Lesson "Orthoepic norms of the Russian language"

Orthoepy(from Greek orthos– “correct” and epos- “speech”) is the science of correct literary pronunciation. Currently, for any specialist, no matter what field he works in, mastery of the norms of literary pronunciation, the ability to competently and correctly formulate the sound of speech are an urgent necessity.

The pronunciation norms of the modern Russian language have evolved over centuries, changing. So, for example, in Ancient Rus' the entire population who spoke Russian, ocalo, i.e. pronounced the sound [o] not only under stress, but also in unstressed syllables (similar to how this happens today in the dialects of the North and Siberia: v[o]da, d[o]va, p[o]ll go etc.). However okanye did not become the norm of the national Russian literary language. What prevented this? Changes in the composition of the Moscow population. Moscow in the 16th–18th centuries. accepted many people from the southern provinces and absorbed features of southern Russian pronunciation, in particular akanye: in [a]da, d[a]va, p[a]going. And this happened precisely at a time when the solid foundations of a unified literary language with its norms were being laid.

Since Moscow and subsequently St. Petersburg were the capitals of the Russian state, centers of economic, political and cultural life in Russia, it so happened that the literary pronunciation was based on Moscow pronunciation, on which some features of St. Petersburg were subsequently “layered.”

Deviation from the norms and recommendations of Russian literary pronunciation is regarded as a sign of insufficient speech and general culture. Working on your own pronunciation and improving your pronunciation culture requires a person to have certain knowledge in the field of orthoepy. Since pronunciation is largely an automated aspect of speech, a person “hears” himself worse than others, controls his pronunciation insufficiently or does not control it at all. As a rule, we are uncritical in assessing our own pronunciation and are sensitive to comments in this area. The rules and recommendations for spelling, reflected in manuals, dictionaries and reference books, seem to many of us to be overly categorical, different from the usual speech practice, and common spelling errors, on the contrary, are very harmless. However, it is not. Hardly a mispronunciation (* means,*catalog) will help create a positive image of a person.

To successfully master orthoepic norms you need:

1) learn the basic rules of Russian literary pronunciation;

2) learn to listen to your speech and the speech of others;

3) listen and study exemplary literary pronunciation, which should be mastered by radio and television announcers, masters of literary expression;

4) consciously compare your pronunciation with the exemplary one, analyze your mistakes and shortcomings;

5) correct mistakes through constant speech training in preparation for public speaking.

The study of the rules and recommendations of literary pronunciation should begin with the distinction and awareness of the two main styles of pronunciation: full recommended for public speaking, and incomplete(colloquial), which is common in everyday communication. Full style characterized by 1) compliance with the requirements of orthoepic standards, 2) clarity and distinctness of pronunciation, 3) correct placement of verbal and logical stress, 4) moderate tempo, 5) correct speech pauses, 6) neutral intonation. At incomplete style pronunciation is observed 1) excessive reduction of words, loss of consonants and syllables: * right now(Now), * thousand(thousand), * kilogram of tomato(kilograms of tomatoes), etc., 2) unclear pronunciation of individual sounds and combinations, 3) excessive emphasis on words (including service words), 5) inconsistent tempo of speech, unwanted pauses. If in everyday speech these features of pronunciation are acceptable, then in public speaking they must be avoided.

Basic rules of Russian literary pronunciation

Some difficult cases of vowel pronunciation

Difficulties arise in the pronunciation of a number of words due to the indistinguishability of letters in the printed text e And e , since only one graphic symbol is used to denote them - e . This situation leads to a distortion of the phonetic appearance of the word and causes frequent pronunciation errors. There are two sets of words to remember:

1) with a letter e and the sound [" uh]: af e ra, be e , live e , Grenada e r, op e ka, os e long, idiot e native, foreigner e nny, w e non-hater;

2) with a letter e and the sound [" O]: hopeless e payment e capable, man e vry, white e syy, bl e cool, w e personal, w e lch (option - w e lie), alone e ny.

In some pairs of words different meaning accompanied by different sounds of the stressed vowel: ist e kshiy (term) – but: ist e kshiy (blood), screams like a loud voice e nal – but: decree, announced e in the morning, etc.

Some difficult cases of pronunciation of consonants

1. According to old Moscow standards, the spelling combination -chn- should always have been pronounced like [ shn ] in words: bakery, on purpose, cheap, fiddling, creamy, apple and under. Currently, the pronunciation has been preserved only in some words: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, trifling, birdhouse, bachelorette party. The vast majority of other words are pronounced [chn], as they are written: toy, creamy, apple, flour, snack bar, glass etc.

Pronunciation [ shn] preserved today also in female patronymics ending in -ichna: Nikitichna, Ilyinichna and so on..

According to old Moscow standards, the combination -wha- pronounced as [pcs] in the word What and in words derived from it: nothing, something etc.: currently this rule remains the same (except for the word something[Thu]). In all other words the spelling is - th- always pronounced as [thu]: mail, dream, mast.

2. In words man, defector on site zhch, in the form of the comparative degree of adverbs tougher, harsher(And more scathingly) in place stch, as well as in place of combinations zch And sch customer, sandstone, cost accounting etc. pronounced [ sch]: mu[sh]ina, pere[sch]ik, zhe[sh]e etc.

3. When several consonants accumulate in some words, one of them is not pronounced: ucha[s"n"]ik, ve[s"n"]ik po[zn]o, pra[zn]ik, conscientious[s"l"]ivy, maximal[ss]ky and so on. .

4. Hard consonants before soft consonants can be softened:

a) necessarily softens n before soft ones h And With: face[n"z"]iya, pretension[n"z"]iya;

b) n before soft T And d softens: a["n"t"]ichny, ka[n"d"]idat.

Ppronunciation of borrowed words

Many borrowed words have spelling features that need to be remembered.

1. In some words of foreign language origin, unstressed O sound is pronounced [ O]: bO mond, threeO, bO ah, kakaO , biO stimulant, vetO , grossO , noO , adviceO , O Azis, RenO meh. Pronunciation of words PO ezia, creedO etc. with unstressed [ O] optional. Proper names of foreign origin also retain unstressed [ O] as a variant of literary pronunciation: ShO pen, VO lter, SacramentO and etc.

2. In some borrowed words, after vowels and at the beginning of the word, the unstressed [ uh]: uh guide,uh revolution, duuh lant and etc.

3. B oral speech certain difficulties are caused by pronouncing a hard or soft consonant before a letter in borrowed words e: t[em]p or [t"e]mp? bass[se]ine or bass[s"e]yn? In some cases, a soft consonant is pronounced.

Soft Pronunciation:

akade Mia[d"e]

de wet[d"e]

inthose llekt[t"e]

cofe [f"e]

Tore m[r"e]

muze th[z"e]

ABOUTde ssa[d"e]

Pre ssa[r"e]

Pre ssing[r"e]

those rmin[t"e]

fede ral[d"e]

jurisprudde nation[d"e]

take T[b"e r"e]

shiNot l[n"e]

pioNot R[n"e]

de but[d"e]

de on foot[d"e]

computerthose ntny[t"e]

corere ktny[r"e]

pathose nt[t"e]

Decre T[r"e]

conkre thick[r"e]

In other cases, before e a hard consonant is pronounced.

Firm pronunciation:

barthose R[te]

businessmeh n[meh]

childrenasset [dete]

aboutthose ction[te]

tande m [de]

re yting[re]

de -juro[de]

computerthose R[te]

summarymeh [meh]

inde xation[de]

inthose vomited[te]

inthose I'm tearing up[te]

code ks[de]

laze R[ze]

mode l[de]

sellse R[se]

Renaultmeh [meh]

those mp[te]

uhNot rgy[ne]

meh nejer[meh]

those zis[te]

those st[te]

de -fact[de]

boothose rbrod[te]

enNot Ksia[ne]

inthose naive[te]

Gre ipfruit[re]

de gradate[de]

dispanse R[se]

Andde antique[de]

4. Currently, there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of words:

de inform[d"e/de]

bassse yn[s"e/se]

Tore before[r"e/re]

Xie Russia[s"e/se]

de when[d"e/de]

progre ss[r"e/re]

de fis[d"e/de]

de press[d"e/de]

de kan[d"e/de]

prethose nzia[t"e/te]

Both hard and soft pronunciation is possible.

In borrowed words starting with prefixes de- before vowels dis-, as well as in the first part of compound words starting with neo-, at general trend to soften, there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of soft and hard d And n:

5. In foreign-language proper names, it is recommended to firmly pronounce consonants before e: De cart, Flobe r, miNot lly,"De Cameron",Re Egan.

6. In borrowed words with two (or more) e often one of the consonants is pronounced softly, while the other remains hard before e: gene zis[g"ene], relay[rel"e] and etc.

7. Solid [ w] is pronounced in words pairshu T[shu], broshu ra[shu]. In a word jury pronounced soft hissing [ and"]. Names are pronounced just as softly Julien, Jules.

8. When pronouncing some words, erroneous extra consonants or vowels sometimes appear. Should be pronounced:

incident, Not incident;

precedent, Not precedent;

compromise, Not compromise;

competitive, Not competitive;

emergency, Not h[e]extraordinary;

institution, Not institution;

future, Not future;

thirsty Not thirsty

Difficulties and features of Russian accent

Accent- This is the highlighting of a syllable in a word. In Russian, a stressed vowel in a syllable is distinguished by its duration, intensity and tone movement.

The features (and difficulties) of Russian stress include: 1) non-fixation and mobility, 2) the presence of professional and stylistically colored types of pronunciation of words, 3) the presence of accentological variants, 4) fluctuations in the placement of stress, 5) stress in proper names, etc. Let's consider it's on specific examples.

1. In some languages ​​the stress is fixed (for example, on the last syllable - in French). Russian accent unfixed (various) And movable(moves in different grammatical forms of the same word: boardsA – dO ski). As a result, pairs of words may arise in which one has normative stress and is used in literary language, and the other has stress found in professional speech, for example:

alcohol O l – A alcohol, spr And tsy - syringe s (from doctors);

To O MPA - computer A s (for sailors);

To e ta – ket A (from fishermen);

ext s cha – d O bull, ore And k–r at bottom (for miners);

chassis And – w A SS (for pilots);

And skra - spark A (at the drivers).

2. Words belonging to different styles of speech (colloquial, neutral, bookish) have different stress:

cl A graveyard (neutral) – cemetery And more (obsolete, poetic);

dev And tsa (neutral) – d e vitsa (folk-poetic);

w e lacquer (neutral) – silk O vy (folk-poetic);

St. e cla (neutral) – beets A (simple);

m at language (neutral) – music s ka (obsolete)

Remember! Professional, colloquial and obsolete options are not normative.

In Russian there are words with so-called double stress, this is accentological options. Sometimes they equal rights, For example: pizzae Riya And pizza makerAnd I. But more often than not, one option becomes preferable to the other. For example:

creation O g – main (preferred) option, TV O horn – additional;

no cottage cheese A – no TV O horns (add.);

T e fteli - teft e whether (add.);

And sparkling - sparkling And sty (add.);

LOL A rusty e t (add.);

To And rza – kerz A (extra);

b A rust - barge A (extra);

cooking – cooking (additional)

4. In many words today they are observed fluctuations in stress placement:jAnd new - jeansO vyy, metallurgistAnd I am metalat rgy, byO lnam - wavesA m, pe aphid - loopI , WithA zhen – soote no.

However, in the overwhelming majority of cases in common nouns, only one pronunciation option is normative: agronO miya, alphavAnd t, pointsA t, shaftsO th, religionse tribute, citizenA nststvo, defAnd s, dispensarye r, blindsAnd , managerAnd bottom, froms sk, ische sleep, rollO g, kat hone, garbage chuteO d, use thinking, providinge nie, make it easierAnd t, wholesaleO vyy, pA restless, anticipatingAnd tit, prinat dit, concentrateO reading, Wede dstva, tableI r, deepenAnd ugh, stolenAnd English, ex.O hair dryerO men, moveA mystery, pricesA I, ChristiansAnd n, shave l, expe rt.

Remember! Valov O th (income, product);

mouth A public (fund, capital);

wholesale – wholesale – wholesale O vyy – wholesale And To;

flow rate O r – debtor, debit O Russian debt (amount of debts);

d e bet – left-hand side accounting accounts.

5. You should remember the correct pronunciation of well-known proper names, such as WITHe rgy RA Donezhsky, SalvadO r DalAnd , PicasseO , AlexAnd th, FalconO v-MikitO in, BalazsAnd ha, VelAnd cueU Stug, KAnd zhi, StavropO Lsky region, NikarA gua, Perat , Quebe k, sAnd days, Sri LankaA etc.

Variable stress is allowed in some proper names: NhYu tone – NewtO n, Re mbrant – RembreA nt, LAnd ncoln – LinkO flax etc. In proper names of foreign origin the stress is usually fixed, for example: MoriA to - at Mori'sA ka. At BalzA ka, in PO know.

In cases where one proper name refers to two (or more) persons, objects, concepts, it is necessary to clarify the specific meaning of this word and, using dictionaries, find out the correct emphasis. For example, George WA shington(first US President) – WashingtonO n(the capital of USA); Makbe T(a character from Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name) – MA kbet(the title of N.S. Leskov’s story “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District”).

6. In nouns of foreign origin, you can correctly place the emphasis if you know the origin of the word. For example, poolO ver, because the word came from English ( pullover– “sweater, any knitted clothing pulled over the head”), nouveauAnd w– from French ( nouveauriche– lit. "new rich man") Compare also: impAnd chment, defAnd s, sA mmit, mA marketing, dispensarye p, xA OS(mess), necrolO g, quartA l, Ge nesis, biogene h, hairdryerO men, expe rt, catalO G.

7. In verbs - And to sleep the option with emphasis on And (suffix -ir- goes back to German iren). In words that entered the Russian language only in the last century, the stress often falls on the last syllable. Compare:

blockAnd mark - markA t;

nationalizationAnd to rove - premiumA t;

privatizationAnd ration - standardizeA t;

exportAnd to kill - bombersA t.

8. In a Russian word, as a rule, there is one stress. But in complex words, especially in professional speech, there are often two stresses: The main thing And secondary, i.e. collateral (on the first part of a long compound word): kartO felekopA lk,Withat peroblO zhka, ene rgosiste ma, te forwardA cha, ne fteprovO d, mashAnd nostroe nie, wede daysat accurate, bookAnd goizda telskiy

Remember! Oil (pipe, gas) wireO d(action name), but: etcO water(wire).

Among the compound words there are also single-stressed ones: selfI body, interrepublicsA English, inAnd tse-preme R and etc.

9. Stress in the Russian language can perform semantic and grammatical functions. It helps to differentiate homonyms(words of different meanings, identical in spelling, but not in pronunciation): And rice - ir And s, s A mok - deputy O to, torment A – m at ka, at naked - ug O linen, A tlas – atl A s, hl O pok - clap O To, O rgan – org A n. Incorrect placement of stress entails a distortion of meaning. Compare: ice And k (in the mountains) – l e day (cellar); P A rip (turnip) – steam And t (in the clouds); refl e ctor (from reflector) – reflection O rn (from reflex); naked O ( hold checkers) – n A golo (cut); Bron I (protective lining made of steel) – br O nya (assigning something to someone); view e nie (ghost) – in And view (point of view); proclus I thy (hated) – pr O cursed (cursed); choir s (balcony at the top of the hall) – x O ry (singing groups); languages A I (preparation) – language O vaya (sausage); busy O y (person) – s A rented (house).

Stress in individual grammatical forms

Today, a certain difficulty (even for an educated person!) is the correct placement of stress in individual grammatical forms. Please note the following basic rules.

1. The emphasis in short forms of adjectives and passive past participles is always on the stem. And only in singular form female it moves to the end:

With O built - created A - With O built;

vz I t – taken A – vz I You;

h A nyat – busy A – s A nyats;

n A chat - started A – n A chats.

2. In many verbs in the past tense only in the feminine form, the emphasis is on the ending:

rel I th – O took away - took away A O pulled;

Mon I t - p O nyal - understood A - P O hired;

beginning A t - n A started - started A – n A chali;

but: put – put – kl A la – cl A whether.

3. Verbs formed from adjectives usually have an accent on the ending:

deep - go deep And t;

light - make it easier And t;

cheerful - cheerful And yea, cheer up And t.

4. The place of stress in verbal nouns usually coincides with the place of stress in the original verb:

provide é provide - provide e reading;

concentrate ó focus – concentrate O reading;

control ó read - exercise O reading;

emphasis I finish - emphasis I daughter

5. Place of stress in the form genitive case The plural can be different - at the end or based on:

1) region - region e th; statement - statement e th; step - steps e th (in the development of something); but: stupa e her (in the stairs);

2) board – dos O To; orphan - sire O T; industry - O branches; power – m O properties; profit – pr And past; bottom - d O nyev; cake – t O mouths; port - p O mouths

Remember! Wednesday A – Wed e yes – on Wednesdays A m.

Familiarize yourself with the types of most common spelling errors.

Municipal educational institution Novo-Usmanovskaya secondary school

Russian language lesson in 10th grade in order to prepare for the Unified State Exam.



"Basic norms of modern literary

pronunciation and stress in Russian"


teacher of Russian language and literature

Mingalimova Ramzia Mudaristovna

year 2009


1. Restore in the students’ memory the basic norms of correct literary speech; pay attention to current problems of the state of modern language.

2. Use specific examples to practice spelling, lexical, grammatical, and stylistic pronunciation norms; promote the development of oral communication skills.

3. To instill in students a caring attitude towards language and an aesthetic linguistic ideal.

Equipment: test tasks, cards, spelling dictionaries.

Location of the lesson. Computer class.

During the classes.

1 Organizing time. (Students enter the class using “passes” - cards with words for correct pronunciation.

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3. Checking homework (Several students work at computers with simulators for various spellings, and two students at the blackboard perform phonetic analysis words)

4. Work on the topic.

5. Preliminary research a group of students according to the orthoepic norms of the language.


Teacher's word:

Let us pay attention to the statement of K. S. Gorbachevich, which will serve as an epigraph to today’s lesson:

It is difficult to overestimate the role of literary pronunciation - one of important indicators general cultural level modern man. The correct pronunciation of a word is no less important than the correct spelling.


Work on the topic of the lesson.

A) Frontal survey.

What does orthoepy study? The term “orthoepy” is used in linguistics in two meanings:

1) a set of norms of a literary language related to the sound design of significant units: norms of pronunciation of sounds in different positions, norms of stress and intonation;

2) a science that studies the variation of pronunciation norms of a literary language and develops pronunciation recommendations (spelling rules).

Educational complexes define orthoepy as the science of pronunciation, that is, in the first meaning. Thus, according to these complexes, all pronunciation norms of the Russian language belong to the sphere of orthoepy: the implementation of vowels in unstressed syllables, deafening/voicing of consonants in certain positions, softness of a consonant before a consonant, etc.

What is called the orthoepic norm?

The pronunciation of individual sounds, sound combinations, words and grammatical forms is subject to certain rules. These rules are called spelling norms.

What spelling norms do you know?

Students. Orthoepic norms are a complex phenomenon. Basic orthoepic rules - norms of modern Russian literary pronunciation can be divided into those that determine the pronunciation of vowel sounds (in different positions in a word, as well as when determining the place of stress) and the pronunciation of consonant sounds (also in different positions in a word, in combinations of consonants, in combinations with some vowel sounds, in different grammatical forms).

Some students have conducted research on the pronunciation of individual sounds, their combinations, individual words, and today they will introduce everyone to the rules that they have developed.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds.

1. The strong position for vowels is the position under stress. In an unstressed position, vowels undergo a change (qualitative or quantitative), i.e. are reduced.

Attention should be paid to difficult cases of reduction. After hissing [zh] and [sh] and the sound [ts], the unstressed vowel [a] is pronounced like a short [a]: jargon, kings. But before soft consonants - like the sound [ые]: regret, thirty. In rare cases, [ые] is also pronounced before hard consonants: rye, jasmine.

2. After soft consonants in the first pre-stressed syllable, in place of the letters a, e, i, the sound [ie] is pronounced: hours. This is called "hiccupping". It occurs in neutral and conversational styles. “Ekanye” (pronunciation of the sound [ei] in a given phonetic position characterizes stage speech: v[ei]nets, t[ei]rnovy. The pronunciation of h[i]sy is outdated, h[a]sy is dialectal.

3. Consonants ts, zh, sh - hard sounds, after them the letters are in place and pronounced [s]: revolution[s]ya, zh[y]zn, sh[y]r.

4. In a few words of foreign language origin that have not been completely assimilated into the Russian language, in place of the letter o, in contrast to the Russian orthoepic norm, a weakened [o] is pronounced in an unstressed position, i.e. without reduction: radi[o]. A too distinct [o] is perceived as mannered; on the other hand, a distinct pronunciation of [o] in “Russified” book words (sonata, short story) is also not desirable, because gives the pronunciation a vernacular tone.

5. The letter е was proposed to be used by the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin, simplifying the complex pattern that previously existed in the alphabet of the letter. However, we can now only find the letter ё in primers and textbooks for foreigners studying the Russian language. The absence of this letter in books and periodicals leads to incorrect pronunciation of words. You should pay attention to words in which the vowel [o], designated by the letter ё, is sometimes mistakenly replaced with a stressed [e], whitish, maneuvers are pronounced as whitish, maneuvers. Sometimes, on the contrary, the shock [e] is mistakenly replaced with [o] ё: grenadier, scam is pronounced as grenadier, scam. This pronunciation is not normative. Pronunciation of consonants

1. Voiced consonants at the absolute end of a word and before voiceless consonants are deafened: arbu[s], pre[t]previous.

2. In masculine nouns in -ism, the consonant [z] is pronounced firmly in all cases, including when the final consonant in D.p. is softened. and pp.: under capitalism.

3. The consonant [g] can be pronounced as [g] - year, [k] - enemy, [?] - Lord, [x] - God, [v] - whom.

4. The sound [?] within the modern literary norm is pronounced in a limited number of words, but the pronunciation [g]gospod, a[g]a, o[g]o can be considered a variant of the norm.

5. In the Russian language there is a tendency towards adaptability of the sound appearance of borrowed words with e after a hard consonant; many such words have “Russified” and are now pronounced with a soft consonant before e: museum, cream, academy, overcoat, plywood, Odessa.

But a number of words retain a solid consonant: antenna, business, genetics, detective, test. Variant pronunciation is allowed: dean, claim, therapy, terror, track. The hard or soft pronunciation of a consonant is determined in dictionary order.

6. According to Old Moscow norms, the spelling combination chn was pronounced as [shn]. Currently, [shn] is preserved in the words: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, on purpose, birdhouse, trifling, and in female patronymics in -ichna: Fominichna, Kuzminichna.

In a number of words, double pronunciation is allowed: bulo [chn]naya and bulo[sh]naya, although the latter is becoming outdated.

7. According to the “older” norm, the combination cht was pronounced as [pcs] in the word that and words derived from it: nothing, something, etc.

Currently, this rule is preserved for all specified words, except something [w]. In all other words, the spelling cht is always pronounced as [cht]: mail, dream.

8. The combination of zhd in the word rain and its derivatives was pronounced according to the “senior” norm as [zh"zh"] (at the end of the word - [sh"sh"]). Modern pronunciation [zhd"] (at the end of the word - [pcs"]) is assessed as a variant of the literary norm.

9. According to the “older” norm, the spelling combinations zzh and zhzh (yeast, later) were pronounced as [zh"zh"] - a long and soft hissing. Currently, in place of zzh and zhzh, a hard hissing [zhzh] is pronounced. And this pronunciation is assessed as a variant of the literary norm

In most cases, it is necessary to refer to the "Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. R.I. Avanesov, which gives the pronunciation of the word Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language.

The pronunciation of the hard and soft consonant before e in borrowed words is regulated separately for each word of this type. So, one should pronounce k[r"]em, [t"]ermin, mu[z"]ey, shi[n"]el, but fo[ne]tika, [te]nnis, sw[te]r; In a number of words, variable pronunciation is possible, for example: prog[r]ess and prog[r"]ess.

The pronunciation of combinations cht and chn in individual words as [pcs] and [shn] is also specified by the list. So, with [sht] the words are pronounced that, so that, with [sh] - words of course, boring, in a number of words variable pronunciation is acceptable, for example, dvo[ch"n"]ik and dvo[sh"]ik, bulo[h "n]aya and bul[sh]naya.

As already mentioned, in the speech of some people, mainly the older generation, there is a long soft consonant sound [zh "], which is pronounced in individual words in place of combinations of the letters zhzh, zzh, zhd: yeast, reins, ride, rains: [trembling" i], [vozh"i], [th"ezh"u], [sales"i]. In the speech of people of the younger generation, in place of the combinations zhzh and zzh the sound [zh] = [zhzh] ([trembling], [th "ezhu]) can be pronounced, in place of the combination zhd in the word rains - [zhzh"] (thus, with stunning in the word rain we have pronunciation options [dosch"] and [dosht"]).

In the speech of all speakers of the modern Russian language, [n] is successively replaced with [n"] before [ch"] and [sch"]: drum [drumában"ch"ik], drummer [drumában"sch"ik]. In other groups consonant softening either does not occur at all (for example, benches [lafk"i]), or it is presented in the speech of some native speakers and is absent in the speech of others. At the same time, the representation of positional mitigation in different groups consonants are different. Thus, in the speech of many speakers there is a positional softening [s] before [n"] and [t"], [z] before [n"] and [d"]: bone [kos "t"], song [p"es "n"a], life [zhyz"n"], nails [gvoz"d"i], softening of the first consonant in the combinations [zv"], [dv"], [sv"], [zl"], [ sl"], [sy"] and some others are more the exception than the rule (for example: door [dv"er"] and [d"v"er"], eat [sy"em] and [s"y"em] , if [th "esl"i] and [th "esl"i]).

The appearance of many orthoepic variants is associated with the development of the literary language. The pronunciation is gradually changing. At the beginning of the 20th century. they said a[n"]gel, tse[r"]kov, ve[r"x], per[r"]vy. And even now in the speech of older people one can often find such pronunciation. The hard pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle -sya (s) (laughed [s]a, met [s]) very quickly disappears from the literary language. At the beginning of the 20th century. this was the norm of the literary language, just like the hard sounds [g, k, x] in the adjectives na -kiy, -giy, -hiy and in the verbs na -nod, -givat, -hivat. The words tall, strict, dilapidated, jump up, jump up, shake off were pronounced as if they were written strict, dilapidated, jump up, jump up. Then the norm began to allow both options - the old and the new: the dare[s]a and the dare[s"]ya, and the stro[g]iy stro[g"]iy. As a result of changes in literary pronunciation, variants appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others - the younger.

Teacher's conclusion.

Which dictionary can you turn to if you have difficulty pronouncing a word?

Relaxation: Starting position - standing, arms forward, look at your fingertips, raise your arms up (inhale), follow your hands with your eyes without raising your head, lower your arms, exhale. Repeat 3 times.

Working with the “Orthoepic norms” simulator.

In fact, the list of these words is much longer. In case of difficulty, please contact spelling dictionary. Such common words often appear in our everyday speech.

Research work.

Working with exercises:

Place stress on words using a spelling dictionary. Formulate the rule that governs the placement of stress in these words.

Pipeline, gas pipeline, water supply, garbage chute, oil pipeline. (Rule: in words ending in -wire, the stress falls on the last syllable).

Philologist, psychologist, catalogue, epilogue, prologue. (Rule: if the noun is animate, then the stress falls on the middle of the word).

Dumbness, deafness, yawning, stuffiness, beauty, drowsiness, aches. (Rule: in nouns formed from verbs, the stress falls on –ot-, those formed from adjectives - on the ending.

Dumbness - dumb, deafness - deaf, stuffiness - stuffy, beauty - beautiful;

Yawning - yawning, dozing - dozing, aching - breaking.)

(After checking each task from this block, the rule is written down in notebooks).

Performing exercises 50, 51, 52. In case of difficulties, students turn to the school spelling dictionary or appendix 1 of the textbook. Exercise 50 is done in writing.

Alphabet, hyphen, quarter, kitchen, meager, orphans, convocation, Statue, phenomenon, expert, flounder, pantry, silo, joiner, prettier, beets, sorrel, he calls, corrugate, pamper, cork.

The words of exercises 51, 52 are read out loud in a chain, everyone monitors the correct pronunciation and makes corrections if necessary.

Exercise 51.

Calling - calling, calling, calling, calling; pour - poured, naughty, poured, poured; take - took, took, took, took; spin - spun, spun, spun, spun; call - called, called, called, called; drive - drove, drove, drove, drove; wait - waited, waited, waited, waited; steal - stole, stole, stole, stole; begin - began, beginning, beginning, began; come to life - come to life, come to life, come to life, come to life; understand - understood, understood, understood, understood; accept - accepted, accepted, accepted, accepted.

Exercise 52 (words are transcribed)

Lesson summary. 1) conversation on the following issues:

What is an orthoepic norm and why is it needed?

What should we do to ensure that our speech is correct, clear, and understandable to others?

It will be the greatest crime before culture, before our Motherland, before humanity if we do not take care of our language and allow ourselves to distort it.

K. G. Paustovsky.

2) grading.


Write an essay-discussion on the topic “Why is orthoepy needed?”

Review everything learned on the topic “Orthoepy”;

Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orthoepy(Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Orthoepy is also called a set of rules of literary pronunciation. Orthoepy determines the pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions, in combination with other sounds, as well as their pronunciation in certain grammatical forms, groups of words or in individual words.

Maintaining uniformity in pronunciation has great importance. Spelling errors always interfere with the perception of the content of speech: the listener’s attention is distracted by various incorrect pronunciations and the statement is not perceived in its entirety and with sufficient attention. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards facilitates and speeds up the communication process. That's why social role correct pronunciation is very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, and congresses.

Let's consider basic rules of literary pronunciation, which must be adhered to.

Pronunciation of vowels. In Russian speech, among vowels, only stressed ones are pronounced clearly. In an unstressed position, they lose clarity and clarity of sound; they are pronounced with weakened articulation. It's called law reduction.

The vowels [a] and [o] at the beginning of a word without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable are pronounced as [a]: ravine –[a] enemy, autonomy –[a] vt[a] nomiya, milk - m[a]l[a]ko.

In the remaining unstressed syllables, i.e. in all unstressed syllables, except the first prestressed one, in place of the letter oka after hard consonants, a very short (reduced) unclear sound is pronounced, which in different positions ranges from a pronunciation close to [s] to a pronunciation close to [a]. Conventionally, this sound is denoted by the letter [ъ]. For example: head – g[b]lova, side - st[b]rona, Expensive - d[b] horny, city ​​- gor[ъ]d, watchman - side [ъ] g.

Letters e And I in a pre-stressed syllable they denote a sound intermediate between [e] and [i]. Conventionally, this sound is indicated by the sign [and e]: nickel - p[i e ] so, feather - p[i e] ro.

The vowel [and] after a hard consonant, preposition, or when pronouncing a word together with the previous one is pronounced as [s]: medical school – medical institute from a spark - from[s] hidden, laughter and grief - laughter[s] grief. If there is a pause, [i] does not transform into [s]: laughter and grief.

The absence of vowel reduction interferes with the normal perception of speech, since it reflects not the literary norm, but dialectal features. So, for example, the letter-by-letter (unreduced) pronunciation of the word [milk] is perceived by us as a voicing, and the replacement of unstressed vowels with [a] without reduction - [malako] - as a strong akan.

Pronunciation of consonants. Basic laws of consonant pronunciation - stun And assimilation.

In Russian speech, there is a mandatory deafening of voiced consonants at the end of a word. We pronounce bread[n] – bread, sa[t] – garden, smo[k] – could, any[f"] – Love etc. This stun is one of characteristic features Russian literary speech. It should be taken into account that the consonant [g] at the end of a word always turns into a paired unvoiced sound [k]: le[k] – lay down, poro[k] – threshold etc. In this case, pronouncing the sound [x] is unacceptable as a dialect. The exception is the word God - bo[x].

In the position before vowels, sonorant consonants k (v), the sound [g] is pronounced as a voiced plosive consonant. Only in a few words, Old Church Slavonic in origin - bo [γ] a, [γ] lord, blah [γ] o, bo [γ] aty and derivatives from them, the fricative velar consonant [γ] sounds. Moreover, in modern literary pronunciation and in these words, [γ] is replaced by [g]. It is most stable in the word [γ] Lord,

[G] pronounced as [x] in combination gk And gh: le[hk"] – ii – easy, le[hk] o – easily.

In combinations of voiced and voiceless consonants (as well as voiceless and voiced), the first of them is likened to the second.

You should pay attention to the combination chn, since mistakes are often made when pronouncing it. There is a fluctuation in the pronunciation of words with this combination, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation.

According to the norms of modern Russian literary language, the combination chn this is usually pronounced [chn], especially for words of book origin (greedy, careless) as well as to words that appeared in the recent past (camouflage, landing).

Pronunciation [shn] instead of spelling chn currently required in female middle names on – ichna: Ilyini[shn]a, Lukini[shn]a, Fomini[shn]a, and is also preserved in separate words: horse[shn]o, pere[shn]itsa, laundry[shn]aya, empty[shn]y, skvore [sh]ik, ya[sh]itsa, etc.

Some words with combination chn in accordance with the norm, they are pronounced in two ways: order [shn] o and order [chn] o. In some cases, different pronunciation of the combination chn serves for semantic differentiation of words: heart [chn] – th blow – heart [sh] friend.

Pronunciation of borrowed words. They, as a rule, obey modern spelling norms and only in some cases differ in pronunciation features. For example, sometimes the pronunciation of the sound [o] is preserved in unstressed syllables (m[o] del, [o] azis, [o] tel) and hard consonants before the front vowel [e] (s[te] nd, ko[de] ks, cough [ne]). In most borrowed words, the consonants before [e] are softened: ka[t"] et, pa[t"] ephon, faculty[t"] et, mu[z"] her, [p"] ector, pio[n" ] er. The back-lingual consonants are always softened before [e]: pa[k"] et, [k"] egli, s[x"] ema, ba[g"] et.

A description of orthoepic norms can be found in the literature on speech culture, in special linguistic studies, for example, in the book by R.I. Avanesov “Russian literary pronunciation”, as well as in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language, in particular, in the one-volume “ Explanatory dictionary Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova.

Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special section of linguistics - orthoepia (Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Orthoepy is also called a set of rules of literary pronunciation. Orthoepy determines the pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions, in combination with other sounds, as well as their pronunciation in certain grammatical forms, groups of words or in individual words.

Maintaining uniformity in pronunciation is of great importance. Spelling errors always interfere with the perception of the content of speech; the listener's attention is distracted by various incorrect pronunciations and the statement is not perceived in its entirety and with sufficient attention. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards facilitates and speeds up the communication process. That's why the social role of correct pronunciation is very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, and conventions.

Let's consider basic rules of literary pronunciation that must be adhered to.

Pronunciation of vowels. In Russian speech, among vowels, only stressed ones are pronounced clearly. IN in an unstressed position they lose clarity and clarity of sound, they are pronounced with weakened articulation. It's called law reduction. Reduction can be quantitative (when the sound changes only the length of the sound) and qualitative (when the sound changes its quality).

Vowels [A] And [O] at the beginning of words without stress and in the first pre-stressed syllable they are pronounced as [A]: ravine - [a]enemy, autonomy - [a]vt[a]nomia, milk - m[a]l[a]ko.

Letters e And I in a pre-stressed syllable denotes a sound intermediate between [e] And [And]: nickel - p[i]so, pen - p[i]ro.

Vowel [And] after a solid consonant, a preposition, or when pronouncing a word together with the previous one, it is pronounced as [s]: medical institute - medical [s]institute, from spark - from [s]skra.

Pronunciation of consonants. Basic laws pronunciation of consonants – deafening and assimilation.

In Russian speech, there is a mandatory deafening of voiced consonants at the end of a word. We pronounce hle[n] – bread, sa[t] – garden, lyubo[f’] – love, etc. This stunning is one of the characteristic features of Russian literary speech. It is necessary to take into account that the consonant [g] at the end of a word always turns into its paired unvoiced sound [k]: le[k] - lay down, poro[k] - threshold, etc. In this case, pronouncing the sound [x] is unacceptable as a dialect. The exception is the word god - bo[x].

[G] is pronounced like [X] in combinations gk And hh: le[hk’]y – easy, le[hk]o – easy.

You should pay attention to the combination chn, since mistakes are often made when pronouncing it. There is a fluctuation in the pronunciation of words with this combination, which is associated with a change in the rules of the old Moscow pronunciation.

According to the norms of the modern Russian literary language, the combination chn is usually pronounced [chn], especially for words of book origin (greedy, careless), as well as for words that appeared in the recent past (camouflage, landing).

Pronunciation [shn] instead of spelling chn currently required in female middle names on -ichna: Ilyini[sh]a, Lukini[sh]a, -Fomini[sh]a, and is also preserved in separate words: horse[sh]o, per[sh]itsa, laundry[sh]aya, empty[sh]y, starling[shn]ik, eggs[shn]itsa, etc.

Some words with combination chn in accordance with the norm, they are pronounced in two ways: order[n]o And about [chn]o. In some cases, different pronunciation of the combination chn serves for semantic differentiation of words: heartbeat - dear friend.

Pronunciation of borrowed words. They, as a rule, obey modern spelling norms and only in some cases differ in pronunciation features. For example, sometimes the pronunciation of a sound is preserved [O] in unstressed syllables (model, [o]asis, [o]tel) and hard consonants before the front vowel [e](s[te)nd, ko[de]ks, kash[ne]). In most borrowed words, the consonants before [e] are softened: ka[t']et, pa[t']efon, faculty[t']et, mu[z']ey, [r']ektor, pio[n' ]er. Always before [e] back-lingual consonants are softened: pa[k’]et, [k’]egli, s[h’]ema, ba[g’]et.

Pay attention to the table, which presents spelling errors, the list of which was not explained in the previous material:


EXAMPLES (standard pronunciation is indicated in brackets)

1. Assimilation (similarity of sounds)

Labo l atorium (instead of laboratory); brane Sat oyt (instead of a fire hose); co l idor (corridor); bi T he (can); car d he (cardboard).

2. Epenthesis (unjustified insertion of sounds)

Bespretse N dental (norm: unprecedented); howl NGOboss(military leader); dermisNting(leatherette); DickABOUTimage(porcupine); computerNtented th (competent); compromiseNtitrate(compromise); competitorNcapable(competitive); constaNtitrate(to state); summerANDdead reckoning(chronology); laneEperspective(perspective); laneEturbation(perturbation); ByDslip(slip); light fixtureDsetting(the end of the world - the light ceases, i.e. dies); WithTram(shame); hEextraordinary(emergency), IINstva(foods).

Things to remember: horseUNKculture– “the situation or situation created in any area”; horseECtour- “restoring a damaged text based on a guess.”

3. Dieresis (erroneous elimination of sounds)

It should be said wanderedABOUTka(R.p., singular), not a keychain; AzerbaijanYjan(not Azerbaijan); time Preconducting(not pastime)

4. Metathesis (change of sounds), simplification

Sk ur pular (norm: scrupulous); tra mv a (trauma); tra vm ay (tram); d RU schlag (colander);

A description of orthoepic norms can be found in the literature on speech culture, in special linguistic studies, for example, in the book by R. I. Avanesov “Russian Literary Pronunciation”, as well as in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language, in particular, in the one-volume “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” "S. I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedova.


  1. L.A. Vvedenskaya et al. Russian language and speech culture: examination answers. Series “Passing the Exam.”/ L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva. – Rostov n/Don: “Phoenix”, 2003 – 288 p. (pp. 61 – 62)
  2. Russian language and culture of speech: Course of lectures/G.K. Trofimova – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2004 – 160 p. (pp. 59 – 61)

QUESTIONS and tasks

  • What norms are called orthoepic?
  • What are the orthoepic norms for literary pronunciation of vowel sounds?
  • What are the orthoepic norms for literary pronunciation of consonant sounds?
  • What are the reasons for soft and hard pronunciation of consonants before the vowel E?
  • What are the reasons for the different pronunciation of the combination CN in modern Russian?

Tasks for independent work

Task 1. Compile a dictionary of difficulties in pronunciation of individual words related to your future profession.

Task 2. Observe the speech of the people around you. What are the most common spelling errors?


Test 1. Mark the statement that corresponds to reality. Stress in Russian is called heterogeneous, because...

a) it can fall on any syllable in different words;

b) it can fall on any syllable in the same word;

c) in the same word in different forms stress may fall on different syllables;

d) the stress in Russian is musical, not forceful.

Test 2. Find a statement that contradicts reality.

a) Stress in Russian serves to distinguish the semantics of words;

b) stress in Russian serves to distinguish ambiguous words;

c) stress in Russian can indicate the grammatical form of a word;

d) stress helps differentiate the meaning of words and their forms.

Test 3. Find the correct answer. In the words atlas and atlas the emphasis is:

a) to distinguish the semantics of words;

b) to indicate different grammatical forms of a word;

c) to distinguish between the meaning of words and their form;

d) to indicate variations of a word.

Test 4. Find a statement that corresponds to reality. Orthoepic norms are...

a) norms of stress and pronunciation;

b) norms for constructing phrases and sentences;

c) norms for the use of polysemantic words;

d) norms for the formation of grammatical forms.

Test 5. Find a statement that does not correspond to reality: Accentological norms in the Russian language are caused by the following characteristics of Russian stress:

a) mobility;

b) diversity;

c) free character;

d)fixation of stress on a certain syllable.

Test 6. Find a couple of words in which both options are literary norms:

a)blinds – blinds;

b)salmon – salmon;

c) kitchen – kitchen;

d) petition – petition.

Test 7. Determine which reasoning is correct when analyzing the stress in the words: compass and compass.

a) Both accents correspond to the literary norm;

b) one accent - compass - is the norm, and compass is colloquial;

c)one stress – compass – is inherent in professional speech;

d) one accent – ​​compass – obsolete.

Test 8. Mark the row where the stress serves to differentiate words:

a) cottage cheese – cottage cheese;

b) sorrel – sorrel;

c) thinking - thinking;

d) faggot – faggot.

Test 9. Mark a number of words in which accentological errors are most often made?

a)quarter, agreement, shoe, means, petition;

b)lecturer, scholarship, appendicitis, caterpillar;

c) enviable, obvious, incredible, desperate;

d)play, call, sit, hang.

Test 10. Find a word in which there is no reduction of the vowel “o”.

d) illness.

Test 11. Find a word in which the sound “sch” is allowed in place of “zhd” according to the norms of the Russian language.

Test 12. Find the word that is spelled incorrectly.

a) Incident;

b) quartermaster;

c) precedent;

d) applicant.

Test 13. In which row are words presented that do not contain unpronounceable consonants?

a) Midnight, repay, known.

b)sun, late, ashamed;

c)local, famous, sad;

d) lovely, staircase, holiday.

Test. 14 Find a word in which the letter “g” is pronounced “v”.


c) round;

d) wow.

Test 15. Which meaning corresponds to the word credo:

a) belief system;

b) point of view, opinions;

c) rule, principle;

d) something that belongs to only one person.

Test 16. Find a word in which the letter “g” is pronounced “x”.

Test 17. Find a row in which the combinations chn and shn serve to distinguish the meaning of words.

a) Kalachny – Kalashny.

b) Two-handed - two-handed.

c) Ilyinichna - Ilyinishna.

d) Kuzminichna - Kuzminishna.

Test 18. Mark the reasoning that is correct when analyzing the pair of words: guardianship - guardianship.

a) Both words correspond to the literary norm;

b) both words do not correspond to the literary norm;

c) the form of guardianship is correct;

d) the correct form of guardianship is.

Test 19. Which meaning corresponds to the word galaxy:

a) a group of outstanding figures in any field of one era;

b) a group of eminent personalities;

d) a group of like-minded people.

Test 20. In which row is the stress placed correctly in the words:

a) contract, production, scanty, quarter;

b) plum, pear, obituary, sentence;

c) whooping cough, melting, thinking, detection;

d)drowsiness, aches, deafness, kindness.

Orthoepic (pronunciation) norms in Russian literary language regulate the pronunciation of individual sounds in certain phonetic positions, as part of certain combinations, in different grammatical forms of the word. The basic orthoepic rules of the Russian language can be divided into those that determine rules for pronunciation of vowel sounds And rules for pronunciation of consonants. In addition, the orthoepic norm determines correct accent placement in a word. It is believed that ignorance of spelling rules indicates a person’s low cultural level.

Pronunciation norms of the Russian language are historically variable. At the beginning of the 20th century. they said ts[r"]kov, ve[r"]kh. And strict adherence to the pronunciation difference between the vowel sounds [e] and [e] was then considered a sign of special education, cultural polish and good upbringing. Even now, in the speech of older people, you can often find the following pronunciation: cr[e]m instead of cream, r[e]ls instead of the correct rails. For example, once in the Russian language there was a word “welb-lyud”, and the pronunciation (and spelling) of this word in its modern form“camel” was considered as incorrect and illiterate as our contemporaries’ pronunciation of “slip”, “colidor” or “escalator”. But an increasing number of native speakers pronounced it “wrong” - camel. As soon as this pronunciation became familiar to the majority of people speaking Russian, it became “correct”, normative.

The norms developed gradually, and it was a rather long process. First scientific works M.V. Lomonosov wrote about the pronunciation norms of the Russian language. Since the 19th century. orthoepic instructions (for example, stress placement) become an important part of Russian language dictionaries. Stress in the Russian language has certain features. The first feature of the Russian accent is that it

free, that is, it is not attached to a specific syllable in a word. It can also fall on the first syllable (city), and on the second (Liberty), and on the third (milk) etc. In other languages, stress is often attached to a specific syllable. For example, in French it always falls on the last syllable. The second feature of the Russian accent is its mobility, i.e. the ability to change its place depending on the form of the word. For example: understand - understood - understoodA. The third feature of the Russian accent is its variability, which is expressed in the fact that over time the stress may change its place in the word and the word will have a new pronunciation option. For example, in a poem by A. S. Pushkin, the word “music” was pronounced with emphasis on the second syllable: "The regimental music is blaring."

IN modern science R.I. Avanesov made a great contribution to the language: he is the author of a guide to modern Russian orthoepy - the book “Russian Literary Pronunciation”. Modern literary pronunciation was formed on the basis of the so-called Moscow dialect, the oral speech of Moscow residents. Maybe that’s why there is a saying in Russian: “From Maskva, from Pasada, from Kalashnava row.” It says “beard”, but you have to read and pronounce it “barada”. We write the conjunction “what,” but in oral speech a literate person pronounces “what.” Why do some people make spelling mistakes in their speech? Imagine a person who recently learned to read, knows little fiction. And for the first time he came across a word printed in a book. It is likely that this person will read and pronounce this unfamiliar word incorrectly, since his pronunciation may be affected by the written form of the word. It was under the influence of the spelling of words that illiterate people, who nevertheless sought to emphasize their newly acquired “education,” made gross mistakes in pronunciation. This is how, for example, the illiterate pronunciation of the word chu[f]stvo appeared instead of the correct chu[s]tvo, [h]to instead of [w]to, pomo[sh]nik instead of pomo[sh]nik. But orthoepic norms do not always approve only one of the pronunciation options. In some cases, orthoepy allows various options pronunciation. It is considered literary, acceptable and correct to pronounce e[zh’zh’]u with a soft long sound[zh"], and e[zh]u - with a solid long; it is correct to say do[zh"zh"]i, and do[zh]i, p[o]poetry and p[a]poetry, etc. d. Orthoepic norms are supported by spelling rules (spelling rules).
