Voice tremor detection algorithm. Voice tremors (fremitus pectoralis). What is voice tremors and its deviation from the norm

1. Palpation is carried out with the palms of both hands, which are placed on strictly

symmetrical areas of the chest in the supraclavicular areas.

2. The patient is asked to pronounce the word “thirty-three”, “tractor”.

3. Then the hands are placed in the subclavian areas and the patient also says the word

suprascapular, interscapular.

Step eight: Auscultation (auscultatio) - listening to sound phenomena that arise during the mechanical work of internal organs.

Auscultation of the lungs is carried out in a certain sequence with deep breathing: along the anterior surface of the chest in the supraclavicular areas, then in the subclavian and below; in the upper parts of the axillary region, gradually moving the stethoscope downwards; posteriorly above the spines of the scapulae, in the interscapular areas and above the lower parts of the lungs.

The sound phenomena heard during this process, arising in connection with the act of breathing, are called respiratory sounds (murmura respiratoria). There are 2 main 0 and 2 additional 0 or secondary respiratory sounds.

The main respiratory sounds are vesicular, bronchial and hard breathing. Additional symptoms include wheezing, crepitus, and pleural friction noise.

Vesicular respiration. Weakened vesicular breathing indicates insufficient air supply to the auscultated area of ​​the lungs due to local hypoventilation (presence of fluid or air in pleural cavity, pneumosclerosis, bronchial obstruction) or with general hypoventilation (pulmonary emphysema). Vesicular respiration is also weakened by the thick layer of tissue in the chest wall in obesity.

Increased vesicular breathing indicates hyperventilation, both general (physical activity) and local (compensatory hyperventilation of some parts of the lung while hypoventilation of others).

Bronchial breathing. .

Listening to bronchial breathing over the lungs becomes possible when a solid zone of compacted air appears between the large bronchus and the place of auscultation. lung tissue or a resonating cavity: lobar pneumonia, compression of the lung to the root with hydrothorax, lung abscess communicating with the bronchus. In the latter case, breathing may resemble the sound that is produced when blowing over the neck of an empty bottle. This type of breathing is called “amphoric”.

Hard breathing. - a pathological variant of the main respiratory noise, which occurs when the lumen of the bronchi narrows and the peribronchial tissue thickens. The narrowing of the small bronchi makes it difficult for air to escape from the alveoli, increases the vibrations of the bronchial walls, and the compaction of the peribronchial tissue makes it better to conduct these vibrations to the periphery. In this case, a rougher inhalation than with vesicular breathing is heard, and the entire exhalation is equal in volume to the inhalation. Hard breathing is observed in acute bronchiolitis, chronic bronchitis.

Wheezing (rhonchi). - additional respiratory sounds that occur in the trachea and bronchi during pathology. Based on the mechanism of formation and sound perception, wheezing is divided into wet and dry.

Wet wheezing are caused by the accumulation of liquid sputum in the bronchi or in the cavities communicating with them (for example, a lung abscess). During inhalation, air passes through this liquid, forming bubbles, as if foaming it. The sounds that occur when air bubbles burst are heard on auscultation as wheezing. Moist rales are heard mainly during inhalation, less often during exhalation. The size of the air bubbles formed depends on the caliber of the bronchi or the size of the cavity, therefore moist rales are divided into small, medium and large bubbles.

Fine bubble moist rales are most often heard during bronchopneumonia, pulmonary infarction, and in the initial phase of pulmonary edema. Medium-bubble rales are detected in hypersecretory bronchitis and bronchiectasis. Large-bubble local rales are heard over relatively large cavities containing fluid and communicating with the bronchus (cavern, lung abscess).

Large-bubbling widespread wheezing appears in the late phase of development of pulmonary edema against the background of abundant medium- and fine-bubble wheezing.

Moist rales may be loud or silent. Sonorous ones are heard when the lung tissue thickens (pneumonia, cavity). Silent moist rales are formed in the presence of liquid secretion in the lumen of the bronchi without compaction of the surrounding lung tissue (bronchitis, congestion in the pulmonary circulation).

Dry wheezing are formed in the bronchi and represent drawn-out sounds with a different musical timbre. They are divided into buzzing and whistling. Buzzing wheezing owes its appearance to the sound in the air flow of thread-like bridges from sputum formed in the lumen of large and medium-sized bronchi when they are inflamed.

Wheezing arise as a result of uneven narrowing of the small bronchi, caused by their spasm and swelling of the mucous membrane. They are most typical for an attack of bronchial asthma.

Crepitus. (crepitare - creaking, crunching) - an collateral respiratory noise that is formed when the walls of the alveoli are more moistened than usual and have lost their elasticity, and is heard exclusively at the height of inspiration as a short sound “flash” or “explosion”. It resembles the sound that occurs when kneading a tuft of hair near the ear with your fingers.

Crepitation is sometimes difficult to distinguish from fine bubbling moist rales. Unlike the latter, it is heard only at the very end of inspiration, and does not change after coughing. Typically, crepitus is a sign of lobar pneumonia, accompanying the phases of the appearance and resorption of exudate, and can occasionally be heard at the very beginning of the development of pulmonary edema.

Pleural friction rub. occurs with dry pleurisy, when the surface of the pleura becomes uneven, rough due to fibrin deposits, and during respiratory excursions of the pleural layers a characteristic sound occurs, reminiscent of the creaking of a bent piece of skin or the creaking of snow. Sometimes it sounds like crepitus or fine wheezing. In this case, it should be remembered that the pleural friction noise is heard in both phases of breathing, intensifies when pressing on the chest with a stethoscope and persists when simulating respiratory movements with the nose and mouth closed.

When auscultating the lungs in areas of dull percussion sound, bronchophony is determined. - listening to whispered speech on the chest when the patient pronounces words with hissing and whistling sounds, for example, “sixty-six”, “cup of tea”. Normally, bronchophony is negative. In the case of compaction of the lung tissue, the formation of a cavity in the lung, when the conduction of sound improves, it turns out to be positive, i.e. spoken words become audible. Essentially, bronchophony is the acoustic equivalent of vocal tremors, i.e. conducting sound vibrations from the larynx along the air column of the bronchi to the surface of the chest. Therefore, positive bronchophony is detected simultaneously with a dull percussion sound, increased vocal tremors, and also with the appearance of bronchial breathing.


Sputum examination. When examining sputum, its total amount per day and its general appearance (serous, purulent, bloody, putrefactive) are determined. Morning sputum is taken for examination. Normally, microscopy in sputum reveals leukocytes, red blood cells, squamous epithelial cells and mucus strands.

Step one: Before taking a sample, you should rinse your mouth; samples are best collected early in the morning.

Step two: Patients who are unable to produce sufficient sputum can be helped by nebulizing hypertonic saline.

Step three: Sputum samples should contain more sputum than saliva. In young children, you can try to collect sputum for examination during a cough.

Step four: If the required amount of sputum cannot be obtained by these methods, then resort to gastric lavage or aspiration of its contents. During sleep, tracheobronchial contents continue to flow into the pharynx, from where they can be swallowed. Due to the reduced acidity of gastric juice during sleep, gastric aspirate obtained in the early morning hours contains frequent secretions from the tracheobronchial tree and is suitable for preparing smears and obtaining a culture of acid-resistant microflora. In this way, washing waters are examined for the content of tuberculosis bacilli that come from the lungs and bronchial tree. To test for tuberculosis, sputum is collected in a sterile bottle for 1-3 days. This can only be done with older children. The patient expectors the sputum and, spitting it into the bottle, immediately closes it with a sterile stopper.

Step five: Expectorated sputum is considered to be a secretion of the tracheobronchial tract, but this is not always the case. The presence of alveolar macrophages in it serves as evidence that it comes from the alveoli. Ciliated epithelial cells may be present in both nasopharyngeal and tracheobronchial discharge, although they are most often found in sputum. A large number of squamous epithelial cells are often detected in the contents of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Sputum can contain both types of cells; They enter it from the oral cavity. With Wright's stain, large alveolar macrophages and mononuclear cells (sometimes multinucleated, but not polymorphonuclear) with rich cytoplasm stain blue. They are easily distinguished from scaly cells that have the appearance of a fried egg.

The absence of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in Wright-stained sputum smears and an adequate number of macrophages argues against the bacterial nature of the process in the lower respiratory tract and a reduction in neutrophil function. Detection of eosinophils allows us to think about the allergic nature of the disease. Using iron stains, hemosiderin granules can be seen in macrophages, suggesting the possibility of hemosiderosis.

Step six: Held bacteriological examination sputum for tuberculous mycobacteria, pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, fungi. Gram-stained smears are examined for the presence of microflora. Bacteria located within or adjacent to macrophages and neutrophils are important for assessing the inflammatory process in the lungs. The appearance of intranuclear or cytoplasmic inclusions, which can be seen in Wright-stained smears, is typical of viral pneumonia. Fungal forms of infection are detected by Gram staining of sputum.

In some diseases of the respiratory system, a number of formations that have diagnostic value can be detected in the sputum. These are elastic fibers during the breakdown of lung tissue (tuberculosis, abscess), Charcot-Leyden crystals (colorless, pointed, shiny rhombuses, consisting of protein products released during the breakdown of eosinophils - in bronchial asthma), Kurschmann spirals (mucous spiral-shaped formations - in asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma), tumor cells (large with large nuclei, resembling granular balls), actinomycete drusen (under a microscope they appear in the form of a central ball with diverging radiant shiny threads with flask-shaped thickenings at the end). Hematoidin crystals in the form of thin needles and brown-yellow rhombic plates may be found in sputum in cases where blood after pulmonary hemorrhage is not released with sputum immediately, but some time later. Diagnosis of pulmonary echinococcus is carried out by the presence of its elements in the sputum in the form of bubbles or hooks.

Pleural fluid examination (Pl). Normally, the pleural cavity contains a small volume of fluid (<15мл). Жидкость в плевральной полости может быть воспалительной (экс­судат) и не воспалительной (транссудат). Эти формы выпота диффе­ренцируют по различным критериям, в том числе по со­держанию в жидкости белка: экссудаты - выше 30г/л, транссудаты -до 30 г/л. Другие характеристики экссудата включают: отношение белка плевральной жидкости к белку сыворотки >0.5, ratio of pleural fluid LDH to serum LDH >0.6, pleural fluid LDH >2/3 of the normal limit of serum LDH. The exudate is characterized by a specific gravity of more than 1015, a positive Rivalta reaction (turbidity of the liquid when adding a weak solution acetic acid). Cytologically, leukocytes, erythrocytes, and malignant cells are found in the exudate. The total number of leukocytes has a lower diagnostic value, however, it is believed that with a transudate of 1 liter there are less than 10 10 9 leukocytes, and with an exudate of 1 liter there are more than 10 10 9 leukocytes. The leukocyte formula is informative in two cases: the predominance of neutrophils (75%) indicates a primary inflammatory process, lymphocytes (>50%) - a chronic exudative effusion (tuberculosis, uremic or rheumatoid pleurisy, malignant neoplasms). Eosinophilic pleural effusion occurs with pulmonary infarction, periarteritis nodosa, as well as with parasitic and fungal diseases. The hemorrhagic nature of the liquid is given by the presence of more than 5-10 10 9 erythrocytes per liter (a bloody color of the liquid is observed when 1 ml of blood is added to it), observed in trauma (hemothorax), hemorrhagic diathesis, malignant neoplasms and pulmonary embolism. Chylothorax (accumulation of lymph in the pleural cavity) is caused by mechanical damage to the thoracic duct, lymphosarcoma, tumor metastases, tuberculosis posterior mediastinum, leiomyomatosis.

Determination of glucose content in pleural fluid is important to determine the cause of effusion. A ratio of pleural fluid glucose to blood sugar levels of less than 0.5 can be considered abnormal. Low glucose content in the pleural fluid narrows the differential diagnosis of the causes of exudative effusion to 6 pathological processes: parapneumonic effusion, and primarily empyema, in which the glucose content is almost always low, rheumatoid pleural effusion, tuberculous pleural effusion (<1,65 ммоль/л), волчаночный плеврит, разрыв пищевода, при котором низкое содержа­ние глюкозы связано с наличием эмпиемы. Содержание амилазы в плевральной жидкости повышается (>160 units per 100 ml) in cases of combination of pleural effusion with acute or chronic pancreatitis, with esophageal rupture (significant increase due to salivary amylase) and with malignant tumors. The pH value of pleural fluid usually correlates with glucose levels. A low pH value (below 7.0) is found in pleural empyema, collagenosis and esophageal rupture. In a patient with pneumonia complicated by pleural effusion, such a pH value of the pleural fluid indicates the purulent nature of the process. A more specific method for examining pleural fluid is testing for LE cells (for lupus pleurisy) and rheumatoid factor (for rheumatoid effusion). In these diseases, low levels of complement are also found in the effusion. In milky pleural fluid, the fat content is examined. Cultural studies of pleural fluid are carried out when it is purulent or putrefactive in nature in order to isolate aerobic or anaerobic microorganisms (a syringe with 20 ml of fluid is immediately capped and sent to the laboratory for anerobic cultivation). With tuberculous pleurisy, isolation of a pure culture is observed in 30% of cases.

Assessment of external respiratory function in respiratory failure.

The study of external respiration function (PEF), along with the study of the composition of arterial blood, makes it possible to assess the severity and sometimes the nature of the pathological process.

Pulmonary volume and capacity. When studying pulmonary volumes and capacities, the most important is to evaluate the following indicators (their normal values ​​are usually in the range of 80-120% of the proper values):

1. Total lung capacity - the volume of air in the lungs after completing the deepest possible breath.

2. Residual lung volume - The volume of air in the lungs after maximum deep exhalation.

3. Vital capacity lungs - the volume of exhaled air, the value of which is determined by the difference between the total lung capacity and the value residual volume lungs.

4. Functional residual capacity of the lungs – the volume of air in the lungs at rest, i.e. upon completion of a quiet exhalation.

Vital capacity of the lungs can be measured using a spirometer (“Pneumoscreen”, “Vincotest”): the patient completely exhales the air after a maximum deep breath. Due to the fact that other volumes and capacities include part of the air that remains in the lungs even after maximum deep exhalation, more complex methods are used to evaluate them, in particular the helium dilution method, the method of general plethysmography.

Air flow speed. Air flow velocity is usually measured when performing a forced expiration maneuver, i.e. exhale with the maximum possible force and speed from the level of the total lung capacity to the residual lung volume.

The volume of air completely exhaled during this maneuver is called forced expiratory capacity (FVC), and the volume of air exhaled in the first second of exhalation is called forced expiratory volume in 1 second. (FVC 1). To assess the air flow rate, the ratio of these two indicators (FVC 1\FVC) is usually examined, the value of which is in the presence of bronchial obstruction and a slowdown in the volumetric expiratory flow rate (normally, this ratio should be below 95% of the proper value).

Diffusion capacity of the lungs. This reflects the rate of gas transfer from the alveoli to the capillary bed of the lungs, depending on the partial tension (pressure) of the gas on both sides of the alveolar-capillary membrane.

To assess the diffusion capacity of the lungs, the ratio of the rate of passage of CO through the alveolar-capillary membrane to the gradient of the alveolar-capillary tension of this gas is studied. Determining the difference in CO concentrations in inhaled and exhaled air makes it possible to calculate the rate of its absorption, and the alveolar concentration of CO is calculated based on determining its concentration in exhaled air at the end of exhalation (the value of CO concentration in the plasma of the pulmonary capillaries is usually neglected). Carbon monoxide binds relatively quickly and easily to hemoglobin in the blood (210 times more active than oxygen), therefore, when inhaling, its transition from the air of the alveoli to the pulmonary capillaries will be determined not only by its movement through the alveolar-capillary membrane, but also by the hemoglobin content in the blood.

The diffusion capacity of the lungs is impaired during pathological processes leading to a decrease in the total area of ​​gas exchange and/or a decrease in blood volume in the capillary bed of the lungs, for example, with emphysema, interstitial lung diseases (pneumonia, infiltrative tuberculosis, etc.), as well as pathology of the pulmonary vessels. In diseases of the respiratory tract without involvement of the pulmonary patenchyma (for example, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis), the diffusion capacity of the lungs, as a rule, does not change.

When analyzing changes in physical activity indicators, two main options (or a combination of them) are distinguished: obstructive variant, characterized by a decrease in air flow velocity due to airway obstruction and restrictive variant characterized by limitation of pulmonary volumes.

With obstructive variant violation of respiratory function is characterized by a decrease in the volumetric expiratory flow rate. In this case, an increase in the residual lung volume and the RV\TLC ratio (more than 33%) is possible due to early expiratory closure (collapse) of the airways.

The main sign of impaired respiratory function according to the restrictive type of respiratory function is a decrease in lung volumes and capacities, mainly TLC VC.

Various forms of damage to the parenchyma of the lungs and chest, as well as neuromuscular pathology, are manifested by a restrictive variant of impaired respiratory function. A decrease in diffusion capacity is more often observed in interstitial lung diseases, and high RV values ​​can be observed with weakness of the respiratory muscles or severe abnormalities (deformations) of the chest

Physical methods include postural drainage, vibration massage And physiotherapy. Postural drainage helps improve the outflow of mucus from the affected areas, which is ensured by placing the patient in special positions (Quincke position, etc.). Postural drainage is indicated for all patients with chronic pneumonia, even if there is only slight sputum production.

Postural drainage is a change in body position to facilitate the outflow of mucus and phlegm. (A) Drainage of the apical segments of the right lung. (B) Drainage of the medial and lateral segments of the right lung. (B) Drainage of the apical segments of the left lung. (D) Drainage of the basal segments and trachea. The last method is especially important in postoperative period, but, unfortunately, often impossible

The effectiveness of postural drainage increases when combined with vibration massage. The vibration massage technique for young children consists of applying rhythmic blows to the chest with the fingertips of one hand or to the finger of the researcher’s other hand, placed along the intercostal space. In older children, vibration massage is carried out by rhythmically patting the chest above the affected area with a palm folded in the shape of a boat.



Fluorography- a method of x-ray examination with photographing on film with a special attachment. It is convenient for mass examinations during medical examinations.

Main indications for x-ray examination of the respiratory organs:

1) clinically justified suspicions of pneumonia and other bronchopulmonary and pleural processes that require radiological clarification of their presence and nature;

2) anamnestic indications of a previously suffered bronchopulmonary process, the exacerbation or consequences of which may cause the symptoms of the present disease;

3) changes clinical manifestations developed bronchopulmonary disease (acute or chronic), which may require changes in treatment tactics);

4) cases of clinical suspicion of sinusitis and all cases of recurrent, protracted and chronic bronchopulmonary processes, regardless of whether there was prior consultation with an otolaryngologist (radiography of the paranasal sinuses);

5) sudden changes in condition in patients with lung diseases.

Sequence of use and possibilities of x-ray examination of the lungs. Fluoroscopy and radiography of the lungs do not require special preparation of the patient and can be performed using almost any X-ray diagnostic equipment. Each of these methods has its own resolution and capabilities. The methods are not equivalent in terms of radiation exposure to the body. Chest radiography is associated with the lowest level of radiation. With fluoroscopy, the integral absorbed dose is 10-15 times higher than the dose with a single radiography.

The diagnostic capabilities of these methods are also different.. The most information can be obtained from radiography.

Such a radiograph allows :

1) assess the constitutional features of the chest and its symmetry, the degree of airiness of the lung tissue as a whole and in individual parts of the lungs, the nature of the pulmonary pattern, including its small elements, the structure of the roots of the lungs, the size of the lobes and approximately segments of the lungs, the position, size and configuration of the mediastinal organs, the width of the lumen of the trachea and main bronchi and their position, the condition and position of the domes of the diaphragm and the condition of the costophrenic and cardiophrenic sinuses;

2) identify: inflammatory processes in the lungs and their approximate localization and prevalence, pleural changes, changes in the lymph nodes, changes in the mediastinal organs that cause certain respiratory symptoms or are associated with them;

3) clarify the need for further research and develop a plan for it. In most cases, one radiograph is sufficient to make the correct diagnosis. In isolated cases, it becomes necessary to identify a number of functional symptoms: mobility of the domes of the diaphragm, displacement of the mediastinum during breathing, etc., information about which can be obtained using transillumination.

Step one: Chest X-ray is one of the most accessible and frequently performed tests for pulmonary diseases. The X-ray method allows for dynamic monitoring of the course of the disease. To accessible and informative diagnostic methods includes chest radiography. To minimize harmful radiation exposure, it is necessary to place the patient in an appropriate position and use protective devices. In most cases, radiography is usually taken in posteroanterior and lateral projections with the patient in an upright position and taking a deep breath. If effusion into the pleural cavity is suspected, the examination is carried out with the patient lying down. Radiographs in this case are difficult to decipher if free fluid is located both in the pleural cavity and behind it. Oblique views can help assess the condition lung root and the zone located behind the heart, while the apex of the lung is more clearly visible in the lordotic position of the patient.

On an x-ray, small bronchi are visible only when their walls are compacted. At focal pneumonia areas of darkening are blurred, vague, and small in size; with confluent pneumonia, the foci are large. A significant decrease in the transparency of the lungs in the form of a continuous uniform darkening is observed with lobar pneumonia of a lobe (usually on one side) or several segments of the lung (segmental pneumonia). Congestion and pulmonary edema are radiographically characterized by uniform darkening of the pulmonary fields and increased pulmonary pattern. The roots of the lungs are sharply defined and sometimes pulsate. Massive lesions (more than 5 cm in diameter) may be caused by interlobar effusion, pulmonary abscess, pulmonary infarction, cyst, secondary deposits. The presence of well-defined nodes with a diameter of more than 0.5-1 cm is more often found in the following cases: tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, fungal infections, multiple abscesses, multiple metastatic lesions, hydatid cysts, rheumatoid nodes, Kaplan syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis, arteriovenous malformations. Numerous and too small (less than 5 mm) nodes (such lesions also include interstitial structures, defined as honeycombs or reticular structures) are most often observed in allergic or fibrosing alveolitis, sarcoidosis, miliary tuberculosis, bronchopneumonia, pneumoconiosis, histoplasmosis, idiopathic hemosidero -ze lungs, metastatic deposits, histiocytosis X. A clear, well-defined, rounded clearing indicates focal bullous emphysema, a cavity, an emptied abscess. The latter is also characterized by the presence of a horizontal liquid level and denser walls. Cavities and cysts are observed in the following cases: tuberculosis, cavernous pneumonia (especially staphylococcal and caused by Klebsiella), abscesses (aspiration, septic emboli), bronchogenic or sequestered cyst, cystic bronchiectasis, hydatid cysts, cavernous infarctions, tumors. Increased diffuse transparency in both pulmonary fields is observed when they are highly filled with air in asthma and emphysema. Unilateral increase in transparency is observed in MacLeod syndrome, when suffered in early childhood viral infection leads to underdevelopment of the airways and vasculature in one lobe or lung. In pneumothorax, the area occupied by a gas bubble is determined by the bright clearing of the pulmonary field and the absence of a pulmonary pattern. The compressed lung (distinguished by the comparative density of the shadow and the absence of a pulmonary pattern) and the mediastinal organs are shifted to the healthy side due to positive intrathoracic pressure on the diseased side. Alveolar opacities - soft, “fluffy” opacities are more often observed with pulmonary edema of cardiogenic or other origin. They are observed in respiratory weakness syndrome and in a number of other conditions: pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage, alveolar proteinosis, pneumonia (pneumocystis, viruses), alveolar cell carcinoma, the appearance of fluid in the pleural cavity, depending on its amount, leads to a decrease in the transparency of the lung. A large amount of it sharply reduces the transparency of the lung and pushes the mediastinal organs to the healthy side.

Electroradiography. The electroradiography method is based on obtaining an X-ray image on a selenium plate (instead of X-ray film) with the possibility of its repeated use and image transfer. onto plain paper for documentation purposes. The advantages of the method are the speed of obtaining information, cost-effectiveness, and the possibility of a more structural identification of the main details of the pulmonary pattern and the roots of the lungs (the image becomes, as it were, retouched). However, in assessing the condition of the lung tissue, an electroradiogram is inferior to a conventional photograph.

There is no general experience of using electroradiography in pediatric pulmonology yet. It can be assumed that this method will find recognition in cases of rapid diagnosis, largely replacing fluoroscopy, as well as in assessing the main stages of the dynamics of the immediate postoperative period.


Tomography. The essence of the method is a clearer identification of a certain layer of organs and tissues on the film due to the projection immobility of the selected layer in relation to the film and blurring of the image of the layers lying in front and behind it. The indications are to clarify the topography and structure of the pathological area found on the x-ray.

Step one: Most x-ray diagnostic devices equipped with a tomography attachment allow examination with the patient in a horizontal position on his back or on his side. This position meets the purpose of the study in the vast majority of cases.

Step two: In some cases, for example, to isolate the axial layer of the middle lobe or lingular segments, oblique projections of tomograms are used.

Step three : To produce tomograms in a vertical position, specially designed tomographs are used.

Step four: The need to restrain the child arises when studying small and restless children. The device described in the “Radiography” section also meets these goals. In its absence, the help of clinic staff or parents is necessary.

Step five: In order for small children to get used to the situation and not be frightened by the movement of the tube and noise, it is recommended to make one or two idle movements.

In order to reduce patient exposure and simultaneously obtain images of several layers, a special Simultan cassette is used. The image obtained on the first film of such a cassette corresponds to the level set on the tomograph scale. The layer located 1 cm below is displayed on the second film, etc. It should be remembered that some Simultan cassettes, for example those made in the Czech Republic, have an interval between films of 1.2 cm.

Before producing a tomogram, it is necessary to consider the reality of obtaining a quality product. The fact is that children who do not hold their breath (usually children under 3 years old) manage to make 1-2 respiratory cycles during the exposure, which sharply worsens the clarity of the image.

Tomography should never be used as a search method of research, i.e., if there is no area suspicious for pathology on the radiographs. The lack of clarity of the character of the shadow on the x-ray is often due to the poor quality of the latter. It is not recommended to resort to tomography until a good quality image has been obtained. If, upon evaluation of clinical data and conventional imaging, it becomes clear that bronchography will be required, it should be performed first, after which the need for tomography may no longer be necessary.

The computed tomography method can help in a detailed study of the structures of internal organs and their relationships. However, it is expensive and requires longer exposure times. CT allows you to examine in detail the condition of the mediastinal organs, tissues of the root of the lung, visualize the tracheobronchial tree (see abnormalities in the structure of the bronchi and bronchiectasis). CT is also indicated for the formation of a cavity, detection of calcification of a lesion, identification of bullae, foreign bodies, localization and determination of the boundaries of lesions, detection of intrapulmonary metastases, assessment of intrapulmonary vessels, anomalies of the aorta.

Step one: It must be remembered that tomograms are performed with the patient in the supine position, therefore, the direction of pleural fluid, fluid levels and outlines change and do not necessarily repeat those on a direct image.

Some indications for CT scanning in ore cell diseases: preoperative assessment of mediastinal and hilar nodes; screening for distant metastases in the liver, adrenal glands and brain; search for multiple nodular thickenings of the lungs; identification of complicated pleural lesions; determination of mediastinal masses; study of vascular lesions of the lungs and mediastinum (with contrast); assessment of emphysema prevalence; determination of the location and size of bronchiectasis; diagnosis of changes in the interstitium of the lungs, bronchiolitis obliterans and cystic fibrosis, pulmonary edema, pulmonary hemorrhages.

Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR). The indications for the method are the same as for CT. The advantage of the NMR method is the absence radiation exposure, which is especially important in pediatric practice. When using NMR, a detailed study of the tissue structures of the trachea and large bronchi, mediastinum, root of the lungs, and the condition of the chest is carried out. Large vessels, their sizes and anatomical relationships with the respiratory tract are also visualized. NMR helps differentiate between the inflammatory process and fibrosis.


Obtaining bronchograms involves introducing into Airways radiopaque substance. Currently, bronchography is performed less frequently than before, which is due to a decrease in the frequency of bronchiectasis and their surgical treatment due to the development of fiber-optic bronchoscopy.

Step one: Bronchography is carried out by introducing a radiopaque substance through the channel of a fiber-optic bronchoscope or through a catheter placed in the same way as a bronchoscope.

The main indications for bronchography are as follows::

– Chronic or protracted inflammatory process in the bronchopulmonary system in the presence of signs of organic damage to the bronchi and pulmonary parenchema;

– Recurrent or chronic inflammatory process in certain areas

At pathological conditions respiratory organs, vocal tremors can be increased or weakened, and even not detected at all . An increase in vocal tremors is observed with compaction of the lung. The cause of compaction can be different: lobar pneumonia, tuberculosis, infiltration of the lung, compression of the lung as a result of accumulation of air or fluid in the pleural cavity. But a prerequisite for this is the free passage of air into the respiratory tract.

Accumulations in the pleural cavity of liquid or gas, which move the lung away from the chest and absorb sound vibrations spreading from the glottis along the bronchial tree;

When the lumen of the bronchi is completely blocked by a tumor;

In weak, exhausted patients, due to weakening of their breathing

With significant thickening of the chest wall (obesity) .

Semiotics of changes in percussion sound by the lungs.

1. Dullness (shortening) percussion sound over the lungs is based on a decrease in the air volume of the lung:

a) with exudation in the cavity of the alveoli and infiltration of the interalveolar septa (focal and, especially, confluent pneumonia);

b) with pneumosclerosis, fibrous pulmonary tuberculosis;

c) with atelectasis;

d) in the presence of pleural adhesions or obliteration of the pleural cavities;

e) with significant pulmonary edema, hemorrhage into the lung tissue;

f) when the lung tissue is compressed by pleural fluid above the level of the fluid, the floor of the Sokolov-Damoiso line;

g) with complete blockage of a large bronchus, a tumor.”

2. Dull ("femoral dullness") percussion sound is observed in the complete absence of air in an entire lobe or part of it (segment) in lobar pneumonia in the compaction stage, in the formation of a large cavity filled with inflammatory fluid in the lung, in an echinococcal cyst, a suppurating congenital cyst in a lung abscess, in the presence of fluid in the pleural cavities.

3. Tympanic a tint of percussion sound occurs when the airiness of the lungs increases and pathological cavities appear in them: emphysema, abscess, tuberculous cavity, with the disintegration of a tumor, bronchiectasis, pneumothorax.

4. Boxed percussion sound is a loud percussion sound
with a tympanic tint is detected when the airiness of the lung tissue increases and its elasticity decreases.

5. A metallic percussion sound is characteristic of large cavities in the lungs.

6. The sound of a “cracked pea” is a kind of quiet, rattling sound that is detected by percussion of a large superficial cavity, which communicates with the bronchus through a narrow slit-like opening.

Semiotics of respiratory changes noise

1, Physiological attenuation of respiratory noise is observed
with thickening of the chest wall due to excessive development of its muscles
or increased fat deposition in adipose tissue.

2. Pathological weakening of breathing may be caused by:
a) a significant decrease in the total number of alveoli in

as a result of atrophy and gradual death of interalveolar barriers
dock and the formation of larger bubbles that are unable to collapse
when exhaling, the elasticity of the lung tissue is lost (pulmonary emphysema);

b) swelling of the alveolar walls and a decrease in amplitude

their fluctuations during inspiration (in initial stage and the stage of resolution of pneumonia, when there is a violation only of the elastic function of the alveoli, but there is no exudation and compaction;

c) a decrease in the flow of air into the alveoli through the airways (narrowing of the larynx, trachea, inflammation of the respiratory tract
muscles, intercostal nerves, rib fractures, severe general weakness)
adynamia of the patient;

d) insufficient air supply to the alveoli through the airways as a result of the formation of a mechanical obstacle in them (for example, when the lumen of large bronchi is narrowed by a tumor
or foreign body);

e) displacement of the lung by accumulation of fluid and air in the pleura;

e) thickening of the pleura.

3. Increased breathing can occur in the inhalation, exhalation or both phases of breathing. Increased exhalation depends on the difficulty of air passing through the small bronchi when their lumen narrows (inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane or bronchospasm). Breathing, in which the inhalation and exhalation phases are intensified, is called hard breathing, and is observed with a sharp and uneven narrowing of the lumen of the small bronchi and bronchioles due to inflammatory swelling of the mucous membrane (bronchitis).

4. Bronchial breathing under physiological conditions is well audible above the larynx, trachea and in the places where the trachea bifurcation projects onto the chest. The main condition for carrying out bronchial breathing on the surface of the chest is compaction of the lung tissue: filling of the alveoli with inflammatory exudate, blood, compression of the alveoli when liquid or air accumulates in the pleural cavity and pressing the lung to its root, replacement of the airy lung tissue with connective tissue, pneumosclerosis, carnification of the lung lobe.

6. Amphoric breathing appears in the presence of a smooth-walled cavity with a diameter of 5-6 cm, communicating with a large bronchus (similar to noise if you blow strongly over the throat of an empty glass or clay vessel).

7. The metallic hue of breathing resembles the sound that occurs when hitting metal, which can be heard with open pneumothorax.

Semiotics additional driving noises

1. Dry (wheezing, buzzing) wheezing occurs due to narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, caused by: a) spasm of the bronchial muscles; b) swelling of the bronchial mucosa during the development of inflammation in it; c) accumulation of viscous sputum in the lumen of the bronchi; d) proliferation of fibrous (connective) tissue in the walls of the bronchi; e) fluctuation of viscous sputum as it moves in the lumen of large and medium-sized bronchi during inhalation and exhalation (sputum due to its viscosity during air movement along the bronchi it can be pulled out in the form of threads that stick to the opposite walls of the bronchus and are stretched by the movement of air, oscillating like a string.Dry wheezing is heard both in the inhalation and exhalation phases.

Thus, dry whistling and buzzing rales are characteristic of bronchitis, especially obstructive bronchitis, in the initial phase of the inflammatory process, bronchial asthma, fibrosing bronchitis.

2................................................. ........................................................ ........ Moist rales are formed mainly as a result of the accumulation of liquid secretions (sputum, edema fluid, blood) in the lumen of the bronchi and the passage of air through this secretion with the formation of air bubbles of different diameters. These bubbles, penetrating through the layer of liquid secretion into the fluid-free lumen of the bronchus, burst and produce peculiar sounds in the form of a crackling sound. Moist rales are heard both in the inhalation and exhalation phases. But, since the speed of air movement through the bronchi in the inhalation phase is greater than in the exhalation phase, moist rales will be somewhat louder in the inhalation phase. Depending on the caliber of the bronchi in which they arise, moist rales are divided into small-bubble, medium-bubble and large-bubble

Moist rales, therefore, are characteristic of bronchitis in the phase of resolution of the inflammatory process, bronchiolitis, and pulmonary edema.

3. Crepitus, unlike wheezing, occurs in the alveoli, appears only at the height of inspiration in the form of a crackling sound and resembles the sound
which is obtained by rubbing a small tuft of hair over the ear.
The main condition for the formation of crepitus is the accumulation in
in the lumen of the alveoli a small amount of liquid secretion. Under this condition, in the exhalation phase the alveolar walls stick together, and in the phase of intense inhalation they come apart with a characteristic sound. Therefore, crepitus is heard only at the end of the inspiratory phase and is characteristic of pneumonia and pulmonary edema.

4. Pleural friction noise is characteristic of fibrous (dry) pleurisy.

It is also necessary to distinguish between wheezing that forms in the lung tissue and wire wheezing, the source of which is the upper respiratory tract. To differentiate, you can use the following properties of conductive rales: they are clearly audible over the nose and mouth, and are carried out on the shoulder blades and spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae.


A method of research using touch, temperature sensation with palpating fingers.


1. Temperature, density, humidity and tissue vibration (pulsation);

2. Sensitivity (pain) of body parts;

3. Physical properties of internal organs or pathological formations (location, size, boundaries, shape, surface, mobility or displacement).

Conditions: position depending on the organ being palpated, the paramedic is to the right of the patient facing him, the muscle layer should be as relaxed as possible, the examiner’s hands should be warm, the nails should be short-cut, movements should be careful.

Kinds: -superficial– indicative view – performed with the palm placed flat on the body or limb.

Deep- performed only with fingers using significant pressure. Types of deep palpation:

Penetrating: one or two fingers are pressed into any point of the body to determine pain points;

Bimanual – with both hands (kidneys);

Push-like - to determine the balloting of dense bodies - liver, spleen - they produce tremors;

Sliding, according to Obraztsov - the fingertips penetrate deeper gradually, during the relaxation of the muscle layer that occurs with each exhalation, and, having reached the depth on exhalation, slide in a direction transverse to the axis of the organ being examined. The organ is pressed to the back surface abdominal wall.


Tapping - tapping areas of the body and determining the physical properties of the percussed organs and tissues by the nature of the sounds that arise.

· Direct - tapping with the middle or index finger on the ribs of the chest in young children - produces unclear, imprecise sounds.

· Indirect – tapping a finger on a finger.

· Comparative – comparison of the sounds of organs located symmetrically on the right and left sides.

· Topographical – determination of boundaries, dimensions, configuration.

Percussion sounds of 3 types:

Clear - intense, distinct, clearly distinguishable - over tissues containing a certain amount of air - lungs;

Tympanic (drum) – loud and continuous, organs containing a significant amount of air - intestines

Dull, dull, weak, quiet - when percussing airless soft organs and tissues - the liver.

Dullness of percussion sound (shortening) is an intermediate position between clear and dull.

The plessimeter finger is pressed along its entire length to the surface being percussed, without touching adjacent fingers. Used as a hammer middle finger right hand, bent at a right angle. Percusses from clear to dull sound. The plessimeter finger is installed parallel to the border of expected dullness. The border of the organ is marked along the outer edge of the finger - the plessimeter, facing the organ that produces a clear sound.

Loud percussion – determines deeply located organs and tissues.

Quiet when the sound of impacts is barely audible. When determining the boundaries of absolute dullness of the heart, determining the boundaries of the lungs, etc.

Auscultation (listening)

Assessment of sound phenomena occurring in organs and vessels during their functioning. Widely used in the study of lungs and ss.

1. Direct - listening to a part of the body by applying the ear.

2. Indirect - using a stethoscope, phonendoscope, stethophonendoscope.


2. Silence.

3. Stripped to the waist.

4. Lightly moisten the abundant hair and shave.

Must be performed in a standing or sitting position. The heart is additionally listened to in the supine position, on the left side, at an angle of 45, after physical activity;

The head of the phonendoscope fits tightly to the surface. The stethoscope should not be placed on the ribs, shoulder blades or other bone formations.

The patient’s clothing and hands should not touch the bell;

Listening with the same instrument.

Lymph nodes are determined mainly by palpation. When palpating, pay attention to the size, pain, consistency, adhesion between each other and the skin. Using the fingers of the entire hand, pressing them to the bones. Submandibular, chin, anterior and posterior parotid, occipital, anterior and posterior cervical, supraclavicular, subclavian, axillary, ulnar, inguinal, popliteal. Normally they are not palpable. Increased in infections, blood diseases, tumors.

Determination of peripheral edema and ascites.

The palms are placed on symmetrical areas of the chest, and then the patient is asked to loudly pronounce several words that contain the letter “r”.

Supradorsal areas, interscapular, below the angles of the scapula, along the axillary lines from top to bottom, in front - supraclavicular, areas of the pectoralis major muscles, inferolateral sections.

Percussion of the lungs

The patient's position is vertical.

Topographical – determination of the boundaries of the lungs, the width of the apexes (Krenig's field), the mobility of the lower edge of the lungs.

First, the lower boundaries are determined. From top to bottom along symmetrical topographic lines. On the left it is not determined by 2 lines - periosternal and midclavicular.

the finger is placed parallel to the intercostal spaces.

Parasternal – V m/r

Midclavicular – VI r

Anterior axillary – VII r

Middle axillary – VIII r

Posterior axillary – IX r

Scapular – X r

Paravertebral – XI gr. vertebra

The height of the apexes in the front, the finger-pessimeter is installed parallel to the clavicles in the supraclavicular fossae, shifted upward and medially. Normally 3-4 cm above the collarbones.

The height of the apexes at the back - the finger-pessimeter is installed parallel to the spines of the shoulder blades, percussed upwards and inwards.

Kroenig fields - a plessimeter finger is installed in the middle of the trapezius muscle along its anterior edge, then percussed inward and outward until dullness. Normally 5-6 cm.

Mobility - the lower limit on deep inspiration and deep exhalation is determined by 3 lines - midclavicular, middle axillary, scapular. On the right, 2. Mobility along the midclavicular and scapular lines is 4-6 cm, along the middle axillary lines – 6-8 cm.

Comparative percussion. Normally, there is the same clear lung sound over symmetrical areas on the right and left. Anteriorly, in the third m/r and below, comparative percussion is not performed. Next it is carried out in the lateral areas and behind (in the suprascapular, interscapular and subscapular areas

Auscultation of the lungs

Listened standing or sitting. Auscultation should also be comparative. Listening is carried out by area (supraclavicular, area of ​​the pectoralis major muscles, inferolateral sections of the anterior surface of the chest, axillary areas (hands behind the head), lateral surfaces of the chest). On the posterior surface - supraspinous areas, interscapular (cross your arms over your chest), below the angles of the shoulder blades and inferolateral areas.

Basic breath sounds:

· Vesicular breathing - the sound “f”, if you slightly draw in air, it is heard normally.

· Bronchial breathing - the sound “x”, maybe in the area of ​​the manubrium of the sternum, the upper part of the interscapular space. In other areas it is not normally heard.


Bronchophony is a research method that involves listening to the voice, which is carried out on the chest, and its audibility is assessed by auscultation. Words with hissing sounds are used - a cup of tea.

Over the unchanged lungs, only individual sounds are heard in fragments under normal conditions. The phrase in compaction syndrome can be heard in full.

Auscultation of the heart

The sounds that occur when the heart contracts and vibrates its structures are called heart sounds.

Auscultation is carried out with the patient standing and lying down, if necessary - on the left, right side, after physical activity. The first sound occurs at the beginning of systole, which is why it is called systolic. The second sound occurs at the beginning of diastole, which is why it is called diastolic.

Heart valves are heard in in descending order of frequency of their damage

· . The mitral valve is the apex of the heart.

· Aortic valve – in the 2nd intercostal space at the right edge of the sternum.

· Pulmonary valve - in the 2nd intercostal space at the left edge of the sternum.

· Tricuspid valve - at the base of the xiphoid process.

· Botkin suggested the 5th point for listening to the aortic valve - the 3rd intercostal space on the left at the edge of the sternum.

In addition to sounds, additional sounds called murmurs may be heard during auscultation of the heart. . There are noises organic (associated with damage to the valves, heart muscle, narrowing of the orifices) and functional (not associated, more often in young children, changeable, not always audible, do not lead to disruption of intracardiac hemodynamics and general circulation).

· By phase cardiac cycle:

· Systolic – occur in systole between the 1st and 2nd sounds.

· Diastolic – occur in diastole between the 2nd and 1st sounds.

· Murmurs can be extracardiac: pericardial friction noise, etc.



The purpose of the examination is to determine the static and dynamic characteristics of the chest, as well as external indicators of breathing. To characterize the chest, determine: 1) the shape of the chest (regular or irregular), 2) the type of chest (normosthenic, hypersthenic, asthenic, emphysematous, paralytic, rachitic, funnel-shaped, scaphoid), 3) the symmetry of both halves of the chest, 4) symmetry of respiratory excursions of both halves of the chest, 5) curvature of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis), 6) respiratory excursion of the chest at the level of the IV rib.

In addition, the following breathing indicators are assessed: 1) whether the patient breathes through the nose or mouth, 2) type of breathing: thoracic (costal), abdominal (diaphragmatic or mixed), 3) rhythm (rhythmic or arrhythmic), 4) depth (superficial, medium depth, deep), 5) frequency (number of breaths per 1 minute).


The purpose of the study is to determine: 1) chest pain, 2) chest resistance, 3) vocal tremor.

Determination of chest pain.

It is performed with the patient sitting or standing. More often, palpation is carried out with both hands at the same time, placing the fingertips of both hands on symmetrical areas of the chest. Thus, the supraclavicular areas, clavicles, subclavian areas, sternum, ribs and intercostal spaces are palpated sequentially, then the lateral parts of the chest and then the supra-, inter- and subscapular areas. When an area of ​​pain is identified, it is palpated in more detail, if necessary with both hands (to identify crunching of rib fragments, crepitus), and a change in pain is noted at the height of inhalation, exhalation, and bending of the torso to the painful and healthy sides. To differentiate pain caused by damage to the muscles of the chest, the muscles are captured in the fold between the large and index fingers.

When determining the soreness of the spinous processes and paravertebral areas, it is better to use the thumb of the right hand.

Determination of chest resistance.

The resistance of the chest when compressed is determined. In this case, the patient stands or sits, and the doctor is to the right of the patient.

The examiner (doctor) places the right hand with the palmar surface on the anterior chest wall transversely at the level of the body of the sternum, and the left hand on the posterior chest wall, parallel to the right hand and at the same level.

Next, the chest is compressed. When determining the resistance of the chest in its lateral parts, the hands are located on the right and left axillary areas on symmetrical areas. If the examiner notices that the chest is easily compressed, then the elasticity (compliance) of the chest is stated. If the chest is not compressed, then its rigidity (resistance to compression) is stated. The chest, when compressed in the lateral parts, is more pliable than when compressed from front to back.

Trembling of the chest over the projection of the lungs is determined when the patient pronounces words with the sound r. Trembling of the chest is checked simultaneously with both hands over symmetrical areas of the chest, successively in front and behind. When determining vocal tremor from the front, the patient is in a standing or sitting position. The doctor is positioned in front of the patient, facing him.

The examiner places both hands with the palmar surfaces straightened and closed on symmetrical sections of the anterior chest wall longitudinally so that the fingertips are in the supraclavicular fossae. The fingertips should be lightly pressed against the chest. The patient is asked to say loudly thirty-three. In this case, the doctor, focusing on the sensation in the fingers, must obtain vibration (tremor) under them and determine whether the trembling is the same under both hands. Then the doctor changes the position of the hands, putting the right hand in place of the left, and the left hand in place of the right, offering to say thirty-three loudly again. He again determines the sensation under his hands and compares the degree of shaking under both hands. On the basis of such a double study, it is finally determined whether the vocal tremor is the same over both apexes or whether it predominates over one of them. The position of the hands is changed in order to eliminate the influence of asymmetry in the sensitivity of the hands on the result of the study. In the same way, vocal tremor is checked in the front in the subclavian areas, lateral sections, and behind in the supra-, inter- and subscapular areas.

This research method allows palpation to determine the conduction of sound vibrations to the surface of the chest. In a healthy person, vocal tremor in symmetrical areas of the chest is the same, but in pathological conditions, asymmetry (intensification or weakening) of it is revealed.


The purpose of percussion is to determine: 1) foci

Percussion is divided into comparative and topographical.

Comparative percussion.

By applying percussion blows of the same average force sequentially to symmetrical areas of the chest above the projection of the lungs, the physical characteristics of the percussion sound (loudness, duration, height) above them are assessed and compared. In cases where it is possible to roughly localize the side of the lesion (right or left lung) based on complaints and examination data, comparative percussion should begin with healthy side. Comparative percussion of each new symmetrical area should begin on the same side. In this case, the patient’s position is sitting or standing, and the doctor’s position is standing.

Percussion of the chest over the lungs is carried out in a certain sequence: in front, in the sides, in the back.

Front: the patient’s arms should be lowered, the doctor stands in front to the right of the patient. Start percussion with upper sections chest. The pessimeter finger is placed in the supraclavicular fossa parallel to the clavicle, the midclavicular line should cross the middle middle phalanx finger-pessimeter. Using a hammer finger, strikes of medium force are applied to the pessimeter finger. The pessimeter finger is moved into the symmetrical supraclavicular fossa in the same position and blows of the same force are applied. Percussion sound is assessed at each percussion point and sounds at symmetrical points are compared. Then, using a hammer finger, blows of the same force are applied to the middle of the clavicles (in this case, the clavicles are natural plessimeters). The study is then continued by percussing at the level of the 1st intercostal space, 2nd intercostal space, and 3rd intercostal space. In this case, the pessimeter finger is placed on the intercostal space, its direction runs parallel to the ribs. The middle of the middle phalanx is intersected by the midclavicular line, the pessimeter finger is slightly pressed into the intercostal space.

In the lateral sections: The patient’s hands should be clasped and raised on his head. The doctor stands in front of the patient, facing him. The pessimeter finger is placed on the chest in the armpit (intercostal space). The finger is directed parallel to the ribs, the middle of the middle phalanx is crossed by the middle axillary line. Then percussion is performed on the symmetrical lateral areas of the chest at the level of the intercostal spaces (up to VII-VIII inclusive).

Behind: The patient should cross his arms over his chest. At the same time, the shoulder blades diverge, expanding the interscapular space. Percussion begins in the suprascapular areas. The pessimeter finger is placed parallel to the spine of the scapula. Then they percussion in the interscapular space. The pessimeter finger is placed on the chest parallel to the line of the spine at the edge of the shoulder blades. After percussion of the interscapular space, the chest is percussed under the shoulder blades at the level of the VII, VIII, and IX intercostal spaces (the pessimeter finger is placed on the intercostal space parallel to the ribs). At the end of the comparative percussion, a conclusion is made about the homogeneity of the percussion sound over symmetrical areas of the lungs and its physical characteristics (clear, pulmonary, dull, tympanic, dull-tympanic, dull, boxy). If a pathological focus is detected in the lungs, by changing the force of the percussion blow, you can determine the depth of its location. A percussion strike with quiet percussion penetrates to a depth of 2-3 cm, of medium strength - up to 4-5 cm, and loud percussion - up to 6-7 cm.

Related information.

1. Determination of chest pain

The purpose of palpation is to determine chest tenderness, chest resistance and vocal tremor. Determination of chest pain is carried out with the patient sitting or standing. More often, palpation is carried out with both hands at the same time, placing the fingertips of both hands on symmetrical areas of the chest. Thus, the supraclavicular areas, clavicles, subclavian areas, sternum, ribs and intercostal spaces are palpated sequentially, then the lateral parts of the chest and then above, between and subscapular areas. When an area of ​​pain is identified, it is palpated more carefully, if necessary, with both hands (to identify crunching of rib fragments, crepitus), and a change in pain is noted at the height of inhalation and exhalation, when bending the body to the painful and healthy sides. To differentiate pain caused by damage to the chest muscles, the muscles are grasped in the fold between the thumb and index finger. Determination of pain in the spinous processes and paravertebral areas is best done with the thumb of the right hand. Painful areas and points revealed by palpation of the chest are the source of pain (skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, intercostal nerves, bone, pleura).

2. Determination of chest resistance

The resistance of the chest is determined by its resistance to compression. In this case, the patient stands or sits, and the doctor is to the right of the patient. The examiner (doctor) places the right hand with the palmar surface on the anterior chest wall transversely at the level of the body of the sternum, and places the left hand on the posterior chest wall parallel to the right hand and at the same level. Next, the chest is compressed. When determining the resistance of the chest in its lateral parts, the hands are located in the right and left axillary areas in symmetrical areas. If the examiner notices that the chest is easily compressed, then the elasticity (compliance) of the chest is stated. If the chest is not compressed, then its rigidity (resistance to compression) is stated. The chest, when compressed in the lateral parts, is more pliable than when compressed from front to back. To determine the resistance of the chest wall, you need to palpate the intercostal spaces by running your fingers along them. Normally, this manipulation gives a feeling of elasticity. In pathological conditions (exudative pleurisy, compaction of the lung, pleural tumor), a feeling of increased density occurs. In young people, the chest is usually resistant; in older people, the chest is difficult to compress.

Palpation is the most informative when determining vocal tremors. Vocal tremor is a sensation of vibration in the chest that is received by the doctor’s hands placed on the patient’s chest when the latter pronounces words with the sound “r” in a loud and low voice (for example, “thirty-three,” “one, two, three,” etc.). d.). Hesitation vocal cords transmitted to the chest due to the air in the trachea, bronchi and alveoli. To determine vocal tremors, it is necessary that the bronchi are patent and the lung tissue is adjacent to the chest wall. Trembling of the chest is checked simultaneously with both hands over symmetrical areas of the chest, successively in front and behind. When determining vocal tremor from the front, the patient is in a standing or sitting position. The doctor is positioned in front of the patient and facing him. The examiner places both hands with the palmar surfaces straightened and closed on symmetrical sections of the anterior chest wall longitudinally, so that the fingertips are located in the supraclavicular fossae. The fingertips should be lightly pressed against the chest. The patient is asked to say loudly “thirty-three.” In this case, the doctor, focusing on the sensations in the fingers, must catch the vibration (tremor) under them and determine whether it is the same under both hands. Then the doctor changes the position of his hands: putting his right hand in place of the left, and his left hand in place of the right, he suggests saying “thirty-three” loudly again. He again evaluates his sensations and compares the nature of the trembling under both hands. On the basis of such a double study, it is finally determined whether the vocal tremor is the same over both apexes or whether it predominates over one of them.
In the same way, vocal tremor is checked in the front in the subclavian areas, in the lateral sections and in the back - in the supra-, inter- and subscapular areas. This research method allows palpation to determine the conduction of sound vibrations to the surface of the chest. In a healthy person, vocal tremor in symmetrical areas of the chest is the same; in pathological conditions, its asymmetry (increased or weakened) is revealed. Increased vocal tremors occur with a thin chest, compacted pulmonary tissue syndrome (pneumonia, pneumosclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis), compression atelectasis, in the presence of cavities and abscesses surrounded by compacted pulmonary tissue. Weakening of vocal tremors occurs with the syndrome of increased airiness of the lung tissue (pulmonary emphysema), the presence of liquid or gas in the pleural cavity (hydrothorax, pneumothorax, exudative pleurisy, hemothorax), and the presence of massive adhesions. By palpation, in addition, it is possible to determine the friction noise of the pleura (with abundant and coarse deposits of fibrin), dry wheezing wheezing with bronchitis and a peculiar crunch with subcutaneous emphysema.

4. Comparative percussion

It is most convenient to perform lung percussion with the patient in a calm, vertical (standing or sitting) position. His hands should be down or on his knees.
Chest identification lines:
anterior midline - a vertical line passing through the middle of the sternum;
right and left sternal lines - lines running along the edges of the sternum;
right and left midclavicular lines - vertical lines passing through the middles of both clavicles;
right and left parasternal lines - vertical lines passing in the middle between the sternal and midclavicular lines;
right and left anterior, middle and posterior axillary (axillary) lines - vertical lines running along the anterior edge, middle and posterior edge of the armpit;
right and left scapular lines - vertical lines passing through the angles of the shoulder blades;
posterior midline - a vertical line passing along the spinous processes of the vertebrae;
paravertebral lines (right and left) - vertical lines running midway between the posterior vertebral and scapular lines.
Percussion is divided into comparative and topographical. It is necessary to begin the study with comparative percussion and carry it out in the following sequence: supraclavicular fossa; anterior surface in the 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces; lateral surfaces (the patient’s hands are placed on the head); the posterior surface in the suprascapular areas, in the interscapular space and below the angles of the shoulder blades. The finger-pessimeter in the supra- and subclavian areas is installed parallel to the clavicle, on the anterior and lateral surfaces - along the intercostal spaces, in the suprascapular areas - parallel to the spine of the scapula, in the interscapular space - parallel to the spine, and below the angle of the scapula - again horizontally, along the intercostal spaces. Applying percussion blows of equal strength sequentially to symmetrical areas of the chest above the projection of the lungs, the physical characteristics of the percussion sound (loudness, duration, height) above them are assessed and compared. In cases where it is possible to roughly localize the affected side (right or left lung) based on complaints and examination data, comparative percussion should begin on the healthy side. Comparative percussion of each new symmetrical area should begin on the same side. In this case, the patient should be sitting or standing, and the doctor should be standing. Percussion of the chest over the lungs is carried out in a certain sequence: in front, in the sides and behind. From the front: the patient's arms should be lowered, the doctor stands in front and to the right of the patient. Percussion begins from the upper parts of the chest. The plessimeter finger is placed in the supraclavicular fossa parallel to the clavicle, the midclavicular line should cross the middle of the middle phalanx of the plessimeter finger. Using a hammer finger, strikes of medium force are applied to the pessimeter finger. The plessimeter finger is moved to the symmetrical supraclavicular fossa (in the same position) and blows of the same force are applied. Percussion sound is assessed at each percussion point and sounds at symmetrical points are compared. Then, using a hammer finger, blows of the same force are applied to the middle of the clavicles (in this case, the clavicles are natural plessimeters). Then the examination is continued by percussing the chest at the level of the 1st intercostal space, 2nd intercostal space and 3rd intercostal space. In this case, the pessimeter finger is placed on the intercostal space and directed parallel to the ribs. The middle of the middle phalanx is intersected by the midclavicular line, while the pessimeter finger is slightly pressed into the intercostal space.
In the lateral sections: the patient’s hands should be folded and raised on the head. The doctor stands in front of the patient, facing him. The pessimeter finger is placed on the chest in the armpit. The finger is directed parallel to the ribs, the middle of the middle phalanx is crossed by the middle axillary line. Then percussion is performed on the symmetrical lateral areas of the chest at the level of the intercostal spaces (up to the VII-VIII ribs inclusive).
From behind: the patient should cross his arms over his chest. At the same time, the shoulder blades diverge, expanding the interscapular space. Percussion begins in the suprascapular areas. The pessimeter finger is placed parallel to the spine of the scapula. Then they percussion in the interscapular space. The pessimeter finger is placed on the chest parallel to the line of the spine at the edge of the shoulder blades. After percussion of the interscapular space, the chest is percussed under the shoulder blades at the level of the VII, VIII and IX intercostal spaces (the pessimeter finger is placed on the intercostal space parallel to the ribs). At the end of the comparative percussion, a conclusion is made about the homogeneity of the percussion sound over symmetrical areas of the lungs and its physical characteristics (clear, pulmonary, dull, tympanic, dull-tympanic, dull, boxy). If a pathological focus is detected in the lungs, by changing the force of the percussion blow, you can determine the depth of its location. Percussion with quiet percussion penetrates to a depth of 2-3 cm, with percussion of medium strength - up to 4-5 cm, and loud percussion - up to 6-7 cm. Percussion of the chest gives all 3 main types of percussion sound: clear pulmonary, dull and tympanic. A clear pulmonary sound occurs when percussion occurs in those places where unchanged lung tissue lies directly behind the chest. The strength and height of the lung sound vary depending on age, the shape of the chest, muscle development, and the size of the subcutaneous fat layer. A dull sound is produced in the chest wherever dense parenchymal organs are adjacent to it - the heart, liver, spleen. Under pathological conditions, it is determined in all cases of reduction or disappearance of the airiness of the lung tissue, thickening of the pleura, and filling of the pleural cavity with fluid. The tympanic sound occurs where cavities containing air are adjacent to the chest wall. Under normal conditions, it is determined only in one area - on the left below and in front, in the so-called semilunar space of Traube, where the stomach with an air bubble is adjacent to the chest wall. In pathological conditions, a tympanic sound is observed when air accumulates in the pleural cavity, the presence of a cavity (abscess, cavity) filled with air in the lung, or with pulmonary emphysema as a result of an increase in their airiness and a decrease in the elasticity of the lung tissue.

5. Topographic percussion

The purpose of the study is to determine the height of the apexes of the lungs in front and behind, the width of the Kroenig fields, the lower borders of the lungs and the mobility of the lower edge of the lungs. Rules for topographic percussion:
percussion is carried out from the organ giving a loud sound to the organ giving a dull sound, that is, from clear to dull;
the pessimeter finger is located parallel to the defined boundary;
the border of the organ is marked along the side of the pessimeter finger facing the organ that produces a clear pulmonary sound.
Determination of the upper borders of the lungs is made by percussion of the pulmonary apexes in front above the collarbone or behind the spine of the scapula. In front, a finger-pessimeter is placed above the collarbone and percussed upward and medially until the sound becomes dull (the fingertip should follow the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle). From the back, percussion is performed from the middle of the supraspinatus fossa towards the VII cervical vertebra. Normally, the height of the apex of the lungs is determined in front 3-4 cm above the collarbone, and in the back it is at the level of the spinous process of the VII cervical vertebra. The patient is in a standing or sitting position, and the doctor is standing. Percussion is performed with a weak blow (quiet percussion). Topographic percussion begins with determining the height of the apexes and the width of the Krenig fields.
Determination of the height of the apex of the lung from the front: the pessimeter finger is placed in the supraclavicular fossa directly above the clavicle and parallel to the latter. Using a hammer finger, apply 2 blows to the plessimeter finger and then move it upward so that it is parallel to the collarbone, and the nail phalanx rests against the edge of the sternocleidomastoideus muscle (m. Sternocleidomastoideus). Percussion is continued until the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, marking the boundary along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing the clear percussion sound. Using a centimeter tape, measure the distance from the upper edge of the middle of the clavicle to the marked border (the height of the apex of the lung in front above the level of the clavicle).
Determination of the standing height of the apex of the lung from behind: the pessimeter finger is placed in the supraspinatus fossa directly above the spine of the scapula. The finger is directed parallel to the spine, the middle of the middle phalanx of the finger is located above the middle of the inner half of the spine. Using a hammer finger, apply weak blows to the plessimeter finger. By moving the pessimeter finger up and inward along the line connecting the middle of the inner half of the spine of the scapula with the point located in the middle between the VII cervical vertebra and the outer edge of the mastoid end of the trapezius muscle, percussion is continued. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, the percussion is stopped and the boundary is marked along the edge of the plessimeter finger facing the clear pulmonary sound. The posterior height of the apex of the lung is determined by the spinous process of the corresponding vertebra.
Determining the width of the margins: Krenig: the pessimeter finger is placed on the anterior edge of the trapezius muscle above the middle of the clavicle. The direction of the finger runs perpendicular to the anterior edge of the trapezius muscle. Using a hammer finger, apply weak blows to the plessimeter finger. Moving the pessimeter finger inward, continue percussion. Based on the change in percussion sound from loud to dull, a boundary is marked along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing outward (the inner boundary of the Krenig field). After this, the plessimeter finger is returned to its original position and percussion is continued, moving the plessimeter finger outward. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, the percussion is stopped and the boundary is marked along the edge of the plessimeter finger facing inward (the outer boundary of the Krenig field). After this, use a centimeter tape to measure the distance from the inner border of the Krenig field to the outer border (width of the Krenig field). The width of the Krenig field of the other lung is determined in a similar way. A downward shift in the height of the apexes of the lungs and a decrease in the width of Krenig's fields are observed with wrinkling of the apices of the lungs of tuberculous origin, pneumosclerosis, and the development of infiltrative processes in the lungs. An increase in the height of the apices of the lungs and expansion of Krenig's fields are observed with increased airiness of the lungs (pulmonary emphysema) and during an attack of bronchial asthma.
Determination of the lower border of the right lung by percussion is carried out in a certain sequence along the following topographic lines:
along the right parasternal line;
along the right midclavicular line;
along the right anterior axillary line;
along the right midaxillary line;
along the right posterior axillary line;
along the right scapular line;
along the right paravertebral line.
Percussion begins with determining the lower border of the right lung along the parasternal line. The pessimeter finger is placed on the second intercostal space parallel to the ribs so that the right parasternal line crosses the middle phalanx of the finger in the middle. Light blows are applied to the plessimeter finger with a hammer finger. Moving the finger-pessimeter sequentially downwards (towards the liver), percussion is continued. The position of the pessimeter finger each time should be such that its direction is perpendicular to the percussion line, and the parasternal line intersects the main phalanx in the middle. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull (not dull, but dull), the percussion is stopped and the boundary is marked along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing upward (toward the lung). After this, it is determined at the level of which rib the lower border of the lung is found along this topographic line. To determine the level of the found border, the angulus Ludovici is visually found (at this level the second rib is attached to the sternum) and, having palpated the second rib with the thumb and forefinger, the third, fourth, fifth, etc. ribs are sequentially palpated along this topographic line. Thus, they find at the level of which rib the found lower border of the lung is located along a given topographic line. Such percussion is carried out along all of the above topographic lines and in the previously indicated sequence. The starting position of the finger-pessimeter to determine the lower border of the lung is: along the midclavicular line - at the level of the 2nd intercostal space, along all axillary lines - at the level of the apex of the axilla, along the scapular line - directly under the lower angle of the scapula, along the paravertebral line - from the level spine of the scapula. When percussing along the anterior and posterior topographic lines, the patient's arms should be lowered. When performing percussion along all axillary lines, the patient’s arms should be folded over his head. The lower border of the lung along the parasternal, midclavicular, all axillary lines and along the scapular line is determined in relation to the ribs, along the paravertebral line - in relation to the spinous processes of the vertebrae.
Determination of the lower border of the left lung: percussion determination of the lower border of the left lung is carried out similarly to the determination of the borders of the right lung, but with two features. Firstly, percussion along the parasternal and midclavicular lines is not carried out, since cardiac dullness prevents this. Percussion is carried out along the left anterior axillary line, left middle axillary line, left posterior axillary line, left scapular line and left paravertebral line. Secondly, percussion along each topographic line stops when the clear pulmonary sound changes to dull along the scapular, paravertebral and posterior axillary lines and to tympanic - along the anterior and middle axillary lines. This feature is due to the influence of the gas bubble of the stomach occupying Traube's space.
It should be borne in mind that in hypersthenics the lower edge may be one rib higher, and in asthenics it may be one rib lower than normal. A downward displacement of the lower borders of the lungs (usually bilateral) is observed during an acute attack of bronchial asthma, emphysema, prolapse of internal organs (splanchnoptosis), asthenia as a result of weakening of the abdominal muscles. An upward displacement of the lower borders of the lungs (usually one-sided) is observed with pneumofibrosis (pneumosclerosis), atelectasis (collapse) of the lungs, accumulation of fluid or air in the pleural cavity, liver diseases, enlarged spleen; bilateral displacement of the lower borders of the lungs is observed with ascites, flatulence, the presence of air in abdominal cavity(pneumoperitoneum). Normally, the boundaries of the lung lobes cannot be identified using percussion. They can only be determined with lobar compaction of the lungs (lobar pneumonia). For clinical practice It is useful to know the topography of the lobes. As you know, the right lung consists of 3, and the left - of 2 lobes. The boundaries between the lobes of the lungs extend posteriorly from the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra, laterally downward and anteriorly to the intersection of the fourth rib with the posterior axillary line. So the border goes equally for the right and left lungs, separating the lower and upper lobes. Then on the right, the border of the upper lobe continues along the IV rib to the place of its attachment to the sternum, separating the upper lobe from the middle lobe. The border of the lower lobe continues on both sides from the intersection of the IV rib with the posterior axillary line obliquely downwards and anteriorly to the place of attachment of the VI rib to the sternum. It delimits the upper lobe from the lower in the left lung and the middle lobe from the lower in the right. Thus, the lower lobes of the lungs are more adjacent to the back surface of the chest, the upper lobes are in front, and all 3 lobes on the right and 2 on the left are on the side.

6. Determination of the mobility of the pulmonary edges

During breathing movements, the diaphragm lowers and rises, and according to these movements the level of the lower border of the lungs changes. The greatest lowering of the diaphragm and the lower border of the lungs occurs with the maximum possible inhalation, the greatest rise of the diaphragm and the lower border of the lungs is observed with the maximum possible exhalation. The distance (in cm) between the level of the lower borders of the lung, determined when holding the breath at the height of a deep inspiration and after maximum exhalation, is called the mobility, or excursion, of the pulmonary border. The excursion of different parts of the pulmonary edge is not the same: the excursion of the lateral segments is greater than the medial ones. The mobility of the pulmonary edge can be determined by any of the topographic lines, but is usually limited to determining the mobility of the pulmonary edge only along the middle or posterior axillary lines, where it is greatest. During this examination, the patient stands or sits, with his hands folded and raised on his head. The doctor is positioned standing or sitting, depending on the patient’s position and height. First, the lower border of the lung is determined along the middle or posterior axillary line with calm shallow breathing of the patient (for the determination technique, see above). The border is marked along the edge of the finger - plessimeter, facing upward. Then, without removing the pessimeter finger, the patient is asked to take a maximum breath and hold his breath and perform quiet percussion, moving the pessimeter finger sequentially downwards.
When a loud sound changes to a dull one, the percussion stops and a boundary is marked along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing upward (after which the patient is given the command to breathe freely). Then the finger-pessimeter moves up along the same topographic line and is placed 7 - 8 cm above the level of the lower border of the lung, determined during quiet breathing of the patient. The patient is given the command to exhale as much as possible, after which quiet percussion is performed with the pleximeter finger moving sequentially downwards. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, the percussion stops and a boundary is marked along the edge of the finger - plessimeter, facing upward (in this case, the patient is given the command to breathe freely). The distance between the levels of the lower border of the lungs is measured at maximum inhalation and maximum exhalation (excursion of the lower border of the lungs). Excursion (mobility) of the lower edge of the other lung is carried out similarly. A decrease in the mobility of the lower pulmonary edge is observed with loss of elasticity of the lung tissue (pulmonary emphysema), pneumosclerosis, accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, pleural adhesions, and paresis of the diaphragm.

7. Auscultation
The purpose of the study is to determine and evaluate breath sounds(main and secondary) and bronchophony over the entire surface of the lungs. Determination of respiratory sounds is carried out with the patient sitting, standing (with prolonged deep breathing as a result of hyperventilation of the lungs, the patient may become dizzy or faint) or lying down (done in very weak patients). The doctor is positioned sitting or standing, taking into account the patient’s position, but always comfortably, without tension. Auscultation of the lungs is carried out in the front, sides and back. To better identify respiratory sounds during auscultation of the lungs, it is necessary that the patient breathes deeply, so immediately before the study he is given the command to breathe deeper and a little more often than usual.
Auscultation from the front. The patient's arms should be lowered. The doctor stands in front and to the right of the patient. Auscultation begins from the apex of the lungs. The phonendoscope (stethoscope) is placed in the supraclavicular fossa so that the membrane of the phonendoscope (the bell of the stethoscope) is in contact with the surface of the patient’s body along the entire perimeter. By focusing on the sounds heard in the phonendoscope headphones, sounds are assessed throughout the entire respiratory cycle (inhalation and exhalation). After this, the phonendoscope is moved to a symmetrical area of ​​the other supraclavicular fossa, where noises are heard in the same way. The study is then continued by sequentially placing the phonendoscope on symmetrical areas of the anterior chest wall at the level of the I, II and III intercostal spaces, and the midclavicular line should cross the phonendoscope sensor in the middle. Auscultation in the lateral sections. The patient continues to breathe deeply and evenly. The doctor asks him to clasp his hands and raise them to his head. The phonendoscope is placed on the lateral surface of the chest in the depth of the axillary fossa. Listen and evaluate breathing sounds at this point. After this, the phonendoscope is moved to a symmetrical area of ​​the other axillary fossa, where respiratory sounds are listened to and assessed in the same way. The study is then continued by sequentially placing the phonendoscope on symmetrical areas of the lateral surface of the chest (at comparative percussion points), gradually descending to the lower border of the lungs. Auscultation from behind. The patient is asked to cross his arms over his chest. The phonendoscope is sequentially placed at symmetrical points at the level of the supraspinous fossa, in the interscapular space at the 2-3rd levels and in the subscapular areas at the level of VII, VIII and IX intercostal spaces.

8. Definition of bronchophony

The definition of bronchophony is hearing whispered speech on the chest when the patient pronounces words with hissing and whistling sounds, for example, “sixty-six”, “cup of tea”. This study evaluates the conduction of the voice to the surface of the chest above the projection of the lungs. The conduction of the voice is recorded through a phonendoscope (stethoscope). The starting position of the patient and the doctor, as well as the points of application of the phonendoscope, are the same as when determining respiratory sounds. After applying the phonendoscope to the surface of the patient's chest, the piglets whisper words containing hissing sounds. At the end of the study, its results are evaluated. It is necessary to determine whether bronchophony is the same over symmetrical areas of the lungs and whether it is strengthened or weakened. If, when pronouncing the words under study in symmetrical areas, an indefinite hum is heard in the headphones of the phonendoscope, normal bronchophony is stated. In the case of compaction of the lung tissue, the formation of a cavity in the lung, when the conduction of sound improves, it turns out to be positive, i.e., the spoken words become distinguishable. Finally, if, when pronouncing the words under study on one side, no sounds are heard in the headphones of the phonendoscope, a weakening of bronchophony is stated. Essentially, bronchophony is the acoustic equivalent of vocal tremors, i.e., the conduction of sound vibrations from the larynx along the air column of the bronchi to the surface of the chest. Therefore, positive bronchophony is detected simultaneously with a dull percussion sound, increased vocal tremors, and also with the appearance of bronchial breathing.

9. Pulse study

1. Determination of synchronism and uniformity of the pulse in the radial arteries

The doctor covers the patient’s left hand above the wrist joint with his right hand, and the right hand with his left hand, so that the tips of the II-IV fingers of the examiner are located on the front surface of the radius bone of the subject between its outer edge and the flexor tendons of the hand, and the thumb and palm are located on the back side of the forearm. In this case, one must strive to ensure that the position of the hands is comfortable for both the doctor and the patient. Focusing on the sensations in the fingertips, the doctor places them in the position in which the pulse is detected and determines the synchronicity of the occurrence of pulse waves in both arteries (i.e., the simultaneous occurrence of pulse waves on the left and right hands) and their similarity. In a healthy person, the pulse in both radial arteries is synchronous and identical. In patients with severe stenosis of the left atrioventricular orifice due to expansion of the left atrium and compression of the left subclavian artery the pulse wave on the left radial artery (when compared with the right) is smaller and delayed. With Takayasu syndrome (obliterating arteritis of the branches of the aortic arch), the pulse in one of the arteries may be completely absent. An unequal and asynchronous pulse is called pulsus differens. If the pulse is synchronous and identical, the remaining properties of the pulse are determined by palpating one hand.

2. Rhythm and pulse rate
Determine whether pulse waves occur at equal (rhythmic pulse) or unequal time intervals (arrhythmic pulse). The appearance of individual pulse waves, smaller in magnitude and occurring earlier than usual, followed by a longer (compensatory) pause, indicates extrasystole. With atrial fibrillation, pulse waves occur at irregular intervals and are limited in magnitude. If the pulse is rhythmic, it is counted for 20 or 30 seconds. Then determines the pulse rate in 1 minute, multiplying the resulting value by 3 or 2, respectively. If the pulse is irregular, it is read for at least 1 minute.

3. Tension and filling of the pulse
The doctor's hand is placed in a typical position. Using a proximal finger, the artery is gradually pressed against the radius. With a finger located distally, the moment of cessation of pulsation of the artery is detected. The pulse voltage is judged by the minimum force that had to be applied in order to completely compress the artery with a proximally located finger. In this case, with a finger located distally, it is necessary to catch the moment the pulsation stops. Pulse voltage depends on systolic blood pressure: the higher it is, the more intense the pulse. At high systolic blood pressure The pulse is hard, and at low pressure it is soft. Pulse voltage also depends on the elastic properties of the artery wall. When the artery wall hardens, the pulse will be hard.
When examining the filling of the pulse, the examiner places the hand in a position typical for examining the pulse. At the first stage, with a finger placed proximally on the subject’s arm, the artery is completely pressed until the pulsation stops. The moment of cessation of pulsation is caught with a finger located distally. At the second stage, the finger is raised to a level where the pad of the palpating finger can barely feel the pulsation. Filling is judged by the distance by which the pressing finger needs to be raised to restore the original amplitude of the pulse wave. This corresponds to full expansion of the artery. The filling of the pulse is thus determined by the diameter of the artery at the moment of the pulse wave. It depends on the stroke volume of the heart. When stroke volume is high, the pulse is full; when stroke volume is low, it is empty.

4. Size and shape of pulse
The examiner places his right hand in a typical position for research. Then, with the middle (of 3 palpating) fingers, he presses the artery against the radius until it is completely compressed (he checks this with the distal finger) and, focusing on the sensation in the proximal finger, determines the strength of the pulse impulses. The greater the tension and filling of the pulse, the greater the pulse value, and vice versa. A full solid pulse is large, an empty and soft pulse is small. By placing the right hand in a position typical for palpating the pulse and focusing on the sensation at the tips of the palpating fingers, the examiner should determine the rate of rise and fall of the pulse wave. The shape of the pulse depends on the tone of the arteries and the speed of their systolic filling: with a decrease in vascular tone and insufficiency of the aortic valves, the pulse becomes fast, but with an increase in vascular tone or their compaction, it becomes slow.

5. Pulse uniformity
By focusing on the sensation in the fingertips of the palpating hand, the physician should determine whether the pulse waves are the same. Normally, the pulse waves are the same, i.e. the pulse is uniform. As a rule, a rhythmic pulse is uniform, and an arrhythmic pulse is uneven.

6. Pulse deficiency
The examiner determines the pulse rate, and his assistant simultaneously counts the number of heartbeats in 1 minute by auscultation. If the heart rate is greater than the pulse rate, there is a pulse deficit. The magnitude of the deficit is equal to the difference between these 2 values. Pulse deficiency is detected with an arrhythmic pulse (for example, with atrial fibrillation). The study of the vessels is completed by sequential palpation of the remaining arteries: carotid, temporal, brachial, ulnar, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, dorsal arteries of the feet. In this case, the doctor must determine the presence of pulsation of the arteries, compare the pulsation on the symmetrical arteries of the same name and determine its similarity.
The heart, determined by percussion, is formed by the right ventricle, the upper one by the left atrial appendage and the conus pulmonary artery, and the left one by the left ventricle. The right contour of the heart in the x-ray image is formed by the right atrium, which is located deeper and lateral to the right ventricle and therefore cannot be detected by percussion.

10. Heart percussion

Percussion examination of the heart determines:
boundaries of relative dullness of the heart (right, left, upper);
configuration of the heart (its right and left contours);
diameter of the heart;
width of the vascular bundle;
boundaries of absolute dullness of the heart (the area of ​​the heart in direct contact with the anterior wall of the chest).
As a result of this study, the doctor receives information about the position, size of the heart, the shape of its projection onto the anterior chest wall, and the area of ​​the anterior wall of the heart not covered by the lungs. The study is carried out with the patient standing, sitting or lying on his back. The doctor stands in front and to the right of the patient or sits to the right of him.

Determination of the boundaries of relative cardiac dullness
Most of the heart is covered from the sides by the lungs, and only a small area in the center is directly adjacent to the chest wall. As an airless organ, the part of the heart not covered by the lungs gives a dull percussion sound and forms a zone of “absolute dullness of the heart.” “Relative cardiac dullness” corresponds to the true size of the heart and is its projection onto the anterior chest wall. A dull sound is detected in this zone. Determination of the right border of relative dullness of the heart: determination of the right border of the heart must be preceded by determination of the lower border of the right lung along the midclavicular line. To do this, the pessimeter finger is placed on the second intercostal space parallel to the ribs so that the right midclavicular line crosses the middle phalanx of the finger in the middle. Light blows are applied to the plessimeter finger with a hammer finger. Moving the finger-pessimeter sequentially downwards (towards the liver), percussion is continued. The position of the pessimeter finger each time should be such that its direction is perpendicular to the percussion lines.
When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, the percussion is stopped and the boundary is marked along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing the lung. Then they begin to determine the right border of the heart. To do this, the pessimeter finger is raised one intercostal space above the found lower border of the lung and placed on the right midclavicular line parallel to the edge of the sternum. Percussion of relative dullness of the heart is carried out with a blow of medium force so that the percussion blow pierces the edge of the lung covering the outer contour of the heart. The pessimeter finger is moved towards the heart. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, stop the percussion and mark the boundary along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing away from the heart (the right border of the heart). The coordinates of the border are determined (at the level of which intercostal space and at what distance from the right edge of the sternum). Determination of the left border of relative dullness of the heart: determination of the left border of the heart is preceded by determining the apex beat by palpation, after which the pessimeter finger is placed on the chest wall parallel to the topographic lines, outward from the apex beat. The middle of the middle phalanx of the pessimeter finger should be in the intercostal space corresponding to the apical impulse. If the apical impulse cannot be felt, a pessimeter finger is placed on the chest wall along the left mid-axillary line in the 5th intercostal space. Percussion is performed with a blow of medium force. Moving the finger-pessimeter towards the heart, continue percussion. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, the percussion is stopped and the border is marked along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing away from the heart (the left border of the heart). The coordinates of the border are determined (intercostal space and distance from the nearest topographic line).
Determination of the upper limit of relative dullness of the heart: the pessimeter finger is placed on the chest wall directly under the left collarbone so that the middle of the middle phalanx of the finger is directly at the left edge of the sternum. Percussion is performed with a blow of medium force. Moving the pessimeter finger downwards, continue percussion. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, stop the percussion and mark the boundary along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing away from the heart (upper border of the heart). The coordinates of the border are determined, i.e. at the level of which edge it is located.

Determination of the configuration, diameter of the heart and width of the vascular bundle
The right and left contours of the heart are determined. To determine the right contour of the heart, percussion is performed at the level of IV, III, II intercostal spaces; to determine the left contour, percussion is performed at the level of the V, IV, III, II intercostal spaces. Since the borders of the heart at the level of the IV intercostal space on the right and the V intercostal space on the left were determined in previous studies (see determination of the right and left borders of the heart), it remains to determine them at the level of IV, III and II intercostal spaces on the left and II and III intercostal spaces on the right. Determination of the contours of the heart at the level of III and II intercostal spaces on the right and IV-II intercostal spaces on the left: the initial position of the pessimeter finger is on the midclavicular line on the corresponding side, so that the middle of the middle phalanx is in the corresponding intercostal space. Percussion is performed with a blow of medium force. Move the plessimeter finger inward (toward the heart).
When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, stop the percussion and mark the boundary along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing away from the heart. The contours of the heart, defined in the second intercostal space on the right and left, correspond to the width of the vascular bundle. The dullness of percussion sound, which is the width of the vascular bundle, is caused by the aorta. Having thus determined the contours of cardiac dullness, the configuration (normal, mitral, aortic, trapezoidal, cor bovinum) of the heart is assessed, after which the dimensions of the diameter of the heart and the vascular bundle are measured. The size of the diameter of the heart is equal to the sum of the distances from the right border of the heart (at the level of the IV intercostal space) to the anterior midline and from the left border (at the level of the V intercostal space) to the anterior midline. The size of the vascular bundle is equal to the distance from the right to the left contour of the heart at the level of the 2nd intercostal space.

Determination of the boundaries of absolute cardiac dullness
The right, left and upper boundaries of absolute cardiac dullness are determined. Determination of the right border of absolute dullness of the heart: the starting position of the pessimeter finger is the right border of relative dullness of the heart (at the level of the IV intercostal space). Percussion is carried out with the quietest blow (threshold percussion). Continuing percussion, the pessimeter finger is moved inward. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull (at the same time, the palpation perception of the percussion blow clearly changes, it becomes softer), the percussion is stopped and the border is marked along the edge of the pessimeter finger facing the right lung (the right border of absolute dullness of the heart). Determine the coordinates of the border.
Determination of the left border of absolute dullness of the heart: the initial position of the finger-pessimeter is the left border of relative dullness of the heart (at the level of the V intercostal space) and parallel to it. Percussion is carried out with the quietest blow (threshold percussion). Continuing percussion, the pessimeter finger is moved inward. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, the percussion is stopped and the border is marked along the edge of the plessimeter finger facing the left lung (the left border of absolute dullness of the heart). Determine the coordinates of the border. Determination of the upper limit of absolute dullness of the heart: the initial position of the pessimeter finger is the upper limit of the heart. Percussion is carried out with the quietest blow. Continuing percussion, the pessimeter finger is moved downwards. When the percussion sound changes from loud to dull, stop the percussion and mark the border along the upper edge of the finger (the upper limit of absolute dullness of the heart). Determine the level of this boundary in relation to the ribs.

11. Auscultation of the heart

Heart listening points:
1st - point of apex impulse (point of listening to the mitral valve and the left atrioventricular orifice);
2nd - point in the 2nd intercostal space directly at the right edge of the sternum (the point of listening to the aortic valves and the aortic mouth);
3rd - point in the 2nd intercostal space directly at the left edge of the sternum (point of listening to the pulmonary valves);
4th - the lower third of the sternum at the base of the xiphoid process and the place of attachment of the 5th rib to the right edge of the sternum (the point of listening to the tricuspid valve and the right atrioventricular orifice);
5th - at the level of the III intercostal space at the left edge of the sternum (an additional point for listening to the aortic valves).
The sequence of listening to the heart is performed in the above order.
Auscultation of the heart at the 1st point: the examiner palpably determines the localization of the apex beat and places the phonendoscope on the beat zone. In cases where the apex beat is not palpable, the left border of the relative dullness of the heart is determined by percussion, after which the phonendoscope is installed on a certain border. The subject is given the command to inhale and exhale and hold his breath. Now the doctor, listening to the sounds of the heart, identifies and evaluates them. The first is the tone that follows a long pause, the second is the tone after a short pause. In addition, the first sound coincides with the apical impulse or pulse impulse carotid artery. This is checked by palpation of the right carotid artery with the tips of the II-IV fingers of the left hand, installed at the angle of the lower jaw at the inner edge of m. sternocleidomastoideus. In a healthy person, the ratio of tones I and II in volume at this point is such that tone I is louder than tone II, but not more than 2 times. If the sonority of the first tone is more than 2 times higher than the loudness of the second tone, then the amplification of the first tone (clacking first tone) at this point is stated. If the ratio of the first tone and the second tone is such that the volume of the first tone is equal to or weaker than the sound of the second tone, then a weakening of the first tone at this point is stated. In some cases, a rhythm consisting of 3 tones is heard at the apex. The third sound of a healthy heart is often heard in children; it disappears with age. In approximately 3% of healthy people aged 20 to 30 years, the third sound can still be heard; at older ages, it is heard very rarely. In adults, the clinic more often has to deal with a split tone or additional tones that form a three-member heart rhythm (quail rhythm, gallop rhythm, split first tone). The quail rhythm (“it’s time to sleep”) is caused by the appearance of an additional tone in diastole (the tone of the mitral valve opening) and is usually combined with the clapping sound of the first sound. With the gallop rhythm, tone I is weakened; if the gallop tone precedes the first tone, a presystolic gallop is detected; if the gallop tone follows the second tone, a diastolic gallop is stated. With tachycardia, the sounds that form the presystolic and diastolic gallops can merge, giving a single additional sound in the middle of diastole; such a gallop is called summed. When the first tone is bifurcated, both systolic tone the volumes are equal or close to each other.
Auscultation of the heart at the 2nd point: the examiner palpates (with his left hand) finds the point (in the 2nd intercostal space at the right edge of the sternum) and places the phonendoscope on the chest wall in this area. The subject is given the command to inhale and exhale and hold his breath. Now the doctor, listening to the sounds of the heart, identifies and evaluates them. As a rule, a melody of two tones is heard. Identification of tones I and II is carried out according to the method described above. In a healthy person, at this point the second tone is louder than the first. If the ratio of tones I and II is such that the volume of tone II is equal to or weaker than the sound of tone I, then a weakening of tone II at this point is stated. In the case when, instead of the second tone, two fuzzy tones are heard, a splitting of the second tone at this point is stated, and if they are heard clearly, then a splitting of the second tone.
Auscultation at the 3rd point: the examiner palpates (with his left hand) finds the point (in the 2nd intercostal space at the left edge of the sternum) and places the phonendoscope on the chest wall in this area. The subject is given the command to inhale and exhale and hold his breath. Now the doctor, listening to the sounds of the heart, identifies and evaluates them. As a rule, a melody of two tones is heard. Identification of tones I and II is carried out according to the method described above. In a healthy person, at this point, tone II is louder than tone I. In pathology, changes in the ratio of tones and the melody of tones can be the same as at the 2nd point of auscultation. After finishing listening to the heart at the 3rd point, the heart is listened to again at the 2nd and 3rd points in order to compare the volume of the second tone at these two points. In healthy people, the volume of tone II at these points is the same. If the volume of the second tone predominates at one of these points (provided that at each point the second tone is louder than the first, i.e. there is no weakening of it), the emphasis of the second tone is stated over the aorta or pulmonary artery, respectively.
Auscultation of the heart at the 4th point: the examiner palpably (with his left hand) finds the base of the xiphoid process and places the phonendoscope over the right edge of the lower third of the sternum. The subject is given the command to inhale and exhale and hold his breath. Now the doctor, listening to the sounds of the heart, identifies and evaluates them. As a rule, a melody of two tones is heard. In a healthy person, at this point, tone I is louder than tone II. In pathology, changes in the ratio of tones and melody of tones can be the same as at the 1st point of auscultation.
Auscultation of the heart at the 5th point: the examiner palpates (with his left hand) finds the point (in the third intercostal space at the left edge of the sternum) and places the phonendoscope on the chest wall in this area. The subject is given the command to inhale and exhale and hold his breath. Now the doctor, listening to the sounds of the heart, identifies and evaluates them. As a rule, a melody of two tones is heard. The volume of both tones at this point in a healthy person is approximately the same. A change in the ratio of the sonority of the first and second tones during auscultation at the 5th point has no independent diagnostic value. If, in addition to the tones, a prolonged sound is heard between them, then this is noise. In the case when the murmur is heard in the interval between the first and second sounds, it is called systolic; if the noise is determined between the II and I sounds, then it is called diastolic.

12. Percussion of the abdomen

The main purpose of percussion of the abdomen is to determine how much abdominal enlargement is due to the presence of gas, liquid or a dense formation. Bloating associated with gas formation is characterized by a tympanic sound. Dullness of percussion sound is usually noted with ascites.

13. Palpation of the abdomen

When performing palpation, it is important that the doctor’s hands are warm, and the patient, in order to relax the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, should be in a comfortable position with his head low and arms extended along the body.
Palpation is first carried out superficially with both hands and begins with a comparison of symmetrical areas of the abdomen (pain, muscle tension, presence of tumor-like formations, etc.). Then, placing the entire palm on the stomach, the doctor begins to feel the stomach with the fingertips of the right hand, starting from the areas furthest from the location of the pain. When moving the hand along the surface of the abdomen, tension in the abdominal wall, hernial openings, divergence of the abdominal wall muscles, and pain in certain parts of the intestine are more accurately determined. Then deep sliding palpation is carried out according to the method of V.P. Obraztsov according to all the rules.
The technique of this palpation includes 4 points. The first point is the installation of the doctor's hands. The doctor places his right hand flat on the anterior abdominal wall of the patient perpendicular to the axis of the part of the intestine being examined or to the edge of the organ being examined. The second point is the shifting of the skin and the formation of a skin fold, so that in the future the movements of the hand are not limited by the tension of the skin. The third point is to plunge your hand deep into your stomach. Deep palpation is based on the fact that the fingers are immersed into the abdominal wall gradually, taking advantage of the relaxation of the abdominal wall that occurs with each exhalation, and reach the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity or the underlying organ. The fourth moment is sliding the tips of the fingers in a direction transverse to the axis of the organ being examined; at the same time, the organ is pressed against the back wall and, continuing to slide, rolls through the palpated intestine or stomach. Depending on the position of the organ, sliding movements are performed either from the inside out (sigmoid colon, cecum) or from top to bottom (stomach, transverse colon), moving in a more or less oblique direction as these organs deviate from the horizontal or vertical course. The movement of the palpating hand must occur together with the skin, and not along the skin.
You need to start deep palpation from the most accessible part - the sigmoid colon, then move on to the cecum, ileum, ascending, descending and transverse colon, then you should palpate the liver and spleen.
The sigmoid colon can be palpated in all healthy people, with the exception of those with large deposits of fat. The sigmoid colon is normally palpable in the form of a dense, smooth cylinder as thick as a thumb. Usually it is painless, there is no rumbling in it.
The cecum is palpated in the right iliac region in the form of a painless cylinder 2 finger widths thick. Other parts of the intestine provide little information upon palpation. Palpation of the abdomen allows you to determine the shape, size and mobility of various parts of the intestine, to identify neoplasms and fecal stones.
Finger palpation of the rectum is a mandatory method for diagnosing diseases of the rectum. Sometimes digital examination is the only method for detecting a pathological process located on the posterior semicircle of the rectal wall above the anus, in an area that is difficult to access by other methods.
Digital examination of the rectum is contraindicated only in cases of sharp narrowing of the anus and severe pain.

14. Auscultation of the abdomen

Auscultation makes it possible to explore motor function intestines, that is, to catch the rumbling and transfusion associated with intestinal peristalsis and the passage of gas bubbles through the liquid contents. If intestinal patency is impaired, these symptoms will intensify, and with intestinal paresis, auscultatory signs weaken or disappear.
