The safest Russian aircraft. What is the safest plane in the world

January 26, 2016, 10:29 pm

Airplanes today quite often get into plane crashes. There are a lot of statistics about which plane is the most dangerous. BusinessWeek published a rating of the most dangerous planes, using data from the insurance consultant Ascend. As a result, the Boeing 737 was recognized as the most dangerous passenger aircraft in terms of the number of accidents.

It should be noted that the aircraft occupying 5th and 8th seats are essentially one model, only slightly modernized, the same can be said about the aircraft in 9th and 10th seats. It is also worth noting that among the safest airliners (without human casualties among passengers) ), not included in the rating due to their small number, include the airliners Il-86/96, Tu-204/214, Airbus A380, Embraer 135/140/145/170/175/190/195, Canadair Regional Jet 700-900 , McDonnell Douglas MD-90, Fokker-70 and some others. Meanwhile, according to the Aviation Safety Network website, the most dangerous aircraft in the world currently in operation, according to a coefficient that is calculated based on the number of flights, the number of fatalities and the total number of crashes, is the Boeing 747. Next on the list are the Boeing 737-300/400 /500, Tu-154, Airbus A300, Boeing 757, Airbus A320/319/321, Airbus A310, Boeing 767, Yak-42.

According to BusinessWeek, there is one fatal plane crash per 507,500 Boeing 737 flight hours. old version The Boeing 737 family is still operated by airlines in poor countries.

IL-76. The Il-76 aircraft, which is most often operated by airlines in the former countries Soviet Union, ranks second in the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft models, which are operated around the world in quantities of 100 or more. There is one accident per 549,900 flight hours of this aircraft. There are currently 247 Il-76 aircraft in use around the world, produced from 1974 to the present day.

Tu-154. The most common aircraft in most CIS countries, flying domestic and international routes, is also one of the most dangerous. For every 1,041,000 flight hours of a Tu-154 aircraft, there is one plane crash, writes BusinessWeek. Currently, 336 aircraft of this model are in operation around the world.

Airbus A310. There is one accident per 1,067,700 Airbus A310 flight hours. Most major airlines have already stopped flying it, while carriers in poorer countries continue to fly the plane made by European aircraft maker Airbus. Among them is Pakistan International Airlines.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-9. The McDonnell Douglas aircraft, which has not been in production since 1982, is still used by Delta Airlines and many other smaller carriers. Meanwhile, one plane crash occurs every 1,068,700 aircraft flight hours.

Tu-134. Into Russian history civil aviation Tu-134 entered as the most popular aircraft. Its production ceased in 1986, but the Tu-134 is still widely used by airlines from the former Soviet Union and the Middle East. There is one accident per 1,087,600 aircraft flight hours.

Boeing 727. One plane crash occurs every 2,306,300 flight hours of the Boeing 727. The plane has been out of production since 1984, and most major airlines have long since replaced older Boeing 727s with more modern aircraft. However, outside the US, most charter interpreters continue to operate the Boeing 727.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-80. The McDonnell-Douglas MD-80 was created to replace the DC-9 in the early 1980s. Their production ceased in 1999, but the airliners are still operated by the American airline Delta, as well as a number of European carriers, including Alitalia and SAS. A total of 923 aircraft of this model are in operation. There are 2,332,300 McDonnell-Douglas MD-80 flight hours per crash.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10. The DC-10 is an aircraft whose safety has, on the contrary, improved over the years. With 153 aircraft of this model flying around the world, there is one DC-10 crash for every 2,908,800 flight hours. The aircraft is currently used primarily by cargo and charter operators.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11. The MD-11, whose production ended in 2001, disappointed its creator by ultimately demonstrating poor performance in terms of fuel efficiency and other parameters. Meanwhile, 187 airliners are operated worldwide by airlines such as Finnair and KLM. There is one crash per 3,668,800 MD-11 flight hours.

Spletnik-S-404. The S-404 aircraft, whose production began in 2016, disappointed absolutely everyone, demonstrating record levels of inefficiency in fuel use and other parameters. Not a single flight was successful. In total, there are N number of accidents, the number of those produced and in operation liners are hidden by the manufacturer.

Traveling brings a lot of pleasure. And the fastest way to get you to any point on the planet is by plane, because it’s no secret that the fastest mode of transport is air. According to statistics, he is the most reliable, even despite the fact that Lately plane crashes are becoming more widespread. "High-profile" crashes are causing some tourists to consider other modes of transport. But even if you fly every day, the possible probability of dying is very small - 1 in 8 million! Two tens of thousands of years is not enough for this.

To finally reassure impressionable people, let’s turn to official data and name the ten safest aircraft. The risk level of flights on them was assessed by BusinessWeek and London-based insurance consultant Ascend. The list is compiled based on the ratio of the number of accidents to flight hours. Note that terrorist attacks, armed clashes and crimes that became the causes of some crashes were not taken into account in the rating. Only accidents due to breakdowns were counted.

We present the TOP 10 reliable liners that will open the world for you and protect you from crashes.

The machine has been produced since 1995. 748 units were produced. Flight time is more than twenty million hours. Of the three accidents during this time, only one killed 3 passengers. The statistics are spoiled by 2014. On March 8, 239 passengers and crew members of a Boeing 777-200ER disappeared under mysterious circumstances. And on July 17, one of the Boeings was shot down over Ukraine (however, our rating does not take into account accidents caused by military conflicts or terrorism).

The production of the aircraft began in 1993. There are 341 aircraft flying in the sky. 5 accidents in almost 14 million hours. There were no casualties.

The production of air transport began in 1993. Currently, almost 600 airliners are in operation. In fourteen million flight hours, only eight ships crashed. Here are the most notorious of these tragedies:

  1. In France, seven died during a test flight on June 30, 1994.
  2. 2005 killed 103 people on approach. This happened in the capital of Libya, the city of Tripoli. Only one survived.
  3. The factors that caused the plane to crash into the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009 are not fully known. 228 people died.

The car has been produced since 1970. On this moment 941 are in operation. There is one accident for every 17.5 million hours of flight time. Over 45 years, there were 51 of them, of which 18 resulted in human casualties. In 1985, the largest crash of an airliner of this type at that time and the second largest number of casualties in aviation occurred, which claimed the lives of 520 people. On August 12, the tail fell off of a Boeing 747SR-46. An out-of-control plane crashed into Mount Otsutaka, which is located one hundred kilometers from Tokyo. Four people survived.

Production began in 1997. 2,623 units are in use. The crash rate is one per seventeen million hours in the air. At the moment it is the most popular passenger airliner. Three disasters over the entire period of time.

The first production of the car was 1982. Almost 880 aircraft are flying today. They carry out the most larger number long distance flights. Over the entire period, 851 people died. There is one accident per 15.5 million flight hours. The most famous of them is not related to our rating. Two Boeing 767-200 aircraft, hijacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, were sent to the North and South towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

The car has been produced since 1988. More than 3.6 thousand aircraft are involved in the flights. Throughout history, thirty-three ships have been wrecked. On average, 1 accident occurs every 15 million hours in clouds. The most famous of them:

  1. On July 17, 2007, the largest disaster occurred, killing 199 people. The plane rolled off the wet runway and caught fire after colliding with a fuel depot.
  2. On March 24, 2015, the co-pilot deliberately a sharp decline plane and crashed into a mountain slope in the French Alps. All 150 people died.
  3. And 5 days later, due to engine failure, the airliner made a hard landing in Canada. 23 people received non-life-threatening injuries.

Start of operation - 1982. 973 airliners are in the sky. For 15 million hours - 1 accident. Of the 8 crashes, only 3 were due to technical problems. It was the others' fault human factor or terrorism. For example, on September 11, 2001, one of the Boeing 757-200 crashed into the Pentagon building, the second crashed in the area of ​​southwestern Pennsylvania. Another plane collided with a Tu-154 in Germany on July 1, 2002 due to the fault of a Swiss air traffic controller.

The liner has been produced since 1984. There are 1.7 thousand units plying the airspace. Year of manufacture: 1984. On average, there is one disaster every five and a half million hours. A total of 174 cars crashed, but only small part tragedies occurred due to malfunctions. More than a hundred airliners were captured and hijacked. There were more than 500 people who died in this case. In 2008, in the early morning of September 14, a Boeing 737-500 crashed onto the railway track in Perm. All 88 people on board were killed.

The production of the aircraft began in 1990. Today there are 187 machines in use. Approximately 1 disaster occurs every four million hours in celestial space. Losses of liners - 10 pieces. Almost 250 people are listed as dead.

Remember, the sky is the safest road. It is spacious, so the risk of colliding with other vehicles is extremely low. There are no houses or pillars next to it, so there is simply nothing to crash into. And on the ground there are dispatchers who carefully monitor movements. Fly, don't be afraid, and may the heavens be kind to you.

I bring to the attention of blog visitors a review and study of the most dangerous and safe aircraft in the world.
Contrary to popular belief, aircraft Russian production, as it turned out, are far from the most dangerous flyers in the world:

1. Boeing 737 JT8D - The most dangerous plane in the world

Experts recognized the Boeing 737 JT8D as the most dangerous passenger aircraft in terms of the number of accidents, which includes older modifications of the most popular passenger plane in the world, Boeing 737 - models 100 and 200. These aircraft account for one fatal accident per 507,500 flight hours.

Airliners of these modifications were produced from 1967 to 1988. Number of models in service (at the end of 2008): 517 units.

Boeing 737-200 aircraft are still operated by airlines in poor countries.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Sakhalin Air Routes (Russia) / AeroSvit (Ukraine) / Itek Air (Kyrgyzstan) / Esen Air (Kyrgyzstan) / EuroLine Airlines (Georgia) / Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)

The last major disaster involving a Boeing 737-200 occurred in August 2008, when a Kyrgyz airline Itek Air plane crashed near Bishkek. The disaster killed 68 of the 90 people on board.

2. IL-76

It’s worth noting right away that the Il-76 is a transport aircraft and does not carry passengers on regular flights. According to statistics, this aircraft has one accident per 549,900 flight hours.

Years of production: from 1974 to the present day. Number of aircraft in service: 247.

This cargo model is most often found in airline fleets in the former Soviet Union, the Middle East and Africa.

In the fleet of Russian and CIS airlines: Alrosa (Russia) / Gazpromavia (Russia) / Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (Russia) / Uzbekistan Airways (Uzbekistan)

In 2003, an Ilyushin Il-76 operated by Iran Revolutionary Guard crashed, killing 275 people. The last disaster with the Il-76 occurred on March 9, 2009, when the airliner crashed into Lake Victoria in Uganda. 11 people died.

3. Tu-154

One plane crash involving a Tu-154 occurs every 1,041,000 flight hours.

Years of production: from 1971 to the present. Number of aircraft in service: 336.

The Tu-154 is used by most airlines from the former Soviet Union and neighboring countries. In addition, these aircraft are operated in Iran.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Aeroflot (Russia) / Moscovia (Russia) / Atlant-Soyuz (Russia) / State Transport Company Rossiya (Russia) / UTair (Russia) / Yakutia (Russia) ) / " Ural Airlines" (Russia) / Turan Air (Azerbaijan) and others

The last major Tu-154 disaster occurred on July 15 of this year in Iran, when an Iranian Caspian Air airliner flying from Tehran to Yerevan (Armenia) crashed approximately 200 km from the Iranian capital, killing 168 people.

4.Airbus A310

One plane crash per 1,067,700 flight hours.

Years of production: 1983-1998 Number of aircraft in service: 191.

Major airlines have stopped operating this model of Airbus aircraft. However, some carriers, mainly from third countries, continue to fly the A310. In particular, these aircraft are still operated by Mongolian Airlines, Air Transat, Pakistan International Airlines, Royal Jordanian Airlines, etc.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Siberia (Russia) / Uzbekistan Airways (Uzbekistan)

The last accident involving an A310 occurred on June 29, 2009. A Yemenia Airlines A310 airliner en route from Yemen to the Comoros Islands crashed into the sea, killing 152 of the 153 people on board. Miraculously, only a 12-year-old girl managed to escape.

5. McDonnell-Douglas DC-9

One plane crash per 1,068,700 flight hours.

Years of production: 1965-1982 Number of aircraft in service: 315.

DC-9s are still operated by Delta Airlines, which inherited them from Northwest Airlines, as well as many other small carriers around the world. Some small CIS airlines also operate these aircraft.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Ukrainian-Mediterranean Airlines (Ukraine) / Horse (Ukraine)

In April 2008, a Hewa Bora Airways DC-9 crashed in the Dominican Republic of Congo, killing 44 people.

6. Tu-134

One plane crash per 1,087,600 flight hours.

Years of production: 1964-1986 Number of aircraft in service: 223.

The Tu-134 is still widely used by airlines in the CIS countries and the Middle East. This is one of the most popular passenger aircraft, gathered in the Soviet Union. These aircraft fly on domestic flights in Russia, as well as to some CIS countries.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: UTair (Russia) / Aeroflot-Nord (Russia) / Orenburg Airlines (Russia) / Kolavia (Russia) / Volga Aviaexpress (Russia) / Kazair West (Kazakhstan) ) and others

The last crash with a Tu-134 occurred on March 17, 2007, when a UTair airline plane, while landing in Samara, missed the runway and landed 200 meters before the runway, at a distance of 90 meters to the right of the center line. As a result of the disaster, 6 of the 57 people on board died. Prior to this, the only fatal accident, not counting the 2004 suicide bombing of a Volga-Aviaexpress airliner that killed all 43 people on board, occurred in 1997 in Vietnam.

7. Boeing 727

The most dangerous and safest planes in the world

One plane crash per 2,306,300 flight hours.

Years of production: 1963-1984 Number of aircraft in service: 412.

Large carriers have long written off the Boeing 727. However, some small companies, in particular Iran Air, AeroSur (Bolivia), Ariana Afghan Airlines, continue to operate these aircraft.

In the fleet of Russian and CIS airlines: Mega (Kazakhstan)

The last major plane crash with this airliner occurred on December 25, 2003 in the African state of Benin, killing 141 of the 163 people on board.

8. McDonnell-Douglas MD-80

One plane crash per 2,332,300 flight hours.

Years of production: 1980-1999 Number of aircraft in service: 923.

The MD-80 is still used by the American airline Delta, as well as a number of European carriers, notably Alitalia, Spanair and SAS.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Wind Rose (Ukraine) / Horse (Ukraine)

The most recent plane crash involving this airliner occurred in August 2008 in Spain. The crash killed 154 of the 172 people on board a Spanair flight from Madrid to the Canary Islands.

9. McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

One plane crash per 2,908,800 flight hours.

Years of production: 1971-1989 Number of aircraft in service: 153.

The aircraft is now primarily used by cargo and charter operators. Biman Bangladesh Airlines is the latest airline to operate the DC-10 on scheduled flights.

The DC-10 is one of the rare aircraft whose safety has, on the contrary, improved with age. A number of fatal crashes in the 1970s involving the aircraft led to the development of changes and improvements to the aircraft. As a result, the last fatal accident occurred in 1999, when the former French carrier AOM crashed in Guatemala. 16 of the 314 people on board were killed.

10. McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

One plane crash per 3,668,800 flight hours.

Years of production: 1990-2001 Number of aircraft in service: 187

Currently, this aircraft is operated primarily on cargo lines. However, Finnair and KLM airlines still carry passengers on these aircraft.

The last plane crash occurred on March 23, 2009, when a FedEx cargo MD-11 crashed while landing in Tokyo, killing 2 crew members. The last fatal crash was in 1999, when a China Airlines MD-11 caught fire while landing in Hong Kong during a typhoon, killing three people.

11. Boeing 737 CFMI (Classic)

One plane crash per 4,836,900 flight hours.

Years of production: 1984-2000 Number of aircraft in service: 1796.

These aircraft include modifications of the Boeing 737-300, - 400 and - 500. These aircraft are operated by many leading airlines in the world, including carriers in Russia and the CIS countries.

/ "Aeroflot-Nord" (Russia) / "Aeroflot-Don" (Russia) / "UTair" (Russia) / "KD Avia" (Russia) / "Yamal" (Russia) / "Sky Express" (Russia) / " Dnepravia (Ukraine) / AeroSvit (Ukraine) / Ukraine International Airlines (Ukraine) / SCAT (Kazakhstan) / Belavia (Belarus) / Georgian Airways (Georgia) and others

The last disaster occurred on September 14, 2008 in Perm, when an Aeroflot-Nord Boeing 737-500 crashed while landing at the city airport due to a crew error, killing all 88 people.

12. Boeing 757

One plane crash per 13,744,400 flight hours.

Years of production: 1982-2005 Number of aircraft in service: 973.

Boeing 757 aircraft are operated by many airlines around the world.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: "VIM Avia" (Russia) / Nordwind Airlines(Russia) / "Yakutia" (Russia) / "Khors" (Ukraine) / Tajik Air (Tajikistan) / Azerbaijan Airlines (Azerbaijan) / Uzbekistan Airways (Uzbekistan) / Turkmenistan Airlines (Turkmenistan)

The last crash involving a Boeing 757 occurred on October 2, 1996, when a Dominican airline jet fell off the flight level due to the fact that the speed sensor gave incorrect readings. Then all 189 people on board died. It is also worth noting that two Boeing 757 aircraft were used by terrorists in the September 11, 2001 attacks. In addition, on July 1, 2002, a DHL Boeing 757 cargo airliner collided with a Russian Tu-154 due to a dispatcher error. Both pilots on board the Boeing 757 were killed.

13. Airbus A320

One plane crash per 14,050,200 flight hours.

Years of production: 1988 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 3604.

The Airbus A320 family includes aircraft models A318, 319, 320 and 321. Most airlines in the world, including many carriers in Russia and other countries former USSR, have these medium-haul airliners in their fleet.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Sibir (Russia) / Aeroflot (Russia) / Ural Airlines (Russia) / State Transport Company Rossiya (Russia) / Vladivostok Air (Russia) / Air Astana (Kazakhstan) / Armavia (Armenia) / Donbassaero (Ukraine) / Moldavian Airlines (Moldova) and others

The last disaster involving passengers occurred on July 17, 2007 in Brazil. Then the TAM airline A320 flew off the runway during landing and crashed into a fuel and lubricants warehouse, killing all 187 people on board and 12 people on the ground.

It is worth noting that only A320 airliners were involved in accidents with human casualties.

14. Boeing 767

One plane crash per 14,895,100 flight hours.

Years of production: 1982 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 867.

These long-haul aircraft are popular with most of the world's major carriers.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Aeroflot (Russia) / Transaero (Russia) / Siberia (Russia) / State Transport Company Rossiya (Russia) / AeroSvit (Ukraine) / Uzbekistan Airways (Uzbekistan) / Air Astana (Kazakhstan) and others

The last Boeing 767 crash occurred on April 15, 2002 in Busan, when an Air China plane crashed on approach due to crew errors, killing 129 of the 166 people on board.

15. Boeing 737 NG

One plane crash per 16,047,900 flight hours.

Years of production: 1997 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 2583.

This Boeing 737 family includes models 600, 700, 800 and 900. These modifications of the Boeing 737 are very popular among many carriers around the world.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Globus (Russia) / Transaero (Russia) / Atlant-Soyuz (Russia) / Yakutia (Russia) / Orenburg Airlines (Russia) / Gazpromavia (Russia) / Nord Star (Russia) / Moscovia (Russia) / Ukraine International Airlines (Ukraine) / Somon Air (Tajikistan) / Turkmenistan Airlines (Turkmenistan) and others

The last plane crash occurred with a Boeing NG aircraft on February 27, 2009. On that day, a Turkish Airlines Boeing 737-800 crashed while landing at Amsterdam Airport, killing 9 of the 134 people on board.

16. Boeing 747

One plane crash per 17,358,500 flight hours.

Years of production: 1970 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 935.

The world's first wide-body long-haul passenger airliner is still popular with major global carriers.

In the fleet of Russian and CIS airlines: Transaero (Russia)

The last disaster occurred on May 25, 2002, when a China Airlines plane disintegrated in mid-air over Pacific Ocean Due to mechanical wear of the liner's skin, all 225 people died.

17. Airbus A330

There were no fatal accidents during 2008, when A330 airliners successfully flew 12,600,000 flight hours. However, the first disaster with this airliner, which claimed human lives, occurred on June 1, 2009, with an Air France plane flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. For unknown reasons, the liner fell into the Atlantic Ocean and claimed 228 lives.

Years of production: 1993 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 577.

Many of the world's leading airlines operate these long-haul aircraft in their fleet.

In the fleet of airlines in Russia and the CIS: Aeroflot (Russia) / Vladivostok Air (Russia)

18. Airbus A340

No fatalities in 13 million flight hours.

Years of production: 1993 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 341.

Many major airlines around the world have the A340 in their fleet.

In August 2005, an Air France A340 skidded off the runway during a thunderstorm while landing in Toronto and caught fire. However, despite the fact that the plane was completely burned out, none of the passengers or crew members were injured. Only 43 people suffered minor injuries.

19. Boeing 777 - The safest plane in the world

No fatalities in more than 19 million flight hours.

Years of production: 1995 to present. Number of aircraft in service: 742.

Like the A330/A340, the Boeing 777 is operated by the world's leading carriers.

In the fleet of Russian and CIS airlines: Transaero (Russia)

The only accident with this aircraft model occurred in January 2008, when both engines stopped on a British Airways airliner landing at London Heathrow Airport due to the formation of ice crystals in the fuel tanks. Of the 136 passengers and 16 crew members, three people were injured, no one died.
It is also worth noting that safe airliners (without human casualties among passengers) that were not included in the rating due to their small number include the Il-86/96, Tu-204/214, Airbus A380, Embraer 135/140/145 airliners /170/175/190/195, Canadair Regional Jet 700-900, McDonnell Douglas MD-90, Fokker-70 and some others.

Meanwhile, according to the Aviation Safety Network website, the most dangerous aircraft in the world currently in operation, according to a coefficient that is calculated based on the number of flights, the number of fatalities and the total number of crashes, is the Boeing 747. Next on the list are the Boeing 737-300/400 /500, Airbus A300, Boeing 757, Airbus A320/319/321, Airbus A310, Boeing 767.

Due to the increasing frequency of plane crashes, we are publishing a rating of the most reliable and safe passenger airliners.

1. Aircraft safety. Statistics

Why are people scared of flying? – look how many people died from plane crashes, and how many from road accidents. No matter how you look at it, airplanes are the safest form of transport. But let's look at some statistics for comparison. To complete the picture, let's look at the statistics based on various criteria.

1.1. Total number of victims

Statistics tell us that over the entire period (in fact, it is about a hundred years) less than one hundred and fifty thousand people have died in plane crashes.

Wow! Yes it small town. But let's look at how many people die in road accidents - in two thousand and fifteen alone, more than twenty thousand died in Russia alone. This is only for one year; in other years, more people died. Compared to car accidents, it turns out that hundreds of times more people die on the roads.

On the Internet, the Wikipedia website keeps records of train crashes. The number of victims can be estimated. Estimates show that train deaths occur in approximately ten less people than on airplanes. Great, but is anyone afraid of trains? Or is the gap in numbers too big? Please note that for objective reasons, the reliability of flights is increasing, while the reliability of trains is decreasing. Aircraft reliability is improving because aircraft design and weather forecasting are improving. With trains, this is not entirely true, since their speed is increasing. So, it is a moot point, which is safer today, a train or a plane.

Trains are not a toy; not long ago there was an accident with a boy who was going to school by bus, but forgot his pass. He was dropped off and decided to return home by railway. Walking along the road, he put on his headphones and did not hear the noise of an approaching train. The boy died. Anything can happen; only a few die in plane crashes.

It would be no less interesting to compare with the number of shipwrecks. The most famous wreck, perhaps, is the sinking of the Titanic, when about one and a half thousand people died. Wikipedia provides information about crashes with more than a hundred casualties. According to these statistics, there are more casualties in shipwrecks than in trains, but fewer than in plane crashes.

Additional Information. Absurd deaths are not that rare, and even cycling can be quite dangerous. This is clearly confirmed by the following video:

1.2. How often do plane crashes happen based on the number of flights?

Official data says that today there is one disaster per thousand flights. Another thing is that each such story receives resonance, and we know about them, unlike the same accidents on the roads.

Strictly speaking, comparison with the number of accidents of other equipment is inappropriate here. If we count how many times a train leaves a particular station, then, of course, trains make stops more often than planes make landings. With ships the situation will be the opposite.

1.3. Statistics by year

How often do accidents happen? Does their number increase over time?

The number of aircraft is growing from year to year, which means the number of accidents should also increase. On the other hand, the reliability of devices increases, which means their number should decrease. In any case, the frequency of accidents is falling - this is in theory.

Official statistics say that the number of accidents corresponds to the parabolic law: y=-0.0172x^2+68.332x-67675

According to this law, until 1980, the number of accidents increased from year to year (the trend gradually slowed down). After 1980, the number of accidents per year has decreased.

According to data provided by Wikipedia, the frequency of train accidents varies little from year to year. Lately there have been up to four of them per year, but a hundred years ago there were still fewer of them.

The same source talks about the number of shipwrecks (when more than a hundred people died). Statistical data is presented there every ten years. The dynamics have not changed in a hundred years - three crashes in ten years.

1.4. Plane crash survivors

If a plane crash happens, it does not mean that you will die. Statistics say that on average ninety-five out of a hundred passengers survive.

Data from Wikipedia says that train crashes kill up to six percent. In general, according to this criterion, they are more reliable than airplanes. No data is provided regarding shipwrecks.

1.5. The likelihood that you will die in flight

The probability of such an event is very small and is about one in eight million.

2. Rating of the safest aircraft in the world

The reliability of an aircraft depends on its design and series. Various companies conduct comparative analysis aircraft reliability. Accidents vary in the number of victims, the percentage of victims in the accident and some other criteria. In general, the higher the number (the newer the aircraft), the higher its reliability.

Usually the most common models are considered.

Today, the safest aircraft are the Boeing 777, Airbus A340 and A330.

Additional Information. The famous aircraft designer, Bert Ruttan, created dozens of experimental aircraft during his life, but not a single test pilot died.

2.1. Airbus A330 and A340

Both models have been produced quite recently, since 1993. Both aircraft logged fourteen million flight hours. However, the A330 had eight accidents, while the A340 had only five. However, in the latter case, no one died.

The number of A330s produced is slightly higher than the number of A340s produced. Their number today is about six hundred and four hundred, respectively.

2.2. The most dangerous planes

Both models have about one accident per five million flight hours.

Additional Information. From time to time, accidents occur with carrier-based military aircraft. Also, accidents occur in sports competitions. However, this is a small aircraft, and it has its own statistics.

3. The safest airlines in Russia

There are not many large airlines in Russia.


4. The safest seats on the plane

Statistics are also kept on the number of survivors, depending on what part of the plane the passengers were in. The plane is divided into four parts: at the tail, in front, and on both sides of the wing.

According to these statistics, the safest seats are in the rear, and the most dangerous are at the front of the plane. The wing has a survival rate of fifty-six percent.

Most airline customers are afraid to fly. When purchasing tickets, some passengers choose seats based on the level of comfort, while others prefer cheap options. But there is also a category of people who try to choose only safe places in order to at least slightly reduce the risks of a plane crash and get a chance of survival.

The safest place on a plane if it falls

In 2007, the popular science magazine Popular Mechanics published information that best places located at the rear of the aircraft. The results were obtained through statistical analysis National Council on Transportation Safety in the United States of America. To assess the situation, the worst air disasters in the last 35 years, the causes of passenger deaths and vehicle patterns were taken into account. The most safe place on the plane you can count the so-called last seats. It’s comfortable to sit on them during the flight, but you can’t even compare them to the comfortable conditions of first class. The advantages of the second are obvious. Although, not all passengers understand why pay more.

Experts compared the number of victims in the incidents, taking into account the places where they were at the time of the crash.

Which seats on the plane are the safest and most comfortable?

Why it turns out that the cheapest seats on a plane are the most optimal from a safety point of view is not understood by everyone. The fact is that these positions experience the smallest load when falling. The nose of the liner always falls faster, therefore it accounts for the most swipe upon contact with the ground. In the tail are the most inexpensive and uncomfortable places.

Important! The interior layout of passenger aircraft differs significantly from each other. The same company can be used for the flight different types aircraft.

To choose the most convenient place not for safety, but for comfort, experts recommend:

  1. Check the information on your aircraft on the airline's website in advance. On the resource pages you can find data on the type of transport, level of cabin comfort, spacing between rows, location of toilets, etc.
  2. Use a special self-service kiosk or order tickets online via the Internet, thanks to which you can choose your seat by looking at its location according to the map.

You can always ask a consultant at the airport for advice if you book your ticket in person at the ticket office. The safest landing spot may be near the emergency exit if the aircraft has landed and passengers need to be evacuated urgently. Talk about survival in in this case difficult, because situations can be completely different, ranging from banal malfunctions to terrorist attacks. When falling from a great height, the survival rate for all passengers is zero.

Which part of the plane is the safest?

It’s worth noting right away that if an Airbus or other plane crashes from an altitude of 8-10 km, then it makes no difference where exactly your seat is in the cabin. Risk reduction is only possible in cases where the plane makes a dangerous landing from a low altitude or an accident occurs in the first few minutes after takeoff. There is a chance to survive if the altitude is low and your place is at the rear of the aircraft.

According to statistics, it is the tail section of the aircraft that is the safest. If you are planning to fly, choose your flight and seats wisely. Especially if you are afraid and nervous about traveling.

The safest plane

Today, the Boeing 777 is reliable from a safety point of view. Production of this type of transport began in 1995. A total of 748 cars were created, which are especially popular among travelers all over the world.

In 20 million flight hours, only 4 accidents were recorded, but they cannot be considered plane crashes. The aircraft model is equipped with the most powerful General Electric GE90 engines in the history of aircraft manufacturing. Wide-body aircraft capable of seating 300 to 500 people.

Rating of the safest aircraft

It is difficult to definitively answer which aircraft is the best. There is a whole TOP of aviation, which, according to experts, is worthy of attention and is considered relevant. The list was created taking into account data on plane crashes that were recorded over the past 100 years.

Number in the rating Vessel name
1 Boeing 777
2 Airbus A340
3 Airbus A330
4 Boeing 747
5 Boeing 737NG
6 Boeing 767
7 Airbus A320
8 Boeing 757

  • number of accidents;
  • number of models put into operation;
  • service life;
  • total flight time.

Why an airplane is the safest mode of transport in the world

Airplanes often suffer disasters, but this in no way affects the fact that it is the most safe way movement. Experts say that the chances of dying while driving a car or bicycle are much higher.

It is a fact that 0.6 people die per 100 million miles. As an example, let’s take information for 2014, when 21 accidents involving air transport occurred in the world. In total, according to the data, 990 people died, of which eleven aircraft were passenger aircraft, and the remaining ten were cargo aircraft.

In total, thirty-three million flights were operated in 2014. There was only one accident per million flights. Statistics point to the fact that the probability of dying in a plane crash on an ordinary passenger flight on an Airbus or other aircraft is minimal, and is 1 in 8 million. As a result, we can say that you are more likely to get into an accident when you are driving a car to the airport than getting into a plane crash.
