the pet has the habit of picking up food from the ground. Based on your basic needs, we decide whether to purchase an open or “blind” accessory. Further, according to the material of manufacture, the following types are distinguished:

  • Metal mesh- the most durable option, but if the dog is “rowdy”, it may well beat the opponent with a muzzle. Dog handlers jokingly call metal muzzles “the death of the veterinarian” and there is something in that. If your pet is still a puppy, there is no need for such a powerful accessory, but when the baby grows up and fully masters wearing a muzzle, this is a completely worthy option.
  • Leather whole and woven– comfortable and safe, but can make it difficult for the dog to breathe, especially in the hot season. Large pet It may well tear the accessory when opening the jaw (if the base is wicker) or rip off the muzzle with its paws.
  • Nylon– the optimal and modern option. The material is light, breathable, durable and glides well. Most often, accessories are equipped with regulators, so you can choose a muzzle for growth. There is only one minus, nylon muzzles are exclusively open type– will reduce the amplitude of opening the mouth, but will not prevent it from picking up food from the ground.

Important! Muzzles with two buckles are suitable for medium-sized and non-aggressive dogs. If your pet is hypothetically dangerous to others, opt for an accessory with three buckles - one goes through the forehead to the back of the head; such a muzzle is harder to tear off with your paws.

Read also: Unpleasant smell from a dog: causes and sources of odor

Teaching a dog to wear a muzzle

Ideally, training begins at 5–6 months, provided that the baby is a large breed of dog. Forget about punishments and “forcing” events, no matter at what age a pet masters a skill - just positive emotions. The dog must understand that wearing a muzzle is a temporary and forced measure. Explain to your ward: “We’ll go to the store and I’ll take off the muzzle.” At the same time, if the pet succeeded, you were overcome by strong positive emotions; if not, we ignore the failure.

Important! Never use a muzzle in situations where the dog will be in pain or discomfort - visiting the veterinarian, caring for nails, ears or teeth, brushing, bathing, if necessary, bandage the muzzle with a piece of bandage.

Getting to know the muzzle

  • Conduct classes exclusively at home.
  • Unpack the accessory and give it to your dog to sniff.
  • Strictly prevent attempts to chew on the muzzle or play with it - command “Fu”.
  • Fasten the buckles around the dog’s neck without wearing the accessory; if the pet reacts calmly, let him walk around the house for 10–15 minutes.
  • Throw a treat into the muzzle so your pet can see it. After sniffing, let your dog eat the treat from the makeshift bowl.

The preparation lasts until the dog develops a positive response to the sight of the muzzle - wagging its tail, anticipating treats. Take the accessory for walks, but don’t try to use it, just carry it in your hand. At this stage, difficulties are possible - the puppy will want to play with the equipment, adult dog may ignore the accessory - “Thank you for the treat, but wear it yourself.” Your task is to catch the moment when the pet “has resigned itself” and start wearing a muzzle around its neck during walks.

Read also: Dog blanket: for indoors and outdoors

Muzzle training

It will take 7-14 days to accustom a puppy to a muzzle; an adult dog can “resist” up to 3 weeks. If more than 3 weeks have passed and the pet persists, we proceed to extreme measures– we feed breakfast from the muzzle, rinse the accessory with water and go for a walk. We proceed to the next stage when the pet safely takes treats from the muzzle, wags its tail and “gets ready for a walk” when it sees the ammunition in your hands. We continue to study at home.

  • After the pet “dives” for a treat, carefully place the straps, straightened to a loose state, over the back of the head, and remove them after 2-3 seconds. We praise the pet profusely.
  • The next stage is a buckle on the back of the head, and you push the treat through the holes in the muzzle and again there is a “storm” of emotions.
  • Gradually increase the time by adding 5-10 seconds.
  • Put a loose muzzle on your dog before going for a walk. Emotions will distract your pet from discomfort. As soon as we reached the door, we took off the equipment and praised the pet. We increase the length of the distance gradually.

Working with difficulties

A moment that all owners face - the dog falls to the ground, clings to the muzzle with the claws of its front paws and tries to remove it. Similar “incidents” can happen after 2-3 months of quietly wearing the equipment - protest, emotions, readiness for a fight, reaction to a female dog in heat. Do not punish your pet or panic; depending on the situation, use one of the methods.
