Belgium. KCFPP: Belgian model of federalism: features and prospects - it becomes apparent that two general development trends are allocated in the modern world: on the one hand, these are the processes of globalization and integration, on the other - the desire for cultural

Form of government Constitutional parliamentary monarchy Square, km 2 30 528 Population, people 10 431 477 Population growth, a year 0,09% average life expectancy 79 years old Population density, pers. / Km2 344 Official language Netherlands, French, German Currency euro International Area Code +32 Zone in Internet .be, .eu. Time Zones +1

brief information

Belgium is considered an excellent country for excursions, because its centuries-old history has been reflected in the architecture of Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent and Liege, and historical artifacts are carefully stored in numerous local museums. However, in Belgium there are also prestigious beach resorts (de Pane, Knokke-Heist), located on the shores of the North Sea (let the word "north" misleads you), as well as a variety of folk festivals, ranging from the holiday witches in Elzel and Finishing the carnival in Bins.

Geography of Belgium

Located Belgium in the North-West of Europe. In the south-west, Belgium borders with France, in the north - with the Netherlands, in the East - with Luxembourg and Germany, and in the north-west it is washed by the waters of the North Sea. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis country is 30,528 square meters. km. Belgium is divided into three main geographic regions - North-West Coastal Plain, Central Plateau (Anglo Belgian Basin) and Ardenne elevation in the south.

The capital of Belgium

The capital of Belgium, since the 1830s, is Brussels. This city was founded in the IX century AD, although some historians suggest that the first settlement on the site of modern Brussels appeared in the VI century. Now the population of Brussels is more than 1.1 million people. It is in this city that NATO headquarters is located.

Official language

In Belgium, three official languages \u200b\u200bare Dutch, French and German. In Dutch, the inhabitants of Flanders and Brussels speak in French, residents of the Walloon and Brussels, and in German, they speak the province of Liege (about 100 thousand people).

Religion Belgium

More than 75% of Belgium residents belong to the Roman Catholic Church. Protestants (25% of the population) also live in this country, and in recent years, Muslim-Sunnites has become increasingly (3.5%). About 100 thousand people belonging to the Greek Catholic Church, about 40 thousand Jews, and more than 20 thousand anglican live in Belgium.

Public Device of Belgium

Belgium is a hereditary constitutional monarchy. According to the Constitution of 1831, the executive branch belongs to the king, who prescribes and shifts the ministers, civil servants, judges and officers. Thanks to the amendment to the Constitution of 1991, the throne of Belgium can be inherited and a woman.

The King of Belgium is the Supreme Commander. With the approval of the parliament, he has the right to declare war.

Legislative power in Belgium is carried out by the king and the two-challenging parliament, which consists of the House of Representatives (150 people) and the Senate (71 people). Belgians aged 18 and older are obliged to participate in parliamentary elections. For failure to appear on the election of the Belgians are fine.

In accordance with the Constitutional reform of the 1980s, there are three communities in Belgium - French-speaking, Dutch-speaking and German-speaking.

Climate and weather

In the coastal regions of Belgium, the climate is soft and wet. In the southeastern regions, hot summer alternates with cold winters. In Brussels, the average air temperature is +10 C. In July, the average air temperature is +18 C, and in January it lowers up to -3 C. Monthly 74 mm falls in Belgium.

Rivers and lakes

Through the territory of Belgium, two large rivers - Shelda and Maas, in which small Belgian rivers flow. The country has a special system of dams and gateways to avoid floods. Lakes in Belgium are very small.

History of Belgium

Belgium got its name from the Celtic tribe Belov (Belgae). In the first century BC. Belgov conquered Roman legionnaires, and Belgium became the province of Rome. For 300 years of reign of Rome Belgium turned into a prosperous country. However, gradually the power of Rome decreased, and at about the third century AD. Gunnsky tribes led by Atilla invaded the territory of modern Germany. Because of this, part of the German tribes was forced to move to the north of Belgium. In the 4th century AD Franks who searched out this country invaded Belgium.

In a few centuries, Belgium fell under the power of the Duke of Burgundy, and since the end of the XIV century, this country became part of the possessions of Habsburg (that is, it was part of the Sacred Roman Empire).

In 1519-1713, Belgium was occupied by the Spaniards, and in 1713-1794 - Austrians. In 1795, Belgium entered the Napoleonic France. In 1830, a revolution occurred in Belgium, and the country became independent. In 1831, a constitutional monarchy was formed in Belgium.

During World War I, Belgium occupied the troops of Germany. It also happened in 1940, after the start of World War II. In 1944, American, British and Canadian troops freed Belgium.

In 1970, Flanders, Vallonia and Brussels received quite significant political autonomy.

Since 1994, after the constitutional reform, Belgium is not a unitary, but by the federal state.

Culture of Belgium

Since Belgium has been part of an ancient Rome for more than 300 years, Roman influence on the culture of Belgium has become decisive. Until now, a large number of monuments of the Roman era preserved in this country.

However, the real flourishing of the Belgian culture began in the Middle Ages. This is evidenced by the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the city of Tourna, which was built in the XII century.

Flemish artists, in particular, Peter Bruegel Senior and A. Van Duck provided a great influence on medieval Belgian painting. Since the XVII century, Belgian artists are influenced by their colleagues from France. Thus, the Belgian School of Painting was formed only in the mid-1800s, after Belgium became independent. The most famous Belgian artist of this period is Gustav Vappers, who wrote the paintings "Van Dyck and his simulator", "Protecting Rhodes" and "Savior in the coffin."

The most famous Belgian poet and playwright - Maurice Meterlink, who received the Nobel Prize in the Literature in 1911.

Popular holidays play a big role in the cultural life of Belgium. The most popular and well-known among them: Carnival Week (February, is celebrated in all Belgium), Carnival in Aalst and Büsche (February 25-26), Festival in Liege (August), Witch Holiday in Elzel (June), as well as the Walloon Festival in Namura.

Kitchen Belgium

Belgian cuisine was formed under the influence of French and German chefs. In everyday life, the Belgians eat potatoes, meat (pork, chicken, beef), seafood and bread. National drinks in Belgium is beer. By the way, the beer lovers will probably find out what now in Belgium, more than 400 varieties of this drink are produced. In addition, wine is imported to Belgium.

In the north of Belgium, a popular dish is Potato Fries with mussels and "Waterzoi", broth made of vegetables and meat (sometimes instead of meat use fish). In general, in all Belgium, Potatoes Friend is very popular (most often it is eaten with mayonnaise).

Among the traditional Belgian dishes should be called the following: "Pork chops of the Lainted", "Chicken in Genty", "Country Raga with Beer", "Flander Fish Cutlets", as well as "Marinated Mussel Beer".

About Belgian chocolate has long been legends, and local waffles are deservedly considered the best in the world.

A large number of immigrants led to the fact that in Belgium there are a lot of "ethnic" restaurants, because of what the Belgians gradually change their eating habits.

Sights of Belgium

Belgium has always been carefully related to their history. Therefore, there are a lot of different attractions here, and it is difficult to highlight the best of them. In our opinion, this is the top five most interesting attractions in Belgium:

Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels (Museum of Fine Art).
For the first time this museum received visitors back in 1801. It was formed on the initiative of Napoleon Bonaparte. Now in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, several thousand paintings and engravings of the most famous artists are kept. So, in this museum there are works of Robber Campen, Dirk Boauts, Hans Memling, Peter Breygele Senior, Rubens, Van Dequee, Jerome Bosch, Gajaen Fields, and Vincent Van Gogh.

Museum of Wellington in Waterloo.
The museum is dedicated to the famous Battle of 1815 between the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Anti-Manzu coalition. A large collection of personal belongings of the English Duke Wellington. By the way, the house where this museum is located, previously was a hotel, in which the famous English commander lived before the battle at Waterloo for several days.

This old castle is located near the Gent. In 1180, he built a graph of Flanders Philipp Alsatsky on the sample of the fortresses of the Crusaders, which he saw during the second crusade. Earlier at this place was a small wooden fortress, erected, as historians believe in the 9th century.

Museum of diamonds in Antwerp.
There are only five diamond museums in the world, and one of the best of them is in Antwerp.

The museum is open daily from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. All January and December 25-26, the museum is closed.

The entrance ticket costs 6 euros. Children under 12 years old entrance is free.

Cities and resorts of Belgium

In addition to Brussels, the largest cities of Belgium are Antwerp (the population - more than 2.3 million people), Ghent (about 250 thousand people), Liege (more than 200 thousand people), Charleroi (more than 200 thousand people), and Brugge ( About 120 thousand people).

Belgium has only 70 km of the coast near the North Sea, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a very high population density - every Belgian wants to be closer to beautiful local beaches. In the Belgian coast from De Panne to Knokke-Heist, so many high-rise buildings that you feel more like in Tokyo than in the Benilyux country. Each secured Belgian considers his duty to have a second home or apartment on the North Sea coast.

Souvenirs / Shopping

We recommend tourists bring from Belgium as candy souvenirs of local producers (for example, Neuhaus, Leonidas or Godiva), as well as wonderful Belgian waffles and chocolate. Perhaps someone wants to bring the real Belgian beer from Belgium.

Work hours of institutions

In Belgium on weekdays, stores work from 9.00 to 18.00, on Saturday - from 9.00 to 12.30, and on Sunday - the day off.

Operating hours of banks:
Mon-Fri: from 09:00 to 17:00
Sat: from 09:00 to 12:00

Political device
The Kingdom of Belgium is the Constitutional Parliamentary Republic. The head of the country is the king. The country has the Constitution of February 7, 1831 with the latest changes dated July 14, 1993, when a package of laws on the creation of a federal state and today there are three levels of power in Belgium - federal, regional and linguistic community with a clear delimitation of powers and responsibility.

The highest legislative body is the two-chart parliament: the Senate and Chamber of Deputies (elections to these bodies occur simultaneously every 4 years). The Senate consists of 71 members (40 are elected by direct popular voting, 31 - indirect). In the ward of deputies (150 places), elections occur based on a proportional representation by direct voting.

The head of state is the king. The head of the government is the Prime Minister. Members of the Cabinet of Ministers are as well as the Prime Minister is appointed by the king and is approved by Parliament. According to the Constitution, the Government is complied with Language parity: half of the ministers must be representatives of the Dutch-speaking community, half - representatives of the French-speaking community.

The main thesis of the internal policy - The state federal structure of Belgium can be effective only in the case of balance between solidarity and financial autonomy of its three main regions.
The main foreign policy priorities Countries for the near future: promoting the expansion and transformation of the European Union to a more centralized organization. It is above all about the creation of a new state structure, especially in the field of the formation of a single foreign policy of Europe and combat-ready armed forces in order to take the incident in modern world politics. At the same time, Belgium does not forget to emphasize the traditional priority of their participation in NATO and the Zes.

Judicial power of Belgium relies on case law. The judges are appointed by the king for life, but are selected by the government of the country.

Administrative-territorial division of Belgium
In Belgium, there is a double administrative division system in parallel. First division: Belgium is divided into three regions: Flemish, Walloon, Brussels Capital Region. Flemish and Walloon regions are divided in turn on the provinces: in Flemadian - five provinces (Antwerp, Limburg, East Flanders, Western Flanders, Flemish Braban), in Walloon - also five (ENO, Liege, Luxembourg, Namur, Walloon Brabant)

Second division: for three language communities: Flemish Community (Flemish region and Brussels Capital Region), French Community (Walloon and Brussels Capital Region), German-speaking community (part of the province of Liege).

The provinces are managed by the governor, appointed by the king on the presentation of the government and submits to the Minister of Internal Affairs. He controls the activities of all administrative bodies in the province, including the provincial council, elected simultaneously with the parliament and urban burgomistra.

Main Parts of Modern Belgium :
Party of citizens (FLD) - Flemish Liberals and Democrats - formed as a result of the split of the Belgian Freedom and Progress Party in 1972. Since 1999, FLD is the most strengths of Belgium: Her leader Gi Verkhofstadt is headed by the Government of the country. The party stands for the independence of Flanders as part of Federal Belgium and Federal Europe, for pluralism, political and economic freedom of citizens and the development of democracy. FLD urge to limit the influence of the state through deregulation and privatization while maintaining social guarantees for those who need them. The party also advocates the provision of civil rights to immigrants and their integration into the Belgian society while maintaining cultural originality.

"The Socialist Party is otherwise" - the Party of Flemish Socialists, which arose in 1978 as a result of the split of the Social Government Socialist Party. Rely on the trade union movement, uses mutual assistance and cooperative movement in the cash desks.

Armed Forces of Belgium Consist of land army, air force, navy and federal police. The territory of the country is divided into three military districts (Brussels, Antwerp, Liege). The annual number of recruits (men) is 63.2 thousand people. Cattle age - 19 years. Defense costs reached almost $ 3 billion (2002), their share in GDP is 1.4%.

Belgium is a country of federal parliamentary democracy in the context of the constitutional monarchy. The Constitution has been operating on February 7, 1831. The latest changes were made on July 14, 1993 (the constitutional package of laws on the creation of a federal state) was approved by the Parliament.

Administrative division: 3 of the region (Flanders, Vallonia and the Metropolitan District) and 10 provinces (Antwerp, Western Flanders, East Flanders, Flames-Brabant, Limburg, Brabant Wall, Eno, Liege, Namur,). The largest cities (2000): Brussels, Antwerp (932 thousand people), Liege (586 thousand people), Charleroi (421 thousand people).

The principles of government are based on the separation of the authorities. The highest legislative body is a two-bearet parliament, which includes the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies (elections to these bodies occur simultaneously every 4 years). The Senate consists of 71 members (40 are elected by direct popular voting, 31 - indirect). In the ward of deputies (150 places), elections occur based on a proportional representation by direct voting. In the 1999 elections, representatives of 10 political parties were included in the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies - 11.

The head of state is the King Albert II (he climbed the throne on August 9, 1993), his heir - Prince Philipp. The head of government (ie executive) and his office members are prescribed by the king (usually from representatives of parties leading in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies). Then they are approved by the legislative power (that is, Parliament). As a result of constitutional changes (dated July 14, 1993), Belgium has become a federal state, within which there are three government levels (federal, regional and linguistic community) with a clear delimitation of powers and responsibility.

The judiciary relies on the case law. The judges are appointed by the king for life, but are selected by the government of the country.

At the head of the current government coalition, which in the Western press is usually referred to as "Rainbow Sixer," is the representative of the Flemish Liberal Democratic Party (VLD) of Verkhofstadt. In the 1999 elections, she received 15.4% of the votes in the Senate and 14.3% in the ward of deputies. The Francophone Socialist Party (PS) is followed by 9.7 and 10.2%, two Green Parties - Ecolonia (Vallonia) - 7.4 and 7.4% and "Agalf" (Flanders) - 7.1 and 7.0%, etc.

The electoral system and the socio-political structure of Belgium are characterized by a number of features. First of all, there is a very characteristic European set of political parties in the country (Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Liberal Democrats and Green), but the problem is that there are a large number of and non-traditional parties, many of which are not presented in the legislative bodies, Since they could not overcome the 5% of the barrier of the required number of voters gained. Moreover, traditional parties were too small to provide a solid representation.

This situation has developed due to the fact that in recent decades there was a process of serious federalization of social and political life, who has changed the former substantive unitary nature of the state device with the predominance of a francophone minority. During this period in the country, almost all of the nationwide Belgian parties were divided into community-based signs (Flemish and Walloon). This led to the fact that at least a dozen relatively small batches began to enter the legislative bodies of the country. To create a government coalition, they are forced to recruit at least half a dozen partners of various socio-public orientation. Achieving consent in such alliances becomes therefore a problem is very complex.

Another feature of the socio-political structure is visible quite clearly in the growing rupture of indicators of the results of nationwide elections at the federal, regional and local levels. Thus, for example, the Blossary Flamams Block Flam of Flames (VB) in the federal election scored only 5.6% of the votes (it was not included in the government coalition). But in the elections in large Flemish cities, its indicators were several times higher (in Ghent - about 20%, and in Antwerp - 33%). This nationalist party acts not only against the inflow of immigrants into the country, but also against the financial subsidy of Wallonia due to the growing economy of Flanders. It is clear that in such conditions the federal vertical of power can not always function effectively.

Many other public organizations and elements of civil society are also quite clearly divided into a regional basis. But a completely definite exception is visible in the business sphere. The trade unions of the country are not united, but their separation occurs on a religious basis. There are Christian and socialist trade union associations. There is a unified influential Federation of Belgian industrialists, as well as numerous sectoral associations (banking, etc.).

The internal policy of the current coalition government is aimed primarily at carrying out large-scale reforms of public life in the country. The need for them was noticed quite clearly, because during the past one decade in the EU, the country's image with the "sluggish public structure" was fixed. Completely definite responsibility for the current situation lies on Flemish and Walloon Christian democrats, which for the first time in 40 years have been displaced in the opposition.

The main thesis in domestic policy - the state federal structure of the country can be effective only when it relies on the principle of finding the necessary balance between solidarity and financial autonomy of its three main regions. Permanent financial transfers from Flanders in Vallonia have always been considered controversial for more secured Flemis (their average GDP is 10% higher). The main regions of the country should receive greater fiscal independence, with the right of moderate maneuvering tax rates.

The coalition government as a whole managed to significantly improve relations between the main regions. This was achieved on the basis of regular meetings of representatives of federal, regional and language-community governments. It is at such a level that the problems of the introduction of greater autonomy of the regions were discussed in tax policies, consolidating the right to an independent decision of many local economic issues, problems of education and community culture. For the first time, political, not language and community differences began to prevail within the framework of the coalition government.

As a result of a large-scale administrative reform, which was aimed at eliminating the tension between the two main regions, the country joined the new stage of formation of an effective federal structure. However, this problem still remains one of the most difficult. According to polls, about 27% of Belgians believe that the presence factor of foreigners is always concerned. This is the highest indicator in the EU. True, there is an opinion in the country that the current coalition government, which included basically professional experts (so-called forty-male), can solve these problems.

The Foreign Policy of Belgium is largely determined by its special provision in the European integration system. The chief Belgian city is not accidentally considered the "European Capital", and not only because many EU executive bodies are posted in it. The term "Brussels officials" has long been synonymous with the EU leading elite, which is not devoid of grounds. This small European country has turned into a kind of experienced EU laboratory, since the ways of solving many of its problems become a benchmark for developing a common European strategy.

It is not by chance that according to the foreign policy concept of the current Coalition Government of Belgium, seeks to perform with large-scale plans for continuous expansion of the EU with its simultaneous transformation into a more centralized organization. It is above all about the creation of a new state structure, especially in the field of the formation of a single foreign policy of Europe and combat-ready armed forces in order to take the incident in modern world politics.

Belgians believe that with European construction, the role of small countries, speaking together with several leading powers, may be unique. They are indispensable as mediators between large countries. It is small states in such unions can nominate strategic initiatives regarding the prospects for development, since they are difficult to suspect "imperial ambitions".

The special role of Belgium in European integration was based on a unique experience of a combination of two key European cultures - Latin and German (later Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian, and Slavic) will appear soon. The country gradually turned into a "universal intermediary", without the effort of making any decisions difficult. Belgians hope for their country the status corresponding to today's position of Brussels, which has long been living on "World Time".

The country seeks to raise his "own voice" in world politics, based on the principles of "humanity, democracy, the protection of weak, tolerance." Within the framework of European integration, Belgium, together with its Benilyucca partners, put forward the concept of "advanced cooperation" (Enhanced Cooperation), justifying small countries the right to form small groups for "promotion" of certain projects in the framework of the EU reform.

The armed forces of the country consist of a land army, air force, navy and federal police. The territory of Belgium is divided into three military districts (Brussels, Antwerp, Liege). The annual number of recruits (men) is 63.2 thousand people. Cattle age - 19 years. Defense costs reached almost $ 3 billion (2002), their share in GDP is 1.4%.

Belgium has diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation (established from the USSR in 1925).

Kingdom Belgium is a federal state, constitutional parliamentary monarchy. The Constitution of Belgium operates on February 7, 1831, with the latest changes dated July 14, 1993, when the Constitutional reform of the country's state system was approved by the Belgian Parliament, which completed the process of its federalization initiated in the 70s. The current edition of the Constitution was published on February 3, 1994. The federal state consists of three regions with broad autonomy - Flanders, Vallonia and the Brussels Capital region (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussel) and three language communities: Flemish, French and German (Flemish, FRENCH, GERMAN) . Community competence and regions are delimited.

The head of state is the king. His power is limited by the Constitution. The 106th article of the Constitution states: "No act of the king has strength, if he is not signed by the minister, which thus one takes responsibility." Article 102 notes that "in no cases the king's oral or written order does not exempt the minister from responsibility." Thereby ensures the principle formulated in the 88th article: "The king's person is inviolable; The ministers are responsible. "

The legislative power is carried out jointly by the king and the two-challenging parliament consisting of the House of Representatives (150 deputies) and the Senate (71 senator and the Crown Prince Philip, the Duke of Brabantsky, which is the "Senator right"). Deputies of the House of Representatives are elected by the population through direct and secret voting on a system of proportional representation. The Senate is formed from: 40 senators elected by the population by direct voting (25 - from Flanders and from the Flemish population of the Brussels region and 15 - from Vallonia and from the French-speaking population of the Brussels region); 21 senators appointed by regional parliaments from among their deputies (10 from Flanders and Vallonia and 1 from the German-speaking community); 10 cooping senators (6 from Flanders and 4 from Vallonia). Adult king's children may be senators right. In October 1996, the desire to take a place in the Senate said Princess Astrid. The term of office of both chambers is 4 years. The federal parliament approves the Federal Government. Almost all prerogatives of the National Parliament are the expression of the abnormality of the government, the approval of the budget, the approval of the laws - remain for the Chamber of Representatives, while the role of the Senate is reduced to the settlement of disputes between the regional authorities, amending the Constitution and the approval of international treaties.

Regional parliaments:

Brussels Regional Council BRC. Parliament of the bilingual region. It consists of 75 deputies elected by the residents of Brussels and the adjacent communities by direct voting for a period of five years. Forms the government of the metropolitan region. The Government of the Brussels Capital Region is managed by the territory in which the population of the French-speaking and Flemish community lives.

Walloon Regional Council. It consists of 75 deputies elected by direct voting for a period of five years on the territory of the southern French-speaking part of Belgium. Forms the Government of Wallonia, which is located in Namur.

Flemish Regional Council. It is at the same time the Parliament of the Flanders region and the Flemish language community. Consists of 124 deputies, of which 118 are elected for a period of five years by direct voting in Flanders, and 6 deputies are appointed by the Brussels Regional Council from among the Flemis Deputies of the Brussels Parliament, since the Brassells who speak the Netherlands in the Flemish language community. The Council forms the Government of Flanders, which works in Brussels.

Council of the French-speaking community. The only parliament is chosen indirectly: it automatically includes 75 deputies from the Walloon Regional Council and 16 Francophone Deputies from the Brussels Regional Council. He forms the government of the French language community, which meets in Brussels. The government and parliament of the French-speaking community are members of their competence on the territory of Vallonia, except East Cantons, and together with the Flemish Community in the Bilingual Brussels region.

Council of the German-speaking community. Consists of 25 deputies elected by direct voting for a period of 5 years. German-speaking Belgians live in eastern cantons, which are geographically included in Vallonia. Forms a government with seat in Eepane.

First, members of the regional parliaments were automatically marked by deputies of the national parliament, elected from one or another region. Now combine two deputy mandates is prohibited and only direct election of deputies of regional parliaments is allowed.

The executive power is carried out by the king and the federal government, which is appointed by the king and responsibly before the Chamber of Representatives of the Federal Parliament. The quantitative composition of the federal government (the Council of Ministers) should not exceed 15 ministers. Excluding the Prime Minister, it should be equally represented by Flemis and Francophones. The competence of the federal government applies only to the federal level and includes a limited steep issue. These are national defense, foreign policy, maintaining internal order, national finance, the main directions of economic development, the federal system of social sewn, justice, health care, the largest institutions of science and culture of nationwide importance.

Expanded the powers of local authorities. Agriculture, imprisonment of international agreements, research and foreign trade are added to the field of their activities.

State device
Legal system
general characteristics
Judicial system. Control bodies

State in Western Europe.
Territory - 30.5 thousand square meters. km. Capital - Gruissel.
Population - 10.2 million people. (1998), including Flemis 51%, Wallona - 41%. The German-speaking minority is less than 1%.
Official languages \u200b\u200b- French, Netherlands (Flemish) and German.
Religion is the vast majority of believers - Catholics.
State device

In the form of the state-territorial device Belgium, a federated state consisting of communities and regions. Communities are built on a cultural and linguistic principle, and regions - in language-territorial. Belgium includes 3 communities: French, Flemish and German-language and 3 regions: Walloon, Flemish and Brussels (bilingual). The transition from the unitary to the federated device in Belgium occurred on January 1, 1989 due to the many years of conflict between the two main nationals - Flemis and Francian-speaking valvets.
In communities and regions, relevant representative and executive bodies have been created. At the same time, the regions of Belgium in administrative-territorial relations are divided into 10 provinces (5 in Flanders and Vallonia).
There is a constitution of 1831.
Under the form of the Board Belgium is a constitutional parliamentary monarchy. The Constitution enshrines the principle of separation of the authorities: the legislature is carried out by the king and parliament, the executive - the king and the government, judicial - courts. Political regime - democratic.
The king is the head of state. In accordance with the Constitution, he implements legislative and executive power. The legislative powers of the king divides with the parliament in respect of which he has significant rights: approves and promulges the laws adopted by the Parliament, can dissolve it, convene for an extraordinary session, to delay the meetings of the chambers (but not more than 1 month), entitled to leave the government in power not using the trust of parliament, and appoint new elections. The king's relations with the executive branch are built as follows. The king appoints and approves ministers, but none of his acts has strength without contrasting (signatures) of the relevant minister who is responsible for him. Special king is inviolable (Article 88 of the Constitution). He has powers in the field of international relations: concludes contracts with foreign states, declares war and concludes peace, is the commander-in-chief armed forces.
Parliament of Belgium is a bipotable representative body. In the House of Representatives, by the beginning of 2000, there were 150 deputies elected for 4 years by direct elections on a proportional representation system. As part of the Senate - 71 people, of which 1 - the heir to the crown, 40 are elected by direct elections (25 in Flanders and 15 in Wallonia), 10 people from the Flemish Council and the Council of the French Community, 1- from the Governoral Community Council and, accordingly, 6 and 4 new members cooperate Flemist Senators and Francophone Senators. The term of office of the Senate is also equal to 4 years. In accordance with reform of 1921, the right to be elected to the Senate was limited to a number of conditions (including property valuable), which are not required when elections to the House of Representatives. Thus, as it were, the special role of the Senate was emphasized. However, both chambers are equal, their specific rights are insignificant. The amendment adopted in 1970 provides for the creation of French and Flemish linguistic groups in each of the chambers to prevent violation of the rights of persons belonging to various language communities.
Every year, both chambers are collected at sessions that last at least 40 days a year. Meetings of chambers are carried out separately, but in some cases (for example, the adoption of the king's oath) they are going to joint meetings. Committees are being created in the wards that play an important role in the legislative activities of Parliament. Through them, in particular, there are all bills. The right of legislative initiatives have all deputies of parliament and government. However, the procedure for adopting laws indicates the priority of government bills. While the government bill immediately after his submission is raised to the discussion of the chambers, the bill made by parliamentary, even before the consideration of the deputies may be rejected by the Chamber of Chamber, if he decides that this Bill does not deserve attention. In 1980, it was found that laws relating to national and linguistic problems can be made to vote only if there are a "special majority" (the presence of most members in each linguistic group). The bill is considered adopted if at least 2/3 of the "special majority" votes for it.
In addition to the main function - the adoption of the laws Parliament has a number of other powers: approves the budget, trade agreements or agreements that are imposed on the state some obligations, annually decides the question of the number of armed forces, provides naturalization, appoints members of the Supreme Court. Without the consent of Parliament, the king cannot appoint a successor to himself in the absence of male offspring, can not become the head of another state. As for the control functions of the parliament, then, in essence, they are exhausted by interfels (requests) and issues.
The Constitution has no government definition, although the special section is devoted to the ministers. In force under the leadership of the Prime Minister, they form the Council of Ministers - the Government of Belgium. Article 96 of the Constitution establishes that its members are appointed and dismissed by the king, but the king must form such a government, which would use the confidence of Parliament. In accordance with Article 90 in the formation of the government, the National Principle: the number of ministers of representatives of Wallonov and Flemadse must be equal. Immediately after the formation of the Government, a government program (Declaration) is made to consider the highest legislative body. If the program does not approve at least one chamber, and the government does not receive a vote of confidence, it is forced to resign.
Government authority is legally settled in the most common features. The Prime Minister has fairly wide enough rights, although in the Constitution nothing is said about him. His powers are enshrined in a number of regulatory acts (in particular, in the royal decree of 1939 on the establishment of a general management service and the regential decree of 1946). The Head of Government defines the main activities of the Council of Ministers, organizes the work of its meetings (it determines the agenda itself, expresses the opinions that are based on the decisions made). He is a link between the king and the executive bodies, regularly informs the king on the main problems facing the state, signs on behalf of the government in Parliament, sets out a government program and is responsible for it, interferences are sent to it.
Government decisions are chosen by royal decrees or ministerial departments. In addition, in certain cases, the government carries out legislative functions delegated to him by Parliament.
The State Council is the legal authority, which solves the issue of compliance with the Constitution of draft laws submitted to the Parliament. The members of the Council appoint a king of life from persons who have the title of the Doctor of Law and at least 10 years who carried out judicial functions or taught the university right. The State Council consists of 2 sections - legislative and administrative. The legislative section at the request of the Parliament and the Government makes it conclusted about the legality of projects of regulations, administrative - on the recognition of invalid acts of various managerial bodies and disassembles administrative disputes, acting as cassation instance.
The provincial chapter stands the governors appointed by the king, who are managed together with elective provincial councils and permanent deputation (executive body).

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