Choose stockings from varicose veins. How to choose a compression knitwear? Antibaric stockings or tights what is better

Varicose veins - this is a disease that affects more and more people. Often it is diagnosed in young people. Pathology is characterized by wear and stretching the venous channel of the lower extremities, as a result of loads on them. This process is accompanied by wearing vascular walls and the formation of venous nodes.

The disease is very dangerous, because it develops slowly and imperceptibly for most people, but becomes tangible only in the stage of running. After all, then a person constantly feels pain attacks.

As a result of this pathology, thrombosis may develop, which is fraught with severe complications up to disability and death. Such an outcome may be when a person ignores the disease. Therefore, with suspected problems with veins, urgent help is required. Especially attentive should be if a long time at the end of the day there is an increased fatigue in the legs, as well as pain and severity of a sawing nature.

One of the methods of combating impaired is wearing compression linen. It can be different degrees of pressure, depending on the state of the patient. Such underwear is appointed only by a specialist, because only it can determine which of them will be effective with some degree of illness. There are different types of such linen. One of them are tights and stockings. For patients, it is important to know that there are better stockings or pantyhose compression with varicose veins.

Features of compression therapy

Varicosis does not occur simply so, for damage to veins should be background.

Before appointing a course of treatment, the doctor determines which of them served as triggering mechanisms for the formation of problems with the lines of the lower extremities.

Of course, there are acquired reasons, but they interact only with total factors.

Mostly varicose syndrome arises from:

  • genetic susceptibility, if relatives have noted problems with veins;
  • period of pregnancy, during this period on the body, including an increased load on the vessels;
  • hypertension arising from the absence of physical activity, improper nutrition.

To combat such a problem, compression treatment is often used, consisting of wearing special knitwear. Such therapy is used more than a century, and in the modern world there is a large range, not only helping to restore pressure in the lower extremities, but also to choose a model to taste treatment in such a way will never lose relevance, because it is convenient and effective.

In the normal state, the venous circle of the lower extremities can resist pressure during the movement, it does not occur in a state of violation, which is why stagnant phenomena in the legs.

Compression laundry can align pressure to facilitate the load and restore the operation of blood circulation. Before the invention of special linen was actively used by an elastic bandage that had its drawbacks in the form:

  1. The need for skills for proper overlay, and for this you needed a lot of time.
  2. Disruption of the balance of heat and liquid during long-term wearing, especially in warm weather. From this, the skin suffered.
  3. The complexity of achieving the desired degree of compression. This was especially noticeable when wearing the hip, because each patient has different parameters of the limb.

Compression products of the new generation significantly improved the quality of treatment, because it can be used in everyday life, it does not interfere at all.

Action of compression therapy

Therapy is based on the action of different compression, the choice and application depends on the complexity of the disease and the starting step.

The main influence of the underwear is that when exposed to veins, the blood flow is significantly accelerated when the impact on the opened channels is carried out. Thus disappears stagnation of blood in the limbs.

Modern products are good in that in the manufacture, the anatomical features of the limbs are taken into account in order to normalize the blood flow in the veins.

Compression therapy is characterized by such positive moments:

  • the operation of the valve apparatus is stabilized;
  • advanced surveillance of the veins of the periphery, hips and lower legs come back;
  • muscular load, in order to push blood upstairs.

Especially popular stockings and tights. They are easy to use and do not differ from the use of ordinary linen. It is worth noting that such therapy will not help from a difficult problem and will not eliminate the influence of root causes, especially if the operation is needed. Its use is advisable only in the first phases of the disease, when the defeat of the veins is not critical.

Therapy does not apply singly, treatment must be complex and include other methods against varicose veins, such as sclerotherapy. Only so the treatment will bring the desired result.

The effect will be maximal, if you fully follow the recommendations of the attending physician and apply anti-vocabulary tools of local action - ointments, gels, cream.

Compression stockings and tights

Compression action stockings are manufactured according to a special circular mating method, without seams so that there is no irritation. They are attached by an openwork elastic band having a silicone basis on the hip - a female option. A man can clipped the product on the belt using velcro. Such stockings are capable of distributing the pressure completely along the lower limb.

Elastic tights on the bottom do not have seams, they are made by the method of round mating. On the top of the product, you can observe a three-layer seam, with a latter. Such linen is created only for use by women. There are also many models for pregnant women, given the characteristics of the structure of the body and the load during this period. There are special tights with supporting the abdomen. They are used during this period, both for treatment and in preventive purposes from varicose veins. Such tights are capable of providing a distributed pressure on the lower limb, except for the highest part of the product - it does not exert pressure.

Thanks to a variety of models, a woman can choose for itself the best option, depending on taste preferences and features. Such products can be found almost in any pharmacy.

What is better tights or stockings?

Varicosis is the expansion of vessel walls with blood flow impaired in the lower limbs. As a result, the veins become stretched, they can perform on the skin, as they are overwhelmed with blood. Eknesses from this disease arise due to the fact that the pressure in the upper part of the veins displaces the fluid.

Many wonder, compression tights or stockings are better for the treatment of varicose varicose. There is no definite answer to this question, because the choice is mainly built on individual preferences, convenience. According to reviews, both types of linen have the same effect against varicose veins. The choice depends on what is familiar to apply, because from ordinary underwear it is no different. In the functionality, these products are practically identical, as they act on the same mechanism. Especially the choice is free for women, because stockings, and are familiar.

For men, you can use tights, but if there is no desire, you can use a special monoculon. It is designed with the calculation of wearing on one sore limb, with one-sided lesion of the legs. The daily use of such a product will not provide discomfort for the patient, because it is designed to take into account the peculiarities of the male anatomy of the limb.

If the disease struck both legs, then two such monocheries are attached to the belt.

Contraindications for compression therapy

Many methods for treating varicose veins are contraindicated. This is no exception. In addition to the testimony, such therapy has many cases prohibiting applications.

For some patients, the ban is absolute in nature for others - relative. In any case, before applying it, you should consult with a specialist to exclude them.

Basically, to contraindications to the use of such treatment include:

  1. Arthritis.
  2. Atherosclerosis.
  3. Ortarteritis.
  4. Endoarterite.
  5. Trombangait.
  6. Inflammation of the skin in the form of allergic reactions, urticaria, impose, dermatitis.
  7. Sugar diabetes does not provide for the wearing of such linen, due to the fact that they can be amazed with greater force.
  8. Circulatory Disorder: Septic Flebit, Cardiopulmonary Failure.

These are absolute prohibitions, with such diseases wearing compression linen will only bring harm. In some diseases, the vessels are narrowed to such an extent that the wearing of such linen will only bring harm. Carefully weed to wear it with increased sensitivity of the skin, because with long wearing it can cause discomfort.

Many users, not knowing the rules of wearing, argue that wearing linen can cause atrophy of the muscle layer on the walls of the vessels, which eliminates the ability to resist pressure on their own. This opinion is mistaken, and most likely dictated by the wrong interpretation of the feeling when applying such a type of treatment.

In order to not have such sensations, it should be remembered that:

  • lingerie cannot be used around the clock;
  • blood flow is only capable of decreasing, but will not stop;
  • atrophy is able to develop as a result of heredity, with congestive processes in the inflamed Vienna.

The use of compression linen helps to reduce the intensity of the appearance of stagnant phenomena and reduces the risk of developing and progressing pathology in the presence of hereditary predisposition.

How to choose underwear?

In order for such therapy to bring the desired effect, you need to choose the right lingerie. This can help to make a doctor, because the main thing is to know what the degree of neglection of the disease, which compression is needed for the medical effect it is in the case of a patient.

Despite the joy of the expectation of the baby and happiness in anticipation of his appearance on the light, many women during pregnancy may encounter and with its negative manifestations, one of which is.

Statistics argue that every fourth young mother suffers from varicose veins, and almost all of them note that the disease appeared precisely when having tooling the child.

Varicose veins are dangerous not only aesthetic defects that all women are so afraid, wanting to keep their legs slim and beautiful. In fact, it is a manifestation and symptom of serious cardiovascular diseases, which means that may pose a threat to both your health and the health of the future kid.

One of the effective methods of combating varicose veins, as well as its prevention, compression tights or other knitted products of the same type are considered.

If you are able to take advantage of this wonderful means in time, the pathological process will be able to stop. If you want to prevent the appearance of the disease - please contact the doctor for help for the recruitment and selection of compression stockings, so necessary during pregnancy.

Since the body of the woman during pregnancy undergoes many hormone changes and rearrangements, and the volume of circulating blood increases significantly, this is often a starting factor for the appearance of varicose disease (the venous pressure increases, the elasticity of venous walls is reduced, etc.).

As the fetus grows, the load on his feet is becoming more and more, then they begin to root, a woman can feel hard and fatigue.

The main prerequisite for the disease will be the so-called, vascular stars (when small capillaries and vessels suddenly come across the skin of a non-source mesh blue or purple shade).

A woman may have a predisposition to varicose disease, and if she suffered from her before pregnancy, then after having a child and childbirth, the situation is usually markedly aggravated.

That is why doctors and advise the special compression knitwear during pregnancy (and even during childbirth): tights or stockings, which are one of the simplest, safe and effective methods for the prevention of varicose disease. Of course, those spoken veins or vessels that appeared earlier, it would not be possible to remove the stockings with the help of the stocking, but it can be prevented by the emergence of new ones.

The main features and principle of operation

Experts argue that compression underwear helps the uniform and correct distribution of blood pressure in the legs, which, in turn, will help improve blood flow and prevent blood test (in vessels), and also keeps a woman from other possible consequences and complications of varicose disease.

Knitwear presses on a foot with a clear intensity: focuses on ankle guns 100%, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee, the compression is about 70%, and it reaches 40% on the hip, that is, it is distributed from the bottom up.

This is exactly the principle of compression knitwear. If we talk about the effect that wearing such a tights or stocking is, it is very tangible and important for every woman who suffers from varicose disease, in particular:

  • Your legs face a serious load increasing with each month of pregnancy.

Sewing compression tights or stockings, you help the legs to cope with this load, retain their beauty and health.

  • The outflow of blood after carrying the pulling linen is regulated and normalized, and since constant is on the surface of the legs, and most importantly, uniform pressure, it causes blood to circulate very actively.
  • Due to the action of the compression linen, the veins are protected from expansion, the walls of the vessels - from stretching, and the tissue is much more and better supplied with nutrients and oxygen.
  • There is also stimulation of blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis.
  • Feet cease to swell, root. The discrepancy and severity goes.
  • Improved microcirculation.
  • The likelihood of risk is significantly reduced, which will occur the walls of the vessels (especially this is true during childbirth).

In general, even if such problems simply assume, it is better to choose compression stockings or tights to not run them and not bring the situation to a critical point.

Indications for wearing therapeutic linen can be:

  • the appearance of a vascular mesh or asterisks / nodules on the legs;
  • ionic muscles;
  • uncomfortable and pain in the lower extremities (pain, fatigue, gravity, constant strong swelling, etc.);
  • established diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency;
  • pronounced varicose veins;
  • the emergence of serious and dangerous symptoms of the disease, like thrombosis, venous dermatitis or eczema.

However, there are some contraindications, in the presence of which the compression knitwear is not recommended and even prohibited. These include:

  • cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, broken blood flow from the arteries to the limbs);
  • diseases of blood vessels (atherosclerosis, aortoarterite);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • problems with leather legs (poveling diseases, dermatitis, eczema, open wounds, etc.).

Nading compression tights, you will immediately feel how easier you become, because their therapeutic effect will help you to keep health and good shape.

What is in assortment for pregnant women: correctly select class

Wearing a compression knitwear recommends Dr. Flebogol (Vascular Surgeon).

He should help you choose the right class and type of product.

All parameters are individual, as they depend on how progressing the disease is, in which symptoms are also manifested. Other important factors are taken into account.

  • features of pregnancy;
  • general health female;
  • its physiological parameters (body features, weight);
  • loads that are accompanied by pregnancy (low-capacity, lack of exercise or classes, work with a load on the legs).

Based on all this, the doctor will pick up the degree and class of the product compression.

This characteristic and distinguishes therapeutic (or hospital) underwear from the usual prophylactic (the pressure of such a knitwear is only 15-18 mM Hg (or millimeters of the mercury pillar), so women can be worn, who still have no pronounced signs and manifestations of varicose disease, - Just for prophylaxis).

Preventive compression knitwear is recommended for wearing with almost all pregnant women in late terms, and sometimes - and during (after) childbirth.

As a rule, compression linen is sold in specialized salons or pharmacies for the recipe written by the doctor.

There are four class of compression knitwear.

  • First grade.

Lingerie, which refers to the first class can create compression on the legs, is slightly higher than the prophylactic (from 18 to 22-23 mm Hg. Art.). He is prescribed to women who have already slightly increased veins, as well as small awakening of the vascular mesh on the legs.

These stockings can remove lightweight swelling, which often appears by the end of the day. If the pains are becoming stronger, and veins perform in areas, more than five centimeters long, then it is recommended to switch to the second-class knitwear.

  • Second class.

Its compression is 23-33 mm Hg. Art. Linen will help to cope with convulsions, pain, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms of progressive varicose varicose. It can also be recommended to wear during the manifestations of thrombophlebitis.

  • Third class.

When a woman has severe venous or lymphovenucleic failure (with a trophic impaired, deep vein thrombosis, etc.), the doctor will insist on the use of a third-class compression knitwear (up to 45 mm Hg. Art.).

  • Fourth grade.

The fourth class of compression can be assigned with serious impairment of lymphotok, strong edema, post-traumatic syndromes, etc. (its pressure is above 50 mm Hg. Art.).

What to choose: compression stockings, golf or tights?

Having understood with the classes of compression linen, you will need to decide on how to choose: Tights, golf, stockings? There are even elastic bandages of the same plan.

  • Knee socks.

Compression golfs look, as well as ordinary - cover the calf and barely reach the knee.

Pregnant women can use such products if problems with legs relate only to these sites, but if the pain, veins expansion, vascular stars, convulsions and other symptoms spread over the entire foot surface, climbing higher to the thighs, then the golfs will be simply ineffective .

They are comfortable to wear only under the pants, and in combination with skirts or dresses they do not look.

  • Stockings.

One of the most popular types of compression knitwear - stockings. Women love them for beauty and aesthetics, as well as for additional opportunities: dressing stockings, you can not worry about the inconvenience of the campaign to the toilet, besides, they do not have an unpleasant pressure on the stomach.

However, if stockings begin to stay badly on the leg and slide, then they can no longer wear them, because with a violation of the uniform pressure of the product, there is no speech about the treatment effect.

  • Tights.

A good alternative to stockings - tights. Yes, they will have to be removed to go to the toilet, but they do not slide and do not need constant pulling. As for the pressure on the stomach, almost all models for pregnant women are already already equipped with special elastic inserts that do not have compression and gently decay the stomach of the future mother, taking into account its progressive increase.

  • Elastic bandages.

As an additional means, you can use the elastic bandage, however, if you compare with compression linen, it should be noted its low efficiency.

The greatest disadvantage of the bandage is that it is difficult to calculate the correct degree of compression, since you can simply adjust it manually, besides, bandages are constantly sliding, which further reduces the effect of therapeutic effects.

Do not forget that you need to be able to binding your legs properly, and it does not always do it yourself.

Question price

As a rule, the price of compression knitwear is quite high. Of course, it depends on how unwashed the brand of the manufacturer, as well as from the material from which underwear was made.

Please note that all products are made of natural materials, because they should be safe (possess hypoallergenic properties, do not cause itching or skin irritation) and qualitatively (such tights or stockings cannot stretch over time, should be recovered to the initial size and so on .).

In addition, the knitwear must have good air-and moisture permeability. Such products are usually made of microfiber, lycra, rubber and cotton natural yarns.

Among the most famous manufacturers can be noted:

  • Brand Venotekstherapy, USA is considered one of the most common and beloved.

Perhaps this is explained by the fact that the company provides its buyers a fairly wide range of products. If we talk about wear resistance of products, then it is rather the average, however, as their cost. Nevertheless, they are certified and do not contradict the State Standards.

  • The relatively small price and the knitwear of the Italian company Relaxsan.

This manufacturer also offers a large number of different models with an interesting design and all classes of compression, but it is necessary to immediately clarify that their models are very short-lived, as the compression will be tangible only for a month. Also, judging by the reviews, they deliver some discomfort when sock.

  • The products of the Spanish company ORTO can be attributed to the middle class - both in terms of cost and in quality.

Women who prefer this brand celebrate a good quality of its goods (compression can be maintained up to four months), however, sometimes the product will deteriorate (strong wear on the foot and fingers).

  • High Quality are distinguished by products of German companies Medi or Bauerfeind, of course, this is reflected at their price, however, products have an excellent degree of wear resistance.

In addition, all models are very convenient, they are nice to wear and easily care for them. Products are made in excellent designer solutions.

  • The competitor of Western manufacturers was the domestic company Inex, in the goods of which the most attractive factors are combined: high wear resistance, low cost and high-quality compression.
  • If we talk about the elite compression knitwear, then this is, of course, Sigvaris.

Unique design, high quality manufacturing, minimal wear - these are the qualities for which you can pay such a expensive price, and the products of this manufacturer are distinguished.

Select the product correctly

So that compression knitwear really helped you and had the necessary therapeutic effect, it must be properly chosen and choose. Including, this applies to the choice of the right size, because such underwear in no case can be neither small or big.

Compression stockings or tights should absolutely accurately match your standards - only then the pressure will be distributed on the legs correctly.

So, before going for the purchase, you will have to remove the measurements and write them down.

The legs are best measured in the morning when they are not yet tired, and swelling did not appear.

To select the lingerie, you will need the following numbers:

  • How many centimeters make up shin girth.

In the bottom, measure above the ankle, and in the upper - under the knee joint.

  • Then you need to measure the girth of the thigh.

This can be done by lifting the meter to a height of 25-30 cm above the knee joint.

  • When you have this figure, measure the foot length.

For stockings stop at the point, which was a measure of the hip circle, and measure to the pallium pantyhose.

  • Also for buying a panty. It will still be possible to remove the size of the waist circumference.

With the resulting results and appointments of the doctor, you can purchase the product you need. The seller consultant must have a special table in which dimensional correspondence is described in detail. Give him your sizes so that he can pick you up the most optimal option.

In no case do not buy such products in the markets or in dubious stalls, also avoid unknown implementers, otherwise you just risk acquiring a fake.

Remember that high-quality compression knitwear cannot be cheap. Note that real antibarouse tights or stockings do not have a certain density as ordinary knitwear, so if you offer to buy tights, density 70, 80 or 90 den, know that this is not therapeutic and not even preventive underwear, and no special effect from it You will not wait.

Be sure to check whether the RAL standard sign is only so you can find a product that will meet world quality standards.

Wear and wear too correct

To achieve the necessary therapeutic effect, the compression knitwear must be worn, without removing, without a day.

To wear such stockings or tights is also not as simple as ordinary.

  1. It is best to wear underwear immediately after waking up.

Do not get up from bed - let it lies somewhere near the bed. And tights, and stockings dressed lying (you can raise a little to the torso to pull the tights on the waist).

  1. It is necessary to act very accurately, not stretch the product and not twist it.
  2. For convenience, collect the top of the tights or stockhing in the harmonica, and then, inserting the palm inside the product, carefully wear.
  3. Check if the heel of the product is right on your foot. Then, slowly straightening, pull it higher.

Some manufacturers sell special devices so that the dressing process is not so complicated (for example, MediButler, also in kits there are "sliding socks" for models of compression stocking with an open nose - for greater comfort).

So that stockings or tights serve you as long as possible, adhere to several simple rules:

  • Follow the hygiene feet

Sleep your nails in time - short enough, and grind them well, so as not to hook and not break the product, smooth the surface of the hopes or dry corns.

  • Erase the underwear daily by hand in warm water (no more than 40 degrees).
  • When washing, you should not press the product or twisted it.
  • Select a special tool for delicate fabrics for washing.

It may even be a shampoo or liquid soap, the main thing is not the usual washing powder. Also categorically impossible to use bleach, chemical cleaning.

  • Do not hang the product to dry in the sun, the hot drying is also not suitable;
  • If you purchased stockings, then be very careful with silicone band strip.

If water falls on it, then it will no longer be able to tightly fix the product, so it is better to clean it with a cotton disk that can be soaked with alcohol-containing liquid.

If you have acquired anti-chiller knitwear (compression stockings, which are intended for childbirth and in the postpartum), then it can be worn throughout the seven days without removing.

In such stockings, you can take a shower, besides, they can be erased even at temperatures up to 70 degrees, in contrast to the usual compression knitwear. It is very important because for childbirth, they may have to be sterilized.

Thanks to an open sock, you will be able to follow blood circulation in your feet. These stockings are seamless and do not cause any friction. If you did not have time to wear them at home, then in the hospital you will definitely help midwives.

Instead of imprisonment

Varicose - it is, of course, unpleasant, but should not be upset, because you can cope with it. Compression knitwear is capable of helping you significantly. If you are worried that pregnancy will affect the state of your feet, contact the doctor so that it helps you choose the product of the desired compression.

Given the constantly emerging issues here and themes about compression knitwear during pregnancy, I think you will be interested in the results of our research in the process of choosing trademarks for the online store.

Since there are a lot of marks, we conducted a comparative analysis of 2 key - consumer - criteria:

  1. Confirmed product quality
  2. Adequate price

Other criteria (ease of work with the supplier, commercial conditions, assortment) omit, as they eventually did not affect the choice.

Many of you are also facing the same choice - what brand to use? - Therefore, we hope our surveys will be useful to you.

What brands of compression pantyhose and stocking studied?

We chose the brands most well-known and widely represented in Russian stores (some are sold even in Ashans), namely (in alphabetical order): Medi (Germany), ORTO (Spain), Relaxsan (Italy), MEDICALE line, Sigvaris (Switzerland) .

Also in the process of study, we periodically came across other brands, we have saved information about them. At your request, we can tell about them.

Quality assessment of compression knitwear

Having studied the "Matchast" and visiting various specialized sites and forums, as well as including simple logic, we allocated three key components of the quality knitwear for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins:

  • Medical quality - the ability of tights to provide the necessary therapeutic effect.
  • Operational quality - here we combined the properties of knitwear, which provide ease of use.
  • Visual quality is a purely female and metrosexual thing - the ability of compression tights and stocking to bring you and surrounding aesthetic satisfaction.

Medical quality

The main sources for assessing the medical quality designated stamps were the following:

  • Compression knitwear quality standards with text available for study.
  • Related studies of authoritative authors and research centers.

Also taken into account the country of production, opinions of doctors and users on the Internet.



Medical standards


Country of Origin

Reviews of doctors

Customer Reviews

Comply with the RAL-GZ 387 standard, the most common and strict from the standards available for study (see Note 1)

Made in Germany - speaks for itself

Mark number 1 in Germany

Cause the most recognition from the professional community of doctors (more often on mention - Medi)

According to mentions (y) - №2, on positive reviews (software) - №1

Made in Switzerland - speaks for itself

Mark №1 in Switzerland

Lioveras Document O29ML09 Rev. 0.


The presence of the brand in Spain was not detected



In Italy among the leaders

Quality Standards Medical Compression Products

What is the presence of standards for what is important? In fact, this is a guarantee that you: (a) there will not arise unwanted consequences and (b) that you will receive a declared medical effect (pressure in MM mercury and its special foot distribution). There is no standard - there is no guarantee, respectively, all the risks of the buyer (and not a doctor who advises dubious options) takes over. It is logical that we, being sellers of a serious medical device, do not want to create risks for our customers.

We found the existence of several "professional" standards describing the requirements for a medical elastic compression knitwear. At the same time, the German RAL GZ 387 is the most famous, which is confirmed by using it as a basis for the working version of the Unified EU standard, the possibility of free to find and explore the Internet and the fact that well-known world brands from different countries are constantly certified for compliance with it. We studied the standard and can mark it in German comprehensive content. Finally, we noted that for doctors it is also an important criterion for appointing the product. Also, you can familiarize yourself with the text of the Standard and certified companies yourself. If you find the texts of other standards - send us.

Operational properties

They leak out of the previous paragraph:

  1. Germany and Switzerland are known for product quality produced in these countries.
  2. Compliance with compression knitwear world-renowned standards guarantees the compression effect during the entire service life, wear resistance due to the high requirements for materials. According to the reviews of doctors and buyers: Marks with the standard RAL-GZ 387 longer than the warranty period retain compression (up to a year).
  3. Compliance with the Ecological Safety Standard OKO Tex Standard 100 ensures the absence of allergic reactions.

Visual quality




Country of Origin



Classes of compression

Preventive cl., 1-4

Preventive cl., 1-4

Preventive cl., 1-3

Preventive cl., 1-3


circular, flat





transparent, translucent, opaque

transparent, translucent, opaque

transparent, translucent, opaque

Composition of material Polyamide, Elastane. To create increased comfort, the fabric is treated with Lanolin (in some models), a substance of natural origin used for moisturizing and protecting the skin. Polyamide, Elastane. There are models with a cotton content (cotton are added for comfort, but such models are less elastic, dried longer; there are models with a natural rubber content for giving stiffness \\ compression stability knitwear, but rubber can cause allergies) polyamide, Elastane. There are models with cotton content polyamide, Elastane. There are models with cotton content
Special product options Stockings with wide hips, patterns of tights specifically for wide hips and waist (Maxi Panty Top) tights with a low waist, tights with compression in the field of "pants" to maintain the shape of a buttock and abdomen, one leg tights, push-up & pul-up Effects, 4 types of gum for stocking Pantyhose Comfort Bodyform with compression in the field of "pants" to maintain the shape of the buttocks and abdomen not not
Individual Organization yes yes not not
Serial sizes 7 12 average 5 sizes 5
Standard colors 10 (Elegance) 6 (Magic) 3 2
Extra. Seasonal colors (number of colors) 7 (MEDIVEN ELEGANCE) 4 3 not
Decoration sWAROVSKI Rhinestones (MV Elegance, Plus, Comfort), Ornaments (MJ-1) not not
Length of serial products 2 3 Length for stocking, 2 lengths for tights 1 2
Innovative technologies Clima Comfort, Clima Fresh, Perfect Fit, Soft Elastic Patented Hybrid MEDIVEN ELEGANCE. antibacterial component "Sanitized"
Quality standards (RAL GZ (387), OKO-TEX STANDARD 100)


The average price (2 CL tights) 6 500 rubles 7,800 rubles 2 100 rubles 4 200 rubles

Conclusion in quality: It is obvious that in the category of medical knitwear, the cornerstone is medical quality products, so all the brands (both here, and in general) can be divided into two categories - with confirmed medical quality and with unknown, unpredictable quality. Solid sites distribute as follows: Medi, Sigvaris, Relaxsan, ORTO.

Adequate price

The quality of therapeutic effect is an adequate problem - the cornerstone, but in Russian realities is not the only one. Price adequacy is a second stone, which is often underwater.

It is well known that the compression knitwear is extremely not cheap pleasure. On average, it can range from 1000 to 8,000 rubles.

The price of any product is determined by two main factors - the internal value of the product and the markup.

Internal value we found out in the second paragraph and now we understand that Medi, Sigvaris and other certified European brands should cost more than "cats in compression bags" - they serve better and longer.

How to determine the price adequacy?

The easiest way is to look at the retail prices of products in Europe, incl. In the production of products, and compare with Russian. Our hypothesis is in the old woman Europe, people educated, with a developed culture of consumption, can adequately evaluate the value of products and overpay will not be, therefore, it can be assumed that the price market is there - established and balanced. Conclusion: In our opinion, prices in Russia should be higher by 10-30% - depending on the volume of sales of the brand in Russia.

In practice, unfortunately, everything is wrong. Some brands are not at all in the afternoon with fire on the trading spaces of the country of production, and some in Russia are so much that even becomes awkward for such greed of the seller.



Comparative analysis


Compression tights for pregnant women, 2 class of the compartment.

Price in Russia


medi (Germany)

Mediven Elegance

Ganzoni (Switzerland)

? (Spain)

Relaxsan Medicale Soft.

Obviously, high-quality compression knitwear for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins should cost 50-100 euros (depending on the type of product and brand). Cheap analogues worth 15-40 euros are knitwear with an unknown medical effect, which can be both absent and - in the worst version - to have harmful.

Of course, to obtain global and maximally objective conclusions, it is necessary to conduct a more careful study or even an investigation may require not one dozen days and pages. But if we take our goals, we believe that we have received enough information and signals to make a decision. In general, the recommendations of our vote may sound like this:

  1. Buy products that are manufactured in accordance with the respected standards (an error-free version - the German standard RAL-GZ 387 represented in the Russian market).
  2. Consult your doctor in the class of compression and type of product. Follow the recommendations of the doctor on the brand of the product, if you are confident in the competence of a doctor in this matter, and always ask argumentation.
  3. The best recommendation is from your girlfriend, a familiar or unfamiliar, but a reputable person who personally who has tried a specific product. This, by the way, may be a doctor.
  4. However, the best experience is not a girlfriend, but your own. Try different stamps if you have the opportunity. So you will find the best for myself. And share with the experience with the vote - the opinion of those who use knitwear every day are important for us. Each of us (4 people) personally tried the goods we sell.
  5. When buying in the store, be attentive - unfortunately, the average level of consultants in Russia is very medium, and they can advise / sell a bad product just for ignorance. In some stores - to even more regret - sell such goods consciously. If you have a discount on a discount program in such a store, but you do not want to more deal with him - contact us, we will definitely take into account your discount.
  6. If you prefer only offline stores, we can recommend you such as orthopedic salon, the Swiss orthopedic salon - there is high-quality products and a fairly good service level in the assortment. At the same time, if you are comfortable to order on the Internet, then when contacting our store - in addition to free shipping, we will definitely take the discount on your discount card of another store.
  7. Do not define the medical parameters of the knitwear yourself, with girlfriends or sellers in stores. There are doctors for this.
  8. Medical knitwear, manufactured by special technologies. Therefore, carefully study the instruction manual - there are important nuances for care of knitwear, its putting on and storage.
  9. When choosing a brand, approach the price critical - compare it with European analogues, with the recommended price of the manufacturer, with the proposals of other brands and in other areas of sales. Significant deviation down or up from the price-recommended price - a reason to think about it.
  10. The country of production is very important. German and Swiss quality is famous for all over the world, unfortunately, from Russian, Chinese or Taiwanese. This is the thing for which millions of people overpay in their right mind and sober memory.
  11. Cheap may be expensive. Remember that cheap knitwear most likely will serve a little and bad. Perhaps you will be lucky, and he will serve a little, but well. Therefore, speaking of the price of the product, always keep in mind the cost of the entire period of high quality use of the product.

Honest elections

As you could understand our catalog, we have chosen on Medi. At the same time, we must say that Sigvaris, Venosan and other German, Swiss and certified European brands are very decent products.

Why did we choose MEDI?

Having decided to invest in the so-called customer orientation of our store (free shipping, support for discounts of other stores, flexibility, etc.), it would be an universal nonsense to sell something else than the best in quality and fair price.

Medi is the most famous and proven brand of high-quality in Russia and the world, which is a great demand (which is important - repeated) and which is respecting the professional community of doctors. For us, this minimization of risks and self-confidence.

In addition, MEDI is a leader, and for us it is something like a question of ambition - work with the leader (if you want, it is about how to keep in your store Adidas, Mercedes or Apple).

Finally, it is important, MEDI is always something new and unique (texture patterns, Swarovski, crazy color collections, etc.) - it is very important for the store that wants to offer the customer the best product and best service, and always be on the wave. Other brands in this regard - at least in the Russian market - very intense and conservative, and this is always the complexity in the modern ultrasound world.

I hope the outlined information, our subjective assessments and recommendations will be useful to you. If there are any questions, your own notes - we will be happy to discuss them. They are important for all of us.

Varicosis is not only ugly, but also dangerous to health and even life. The venous mesh on the legs in the absence of adequate treatment can soon lead to such complications as thrombosis, a trophic ulcer, bleeding. Therefore, it is very important to start therapy as early as possible and get rid of the disease. The first way to successful recovery is the acquisition of such a necessary product as compression linen in varicose veins. What is the best product to buy, so that the effect is achieved, and the money was not allowed to the wind? This will be discussed in the article. And we still find out what kinds of therapeutic knitwear are available, as well as how to wear special tights or stockings.


Compression linen affects the lower limbs of a person as follows:

It supports, squeezes extended veins. Due to this, the blood stream is redistributed from extended veins to healthy.

Such linen improves blood circulation.

With a properly selected amount, as well as correct wearing, such a knitwear reduces the risk of thrombus.

This lingerie is an excellent, safe and simple method. At the same time, this healing knitwear allows you to maintain veins in a natural state.


Very difficult to reflect compression linen in varicose veins. What a better therapeutic lingerie will suit one or another person depends on the state of the patient's feet. Therefore, to pick up the knitwear should only with the help of a doctor.

In general, therapeutic linen against varicosis is divided into 4 types:

  1. Hospital, which is used only in stationary conditions.
  2. Medical.
  3. Prophylactic.
  4. For athletes.

Also, therapeutic linen is distinguished by type of weaving, material and degree of pressure.

Therapeutic knitwear for a woman in position

Often, girls wearing babies in their tumids appear problems with veins on their feet, so they need to buy compression linen in varicose veins. What is better during pregnancy therapeutic lingerie and when to start it? It is better to purchase such a knitwear from the first trimester, even if there are no obvious signs of varicose veins. True, in this case you need to use preventive knitwear. And in the second or third trimester, it is necessary to take advantage of the recommendations of gynecologists and acquire high-quality healing linen. The fact is that compression knitwear for future mothers has differences from other types of medicinal products.

So, for pregnant women there will be an elastic bandage at the top of the tights. The main function of this elastic fitted entry dressing is that it maintains the stomach, but at the same time he did not comprehend it. Also from tissues with high breathability must be made for pregnant women with varicose veins. What is the best for women in the treatment of therapeutic lingerie to choose? Most often, pregnant girls prefer wearing special stockings. And they choose them because a weekly increasing abdomen simply ceases to fit into the rates of tights in the future. And stockings can be chosen without problems, given the physiological features of the body of a woman, as well as its own wishes and preferences. In turn, stocking for pregnant women can be such:

  1. With open toe.
  2. Classic model.
  3. On the belt-corset with velcro.
  4. On a rumber from silicone.

How to wear?

Therapeutic knitwear is expensive, and with incorrect pulling stockings or tights on his feet you can easily break them. Therefore, it is very important to properly wear compression linen in varicose veins. How to use it to help? Unlike conventional tights, when equipped with therapeutic knitwear needs to be followed by certain rules:

  1. Any kind of compression linen - golf, - you need to pull immediately after sleep. Wear knitwear in the position of the lying.
  2. It is done neatly, slowly, without stretching the product and its twisting.
  3. First you need to assemble the top of the knitwear in the harmonica.
  4. It is convenient to take and carefully put them on the foot.
  5. Gradually, you need to straighten the product, pulling it on the shin.
  6. At the hidden, the healing knitwear should also be put on the position of lying, while the body must be lifted when the product approaches the waist.

Simplification of the laundering procedure

In fact, stretching therapeutic tights, stocking - a difficult task. To make it easier, you can buy a special plastic device MEDI Butler. Such devices facilitate the process of putting on compression linen. It is important to choose such a device correctly, because it is divided into 4 types:

  1. For people with limited turning, the Longo series will come up.
  2. Men and women with large dimensions will need a Big series fixture.
  3. For people who often travel, you need a device that would occupy little space. In this case, the Travel series is suitable.
  4. There is also a device with a sliding mechanism called Hospital Butler.

Popular Mercenary Lingerie

To date, the consumer can independently choose for himself a suitable manufacturer of such goods as compression linen in varicose veins. What a firm is better, a person himself can define, having tried this or that subject. After all, such therapeutic products are distinguished by design, wear resistance, price. And not always a person can afford to acquire dear tights, then it focuses on other indicators. The most popular manufacturers are such firms as Relaxsan, "Intex", ORTO, MEDI, SIGVARIS.

Relaxsan company

This is an Italian manufacturer who can offer people a model of different design and any class of compression. Lingerie of this company is quite affordable. The maximum price of tights does not exceed 1300 rubles. The disadvantage of this company's products is the short-life of the product, since the compression is preserved at no more than 1 month. Also, some people celebrate a small discomfort while wearing tights or stockings, as well as their rapid wear.


This is a Russian company supplying linen from varicose veins at a relatively low price. Compression knitwear creates excellent compression, has high wear resistance. The value of the infection of the company "Intex" ranges within 800-1300 rubles. At this price, you can buy knitwear from good fabric, with appropriate impact and high-quality seams. Lingerie of this company can be worn 1 year without loss of properties.

ORTO manufacturer

This is a Spanish firm that implements on average the cost of such a product ranges from 900-1300 rubles. The disadvantage of such stockings is that heels are quickly wiped on them. However, the underwear of this company in all other moments has excellent therapeutic effects.


This is a compression linen that produces high quality compression knitwear. True, the price of products is also high enough. On average, stockings need to give about 4 thousand rubles. This firm is diverse. The advantage of the knitwear of this manufacturer can be called long-term socks, as well as compression.


This is a Swiss company that produces expensive, but high-quality compression linen. The cost of therapeutic knitted pantyhose is about 6 thousand rubles. Excellent design, dedicated tailoring, long-term socks - which advantages have Sigvaris's therapeutic stockings - compression linen in varicose veins. What is better, the photo of the knitwear, which is choosing Russians, can be seen in this article. But it is impossible not to mention that people think about therapeutic pantyhose, stockings of various firms.

Compression linen with varicose veins: what is better? User reviews

From the knitwear of the Russian company "INTEKS" people are delighted. First, many people like long service tights, stockings. Secondly, many women note that the product range of this manufacturer is large: there are all sorts of products for every taste, any class of compression (from 1 to 4). Also people are bribed the cost of knitwear. After all, it is much lower than other well-known manufacturers. And all because underwear in Russia, that is, it does not undergo customs control. Therefore, no cheating on it. The Russians with hunt support the national manufacturer and believe that the inexpensive healing knitwear of the company Intex is not inferior to the same product, but other organizations like Sigvaris or Medi.

About Sigvaris Only positive feedback. So, people who bought compression linen of this company note that the manufacturer thought everything to the smallest detail: made knitwear and for the summer (so that it was not hot), and for winter. It also took care that the heel was not erased by making it reliably. In addition, the manufacturer came up with a special perforation in order not to sweat the skin. The only negative product of this company is their high costs. Allowed to buy such linen can not everyone.

About Medi pantyhose people respond differently. Some recommend it, others are not. Those people who do not like tights of this company note that earlier products in quality were better, with time it spoiled. If earlier it was possible to carry such a knitwear for a long time and there was no tighters or arrows on it, now it's a trifling case. But at the high cost of such a medical product, it is simply unacceptable that after three times wearing an arrow appeared.

And yet it is necessary to answer the question: "Compression lingerie in varicose veins is better?" People reviews indicate that the Knitwear of the Russian firm "Intex" is an optimal option for price and quality ratio.

Medical golfs

Strong half of humanity also suffers from varicose veins, but men turn to doctors much less often than women. But for them, manufacturers make special healing knitwear - compression linen in varicose veins. What is better for men's lingerie and how to choose it? In fact, the beauty of beauty for the strong half of humanity goes to the background. After all, all the same men wear so under trousers. Therefore, many manufacturers make focus on the quality and comfort of the product. For men, healing golfs are intended, which are not different from ordinary socks. Many again choose the company "INTEKS", but this does not mean that other manufacturers have a bad quality. Just this Russian company offers goods cheaper than in foreign competitors. Most often, athletes, drivers, office workers are treated most often for compression linen.

Compression linen with varicose veins: how to choose the size to be a healing effect?

Before you go to the store behind knitted tights or stockings you need to visit Dr. Flebogoga. A specialist must inspect the feet of the patient, to diagnose and help correctly choose the desired product. With recommendations from the doctor, a person is already going to the store. There it is offered to measure legs in 4 places: the volume of shin, hips, ankles, as well as the length of the legs from the heel to the groin. If all measurements are made, then the tights will be selected correctly.

It is also necessary to choose a class of compression that the doctor recommended. And there are four of them. The first class is the thinnest, and the fourth, respectively, is the most dense.

Many people are interested in questions: "Is it possible to choose a compression lingerie on behalf of varicose? How to choose a size if you encounter such medicinal knitwear for the first time? " No need to acquire such goods yourself, even if, before heading to the store, you read enough information about this underwear on the Internet. Only the help of a specialist will allow a person to choose those tights and stockings that will have a healing effect.

Duration of wearing

Many people are interested in the question: "Compression linen in varicose veins How to wear, how long?" Only a doctor can answer this question, because it is he who prescribes therapeutic knitwear. So, if as prophylaxis, then it is enough to wear tights or stockings in the afternoon, and at night they shoot them. Usually, the duration of wearing in this case is no more than 3 months. If you need to use knitwear to treat varicose veins, then the phlebologist himself selects the optimal period of wearing, as well as a specific model of the product. Usually after half a year, a specialist advises to come to him on the reception, where he is already solving the question of the feasibility of further wearing such linen. There is also a hospital compression knitwear. It is used a few days before the operation, as well as for 3 weeks after it.


This article introduced the reader with such clothing important for some people as compression linen in varicose veins. What better, also became clear. By the ratio of price-quality, the knitwear of the Russian firm "Intes" wins. But still, if a person will incorrectly select the size of the product, will not take into account the wishes of the doctor, then even the most expensive lingerie will be useless.

In the modern rhythm of life it is quite difficult to keep track of your health. Especially when there are no visible reasons for concern. In particular, this concerns diseases such as varicose veins. Few people know that varicose veins is not just not pleasant and not beautiful, but is dangerous to health and life.

Therefore, it is so important to keep track of your feet at any stage of life. And on time to adopt prophylactic measures. Today you can prevent the emergence and development of varicose veins without drugs. Compression knitwear is what helps to keep veins in tone and avoid unwanted problems.

Medical knitwear is presented in the form of golf, stockings and tights.

It is widely used mainly among women, but sometimes men of any age.

Despite the fact that he carries a healing function, from the point of view of aesthetics no different from ordinary stocking products. therefore suitable for regular wearing.

The occurrence of varicose veins with elevated loads, the presence of overweight, long stay in the standing position is connected.

How to choose compression stockings for men? Male knitwear is not much different from female.

In essence, only anatomical features, because men have a slightly different structure of the body.

Look in detail about it in the video at the end of the article.

Usually the strong floor chooses stockings or golf. They are suitable for both treatment and prevention. And the main thing - they will not rush under the trousers.

Compression Lingerie Rating

Thinking about buying a medical knitwear, I want to get a quality product. Compression stockings What firm is better? As a basis, we take the material of stocking, wear resistance, cost and reviews about the manufacturer. The rating that we accounted for:

It is worth noting that such tights and stockings are sold only in specialized stores. The packaging should be indicated by the compression class indicating the pressure in mm.rt. Art. On ordinary stocking products, only density (DEN ") is indicated.


Compression knitwear plays a big role in prevention and treatment. Stockings, of course, not a panacea from vascular diseases. However, their wearing will help to stop the development and transition of the disease to a more running stage.

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