What is better and informative: irrigoscopy data or colonoscopy, comparative analysis. What is better - a colonoscopy or irrigoscopy can I do irrigoscopy under anesthesia

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Colonoscopy and irrigoscopy are the diagnostic methods used in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Modern research methods will allow you to promptly find any deviation. Methods are used to examine the intestinal tract. As a rule, they are carried out by appointment of a doctor. Find out what is better - colonoscopy or irrigoscopy, it is possible, by estimating the features of diagnostic methods. In the presence of any violations in the functioning of the intestine, it is impossible to slow down. You should contact the doctor and get the required research.

Colonoscopy - research method that allows estimating the state of the rectum

In this article you will learn:

Features irrigoscopy

The X-ray method is used in conjunction using a special contrast agent. Thanks to this, the doctor can detect the damage to the tissues. Well visible contours of the intestinal lumen. Easy to see any pathological narrowings.

When irrigoscopy, the doctor is able to diagnose ulcerative lesions. In addition, it is possible to detect intestinal obstruction. Pathology is possible to find in the early stages of development. The patient's condition is analyzed by a doctor on the resulting radiographic images.

Sometimes, during irrigoscopy, a contrast agent may not be introduced, but also air to be injected. Thanks to this, it is possible to diagnose many diseases, including oncology.

Irrigoscopy is used for:

  • diagnosing colon diseases;
  • study of tissues to identify impaired oncological nature;
  • studying the peculiarities of the localization of the large intestine.

In irrigoscopy, the colon is also conducted, only with the introduction of a contrast agent

Indications and contraindications to irrigoscopy

Irrigoscopy is used to diagnose disorders in the functioning of the thick bowel. Doctors identify a number of symptoms in which the patient is recommended to study. Indications and contraindications of the procedure are described in the table.

Indications for the procedureResort to the diagnosis follows with the following symptoms in the illness:

  • painful feeling in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear hole and in the direction of the colon;

  • bleeding from the rectum;

  • selection from the rear opening of pus or mucus;

  • diarrhea or constipation over a long period of time.

Typically, the method is recommended when it is impossible to determine the diagnosis with a colonoscopy. Pre-examine contraindications.
ContraindicationsLike any other study, the method has a number of contraindications. Diagnosis is not recommended at:

  • pregnancy;

  • extensive ulcerative colitis;

  • cardiovascular diseases;

  • toxic megacolon.

If there are contraindications, the diagnostic method is categorically contraindicated. Otherwise, a significant deterioration is possible.

Irrigoscopy during pregnancy is not recommended

A few days before the procedure from the dietary diet, products contributing to diarrhea and elevated gas formation are excluded. Fresh fruits and vegetables are contraindicated. From breakfast and dinner on the eve of the diagnosis required to refuse.

Special laxative medicines prescribed a few days before irrigoscopy. Their action is directed to the cleansing of the intestinal tract. Thanks to this, the diagnosis will be more accurate. On the day of research, the use of enema may be required.

The duration of irrigoscopy ranges from 15 to 50 minutes. The study uses a contrast agent. It is mixed in advance with a small amount of water and heated to about 32-34 degrees Celsius.

Irrigoscopy allows you to get a picture of digestive organs

The doctor takes a picture of digestive organs. For this, the patient must lie on the couch and take a certain position. The tube is introduced into the rectum.

For several days after the diagnosis, the patient may discoliate feces. Sometimes constipation is also possible. This is considered the norm.

Colonoscopy - a procedure that allows you to explore a fat intestine for the presence of polyps and various neoplasms. The method helps not only inspect the intestinal tract, but also to carry out non-invasive operations. In this case, the patient does not need preoperative preparation.

When conducting colonoscopy, you can not only inspect the state of the intestine, but also carry out minor operations.

The duration of the procedure can be up to an hour. The duration directly depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. When conducting a study, it is possible to take a fabric to the biopsy.

When conducting colonoscopy, the patient introduces a special tube equipped with a small chamber. Due to this, you can take a picture of certain sections and display the image to the monitor. The doctor has the ability to examine in detail the condition of the body mucous membrane.

At colonoscopy, the doctor has the ability to determine the intestinal diameter. The way it helps to notice even the smallest pathological changes. The method is most effective if you want to confirm or disprove the presence of malignant neoplasms.

This method is effective when diagnosing cancer

Indications and contraindications

Like any diagnostic method, the colonoscopy has both indications and contraindications. The method is recommended to patients:

  • having a painful feeling in the abdominal cavity;
  • with secretions from the rectum of purulent or mucous nature;
  • with severe bleeding from the anal hole;
  • with regular and long-term stool disorders, such as diarrhea or diarrhea;
  • in which the body weight is unprecedented;
  • having anemia;
  • with suspicion of the development of oncology;
  • having a foreign body in the intest tract;
  • having polyps in the intestines.

Previously, the patient must be convinced of the absence of contraindications. Only in this case, the study of the intestine can be carried out. The method is also recommended for suspected intestinal obstruction. If necessary, the doctor can take a piece of tissue to the biopsy.

This method is often used to diagnose the causes of abdominal pain.

The methods are referred to:

  • infectious diseases in acute form, combined with a strong increase in body temperature and fever;
  • heart disease;
  • rapid drop in blood pressure;
  • pulmonary failure;
  • diverticulitis;
  • inflammation affecting the gastrointestinal tract in acute form;
  • strong intestinal bleeding;
  • the period of having a child;
  • deviation in the process of coagulation of biological fluid.

With listed factors, the colonoscopy is categorically contraindicated.

From this video you will learn more about the features of colonoscopy:

Conducting colonoscopy

Before diagnostics in a few days, the patient must begin to adhere to a strict diet with the exception of concrete products. On the day of research you need to make a cleansing enema. Sometimes the reception of laxative medicines can be shown.

In the implementation of colonoscopy, the patient occupies a pose of an embryo on the left side. The area of \u200b\u200bthe anal sphincter is treated with an antiseptic. Endoscope is neatly introduced into the rear pass. The image is displayed on the monitor.

In the absence of deviations, the duration of the procedure will be approximately 18 minutes. In the presence of violations, the examination is delayed for an hour. If necessary, benign neoplasms can be removed from the intestine.

The procedure does not cause severe painful sensations, but if necessary, the anal hole is lubricated with an anesthetic gel.

The choice of the best diagnostic method

It is impossible to choose the diagnostic method yourself. This makes the doctor based on the individual characteristics of the patient and its condition. Irrigoscopy - gentle procedure. Colonoscopy is more painful.

These are the two endoscopic intestinal surveys methods that allow you to diagnose various diseases.

What is the difference of methods?

To answer the question, what is the difference between colonoscopy from the reorganososcopy, you need to go deep into the structure of the large intestine. It consists of several departments - blind, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid and rectum.

The main difference between the rangerososcopy from colonoscopy consists in a survey depth:

  • RectorOnoscopy allows you to study the rectum and the final Sigmoid Division to a depth of 25-30 cm from anal passage.
  • Colonoscopy makes it possible to explore the entire colon.

Accordingly, various tools are used for these purposes:

  • RectorOnoskop - a rigid metal tool that is introduced into the rectum.
  • A colonoscope is a flexible fibroidic tool that can be carried out throughout the thick bowel.

Since the carrying out of the reorganososcopy is practically not accompanied by discomfort or pain syndrome, it is much easier to suffer patients and does not require anesthesia. Its duration rarely exceeds 5-10 minutes. Preparation for rectoroscopy is not so thorough as a colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy - painful examination, which is often carried out using. Its duration can reach 1 hour. Without careful to the procedure, the results of the survey may be non-informative.

Although certain differences between the reorganoscopy and colonoscopy, these two methods should not oppose each other. They need to be applied according to the testimony and in suitable situations.

For example, if it is enough to carry out the reorganosososcopy, as it is easier to transfer the patient and has a smaller risk of developing complications, and with a higher level of damage to the large intestine, a colonoscopy is necessary.

Features of rectoromanososcopy

RectorOnoscopy is an endoscopic method of survey of the rectum and the final segmenid finite. It allows you to diagnose the presence of diseases of these organs: polyps, tumors, inflammatory processes.

RectorOnoscopy is carried out using a rigid metal tool called the RectorOnoskop. Many clinics are often used for the same purpose a sigmoscope is a flexible fibroiditical tool. In this case, the procedure is called sigmoscopy and has several advantages over traditional reorganosososcopy.

RectorOnososcopy are carried out in order to identify the cause of the following symptoms:

  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • inexplicable weight loss.

Before conducting a survey, you need to tell a doctor about the presence of any diseases and allergic reactions, which drugs take the patient.

Integory of reception information:

  • preparations for the treatment of arthritis;
  • aspirin;
  • bloodstreaming;
  • preparations from diabetes;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds;
  • iron and polyvitamin preparations with this trace element.

For high-quality behavior of rectoromanoscopy, as well as colonoscopy, preparation is needed, including power change and intestinal cleansing. When conducting a survey in an outpatient basis, this preparation is carried out at home.

A day before the procedure, you can use only transparent liquids. On the day of the survey, the procedure is not desirable for something. Purification of the intestine can be carried out with the help of enema or laxatives. The reception mode of such funds depends on their type and time of the reorganososcopy.

The procedure itself is usually well tolerated by patients and rarely lasts long. The doctor introduces the rectoroscope into the rectum and examines its mucous membrane, detecting all pathological lesions. During the procedure, biopsy is possible, after which the obtained fabrics are sent to the laboratory to study under the microscope. Sometimes the polyps can remove with reorganoscopy.

After the examination, the patient almost immediately can return to her usual life. Sometimes, according to the results of the RectorOnoscopy, the doctor may recommend conducting colonoscopy or other survey methods.

Features of colonoscopy

The colonoscopy is a procedure during which the doctor examines a thick bowel with a colonoscope - a flexible and thin tool with a camera and illumination at the end. With the help of colonoscopy, you can diagnose ulcers of mucosa, polyps, and a thick bowel cancer.

This survey is carried out if there are the same symptoms as the reorganoscopy. In addition, the colonoscopy is used to perform screening on a thick bowel cancer, which allows you to identify malignant neoplasm at an early stage, when there are high chances of the patient's complete eraser.

As with the reorganosososcopy, in front of the colonoscopy, it is necessary to tell a doctor about the presence of any diseases and the reception of any medicines or biodeadows.

Preparation for colonoscopy is more careful than to the reorganosososcopy. If the procedure is carried out in an outpatient basis, the patient needs escort home after the examination. As a rule, the intestinal training begins 1-3 days before the colonoscopy. It includes the restriction in the nutrition and the mandatory use of laxatives.

Since the colonoscopy is a painful procedure, many patients during its implementation requires sedation (drug sleep) or anesthesia (anesthesia). This requires the formulation of a venous catheter on one of the hands.

After sedation or anesthesia, the doctor gently introduces a colonoscope into the rectum and promotes it deep into the intestine along the survey. The camcorder on the tip of this tool sends the image to the monitor.

Gradually, promoting a colonoscope in the thick intestine to the small intestine into him, the doctor studies the internal structure of the organ. This allows the specialist to diagnose various diseases, including malignant neoplasms and precancerous lesions.

After reaching the small intestine, the doctor slowly takes out a colonoscope from the intestines. As with rectoroscopy, during colonoscopy, biopsy is possible for further study of tissues in the laboratory, the removal of polyps.

The patient needs to remain in the medical institution for another 1-2 hours. At this time, he can be disturbed by the intestinal spasms and bloating. When carrying out a sedation or anesthesia, a complete recovery may occur only the next day, so a person needs to accompany someone to someone and stay with him for the night.

What is better - RectorOnoscopy or colonoscopy?

We have already figured out what the difference between the reorganoscopy and colonoscopy, now we will try to answer the question - what procedure is better.

From the point of view of the doctor and diagnostic value, better colonoscopy, as it allows you to conduct a survey of the entire large intestine and detect its disease at an early stage. The disadvantages of colonoscopy, in comparison with the RectorOnoscopy, is its pain, duration of the conduct, the need for anesthesia, a higher risk of complications.

From the point of view of the patient's subjective sensations, it is better to be reorgano-absorbing, since its holding is not accompanied by strong discomfort and pain, there is no need for anesthesia, the examination takes a little time.

However, objective disadvantages often overlap these subjective advantages. These include the lower diagnostic value of the examination - with the help of the reorganososcopy, it can be studied only 25-30 cm of intestines, ranging from the anal hole.

Diseases of the colon - common phenomenon. Their timely diagnosis plays an important role in choosing a treatment method. This is especially indicative in the case of colorectal cancer, with the early detection of which the patient is possible with the help of screening.

In the diagnosis of fat intestinal diseases, endoscopic methods are occupied by endoscopic methods - colonoscopy and rectoroscopy. Both of these surveys are widely used in modern medicine. For the greatest effectiveness of rectoromanoscopy and colonoscopy, it is necessary to understand the differences between them.

Useful video about the testimony and conducting rectoromanososcopy

In the practice of a gastroenterologist, numerous testimony often meet for conducting a large intestine studies not only in its terminal departments (direct and sigmoid intestine), but also in higher. For these purposes, such instrumental diagnostic procedures as colonoscopy and irrigoscopy are served. As a rule, patients ask a doctor that more informative for a more complete inspection. Also, patients often concerned the fact that the colonoscopy is painful (or, in any case, more unpleasant). In order to understand what the difference between irrigoscopy from colonoscopy and understand which methods are better and safer, and this article is intended.

Despite the same studied department of the digestive tract, irrigoscopy and colonoscopy differ from each other as two principal methods.

Irrigoscopy (irrigation means "irrigation") - the method in which the intestinal X-ray image is studied, which is filled with a special X-ray-contrast substance - suspension of barium. Sometimes to ensure that the quality becomes even better, the subsequent pumping of the air into the colon is used. This process is called "double contrast", and such a procedure is more informative. From the administration of air, the patient does not become more painful, and he transfers peacefully.

For irrigoscopy, the patient in the intestines after the cleansing enema is injected with an X-ray-repeat substance. Thus, the process does not provide for introducing foreign objects and fiber optics to the intestine, as a picture of a radiologist is studied. This is its main difference. That is why irrigoscopy is less painful than a colonoscopy, which is an invasive method and may proceed more.

Colonoscopy is a manipulation, during which a flexible colonoscope is introduced into a thick bowel, which is controlled by a doctor. It is promoted sequentially through a straight, sigmoid, descending, cross-rim part of the large intestine. With a full-fledged study, it is possible to diagnose all colon departments, right up to the ileocecal angle and the dome of the blind intestine. In the process of promotion, air is served periodically in the intestines, which facilitates the overview and allows the flexible instrument with fiber optician and powerful LED lighting to repeat the physiological bends of the intestines and follow. Of course, because of this, the colonoscopy can be felt a somewhat painful procedure.


For each procedure, there are recommendations and contraindications. But it must be remembered that only colonoscopy allows the doctor to directly see the plot of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, to evaluate the color of the tumor education and take a biopsy for a histological examination, which will allow us to put a final diagnosis.

When irrigoscopy, as it became clear, an image is subjected to study, which is the contours of the shadows of the intestinal walls and other formations, so we can say that the study is generally less informative, but safer. However, even with colonoscopy, there are "blind sites", in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the device makes a rotation at a significant angle. Therefore, the diagnosis will be full in case of two procedures.

Indications for irrigoscopy:

  • the overall picture of the state of the fat intestine, the diagnosis of the lumen;
  • the presence of protrusion, diverticulus, stenosis;
  • initial suspicions of the bulk process;
  • detection of malfunctions of development and fistula.

Indications for colonoscopy:

  • study of the mucous membrane in the dynamics;
  • aiming biopsy and diagnosis of tumor-shaped formations that are well locked when inspection from different sides;
  • some therapeutic measures, such as the migration and removal of single polyps, which, as a rule, are well deleted.

Contraindications are following. For irrigoscopy:

1. State of pregnancy, regardless of trimester;

2. Ulcerative defeat, colitis. In the event that there is a pronounced separation of mucus and blood with a feet, it is better to immediately eliminate these symptoms and only then assign a study;

3. Toxic megaColon is an increase in the size of the thick bowel. During the filling of the bariouled suspension there is an increased risk of damage to the wall of the colon, which is so susceptible to painful expansion;

4. Elderly patient age;

5. severe condition due to polyorgan deficiency;

6. Acute intestinal infections and diarrhea syndrome.

Contraindications to the conduct of colonoscopy are similar to the previous ones. But considering that it is often carried out under anesthesia or applying sedatives and myotropic spasmolitics, the list of restrictions is increased by drug intolerance, allergies, as well as chronic renal failure. After all, the kidney is engaged in the removal of drugs from the body, with the help of which the patient is introduced into a medicine sleep.

What method is preferable?

It is quite difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to answer the question: what is better, irrigoscopy or colonoscopy? Such a question specified separately from the assumptions of the gastroenterologist, the diagnosis and assessment of the patient's condition is incorrect and deprived of meaning.

We can say that:

1. Existing differences make irrigoscopy with a more sparing method than a colonoscopy that is slightly unpleasant and even painful.

2. At the same time, the study of an indirect image during irrigoscopy is less informative. After all, the doctor with a colonoscope can pay attention to the "suspicious" site and take a biopsy from any place that it deems necessary.

3. If you need to enhance the diagnosis and biopsy after irrigoscopy, a colonoscopy is appointed as follows.

4. Colonoscopy, in contrast to other methods, allows you to better consider dubious sections of the mucous membrane and education from different sides, which increases the reliability of the diagnosis of diseases.

In the event that your doctor is competent and knowing, the testimony for one or another examination is formulated correctly, there are no contraindications, the Middle Medical Personnel is well prepared, technical equipment and the level of institution is high, and you have informed doctors about all injuries, operations, drugs, medicinal allergies and Related diseases can not be doubted in a positive and important result of diagnosis, regardless of whether the study is scheduled for you.

Irrigoscopy or colonoscopy: What is better to apply for diagnostics? The patient should give the patient to the patient. The intestinal check is carried out by two main methods - irrigoscopy or colonoscopy. Patients often, without additional explanations of the doctor, do not know what to choose. It is important to know which method of the survey is better suitable for the detection of one or another disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

What's better?

Similar diagnostic methods help detect pathology such as:

  1. Tumors and education.
  2. Fistula.
  3. Vices.
  4. Changes related to existing diseases.

Colonoscopy helps to study the colon and all its departments. Often, when the usual procedure is not enough, doctors prescribe the passage of the biopsy of patients. It takes simultaneously with the colonoscopy or during it there is a removal of polyps of different magnitude.

If there is a suspicion of cancer education, then the examination methodology is chosen using a doctor. This is usually irrigoscopy to fully confirm or refute the pathology of the tissue. Taken samples are sent to the laboratory on the passage of histological research. It is then prescribed a colonoscopy to make further study of the disease.

The colonoscopy perfectly helps find very heavy forms of pathology, and in order to check the bends, folds, the blind part of the bowel, the irrigoscopy is best suited. This diagnostic method has the following advantages:

  1. The ability to conduct a detailed study of narrow and narrowed sections of the colon.
  2. Shattering procedure.
  3. Perfectly replaces colonoscopy, especially if it is contraindicated in patients.

Irrigoscopy is carried out by filling the intestines with a contrasting agent that falls inside through the Bobrov apparatus. A sulfate barray is taken as a substance, consisting on all areas of the organ. Only after that pictures are taken by the X-ray method. As a result, they immediately become visible at the received photos:

  1. Intestinal structure.
  2. Very large tumors.

To detect foci of inflammation and polyps of different values, colonoscopy is prescribed.

What is the difference between irrigoscopy from colonoscopy?

Thus, these diagnostic methods are distinguished primarily by the objectives of the survey and capabilities. Common for them is the ability to find and identify various pathologies that are observed in the intestines to prevent complications, the emergence of new formations and prevent death. The complexity of colonoscopy and irrigoscopy is that the formation of an oncological nature in this authority is quite difficult to find. Therefore, often the growth of the tumor passes without symptoms and a clinical picture, pathology is found at the very last stage of growth and development.

The colonoscopy is carried out in order to find foci of inflammatory processes or remove adenomatous polyps. Because of this, the passage of the procedure is appointed under the anesthesia to eliminate the effects of pain and discomfort. Irrigoscopy or colonoscopy are carried out to find visible and invisible violations in the functional activity of the digestive tract, so the main differences will be consisted in two factors:

  1. The purpose of the diagnosis.
  2. Method of procedure.

Irrigoscopy is based on the study by X-ray, and the colonoscopy is based on the use of an endoscopic method.

Before conducting irrigoscopy, patients should have a certain amount of contrast substance so that it is well distributed throughout the intestine. If this does not occur, then pathologies or other violations of the body will not be found.

The colonoscopy is performed using the introduction of a colonoscope in the intestines that looks like a flexible tube. Therefore, patients may feel severe pain.

At the very end of the colonoscope is a special sensor with an ultrasonic ability to record violations, changes and other factors. The sensor using ultrasound transmits the image of the organ and its walls to the computer screen, which helps the doctor find inflamed areas and pathology.

Colonoscopy helps to accomplish other important procedures:

  1. Stop bleeding inside the intestine that may arise there.
  2. Remove polyps.
  3. Perform a whole complex of medical procedures and events.
  4. Normalize the diameter of the lumen, which may occur in a narrowed sector of the colon.
  5. You can take tissue samples on histology to determine which treatment rate is suitable for treating one or another disease.

What does the doctor find out the choice of a diagnostic procedure?

Irrigoscopy can not be held those who suffer from tachycardia, colitis, gastric perforations. This method of examination helps to find a neoplasm, but does not talk about its structure, morphology. You can not take during irrigoscopy and samples of tissues for biopsy or eliminate polyps. Perform all this, as noted, only colonoscopy helps. But irrigoscopy is supplemented almost always ultrasonic colonoscopy. As a result, both methods give excellent opportunities to get images of tumors.

Based on this, even doctors may doubt what to appoint, defining what is better. Everything is determined by the clinical picture, the patient's condition, existing contraindications. But doctors prefer to spend a colonoscopy to take the cloth immediately to analyze the walls from the polyps. Before passing the diagnosis of patients, they warn that neither the other technique does not give accurate results. The analogs of the procedures do not exist, especially since both give a chance to get high-quality data. To do this, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the procedure.

The process of preparing for the survey.

Irrigoscopy or colonoscopy give positive results to establish an accurate diagnosis, but only after preliminary intestinal training and all tract. It increases the efficiency of the procedure several times.

This preparatory stage is being built on a diet that helps to clean the intestine.

  1. First, it is worth completely excluding products provoking gas formation from diet. This will help to avoid the bloating and pain during diagnostics. Because of this, it is not recommended to eat fresh vegetables, fruits, cereal, containing mucus, black and white bread. They are well replaced with breadcrumbs. It is recommended to eat only steam vegetables, low-fat varieties of fish and meat.
  2. Secondly, drink plenty of water, preferably purified, as well as herbal decoctions.
  3. Thirdly, do not dinner before the procedure.
  4. Fourth, to make the enema to completely remove slags and toxins from the body.

After a particular procedure, patients may encounter constipation. Therefore, you need to take a laxative preparation to eliminate the problem. Other complications include perforation of the wifths of the intestine, internally bleeding, which usually arise very rarely. To normalize the state of the colon and the whole organism, patients are advised immediately after the procedure do not get up, but to lie on the stomach. It is possible to eliminate the soreness and feeling of discomfort by emptying the intestine so that a contrast agent is completely out.

Having a need for an intestine examination, people often get up before choosing between irrigoscopy and colonoscopy. What kind of examination is better? To understand this, it is necessary to disassemble in the peculiarities of these procedures.

Features of colonoscopy

Colonoscopy - endoscopic method of examination of the colon. The procedure occurs with a fibroconoloscope - a special optical instrument, due to the flexibility and the softness of which the intestinal survey is carried out.

A large number of people with caution belong to this procedure, believing unreasonable rumors that the colonoscopy can lead to a break of the colon or incontinence. However, all these arguments have no scientific confirmation, and the survey itself is safe for the patient.

At the end of the fibrocoloscope there is a source of light and microcamera, with which a specialist can:

  • Rate the state of the intestinal mucosa
  • Reveal oncological diseases in the earliest stages
  • Explore the integration of the motor activity of the intestine
  • Extract foreign bodies from the intestine
  • Get rid of bleeding
  • Make the necessary pictures

Preparation for colonoscopy begins in 2 days and, as well as in front of irrigoscopy, aims to purify the intestine with the help of a special diet and laxatives appointed by the attending physician.

Indications for holding

  • Pump, blood or other unwanted selection in a chair
  • Suspicion of colon cancer., Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease
  • Constant constipation, the cause of which cannot be detected without surgical intervention
  • Frequent stomach spasms
  • Sharp weight loss without reason

Stages of colonoscopy

  • Anesthesia. The procedure can be carried out under general anesthesia (deep sleep and complete shutdown of consciousness), sedation (condition similar to sleep, but without turning off consciousness) and under local anesthesia (anesthesia of a particular body section).
  • Direct examination. The doctor introduces a fibroconoscope into an anal hole, with air expands the intestines to get a clearer picture, and makes the necessary pictures. The whole procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes.
  • Consultation profile doctor. A research specialist sends a patient to another doctor for diagnosis and, if necessary, the appointment of the treatment regimen.

Features irrigoscopy

Irrigoscopy is another method of examining a colon with a contrast agent and X-ray, which is able to identify a large number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The difference between irrikoscopy from colonoscopy is that when conducting irrigoscopy there is no need for anesthesia or anesthesia. Irrigoscopy is easy to perform and is not accompanied by painful sensations. However, when conducting a survey with a contrast agent, a person is exposed to X-ray radiation, although in normal doses. When conducting a colonoscopy, the camera is embedded directly into the colon, so it does not need X-rays - the doctor sees the intestinal space directly on the monitor. In preparation, both of these procedures are practically no different. And in front of irrigoscopy, and in front of the colonoscopy, it is recommended to stick a diet that cleans the intestines and drink plenty of water. At the same time, the X-ray method of the intestinal diagnosis is very different from the endoscopic in the technique of conducting the procedure.

Indications for holding

Irrigoscopy is a procedure that is spent quite often. It is mainly appointed by people who came to the doctor with the following complaints:

  • Unpleasant feelings in the anal area
  • Hemorrhoids
  • If in feces there are uncharacteristic allocations
  • Systematic constipation or abdominal pain

Stages of irrigoscopy

  • The patient falls on a specially equipped table by folding his hands behind his back, and the legs bent in his knees.
  • A special tube is introduced into the anal hole, through which the sulfur-acid barium comes into the intestines.
  • The doctor makes X-ray shots of the colon.
  • The patient empties the intestine from a contrast agent.
  • Then the surveyed again fall on the table in the same posture and its intestine gradually begin to fill air. This will help smooth out all the folds of the intestinal mucosa and make new pictures.
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